282 - He’s a work from home guy: Tom interviews Naresh Vissa - Screw The Commute

282 – He’s a work from home guy: Tom interviews Naresh Vissa

Naresh Vissa is the founder and CEO of Krish Media and Marketing. It's a full service e-commerce, technology development, online and digital media and marketing agency and a solutions provider. Now, this guy has worked for massive companies, little companies, like the Houston Rockets to the Houston Astros. He's been on all kinds of media, Yahoo! Bloomberg, MSNBC, Huffington Post, MSN money business.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 282

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entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

Higher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

[04:19] Tom's introduction to Naresh Vissa

[07:45] Starting the business from his college dorm room

[10:26] Economics is all about risk, especially for college costs

[13:47] Everyone in the business works remotely

[19:08] “Schedule” for working from home

[28:48] 50 Shades of Marketing

[33:48] Sponsor message

[37:05] A freebie from Naresh and the future of Krish Media

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

Screw The Commute Podcast Apphttps://screwthecommute.com/app/

College Ripoff Quizhttps://imtcva.org/quiz

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How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

Krish Media Marketinghttp://www.krishmediamarketing.com/

Naresh's websitehttp://nareshvissa.com/

The Work From Home Showhttps://workfromhomeshow.com/

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 282 – Naresh Vissa
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey, everybody it's Tom here with episode two hundred and eighty two of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Naresh Vissa. And I met this guy on his show. He's the co-host of the Work from Home Show. Wonder why they had me on. Right. He's got some crazy big credentials, but my favorite is the book he wrote. It's the it's the number one bestselling. He's the number one bestselling author of Fifty Shades of Marketing. I love that. Whip your business into shape and dominate your competition. That was very creative. So we'll bring him on in a minute. Now, episode two hundred eighty one. All right, listen here. I got a shy little girl that is making masks, these pandemic masks, and she's very shy. And so I interviewed her and her mom and dad. There was a lot of fun, but she's she wasn't real verbose, put it that way. So but we'll get some real interesting thing. She's the sweetest little girl. So we'll check her on Episode 281, if you missed that. How would you like to hear your own voice here on screw the commute? Well, if the show has helped you out at all in your business or giving you ideas to help you start a business, we want to hear about it. Visit screwthecommute.com and look for a little blue side bar that says send a voicemail. Click on it and talk into your phone or your computer and tell me how the show's helped you. And remember to put your Web site on there and you'll get a big shout out on a future episode of Screw the Commute and grab a copy. You know, we give away stuff on here. Grab a copy of our automation e-book. We sell it for 27 bucks, but we give it to you for listening to the show. And it's one of the best things you could ever do for your business. I got to tell you, it's allowed me to handle up to one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and 40000 customers without pulling my hair out. All the tips and tricks of the trade, even just one of the tips in there has saved me. We figured it out about two years ago. Saved me seven and a half million keystrokes. OK. So that definitely saved me carpal tunnel. So grab a copy of that at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. While you're over there, grab a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app and we have complete training and video and screen captures. So you know how to use it. And you can put it on your tablet and your cell phone and take us with you on the road. All right. You know, we're in the middle of this pandemic and the the Google search terms for work at home are just going crazy. And now I've been preaching this since 1996. Pretty much so. And people call me up, say, Tom here, how are you doing? Oh, I'm doing fine. So I've been sitting here for 26 years. It's the same to me as anything. But a lot of you were hurting and I recognize that. But please don't let this go another day without you starting getting online skills to keep money coming in when something bad happens. And we never expected this to happen. But I've always been preaching. It's like an insurance policy for you to have these skills, because if you get sick or hurt, I mean, it's really an insurance policy for your family. You can have money coming in without going to work. Screw that commute. So we have a school that teaches you about that. It's IMTCVA.org it's the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country. It's all the stuff that I have been teaching all these years to create this gorgeous lifestyle business that I have been living. Little later, I'll tell you about our mentor program.

