Podcast Episodes - Screw The Commute

936 – Be a Profitable Coach: Tom talks Profitable Coach Summit

I'm here with Roberto Candelaria, and we're going to talk about the Profitable Coach Summit that's coming up this week. And if you happen to be listening to this year's later, go back and check the replays. Roberto has been known as a sponsorship expert, but I know he and Warren, his partner, have been doing a lot with community building.

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935 – Cost Effective and Powerful: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time With Shopping Carts

This is part of our series on why I don't waste time. Today is the last part of the series, why I don't waste time on shopping carts. If you want to hear the entire series and how this series from episode 929 to the present could save you, I mean thousands of hours into the future wasting time on stuff if you would just if somebody just taught you what to do.

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934 – A better way to do it: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time Podcasting

This is why I don't waste time on podcasting. What? What do you mean you don't waste time on podcasting? 934 episodes. You've been wasting a lot of time, Tom, on episodes. No, I haven't, so I'm going to teach you about that today on why I don't waste time and how. Of course, this thing has made a lot of money, probably a couple million dollars over the past couple of years. And I don't waste time on it, though. And that's what I want to teach you.

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933 – A Necessary Evil: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time On Social Media

This is part of the Why I Don't Waste Time series. This is 933 Why I Don't Waste Time on Social Media. 932 was web design. 931 was customer service, 930 was writing books, and 929 was artificial intelligence.

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932 – Save your money: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time On Web Design

This one is why I don't waste time on web design. This is part of my why I Don't Waste Time series. 929 was artificial intelligence. I don't waste time on that. 930 writing books. I don't waste time on that even though I've written 25. 931 was customer service. That's all about autoresponders, so I don't waste time on customer service, even though I'm a customer service freak. And upcoming is why I don't waste time on podcasting.

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931 – Don’t fall short on this: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time On Customer Service

Today is part of our series Why I Don't Waste Time on Stuff. Today's is why I don't waste time on customer service. Now, don't even get an inkling in your mind that I'm not a customer service freak. I am totally. There is nobody at my level that gives this good a service as I do. I'm accessible and I'm helpful, but I don't waste time on it. And that's what this episode is about.

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930 – Make more money instead: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time Writing Books

Today is part of the Why I Don't Waste Time series, and this is going to be why I don't waste time writing books. Does not mean I don't write books. 25 that I last count. So listen up and I'll tell you. I'll show you how to do it fast so you don't waste time.

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929 – Don’t fall for the latest fad: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste My Time On AI

Today, is the beginning of the Why I Don't Waste Time series. I don't even know how many parts it's going to be to this series, because I don't want to waste time figuring it out before I do this episode. Okay, so this one's going to be why I don't waste time on artificial intelligence or AI.

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928 – Don’t fall for this: Tom talks Done For You

Today, we're going to talk about done for you programs more appropriately called Done to You programs. All right. So you can see I'm not in favor of these things. They try to rip you off.

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927 – Do this the RIGHT way: Tom talks Wasting Time and Money on SEO

Today, I'm going to try to encourage you to quit wasting your time on search engine optimization, because it could cost you a lot of money and waste you a lot of time where you get nowhere. Now, don't think I'm not in favor of certain parts of SEO, but let me tell you about it in this episode.

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926 – Low Risk High Return: Tom talks Three Prong Attack Part 3

Today is part three of the three part series we've been doing on the three prong attack to a seven figure income. It's something I developed back in roughly 1996, and it's with minor adjustments. It's still valid today. It's designed to help you stay on track to create the digital part of your business. So this is part three, Products.

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925 – Email is STILL King: Tom talks Three Prong Attack Part 2

This is part two of a three part series on the three prong attack to a seven figure income, which I created back around 1996 and is still valid today with some changes. Part one is website and shopping carts. That's what you would have heard on episode 924.

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924 – Simplify and grow your business: Tom talks Three Prong Attack on a Seven Figure Income Part 1

Today is part one of a three part series of a concept I developed around 1996, called the three prong attack on a seven figure income. These are the three things that, after all, the students I've had were having trouble with. So I boiled it down to three major categories of things you need to work on to have a successful online business, or even if you're not doing an online business so much, but a successful website.

