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377 – He’s back bringing tons of speaking leads: Tom interviews Mitch Davis

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Mitch Davis

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Tom interviews Mitch Davis           Tom interviews Mitch Davis          
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    Mitch Davis is the brains behind Expert Click. This is the place where I have all my listings in press releases and all this stuff that he does for me and also the Yearbook of Experts, which he started in 1984. But today he's going to talk about another thing. If you have any aspirations of speaking and I know people that hate speaking, it's made me millions of dollars and sold a lot of my offline stuff. It's just just been so good for my career and can be for yours too.

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    376 – Get training fast and cheap: Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training

    Screw The Commute Podcast

    Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training

    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
    Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training           Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training          
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      Fiverr is more than a resource to get things done inexpensively. It started off that way, but has grown far beyond that initial mission. Tom gives you the details on how to use Fiverr to get really good, valuable training for you and your business.

      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

      375 – Fitness after 50: Tom interviews Andrew Poletto

      Screw The Commute Podcast

      Tom interviews Andrew Poletto

      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
      Tom interviews Andrew Poletto           Tom interviews Andrew Poletto          
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        Andrew Poletto wants you to know, think about this, how some people over fifty, they're a bit intimidated going to the gym and working with 20, a 25 year old trainer. Well, Andrew takes that feeling away from people and teaches them, hey, it's OK to work out at their age and accomplish better health and fitness by using common sense and easy to follow programs.

        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

        374 – Giant Virtual Business Networking Event: Tom interviews David Riklan

        Screw The Commute Podcast

        Tom interviews David Riklan

        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
        Tom interviews David Riklan           Tom interviews David Riklan          
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          David Riklan is the founder of SelfGrowth.com, and we're talking about the thing that he created, which is a comprehensive, searchable directory of businesses. And it's in the broadly defined self-improvement industry. We're all helping people improve, that's for sure and it enables you to search and contact a wide variety of businesses to help you expand and grow your business.

          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

          373 – Talking to people can make you a lot of money: Tom talks Offering Consultations

          Screw The Commute Podcast

          Tom talks Offering Consultations

          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
          Tom talks Offering Consultations           Tom talks Offering Consultations          
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            If you're too lazy to talk to people, if you've got a rotten personality here, generally a person that people don't like, well, maybe this episode is not for you. But if you're a person who really wants their business to succeed and is willing to take the time to nurture prospects and keep current customers coming back for more, than this brief episode is for you.

            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

            372 – He was mistaken for Jackie Chan: Tom interviews Mike Hayashi

            Screw The Commute Podcast

            Tom interviews Mike Hayashi

            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
            Tom interviews Mike Hayashi           Tom interviews Mike Hayashi          
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              Mike Hayashi has offered 1500 seminars to over a half a million women at over 525 universities and companies in 27 states and four countries. So this guy's been around AT&T, Motorola and Apple. And he holds a seventh degree karate black belt and he's only broken his ribs one time. He's been on four hundred and fifty television appearances and nominated for an Emmy for his weekly cable show in Phoenix, Arizona.

              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

              371 – He sold 75000 books: Tom interviews Derek Doepker

              Screw The Commute Podcast

              Tom interviews Derek Doepker

              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
              Tom interviews Derek Doepker           Tom interviews Derek Doepker          
              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                Derek Doepker went from being a broke valet to a best selling author. He sold over 75000 books, using free and low cost marketing strategies, and he now shares these strategies with authors through workshop courses and retreats, and he empowers them to turn their passion for writing into a thriving business.

                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                370 – Kindle is a super great business opportunity: Tom talks Kindle Ebook Questions

                Screw The Commute Podcast

                Tom talks Kindle Ebook Questions

                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                Tom talks Kindle Ebook Questions           Tom talks Kindle Ebook Questions          
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                  Kindle Ebook Q&A! Tom goes over the most common questions he gets on Kindle and the creation of ebooks on the Amazon platform. You will learn A LOT on this episode.

                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                  369 – Lawyer, songwriter, empowerer of women: Tom interviews Lisa Stuart

                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                  Tom interviews Lisa Stuart

                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                  Tom interviews Lisa Stuart           Tom interviews Lisa Stuart          
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                    Lisa Stuart is an international life coach who empowers women to say yes to themselves without fear and no to others without guilt. Her “Be The Butterfly” webinar series has resonated with women around the globe as their go to source for spiritual growth and life realignment.

                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                    368 – Get free and cheap stuff by doing reviews: Tom interviews Alain Burrese

                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                    Tom interviews Alain Burrese

                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                    Tom interviews Alain Burrese           Tom interviews Alain Burrese          
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                      Alain Burrese is a former U.S. Army sniper and a fifth degree black belt. He's an attorney and a certified active shooter response instructor through Safari Land Training Group. He's the author of nine books and 11 instructional DVDs. He's also the instructor at BrutalSelfdefense.com and he's the author of books, Survive a Shooting: Strategies to Survive Active Shooters and Terrorist Attacks.

