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824 – Do music the RIGHT way: Tom talks Royalty Free Music

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Royalty Free Music

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Tom talks Royalty Free Music           Tom talks Royalty Free Music          
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    Today, we're going to talk about royalty free music. Music can really help your productions out, but you do not want to get in trouble over it. And I've been there.

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    823 – Sound Great Make Money: Tom talks 25 Tips on How to Sound Great

    Screw The Commute Podcast

    Tom talks 25 Tips on How to Sound Great

    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
    Tom talks 25 Tips on How to Sound Great           Tom talks 25 Tips on How to Sound Great          
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      Today, I'm going to give you 25 tips on how to sound great. See, audio is the only medium where you can learn or be entertained while doing something else. So you really want to sound great. And it's easy to sound great nowadays, and you're competing against other people that are doing the things I'm telling you right now. So you don't want to sound terrible compared to your competitors. And another rule of thumb, people will put up with poor video. Even though I want you to shoot great video, but they will not put up with poor audio.

      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

      822 – Start your day RIGHT: Tom talks Morning Routines

      Screw The Commute Podcast

      Tom talks Morning Routines

      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
      Tom talks Morning Routines           Tom talks Morning Routines          
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        I'm going to talk about morning routines. And, I've interviewed over 400 guests on this podcast and almost all of them, I ask, hey, how do you start your day? What do you do? You get up early? Do you eat? Do you journal? Do you meditate? What do you do? And almost all of them had a morning routine that worked well for them.

        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

        821 – Email is still king: Tom talks Five Emails That Made Money

        Screw The Commute Podcast

        Tom talks Five Emails That Made Money

        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
        Tom talks Five Emails That Made Money           Tom talks Five Emails That Made Money          
        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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          Today, I'm going to give you a breakdown on five emails that made money along with all the explanation of what I did, what the purpose of it was, the psychology of it, the whole bit. It's part of my book, 50 Emails That Made Money, that breaks down 50 different ones that all made money, tells you what the subject line was, why it was done that way, what the individual paragraphs were for, all of that stuff.

          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

          820 – Don’t let your business stop: Tom talks Playing While Injured

          Screw The Commute Podcast

          Tom talks Playing While Injured

          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
          Tom talks Playing While Injured           Tom talks Playing While Injured          
          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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            Today's episode is called Playing While Injured. How do you keep the money coming in when your injured? That's what I'm going to tell you in this episode.

            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

            819 – The Art of Repurposing: Tom interviews Judith Briles

            Screw The Commute Podcast

            Tom interviews Judith Briles

            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
            Tom interviews Judith Briles           Tom interviews Judith Briles          
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              I'm here with Judith Briles, and she's going to talk about the art and magic of repurposing. That's music to my ears. What a dynamo lady she is, and I can't wait to hear what she did to get covered by the National Enquirer.

              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

              818 – Make your website search better: Tom talks Improving Search Part 2

              Screw The Commute Podcast

              Tom talks Improving Search Part 2

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              Tom talks Improving Search Part 2           Tom talks Improving Search Part 2          
              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                This is a second part of a two part series on improving search on both Google and on your website. Episode 817 was the first part on improving when you're searching to make yourself more efficient, and this one is on your site. Can people find the things that they want easily?

                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                817 – Level up on search: Tom talks Improving Search Part 1

                Screw The Commute Podcast

                Tom talks Improving Search Part 1

                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                Tom talks Improving Search Part 1           Tom talks Improving Search Part 1          
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                  This is part one of a two part series on improving search in both Google and on your website. In other words, can you find what you're looking for easily and fast? And can the visitors of your website do the same? Today, I'm going to be improving your search efficiency when you are searching for something, and Monday will be improving the search function on your website. That'll be episode 818, so watch for that.

                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                  816 – Getting people together: Tom talks Running Retreats

                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                  Tom talks Running Retreats

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                  Tom talks Running Retreats           Tom talks Running Retreats          
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                    Hey, we're going to talk about running retreats. Now, you don't have to have a big honking estate like I do to do retreats. You can do them in hotels and even a crazy yacht or something out in the wilderness all over the place. Now, if you do have a house, you can most likely get some great tax deductions for using as part of your business. And I'll be discussing that too in this episode.

                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                    815 – Bad things for your website: Tom talks Top Fifteen Mistakes

                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                    Tom talks Top Fifteen Mistakes

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                    Tom talks Top Fifteen Mistakes           Tom talks Top Fifteen Mistakes          
                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                      Today, we're going to talk about a blog posting I wrote. It was around 2014 and it was called The Top 15 Mistakes People Make on Their Websites. And you know what? People are still making the same mistakes today.