[00:04:21] All right, let's bring on the main event. Naresh Vissa is the founder and CEO of Krish Media and Marketing. It's a full service e-commerce, technology development, online and digital media and marketing agency and a solutions provider. Now, this guy has worked for massive companies, little companies, hey, the Houston Rockets to the Houston Astros. I think somebody is mad at them about something lately. I don't know if it was his fault or not, but what that was. So he's written the other books, podcastnomics. The book of podcasting to make you millions and just other things we'll talk about as we go here. But he's been on all kinds of media, Yahoo! Bloomberg, MSNBC, Huffington Post, MSN money business. I mean, all over the place. This guy is so we're happy to have him here. I'm glad I met him on his show. Naresh, are you ready to screw? The commute?

[00:05:26] I would love to screw the commute.

[00:05:28] Well you're in the right place for that, buddy. So. So I was so thrilled to meet you when I saw that the request came in for me to be on the work from home show. A, that's that's me. I actually had a nightclub. Murase and I lived above it for six years. So technically I had a nightclub and served alcohol and a bunch of drunks and bikers trying to kill me. So I still lived at home. Place to. Yeah. So tell us what you're doing now. Then we'll take you back, see how you came up through the ranks.

[00:06:05] Well, now I'm the founder and CEO of Krish Media on marketing, as you mentioned earlier. It's a digital marketing agency. That's the easiest way to describe it in one sentence. We do pretty much anything and everything online and digital from building your Web site Web development to designing your logos. Search engine optimization, podcasts, production, even book publishing. We do it all. We have online and digital solutions. I started the business seven years ago in 2013. So almost exactly seven years ago is when I jumped in. I've been working from home ever since. And that's really why I started the work from home show, because it's the perfect time right now with 20/20, with the lockdown's a pandemic. I mean, it's not going away, at least the that the fear isn't going away anytime soon. And it's not says industries are being changed. So I just wanted to share my experience with digital marketing, with e-commerce, with the online and digital markets and help people so they could have the success. They can even do even better than than what I've done.

[00:07:16] Yeah, absolutely.

[00:07:17] And one thing I want to jump in there, because all digital marketing and you said you hope people produce books, but do any of them ever show up in print or do you just stick those e-books?

[00:07:29] No, we we also we use our digital tools to print books as well. OK, great paperbacks, hardbacks. But but obviously, the competitive advantage is the e-book. The Kindle is the e-books and the audio books available on audio audible and Amazon as well.

[00:07:47] Now, have you been doing this the whole time? I didn't catch that. Since you started it, though, from home, or have you ever had an office work?

[00:07:56] The business, Krish Media.

[00:08:02] Oh, so so the business, I actually got started on the side when I was a college student. Oh, well, I worked from my dorm room and it was not I had no intention of pursuing I guess you can call it a side hustle. I had no intention of pursuing my side hustle as full time because I was in school. I actually had great you mentioned in my resumé earlier. I got some great experience and great opportunities working for some household blue chip names that people dream of working for when it comes to CNN. Bloomberg, I was heavily recruited out of Bloomberg, out of college. JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo. I guess these are household names. And so I thought, you know, this isn't a south side hustle. Like, I'm going to be a corporate guy. And then I started working those corporate jobs and I said, well, like, I think the whole side hustle thing is I think I should pursue that full time. That's that's really a much happier way to live life.

[00:09:03] Well, with your credentials here in school, you probably were sought after by those people. Really? What is this, a two master's degrees or master's degree from Duke?

[00:09:14] I know a lot of food. You. You are few.

[00:09:19] Quite a few. Quite a bit of business. Duke and. Yes. So that's a pretty heavy duty credential. There's no wonder they wanted you in.

[00:09:29] But you don't have to. I got to tell you, the people on here, you don't have to have those kind of credentials. We got high school dropouts that are making money. Oh, absolutely.

[00:09:40] And it's one of the I don't want to say a big lie, but it's one of the the kind of big misnomers out there. And that's all you need to go to college. You need to go to Harvard. And that's a way that you make a lot of money in life and become successful. And I learned I mean, I'm kind of living proof of that. Well, you can't if you want to be beholden to a boss or beholden to a job for the rest of your life, then you go to those schools, you'll get recruited by nice places like JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo, and you'll have a stable salary. And they won't let you off unless things get really, really, really bad. They'll get nice bonuses. You'll get nice perks. But it's a corporate job. I mean, JP Morgan Chase, when I worked there, had more than two hundred thousand employees worldwide. I think now it's probably at least double that.

