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301 – Increase your skills and increase your chances of success: Tom talks Self Reliance

Let's talk about self-reliance. Mondays we teach hard core skills like e-mail marketing and online advertising. Well, the skill of self-reliance is every bit as important as the other skills I've been teaching on my Monday sessions. It can save you money and quadruple your speed of getting things done and reaching your market way faster than your competitors. And it also allows you to take better advantage of opportunities that arise at the last minute.

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300 – How to Create a Global Movement: Tom interviews Patricia Noll

Dr. Patricia Noll is the founder of the Good With Me global humanitarian movement. It's the annual Good With Me festival, which was originated in, and co-sponsored by, the city of St. Petersburg, Florida, Patricia is an acupuncture physician, licensed mental health counselor, certified addictions professional and founder of Focus One, an outpatient substance abuse treatment program.

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299 – More sales equals more potential fraud: Tom talks Scams

Let's talk about scams. They're out there and they're targeting the low hanging fruit to get your money. Don't be that low hanging fruit! There are plenty of things you can do to avoid being a victim and Tom lays them out here. Some of it is common sense and some of it is against our very nature as humans. But, it is CRITICAL to be aware of what's going in in cyberspace so you can protect yourself and your business.

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298 – Get your head out of your apps: Tom talks Mind Games for Success

Tom gives you the “mind games” you can use on yourself to increase your productivity, expand your business and be more successful. He's got decades of real world experience and can show you what works and what doesn't. Remember, it's all in your head!

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297 – Great brain chemistry means great business: Tom interviews Dr. Joan Kent

Dr. Joan Kent has a PhD in psychoactive nutrition. This is how foods affect your brain chemistry and hormones. And she was the first to document the brain chemical pathways of sugar addiction. And Joan helps clients reverse diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation, mood swings. And her book, Stronger than Sugar, is about kicking sugar addiction addiction. And she's got to apply this to how this can help us in our business.


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296 – He helps you to be heard above the noise: Tom interviews Dick Bruso

Dick Bruso is founder of Heard Above the Noise and he's a well respected branding and marketing consultant, serving high performing entrepreneurs, business and association leaders for well over two decades. And he strategically and successfully positions his clients to be heard above the noise. We all know there's a lot of noise out there in a very competitive marketplace. He's an accomplished professional speaker. He presents entertaining, high content keynotes internationally.

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295 – WOW ’em from your computer: Tom talks Being a Great Video Conference Presenter

Being a Great Video Conference Presenter. Tom gives his tips and tricks for making your video conferences professional and productive. You don't want to be on the next viral YouTube video for all the wrong reasons, so listen carefully and take notes!

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294 – This guy gets up when he wants to: Tom interviews Greg Jameson

Greg Jameson's here. He's an Inc 500 award winning entrepreneur and the author of number one bestselling books, The Amazon's Dirty Little Secrets and the Influencer Effect. And he's partnered with some of the most successful influencers on the Internet.

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293 – This stay at home dad brings in the bucks: Tom interviews Adam Schroeder

Adam Schroeder has been working from home and screwing the commute as founder of Lone Star multimedia and specializing in web design and audio production since 2010. He's been screwing the commute for a long time and he's produced nearly two thousand podcasts and dozens of Web sites for startups. He's also a real estate investor and coach and the co-host of the Work From Home Show.

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292 – Enjoy guilt free hobbies and family interests: Tom talks Making Hobbies Tax Deductible

Making your hobbies tax deductible. Now, I'm not an accountant, a lawyer, or a financial adviser. I'm not qualified in any way to give you tax advice other than telling you things I've experienced myself over many years, and also I've had probably over a thousand lawyers and accountants, either in my mentor program or in audiences, that have cleared this idea as sound. Now, you need to check with your financial advisers, but I think you'll see this is a relatively simple idea, at least in the USA.