                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                      814 – Everyone loves a good story: Tom talks Story Emails

                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                      Tom talks Story Emails

                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                      Tom talks Story Emails           Tom talks Story Emails          
                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                        Today, we're going to talk about story emails. I put out one just this week and got a lot of interesting responses.

                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                        812 – Using video formats the right way: Tom talks MOV vs MP4

                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                        Tom talks MOV vs MP4

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                        Tom talks MOV vs MP4           Tom talks MOV vs MP4          
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                          Today, we're going to talk about some things you really need to get a handle on, and that is the video formats. They are really important on how you distribute video and shoot video and edit video and so forth. So it'll be pretty quick, but you'll learn the differences between movie files and MP4 files, and even Android has some other kind of files.

                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                          811 – Compliance can be a profit center: Tom interviews Tom Fox

                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                          Tom interviews Tom Fox

                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                          Tom interviews Tom Fox           Tom interviews Tom Fox          
                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                            We're with a really great guy today. His name is Tom Fox. He runs the Compliance Podcast Network, but he's also got some twist to his background that has to do with children. I think you'll find interesting.

                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                            810 – These will help your life and business: Tom talks Gadgets

                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                            Tom talks Gadgets

                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                            Tom talks Gadgets           Tom talks Gadgets          
                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                              Today, I'm going to talk about gadgets. These are gadgets that I have, and I'm going to break it down into some that I might buy and some that I would never buy. And these are things that make my life easier, safer, more productive and it's by far not a comprehensive list, because I got all kinds of stuff everywhere I couldn't even think of.

                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                              809 – Operations is her game: Tom interviews Jhana Li

                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                              Tom interviews Jhana Li

                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                              Tom interviews Jhana Li           Tom interviews Jhana Li          
                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                I'm here with Jhana Li and this lady, I've watched her a little bit and she uses the term badass all the time. But you know what? She's a badass when it comes to scaling a business and one of the smartest people we ever had on this show.

                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                808 – Comedy is serious money: Tom interviews Alfie Noakes

                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                Tom interviews Alfie Noakes

                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                Tom interviews Alfie Noakes           Tom interviews Alfie Noakes          
                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                  I'm here with Alfie Noakes and he's going to tell you how to make stand up comedy an actual moneymaking career, even though he was never a comedian himself. How about that? Now, in a former life, Alfie was a film journalist and a documentary maker, and he wrote and directed films on artists as diverse as Jennifer Lopez and all the way to Metallica. And here's the thing. Richard Gere really does not like him, but Jack Black really does.

                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                  807 – Don’t get ripped off: Tom talks PPC Pilferage

                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                  Tom talks PPC Pilferage

                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                  Tom talks PPC Pilferage           Tom talks PPC Pilferage          
                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                    Today's episode is called PPC Pilferage. PPC is pay per click. I'm going to be talking about reducing the amount of money that you get ripped off when using any pay per click system to advertise, and you most likely are getting ripped off. Now, I've got evidence.

                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                    806 – Be a creator and make money: Tom talks ASMR

                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                    Tom talks ASMR

                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                    Tom talks ASMR           Tom talks ASMR          
                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                      Today, we're going to talk about becoming an ASMR creator. Now, if you don't know what ASMR is, then you're going to find out on this episode and you may find that it's perfect for you. Now, for me, I don't want anything to do with it. Well, unless I was an ASMR eating creator and then I might like it.

                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                      805 – Attract business with Charisma: Tom talks The Art of Rizz

                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                      Tom talks The Art of Rizz

                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                      Tom talks The Art of Rizz           Tom talks The Art of Rizz          
                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                        Today, we're going to talk about the art of Rizz and what's Rizz you say? Well, that's the cool way to say charisma. Now we're going to talk about how that can attract business to you and also your personal life a little bit, but how you can increase your charisma.

                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                        804 – Increase your income and grow: Tom talks Maximize Speaking

                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                        Tom talks Maximize Speaking

                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                        Tom talks Maximize Speaking           Tom talks Maximize Speaking          
                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                          Today, I'm going to just give you a little primer on how to maximize your income any time you speak or do a presentation. You're leaving money on the table, figuratively and literally, if you don't use these tips, tricks and techniques. Would I steer you wrong?

                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                          803 – You Ask Tom Answers: Tom talks Questions

                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                          Tom talks Questions

                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                          Tom talks Questions           Tom talks Questions          
                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                            Currently Playing

                                            Today, we're going to reach back to some of our episodes on when I answer questions that I get through email. There'll be a bunch of new questions here, and we do this once in a while for folks to learn and try new things.