[00:10:29] Yeah, you can make it up to CEO and get kicked out of Wells Fargo for cheap and like millions of people, a billion people.

[00:10:39] So, yeah, you're kind of preaching to the choir because, you know, you haven't been around my show a lot. But I mean, I have a quiz on called Seven College Reports. So my school and I have a consumer advocate show called Scam Brigade and develop in Hollywood. And because I know fraud is so very in tune with this, that if these people weren't college people, they would be in jail for some of the things they're doing with the student debt in the tuitions and the fees that the goofy, crazy fees they have. One school has a at least one school has a mix. They called it a a not an excitement fee, but it was like as a student pep rally fee or something so crazy like that.

[00:11:31] Yeah. Yeah.

[00:11:32] So it but I'm all for education too. I know. Pooh-pooh education. I pooh-pooh. People get ripped off and hoodwinked into overpaying for worthless stuff.

[00:11:42] That's exactly learned how to prove it. You nailed it.

[00:11:46] So the key is everything is a decision. Right. Economics is all about what risk are you taking on and how much does it cost? No matter what decision we make in the case of a college education, graduate school education, the same risk and cost applies. So it can I mean, I loved my time in school. It was great. But if you look at the dollars and sense of how much it costs and what I got back in return, it doesn't make sense. And and now with the pandemic, this ties into working from home, because now students are learning from home that they're not on campuses right now. And on top of that, Harvard announced recently that their fall semester is probably going to continue to be from home virtual learning. So then you'd have to take that into account. Wolf, I'm if I'm just learning at home watching a lecture that's already up on YouTube or Khan Academy, what am I getting from.

[00:12:43] That's a great excuse for them to raise the fees. Stanford just came out today is to put tents out in the in the the courtyards. Outside, yes.

[00:12:57] So it's again, it's all about risk and costs. And back when you went to school, you could probably get a degree at Stanford for less than ten thousand dollars a year, maybe less than five thousand dollars. I can tell you now to get a degree from Stanford. We're talking eighty ninety thousand dollars a year. And the tuition when I want to do that was eight years ago when I graduated. And the tuition has almost doubled from when I was there.

[00:13:25] Yes. If you take that quiz of mine, it's IMTCVA.org/quiz . It talks about the the raise and fees for both books and tuition compared to the rate of inflation. And it's most of it's eight times the rate of inflation for no apparent reason. It's so. Yeah. So we could, I could drag all those people all day but. But. So do you have you with all the things you do, you must have people working for you. They're all working remotely. Absolutely. Yeah. They're all remote spread across the world. So not just here in Tampa or the United States.

[00:14:04] I don't know contractors.

[00:14:06] They're all independent contractors or part time employees. OK. So I'm the only full time person. In fact, I just got an e-mail from my bank. Speaking of banks, different bank, Bank of America, another great, wonderful bank. I got a crude for my pee pee pee pee pee pee here and saw only one employee for Christian Media Marketing. That's me. So I'm the only person on payroll, but everyone else is an independent contractor or part time employee or intern. And I found that man. This model is it has been I mean, it's been incredible because when I started working with a client early on in 2013, that's all his company, everyone was an independent contractor and he crossed it to an extreme, still does really well. And millions upon millions of dollars in gross revenue. Completely virtual. Completely independent contractor. And that's kind of opened my eyes like, wow, I never, you know, gone to Duke and working at J.P. Morgan, everything was all about, oh, I need to hire someone. I need to hire someone full time and put them in this desk. And that was the first time I opened my eyes and was like, no, that's not how business and an economy run. That's how corporate America might run.

[00:15:22] And that's my why of the bust. Maybe it was before your time, but the dot com bust was because they shoveled millions and millions of dollars to web behind the years. Kids that just spend it like crazy on these things, probably fifty dollars a square foot for their fancy offices and pool tables. It's ridiculous.

[00:15:47] Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous. And I see startups doing that still. And I'm like, here you are. You just raise all this funding from investors and this is what you're gonna spend it on, like what happened to your actual business and your business model.

