767 - Resilience Parenting Axe Throwing: Tom interviews Avi Wolfson - Screw The Commute

767 – Resilience Parenting Axe Throwing: Tom interviews Avi Wolfson

I'm here with Avi Wolfson and he is very passionate. He's got a lot of stuff going for himself. I'll tell you about his full intro, but we're going to talk about parenting. And he's making a business called the All Star Parent where you can get started for free.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 767

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[01:54] Tom's introduction to Avi Wolfson

[10:42] Overcoming challenges and self-publishing

[16:25] Raising children and reliable sources

[26:17] Being a dad with a young daughter

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Episode 767 – Avi Wolfson
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 767 of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Avi Wolfson and he is very passionate. He's got a lot of stuff going for himself. I'll tell you about his full intro in a minute, but we're going to talk about parenting. And he's making a business called the All Star Parent where you can get started for free. So we'll tell you about all that in a minute and and a bunch of other stuff about him. I hope you didn't miss episode 766. Now, listen to this. This is actually who I had on his real name. His real name is Lance Cayko. It's pronounced psycho. I don't know how he made it through school with taking crap over that. But anyway, he's an architect and he used really cool guerilla marketing techniques to get tons of free publicity to kick his business off. So that was episode 766. Any time you want to listen to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, and then the episode number that was 766. And if you want to concentrate on our training episodes, we have about 400 of them. You go to screwthecommute.com/training and of course follow me on TikTok at tiktok.com/@digitalmultimillionaire and grab a copy of our automation book. You will thank me for it because it'll save you hundreds and hundreds of hours into the future if you implement even part of what's in that book, it's pick up your copy of that at screwthecommute.com/automatefree.

[00:01:55] All right, let's get to the main event. Avi Wolfson leverages a career as a licensed realtor professional salesperson. Three time, I got to get into this, axe throwing champion and best selling author to help audiences as a professional speaker. Wolfson is an expert in resilience, entrepreneurship and self discovery, and he inspires others with his story of overcoming childhood trauma and mental health challenges and finding balance. And Avi, are you ready to screw? The commute? All right. Good to meet you, man.

[00:02:33] Likewise. Thank you so much for having me as a guest. I'm super.

[00:02:35] Excited. No problem. Yeah. One thing that we have in common, and I don't know how you're not that old. About half as old as me, probably. But for years and years and years, I had been teasing that. I'll bet diamonds were invented by diamond salesmen. And then I heard you on a podcast recently talk. And I then I found out DeBeers Company was behind all of this. And it's one of the biggest marketing ploys in history. So so we have that in common. That's so. So we're going to talk about parenting, but I'm totally interested in this axe throwing stuff. Are you one hand or two hander?

[00:03:18] I'm a one hander with the hatchet and with the big axe. I'm a two hander.

[00:03:23] Oh, I didn't even know there was a difference. Tell us about that. What's the difference?

[00:03:27] So the I don't know the exact length, but the hatchet obviously is a much shorter axe. And the big axe is is much longer and also a heavier. So the different distances.

[00:03:42] Yeah. So with the I forget the exact distances, but you're closer to the board with the hatchet and then you have to stand behind a line that's about a foot or two back from the from the hat throwing the hatch hatchet. So it's further back for the big axe. It has it needs to have more rotation, take more time to rotate and hit the board. So yeah, it's a there's a there's a difference, but there are lines that same target. Yeah, same target. Same target.

[00:04:08] They're still doing these in. They have places to do this. Almost like bars I guess, right. Yeah.

[00:04:14] Yeah. There's different, there's a few different ones. There's urban axes, there's revolution. Well, in my state anyways, um, Urban Axe is a very popular. That's the league that I've been been a part of that I've done in the past and won a few championships, which is pretty cool.

[00:04:30] Um, but are you, are they drinking while they're doing it? Is there a bar atmosphere? So people are drinking and throwing axes, you know, who would in order.

[00:04:38] To stay sharp and focus, you're encouraged to drink plenty of alcohol. They're very sharp too. But yeah, so far haven't lost any limbs or fingers or anything. So, you know, I'm on a good, good streak here. So yeah.

[00:04:53] So these axes are sharper because than an axe to chop wood because you don't want to have to throw them really hard to stick.

[00:05:01] Exactly. You want to keep them sharp. And it's cool because I didn't know anything about axes and, you know, it's. A hobby and you learn how to sharpen it with the stone. And so you.

[00:05:12] Have your own. Your own axe or.