                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                      367 – Smart phones are smarter than you think: Tom talks Cell Phone Automation

                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                      Tom talks Cell Phone Automation

                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                      Tom talks Cell Phone Automation           Tom talks Cell Phone Automation          
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                        Automating tasks with your cell phone can be a highly effective, highly efficient timesaver and wildly improve your productivity. It's just crazy what these things will do. I'm going to give you a taste of the wild things these automation apps can do, and you pick ones that have the best features for the things that you want to do. And new ones are coming out all the time. This episode is to whet your whistle to get you interested in pursuing this.

                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                        366 – From air mattress to Africa: Tom interviews Vincent Trujillo

                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                        Tom interviews Vincent Trujillo

                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                        Tom interviews Vincent Trujillo           Tom interviews Vincent Trujillo          
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                          Vincent Trujillo is an entrepreneur, a digital agency owner, former finance geek and he loves to travel. His focus now is purpose driven projects like launching Firefighter Kingdom, and Houses with Hope online. And he supports small business and entrepreneurs by empowering them through content and training to optimize their platforms online for organic traffic.

                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                          365 – If you need local search this is the episode: Tom interviews John Vuong

                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                          Tom interviews John Vuong

                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                          Tom interviews John Vuong           Tom interviews John Vuong          
                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                            John Vuong is the owner and founder of Local CEO Search. It's a boutique agency that helps small businesses dominate their local market on Google. And John focuses on more than just ranking online. He really tries to help his clients grow and succeed.

                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                            364 – Learn to Joint Venture for Fun and Profit: Tom talks Million Warm Prospects

                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                            Tom talks Million Warm Prospects

                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                            Tom talks Million Warm Prospects           Tom talks Million Warm Prospects          
                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                              This episode could literally put you on the map, or wildly increase your business, by getting people who have blazed the trail before you, promote you and your products and services. Listen to this one a couple times and on one of the times, take good notes. I lay out a complete plan for you on what to say and what not to say when approaching powerful joint venture partners.

                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                              363 – This veteran helps other veterans: Tom interviews Scott Tucker

                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                              Tom interviews Scott Tucker

                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                              Tom interviews Scott Tucker           Tom interviews Scott Tucker          
                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                Scott Tucker is an author, speaker and founder of U.S. Vet Wealth, a lifestyle and financial consulting brand that helps service members go from paychecks and government benefits, to wealth and liberty. He's also a West Point graduate, serial world traveler, a military financial expert, and he's an entrepreneur.

                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                362 – This guy finds people: Tom interviews Richard Villasana

                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                Tom interviews Richard Villasana

                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                Tom interviews Richard Villasana           Tom interviews Richard Villasana          
                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                  Richard Villasana is the founder of the nonprofit Forever Homes for Foster Kids and a leading international authority on immigration issues and foster families. He's a columnist with Foster Focus magazine and he's been featured on CNN International, AP News and ABC TV.

                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                  361 – Create a great book in record time: Tom talks Quality Ebooks

                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                  Tom talks Quality Ebooks

                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                  Tom talks Quality Ebooks           Tom talks Quality Ebooks          
                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                    Creating a quality ebook in eight hours or less. I might add that when writing the book that inspired this podcast this morning, I took the dogs out to play fetch three times. So I had maybe about five and a half hours to create this thing. And there's no reason you can't do the same thing.

                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                    360 – Live streaming is da bomb: Tom talks Facebook Live

                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                    Tom talks Facebook Live

                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                    Tom talks Facebook Live           Tom talks Facebook Live          
                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                      Facebook Live has lots of benefits. First, it's free, it's in real time and it's interactive. Being in real time means you don't have all the precise editing involved when you're putting out a pre-recorded video, meaning they're expected to be correct without glitches. And we love video, but this is much easier to produce a video without any editing.

                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                      359 – Online Business Toolbox: Tom interviews Bob Dietrich

                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                      Tom interviews Bob Dietrich

                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                      Tom interviews Bob Dietrich           Tom interviews Bob Dietrich          
                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                        Bob Dietrich is an award winning public speaker, event producer and entrepreneur. Bob is also co-founder of Brainworx, a personal development company designed to help people with ADHD overcome their challenges. And he's co-host of the Online Business Toolbox. Bob is also a freelance writer for an online concert blog and a regular member of a local improv club.

                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                        358 – New Techniques to Blow Up Your Videos: Tom talks Maximizing YouTube

                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                        Tom talks Maximizing YouTube

                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                        Tom talks Maximizing YouTube           Tom talks Maximizing YouTube          
                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                          Maximizing YouTube. There's new stuff all the time coming out on YouTube. It kind of drives us crazy because with thousands of videos that I have out there on multiple channels, we have to try to go back and upgrade all these older videos. I've got thousands of videos to fix up and I'm not fixing up the video so much as the stuff surrounding the video that helps get the video seen.

