Daniel Hall is a former student of mine, an attorney and a nurse. (You don't see that combo every day hahaha) I helped put him on the map years ago by promoting his “Speak on Cruise Ships” product and since then he's taken off like wildfire and has his own online brand.
Jeff Herring used to be a psychologist and I tease him that I never met a psychologist that didn't need one. hahaha He was in my mentor program and has become a full time Internet marketer and he even has his own moniker, “The Content Marketing Guy”.
Tom and Alain discuss Alain's business “Survive a Shooting”. This business and his materials help keep you and your loved ones safe in a dangerous world. Alain is a lawyer and former Army sniper and sniper instructor. Alain is one of the few people in the world Tom would trust with his life.
Mike is “The Internet Audio Guy”, who was finally able to get Tom Antion to jump into the podcasting pool! He's a consultant and coach who helps businesses understand the Internet and what it can do for them. He also creates training courses and develops membership sites, while writing songs and music for podcasters and YouTubers (he wrote the Screw The Commute intro music) and loves playing Beatles songs. A well rounded guy who has extensive experience with the broadcast medium known as the Internet. PLUS He's got a gold record album and he'll tell you about it on this episode.
This is Tom Antion's maiden voyage into podcasting. In this first episode Tom introduces himself and goes in depth on the biggest mistake he's seen in 24 years selling online.