                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                            802 – How to be a Humble Alpha: Tom interviews Steven Kuhn

                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                            Tom interviews Steven Kuhn

                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                            Tom interviews Steven Kuhn           Tom interviews Steven Kuhn          
                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                              Currently Playing

                                              We're here in Vetpreneurs Month and we have a guest that I think is a record holder with us now. This is his fourth appearance here. His name is Steven Kuhn. This guy, I met him through the military stuff and he's got deep rooted beliefs in building trust and rapport. He's got this hit method, honesty, integrity and transparency. And, you know, we're all about that here.

                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                              801 – Great Publicity is available: Tom talks Podcast Agencies

                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                              Tom talks Podcast Agencies

                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                              Tom talks Podcast Agencies           Tom talks Podcast Agencies          
                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                Currently Playing

                                                Today, we're going to talk about hiring a podcast agency, the pros and cons and the alternatives, both cheap and free. Now I'm a big proponent of being on podcasts for great publicity and warm introductions.

                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                800 – He’s The Comeback Coach: Tom interviews Richard Kaufman

                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                Tom interviews Richard Kaufman

                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                Tom interviews Richard Kaufman           Tom interviews Richard Kaufman          
                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                  Currently Playing

                                                  We couldn't have a better guest on this momentous episode. His name is Richard Kaufman. He's the comeback coach. And when you hear his story of what crap he's been through and and came back and now is inspiring thousands of other tens of thousands of other people, you'll be amazed.

                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                  799 – Helping veterans help themselves: Tom interviews Adam Bardwell

                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                  Tom interviews Adam Bardwell

                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                  Tom interviews Adam Bardwell           Tom interviews Adam Bardwell          
                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                  Back 15 seconds
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                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                    Currently Playing

                                                    I'm here with Adam Bardwell and this is part of Vetpreneur Month. Every September, we honor our great veterans and the great things that they're doing. And I got to tell you, he's going to be so impressed with me because I can deploy my cat tourniquet gen seven on either my left or right arm in less than 25 seconds. How do you like that?

                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                    798 – Take your website skills to the next level: Tom talks WordPress Full Site Editing

                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                    Tom talks WordPress Full Site Editing

                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                    Tom talks WordPress Full Site Editing           Tom talks WordPress Full Site Editing          
                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                    Back 15 seconds
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                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                      Currently Playing

                                                      I'm here with my right hand, left hand, all hands guy, Larry Guerrera, who, by the way, has worked the back end of every one of these podcasts, 800 and some podcasts. So he knows what he's doing there for sure. I guess I should be careful saying working the back end, but it's technically what it is. So today, Larry's going to tell us about WordPress full site editing and all the changes that have happened on WordPress recently.

                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                      797 – Creating a Positive Impact for Veterans: Tom interviews Richelle Futch

                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                      Tom interviews Richelle Futch

                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                      Tom interviews Richelle Futch           Tom interviews Richelle Futch          
                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                      Back 15 seconds
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                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                        Currently Playing

                                                        We're right in the middle or the beginning of Vetpreneur Month here. Every September, we honor our great veterans and I've got one of my superstar favorite veteran military spouses on with us today, Richelle Futch. And she's going to tell us about the great things she's been doing this year.

                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                        796 – Veterans connecting Veterans: Tom interviews Jared Ledbetter

                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                        Tom interviews Jared Ledbetter

                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                        Tom interviews Jared Ledbetter           Tom interviews Jared Ledbetter          
                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                        Back 15 seconds
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                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                          Currently Playing

                                                          We're here again in September. It's Vetpreneur Month and we've got another great veteran on here. Jared Ledbetter is here from Carbon Digital.us and also from The Veteran Database that he's going to tell us about. He's a proud United States Marine Corps veteran and he's worked in supply and logistics for well over 15 years during the Marine Corps and as a government contractor and a federal employee.

                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                          795 – Protect your sensitive data: Tom talks Encrypted QR Codes

                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                          Tom talks Encrypted QR Codes

                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                          Tom talks Encrypted QR Codes           Tom talks Encrypted QR Codes          
                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                            Currently Playing

                                                            It's Labor Day 2023, and I promise I'm going to make this short and sweet, and this is going to be a technical one that I don't even talk about hardly at all, but I want you to know about it so it'll be really quick. It's on encrypted QR codes. Now, if you don't know what a QR code is, I highly suggest that you listen to episodes 241 and 780. Basically, I'll tell you in a minute what they are, but you need to listen to those back episodes and to see all the cool things you can do with QR codes.