[00:05:14] Absolutely. Yeah.

[00:05:15] So it's like pool cues custom.

[00:05:17] Would have never, like, learned how to you know, I didn't know until I started doing this that the term getting the hang of it comes from hanging an axe. That's how you that's how you put it together. I don't know if you knew that, but I learned that I was like, that blew my mind. I was like, Oh, that's where that term comes from. Wow.

[00:05:32] Yeah. So. So you have your do you only have one or. You know, a lot of people have.

[00:05:38] I've got I've got a couple different ones. It just, it becomes a hobby. And then, you know, I put my own together and you can, you can treat the wood. I learned all about linseed oil Tung oil, all these things about, you know, wood and treating it and protecting it because they take they take a bashing, You know, when you miss the target and it lands it, it falls hard. So, you know, that can result in broken axes and sharp.

[00:06:01] Sharpen them in the middle of a tournament.

[00:06:03] Yeah, I can. Yeah. Bring my stone and then some honing oil and I just yeah if it's like the playoffs or the tournament which they do towards the end playoffs I'll I'll be yeah I'll be sharpening it because I don't want it to, to stick and fall you know that's see.

[00:06:17] See I always see the weird side of things. I'm thinking okay these are the playoffs. So I got this axe in my hand. If I axe the guy that's against me, then I win by default. Yeah.

[00:06:29] That's one way to do it.

[00:06:31] Yeah, it's just like that. That crazy Olympic sport where they're skiing and shooting. Yeah, that's like, All right, I'm going to come out of the woods with less bullets, but nobody will be there.

[00:06:42] Yeah, well, it's. It's fascinating what's become, like, a real sport. Like only recently. It's skateboarding is now in the Olympics. And they've even got parkour where you people are.

[00:06:50] Yeah, I know. That is axe throwing in the Olympics, too.

[00:06:53] It's. I know it's on ESPN. I don't know if it's in the Olympics yet, but I think think with some time it's it's pretty popular. So you know, now.

[00:07:01] You people knock chase you down the street for your autograph.

[00:07:05] I'll bet it's a good not a bad problem to have, right? It's a good problem, I would say. Um, but yeah, no, it's a lot of fun. I'd encourage anybody to try it out. The first time I did it, you know, it was the most bizarre thing, throwing a tool, right? Because you associate with the tool and tools aren't something we were taught to throw, right? You know, to, to, to, you know, be careful with it and have it gently. But with this, you just you just chuck it at a board and it's the most bizarre thing. And then the next thing, though, after doing a few times, it's just it's just like it's just nature. It's just natural. How long.

[00:07:36] Does it take to get the hang of.

[00:07:37] It? Um, it it varies.

[00:07:40] How many rotations?

[00:07:42] What's that?

[00:07:43] How many rotations? Like I know with knife throwing you either have a half a rotation, a full or one and a half. I think.

[00:07:51] I think the hatchets to two. Yeah. I don't know exactly to be honest but um it's it's that's why where you stand and, and how you throw it all these things factor in so.

[00:08:05] Consistent you are with where you stand, where you hold the axe and everything. I guess it's just like.

[00:08:11] Yeah, it absolutely makes a difference and it just takes a lot of practice to being consistent, stepping in the same place, making this moving, using your other foot to, you know, step consistently the same distance, throwing it just as hard to really get get good at it. So it just takes time. It you know, it took a while for me. I barely made the playoffs that first season. Um, and then but yeah, there are people that are way better than me and I realized like pretty quickly, like, not that I don't believe I couldn't, you know, go really far, but it's just something, it's not going to be a life mission for me, but it's still fun. I enjoy.

[00:08:49] It. Well, the thing is, is way to Rolex comes around to sponsor you and everything. Yeah. Yeah. Are there are there really super high levels where people get sponsored?

[00:08:59] Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, there are people that just like insanely, insanely.

[00:09:03] There are people work out for this, you know, to make sure they're in shape for.

[00:09:07] This. Yeah, I bet.

[00:09:09] That means they drink a lot more. A lot.

[00:09:11] More. Maybe press some axes. Um, yeah. So.

[00:09:16] So that's. That's very cool. You're the first ax thrower champ that we've had on the show. All right, Probably the last, but at least the first. So. Yeah, so did any. Now, you know, I joke around a lot but you know in in your. Bio. It says childhood trauma. Yeah. I mean, did any of this axe throwing come out of that? Interesting.

[00:09:41] Um, so absolutely not. Nothing. Nothing to do with that. Um, that was more.