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291 – His $30K website got shut down: Tom interviews Vladimir Adonis

Vladimir Adonis spent thirty thousand bucks to build a great Web site and he learned how to do search engine optimization, and he started attracting thousands of members to his site. But unfortunately, it got shut down because of copyright violations and copyright laws. Well, the marketing skills of Vladimir learned along the way, he's took all the things he learned and started to host local marketing workshops in his area, teaching other entrepreneurs how to generate leads online.

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290 – Navy Seal teaches you to be a warrior: Tom interviews Chris Sajnog

Chris Sajnog was a master training specialist in the Navy, and he was hand selected to write the U.S. Navy Seal sniper manual. He used this experience, plus 4 years of study in neuroscience and elite performance to develop the SEAL training system, which he uses to help others learn, live and lead like warriors. He's a proud father and the author of 3 bestselling books and the owner of Center Mass Group LLC, 100% service disabled veteran owned small business in San Diego, California.

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289 – Top 17 Mistakes: Tom talks Website Mistakes

Website mistakes. I'm going to lay out the Top 17 website mistakes I've seen over the last twenty four years. I can pick almost any website apart that some web designer made because all they want is the money for making the Web site. They don't care if it makes money for you. So, make sure to read these show notes and let's fix it up for you.

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288 – Inside look at a Hollywood freelancer: Tom interviews Alesia Abatie

Alesia Abatie's here and the problem introducing a longtime Hollywood person is they've done so darn many things. I really literally could take up the entire podcast telling you all about it. So I'm going to do my best to give you a picture of her work and then she'll fill in any blanks that I missed. She's worked with Film Wave Pictures. She worked with CBS, NBC, UPN and the Turner Network. And then she worked with Radiant Productions, which is a big shot Wolfgang Petersen's company.

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287 – She’s a brand building dynamo: Tom interviews Ruth Klein

Ruth Klein works with experts, conscious leaders and C suite executives that help them become highly visible as thought leaders in their industry. And she helps them create lucrative businesses and powerful personal brands by honing their message and communicating it through writing books, signature speeches and purpose driven brands. And in 2019, Ruth launched her Generation Why Not? podcast. Ruth's clients add multi six and seven figures to their business or company.

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286 – Hosting can make you or break you: Tom talks Hosting Services

Hosting services. We're going to talk about what hosting, or web hosting, services are, what to look out for and what to avoid in order to have your business grow on the Internet.

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285 – Hair she is: Tom interviews Mikki Williams

Mikki Williams is based in Naples, Florida. She's an award winning speaker for Vistage International and that's the world's leading executive organization. And she's the master chair of two of their peer advisory boards in Chicago. She's a global celebrity speaker, a transformational storyteller and noted in Forbes as one of the most sought after executive speech coaches.

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284 – He got fired multiple times: Tom interviews Jeff Mendelson

Jeff Mendelson is the founder of Effectivo.Social, a full service digital marketing agency where he works with developing comprehensive digital marketing strategy campaigns, for anybody from startups to established businesses. With over 15 years of continuous digital marketing experience in all formats, Jeff is a wealth of information of what works and what doesn't in the digital marketing space.

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283 – Ecommerce shopping carts are the lifeblood of your online business: Tom talks Shopping Carts

We're going to talk about shopping carts. Now, shopping carts are the lifeblood of your business and not a place to scrimp on. So, we're going to talk about the ins and outs of getting one and using one.

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282 – He’s a work from home guy: Tom interviews Naresh Vissa

Naresh Vissa is the founder and CEO of Krish Media and Marketing. It's a full service e-commerce, technology development, online and digital media and marketing agency and a solutions provider. Now, this guy has worked for massive companies, little companies, like the Houston Rockets to the Houston Astros. He's been on all kinds of media, Yahoo! Bloomberg, MSNBC, Huffington Post, MSN money business.

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281 – Special Youth Edition: Tom interviews Lei’lani Thomas

Lei'lani Thomas is here and she just turned 12 years old and she loves do it yourself projects and anything she can create. She is making covid 19 face masks and is running a store on Etsy.

