Today, we're going to talk about office hacks. And these aren't Microsoft Office hacks. It's your office hacks. Most of you probably are in home offices or whatever your office is. A lot of these little productivity hacks I'm going to give you that I've been using for years and years and years and really help you out.
Today, we're going to talk about 7 Ways to Alienate a SuperAffiliate. Okay. Now this is kind of opposite of my book JV or Joint Venture JV. How to be in front of a million warm prospects in the next 90 days, where you can find that on Amazon Kindle. You can find it on audible, or you can go directly to and get a copy of it. But this is going to be the opposite of ways to attract super affiliates. Now this is how you alienate them.
Today, we're gonna talk about 9 Ways to Lose a customer. There's many ways. 50 ways to lose your lover, but nine ways to lose a customer. How about that?
Today, we're going to talk about something big that's coming up from Apple. You might not like Apple, but it's coming and I'm sure Android is going to be right behind. It's called Apple Intelligence. Crazy things that's going to do for you right on your phone.
I didn't even want to do this podcast. I did not even want to do this podcast. I'm so sick of buzzwords. But anyway, this podcast is about account based marketing, ABM. You're going to be seeing this. I just felt obligated. I should do something about it, even though to me it's just a rehash of targeted marketing is all it is.
Today, I'm going to talk about your favorite subject. Preparing for a speech or presentation. I know a lot of you hate it out there, but I got to tell you, if you can overcome that problem of being nervous about it and everything, oh my goodness, it can open up worlds of money for you and prestige and travel and oh, I mean just all kinds of great stuff.
Today, I'm going to do a book report or a more maybe call it a book review. And the book I'm going to talk about, I don't know any marketers, high level marketers, that haven't read this book multiple times.
Today, we're going to go over nine ways to get people to give you money. How about that? And listen to this on one of the ways I would never do it in a million years.
Today, we're going to do some something a little different. We're gonna do some business quotations, and I'll probably throw in a little commentary as we go. I found these quite inspiring many times, so I look at them frequently.
Today, we're going to talk about long home pages and how you might not want to do that just because it's so cool. It might be hurting you, it's probably hurting you.
Today, we're going to talk about 13 ways, I think they call that a baker's dozen right?, 13 ways to Use QR codes. Qr codes stands for Quick Response. Those are the little jumbled looking, raw shot things you see everywhere where people can just hold their camera up to them and then it goes wherever the advertiser or the marketer wants them to go.
Today, we're going to talk about Faceless video. Okay. That kind of cracks me up because I've been around so darn long. I've been 30 years now on the commercial internet since it started in 1994. And the year 2000 is when I started doing, quote, faceless videos. These are Camtasia or screen capture videos and made a fortune with it over all these years. Still do. And now they're called faceless videos. And then we just called them screen capture videos, but they're a little bit different now in the way that they're done.
Today, we're going to talk about YouTube playlists and how important they are to you. And it's kind of tied to the last episode. Episode 882 was on how important watch time is to your channel, so that YouTube shows your videos to way, way, way more people.
Today, we're going to talk about video watch time and why it's so darn important to your success. You kill yourself to make high content videos and then nobody watches them. Why? Well, you have to play the game properly or nobody's going to watch them. This watch time is sometimes called audience retention.
Today, we're going to talk about how to critique your own website. I've, oh geez, I lost track a long time ago, but have critiqued over 10,000 websites. So I'm going to tell you the way I do it and the things that you can do. And then also, I'm going to give you a method to get other people to critique your website.
Today, I'm going to give you another YouTube hack that could pay off like really, really fast. Just a slight change in the way you do your videos can really, really help you with the YouTube algorithm.
Today, I'm going to help you sound better than you've ever sounded before. How about that? We're going to talk about do it yourself sound booths. And I've talked about speaking into your microphone, into a closet and putting a box on your desk and everything. But this time I'm going to talk about my big sound booth I built and what you got to do to do it.
Today, we're going to talk about live streaming tips to make your live streams really pop. Live streaming gets kind of a boost in the world because it's so live. But you can turn it into recorded stuff too.
Today, we're going to do a follow up to episode 876, which was influencer surfing. This is a way you can piggyback off of well-known people legitimately and really get some big views and readings for your stuff. So today, episode 877, is a spin off of that one called Trend Surfing. Now it's a new name for something that David Meerman Scott, this is episode 402, on Newsjacking.
Hey, we're going to talk about influencer surfing today. What the heck does that mean? There's another guy from Think Media called it influencer drafting. Kind of like, you know, they do in race cars where one car gets behind the other and the front car pulls them along, that kind of thing. And I guess it's a really a type of influencer marketing we're going to talk about today. Legitimate, not going to cost you anything.
This is part two of our quick two part list building series, but also want to make it very clear to you. I want you to join the List Building Summit for free at, where as soon as you register, you get a $500 email marketing masterclass from me.
This is part one of a list building series of two parts and also leads you to the Fantastic List Building Summit. That's a free online summit that's on demand, so you can register and start watching stuff whenever you want.