                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                          357 – Transform your life with Tantra: Tom interviews Ella Hall

                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                          Tom interviews Ella Hall

                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                          Tom interviews Ella Hall           Tom interviews Ella Hall          
                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                            Ella Hall is a leading transformation, success coach and pleasure power expert. She supports busy men and women to transform their ordinary everyday lives by educating, and empowering, them with tools to claim their mastery to live the extraordinary life that is their birthright and her catchphrase is “from the bedroom to the boardroom and beyond”.

                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                            356 – The Sex Doctor is In: Tom interviews Dr. Janet Hall

                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                            Tom interviews Dr. Janet Hall

                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                            Tom interviews Dr. Janet Hall           Tom interviews Dr. Janet Hall          
                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                              After 40 years as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Janet Hall now consults as a hypnotherapist and sex therapist in Melbourne, Australia. She's the first sex therapist on the Screw the Commute show. An author and speaker, Janet is regularly featured on television, radio, print and online media. She has 52 audios on Audible.com, Kindle books on Amazon, eight paperback books on parenting and sex topics, and her gift is to make psychological information user friendly and easily understood.

                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                              355 – A variety of Internet questions answered: Ask Tom A Question

                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                              Ask Tom A Question

                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                              Ask Tom A Question           Ask Tom A Question          
                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                ASK TOM A QUESTION. You've sent in a bunch of questions. Tom answers the most common ones that will make the most impact.

                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                354 – Quick episode that can mean a lot of money: Tom talks VIP Days

                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                Tom talks VIP Days

                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                Tom talks VIP Days           Tom talks VIP Days          
                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                  VIP Days. This is a very simple idea. Many of you have never done it before and I'll just give you some tips that I've learned through the years doing them. People will pay for an experience and personalized attention, and there's two different ways you can get them to come to you or you can go to them.

                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                  353 – Don’t reinvent the wheel: Tom talks Reverse Engineering

                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                  Tom talks Reverse Engineering

                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                  Tom talks Reverse Engineering           Tom talks Reverse Engineering          
                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                    If you want to master something, learning from people that came before you seems to be a good idea, don't you think? The whole world is built on what has come before it. And if you study your field and study the people that came before you, you can end up with your own set of things pulled from multiple sources of inspiration. Nothing wrong with that. So we're going to talk about reverse engineering.

                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                    352 – Grab yourself a great monthly income: Tom talks Membership Sites

                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                    Tom talks Membership Sites

                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                    Tom talks Membership Sites           Tom talks Membership Sites          
                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                      I started my first membership site over 20 years ago, and it's still bringing in lots of money today. When we talk about membership sites, you have to realize they're not the same as passive recurring income. We love our passive recurring income, but passive recurring income comes in whether you do anything at all. Membership sites require some effort on your part to keep members interested in continuing to pay for access to your site, but It doesn't mean it has to be hard.

                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                      351 – Do these 3 things to improve your business: Tom talks Three Critical Business Tasks

                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                      Tom talks Three Critical Business Tasks

                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                      Tom talks Three Critical Business Tasks           Tom talks Three Critical Business Tasks          
                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                        Three things you can do in your business right now to increase your bottom line. I give you the top three things and the details behind those choices. Reduce your costs, increase your revenue, make more money and grow your business.

                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                        350 – We celebrate 350 episodes: Tom talks Podcasting

                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                        Tom talks Podcasting

                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                        Tom talks Podcasting           Tom talks Podcasting          
                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                          I really want you to use a podcast as an important part of your marketing mix. Yeah, I love video. Do a lot of video. Yeah, I love email marketing. Do tons of email marketing. But one really important thing that email and video can't compete with. Audio is the only medium where you can learn from or be entertained by while doing something else.

                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                          349 – Create assets for your financial security: Tom talks Intellectual Property

                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                          Tom talks Intellectual Property

                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                          Tom talks Intellectual Property           Tom talks Intellectual Property          
                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                            Creating your own intellectual property, or information products, is the key to making assets for your financial security. In this episode, I break down the different ways you can do this with what you already know.

                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                            348 – Work life balance: Tom interviews Marc Bullard

                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                            Tom interviews Marc Bullard

                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                            Tom interviews Marc Bullard           Tom interviews Marc Bullard          
                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                              Marc Bullard has a Bachelor of Science degree in video production from Stevenson University and a Master's Degree in education from Ashford University. And I hired him off of Craigslist 10, 11 years ago. He was a surf dude and he had dirty sand filled flip flops and long hair. He has a master's degree and was a professor at ITAC. I said, why are you quitting there? He said, they want me to wear a tie. So that's the perfect metaphor for the lifestyle businesses we create and encourage our employees to enjoy.

                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                              347 – A true lifestyle biohacker: Tom interviews Cary Jack

                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                              Tom interviews Cary Jack

                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                              Tom interviews Cary Jack           Tom interviews Cary Jack          
                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                Cary Jack is a lifestyle entrepreneur. He really is. He's an author, a podcast host, professional actor and model. He's a biohacker. He's an eco warrior. A martial artist and a humanitarian striving to make a positive impact on this planet. As the founder of the Happy Hustle, I love that his mission is to educate, inspire and entertain while reminding you to enjoy the journey, not just the destination as you happy hustle for a life of passion and purpose.