                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                            794 – Lifetime memories in the making: Tom interviews Dustin Perkins

                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                            Tom interviews Dustin Perkins

                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                            Tom interviews Dustin Perkins           Tom interviews Dustin Perkins          
                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                            Back 15 seconds
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                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                              Back 15 seconds
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                                                              Currently Playing

                                                              I'm here with Dustin Perkins and he is kicking off Vetpreneur Month. I got to tell you, I look forward every September to highlighting the great people that are doing great things in the entrepreneurial world and they were keeping us safe.

                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                              793 – How to get a Great Deal: Tom talks Saving Money

                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                              Tom talks Saving Money

                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                              Tom talks Saving Money           Tom talks Saving Money          
                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                Today, we're going to talk about saving money. Yes, I am all into making money, but if you make the money and save the money, it puts you way further ahead faster. Instead of blowing all the money that you make on worthless full retail things when you don't have to.

                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                792 – Beware and Be Aware: Tom talks AI Bias with Larry

                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                Tom talks AI Bias with Larry

                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                Tom talks AI Bias with Larry           Tom talks AI Bias with Larry          
                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                  Today is going to be a warning shot across the bow of artificial intelligence. It's going to be about artificial intelligence bias with my right hand, left hand man. I don't know what I can call him. Larry, the guy that you all know and love from doing the back end on all these podcasts. So he's front and center now because he's kind of a little AI freak lately since it came out. So we're going to have him on and tell you about the bias he's uncovered and what people are saying about it.

                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                  791 – Rich Men, North of Richmond: Tom reacts to this song

                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                  Tom reacts to Rich Men, North of Richmond

                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                  Tom reacts to Rich Men, North of Richmond           Tom reacts to Rich Men, North of Richmond          
                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                    This has to be the furthest I've ever departed from straight entrepreneur stuff, right? Even though it probably will have some entrepreneurial lessons in it this episode. But I'm going to do a reaction podcast to the historic and I mean historic song Rich Men, North of Richmond.

                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                    790 – Use these to enhance your presentations: Tom talks Caricature and Cartoons

                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                    Tom talks Caricature and Cartoons

                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                    Tom talks Caricature and Cartoons           Tom talks Caricature and Cartoons          
                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                      Now this is part of a series I'm doing on presentations and speeches based on my classic book. Classic, because it's been around a long time. Wake 'em Up Business presentations. And I still use the same techniques today. So today I'm going to talk about using caricature and cartoons and how to use these in presentations, especially if you have an international audience. I mean, everybody loves cartoons and comic strips and caricature and stuff like that, but it's especially important with international audiences.

                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                      789 – Be a success as a trickster: Tom talks On Stage Tricks

                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                      Tom talks On Stage Tricks

                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                      Tom talks On Stage Tricks           Tom talks On Stage Tricks          
                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                        We begin such good feedback on these presentation tips that can help build your business or if you want to be a pro speaker, or if you just forced at your job to be a presenter. Hey, this can lead to raises and career changes and promotions, but I like to use it to promote your business because, this is Screw the Commute. We don't want you going to that job every day if you can help it.

                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                        788 – Presentations as smooth as silk: Tom talks Practice Methods

                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                        Tom talks Practice Methods

                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                        Tom talks Practice Methods           Tom talks Practice Methods          
                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                          Currently Playing

                                                                          Today, I'm going to talk about presentation practice methods. It turns out this week is going to be about presentations, maybe a little bit next week, too. We'll see. But these methods will keep you on track even if an earthquake happens during your presentation.

                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                          787 – Keep your audience focused: Tom talks Attention Gaining Devices

                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                          Tom talks Attention Gaining Devices

                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                          Tom talks Attention Gaining Devices           Tom talks Attention Gaining Devices          
                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                            Today, we're going to talk about attention gaining devices. What the heck does that mean, Tom? Well, I did the intro to bomb proofing for your presentations and speeches when you have to do them to make sure that everything goes good. So I got such good feedback on that. I said, okay, well, maybe I'll do this week on presentation skills and and things. I'm not trying to make you professional speakers unless you want to be, but any time you have to do this or you need to do this, you want to make the best of it as you possibly can. So today we're going to talk about attention gaining devices. This is the whole basis of my Wake 'em Up speaking system.

                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                            786 – Defuse your presentations: Tom talks Bomb Proofing

                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                            Tom talks Bomb Proofing

                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                            Tom talks Bomb Proofing           Tom talks Bomb Proofing          
                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                            Back 15 seconds
                                                                            Forward 60 seconds
                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                              Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Sometimes you have to do a presentation either at work or to promote your business or something like that. Or maybe you like speaking and you want to improve on it. So this is going to be an introduction to bomb proofing. This is why no matter where I speak, I never, ever, ever bomb. And there's a lot of money on the line when I go, so I can't take any chances here. But this stuff will help you in all your presentations.