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923 – Make the right choice: Tom talks Employees vs Contractors

Today, we're going to talk about employees versus contractors or independent contractors. And you know, you're going to need help in your business one way or the other. And either because of the volume of the work you have that you know how to do, but there's just too much of it. Or you may have specialized needs that need taken care of. So how do you get those people and is it better an employee or contractor? What's the pros and cons?

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922 – Many things you can do yourself: Tom talks Self Sufficiency

Today, we're going to talk about self-sufficiency, where you don't have to wait for people all day long and spend a fortune to have them screw you over. How about that?

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921 – Get to the Nitty Gritty: Tom talks Specific Sells General Doesn’t

Today, we're going to talk about specific sells and general doesn't. I've been seeing all kinds of stuff coming into my email for years as examples of this.

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920 – Every business needs this: Tom talks Benefits of Digital Products

Today, we're going to talk about 11 benefits of digital products. And whenever I say 11, I don't really know for sure. It sounded like a good number. You have more than that for sure.

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919 – Sneak in more sales: Tom talks Sneakiest Way To Sell Stuff

Today, I'm going to talk about the sneakiest way to sell stuff, especially big stuff. Before you get too freaked out there, you know, I'm all about ethics and so forth. So none of this is fraudulent or mean spirited or cheating or ripoffs. But it is sneaky. It's really powerful.

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918 – More tips to make you fast: Tom talks Cell Phone Automation Tips

Today, I'm going to come back with some stuff I've been doing over the years on phone tips and tablet tips to really increase your productivity. And yes, I use an iPhone, but a lot of these things, if you just look up the same tip for Android on how to do it, they're going to have it too. So don't worry about that. And I'm going to give you a big list of back episodes. If you listen to all these episodes and implemented this stuff, you would be so lightning fast on your cell phones and tablets out there, I'm telling you. No doubt about it.

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917 – Take care of your customers: Tom talks How To Lose A $179 Sale

Today, we're going to talk about how to lose $179 sale. Basically, we're talking about service reviews today and why I didn't spend 179 bucks when I could have.

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916 – Increase your reach: Tom talks Surveys

Today, we're going to talk about surveys and how you can get media attention from them and improve your business and make money with them. How about that?

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915 – Add this to your toolbox: Tom talks Audio Editing

Today, we're going to talk about audio editing and why I think it is so simple for you to learn, and can save you so much time, effort, and make you sound better than you ever sounded before. And also give you a sample of how I edit this podcast.

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914 – A new way to make videos: Tom talks Video Eye Contact

Today, we're going to talk about a massive, massive breakthrough in video eye contact. And you might think, well, I just look into the camera. Well, there's a lot more going on than that I can tell you about in this episode.

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913 – Free is not always free: Tom talks Perils of Unlimited Emails

Today, we're going to talk about the perils of unlimited emails. There's a lot at stake here, including your wallet, your professional and personal emails, and your reputation.

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912 – Publicity stunts can work: Tom talks Topless Carwash

Today, we're going to talk about a topless car wash at a church. And believe me, there's a lesson here.

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911 – Using AI responsibly: Tom talks Reputation Management In An AI World

How do you keep your good reputation intact in the face of artificial intelligence? And I'm not sure I'm going to be able to give you a definitive answer. I'm going to give you things to work with and to help your reputation and to try to knock down things that are against your reputation.

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910 – Protect your privacy: Tom talks VPN Revisited

Today, we're going to talk about VPNs. This is a virtual private network that can do a lot of things for your business. Keep your privacy. It'll let you check things that you couldn't normally check, let you get to websites you couldn't get to sometimes because of country restrictions, all kinds of good stuff.

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909 – Get your point across: Tom talks Quotations

Today, we're going to talk about quotations and the ways you can use them, and all kinds of good stuff about that. I mean, you can use them in sales letters, speeches, podcast interviews, radio interviews, TV interviews, all kinds of ways. You can use quotations, and there's no shortage of them out there.

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908 – Fake is ALWAYS Fake: Tom talks Seminar Scams Part Three

Today is the last part of a series to keep you safe. This is part three of Seminar Scams, but we go all the way back to episode 903 QR Code Scams 904. Catfishing scams 905. Just regular Phishing Scams 906 is part one of seminar scams and 907 is part two. This is part three. I don't want you getting ripped off at a seminar, and I've been there thousands of times, literally, and have seen a lot of bad stuff. And I have actually have a dossier on just one bad seminar guy that I got 48 victims on for lots and lots of money. So I don't want that to happen to you.

