773 - Get intimate with your favorite ChatBot: Tom interviews Richard Rosser - Screw The Commute

773 – Get intimate with your favorite ChatBot: Tom interviews Richard Rosser

I'm here with Richard Rosser. This is the Hollywood Richard Rosser. And I got to tell you, from what I've researched, this guy, Kiefer Sutherland, would be nobody if it wasn't for this Richard Rosser. And he's also an AI lover and he's going to tell you a lot about that today. I'm going to challenge him on some of the stuff on how lovely this artificial intelligence is.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 773

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[02:12] Tom's introduction to Richard Rosser

[07:35] What an Assistant Director does

[11:32] Stealing a parking space

[14:25] Lost his son in a car accident

[20:33] Negativity keeps people on a social platform longer

[25:12] Falling in love with ChatGPT

[40:38] Sponsor message

[43:07] Typical working day on set for Richard

[52:03] What the future looks like

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Episode 773 – Richard Rosser
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 773. Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Richard Rosser. Now, this is not Richard Rosser, who's the chair for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. This is not the guy that lives down the road from me in Hampton, Virginia, that pled guilty to laundering hundreds of thousands of dollars into disaster relief money. That's not him. This is the Hollywood Richard Rosser. And I got to tell you, from what I've researched, this guy, Kiefer Sutherland, would be nobody if it wasn't for this Richard Rosser. And he's also an AI lover and he's going to tell you a lot about that today. I'm going to challenge him on some of the stuff on how lovely this artificial intelligence is. But wait to hear his main bio when I bring him on in a minute. All right. Let's see. Make sure you pick up a copy of our automation book. It's through screwthecommute.com/automatefree. You will thank me for it. This is a book that allows that has allowed me to handle up to 150,000 subscribers and 65,000 customers without pulling my hair out. So I want you working with your customers and prospects, not fighting with your computer. So screwthecommute.com/automatefree. And the book that Richard's going to tell you about probably will help that, you know even more. So hang in there for that follow me on at tiktok.com/@digitalmultimillionaire on TikTok and also our podcast app is in the app Store. It's only for iOS right now, but we're we're begging Libson to hurry up and get the Android version out. So so hopefully that'll come out soon, but you can check that out at screwthecommute.com/app.

[00:02:14] All right. Let's get to the main event. Richard Rosser is a filmmaker and author who honed his craft on the hit TV shows. Listen to this, folks. I saw his IMDb thing. Holy crap. Um, hit hit shows like Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Med, and This Is Us and the show 24, which was, by the way, one of the first shows that started people binge watching. I'm sure he'll tell us about that. And his most recent book, ChatGPT, which or ChatGPT simplified, offers non tech professionals. That's even me. I'm a non techie unique approach to unlocking the full potential of AI to amplify creativity and boost productivity. Richard, are you ready to screw the commute? Absolutely am. All right. We like Hollywood screws here for sure. Richard, I, I looked at your IMDb. I'm on IMDb too. I'm Sag-aftra from doing TV commercials a hundred years ago. But but there's only two things that stuck out to me, and that was MacGyver and the Cindy Crawford workout video. Those are the only two.

[00:03:25] Oh, my gosh. Wow. Tom, you are going way back.

[00:03:30] That's where you got started, right? That's not a bad start with Cindy Crawford, who is now one.

[00:03:36] Thing, you know that that that her workout video put me on the map. Exactly. Put her it put her on the map, too.

[00:03:42] Oh, really? I didn't realize that. Yeah. So, yeah. So I remember her being a model. I thought I saw her in Playboy or something, but not naked. But I remember seeing her modeling pictures way, way back. But now here's one question mark I had because I looked clear back into the 90s and you had stuff, several major shows and things you were doing as an assistant director through all those years except for 2003 to 2008. Where were you there? Where did you get lost or what?

[00:04:15] Well, you know, Tom I was working on, I don't know, this this crazy little show called 24. That was.

[00:04:20] Oh, that was through those years.

[00:04:22] Yes.

[00:04:23] Oh, okay. I was wondering what happened. Yeah, that show was crazy. I remember. You just couldn't stop. It was a cliff hanger show. And there was.

[00:04:33] You know what? They edited that thing. I think they edited it with crack cocaine. It. It was so addictive. Exactly.

[00:04:40] Exactly. I remember that because I'm not that big of a TV watcher, but that was I remember just going crazy about that show. You couldn't you couldn't do anything on whatever night it was on Thursday or something. And you had to be there for, you know, And then and then when it came out on DVD, you could binge watch it, you know? And then since since.

[00:05:01] You know, you you you mentioned before it was it was the first show that folks were able to really binge. Exactly. No, no. Now we're going back to the days of DVDs and Blockbuster video. Does anyone remember Blockbuster video?

[00:05:15] I found my blockbuster card recently. It must be worth something. I'm going to sell it on eBay.

[00:05:20] Oh, you know what? I'll give the first bit. Okay.

[00:05:23] Yeah. Yeah, it was. It was in the back in that day when they'd put out a series after the show aired weekly. Then they would put out the series, right?

[00:05:33] Yeah, they put out the series DVD. And you used to be able to go to Blockbuster Video and they'd have the DVDs packaged. I think you could get 2 or 4 in a pack and so folks could go home and I think watch eight episodes over a weekend or something. And people would come in bleary eyed on Monday mornings and and you'd be saying, what? What's wrong with you? And you party hard this weekend or something? No, I watched I watched eight episodes of 24. And so it was it was the first show that people really binged. I mean, this was before streaming and everything and after the first season, because the first season, no one knew what the heck it was, right? And after the first season, once people got involved with it and started really watching it, they realized that they could wait till the end of the season and the folks who were catching up, they could go and either buy the DVD set or go to Blockbuster and and binge watch this thing. And it was yeah, even even between the commercials, they were there were cliffhangers. It was it was pretty, pretty incredible for its time.