                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                346 – This simple skill can make you and save you a ton of money: Tom talks Simple Video Editing

                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                Tom talks Simple Video Editing

                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                Tom talks Simple Video Editing           Tom talks Simple Video Editing          
                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                Back 15 seconds
                                                                Forward 60 seconds
                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                  Forward 60 seconds
                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                  Simple Video Editing. Learning this, and other skills, can save you money and more than one way. Not only do you not have to pay to have that particular work done, but now you know what's involved. So when you do farm out the work, you don't overpay. One of the best lines I ever heard on negotiating prices to have work done is “This should be easy for someone who knows what they're doing.”

                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                  345 – She’ll teach photography to your 3 year old: Tom interviews Erika Hatfield

                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                  Tom interviews Erika Hatfield

                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                  Tom interviews Erika Hatfield           Tom interviews Erika Hatfield          
                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                  Back 15 seconds
                                                                  Forward 60 seconds
                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                    Back 15 seconds
                                                                    Forward 60 seconds
                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                    Erika Hatfield is a photographer, an Army veteran, and she's the founder of Next Level Photo Education. She's homeschooling her three daughters this year while she's working at home. That's what we're talking about, creating a lifestyle business. And she teaches DSLR, that's the fancier cameras, the owners of those cameras, how to use them. And she also helps photographers become profitable with the specialize to monetize mentorship program.

                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                    344 – At 87 she’s still going strong: Tom interviews Dorothy Wilhelm

                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                    Tom interviews Dorothy Wilhelm

                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                    Tom interviews Dorothy Wilhelm           Tom interviews Dorothy Wilhelm          
                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                      Dorothy Wilhelm was listed in the yearbook of experts, authorities and spokespersons as an expert on sex after 50. She says, “don't let life slow you down”, as she shows you how to create practical strategies for filling your first hundred years with laughter and purpose.

                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                      343 – Experiment with Tom: Tom talks Sneaky Craigslist Marketing Technique

                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                      Tom talks Sneaky Craigslist Marketing Technique

                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                      Tom talks Sneaky Craigslist Marketing Technique           Tom talks Sneaky Craigslist Marketing Technique          
                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                        A sneaky Craigslist technique. Now, here's the idea. This is experimental. I'm trying it out to see how it works. It costs me twenty five dollars to try this, but it could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. So I think that's a fair amount of money. To pay for an experiment, you could pay as little as ten dollars and as much as seventy five dollars, depending on which Craigslist version you go to, because they're different all over the country, in different parts of the world.

                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                        342 – He’s a Humble Alpha Green Beret: Tom interviews Lane Belone

                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                        Tom interviews Lane Belone

                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                        Tom interviews Lane Belone           Tom interviews Lane Belone          
                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                          Currently Playing

                                                                          Lane Belone is a Special Forces Green Beret veteran who helps entrepreneurs achieve purpose and reach optimal performance with his business partner, and co-author, Steven Kuhn. They both co-own the Vetpreneur Tribe of 14000 plus. They have recently released their latest book, Unleash Your Humble Alpha, available on Amazon, and we're going to talk about that today.

                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                          341 – He flunked out three times and now he’s a Ph.D: Tom interviews Rob Garcia

                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                          Tom interviews Rob Garcia

                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                          Tom interviews Rob Garcia           Tom interviews Rob Garcia          
                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                            Rob Garcia is the warrior strategist. He quit his job as a technical writer to follow his passion of being a business educator. He founded Shift, because shift happens, Advanced Life Design magazine and then created the Design your Paycheck group to teach experts how to monetize their skills by making ebooks, consult, doing consulting calls and courses and a lot more after that.

                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                            340 – Ya gotta get ’em to opt in: Tom talks Lead Magnets and Ethical Bribes

                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                            Tom talks Lead Magnets and Ethical Bribes

                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                            Tom talks Lead Magnets and Ethical Bribes           Tom talks Lead Magnets and Ethical Bribes          
                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                              Lead magnets and ethical bribes sometimes are called incentives. People are not going to join your mailing list just because they like your squeeze page. When I first started, people would sign up for anything, but nowadays you almost have to pay them to give up their email address. So you need to offer them something valuable for free so that they will trade you their precious email address to get it.

                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                              339 – She’s a Veteran AND a military spouse: Tom interviews Richelle Futch

                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                              Tom interviews Richelle Futch

                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                              Tom interviews Richelle Futch           Tom interviews Richelle Futch          
                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                Richelle Futch is a Marine Corps veteran and current military spouse. She's got fifteen years of clinical experience working with government agencies as well as in private practice. She got her master's in social work from the University of Washington, and she's got extensive training in dialectical behavior therapy.