Today, I'm going to give you a productivity hack. This will, if you listen to me today and do what I tell you, it will totally change the course of your business. There's no question about it. It has for mine.
Today, we're going to talk about artificial intelligence, AI YouTube hacks or video hacks, more appropriately. You CAN use this legitimately if you follow some simple steps.
Today, we're going to talk about why podcasts fail. I got a bunch of tips. If you're going to do a podcast, it may fail on you in the beginning because you're not doing certain things right or you have certain expectations that are incorrect. And that's what we're going to talk about today.
Guess what? I'm going to quit all this internet crap. And start selling road cones. And road barrels too. Cones and barrels. That's going to be my new gig. I'm just kidding. But I'll tell you about why I said that.
Today, we're going to talk making money on YouTube. So here's the thing. The first goal you should have is a thousand subscribers. That should be a goal for you. But guess what? That doesn't mean you have to wait for a thousand subscribers to make money.
Today, we're going to talk about a bunch of marketing tools that I use regularly. Many of them are cheap. Many of them are free, but they really, really increase your productivity and allow you to do things you couldn't do by hand or that would cost you a fortune if you had to farm them out.
I'm here with Joe Libby, long time friend of mine. Really interesting guy. You're going to see some of the things he's been doing lately with surveys, but he's got a colorful past. He's quite a funny guy and he does magic and all kinds of cool stuff.
Today, we're going to talk about Virtual influencers. Man, I don't know what the world's coming to. Virtual influencers. They're not even real. They influence you. So we get a lot of not real stuff nowadays.
Today, I'm going to tell you exactly how to fail at a video shoot. Okay, you don't want to do that. It can be very expensive. So that's what we're going to talk about today.
Today, we're going to talk about the differences between traditional and self-publishing. I have experience in both and I'll tell you my thoughts on it.
Today, I'm going to talk about promotions to make you quick cash. We all love a sale and these are different sales you can put on to make people buy your stuff, and in a hurry, and set a deadline on when the sale is good for all those kinds of things. But there's a lot of different ones you can do to keep things interesting. And I want to emphasize, again, people love a sale. So giving sales can really give you some quick cash flow.
Today, we're going to talk about circular or round QR codes. The QR codes have made a resurgence from the old days, and we'll tell you about that. And I highly suggest you listen to two back episodes about QR codes and how you can use them either free or fancy paid ones. Very handy thing to use nowadays. So you go to episode 241 and episode 780. These are both about QR codes.
Today, we're going to talk about Zoom Clips. Zoom clips? What the heck is a Zoom clip? Well, It's something that I've made a fortune on with other programs, but Zoom has just come out with this new feature, so I'll tell you about that.
Today, we're going to talk about auto responder selling. This is one of the most powerful tools ever invented for internet and digital marketing. The sequential auto responder is what we're going to talk about today.
Now today's episode is called Shopping Cart Sell Thru. This is all part of, my massive course on copywriting, which is the number one skill in my entire 47 years in business.
Today, we're back to our copywriting series with Calls to Action. This is really important if you want to get the money. Now, the beginning of this series started at episode 836.
Now don't be afraid, but we're going to talk a little bit of geek speak today. But you need to know this because you are currently, if you don't know what I'm talking about today, you are getting screwed on your email delivery and don't even know it. So this is very important. We're going to talk about a tool called MXtoolbox. And I've got Larry my right hand left hand super IT guy.
Today, we're going to continue our copywriting series with short episodes with elements that go into sales processes or sales letters or video sales letters. Today we're going to talk about the what. It's not part of your sales process. And these copywriting things started at episode 836.
Today, as part of our series, we're talking about recap paragraphs, and I'm trying to give you these things in little bite sized chunks so you can immediately add things to your sales process to make it better. And this started at episode 836.
Today, we're going to talk about the extremely powerful copywriting technique called The Reason Why Technique. This is, of course, part of my series starting at episode 836 on copywriting techniques. Each episode is fairly short, but if you put these things into action, you are going to sell way more than you're selling now. So it's
Today, we're going to talk about testimonials and how powerful they can be to help you sell stuff. And of course, this is part of my series on copywriting. And, you know, I took a break on episode 849 and talked to Brian Richey. I put it right in the middle of the copywriting because I was able to get a hold of the guy, and it's such an important topic for you on ergonomics. You know, my back went out crazy from sitting in this chair for 30 years helping you. I'm sacrificing my health for you.
I'm here with Brian Richey, and I'm sticking this episode in the middle of my copywriting series that we've been doing the last couple of weeks, because the topic he's going to cover is so darn important for us entrepreneurs and really anybody that works in the way we work. And I kind of got my wake up call from sitting too long. Well, 30 years of it. But I got to the point where one little tweak and I'm screaming like a baby. I'm sitting in that easy chair, you know, working my internet stuff and helping my students and, boy, I got my wake up call.
It's another copywriting tip, very easy to implement, and it's called Who Is This For? And this is of course from my program. And you need to to get copywriting skills so that you can sell more of your stuff.