[00:06:34] It was incredible. Now that binge watching trend has has caught on for sure. I watch. Listen to this, Richard. I watched 80 episodes of the original Equalizer. Remember that? Oh, my God.

[00:06:50] Now hold on. Okay. 80. But. But what sort of time was that? That wasn't over. Just one week.

[00:06:55] No, no. But it was. It was continuous. It was every day. Yeah. And then I started this one. Really? This one. This is how being denied of your binge edge can really make somebody crazy. So I'm watching Person of Interest on Netflix. This was that. I forget that guy's name the real religious guy that does shows and and then Netflix you know didn't renew the rights right in the middle of the damn series And so I went and bought the whole the whole set on DVD. I was like, oh, I can't believe that. So. So you were every credit that I saw, but maybe except for 1 or 2 was assistant director. So explain to people what an assistant director does.

[00:07:48] Well as an assistant director, otherwise known as the first ad? First assistant director. I'm neither an assistant nor the director. What I am is I'm the chief logistician, if you will. I'm in charge of all the scheduling, all the organization. Once a once a script is written for an episode of TV, then I take that script, I break it down into thousands of elements, you know, props and wardrobe and background players and special effects and everything. And so I break that down into all those little bits and pieces, and then I'm in charge of all the logistics for all the meetings with the department heads. And I'm working side by side with the director. The director is working on figuring out all the creative how to shoot it, the performances, all the actors through lines and continuity of the performance. And I'm there organizing everything. All right. But you must.

[00:08:42] Have a bunch of people under you to help you with this. Jeez, that's a lot.

[00:08:46] Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Once we get into filming, I have. It's weird. I have. So I'm the first ad, then I have a second ad, then we have a second, Second ad, It doesn't make any sense. And that's okay. That's an ad.

[00:08:58] Squared.

[00:09:00] Yes, exactly right. But it's still only one person. But yeah, so we have and we have a whole team of production assistants and and folks that because one of my main jobs when we get on set, when we're doing big scenes, big crowd scenes are that is setting background and and making it look like a real a real scene. Right. A real place.

[00:09:21] All right. So you hopefully you weren't working on that thing with Alec Baldwin, right? No. Yeah, absolutely.

[00:09:27] Not. And, you know, I.

[00:09:29] Would have quit, wouldn't you?

[00:09:30] Several hours discussing my my rant about that. I know.

[00:09:33] And I bet you would have quit. Right.

[00:09:36] Would acquit Alex.

[00:09:37] If you were working that job and saw the stuff that was. Oh, I.

[00:09:40] Would. Oh, sorry. I thought you meant would acquit. As in. Oh, no, no, no, said a trial. No, I absolutely would have would have jumped jumped from that project that was looked like it was a nightmare.

[00:09:53] But there was a lot of guns involved in 24. And so. So how did that fall under your purview?

[00:09:59] Well, every single day I worked hand in hand again with the stunt coordinator, with the effects supervisor and with the armor. And I was right there. I was I was the person making sure ultimately that it was safe for everyone on set. And and, you know, you know, Tom part of part of what happens is folks get lax on set every once in a while and especially on on the rust shoot. And there were there were a number of things that happened for 3 or 4 different people that ended up contributing to to the death of the cinematographer. It's just a horrible, horrible situation. And and totally could have been prevented.

[00:10:41] Yeah. And I'm a guy I come from a small town where six years old, you're out there shooting guns, you know, hunting and stuff. Oh, same here.

[00:10:49] Yeah. I mean, I grew up with shotguns and everything.

[00:10:52] You were in Oklahoma and.

[00:10:53] Yep, yep. I grew up in Oklahoma. And. And the number one rule for gun owners or gun users is you never point a gun at anyone unless I mean, I don't even like to.

[00:11:05] Point a gun at anything you're not willing to destroy.

[00:11:08] Exactly. I don't even like to point my finger pretending it's a gun. Yeah, it just makes it. I don't know. It makes me nervous.

[00:11:13] So the last thing with Alec, I mean, he should have not had his finger on the trigger, and he should have checked the gun himself. You know, no matter who. 50 people check it before you. You're the last one right there. And yeah, it's just. Just a terrible, terrible situation. And then it really was so. So you are obviously a very creative guy. And I heard that you saw somebody stealing a parking space from your mother in law and it turned into a whole thing. What? Tell us that.

[00:11:48] Well, yeah. So actually, my my family and my mother in law, we were meeting for dinner and it was a Friday night. The mall was a zoo. Right. And we were we we got there and we were looking for a parking spot, finally found one. And then my kids, my son was about 14 at the time and my daughter was eight or no, she was ten. And so we're waiting. And grandma pulls in. She finds us parking spot, the person's backing out. And just as my my mother in law was about ready to pull in, this guy flies in from out of nowhere, steals the spot, gets out, beep, beep and walks away. Right. And my son said, Dad, Dad, he just stole grandma's spot. Let's beat him up. Let's key his car. I said, No, no, no, no, no, no. I like. I like my teeth the way they are. He's like six two. He's driving a vet. Let's just let him go. But you know what? We should write a note and put it on his windshield, because. Yeah, you're right. He's a pig. That's. That's like he's a piggy. That's piggy behavior. And. And we came up with the idea over dinner that evening of the piggy ticket, and so we created the piggy ticket. And and the piggy ticket was born because of a guy who stole a spot from my mother in law.

[00:12:56] And what exactly is Piggy nation?