[00:15:59] Yeah. And I'm so proud of this. I don't know if I told you about this guy when I was on your show, but the one of the young people I started out just sold Pluto.TV for three hundred and forty million dollars. No, you didn't. Yeah. Yeah. He's he's the I grabbed him out of Comp USA, which doesn't exist anymore. He.

[00:16:20] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And he told me you told me his story but you didn't tell me he sold a business for 300. Yeah. Told me everything except for the selling.

[00:16:29] But it was his third startup and he would have just been a regular corporate guy. But I grabbed him up when. In tenth grade and then and then he he sold his first startup for a million and a half, his second win for six million. And this last one for three hundred and forty million to Viacom.

[00:16:47] That's all so know it's all over the news that Viacom bought Pluto.TV, which was his company. And. But the thing is, was I remember seeing pictures of the company. It wasn't all fancy. It was a bunch of people and not even cubicles just lined up with laptops and computers. And he kept his costs low. I guess he probably learned some of that off of me because I'm very frugal. I'm not a cheapskate, but my you know, my dad came from Syria on a cattle boat with nothing. And I mean, we basically grew up very frugal. And, you know, people spend a lot of money.

[00:17:24] You got to make way, way, way more money to just break even where if you can keep your costs low, you can be profitable with, you know, very quickly.

[00:17:34] Yeah, yeah. No, you're right, you're absolutely right. And talking about the I love the immigrant story because most immigrants who come here to the United States come here with nothing. I'm a child of immigrants by my parents. Not, as I wouldn't say rags, because it. And what my father came here for education. So if you come here for education, you kind of have a leg up, but you just come here with nothing but the clothes and your backpack. That's incredible, incredible story. And I know so many people in my family, extended family, my wife's family, who came here with negatives. I mean, they have five dollars in their pocket. And I've always tried to model my just the way that I live life, but also my entrepreneurship of being a business person as if I was an immigrant. So the way I live my lifestyle by spending habits, both in my business and personally, I try to model it after that immigrant lifestyle. And so that's part of the reason. It's like, OK, I can go out, raise funding, get nice offices, hire people full time and try to live this big life. Or I can work from home, from my home office in front of my laptop and not have to waste money on buying a nice car. Waste time driving around wastes even more money on recruiting and retaining HRR health care. So it's just kind of that immigrant mentality in me that made me want to hustle to get to where I am right now.

[00:19:09] Yeah. No, I'm all for that guy's life.

[00:19:11] I mean, I have my the one thing that I am hassling with is my school because it's, you know, thirty or thirty five, thirty seven hundred square feet. That's empty now because the employees are working at home. So. So yeah. I had to have it though to get the license for the school. You can't work out of your home and be certified to go to school. So. So but you know, I think that all the time I'm seeing that empty square footage sitting there just bleeding money and I want to go.

[00:19:45] Yeah. So. So are other things. I mean, my employees look at me like, why are you buying off eBay? Well, because I can get good deals. I mean, I just go I just got my ham radio license, a pass to test in about a week.

[00:19:59] And then I, I got a window, an offer up and I got radios. Five hundred bucks for a hundred bucks. I'm thinking it's 400 bucks. I could have just blown it had the same radio. So that's kind of life I live. So.

[00:20:15] So tell us more about the your daily schedule. What do you do when you work from home? You get up early, you work out. How's it go?

[00:20:27] Well, let me give you a philosophical answer to that. So part of being an entrepreneur working from home is you have to be healthy, not just physically, but I believe that you and this was taken from one of my favorite books, Seven Habits of highly effective people.

[00:20:45] You have to be healthy mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. So physically, I tried to do something physical, whether it's running a mile every day or playing went on lockdown. But generally, I played tennis one one to two times a week.

[00:21:04] I used to play more basketball and beach volleyball when I was single. Beach volleyball, I live. I used to live on a beach and Tampa Bay, so I used to play beach volleyball, grass, volleyball, basketball.

[00:21:17] I don't play as much anymore now that I don't live on the beach anymore. And I have a wife and kid, but I like physical activity is very important to me mentally that's exercising the brain.