                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                338 – She’s a lifestyle vet: Tom interviews Kathy Carter

                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                Tom interviews Kathy Carter

                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                Tom interviews Kathy Carter           Tom interviews Kathy Carter          
                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                                  Kathy Carter is a retired military veteran. She's also a massage therapist. She's a coach. She's a bestselling author and an inspirational speaker. She is a transformational coach that helps moms go from overwhelming to feeling and experiencing a greater peace of mind. She also teaches them how to enjoy motherhood. Now, for over 25 years, Kathy has helped moms live more harmoniously with their own souls, bringing out the best in moms, all while their children reap the benefits of a more loving relationship.

                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                  337 – Extremely powerful Internet Marketing tool: Tom talks Autoresponders

                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                  Tom talks Autoresponders

                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                  Tom talks Autoresponders           Tom talks Autoresponders          
                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                    Autoresponders, and in particular sequential autoresponders, means you can send your message after message after message automatically. This is one of the main ways to increase your business and make more money. I've been doing this for decades and I'm here to tell you how to take advantage of this technology for you and your business.

                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                    336 – She turned her own problems into books and a podcast: Tom interviews Nicole Smith

                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                    Tom interviews Nicole Smith

                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                    Tom interviews Nicole Smith           Tom interviews Nicole Smith          
                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                      Nicole Smith is a retired military veteran, turned life coach and mental wellness advocate. She's also the mom to three young boys and a proud military wife. After burning out from trying to balance military and home life, she connected to a new purpose and created Navigate Your Freedom. She now serves the military community by helping women who are burnt out from the military lifestyle to become just as committed to themselves as they are to their family and country.

                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                      335 – 17 years of service can do a number on you: Tom interviews Annette Whittenberger

                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                      Tom interviews Annette Whittenberger

                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                      Tom interviews Annette Whittenberger           Tom interviews Annette Whittenberger          
                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                        Annette Whittenberger is a military spouse of twenty two years and she's also a veteran of seventeen years. She retired in November 2016 and fell into becoming an “accidental entrepreneur”, able to make up for lost time with her children, use her voice to share her story about real life after the Army and living with mental illness.

                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                        334 – How to Sell Your Knowledge in 28 ways: Tom talks Repurposing

                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                        Tom talks Repurposing

                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                        Tom talks Repurposing           Tom talks Repurposing          
                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                          Currently Playing

                                                                                          Most information creators love to create, but many times they forget that the people that consume their creations like to do so in various different methods. Instead of expanding the reach of their information, they just start creating something new. Well, that is a massive financial mistake, folks. My job here is to help you make more money in your business.

                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                          333 – Vetrepreneur Month: Tom interviews Joel Stewart

                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                          Tom interviews Joel Stewart

                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                          Tom interviews Joel Stewart           Tom interviews Joel Stewart          
                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                                            Joe Stewart is an expert in the franchise industry who has coordinated and spoken at franchise conferences and events on three continents. Most recently, he's focusing his efforts on building an investment group to back veteran franchise startups. And we love our veterans around here. Anything we can do to help is great. And he's coordinating a franchise event for Discover America Week in the GCC. That's the Gulf Cooperative Council.

                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                            332 – The Humble Alpha is back: Tom interviews Steven Kuhn

                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                            Tom interviews Steven Kuhn

                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                            Tom interviews Steven Kuhn           Tom interviews Steven Kuhn          
                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                                              Steven Kuhn is here. He's a decorated U.S. military combat veteran who has been handpicked to consult with some of the most influential people in the world. I'm talking rock stars, singers, actors, business leaders, politicians, just an amazing list of clients. Steven is a best selling author and has a new book just released with his partner and co-author, Special Forces Green Beret veteran Lane Belone, called Unleash Your Humble Alpha.

                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                              331 – Get paid to write: Tom talks Medium.com

                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                              Tom talks Medium.com

                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                              Tom talks Medium.com           Tom talks Medium.com          
                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                                Medium.com is a place where you can post articles, podcasts and videos. And the longer the members there read and watch your stuff, the more you get paid. I mean, it's very possible to make a full time living writing for Medium and certainly possible to make hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars per month as a side hustle.

                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                330 – She’s back with great results: Tom interviews Becca Tebon

                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                Tom interviews Becca Tebon

                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                Tom interviews Becca Tebon           Tom interviews Becca Tebon          
                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                                                  Becca Tebon is a multi decade international fitness trainer and has rehabbed her own chronic, congenital spinal pain caused by degenerative disk disease. She has spent 30+ years working towards, and ultimate healing, her congenital asthmatic bronchitis, suppressed immune and digestive systems. Becca went on to become a Certified Holistic International Health, Fitness and Life coach, trainer, keynote speaker and author.