[00:13:00] Well, piggy Nation is sort of the creative embodiment of the piggy ticket. We just kept having more fun with this. Oh, my gosh, it's a piggy ticket. We can ticket folks for parking in two spots, for parking in one spot and stealing it for cutting line all, you know, I mean, we're you know, we see 100 instances of piggy behavior every single day. And my son and daughter and I started, you know, riffing on this. And we thought, oh, my gosh, where what would you call this place where piggy behavior is just everywhere and it's piggy nation now, now Tom, you can be a piggy without being a pig, right? You don't have to be a pig to be a piggy. You could be a giraffe or a rhino or a or a hippo or. Or a dog. Or you could be any sort of animal. Now, of course, piggy nation all all the all the inhabitants are animals. But you don't have to be an actual pig to be a piggy because all you have to do is just, you know, piggy behavior and boom, next thing you know, you're a piggy.

[00:13:58] There's an embodiment of that on I see it on TikTok called Khatarnaak. This guy is in parking lots. And if you don't put your cart away, he just harasses you, puts stuff on your car and messes with you. Yeah. Cart narc, it's called.

[00:14:17] I love it. I love it. I love it. I actually I'm a bit partial to piggy behavior and piggy nation, but but khatarnaak. That's a good take on it.

[00:14:24] Yeah. And now it took off. But then, you know, I don't want everybody to think you're you might be Mr. Silver Spoon, but even people with silver spoons have setbacks. And something happened with your son that kind of put a kibosh on things for a while, right?

[00:14:44] Yeah. Yeah. Well, Tom, I talked about how, you know, Nick and Ali, my son and daughter were there. And when this happened with Piggy Nation or Piggy the piggy ticket. And about four years later, my son was in a car accident, and and he passed. And and so that was when Piggy Nation became something. Right before that, it was just our family joke. And after he after he died, I was working on TV shows. I was, you know, life was a bit of a blur at that point. Right. Right. And and and I just I wanted to celebrate Nick's spirit, and I wanted to celebrate him and his sense of humor. And he had an incredible, incredible lust for life. And and so after he passed about, I don't know, eight, eight months or almost a year, I was I pulled the whole piggy ticket and piggy nation thing sort of out of the drawer and and wrote a children's book based on Piggy nation. And so it wasn't actually it wasn't until after after Nick passed that that it actually became something an actual creative force. And so I wrote this children's book and it actually was adapted into a musical that played off-Broadway at the Snapple Theater for for almost two years.

[00:16:10] And so Nick's spirit lives on in in Piggy Nation and and the piggy ticket. But it also that ultimately led to my love of of teaching folk story and storytelling and creative writing, because what happened was I was so I created this children's book and I started going out to schools and doing school assemblies. And I would go out and basically perform my book between seasons of TV shows because we, you know, typically between a season, between seasons, we have, you know, 2 or 3 months. And so I started going to schools and doing school assemblies for kids. And Piggy Nation is really all about accountability for our actions, right? And and what we do and how it affects other people. And you can be a piggy one minute you've done something really horrible, you've taken two spaces or or you've or you've stolen a space. But if you stop and you reflect and you say, Oh, wait a second, what did I do? And you apologize for it, or you make amends for it with the person that you, you know, offended through piggy behavior, then you can you can rectify the situation. And and so it's really all about accountability. And and so kids, you know, when when they're in elementary school, they love rules and they love, you know, being able to point out, hey, you did that And and this gave piggy nation gave them a voice to be able to say, hey, you're a piggy in good nature.

[00:17:39] You know, it's all in fun, in jest and with with a kernel of truth behind it. And and so I started doing these school assemblies. I ended up doing school assemblies for, for like 10 or 15, almost 15,000 kids. And so. Teachers and principals and parents would come up to me after I do a school assembly and say, oh my gosh, can you can you teach a class or teach a workshop in storytelling or creative writing? Because our students would absolutely love to learn how to write a book or a project or an essay, just like you did with Piggy Nation. And so over the past ten years, that's really become my mission is to is to help folks communicate through story and storytelling and Tom. I mean, you're a master storyteller. I mean, you you go way back in terms of comedy and writing comedy and doing practical jokes. And and you've been on you've been on the air with Screw the Commute for what is it, 23 years I read No.

[00:18:43] Screw the commute. There's only been about four years but 773 episodes. So it's been around a little bit. Yeah. Okay.

[00:18:49] Well, that's what made.

[00:18:50] Me think it was.

[00:18:51] I read somewhere.

[00:18:52] Something has been speaking. I've been a professional speaker. That must have been what it was. Yeah.

[00:18:57] But yeah, I mean, 700 some odd episodes in four years is, is a major undertaking. And but so, so you understand what I'm talking about from a storytelling standpoint. I mean, you are a master storyteller as well. And, and so we communicate. 85% of our day is spent communicating through story or the narrative structure. And so for 10,000 years, we as human beings have been really perfecting the art of communication through storytelling. And, and so that's, that's what I've I feel like a little bit of sort of an evangelist with story is the way it's the way we communicate. And, and the better we become, the better storytellers we become, the better communicators we become. And that's, you know, whether you're whether you're going for a job interview or you're pitching a project or you're asking for funding for something or you're managing a team story is a way of communicating, connecting with folks that really gives it really solidifies an emotional connection between the teller, the story teller and their audience. And again, the audience could be one person or it could be an audience of two or 3 or 400 people.

[00:20:12] I'm totally with you, but I'm just wondering, did you have to do the children's programs in drag? No.

[00:20:22] No. Tom I have to say, I've actually never I've never done a children's drag reading program.

[00:20:29] Well, you're kind of out of touch. I'm sorry. But another.

[00:20:33] Guess you could say.

[00:20:34] That's true. Another tough, tough point I want to make with you. And I understand you've got to keep people happy. You're in Hollywood and everything, but I understand you've been had things to do with children's programs for the Disney Channel and forever. The Disney has been known as one of the most wholesome companies on the face of the earth until recently. So can you comment on any of that or should you just keep your mouth shut?

[00:21:01] You know what? I can't go there.

[00:21:04] I'm just thought.

[00:21:05] I'm going to let it go because you're going to get me. You know, you're going to get me and some of your listeners. We're going to get all riled up, etcetera. You know, it's not worth it. It's let's just keep moving forward, see? Yeah, go ahead. Well, I.