[00:09:48] Of. So you're not Freddy Krueger in disguise, right?

[00:09:50] No.

[00:09:52] I don't. No, no.

[00:09:54] That was just like. That was just a fun hobby. And it was actually quite it's been quite therapeutic for me when throw axes, it just takes me into like a different, different world where I can just.

[00:10:04] Like, like people. I had somebody on last week said The fishing did that for you.

[00:10:08] Yeah. Yeah. And isn't that interesting? Like for some people's fishing?

[00:10:11] How about Axe fishing?

[00:10:13] Axe No. The closest thing I've seen to that is are people on YouTube using bow and arrows to catch.

[00:10:19] Yeah, they have.

[00:10:20] You've seen that, right?

[00:10:21] Archery? Absolutely. So why don't you tie something on? You'd have to. It would have to spin though. Yeah. Tied something on it and it wouldn't spin but. But I don't know axe you could be you could be the the first great axe fisherman and throw throw the playoffs and you automatically win. All right I'll take it. So yeah so I'm all about overcoming challenges and everybody has them no matter how silverspoon they appear on the surface. Yeah, everybody's gone through something or other. So tell us your story.

[00:10:55] Yeah, So my story was I. So I grew up with a family and, you know, there were a lot of challenges. There were things about myself I didn't know. I didn't get diagnosed later. And when I reached adulthood with a bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. And so for a long time, I didn't understand these things. My family didn't believe in mental health. So I kind of just like thought there was just something wrong with me, um, until I had a doctor actually explained to me, like, how these things affect me and why I overthink and you know what.

[00:11:28] Age.

[00:11:29] I was. I was 20 years old.

[00:11:33] 20 years old before you understood what was going on. Yeah.

[00:11:36] Yeah, it was. Yeah. Was. This was like. After high school and actually met with a doctor. And they explained to me all these things and then got it treated. And that sent me on a path to, you know, turning things around.

[00:11:50] Were your parents still alive at this time?

[00:11:52] They are, and I'm not close with them. Okay.

[00:11:55] Yeah, I know that. I know that story. I mean, it was a strange for my mother for a long time, but. Yeah, but the. They know that you got things turned around.

[00:12:05] Um, you know, they. They just don't get it. They just don't. Don't get it. And they have the most bizarre. They have the most bizarre, um, relationship and they're just like, not good for each other. And there were just things I saw that were just not healthy things in a relationship and those things I saw and have taken me time to rewire and, and to see what healthy things are because. Right. So much of what we learn in our childhood stays with us because these are, you know, our parents are our role models. And we we see what they do. And it's, you know, monkey see, monkey do so. But when it's wrong, you know, we may not realize that until later on and have to work on these things that we aren't maybe even consciously thinking about. It's just something that we do because that's how we saw what how things were growing up. And so we just assume it's normal, normal behavior. But for me, you know, I'd you know, I got help and, you know, really turned things around. And the way that I really dealt with it. Tom is getting into self publishing and didn't didn't know that that was going to be the thing that was therapeutic for me. But it was and it was actually from one of my mentors.

[00:13:13] Oh look, it's always been either self publishing or axe throwing for people.

[00:13:21] But they've both been great for me and you know, and they've both been therapeutic for me. But the self publishing is really, um, and that was, you know, that was an interesting thing too, because I wrote under a pen name wanted to keep business and personal stuff separate. I'm not here to bash my family. I'm not that's not who I want to be. I just want to keep it separate. So and that allowed me to own my past and set a positive path forward for, you know, families where whereas I felt very lost and trapped and wanted to give, I can only assume other families direction.

[00:13:55] I can only assume that this thing you're doing with the all star parent came from this. Right.

[00:14:01] You know, it was it was interesting. So that also did not that actually came from an idea for from a business partner. Um, who is he? You know, he brought up that idea. That wasn't my idea initially.

[00:14:16] But it would seem that it would since you use wanted to turn around and do good in the world. Yeah, I think he saw that as a child.

[00:14:23] Yeah, he had saw and he actually gave me a consulting advice for the self-publishing when I was growing that and I'm still growing it, but, um, he, you know, he saw that I was doing that and he thought that that would be a good opportunity to do this newsletter. And that to me instantly really captured my interest and was like, Yeah, let's do this. So, um, I don't know if we're going to talk about that now, but.

[00:14:48] Yeah, go ahead and tell him about the Substack and the yeah.