[00:21:30] So that's reading a lot. I do read a lot. I write a lot. I play chess once a week with a group here. Emotionally just kind of means being around people who don't bring you down, who encourage you, and we enjoy being around. You don't want to be around people who make you feel uncomfortable or insecure. So I only do things I'm active in the community. I'm on the board of a couple of organizations here in Tampa Bay and outside of Tampa Bay.

[00:21:57] So I give back in that sense and then spiritually is simply to me, I happen to be religious and I happen to to go to the temple once a week in general to pray.

[00:22:14] But spiritually, to me that's part of it. But the other part is just giving thanks and being content with and being content and thankful for everything that you have. So there are times when my business wasn't going well and these four kind of legs on a chair kept me sane and the spirituality part would keep me the most sane. So just be thankful that I do have a business that is generating something and that I'm able to support myself. So these four areas I try to implement every day at some point and sleep is incredibly important. So I try to get a minimum seven hours of sleep a night. That's so just super, super. I found that to be a game changer as far as because people say, man, how do you run this business? And I also have a real estate business and now you're on the board of these organizations and you write these quotes and like, how are you doing it? And my secret is sleep. You get the seven hours sleep and all of a sudden you feel. Yeah, I might wake up later than the corporate guy or. Than the average person. But that's either because I'm staying up late or working or working on myself, proving myself. Which in turn improves my ideas, my creativity, my business. So that sleep is credibly important.

[00:23:27] Yeah, I used to rag against sleep. I used to say sleep was overrated. And then as I got older, I said maybe I should rethink that.

[00:23:35] It depends. I mean, sleep is definitely good for one's health. The way I see it, I know people who think sleep is for wimps and they especially like political type, like politicians because they never sleep. I don't know how they you know. Oh, yeah. Sleep is for wimps and this and that. And I used to be in your boat and be like that. Sleep is for wimps. But then I realized when when you get sleep, you don't feel tired during the day and you feel more at least for me. Everyone's different. Right. Well, that's what you eat, too.

[00:24:06] If you if you pack in the carbs and you kind of cloud your brain for.

[00:24:12] Yeah. Well, what should we eat? That's that's another topic that has to do with the physical side. And I'm almost being I live in a vegan house. Our house is vegan. But even when we go out to eat, that's fully strictly vegetarian. So no fictional meat, no nothing. So I'm like vegan. I would say like 60 to 70 percent of the time. And vegetarian. 30 percent of the time. Which just kind of automatically gets rid of a lot of the bad stuff.

[00:24:39] I never invite you to the retreat center then because I wouldn't be out.

[00:24:44] We feel guilty. Yeah. Oh, no. It's a liability. But we we make people feel out of forum what they want to eat. This is I see vegan.

[00:24:51] I'm like, oh my God, I gotta go buy six dollar cookies that taste like a piece of cardboard. I buy all this stuff and then they come and they say, oh, I just take off this weekend and I'll just eat regular Stratego, you know, terabits, do I tell you about my tennis website? No.

[00:25:13] Yes. Did not. Yes. Because I talk about, you know, making your hobby is tax deductible. Right. In your family interest, tax deductible. So I'm a tennis nut. So I have a site called Fatso Tennis. It's for people that are overweight and out of shape that love tennis.

[00:25:31] So I have a DVD I produced. I have the dubious distinction of being the largest person ever to produce and star in a tennis training video.

[00:25:43] Oh, yeah. Yeah. I don't know because I know you played professional, but college. Yeah, I play football.

[00:25:48] Yeah. But I just took up tennis in my thirties. I just loved it. But, you know, it's all about how big fat people can run the younger people to death before they dropped it.

[00:26:00] So.

[00:26:02] So. So it sounds like you don't get up at the crack of dawn. Right.

[00:26:07] Now, when my son was born, I was it put me on a good schedule. But now even he's my wife and I have rubbed off on him. He still like he's just so tiny little baby. But he's getting up when we get home, which is good for good for us.

[00:26:26] But he's also sleeping in nebbishy, a part of the business.

[00:26:30] No, she has nothing to do with my business or business. And she's not. She's like a..

[00:26:37] Business, not us. Edri think that if you just decided to quit and bring any money.

[00:26:46] Was she. Well, she's a she's. She's a physician so.

[00:26:50] Oh yeah. So she.