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907 – Beware more scammy fraud: Tom talks Seminar Scams Part Two

We're going to talk about Seminar Scams part two today. So, I want to make sure you don't get ripped off at seminars. And this is part of our Keep You Safe series.

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906 – Watch out for these: Tom talks Seminar Scams Part One

This is part of our Keep You Safe series, and this is Seminar Scams, Part one. This is going to be a three part series on how people get ripped off to sometimes losing their homes at seminars, so I don't want that to happen to you.

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905 – Be careful when communicating: Tom talks Phishing

Today, is part of our Keep You Safe series, and this is about phishing emails and what to do about it, what to watch for and all that.

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904 – Not everyone is who they seem: Tom talks Catfishing

I'm going to talk about another thing to try to protect you. And it's called catfishing. Catfishing is where someone takes on someone else's persona with a picture, a beautiful model, or a male or female, and for some nefarious purpose, either to build their own self-esteem, to trick you, to try to identity theft, all those kinds of things. So I'll tell you what happened to me just yesterday. And to give you some facts and figures of how important this is.

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903 – Beware and be aware: Tom talks QR Codes Can Be Dangerous

Here's another episode I wish I wasn't doing, but I feel obligated to do it for you because I want to keep you safe. It's about QR code scams, and I've done one, two, three, four, five, six other episodes on QR codes and how they're great for you and I stand by all those episodes because you are going to be legitimate with your QR codes, and it's going to do great things for your business. However, I don't want you scanning QR codes that could be fraudulent.

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902 – Getting new ideas: Tom talks Focus Groups

Today, we're going to talk about what I promised you on last episode, Focus Groups, and how to use them and get great ideas from them.

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901 – Too many cooks: Tom talks How To Lose A Debate

Today is how to lose a debate. Now, this is not political. Don't tune out because you love one guy or the other. We're talking about the presidential debate, but there's a lesson to be learned here. So this is definitely not political.

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900 – Learn these tips: Tom talks How to Create and Distribute 900 Podcast Episodes

900 episodes. I sat here and talked to you all. Well guess what? This episode is about how to create and distribute 900 podcast episodes. And without breaking too much of a sweat.

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899 – Make your emails Irresistible: Tom talks Force Them To Open Your Emails

This episode is how to force people to open your emails. I'm not talking about physical, forced shoving their head into their own keyboard and making them do it, but they're going to make themselves do it if you use the technique I tell you about in this episode.

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898 – Make things easier and faster: Tom talks Office Productivity Hacks

Today, we're going to talk about office hacks. And these aren't Microsoft Office hacks. It's your office hacks. Most of you probably are in home offices or whatever your office is. A lot of these little productivity hacks I'm going to give you that I've been using for years and years and years and really help you out.

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897 – DO NOT do these: Tom talks 7 Ways to Alienate a SuperAffiliate

Today, we're going to talk about 7 Ways to Alienate a SuperAffiliate. Okay. Now this is kind of opposite of my book JV or Joint Venture JV. How to be in front of a million warm prospects in the next 90 days, where you can find that on Amazon Kindle. You can find it on audible, or you can go directly to screwthecommute.com/jv and get a copy of it. But this is going to be the opposite of ways to attract super affiliates. Now this is how you alienate them.

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896 – Do these and LOSE: Tom talks 9 Ways To Lose A Customer

Today, we're gonna talk about 9 Ways to Lose a customer. There's many ways. 50 ways to lose your lover, but nine ways to lose a customer. How about that?

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895 – New features for your iPhone: Tom talks Apple Intelligence

Today, we're going to talk about something big that's coming up from Apple. You might not like Apple, but it's coming and I'm sure Android is going to be right behind. It's called Apple Intelligence. Crazy things that's going to do for you right on your phone.

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894 – Targeted marketing Part Two: Tom talks Account Based Marketing

I didn't even want to do this podcast. I did not even want to do this podcast. I'm so sick of buzzwords. But anyway, this podcast is about account based marketing, ABM. You're going to be seeing this. I just felt obligated. I should do something about it, even though to me it's just a rehash of targeted marketing is all it is.