                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                              785 – More Tips and More Productivity: Tom talks Ten Tips in Ten Minutes

                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                              Tom talks Ten Tips in Ten Minutes

                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                              Tom talks Ten Tips in Ten Minutes           Tom talks Ten Tips in Ten Minutes          
                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                Today, I'm going to give you ten tips in ten minutes, all on pretty much entrepreneur stuff.

                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                784 – Look what a Professional Immigrant can do: Tom interviews Kris Safarova

                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                Tom interviews Kris Safarova

                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                Tom interviews Kris Safarova           Tom interviews Kris Safarova          
                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                                  I'm here with Kris Safarova, and this is one prolific woman, let me tell you. And this one thing I got to ask her about this. She's co-chief executive officer of one of her companies and I'd never heard of such a thing having two CEOs. I think if I was going to do that, if anything good happen, I'd take the blame for it. And if the bad happened, I'd blame it on the other guys. I don't know how that works. And also, she's got an upcoming summit called The Author to Profit. I have been asked and very humbled to be part of it, so I'm looking forward to that coming up in October. And she is herself is a multiple bestselling author. And listen to this. She's a concert pianist at 13 years old. And then this other thing, she claims to be a professional immigrant. I don't know what that is either, but today she's going to talk and give us some real tips on authoring and writing. And I really loved one of her postings about six sources to knowledge, and I want to go over that with her.

                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                  783 – More Questions More Answers: Tom talks Q & A

                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                  Tom talks Q & A

                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                  Tom talks Q & A           Tom talks Q & A          
                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                    Today, I'm going to do one of my Question and Answer sessions. I do these periodically when questions start building up. So that's what we'll do today.

                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                    782 – Living the American Dream: Tom interviews Brigitta Hoeferle

                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                    Tom interviews Brigitta Hoeferle

                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                    Tom interviews Brigitta Hoeferle           Tom interviews Brigitta Hoeferle          
                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                      I'm here with Brigitta Hoeferle and she is educating and inspiring others from the heart. She's got degrees in marketing communication and this is, you know, I'm from the other side of the tracks. This is social pedagogy. That's way above my pay grade right there. That word and education. She's a highly qualified and professional international speaker. And today she's going to be talking about listening, communication, NLP and the laws of success.

                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                      781 – Storyteller Film Maker Entrepreneur: Tom interviews Ali The Professor

                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                      Tom interviews Ali The Professor

                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                      Tom interviews Ali The Professor           Tom interviews Ali The Professor          
                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                                        I'm here with Ali The Professor, and we'll have to ask him where the professor part came from when we bring him on. We're going to cover a lot of things about podcasting and mental health, which I'm kind of afraid of asking a mental health expert about my mental health. So we'll get into storytelling and a lot of interesting stuff.

                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                        780 – QR Codes go mainstream: Tom talks QR Codes Revisited

                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                        Tom talks QR Codes Revisited

                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                        Tom talks QR Codes Revisited           Tom talks QR Codes Revisited          
                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                          Currently Playing

                                                                                          Today, we're going to talk about QR codes. I'm kind of revisiting this topic I did a couple years ago. Now, these codes are simple to create and can make it a lot easier for people to do business with you.

                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                          779 – A Humanitarian Comedy Writer: Tom interviews Saeed El Jammal

                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                          Tom interviews Saeed El Jammal

                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                          Tom interviews Saeed El Jammal           Tom interviews Saeed El Jammal          
                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                                            I'm here all the way from London with Saeed El Jammal. I met him on another podcast and we had a blast on that thing. He is a dynamic podcaster with a passion for humanitarian work and global affairs.

                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                            778 – Making software better one test at a time: Tom interviews Jay Aigner

                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                            Tom interviews Jay Aigner

                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                            Tom interviews Jay Aigner           Tom interviews Jay Aigner          
                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                                              I'm here with Jay Aigner and this guy started a software testing company in his basement, and he also has a cool morning routine.

                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                              777 – The New Kid on the Social Media Block: Tom talks Threads

                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                              Tom talks Threads

                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                              Tom talks Threads           Tom talks Threads          
                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                                Today, we're going to talk about an introduction to Threads, the new social media platform tied to Facebook and Instagram and all that stuff.