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280 – FREE Publicity can make you a fortune: Tom talks Free Publicity

Before the Internet came along, I built my entire career using publicity. People would hear me on the radio or see me on TV or in print. I always let it be known I was available to speak. One of my quotes hanging on the wall at my school is that the only way to exceed the average income in your profession is to become better known. Publicity does that for you.

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279 – She’s the “Raise a Dream” co-founder: Tom interviews Rebecca Kirstein

Rebecca Kirstein is a serial entrepreneur and a human connector. She has firsthand experience over several decades founding small businesses, tech startups and investment corporations. And then she founded, with Charmaine Hammond, Raise a dream. She's the founder of Rethink Thinking the Summit. And she's a speaker, advisor, idea generator and collaborator, fueled by her experience that when entrepreneurs connect and collaborate, we all have the capacity to create stronger, more sustainable communities.

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278 – Learn to collaborate and “Raise a Dream”: Tom interviews Charmaine Hammond

Charmaine Hammond brings together great ideas and organizations who make a difference, and she partners with people that make a big impact. That's what she's known and respected for. She's a former correctional officer. She worked in jails. And she's a dispute resolution expert and she travels the world teaching the principles of collaboration, conflict resolution and resilience. And she is the co-inventor of Raise A Dream.

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277 – Good Communication means good money: Tom talks Business Communications

You have many options when it comes to communicating with your employees and customers. Now, with your employees, they pretty much have to use what you tell them to use. But with customers, you have to have more ways available to you to satisfy their need and to communicate with them the way they like to communicate, not just what suits you.

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276 – Writer’s block never again: Tom interviews Tim Maudlin

Storyteller and template architect, Tim Maudlin, helps connect their content creators go from thoughts to words easier, faster and more efficiently. Now, within a framework of action steps that shortcut the writing process, Tim teaches how to use tools that produce fast results every time they're implemented.

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275 – Santa learned from this guy: Tom interviews Fred Berns

Fred Berns is a personal marketing coach who helps business professionals increase profits by promoting themselves more effectively. He's a copywriter and he's one that's made millions of dollars for people doing this. He creates website, social media and marketing copy for companies worldwide. He's the author of sales and marketing books, videos and other learning tools and he's a popular presenter who speaks at business events in general and interior design industry events in particular around the world.

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274 – Kill those expenses: Tom talks Expense Cleanup

Let's talk about cutting expenses. A business should think of this all the time. And I'm just as guilty as the next company for ignoring it when times are good, and paying closer attention when times are not so good. Kind of like right now in the middle of this pandemic. So I'm going to give you a bunch of ways to cut expenses, but there are tons of ways. And just Googling it will bring up hundreds of articles on the subject. So do that to do whatever it takes to make your business more viable.

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273 – The SuperHero is Back: Tom interviews Barbara Anne Cookson

Barbara Anne Cookson is a certified holistic health coach, group fitness instructor, author and soon to be podcaster. She leads workshops and keynotes conferences as the superhero speaker. She helps audiences unleash their inner superhero. And she lives in the beautiful state of Maine with her super hero dog, Winston.

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272 – Drive a “Medium” amount of traffic: Tom interviews Jeff Herring

Are you struggling with creating content? Well, Jeff Herring provides you with tools, templates, wizards and strategies to make content creation fast, easy and profitable. And no experience is necessary. And a little bit later. He's got a super freebie for you. So hang in there for that.

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271 – Recurring Income: Tom talks Residual Affiliate Programs

The main thing I'm going to talk about today is one of the techniques that we use to create an insurance policy for our families and for ourselves. And that's called residual affiliate programs. Sometimes they're called recurring affiliate programs. And again, this allows me to legitimately say I couldn't stop the money coming into my checking account if I try.

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270 – Corona Quarantine Strategies: Tom talks Corona Bologna

This is another special edition this week. I usually do interviews on Fridays and I have some great ones coming up in the next couple weeks. But this Friday, which is Good Friday for those of you that observe it. So I thought I would put out some strategies that have worked for me when facing tough times. And I'm going to do this with telling us some stories from my life and hopefully some of the lessons learned you'll be able to use in your situation.