[00:26:52] She does well but but not on the business side. A long time ago I quit speaking to physicians and lawyers who work that well.

[00:27:04] Well, it's funny because on our first date I was very upfront. This was like within hours and meeting. And I was there because I also have a lot of physician friends. We're friends, like because we have fun together. We don't talk about their jobs or pharmaceuticals or any treatments or anything like that because I am extremely and tie meds when I say End-Time, that is anti medical industry, anti big pharma Tom FDA should be abolished. And so we got that out of our out of the way on our first date. And that's pretty much the end of our talk about medicine.

[00:27:44] So she figured we're not sure where you live. Tampa. Tampa Bay. So is. Is she getting, like, buried with the grown up stuff?

[00:27:55] No, not at all. No. Oh, no. It is her. Her group is is responsible at Tampa General Hospital.

[00:28:02] So, I mean, is she you know, then it has to go for she's involved in it, but she's involved with it.

[00:28:08] They're suppose to be taking care of the patients, but there just aren't too many patients coming in. Good. Well, that's good to have people stopped going to the hospital. And so she's been coming home early every day for the past two months, since mid-March, because her patients have been essentially cut in half and her pays a saint because she works for basically like a non-profit. She works for the university. She was on a private group. I know I have friends who work in private groups and their pay's been slashed by 50 percent.

[00:28:39] I mean, they're laying off people at hospitals and stuff because they were gearing up for all this stuff that never happened. But that's good that she's to keep her her salary going there. So.

[00:28:51] So let's just switch gears here and tell us more about the Fifty Shades of marketing.

[00:28:56] Yeah, well, 50 Shades of marketing. I wrote it five years ago in two thousand fifty at the end of 2000, the time the movie was out.

[00:29:04] Same here. Yeah. That's good. Yeah.

[00:29:08] Yep. So the movie the book had already been out. Fifty Shades of Mark. Sorry, 50 Shades of Grey had already been out for, I want to say four years. But Part one movie had come out earlier in the year. And so I always wanted always meaning since I got into online and digital. My goal was to write a book, kind of a primer on online and digital marketing, and that Primmer became 50 Shades of marketing with your business to shape and dominate your competition. And the idea behind Fifty Shades of marketing is that so many businesses, really life in general has been changing. I mean, every minute this was back in 2015. I mean, every minute hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent online just in the United States.

[00:29:59] Yeah. And more than now, you more than more than half a billion emails are sent.

[00:30:05] More than half a million tweets are tweeted every hour on Twitter. So I saw all these trends, like, man, things are going online and digital and then we saw in 2016.

[00:30:15] I mean, the role, one of my books called Trump Book. We saw the role that online and digital played in President Trump getting elected, that the matter is without online and digital, it wouldn't have been as effective. He ran in 2000 and he wasn't as effective as that guy running his campaign.

[00:30:32] Really? Sure.

[00:30:34] Absolutely. And he hired the data scientists and folks, you know, the data guys to analyze. I mean, he's he's a business guy. So he understands the these trends. Politicians aren't necessarily going to know they're going to hire the answer.

[00:30:47] Well, they did. She did. Clinton hired Jay-Z and Beyonce.

[00:30:54] So 50 Shades of marketing. I wrote it because the Internet, I saw it has become a necessity for conducting business, even brick and mortar businesses. Really, the latest virus has expedited that, I think in 2015 when I wrote the book. I was kind of in line on time, but now it's like all of a sudden everything has to go digital and telework and telecommute because of the virus.

[00:31:24] Yeah. And see, I'm sitting back here. I've been preaching this since 1996, so I started at nineteen ninety four. So when the commercial and that started and I could see I'm not any kind of future is but I could just see man it was hard enough to sell a product that cross the street. And you're telling me I can be in my basement on my computer and sell stuff around the world. Got to figure this out. But it just didn't catch on mainstream. But everybody is like, oh, boy, I wish I would've listened to you. Yeah, I bet you do it.

[00:31:56] And so you were even 20 years before I it.

[00:32:01] And I've been you know, I do a lot of these podcasts, interviews, radio interviews. And I talk about this topic called digital economics. And I've been talking and I and I've been saying, look, 2008, 2009, that essentially woke businesses up to start using technology and to start outsourcing and start hiring freelancers and independent contractors. And I've been saying that since I came out with 50 Shades of marketing for the past five years, that the next recession is going to make it permanent.