                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                776 – Wisdom Coach and Star Wars actor: Tom interviews Marc Wendt

                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                Tom interviews Marc Wendt

                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                Tom interviews Marc Wendt           Tom interviews Marc Wendt          
                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                                                  I'm here with Marc Wendt and I got to tell you, I've seen a lot of coaches in my day. I've been around a long time, but I don't think I've ever seen someone take as much training for themselves to be a better coach than this guy. So many people get into coaching because they think it's an easy buck and they just put out a shingle and they're clueless, you know, idiots that have never did. What gets me is the life coaches that never did a thing in their entire life and they want to be your life coach. So I've been ragging on coaches quite a bit, but I've researched this guy and boy, he really improves his skills continuously and I really appreciate that. And plus, how many people do you know who've been in a Star Wars movie? Huh? Think about that.

                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                  775 – Engineer Attorney Fashion Expert: Tom interviews Christine Vartanian

                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                  Tom interviews Christine Vartanian

                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                  Tom interviews Christine Vartanian           Tom interviews Christine Vartanian          
                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                                    I'm here with Christine Vartanian and she is a woman of many talents. She was an engineer, an attorney, but her biggest accomplishment is being a great mom and she's a fashion expert now. She also can set up to make you look really great on these Zoom calls and all these other things you're doing remotely.

                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                    774 – Give your browser Super Powers: Tom talks Cool Tools

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                    Tom talks Cool Tools

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                    Tom talks Cool Tools           Tom talks Cool Tools          
                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                    Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                      Today, we're going to talk about some cool tools. Basically, these are chrome extensions. You really need to get in touch with chrome extensions. There's so many tools there. I mean, there's hundreds of thousands in fields like productivity, security, writing, social media, video, SEO, blogging, finding content, all kinds of stuff. So you really should fall in love with that. I picked out five of them today for you to get started.

                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                      773 – Get intimate with your favorite ChatBot: Tom interviews Richard Rosser

                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                      Tom interviews Richard Rosser

                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                      Tom interviews Richard Rosser           Tom interviews Richard Rosser          
                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                      Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                        Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                                                        I'm here with Richard Rosser. This is the Hollywood Richard Rosser. And I got to tell you, from what I've researched, this guy, Kiefer Sutherland, would be nobody if it wasn't for this Richard Rosser. And he's also an AI lover and he's going to tell you a lot about that today. I'm going to challenge him on some of the stuff on how lovely this artificial intelligence is.

                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                        772 – Entertainer Performer Media Provocateur: Tom interviews Gregory Wilker

                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                        Tom interviews Gregory Wilker

                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                        Tom interviews Gregory Wilker           Tom interviews Gregory Wilker          
                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                        Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                        Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                          Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                          Currently Playing

                                                                                                          I'm here with Greg Wilker and he is described as a media provocateur and us country bumpkins don't really know what that means, so we'll ask him. He's also a website counselor and therapist. He's been making websites almost as long as I have, and he's the co-host of Moped Outlaws podcast and also the host of Live with Greg and also worked at a radio station called The Bone.

                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                          771 – Prepare BEFORE disaster strikes: Tom talks Business Emergency Preparedness

                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                          Tom talks Business Emergency Preparedness

                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                          Tom talks Business Emergency Preparedness           Tom talks Business Emergency Preparedness          
                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                          Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                            Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                                                            Today, we're going to talk about business emergency preparedness. Of course, it would work for a lot of your personal life, too, because, I mean, you've got hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, high winds, electricity out, you got sickness, you got accidents. And and if you don't think this could ever happen to you, one of my students just talked to me this week and out of the blue, there was no warning. There was no nothing. She opens her front door and there's a giant tree from her yard laying in front of her front door. A tornado had struck her front yard and she was probably 30 feet from death. So you can't say, oh, it's never going to happen to me.

                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                            770 – Buying an auto? Listen to this NOW: Tom talks Auto Leasing vs Buying

                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                            Tom talks Auto Leasing vs Buying

                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                            Tom talks Auto Leasing vs Buying           Tom talks Auto Leasing vs Buying          
                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                            Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                              Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                                                              I'm going to talk about auto leasing versus buying for your company and all the pros and cons of that. And somehow, this entire week was about motor vehicles because episode 768, that people are just going crazy over, was on car rental hacks. I could save you thousands of dollars on car rentals if you just listen to that episode. And then also Episode 769 was all kinds of cool ways, and I'm not talking just Uber and Lyft. I'm talking about ways that you can get paid for driving.

                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                              769 – Turn your vehicle into a Cash Machine: Tom talks Get Paid For Driving

                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                              Tom talks Get Paid For Driving

                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                              Tom talks Get Paid For Driving           Tom talks Get Paid For Driving          
                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                                                I guess this must be like automobile driving week or something because episode 768 was rental car hacks. You got to listen to that one. It'll save you a fortune on renting cars. But today, we're going to talk about a lot of different ways to get paid for driving and get free and super cheap vehicles to drive if you want to drive them. Yeah, this is legit stuff. And you'll also get paid to drive for different kinds of deliveries, things without a fancy CDL license and yeah, I know I'm total internet guy, but I know some of you need cash and you can get it quick just using your car and driving around a little bit. So this will cover getting free and cheap driving trips and making some money with your car.