[00:14:52] So All Star Parent is a Substack newsletter that is free for anybody to subscribe to. And we put out all of the best parenting information from all types of parenting advice that any parent or soon to be parent could need. And this really stemmed out of our frustration that the three founders, including myself, we were very frustrated with all the noise and like abundance of information and should listen to this, should do positive parenting, should do gentle parenting. What kind of parenting should I do? So we we were all very frustrated. And that's where the necessity and solution from that came from. So we take all of the highest authority parenting figures in the parenting industry and we we take all their the best podcasts and we summarize them into just a five minute read, giving you all the meat and potatoes and the stuff that you want to get to for parents that are busy and strapped for time, which when we have kids, it's very we have very limited time, right? So we don't have like days to just listen through hour long podcasts, right? So we break that down into just five minutes and give you the exact information you need from the most reliable sources. And we've gotten great feedback. This is something that's extremely helpful to parents. We are continuing to grow it and it's called All Star Parent. It's you can subscribe to it at allStarparent substack.com. It's an amazing resource for parents. Extremely valuable. It's been valuable to all of us. We've gotten very high praise and also from the parenting figures that we cover as well.

[00:16:25] All right. So, you know, I'm not a parent, but I have actually done. A thing called the Antion success principle, and I totally ragged on parents. But as a reporter I said, okay, I don't know what it's like to go through what you go through raising children, but I do know what I see coming to me to apply for jobs and it's pitiful. And so and so I did this and the phone is ringing off the hook and the assistants are there and I'm thinking, Oh man, people are going to really tear me up for talking like this. And it was all grandparents and parents saying, I need a copy of that. So we're going to send it to our grandchildren or to our kids, you know, because the grandchildren are growing up nutcases. And so so what I heard you say, though, is reliable sources. Who says they're reliable? What's the vetting process for this?

[00:17:24] Yeah, So the ones we looked at are really the ones that have like the top, like this is just one metric, but like the ones that have like the top best selling books on Amazon that are in the parenting space. Um, we, we go for them like these, these, these parenting figures, they're like the most notable, the ones that everybody knows. Um, and they have the best, you know, book sales. I mean, these are the, these are the top figures that people trust. But even with that, there's still a ton of information, right? So if you need to figure out like nutrition or what to do with your teen or tween, um, how to manage different complicated, complicated situations, it can be it can be frustrating trying to find an answer that you need right away. And that's the value add of what All-Star Parent provides. It gives you the quick answer. You can just very quickly look through our newsletters we put out and find the answer to and solution to your problem.

[00:18:26] Okay, so here we go. I don't know how well you know me, but I had a practical joke company where we custom designed practical jokes. We did 4000 of them in and around Washington, DC. And the reason I bring that up is because I knew how to manipulate people's minds to pull these jokes. And luckily I was doing it for fun, for birthdays and things and good natured, you know, because the same techniques could be used for bad. And so when you say that you're going on the best selling this and that, I'm very skeptical of that because some of the loudest, craziest voices on this earth are the craziest idiots. And they just get a lot of press and people virtue signaling and buying their stuff because they want to act like they're they're good people. But I'd be afraid to show a lot of this stuff to the kids. And for instance, I'm going to have to put you on the spot. What about the parents that are sending their kids or taking their kids to drag shows when they're little kids? Y'all for that. Is that a good idea?

[00:19:33] Yeah, that's that's that's an interesting question. I try to stay away from politics.

[00:19:39] Well, yeah, but you just said that that this is supposed to be reliable sources with those people that promote that be on your site.

[00:19:47] So this is where the subjectiveness comes in. Tom Right. Because you're if you were to parent, you already have your pre your set ideas based on your core values and morals and you're going to raise your hypothetical. You would raise your family around your core values and your spouse's values, right? So if you if you do not believe in, you know, stuff on the LGBTQ side, there's nothing wrong with that. That's that's you choosing how you want to raise your family and nobody can fault you for that. And equally, somebody that does does is supportive and believes in that. They can raise their family that way and don't think they should be faulted for that either. So that's not so much as like an authority type of insight so much as it is a preference of how do I want to raise my family? What kind of people do I want to raise? You know? Yeah, and.

[00:20:46] I kind of hear you. But I also know that people may have certain beliefs, but be scared to death of getting canceled and ostracized. So they shut up, which allows this what they don't believe to proliferate.

[00:21:05] Yeah. No, I hear you. Um. I mean. So yeah, I mean, we're.