                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                  329 – Backup Backup Backup!: Tom interviews Andrew Darlow

                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                  329 - Backup Backup Backup!: Tom interviews Andrew Darlow

                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                  329 - Backup Backup Backup!: Tom interviews Andrew Darlow           329 - Backup Backup Backup!: Tom interviews Andrew Darlow          
                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                    Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                                    Andrew Darlow is a New Jersey based photographer, author and digital workflow coach. And for more than two decades, he's helped people capture, edit and print their photographs and other artwork. Lately, he's been focusing on helping business people preserve, protect and backup their irreplaceable photos, videos and other digital files. After having too many of his framed prints get damaged, he invented the GalleryPouch, which is a custom made heavyweight bubble bag.

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 329

                                                                                                    How To Automate Your Business – https://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

                                                                                                    Internet Marketing Training Center – https://imtcva.org/

                                                                                                    Higher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

                                                                                                    [05:12] Tom's introduction to Andrew Darlow

                                                                                                    [08:44] All media won't last forever

                                                                                                    [12:38] Hosting service backups aren't always reliable

                                                                                                    [15:03] Making copies of data as you work on it

                                                                                                    [16:59] Backing up Facebook and other social media

                                                                                                    [18:57] Using a battery backup to preserve your data and computer

                                                                                                    [24:29] Sponsor message

                                                                                                    [27:50] The help Andrew has gotten and his invention (The GalleryPouch)

                                                                                                    Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

                                                                                                    Higher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute – https://screwthecommute.com/

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast App – https://screwthecommute.com/app/

                                                                                                    College Ripoff Quiz – https://imtcva.org/quiz

                                                                                                    Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! – orders@antion.com

                                                                                                    Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! – https://channelstore.roku.com/details/267358/the-public-speaking-channel

                                                                                                    How To Automate Your Business – https://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

                                                                                                    Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program – https://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

                                                                                                    Free Backup Course for Mac Users podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/free-backup-course-for-mac-users-podcast/id1528871249

                                                                                                    GalleryPouch – https://gallerypouch.com/

                                                                                                    Special Offer for Tom's Listeners – https://backup.fm/tom/

                                                                                                    Andrew's Photo and Printing Tips website – https://imagingbuffet.com

                                                                                                    Andrew's books on Amazon – https://amzn.to/3hT2CMN

                                                                                                    Internet Marketing Training Center – https://imtcva.org/

                                                                                                    Related Episodes

                                                                                                    Pop Up Boxes – https://screwthecommute.com/328/

                                                                                                    More Entrepreneurial Resources for Home Based Business, Lifestyle Business, Passive Income, Professional Speaking and Online Business

                                                                                                    I discovered a great new headline / subject line / subheading generator that will actually analyze which headlines and subject lines are best for your market. I negotiated a deal with the developer of this revolutionary and inexpensive software. Oh, and it's good on Mac and PC. Go here: http://jvz1.com/c/41743/183906

                                                                                                    The WordPress Ecourse. Learn how to Make World Class Websites for $20 or less. https://screwthecommute.com/wordpressecourse/

                                                                                                    Join our Private Facebook Group! One week trial for only a buck and then $37 a month, or save a ton with one payment of $297 for a year. Click the image to see all the details and sign up or go to https://www.greatinternetmarketing.com/screwthecommute/

                                                                                                    After you sign up, check your email for instructions on getting in the group.

                                                                                                    329 – Backup Backup Backup!: Tom interviews Andrew Darlow

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                    Tom interviews Andrew Darlow

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                    Tom interviews Andrew Darlow           Tom interviews Andrew Darlow          
                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                      Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                      Andrew Darlow is a New Jersey based photographer, author and digital workflow coach. And for more than two decades, he's helped people capture, edit and print their photographs and other artwork. Lately, he's been focusing on helping business people preserve, protect and backup their irreplaceable photos, videos and other digital files. After having too many of his framed prints get damaged, he invented the GalleryPouch, which is a custom made heavyweight bubble bag.

                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                      328 – Pop goes the money: Tom talks Pop Up Boxes

                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                      Tom talks Pop Up Boxes

                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                      Tom talks Pop Up Boxes           Tom talks Pop Up Boxes          
                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                      Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                        Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                                                        Let's talk about pop boxes and the different types and what they can do for you. And I'm not going to go into the history of pop up boxes here, but I can tell you they've meant an enormous amount of money to me over many years, with the exception of a couple of years when you didn't really see too many of them because they were getting blocked by browsers. Well, that's all gone now.

                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                        327 – The gold is really in the list: Tom talks List Building

                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                        Tom talks List Building

                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                        Tom talks List Building           Tom talks List Building          
                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                        Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                        Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                          Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                          Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                          Currently Playing

                                                                                                          The old saying is that gold is in the list and I couldn't agree more. I pretty much lived the last twenty four years, at least because of my email list. I give something away, sometimes it's called a lead magnet or ethical bribe, in exchange for your email address, then I send you good information that helps you along with offers for things that I've either checked out to be good, or offers for my own products and services.

                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                          326 – How to make customers happy: Tom talks Online Customer Service

                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                          Tom talks Online Customer Service

                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                          Tom talks Online Customer Service           Tom talks Online Customer Service          
                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                            I attribute a great deal of my success to Online Customer Service. When other businesses were asleep at the wheel, I was gaining market share all along. Certainly there have been loads of one shot wonders coming on the scene and making a big splash, and then soon disappearing because their attitude was just to take as much money as they can from people without giving them the service they deserved for their money. I tell you how to avoid that and to do right by your customers to make them long term.