[00:21:18] Was just going to say, a great media coach, one of the best in the world, actually. He told me one time the media likes heat rather than light on an issue. They love the argument.

[00:21:31] Of course. Tom. Tom. I mean, that's what that's what all the social media plays on. You know, whether it's Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, it's all about generating the negativity. Negativity keeps people on a platform longer, you know, doing, doing nice things. I mean, you know, back to Piggy Nation, right? I mean, you know, it's all about our our actions and how they affect others and ultimately, hey, look, Tom, I am the biggest piggy, right? You can ask my daughter. You can ask my wife. I am the biggest piggy. And I fully admit that. Right. And that's part of that's part of the philosophy behind Piggy nation is admitting when you're wrong, admitting when you've done something that either offends or disturbs or or just, you know, just irks someone else and and work through it. Let it go.

[00:22:27] Yeah, I totally agree. And and I got to commend you because you're you're doing great on this podcast and I know you're a veteran of at least one other podcast with Brett Ridgeway, who's a friend of mine on the spotlight for.

[00:22:44] Brett is fantastic. Yeah.

[00:22:47] And but you've been doing this a long time. I mean, third grade you were putting on plays. But what I wondered was, is were you getting union rate at that time?

[00:22:56] No, no. Back in third grade, you know what they they, they were paying us in chicken fingers.

[00:23:02] There you go. No, I don't want to brag. And I know you're nervous about talking to a guy like me because I don't want to brag, Richard.

[00:23:10] But you know what, Tom? You know. You know what, Tom? Go ahead and brag.

[00:23:14] Well, I'm going to go ahead because I think you can handle it. You've survived Hollywood all these years. I Tom Antion am up for a part in the remake of the Blob movie, so. Oh, Tom, I know, I know. You're probably bowing down right now in front of your computer.

[00:23:36] Well, I have to ask you, can you check and see if they if you need like a cohort, a partner, a Well.

[00:23:42] I'm going to say, who's the assistant director? I know a guy, you know, So so, yeah, I ended up saving an organization in Los Angeles that was going bankrupt. I did a fundraiser for them and auctioned myself off and raised a bunch of money for them. And the the president of the organizations husband had created the first Blob movie, the original.

[00:24:09] Oh, my.

[00:24:10] God. And she said, What can I do for you? You saved our organization. And I said, I don't care what it takes. I'll do anything. I'll be the Blob, I'll be anything. Get me in that movie because I will milk that. The rest of my life was in there.

[00:24:25] That is.

[00:24:26] Hilarious.

[00:24:27] I love that. Tom. That's great. So. So. So when. When? Well.

[00:24:31] It's been for 4 or 5 years they've been selling and reselling the script. I don't know how you guys work out there, but nobody. They told me, keep my day job, you know? So.

[00:24:41] Yeah, well, well, you know, we're right in the middle of the writers strike. Yes. And and and SAG is coming up as well. They're they're getting ready to strike. And so it's a big mess. It's yeah, we could again we could go several hours on the mess of the the strikes Hey get.

[00:24:59] Yourself a job on Reacher that's another binge show that I love. You know that's a show on Amazon.

[00:25:06] Oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I got to put that on my list. Thanks, Don.

[00:25:11] Hey, so. So let's talk about this. How you fell in love with this ChatGPT. I got a quote. It here. That just made me kind of laugh. It says, this book is going to reclaim control of your life and and finding and find balance in your life. And I'm thinking that's just another thing we have to learn. And then now, just this week, they threw threads on our back to learn that that program for for Zuckerberg so.

[00:25:38] So yeah but you know threads is essentially Twitter so if you know Twitter you know threads right.

[00:25:43] Yeah but you have to write twice as much. You have to you have to write twice as much ridiculous things, you know. So. No, no, no, no.

[00:25:50] It's just it's cut and paste. You write the same amount, you just cut it and you paste it.

[00:25:54] Paste it twice or else plug it into ChatGPT. So how did you fall in love with, quote, the Swiss Army knife of technology?

[00:26:02] Well. So I so I do a lot of consulting now and I do workshops, seminars and webinars about story and the power of story and how to create compelling stories. And I was I got tasked school in Oklahoma where I grew up. It's a career tech school, asked me to do a seminar on storytelling for trainers and I said, I'm in. Count me in, let's put it down. And I got off the phone and I said, Wait a second, I don't know anything about trailers. And someone said to me, This is back in January. And they said to me, Well, you should check out ChatGPT. It's sort of like Google, except for it's you know, the answers are a little bit longer and they're and they're a little bit deeper dive. And so I went on ChatGPT and and you're right. I fell in love with it. It's it's an amazing research. Now I have you know, I'll I'll qualify this in a second, but it's an amazing brainstorm outlining organizational research tool that can create some limited content.

[00:27:08] Okay. But wait a minute. You just said you fell in love with it, right? So, yeah. What about the the chat bot that fell in love with that reporter? Did you see that in the news? Yes. Yes. He wanted him to leave his wife.

[00:27:22] Well she was telling her she ChatGPT was telling him to leave.

[00:27:26] Make sure you get the chat bots pronouns correct, please. That's right.

[00:27:31] Exactly. So but, you know, stepping back a second, I started using ChatGPT to help me figure out these workshops. And it's it's really amazing because it's like sitting in a room with ten other people from ten. I mean, it's like sitting in a room with an astronaut and a historian and a scientist, a scientist, all these different people. So when you bring up a topic, all of a sudden you get all these different points of view. And you can also ask, for instance, you can you can go on ChatGPT and ask it to talk to you like, like it's Einstein or Mark Twain or, you know, or Mark Zuckerberg, anyone, really. And so it's it's really incredible because it has gone out and voraciously read billions upon billions of websites and PDFs and pages and and blogs. Et cetera. And so it has the knowledge of basically every human on earth now, knowledge now it doesn't have the experience of every person on earth, and that that's where the limitations come in. And, and Tom, I mean, I, I have fallen in love with using ChatGPT, but realize that there are some severe limitations. You know, it does what's called hallucinating. So if it doesn't know about something, it'll just start making stuff up. And I don't know if you.