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269 – This young boy’s grief will change the world: Tom interviews Bryce Fields

Bryce Fields relishes his role as a big brother. At the age of six, that role was redefined with the loss of his little sister, Alanna. His servant heart led him to serve other grieving children, including his little brother, T.J. With his new book, What This Kid Wants Adults to Know about Grief, Bryce shares his experience and knowledge with caring adults looking for ways to better connect with and care for the little hurting hearts in their lives.

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268 – Secrets of Affiliate Selling: Tom talks Affiliate Marketing

There are two main types of affiliate selling. The first is if you become an affiliate for somebody else. You promote the product or service or refer it to others, and if one of the people you refer it to buys the product because of your referral, the product owner gives you a commission. The other is where you have a product and someone else becomes your affiliate. They promote your product, and if someone buys your product because of their referral, you pay them a commission.

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267 – Real Estate is his deal: Tom interviews Dr. Howard Haller

Dr. Howard Haller, I call him Big Dog PhD, found his first off market property at age 22 and it changed his life and made it possible for him to buy his first house at a substantial discount. And it was in a great neighborhood. And he could have never afforded it had he not known what he's going to tell you today. And with his help, you too can find secret off market properties, secure them and profit from them.

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266 – Making a living with intimacy retreats: Tom interviews Diana Daffner

Diana Daffner, with her husband Richard, is the author of Tantric Sex for Busy Couples, How to Deepen Your Passion in just 10 Minutes a Day. And they lead romantic workshops for couples called Intimacy Retreats, and they've been filmed by ABC TV and featured in USA Today. Diana holds a master's degree in counseling, was a massage instructor at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California and she holds a black belt in aikido too.

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265 – Great guests equal great podcasts: Tom talks How To Book Great Podcast Guests

Booking great podcast guests. You may not have considered having guests on your show as it's a little more difficult technically. And maybe you have enough stuff in your head that you don't need guests, but there's some pretty significant benefits of having guests. Good guests make your show more interesting and give the listener a chance to hear other viewpoints.

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264 – He knows himself: Tom interviews Ken Keis

Ken Keis is a PhD, considered one of the foremost global authorities on personality and how assessment strategies not only increase, but multiply your success rate. He also co-created Consulting Resource Group's proprietary development models and written over 4 million words of content for 40 business training programs, 12 assessments and over 500 articles. He's an expert on assisting individuals, families, teams and organizations to realize their full potential and to live on purpose.

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263 – Amazon Kindle Secrets: Tom interviews Carol McManus

Over the last 12 years, Carol McManus has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, speakers and authors reach new markets using innovative methods of marketing, branding and social media. She prides herself on staying up to date on information that help her clients be more successful. Now, today, she'll be sharing how to drive book sales and build your own e-mail lists, using the back door secrets at Amazon.

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262 – Distance learning and working is more important than ever: Tom talks Learning and Working from Home

Distance learning and working from home. Two very important subjects, especially given the situation we're in right now. I describe what benefits distance learning can provide and what working at home can do to improve your overall life. The upside potential for both of these is virtually limitless, but you must make a plan, and execute it, to maximize the value of learning without all that college debt, and to take advantage of what working at home can mean for you and your family.

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261 – An introvert that makes cool videos: Tom interviews Lou Bortone

Lou Bortone has been a pioneer and thought leader in the video space since the launch of YouTube in 2005. He's helped thousands of entrepreneurs and companies create and leverage online video to build their brands and dramatically grow their Web revenues. And prior to his industry leading work in online video marketing, he spent 20 years as a marketing executive in the entertainment industry, and some of his videos are just quirky and cool.

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260 – Speaking Engagements and Publicity are her game: Tom interviews Jackie Lapin

Jackie Lapin is the founder of SpeakerTunity. She's an expert in helping leaders and authors get booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts and virtual summits. Her revolutionary SpeakerTunity Cities, provides comprehensive regional speaker leads directories for markets all across North America. For the past 10 years, she's also been providing radio and podcast tours for authors in personal growth, wellness, spirituality and conscious business.