                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                768 – Save money and not get ripped off: Tom talks Rental Car Hacks

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                                                                                                                Tom talks Rental Car Hacks

                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                Tom talks Rental Car Hacks           Tom talks Rental Car Hacks          
                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                  Today, we're going to talk about rental car hacks. I've rented cars probably over a thousand times and I learned a little bit about saving tons of money and keeping from getting ripped off. Plus, in the next episode, 769, I'll give you tips on how to get free or a dollar a day rentals of cars and RVs. You know, if your schedule is flexible and how to get paid for just driving around.

                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                  767 – Resilience Parenting Axe Throwing: Tom interviews Avi Wolfson

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                                                                                                                  Tom interviews Avi Wolfson

                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                  Tom interviews Avi Wolfson           Tom interviews Avi Wolfson          
                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                                                    I'm here with Avi Wolfson and he is very passionate. He's got a lot of stuff going for himself. I'll tell you about his full intro, but we're going to talk about parenting. And he's making a business called the All Star Parent where you can get started for free.

                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                    766 – Tiny Homes Big Profits: Tom interviews Lance Cayko

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                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Lance Cayko

                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Lance Cayko           Tom interviews Lance Cayko          
                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                                      Lance Cayko is here, and I think that's not a stage name. He can tell us about that. But he is an award winning architect. And he got knocked down and he got back up with some guerrilla marketing techniques he's going to tell you about.

                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                      765 – Jump on and Get Published: Tom talks Paul Brodie Summits

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                                                                                                                      Tom talks Paul Brodie Summits

                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                      Tom talks Paul Brodie Summits           Tom talks Paul Brodie Summits          
                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                        I'm here with a repeat guest, Paul Brodie. He is one of the summit guys and he's got a “get published” summit going on right now. Just started today. So we want you to jump on that and check it out.

                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                        764 – Recycle and Revive your content: Tom talks Must Listens

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                                                                                                                        Tom talks Must Listens

                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                        Tom talks Must Listens           Tom talks Must Listens          
                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                        Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                          Today, we're going to talk about must listens. This is a super easy technique to revive and add to the consumption of your old or older content.

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                                                                                                                          763 – A fantastic tool for your audio content: Tom talks DJI Microphone

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                                                                                                                          Tom talks DJI Microphone

                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                          Tom talks DJI Microphone           Tom talks DJI Microphone          
                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                            Now, many of you know that I've recently got my commercial drone license. A side benefit of my studies in that field brought me to a fantastic microphone that speakers, authors, consultants, coaches, content creators are going to love and I'm going to tell you about it in this episode.

                                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                            762 – Boost your way to more business: Tom talks Cell Boosters

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                                                                                                                            Tom talks Cell Boosters

                                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                            Tom talks Cell Boosters           Tom talks Cell Boosters          
                                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                                                                              Today, we're going to talk about cell boosters, sometimes called cell extenders or repeaters. And this is going to help you get through when your normal signal is weak so you don't lose business and not be able to talk to people.

                                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                              761 – Up your marketing by answering questions: Tom talks Quora

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                                                                                                                              Tom talks Quora

                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                              Tom talks Quora           Tom talks Quora          
                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                Today, we're going to talk about a place where you can answer questions and they've got 300 million users. And you can really get your name out there. It'd be a good social media thing to add to your mix of marketing tools, and it's called Quora.

                                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                760 – Being pitiful doesn’t make you money: Tom talks Pitiful Podcast Pitches

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                                                                                                                                Tom talks Pitiful Podcast Pitches

                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                Tom talks Pitiful Podcast Pitches           Tom talks Pitiful Podcast Pitches          
                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                  Today, we're going to talk about pitiful podcast pitches. I get pitches all the time to be on this top rated show and most are pitiful and hardly even get looked at. And it doesn't take much to turn this around and put yourself in a position where podcast hosts want you on their show. And that's what this episode is about.

                                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                  759 – Free can be very very good: Tom talks Free Software

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                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Free Software

                                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Free Software           Tom talks Free Software          
                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                    Today, I'm going to talk to you about free software. I'm going to save you a ton of money today, give you lots of options and some are PC only, but many are both Mac and PC. And it's not just software, it's software as a service. So you just log on. So it doesn't matter if you're on a Mac or PC or Linux or whatever else.