[00:28:56] Know, a lot of people like that.

[00:29:00] Hey, see? Yeah. See? So today is no different from some of our dear friends that we love, but we sort of go, Oh, my God, big eye roll. You know, Jim is out of his freaking mind about this or that, whatever it is, right? So ultimately what you have to do is, is when you're using ChatGPT, you're going to use it. But you have to you have to sort of sift through everything and filter everything. You have to remind yourself that this is a machine and that it's only relying on what it's read. Now, if if you're asking ChatGPT about a subject and it's read a bunch of blog posts that are that opinions are wrong, it may give you some wrong information. In fact, there was a there was an attorney who went and argued in front of a court and he was using examples from ChatGPT that ChatGPT had literally just made up out of whole cloth. And the judge called him out on it and said, Now wait, wait a second, let's look in the whatever the Law journal registry or whatever it is, right? And and they looked up the cases and found there's no case. You know, Antion versus Antion versus Rosser. It's there's no case. It's ChatGPT. He made this thing up. And so the guy ended up I don't know if he ended up losing his law license or he got severely reprimanded. But you have to be careful. You have to you have to do your due diligence. Now, it.

[00:30:27] Has been some of them. I mean, there's more than one other than ChatGPT, but it has been accused of bias. And there's there's oh, of course, record things of bias. So what do you think about that?

[00:30:39] Well, again, you know, the I don't know if you're aware of the garbage in garbage out, of course, but it goes back to the you know, the very, very beginnings of of computer and computer science. So basically, garbage in, garbage out means whatever you put into or program into a computer. If if you program it with garbage, it's only going to be as good as what you've. Put into it. And so same thing with ChatGPT if if it's or barred or Bing or, you know, there are a number of of text based sort of chat generative models out there. But if if it's working on information that is either biased, in other words, if it if it's read a bunch of blog posts from racist folks or from folks, you know, with homophobia or whatever it is, then it's going to return responses that have elements of that. And so we're working to create sort of an even playing field for ChatGPT to take in prompts and questions and then return responses that don't have that inherent bias built into it. And it's difficult. I mean, in society, we we have bias. People have bias built in. And so so again, everything that comes out of ChatGPT and it spits it out pretty, pretty dang quick, right?

[00:32:02] Yeah. The app is like lightning fast. It's working like crazy.

[00:32:06] It's yeah. Oh it's. And that's one of the beauties of it. However, everyone who's using it needs to say, okay, you know, is does this work within what I'm, what I'm trying to do? And for instance, you know, I went in and I said, okay, well what is a storytelling workshop for trainers going to look like? And it came back and it made some suggestions here and some suggestions there, and some of the suggestions were amazing. Tom But others were complete crap, to tell you the truth. And so, you know, we as people, we are the critical thinkers. This is I mean, it's like reading an encyclopedia, but on steroids. So what are they.

[00:32:46] Going to learn if they if they get your book? It says it's called Simplified. And I was reading that the better you become at querying it, the better results you get. So is that absolutely.

[00:33:00] Well, ChatGPT is what's called an iterative technology, right? So it works in stages. And it's sort of like I mean, it's sort of like we all learn everything, like take riding a bike, for instance. The first thing you do is you don't just get on a bike and pedal and ride off around the block. The first thing you got to do as a kid is you got to get on the bike. You work with training wheels and then you take the training wheels off and they have new they have new bikes that don't even have pedals. The kids basically just push with their feet and they get used to balancing on the bike with it going a certain speed, but they don't even have pedals. And so same thing with ChatGPT is as you as we start using this technology, we're going to use it very simply and we can ask it. Like the first thing I did was I asked it, Oh, write a paragraph about finding a lost dog. I mean, I don't know why that popped into my head. And then I said, Oh my gosh. And it returned a paragraph of 50 or 60 words. And then I said, Okay, now write that in the style of Hemingway and Shakespeare and Hunter S Thompson, you know, and Toni Morrison and all these different folks, you know, these different writers. And it came back and it had the voice of J.K.

[00:34:13] Rowling and written as finding a lost dog in Hogwarts or whatever. And and so what you do is, is you work with it and just play around with it. And that's and that's one of the things about my book is I try to keep a very playful attitude, right? I mean, some people are going to use this for work. They're going to use it to to help them organize some pretty complex concepts. But you need to you need to master the art of. Creating what's called a prompt or a question. And the better you get at that, the better response you're ultimately going to get. So my book, really, it walks through all the possibilities and plays. It helps folks play around with this technology so they can get good at using ChatGPT and Bard and Bing and creating prompts that will ultimately get them the best response possible. And even then you're going to end up with something that it may only be 80 or 90% there. You have to take it and then put your personal imprint on it. Tom A lot of folks think that, well, first of all, folks think that AI and ChatGPT, it's going to become Skynet from Terminator and it's going to rule the world and we're all of a sudden going to be, you know, ChatGPT slaves and we're going to be doing its bidding. And that's a long, long way off, if ever.

[00:35:39] But the other thing is, a lot of people think that all of our communication is just going to be turned to mush because we're all going to be using the same prompts. And so Tom if I if I use a prompt and I and I get a response back and I say, oh my gosh, Tom, check out this prompt and you use it and use the same exact prompt without updating it for you and your, your, your personality, then sure, you write a blog post and I write a blog post and they're going to sound pretty similar, if not exactly the same. And, and so my whole take on it is people are better than that. We're more creative than that. So when I get a prompt, I'm going to infuse it with parts of my personality. I'm going to say, okay, write with a little bit more energy or write with a sense of humor. Put it in some pop culture references. So I'm going to take that prompt and I'm going to personalize it so that the ultimate response from ChatGPT, when it spits it out, it screams Richard Rosser as opposed to Tom Antion. And when I say, Oh, Tom, you got to use this prompt, it's a really great prompt. You're not just going to take it off the shelf and use it, you're going to create it and infuse your personality into that.