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893 – Speak Right Make Moolah: Tom talks Speech Prep for Maximum Money

Today, I'm going to talk about your favorite subject. Preparing for a speech or presentation. I know a lot of you hate it out there, but I got to tell you, if you can overcome that problem of being nervous about it and everything, oh my goodness, it can open up worlds of money for you and prestige and travel and oh, I mean just all kinds of great stuff.

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892 – Give it what it wants: Tom talks Google Is Watching

Ooh, Google is watching you. Their eyes are on you. So we're going to talk about that today.

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891 – Persuade and Sell: Tom talks Influence Book Review

Today, I'm going to do a book report or a more maybe call it a book review. And the book I'm going to talk about, I don't know any marketers, high level marketers, that haven't read this book multiple times.

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890 – Add to your bottom line: Tom talks 9 Ways To Get People To Give You Money

Today, we're going to go over nine ways to get people to give you money. How about that? And listen to this on one of the ways I would never do it in a million years.

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889 – They can do a lot more: Tom talks Multifunction QR Codes

Guess what we're talking about again? QR codes, okay? Because something just came up where you can do a lot more with them that I even realized.

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888 – Take a load off and get faster: Tom talks Lighten Your Entrepreneurial Load

This is five ways to lighten your entrepreneurial workload. I do it all the time and still get tons of stuff done.

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887 – Learn something from the best: Tom talks Business Quotations

Today, we're going to do some something a little different. We're gonna do some business quotations, and I'll probably throw in a little commentary as we go. I found these quite inspiring many times, so I look at them frequently.

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886 – This doesn’t work anymore: Tom talks Long Home Pages

Today, we're going to talk about long home pages and how you might not want to do that just because it's so cool. It might be hurting you, it's probably hurting you.

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885 – Integrate these into your business: Tom talks 13 Ways To Use QR Codes

Today, we're going to talk about 13 ways, I think they call that a baker's dozen right?, 13 ways to Use QR codes. Qr codes stands for Quick Response. Those are the little jumbled looking, raw shot things you see everywhere where people can just hold their camera up to them and then it goes wherever the advertiser or the marketer wants them to go.

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884 – No Bad Hair Day: Tom talks Faceless Video

Today, we're going to talk about Faceless video. Okay. That kind of cracks me up because I've been around so darn long. I've been 30 years now on the commercial internet since it started in 1994. And the year 2000 is when I started doing, quote, faceless videos. These are Camtasia or screen capture videos and made a fortune with it over all these years. Still do. And now they're called faceless videos. And then we just called them screen capture videos, but they're a little bit different now in the way that they're done.

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883 – Keep them watching: Tom talks YouTube Playlists

Today, we're going to talk about YouTube playlists and how important they are to you. And it's kind of tied to the last episode. Episode 882 was on how important watch time is to your channel, so that YouTube shows your videos to way, way, way more people.

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882 – Extend your YouTube video reach: Tom talks Tips To Increase Video Watch Time

Today, we're going to talk about video watch time and why it's so darn important to your success. You kill yourself to make high content videos and then nobody watches them. Why? Well, you have to play the game properly or nobody's going to watch them. This watch time is sometimes called audience retention.

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881 – Make your site a visitor magnet: Tom talks How To Critique Your Own Website

Today, we're going to talk about how to critique your own website. I've, oh geez, I lost track a long time ago, but have critiqued over 10,000 websites. So I'm going to tell you the way I do it and the things that you can do. And then also, I'm going to give you a method to get other people to critique your website.

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880 – Keep it short and sweet: Tom talks YouTube Hack End Fast

Today, I'm going to give you another YouTube hack that could pay off like really, really fast. Just a slight change in the way you do your videos can really, really help you with the YouTube algorithm.

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879 – Up your sound game: Tom talks DIY Sound Booth

Today, I'm going to help you sound better than you've ever sounded before. How about that? We're going to talk about do it yourself sound booths. And I've talked about speaking into your microphone, into a closet and putting a box on your desk and everything. But this time I'm going to talk about my big sound booth I built and what you got to do to do it.

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878 – Level up your online streams: Tom talks Live Streaming Tips

Today, we're going to talk about live streaming tips to make your live streams really pop. Live streaming gets kind of a boost in the world because it's so live. But you can turn it into recorded stuff too.