Today, we're going to talk about top ten lists. This is an easy and interesting way to promote your product, and this is of course, part of my program that you should pick a copy up. Because guess what? In all my years of business, starting in 1977, copywriting has been the number one skill in my entire business career. And don't get sucked into this AI stuff. Yeah, they'll jam out some sales letters for you, but you won't understand why things aren't working, and what to do about it. You know, these are the things you need to learn. But boy, I'll tell you what. It's made millions and millions of dollars for me and my students. I can't even calculate how much for my students. But you got to learn these things. Anyway, this is another very simple technique that you can add to your sales letter to make it better.
Today, we're going to talk about stories and case studies. These are powerful ways to show how well your product and service works. And this is a copywriting technique from my copywriting series. While my whole program on it is, you definitely should check that out, because that's the number one skill writing copy in my entire business career, long before the internet started being able to write, copy and don't get sucked in at this, it is going to save you from writing copy. No, you have to know the techniques, know how to adjust them for your audience and all that stuff.
We're continuing on our copywriting techniques from my copywriting course,, the fast track to writing words that sell. Today we're going to talk about the theory of parallel tracks, so you can attract more people or convince more people from one sales letter to buy.
Today, we're going to talk about tracking links, and this is still a part of my copywriting techniques based on my course, And I'm not going to read off all the numbers, but starting at episode 836 til this one and a couple more will be doing copywriting stuff. And I have some other episodes on copywriting.
Today, we're going to talk about scare tactics. Whoa. This is a copywriting technique based on my course, Now, I know this sounds extremely harsh and mean, but I assure you, when I explain how it works, you will see it's not mean at all.
Today, we're going to talk about Frequently Asked Questions. This is a part that you can add to your sales letter. This is all based on my copywriting techniques from and you want to listen to these back episodes because these are little things you can add to your sales letter. They're very easy to add and you will increase your sales.
Today, we're going to talk about cost comparisons. This is another copywriting technique based on my course Episode 837 I talked about teasers that yeah, they're not that important for low ticket products, but very important for high ticket products. That was episode 837 and then 836 was bonus testimonials. That's another little known copywriting secret that you can add easily to your sales letters to sell more stuff. Also, your video sales letters.
Today, we're going to talk about another copywriting technique based on my course, And it's called teasers. And it's not as important for cheap products, but it's very important if you want to sell higher ticket items.
Today, we're going to talk about bonus testimonials. This is part of a copywriting series based on my program, The Fast track to writing words that sell. This can really increase your sales, and it can add up to a lot of money over time.
Today, I'm going to tell you exactly how to ruin your online and possibly your offline reputation. How about that? Now who else can you think of that would be so kind and loving and interested in your business, to show you how to ruin it? Well that's me. Anyway, there's certain things you can do that will hurt your reputation, and some of them you could do totally innocently just because nobody taught you. And this episode is going to protect you from the shame of a bad reputation.
Today I'm going to talk about a demon. Wait a minute. Wait. My notes are wrong. Demonetization. Oh that's different. Well, it's bad both ways, I guess. You don't want that to happen if you want to make money from YouTube by getting part of the ad revenue when they play ads on your videos. So if you want that, want that money, you got to listen to this episode.
Today we're going to talk about file transfer services. Let's say you shot the coolest video of your life, and you want your friends and colleagues to see it right away, or it's a business thing, you need to get somewhere quick. Well, it's probably way too big to email, and if you text it, it's compressed so small it loses its quality and power. So that's where file transfer services come in.
Today's episode is Hack Your website. Yes, I said hack your own website. If you do it, it'll protect you from others hacking your site and it's pretty easy for them to do.
Hey, we're going to talk a little bit about electronic security, especially if you're traveling. This episode kind of plays off my continued attention to satisfy both domestically and travel abroad. Your safety. I care about this, and a whole course on it is on You won't believe some of the things that can happen to you, and you wouldn't even know what happened until it was too late if you don't listen to this episode and kind of get your head around the kind of things that are going on electronically that can screw you over.
Hey, we're going to talk about holiday improvement. I've been doing this for years, and it's really helped me in my professional and personal life and all my improvement efforts.
I haven't done one of these episodes for a while, but these are phone tips. Now yeah, I use iPhone, but you know, Android pretty much has a lot of the same features, and so you just have to figure out how to do them on Android. And plus this isn't really a how to, it's what can you do. And then you can easily find some YouTube videos to show you the step by step if you can't figure it out on your own.
Today, we're going to talk about side hustles. These are ways you can make money, mostly online, and maybe if you put some of them together, you can kick out that dreaded job you're going to every day.
Today, we're going to talk about digital marketing and its dangers. Woohoo! Actually, I'm going to talk about the ergonomics of online marketing to keep you healthy. Why am I thinking about this? Because my back is killing me.
Today, we're going to talk about royalty free music. Music can really help your productions out, but you do not want to get in trouble over it. And I've been there.