[00:21:12] Getting so if somebody put a question, I mean, can people ask questions to you on the Substack thing? Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So if they said, Hey, there's a drag show coming up at the local army base, should I take my four year old to it? What are you going to say?

[00:21:28] Um, I would. I would definitely have a talk with the other co-founders. We would kind of decide on that together. Um, you know, because it's a sensitive question.

[00:21:41] Exactly. And I'm not and again, I'm not taking any side. I'm just saying these are the things that I'm seeing out there. I'm seeing parents getting, you know, getting arrested by the FBI for complaining about stuff at school board meetings. And I'm seeing kids being exposed to what what used to be adult content where 18 plus years old and, you know, so so it's it's kind of a shock to me, too. Even though I don't have kids, it's like, oh my God, how is this stuff happening?

[00:22:17] Yeah, Yeah. No, I hear your concern and I think that it's a tough thing because people are very strong, armed and opinionated around this subject.

[00:22:29] That's what I mean. And so some, a lot smaller group of people make a lot of noise and and scare the other people to shut up. So yeah.

[00:22:41] I think it's about finding common ground and finding where those lines are because this is a fairly, you know, new thing that's happened. And, you know, it's a sensitive subject. And, you know, people are very strong, strongly opinionated about it. And I think that that as a nation, we need to not be divided, but come together, find the middle ground, which is comfortable for both sides, for families that want to be raised in a certain way. And then, you know, deciding what is morally and ethically okay and what is not. And I don't think that that's been fully fleshed out yet, which is why there are police involved and there are some very bad things going on. And this hasn't been fleshed out yet. It needs more time. And I think that things are going to be, um, not so not so great for a while until this gets really hashed out.

[00:23:32] Yeah, it gets worse before it gets better. But I'm just saying, as you grow your all star parent thing, you're going to start getting a lot of this stuff. So yeah, I.

[00:23:42] Mean, I think the best thing to do is right at the end of the day, there are going to be people that are going to feel strongly about it and don't think that they're going to go away. And I think from a civil standpoint, we should we should be respectful and peaceful with each other and just kind of respect our differences and put them aside. And I know that's easier said than done.

[00:24:02] I was going to say that's a that's a tough thing nowadays, isn't it? Oh, it.

[00:24:07] Is. It's extremely hard. And I'm not trying to sugarcoat it and make it seem like that this is going to just go away because it's not. And I think for the people that believe in it, I think that they should. You know, it's like it's the way I was brought up, right? Tom Like it was like horrible to me. It's like, don't force this on me. I hate this. Like I knew from a very young age, I wanted absolutely nothing to do with religion, and it was forced on me for many years and I wanted to do things that other things wanted to go fishing. I wanted to, you know, do like outdoor stuff. And and I could never do any of that. And I was very sheltered. And and I look back and I just was like, wow, my dad really robbed me of so many things that I wanted, like, you know, and just like, there's so many things, right? But at the end of the day, like, I can't go back and reclaim that time or, you know, I can only I can I can be motivated and to do bigger things like be a public speaker, I can run all parent.

[00:25:01] I can keep publishing, you know, to to to put a good path forward. And, you know. I think that both sides are right. And I don't think that there is like I don't think that there is like a right and wrong right there because. Right. And I'm that way too, because I grew up in everything was black and white thinking. But we don't live in a black and white world world. So there can there can be things that are and this is something that I've learned about relationships because growing up, my idea of a relationship was like, you're set up with somebody and that's it. Right? And and that's that explains my mom and dad, you know, it's like terrible. It's just awful, like married for the wrong reasons. And and I see that and I see what healthy relationships look like. And and I just look at that and think that there's just, um. I said there can be things in relationships that they can co-exist, right? There are things that in relationships that can co-exist. So it's not just black and white. It's not just this is right. This is wrong. It's like those can both be true, you know.

[00:26:02] And as long as long as there's a giant diamond involved, everything will be fine.

[00:26:10] Yes, the diamond. The diamond and how many carats and all that stuff.

[00:26:15] Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Now, do you have kids?

[00:26:18] I have one daughter and one daughter.

[00:26:20] How old is she? She.

[00:26:22] She. She turned 12 last May 26th. Um, and, yeah, she. She's an awesome kid. Really?

[00:26:28] So you're going to be the dad with the shotgun at the door when the first kid comes to Vader?

[00:26:34] Oh, boy. Don't get me started.

[00:26:36] You got that? And driving coming up in your future. It's just I like to live vicariously through people like you so I don't have to go through it.