[00:36:47] So you're giving me a lot of credit here. And what worries me, hey, credit where credit is due. What worries me is people will get lazy and they'll just take stuff verbatim and then possibly get hit with plagiarism charges. What do you think about that?

[00:37:03] It's absolutely I mean, it's it's going to it's all all of the above is bound to happen. And so don't get lazy. It's like anything I mean, you know, you take a look at the Internet or even I mean, think about back to 1455 when the Gutenberg press was invented. You know, there were all these oral storytellers, all these folks who, you know, story didn't exist in the written word before that on a mass scale. And all those folks were freaking out because they're thinking this new thing called a book. People aren't going to want to hear stories anymore. Well, how many stories do we hear in on a given day? We've got comedians. We've got artists, We've got musicians. I mean, story the verbal version of story is is just as popular, if not more so, than it was back in 1455. And and so I think everyone needs to take a collective, a collective deep breath Tom And and I know things are moving at lightning speed, but everyone just needs to take a collective deep breath and just say, okay, you know something? I'm going to I'm going to work on getting up to speed with this.

[00:38:11] There are a bunch of people who are already ahead of me in terms of their knowledge and experience with this. But that's that's those are the folks who my book has written for. It's written in an everyday style with lots of pop culture references and lots of humor and fun. And so I'm trying to help folks get up to speed in terms of how they can use this technology to amplify their own creativity and their own individualism. And, you know, sure. I mean, there are people who eat at McDonald's, you know, morning, noon and night every day. And those people may use the same prompt. But but there are other people who are going to use this technology to create amazing things. And Tom, I got to I got to I got to know that you're going to be one of them. You know, I just know that ultimately I will. After you read my book and you implement some of the strategies in there, you too are going to fall in love with ChatGPT, but not it's going to be more of a platonic relationship with you and ChatGPT. Well, okay.

[00:39:11] My podcast producer, Larry, is in love with it, so he'll push me double hard now because of you. But how come, Hey, if you love it so much, why don't you put your name on the cover?

[00:39:24] You know what? Because I'm building a brand. And so I explained is is the brand. So if can I can I plug where folks can learn more about. Absolutely.

[00:39:36] Yeah. We got a ways to go.

[00:39:37] So if you're intrigued, if you're intrigued, but yet anxious, either excited, anxious or doom and gloom, anxious about ChatGPT and I in general, you can learn more by going to I explained AI That's my website. And you can you can. It'll take you directly to Amazon. You can check out my book and I've also got a free ebook on there ChatGPT case studies that you can that you can read about how real people and real freelancers and entrepreneurs are using this amazing technology. And then you can also contact me if you have questions, if you're if you if you want to talk about consulting me, come in and do an A workshop with with a group you're involved with. So it's I explained.i.

[00:40:25] I explained with a D on the end explained why ChatGPT case studies is another book they find that they're.

[00:40:35] Yes. Yes. In fact, that one. That one is free.

[00:40:38] Beautiful. All right. So we're going to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we'll ask Richard what's a typical day look like for him, let's say, when he's on a show and then off season, What's the what's what he does and how he keeps his his life running as a Hollywood mogul. We'll call him. So so folks about, oh, geez, it's been over 25 years ago now. I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head and that guys and girls like me were charging 50 or 100,000 bucks up front to teach you what they knew. And I knew a lot of these guys they'd be hiding out in Mexico. If you gave them 50 grand up front, you'd never see them again. There's a lot of rip offs. So. So I said, I'm going to fix that. It's too risky. I'm a small business advocate, so I said, I'm going to just charge them a 10% entry fee and then I'll connect my success to their success. So that for me to get my 50,000, you had to net 200,000. Well, people love this. And 1800 students later and 25 years later is still going strong. It's the most it's the longest running, most unique, most successful ever in the field of Internet and digital marketing. We have the Great Internet Marketing Retreat Center here in Virginia Beach, where you spend an immersion weekend.

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[00:43:08] All right, let's get back to the main event. We've got Richard Rosser here he is the solely the reason that Cindy Crawford was anything but a waitress and Kiefer Sutherland was nothing more than a waiter. Or a Cowboy or actually. Yeah, actually, Kiefer had taken off from the from the film and TV business. And when 24 came, came to fruition, he was he was on the cowboy circuit. He was riding rodeo.

[00:43:41] No kidding. I didn't know that. Yeah.

[00:43:44] And so like, for instance, Tom, when I went in and I'd worked with the production manager and producer of the show on a couple of previous shows, and they called me in and they said, Hey, we want to bring you in and talk to you about this job we got going on. And I said, okay. So I said, It's this weird show, 24. And at that point 20, the number 24 meant nothing, right? Right. It wasn't in production yet. They said, It's this weird show. Every episode is an hour in a 24 hour day and it's starring Kiefer Sutherland. And I said, Wait, Kiefer Sutherland? And he and he like a rodeo guy Now he quit acting. And they said, Yeah, well, he's he's coming back. And this is this is the first TV show he's, he's ever going to do because he'd just done movies before that. And I said, all right. Kiefer Sutherland And yeah so and as the rest, as they say is history.

[00:44:33] Yeah. So maybe you're you were the rodeo clown that saved him. I don't know.

[00:44:38] Yeah, definitely.

[00:44:40] So. So what's a typical day look like when you're working on a show?