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259 – Great Titles make Great Sales: Tom talks Great Titles

I use titles for all kinds of things. I put the heavy emphasis on information products because they are so high profit and easy to deliver. But they're used in presentations, articles, blog postings, videos and just about anywhere you want to grab someone's attention. Your title is pretty much like the headline of a sales letter. It grabs attention so you have a better chance of getting a person interested enough to buy whatever you're selling.

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258 – She’s funny for money: Tom interviews Jan McInnis

Jan McInnis is a comedian, a keynote speaker, a comedy writer and author. And for over 26 years, she's toured the country making people laugh and showing people how to use humor in business. And she's also an established comedy writer who sold material to everyone from Jay Leno to guests on The Jerry Springer Show.

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257 – 38 years selling flowers: Tom interviews Heidi Richards Mooney

Heidi Richards Mooney is the host of The EntreprenHer Show. It's a popular podcast that focuses primarily on the backstories of success driven women. And she's the author of a dozen books including Quirky Marketing Calendar and Rose Marketing on a Daisy budget. She's also a WordPress expert. You don't find too many people that deal in flowers that are WordPress experts. Cision named her one of the 50 rich media influencers to follow in 2015.

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256 – Master class on Master classes: Tom talks Master Classes

Master Classes. I'm not talking about celebrity masterclasses here and I'm not talking about a workshop where you actually get hands on experience with a very specific skill. I'm talking about something in between. I'm talking about something that teaches enough so you can sell it as a non-celebrity, but not really a workshop that goes deep into a specific skill.

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255 – Humble Alpha Co-Author is a Bronze Star Recipient: Tom interviews Steven Kuhn

Steven Kuhn is a decorated U.S. military combat veteran who has been handpicked to consult with some of the most influential people in the world. We're talking rock stars, singers, actors, business leaders and politicians and he's teaching them how to expand their brand, and build value and loyalty and develop strategies for increasing beneficial relationships and achieving the true quality of life.

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254 – Humble Alpha co-author: Tom interviews Lane Belone

Lane Belone is a Special Forces Green Beret veteran who helps entrepreneurs achieve purpose and reach optimal performance. His experience builds trust and adaptability within executive teams, forming them into laser focused A teams. He's traveled to 40 countries and he's climbed the mountains and and he roughed the Arctic and he helps lead others to breakthrough their unknown stepping into their greatness. And he's the co-author of the Humble Alpha book.

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253 – Personal Development is Always Great: Tom talks Personality Power

The first thing I want to mention is that I'm not on here trying to spout out that I'm Mr. Perfect and that I have everyone's dream personality. I think you could find quite a few people would dispute that. I'm just saying that there's ways that I have acted and treated people over many years that have opened many doors for me. And I know that they could for you, too.

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252 – She’s a Hollywood Writer & Producer: Tom interviews Lia Bozonelis

Lia Bozonelis is an L.A. based screenwriter, writer and producer who was head writer and producer of the feminist sketch comedy series, “Sorry, Not Sorry” and she had her feature “Eat, Drink and Be Married” premier around the globe. And she's currently writing a psychological thriller that will shoot later this year. She's here to talk about the business and her charge to help women rise within it.

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251 – High priced college got her a low salary job: Tom interviews Ashley Monk

Ashley Monk is the owner of IT Media. It's a digital agency, helping service based business owners feel less overwhelmed about growing their business, and no longer worried about finding their next client. Ashley helps business owners simplify their marketing and generate leads through Facebook ads, social media and email marketing.

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250 – Customer Experience Trumps Quality: Tom talks Super Fast Customer Service

This episode is going to be about Super Fast Customer Service, but it's going to be about way more than that about the customer experience, and how that can make you money or hurt you really bad, really fast. So make sure you listen up.