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877 – Being trendy can pay off: Tom talks Trend Surfing

Today, we're going to do a follow up to episode 876, which was influencer surfing. This is a way you can piggyback off of well-known people legitimately and really get some big views and readings for your stuff. So today, episode 877, is a spin off of that one called Trend Surfing. Now it's a new name for something that David Meerman Scott, this is episode 402, on Newsjacking.

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876 – Get a jump on your content: Tom talks Influencer Surfing

Hey, we're going to talk about influencer surfing today. What the heck does that mean? There's another guy from Think Media called it influencer drafting. Kind of like, you know, they do in race cars where one car gets behind the other and the front car pulls them along, that kind of thing. And I guess it's a really a type of influencer marketing we're going to talk about today. Legitimate, not going to cost you anything.

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875 – Tap into YouTube revenue: Tom talks YouTube Partner Program

Today, we're going to talk about the YouTube Partner program and what you need to do to be eligible to get money from YouTube.

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874 – More tips you can use NOW: Tom talks Five More List Building Tips

This is part two of our quick two part list building series, but also want to make it very clear to you. I want you to join the List Building Summit for free at screwthecommute.com/lbs, where as soon as you register, you get a $500 email marketing masterclass from me.

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873 – Tips you can use NOW: Tom talks Five List Building Tips

This is part one of a list building series of two parts and also leads you to the Fantastic List Building Summit. That's a free online summit that's on demand, so you can register and start watching stuff whenever you want.

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872 – Use this to save loads of time: Tom talks Productivity Hack

Today, I'm going to give you a productivity hack. This will, if you listen to me today and do what I tell you, it will totally change the course of your business. There's no question about it. It has for mine.

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871 – Use AI to your advantage: Tom talks AI YouTube Hacks

Today, we're going to talk about artificial intelligence, AI YouTube hacks or video hacks, more appropriately. You CAN use this legitimately if you follow some simple steps.

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870 – Reject this advice at your peril: Tom talks Why Podcasts Fail

Today, we're going to talk about why podcasts fail. I got a bunch of tips. If you're going to do a podcast, it may fail on you in the beginning because you're not doing certain things right or you have certain expectations that are incorrect. And that's what we're going to talk about today.

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869 – You won’t know until you try: Tom talks You Can Do It

Guess what? I'm going to quit all this internet crap. And start selling road cones. And road barrels too. Cones and barrels. That's going to be my new gig. I'm just kidding. But I'll tell you about why I said that.

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868 – Don’t wait to get revenue: Tom talks YouTube Money

Today, we're going to talk making money on YouTube. So here's the thing. The first goal you should have is a thousand subscribers. That should be a goal for you. But guess what? That doesn't mean you have to wait for a thousand subscribers to make money.

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867 – More tools you can use: Tom talks Marketing Tools

Today, we're going to talk about a bunch of marketing tools that I use regularly. Many of them are cheap. Many of them are free, but they really, really increase your productivity and allow you to do things you couldn't do by hand or that would cost you a fortune if you had to farm them out.

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866 – A side hustle anyone can do: Tom interviews Joe Libby on Making Money with Surveys

I'm here with Joe Libby, long time friend of mine. Really interesting guy. You're going to see some of the things he's been doing lately with surveys, but he's got a colorful past. He's quite a funny guy and he does magic and all kinds of cool stuff.

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865 – Your Avatar is Waiting: Tom talks Virtual Influencers

Today, we're going to talk about Virtual influencers. Man, I don't know what the world's coming to. Virtual influencers. They're not even real. They influence you. So we get a lot of not real stuff nowadays.

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864 – Make it easy to digest: Tom talks Tenderize Your Promotions

Today, I'm going to talk to you about how to tenderize a promotion. How do you like that? So we'll get to that in this episode.

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863 – Preparation is KEY: Tom talks How to Fail at a Video Shoot

Today, I'm going to tell you exactly how to fail at a video shoot. Okay, you don't want to do that. It can be very expensive. So that's what we're going to talk about today.

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862 – Pros and Cons of Books: Tom talks Traditional vs Self Publishing

Today, we're going to talk about the differences between traditional and self-publishing. I have experience in both and I'll tell you my thoughts on it.

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