[00:44:45] Well, when I'm in prep, it's all about meetings and location scouting. We're in and out of a van as we go location scouting for the umpteen locations in any given episode. And then we have meetings talking about props and wardrobe and and special effects and background all all the various departments that make up the team that actually creates a TV show. And then once we get into production, then it's really intense. We're doing 12 to 14 hour days depending, you know, including including lunch. And and most folks have a bit of a commute when we can listen to an amazing podcast.

[00:45:26] Screw the commute I think would be appropriate. Yeah. Oh, you know what?

[00:45:30] Tom. That's a great idea.

[00:45:31] While you're commuting, Of course. Hey, that's right. Or any kind of shows easier or harder to do.

[00:45:36] Yes. Yes, absolutely. You know, when you have a show that has one star in it, it's it's more difficult, especially if the star is is female because they end up taking a little bit longer to go through the works. Right. For the glitz and glam and and when you have a show that stars one one actor or actress as the main the main driving force of the show, ultimately what you end up having to do is you have to turn around each day on that actor or actress. Whereas if you have a show, what's.

[00:46:12] Turn around mean? What do you mean turn around?

[00:46:14] Well, from when you finish, you wrap the the shooting on any given day on a Monday and then the actors get 12 hours of turnaround because they have to take their makeup off. They have to go home. They have to learn their lines for the next day. They got to get their beauty sleep. Then they have to So so they're guaranteed by contract, 12 hours of turnaround. And so, you know, if you've got one star on a show, you're turning around on that actor. However, if you do a show that has multiple characters and 24 is a great example because even though Kiefer Sutherland was the star of the show, we always had the bad guys and we'd have scenes with his daughter and scenes with his.

[00:46:52] Wife so you could shoot more efficiently, I guess, right?

[00:46:55] Exactly. Yeah. Well, and also, for instance, the crew has a ten hour turnaround, basically. I mean, some some have a little bit more, some have a little bit less depending. But so what you can do is you shoot with Kiefer on Monday, then you shoot with a different actor on Tuesday, a different actor on Wednesday, then Kiefer on Thursday. So you can keep the call a little bit earlier in the day.

[00:47:15] Can't you have multiple crews?

[00:47:18] Well, no, no. Well, typically.

[00:47:21] What if one's in Venezuela and the other one's. And you're shooting. Shooting a great distance apart?

[00:47:28] Well, yeah, but if you're shooting Mission Impossible 73. Yes, you can do that. But. But if you're doing a TV show that shoots in Oklahoma, which has an amazing the film business in Oklahoma is exploding. That sounds.

[00:47:42] Like bias. I don't know.

[00:47:44] Chicago or Los Angeles or Miami or, you know, wherever you are, wherever the production center is, it's really expensive to go away from that production center to shoot scenes. So you typically and like on 24, we had the main shooting crew and then from time to time we would we would have a second crew going on at the same time if we if we got behind schedule, if we needed to catch up or if we if we were trying to make release dates, then we'd do what's called double ups and we'd have a second crew going. And again, you can do that if you've got sort of a repertoire group of actors in a show. But if you have one actor who's in 90 or 95% of the scenes, you can't do that because you know you can't shoot two scenes with the same actor, with different crews at the same time. Wow.

[00:48:36] There's enormous, enormous, enormous organizations to pull this off. Yes. Yes, it is. I'm just thinking of some of that. I don't know if Chicago Med. I don't think I ever saw it. But, you know, some of these E.R. type shows with doctors spewing different medical things and and continuity and. I don't.

[00:48:57] Know. Oh, it's Tom. It is. Well, and 24 there was all this techno speak and political speak. And, you know, you've got political dramas, The West Wing and some of these shows, you know, House of Cards, where the political speak is just boom, boom, boom. It's rapid fire succession, you know, and and it's a tricky situation with actors and and doing that dialogue and and I mean there are actors who are memorizing you know six seven and a half pages of dialogue. And some of it is very, very detailed, complicated talk.

[00:49:31] Was there quite was there quite a bit of where the actor says the wrong thing? But you say, hey, that was better than what was in the script.

[00:49:40] Every once in a while, Of course.

[00:49:42] Oh, of course. I'm thinking Robin Williams, maybe Tom.

[00:49:45] You know. You know, the thing about the thing about actors is after after a season or two, the actors know the character better than anyone. And in some cases, in some cases better than the writers, especially if you've got a large writing staff. And so an actor is really sort of that last check and balance of, okay, whatever's coming out of that, you know, it's it's akin to the situation with ChatGPT Tom because ultimately the actor is the keeper of, of the character and, and, and same thing like if you're if you're asking ChatGPT to write something or spit something out, you're the arbiter of whether or not it's good, bad, ugly if it's going to work for whatever you're using it for, whether it's a workshop or or a part of a book or a blog, whatever it is. Right. So it's an interesting distinction you made there.

[00:50:42] Tom Hey, did you ever mess anything up? Of course.

[00:50:48] Who doesn't mess stuff up?

[00:50:49] Yeah, I know you probably did. But I mean, there's any I mean, it seems like it could cost a lot of money to the production with some certain mistakes.

[00:50:59] Well, I mean, we're all we all are trying to mitigate our mistakes. I mean, hey, look, everyone makes mistakes. And that's really I mean, isn't that part of life? You know, you asked me what what I do when I'm not working on film sets. And it's, you know, it's it's trying to figure out life and and the mistakes we've made. And and so have you.

[00:51:24] Been given out piggy tickets on on shows.

[00:51:29] Have I given folks piggy tickets on shows?

[00:51:31] Yeah.

[00:51:32] Uh, yeah. And folks and folks have given me piggy tickets on shows.

[00:51:38] Oh, okay.

[00:51:40] Oh, absolutely. Again, again. The whole thing is, you know, it's sort of like karma. What goes around comes around. You know, again, I'm the biggest piggy, and my my wife and daughter will will support that statement 100%. But it's it's not about it's not about the piggy behavior. It's about how you deal with the piggy behavior.

[00:52:03] And so what's the future hold for you?