                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                            325 – Is this real?: Tom talks Survey Cash

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                                                                                                            Tom talks Survey Cash

                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                            Tom talks Survey Cash           Tom talks Survey Cash          
                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                            Forward 60 seconds
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                                                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                                                              The title to this episode is Survey Cash, but it's more than that really. You can earn money as a side hustle and it can be substantial, but don't think you're going to make a full time living doing this. There may be a few people that do, but when I say a few, I mean very few. But it can be some good money on the side.

                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                              324 – I hate SEO: Tom interviews Kris Reid

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                                                                                                              Tom interviews Kris Reid

                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                              Tom interviews Kris Reid           Tom interviews Kris Reid          
                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                              Forward 60 seconds
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                                                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                                                Kris Reid has traveled the world for two years. He lives in Vietnam and he's been in Europe, Russia, China, London and Hong Kong. Kris has led a truly exciting life and he's here to share how you can manage your reputation to get customers. His heavy emphasis is on getting customers from various methods. It's always important, but especially now when people are scrambling and there's shutdowns and everything else.

                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                323 – He’ll double your business in one year: Tom interviews Gavin Preston

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                                                                                                                Tom interviews Gavin Preston

                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                Tom interviews Gavin Preston           Tom interviews Gavin Preston          
                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                  Gavin Preston is an international inspirational speaker. He's a business strategist. He's an author. He's a business growth mentor. And he's host of the Business Mastermind podcast. Gavin works with business owners and entrepreneurs to double their business in a year. Can you imagine what that would mean to you, except for those of you that haven't started yet? If you got something good, he'll help you double it.

                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                  322 – Make money when they’re leaving: Tom talks Profitable Website Exit Strategies

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                                                                                                                  Profitable Website Exit Strategies

                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                  Profitable Website Exit Strategies           Profitable Website Exit Strategies          
                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                                                    We're talking about exit strategies for your Web site. I'm not talking about getting out of, or selling your business. The term exit strategy is used for that, too. I'm talking about a visitor who chooses to leave your site without doing what you want them to do, like purchase something or opt in to your email list. So what can you do about it to get some of them to change their mind? Listen to this episode for all the details.

                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                    321 – Affiliate products galore: Tom talks ClickBank and JVZoo

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                                                                                                                    Tom talks ClickBank and JVZoo

                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                    Tom talks ClickBank and JVZoo           Tom talks ClickBank and JVZoo          
                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                                      ClickBank and JVZoo are places where you can both find digital products to purchase, but you can also list your products there. And it's mostly digital to take advantage of the many thousands of affiliate marketers at each of those companies who will sell your product for commission. ClickBank has been around as long as I can remember. And JVZoo came on the scene more recently and they have a feature that made lots of affiliates fall in love with them, which contributed to their rapid rise in prominence.

                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                      320 – Learn to be a nice stalker: Tom talks Retargeting

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                                                                                                                      Tom talks Retargeting

                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                      Tom talks Retargeting           Tom talks Retargeting          
                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                        Did you ever look at something online and then ads for that product started showing up all over the place? Did you ever read a blog posting, or watch a video, and then ads related to that blog posting or video started showing up all over the place? That's called retargeting, sometimes people call it remarketing, which isn't exactly the right terminology, but who cares? When you hear the power of this technique, you'll say, WOW, I don't care what we call it. Let's do it!

                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                        319 – Rule the world offline: Tom talks Offline Marketing

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                                                                                                                        Tom talks Offline Marketing

                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                        Tom talks Offline Marketing           Tom talks Offline Marketing          
                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                          Offline Marketing of your Web site, which means all the things that really aren't electronic. Some of them have electronic aspects to them, but they're really not online websites kind of stuff. And some of them are going to sound like no brainers. But I want you to go back and look through everything written about you and see if it's pushing people to your Web site.

                                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                          318 – Structuring a Sales Webinar: Tom talks Sales Webinars

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                                                                                                                          Tom talks Sales Webinars

                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                          Tom talks Sales Webinars           Tom talks Sales Webinars          
                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                            Sales webinars are a valid, and important, way to boost your business and get more customers. I will let you in on all the secrets and tips I use to make my webinars fun, educational and successful.

                                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                            317 – Leadership Skills from a Colonel: Tom interviews Jim Solomon

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                                                                                                                            Tom interviews Jim Solomon

                                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                            Tom interviews Jim Solomon           Tom interviews Jim Solomon          
                                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                              Following his leader development studies at the University of North Georgia. Jim was commissioned and he advanced in his Army career to the rank of colonel and he had global responsibilities. As a leadership coach, consultant and author, Jim continues to demonstrate his commitment to developing capable leaders for future generations. Jim's leadership philosophy is very simple. It's all about We, not Me.