                                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                    758 – Sell Things Get Paid Paid Paid: Tom talks Payment Processors

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                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Payment Processors

                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Payment Processors           Tom talks Payment Processors          
                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                      Today, we're going to talk about collecting the money. How about that? We're going to talk about payment processors and how you collect the money for selling stuff.

                                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                      757 – Crank up your video generator: Tom talks Exciting Video

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                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Exciting Video

                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Exciting Video           Tom talks Exciting Video          
                                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                        Today, we're going to talk about exciting video. I think I got about 15 tips. I tried to count them up and they just kept going and going. So you'll get at least a dozen tips, but you know how I do more? You get more than you bargained for. And you'll get more views on your videos if you do this stuff. And more results and engagement and sales and everything.

                                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                        756 – Real time customer growth: Tom talks Live Streaming

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                                                                                                                                        Tom talks Live Streaming

                                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                        Tom talks Live Streaming           Tom talks Live Streaming          
                                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                          Today, we're going to talk about live streaming. Now, this can be a great addition to your business to build credibility and connection with your audience. And you can even start right from your cell phone.

                                                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                          755 – There is good in being social online: Tom talks Social Media Success

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                                                                                                                                          Tom talks Social Media Success

                                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                          Tom talks Social Media Success           Tom talks Social Media Success          
                                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                          Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                            Today, I'm going to talk about social media success tips. Now, many of you know I consider social media a necessary evil. You have to have it. But for most of you, it's a waste of time business wise, because you may not understand some of the basic premises of how social media companies operate. I'm going to clear that up for you on this episode.

                                                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                            754 – Working elsewhere on your own terms: Tom talks Fast Recurring Cash

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                                                                                                                                            Tom talks Fast Recurring Cash

                                                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                            Tom talks Fast Recurring Cash           Tom talks Fast Recurring Cash          
                                                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                              Today, I'm going to talk about fast recurring cash. Now, there's not a week, or sometimes a day, that goes by that someone calls me up and wants to find a unicorn or someone to basically run their business for them. So today's episode is going to hone in on one aspect of business that you can focus on that's fun and you could make a substantial recurring income.

                                                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                              753 – Slow pokes get left in the dust: Tom talks Transfer Speeds

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                                                                                                                                              Tom talks Transfer Speeds

                                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                              Tom talks Transfer Speeds           Tom talks Transfer Speeds          
                                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                Today, we're going to talk about the exciting topic of transfer speeds. I mean, I've been getting lots of complaints that transferring files and charging devices and stuff like that takes forever and also upload and download speeds on your computer take forever or they're slow as molasses. So this episode will teach you how to get the fastest speeds possible. Plus, I got a super big warning for you to stay safe from being hacked.

                                                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                752 – Media can equal full time income: Tom talks Money From Media

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                                                                                                                                                Tom talks Money From Media

                                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                Tom talks Money From Media           Tom talks Money From Media          
                                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                  Today, we're using some alliteration on you and we're going to say Making money from media. And this is a good side hustle that could turn into full time income for some of you.

                                                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                  751 – Take a trip and plant a growth seed: Tom talks Travel Vlogging

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                                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Travel Vlogging

                                                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Travel Vlogging           Tom talks Travel Vlogging          
                                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                    Today, we're going to talk about travel vlogging or blogging, whichever way you want to talk about it. You know, I want nothing to do with this topic, actually. I've been lots of places in the world, I think about 12 countries, and I'm happy to sit home and and work my business. You know, I'm starting a drone business and hey, you know, come to think of it, a drone would be really handy in a travel vlogging business, you get some spectacular shots. So anyway, I'm not going to be doing any traveling, travel blogging or blogging anytime soon, but it is a viable business. And I know many of you would love to be out on the road after being cooped up for a couple of years with COVID.

                                                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                    750 – The epic battle to get more customers: Tom talks Social Selling vs Commerce

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                                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Social Selling vs Commerce

                                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Social Selling vs Commerce           Tom talks Social Selling vs Commerce          
                                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                      Today, we're going to talk about social selling versus social commerce. Now, many marketers get these two things mixed up, but I'm going to clear that up for you in this episode.

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                                                                                                                                                      749 – A business that’s taking off: Captain Tom talks Drone Business

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                                                                                                                                                      Captain Tom talks Drone Business

                                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                      Captain Tom talks Drone Business           Captain Tom talks Drone Business          
                                                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                                                                      Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                        Now here's the thing, folks. From now on, you must address me as Captain Tom. So this is another episode about something I've been harping on for over 25 years, and that's making your hobbies tax deductible. I'll tell you about my new hobby turned business.

                                                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

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