[00:52:07] Well, I am I'm having a blast consulting with I consult with with small businesses and entrepreneurs. Startups mean, are you.

[00:52:17] Backing away from the assistant director stuff or that it's just, you know, that's going to be a certain amount of time out of every year?

[00:52:25] Well, there's a there's a couple of things going on. I mean, first of all, the 12 hour days start to take their toll. Yeah, right. And especially if you're working on a show like 24 where 12 hours and 12 hours, you know, half the show takes place at night, you some of those some of those scenes you have to film at night in real time. Right. And real night. And so, you know, you're starting at 3 or 4 in the afternoon and go until three or 4 or 5 in the morning. And so after a while, you know, when you get to a certain point in your career, you go, wow, you know, I'm not I'm not sure how much how much I want to be doing 12 hour days, some of them at night, um, you know, for months on end. Is it easier.

[00:53:12] For the director? What's that? Is it easier for the actual director?

[00:53:18] Um. Well, the director. Yes and no. I mean, the directors are coming in and they're. They're what are called, you know, guns for on TV. They're the guns for hire. They're writer. The writer is the king in terms of what's going on in TV. And directors come in and and that's not to say that some some directors don't you know, they come in, they're a producer director and they're working on multiple episodes over the course of a season. But the shooting crew are the folks who take the biggest brunt of the physicality of of working day in, day out for months on end, you know, doing doing the 12, 13, 14 hour days. And so I'm I'm what I'm doing is I'm taking the knowledge and experience that I've gleaned over the years of working on all these different TV shows. And from a storytelling standpoint. And I've realized Tom that storytelling is incredibly important for entertainment. You know, a show like 24 or Grey's Anatomy, I mean, Grey's Anatomy has been going on, what, 21 years? I think something like that. It's the storytelling in these shows is really incredible. And you follow these characters along for episode after episode, season after season. And what I took away from my professional work in storytelling on TV shows is the importance of storytelling in daily life, whether it's whether you're telling a joke.

[00:54:44] And I don't mean just to set up punch lines, set up punch line, but if you're telling a joke, that's a story, joke it. We can use story for entertainment, persuasion, reflection. You know, I told a story, one of my dad's favorite jokes joke stories at his funeral as as part of my eulogy. And it was a way to celebrate him and a way to reflect on his life. And so as we move forward through life, story and storytelling is really how we communicate and how we communicate best, I should say. Because if you spew a bunch of phone numbers at me or data, I may may remember one phone number, that's what, ten digits long, right? But if you incorporate those concepts into a story, I'm going to become emotionally involved. I'm going to remember it and retain that information and it's going to sit with me for I mean, think of the TV shows and movies and and and stories that friends have told us that that resonate with us for days, if not years afterwards.

[00:55:53] Oh, it could be forever, you know, like.

[00:55:56] Absolutely, Absolutely.

[00:55:58] Those scenes from Jimmy Stewart and, you know, It's A Wonderful Life and stuff like that.

[00:56:04] Oh, and some of the lines, you know, I mean, we're going to need a bigger boat, right, from Jaws. I mean, just some of the scenes that that are imprinted on us from movies and books and Tom. There's a there's an interesting psychological component, and it's called narrative transport. And what that is, is think about your favorite movie or your favorite book, right? And when you are immersed in that. You're transported to a different place, a different time, a different character. And most of the time those characters are just made up. The writer came up with those characters and the movie crew put those characters on the screen, but you're transported to a different place and time. And so when when we're transported to a different world like that through a book or music or anything, you know, the bell can be going off for our pizza. My pizza can be burning in the in the oven or the microwave. There's someone knocking on the door for a delivery and everything just falls away. And ultimately that's that's the power of story Tom And that's ultimately what we're all trying to convey when we're telling a story. Again, whether it's a joke or it's a story for an audience of 2 or 300 folks at a, you know, at some sort of a convention. Ultimately, that's what we're trying to do, is convey the emotion and connect through story so that folks will take something away that resonates with them over over time.

[00:57:40] And it does work over time, that's for sure. So we're going to end with a quiz for you and then we'll talk about your Tom, where you can get your book again. So, all right, so tell me what movie this this phrase came from. Ready? Okay. A man's got to know his limitations.

[00:58:03] Boy. Gosh, those limitations. Unforgiven. No.

[00:58:11] Dirty Harry. Oh.

[00:58:13] Hey. I was close, right. Clint Eastwood directed, Directed Unforgiven and Dirty Harry. Okay, closing. See, Now, if you'd said. Go ahead, punk. Make my day.

[00:58:24] Yeah, that's. That was too obvious. All right, that's. That's easy. So here's one. Here's one. I'm going to take this side of my foot and whap you up on this side of your face. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

[00:58:39] Oh. Oh, my gosh. You remember.

[00:58:42] That one?

[00:58:43] Yes. I can't. Oh, I'm.

[00:58:49] Can you picture this?

[00:58:51] Visualize the scene. Exactly.

[00:58:52] Billy Jack.

[00:58:54] Oh, Billy. Yes, of course. Of course. You're. You're reaching back. Okay. You're reaching. I mean, I'm. Well, you and I both.

[00:59:01] But. Okay.

[00:59:03] Billy? Yes. Yeah. See, I can visualize the scene with Billy Jack. Yes. Which is different than BoJack Horseman. Billy Jack was a whole different thing, folks. Yeah.

[00:59:14] So I explained that I. And the book is ChatGPT simplified, but it's not by Richard Rosser. You don't read about him till ten pages in. So. So thanks so much for coming on. It's been a blast. Very cool. Insights into the Hollywood scene. So thanks so much, Richard.

[00:59:39] Oh, Tom It's absolutely been my pleasure. And wish everyone a fantastic commute and hope this helped you pass the time a little bit.

[00:59:46] There we go. All right, everybody. We'll catch you all in the next episode. Check out AIexplained.ai. See you later.