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249 – She’s an Interview Expert: Tom interviews Gayl Murphy

Gayl Murphy is a media shape shifter. She's a much sought after Hollywood correspondent, media and presentation coach. She's a speaker and author of Interview Tactics How to Survive the Media Without Getting Clobbered. She's reported on and media coached some of the biggest celebrities in the entertainment and popular culture. And she's worked for ABC News, BBC News, Sky News and E and I just love her to death.

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248 – Negotiating and Body Language is his game: Tom interviews Greg Williams

With the richness of 30 years of negotiating and reading body language experience, Greg Williams is an accomplished author, speaker, trainer and recognized worldwide thought leader. He's appeared on all the U.S. major TV networks. Greg has written seven books about negotiations and reading body language, and he's currently writing number 8.

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247 – Small Meetings can make Big Money: Tom talks How to do a Live Event

We're talking about running small local events for cash and to promote your business. And I'm talking about an indoor local event, by the way. Maybe up to 30 people. I guess you could go as high as 50 people, but the complexity rises the more people you have.

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246 – She created a second lifestyle business: Tom interviews Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman works with authors and online entrepreneurs, teaching them how to build and market their online presence and business. Now, in her newest venture as a travel advisor, Denise's passion for adventure helps inspire entrepreneurs to explore the world so they can think bigger and transform both their business and life.

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245 – College is NOT a must: Is College Really Worth It

Is college worth it? It's all over the national news about colleges, the quality of the education going down, the costs going up like eight times the rate of inflation for no apparent reason, just all kinds of things. Be prepared to be mad when you see all the things colleges are doing to rip you and your kids off.

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244 – Video has exploded: Tom talks Video Gadgets

I'm going to give you loads and loads of gadgets, but it's by no means all the gadgets I have. I've got a complete studio and some of them you'll never need, some of them you won't need right away. But I want you to know about them.

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243 – Customized jingles create “Earworms”: Tom interviews Mike Stewart

Mike Stewart is the president and founder of Stewart Internet Solutions. It's an Internet consulting agency and services company located in Nashville, Tennessee. U.S. of A. And Mike has composed countless radio jingles, television scores and produced or performed on music that was heard all over the world.

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242 – Podcasting done for you: Tom interviews Mike Stewart

Mike Stewart is president and founder of Stewart Internet Solutions. It's an Internet consulting agency and services companies and he's located in Nashville, Tennessee. Mike has composed countless radio jingles, television scores and produced and performed on music heard all over the world.

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241 – Bar Codes on steroids: Tom talks QR Codes

QR code stands for Quick Response Code, and it's a series of dots or other graphics and it's called machine readable or in our case, most people would read our QR codes with their cell phones. You can think of it as a barcode kind of on steroids. Now, QR codes aren't new. They just never caught on because in the early days you had to download an app to read them. So nobody really got excited about it. Now, both iPhones and Androids can read them just by looking at them with their camera.

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240 – Authority and Community Building: Tom interviews Warren Carlyle

Warren Carlyle is a community building strategist who partners with purpose driven brands and influencers to build highly engaged communities online. He's founder and CEO of Octonation. It's the largest octopus fan club. It's a non-profit organization that inspires conservation of the ocean by teaching the world about octopuses. Warren advocates the building of fanatical online communities as the lifeblood of brand's relevancy in today's crowded digital marketplace.

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239 – Yoga and Messenger Marketing – How does that work?: Tom interviews Nahaku McFadden

Nahaku McFadden is a messenger marketing and social media specialist helping veterans transition from corporate or government service jobs to owning their own online businesses. She's originally from Hawaii and currently lives in Washington, DC. Nahaku is a national speaker, international master trainer, and she has transitioned from the military and made the decision to bring her talents and vast knowledge to help veteran entrepreneurs be even more successful with social media and to become their own CEOs.

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238 – All kinds of marketing questions answered: Tom answers Questions

Tom answers questions from his listeners! He covers a wide range of marketing areas, so get ready to take plenty of notes.