[00:32:32] So the businesses are going to fully adapt to outsourcing remote work and really using technology to replace people. And so far, that that recession has has come and it's, you know, almost overnight. It's all these strategies, these ideas have been implemented. And I think it's only going to continue to move forward in this direction for the better in the long haul. Yeah, I know a lot of people we've reached 20 percent unemployment. That's crazy. I get it. But and people have lost their jobs. I get it. But long, long term, I think this is going to be very good for the economy. It's going to be good for jobs. It's gonna be good.

[00:33:17] It's good for health. I mean, you know, everybody pooh poohed and like, was against telehealth before, you know, and now people that are not ambulatory can, you know, see their doctor on a computer now instead of trying to get their neighbor to take him somewhere they can't or that knows the telehealth is is finally two by four to the head to the medical industry, that a lot can be done remotely. You don't have to make somebody get up and kill themselves to get there, which is more dangerous than if they had just stayed home. So. So we've got to take a brief sponsor break when we come back. Nuray, she has a gift for everybody that I think you're going to like. And then we'll ask him what he feels like the future of Krish Media is going to be.

[00:34:08] So folks around the year 2000, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head. Guys like me at my level were charging 50 or 100 grand upfront to teach what we knew to business people. And and I knew a lot of these guys were rip offs so they wouldn't touch anyway if you gave them the money. And I thought, yeah, that's too much. Money is not really right for a small business, the risk, that kind of thing. So I turned to things on its head. They said, oh, you're going to pay me a relatively small entry fee to my program and then I'll take a percentage of your profits. That's capped. So for me to get my big money, you have to make way bigger money. And once you pay so much, you're not stuck with me forever. So people people really like this. And seventeen hundred students later, it's still going strong. That's got a lot of unique features. Like, again, guys like me won't even talk to you at all, but I will talk to you and my whole staff will talk to you one on one. So you have a series. We have serious skin in the game to help you be successful. Nobody else will do this. I'll put this program up against anybody on Earth. There's never been this long of a running mentor program or this successful. And we have a lot of unique features like that. You can't come here right now. But part of your deal is you have a immersion weekend that the great Internet marketing retreat center where you actually live in my house, stayed home with me with a small group, usually by five people as part of the deal. The whole program's a year long, but you don't really have to wait a year to make money. We have we have one girl in my school. After four months, she's making six thousand dollars a month on the side, quit her other job. And her dad had spent 80 grand on her education. She was working some crappy job. So this is something, if you take to it every business and. She was talking about that every business on earth knows they have to have this stuff, but most of the small businesses, however, are clueless. So's this. This young lady of my school just offered to take over their social media forum and they're like big and throwing money at or too because they don't know what they're doing. So there's all kinds of opportunities here that we teach. So if you get into my mentor program, you actually get a scholarship to my school that you can gift, which is what happened with this young lady. Her dad got in the mentor program. He gifted the scholarship to her. And now she's got a great career instead of the crappy job that he paid 80 grand for. So, he's dreading that. And so you can check out all the details at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com and then feel free to get in touch with me. There's no machine gun this or high pressure sales around here. If you don't see the value of what I have. It's okay with me. It's not going to change my lifestyle a bit, but it might change yours. So keep that in mind.

[00:37:09] All right. Let's get back to the main event. Naresh Vissa is here, and he has got a big, big surprise for everybody. Tell me about it in the race.

[00:37:19] I want to offer my book that we've touched on called 50 Shades of Marketing with your business into shape and dominate your competition. I want to offer this book to all your listeners completely free of charge. It's your choice on whether you want the Kindle version, the audio book version or both version. Well, I will offer them both to you. All you have to do is go to my Web site at nareshvissa.com and we'll have that in the show notes.

[00:37:45] So if you can't spell it.

[00:37:48] Yep. So just go to nareshvissa.com. Get on my mailing list and you will see on my Web site. In a race for Secombe, how you can contact me through email. You can contact. I think my Twitter is on there and my Facebook is on there. But just contact me the e-mail. Say you heard me on the Screw the Commute podcast. And you want your free book. And I will then send it to Austin and offer that to all your listeners. It's about it if you get both. That's about a 20 dollar value.