[00:26:47] Yeah, it's, you know, everybody's been telling me it's like, oh, just wait till she's a teenager. It's like, Yep, I know it's coming.

[00:26:56] But no. Does she have all the electronics and stuff, All the cell phones?

[00:27:00] You know what, Tom? She's got a better iPhone than me, and she's got a better phone plan than me.

[00:27:05] And.

[00:27:06] And oh, man, she was like, Dad, I need to have this. I need to have this. And you were joking before how you're twice my age. But you know what she calls me in her phone now? What old man?

[00:27:17] The old man? Well, I couldn't believe this RV. I had one of my video guys come over and he. His daughter, he wanted his daughter to meet me. You know, it's the entrepreneur stuff and everything. And really nice young lady, very bright. And she's sitting here, supposed to be talking to me and she is talking to me with full eye contact. However, she is texting with her other hand, her friend at the same exact time and not even looking at the cell phone. She's given me full eye contact. This is some kind of aliens hit earth. Wow.

[00:28:00] That's that's like.

[00:28:01] Some some newfound multitasking.

[00:28:03] Ability. Exactly.

[00:28:05] Like you send a kid to their room and they say, awesome. You know, I don't have to do dishes. I'll go in there with my 19 different cell phones, tablets, game boys or whatever the heck they do. So what are you doing? You're doing a good thing in the world with the parenting stuff because it's always like said worried me. I did that success thing 15 years ago and people were still talking about it because, you know, I oh, and I had some millennial experts on my on my show here and I'm just not getting it because, you know, my in my generation and my thing is if you're not early, you're late. Yeah. You know, you show up on time, you respect authority and. Yeah, so so this girl, this girl's telling me I said that people. You're not on time, you know, What am I supposed to do? She says, Well, you know, with our generation, time is fluid, you know? And I'm thinking, okay, I have a store and I put a sign on the door open at nine ish or whenever they decide to show up, you know. And she said, well, you know, maybe you should get someone older to work there.

[00:29:27] Oh, man.

[00:29:27] Yeah. So does your is your all star parent broken down for different age groups of parents and children?

[00:29:36] Yeah.

[00:29:36] So it's just for parents, guardians or family members that want to learn more about parenting. Right. So. So that's really who it applies to.

[00:29:47] But but I'm wondering if you if you're going to expand it into, you know, age of the children, you know, because parenting 2 to 6 year old is different than a 12 to 16 year old.

[00:29:58] Oh, yeah. No, for age groups. Yeah, we're gradually expanding to cover, like, different age groups. Yeah. That's something that we do.

[00:30:06] Thought this is.

[00:30:07] Yeah I know the age of the parent I mean that changes too because my dad was 50 when he had me. Guess what? That's a different thing than a 22 year old or a 19 year old or 16 year old, you know, as a parent.

[00:30:19] So yeah.

[00:30:19] That's an interesting concept. Yeah, Different generations, different values. You know.

[00:30:25] People are living longer, too, and they're they're taking more erection pills. So they, they're, they're having babies. That's right. Yeah. So, so I think you got a big market out there and they're living longer and everything. Yeah. So. Well, thanks for coming on. Tell them again how to reach the the all star parent.

[00:30:45] Absolutely. So it's allstarparent.substack.com. We also have an Instagram. We've got a Facebook. We've got we're on Twitter always pushing out new content all all about parenting. If you have any issues or problems and you don't have time, you're limited and strapped for time. All star parent has got the information and knowledge that you're looking for and we'll get it to you quick.

[00:31:09] Yeah, Yeah. And when I was going to say the the all star parent is currently not a business, right? Because this is a business show. So you're going to expand it into a business after you get some foothold?

[00:31:27] Yeah, we're expanding it. Once we reach, you know, a certain amount of subscribers, we're going to offer more valuable product paid products to to subscribers as an option. So that's something that's coming. We're still growing and, you know, but for for where we're at having not been around that long, we're covering a lot of ground, always open to feedback and suggestions. Feel free to reach out and, you know, tell us what you want to hear from us. And we are happy to curate content around what our subscribers are looking for.

[00:32:01] Beautiful. So, folks, this has been Avi Wolfson is doing a great service in the world to helping parents because the children are going to take over and and either do us in or do good for us. So. So I got to run. I have to perform at a drag show. So, so, so thanks so much for coming on.

[00:32:21] Avi Thank you for having me, Tom. It was great.

[00:32:24] Okie doke.

[00:32:24] Folks. We'll catch you on the next episode. See you later.