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237 – She’s an “Inclusive” dating coach: Tom interviews Erin Tillman

The Dating Advice Girl, Erin Tillman is with me. She is an inclusive dating empowerment coach, author, speaker and media personality based in Los Angeles. And for 12 years, she's helped empower singles through workshops, matchmaking, podcasting and her book, The Consent Guidebook. And she's contributed to Lifetime, BuzzFeed, Elle and Men's Health and more.

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236 – She got to top of her game by asking questions: Tom interviews Grace Daly

Grace Daly is the founding host of ShopTalk 360. It's a media platform that produces podcasts, videos, live events and books for the commercial design, construction and facilities industry. She's a certified coach, author and keynote speaker. And her past publish writings and editorials have received accolades in leadership and inspiration. Grace also partners with diverse organizations to mentor and empower groups in various stages of their careers to take action towards achieving everyday fulfillment.

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235 – Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not: Tom talks Leasing Vehicles and Equipment

We're gonna talk about leasing equipment and vehicles. And I always want to remind you to get competent legal and accounting advice when doing this. Don't just rely on something I've said in this podcast. I don't know your financial and business situation. This is meant to be a primer to give you some of the big picture issues with regard to leasing and whether it makes sense for you to look into it further for your business.

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234 – From waiting tables to top publicity service: Tom interviews Mitch Davis

Mitch Davis from and he's got news release wire, also, blogs, syndication and you get news, interviews, exposure and search engine optimization traction for all kinds of experts and consultants and speakers and other professionals.

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233 – He’s the quiz guru: Tom interviews Boris Pfeiffer

Boris Pfeiffer has started four companies on three continents. This guy's a worldwide traveler and also worked in management positions for large corporations like IBM and And he's survived cancer. So he decided, look, spending more time with his family beats big corporate paychecks. So now he's mostly working from home on his current startup, which is how I met him, through

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232 – Retreats are fun and lucrative: Tom talks How to Run a Retreat Center

How to start and run retreats is a thing I've been doing for 18 years and it's meant a great lifestyle and an enormous amount of money over all those years. Now to prove to you that this is not some kind of flash in the pan idea, I dug up a recording that I did on this topic eleven years ago after I had already been operating the retreat center for seven years. So, you'll learn from someone who's been doing what they're teaching you for many years.

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231 – Fashion is her game: Tom interviews Rayne Parvis

Rayne Parvis is an L.A. based certified personal stylist and style coach. She's a media personality and she's the author of The Ultimate Guide to Style From Drab to Fab. She provides transformational style and fashion tips for individuals who want to look their best.

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230 – She’s 55 and makes 18 year olds jealous: Tom interviews Becca Tebon

Becca Tebon missed 20 percent of her elementary years due to illnesses and surgery to remove a massive tumor from her left breast at age 14. So she also had a poor self-image and poor relations with herself and food. But as a college student athlete, she learned to make changes in her diet. She's shifted her mindset and decided to manage her health holistically. Today, she is 13 years med free and pain free. Becca works one on one with others to help pinpoint specific challenges and find solutions.

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229 – Lead generation quizzes: Tom talks Quizzes

There are all kinds of quizzes and personality tests that you can do. So today's episode is going to give you a bunch of tips to get more people to take your quiz and when I do some of those other ones, I'll do a whole episode giving you greater details on those types of quizzes. We're going to concentrate today on lead generation quizzes.

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228 – He’s been saving lives for 35 years: Tom interviews Alain Burrese

Alain Burrese is an active shooter response instructor. He served in the U.S. Army with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and with the 2nd Infantry Division as a sniper and sniper instructor in South Korea. He's currently the director of Active Defense Training for Reflex Protect. He's trained more than 6000 individuals, including teachers, school administrators, doctors, nurses and staff on basic and effective strategies of surviving active threats.

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227 – A lifestyle business can save you during the hard times: Tom interviews Roberto Candelaria

Tom talks with Roberto Candelaria about life, loss and how a lifestyle business can keep you going even after the death of a loved one.

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