[00:38:18] Wow. Wow. What a good deal. So that's that's awesome, folks. So we'll have it in the show. Notes for the Races Web site. And so what do you think? The future. Thank you so much. So what do you think the future of Quraysh Media is going to be with you? How's it going to evolve?

[00:38:36] Well, a really Tom it's a lifestyle business. So I'm at a point in my business right now where it's kind of on autopilot. To be honest, the growth I mean, it does. Well, like I said, it's a lifestyle business. The growth is is not as scalable as as I initially thought it could be, which is okay because Krish Media and marketing has allowed me to get involved in other private equity deals, other investment opportunities that are now all looking like they in the year 2020 could generate more money than Chris media. So none of those would have been possible without Chris media and marketing. And Chris, media marketing is going to continue to be in business as long as the market dictates that it can stay in business. It's it's been my bread and butter. We do a really good job at what we've been doing. And I think as we as more of the world continues to go digital and online, Chris, media marketing is going to continue to have more opportunities. So I'm excited about that. I'm excited about all the different projects that we're currently working on and what we will be working on. And if it grows even more great, if it stagnates, that's fine, too, because like I said, it's a lifestyle business and it does it does quite well. And if eventually. Look, I'm not naive. Krish Media marketing came in and we put employees out of work. We put other larger marketing agencies out of business. And 20, 30 years from now, some twenty five year old might come along and do the same thing to me. So.

[00:40:18] So that's why I. Old library. Ah, yeah. You said your eleven year old. Yeah. About math.

[00:40:25] So that I could very well happen. And that's what kind of gets me up every morning and, and it keeps me sharp and wanting to continue to learn more and stay hungry.

[00:40:38] Yeah. And, and I've always preached because I was in business long before the Internet was even thought of. And if you mix both online and off line, you can really clean up so live. Sounds like it's led you into some other things that aren't technically like Internet marketing kind of stuff. So that's that's great. So tell him about the your podcast.

[00:41:00] Podcast is called The Work from Home Show Website. Workfromhomeshow.com we're everywhere. Tune in, Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, you name it, we're everywhere. We've now reached 13 countries, have sixteen hundred listeners worldwide. We only got started and when this pandemic got started. So in late March is when we launched. It was kind of a last minute thing because, Chris, media and marketing already had the infrastructure in place to launch a podcast, do all the Web stuff through the marketing gap, build the listenership. We were able to get up and running in one business day that that podcasts. And so that also was on autopilot. It's been a lot of fun. We've interviewed some awesome, great guests like you, Tom twice and twice.

[00:41:45] We interviewed you twice. We're that good. But we've gotten some other big names.

[00:41:50] Who we we are very excited about big name doctors, talking about the pandemic, talking about staying healthy while working at home, talking about mental health. We've gotten some big name marketers, business people, and talking about this process of shifting to work from home. It's when we even got Joe Biden, one of Joe Biden's policy directors, as former CFO when he was vice president, to talk about work from home and what politicians are planning.

[00:42:19] And Joe's working from home and he chose Josiane. I'm working from home. He had to work from home pretty hard today.

[00:42:27] I go any deeper than that. I work hard today. Yes, it has.

[00:42:34] So it's it's been awesome. Check out workfromhomeshow.com. And it's just been extremely timely. We've helped him. The feedback we bought we've gotten has been awesome when it comes to helping people make that transition from their corporate office to their home office.

[00:42:53] Beautiful. Beautiful. Thanks. The race for coming on. Really appreciate it. And folks, make sure you grab a copy of 50 Shades of Marketing. Check out the Ratio's podcast. He is a co-host. It helps him out on that, too. And just looking back over this episode, he's created a really nice lifestyle business and really a few years, not that many years, provides for his family, lets him get up when he wants to and do what he wants to. That's what a lifestyle business is all about.

[00:43:25] And so thanks for coming on, man.

[00:43:29] Hey, it's been a pleasure. Tom always, always a good time.

[00:43:34] All right. So, everybody, we'll catch you on the next episode. See you later.

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