                                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                              316 – Make ’em wanna come back: Tom talks Website Return Visits

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                                                                                                                              Tom talks Website Return Visits

                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                              Tom talks Website Return Visits           Tom talks Website Return Visits          
                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                Website return visits are what you want your customers to do: Come Back! Once they visit your site, if they never return, what good is it? You want to have a place where they come back for more and you make it a welcoming place for them to do so and to do business with you.

                                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                315 – Grab ’em with great headlines: Tom talks Headline Formulas

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                                                                                                                                Tom talks Headline Formulas

                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                Tom talks Headline Formulas           Tom talks Headline Formulas          
                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                  Headlines are the first thing that your potential buyer will see and, hopefully, grabs them and gets them to read the rest of your sales letter. That's the goal. Without a “grabbing” headline, the chances they will read the rest of your pitch gets really small, really fast. You don't want that! I'm going to give you lots of tips to increase your percentage and get more people to do business with YOU!

                                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                  314 – These services can save you a ton: Tom talks MTurk and Fiverr

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                                                                                                                                  Tom talks MTurk and Fiverr

                                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                  Tom talks MTurk and Fiverr           Tom talks MTurk and Fiverr          
                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                                                  Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                    I'm going to talk about two services that can help get work done for you, and your business, for pennies on the dollar: MTurk (by Amazon.com) and Fiverr.

                                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                    313 – If they can’t use it they won’t buy: Tom talks Website Usability

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                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Website Usability

                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Website Usability           Tom talks Website Usability          
                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                      I'm going to give you some of the factors that you MUST do to make your website usable and increase its usability. This is not the same as making it look pretty, having nice graphics, etc. It's about making sure that people coming to your site have the opportunity to BUY from you. If you make it difficult, they won't. If you make it easy (and usable), they will.

                                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                      312 – How to make it easy to consume your content: Tom talks Website Readability

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                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Website Readability

                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Website Readability           Tom talks Website Readability          
                                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                        Website Readability is one of the KEY things your website must have to increase sales and grow your business. This is NOT website USEability. That's something else. What I'm talking about here is the ability of your potential customers and visitors to actually read and understand what's on your website. If they can't do that, they will move on and you don't want that. That's why READability is key!

                                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                        311 – Get more traffic and make Google happy: Tom talks Link Bait

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                                                                                                                                        Tom talks Link Bait

                                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                        Tom talks Link Bait           Tom talks Link Bait          
                                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                          Link Bait is content on your Web site where people naturally want to link to it from their Web site, blogs, YouTube descriptions, Facebook and all kinds of places.

                                                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                          310 – Make Google Happy: Tom talks Frequently Asked Questions

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                                                                                                                                          Tom talks Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                          Tom talks Frequently Asked Questions           Tom talks Frequently Asked Questions          
                                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                          Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                            Frequently Asked Questions. In this episode, I will give you the info you need to take advantage of Google's ability to provide an “FAQ” answer to what you are searching for. This is VERY powerful and will help you to get more visibility and traffic.

                                                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                            309 – Be in front of 1 million warm prospects in the next 90 days: Tom talks Joint Venturing Revisited

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                                                                                                                                            Tom talks Joint Venturing Revisited

                                                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                            Tom talks Joint Venturing Revisited           Tom talks Joint Venturing Revisited          
                                                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                                                            Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                              This is all about Joint Venturing, where you can collaborate, if you know what to say, to people that have blazed the trail before you. If you do this right, they can put you on the map or give you a giant boost in your business. The “do this right” is the most important part, it can make or break you in joint venturing, and that's what I'm going to give you in this episode.

                                                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                              308 – How to shoot great business video: Tom talks Business Video Tips

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                                                                                                                                              Tom talks Business Video Tips

                                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                              Tom talks Business Video Tips           Tom talks Business Video Tips          
                                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                Shooting videos for your business. Tom reveals his best tips and tricks for getting the most out of your videos, while spending as little as possible to get great results. This is practical, actionable stuff, so get ready to learn and apply. Make those videos winners!

                                                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                307 – Have money coming in every month: Tom talks Super Fast Recurring Income

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                                                                                                                                                Tom talks Super Fast Recurring Income

                                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                Tom talks Super Fast Recurring Income           Tom talks Super Fast Recurring Income          
                                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                  How about we get to some super fast recurring income? I mean, wouldn't it be nice to have money coming in regularly rather than wondering if any money couldn't come in at all? Yeah. So it's going to be a fast episode, but the simple ideas are the most powerful sometimes. And also, this is not just some idea I thought up that no one is doing.

                                                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                  306 – Warranties or not – That is the question: Tom talks Extended Warranties

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                                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Extended Warranties

                                                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Extended Warranties           Tom talks Extended Warranties          
                                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                    Let's talk about Extended Warranties. Are they worth getting? Yes and no, and the most important part of this is knowing when to say Yes and when to say No. I give you my hard earned experience in this area that can save you a ton of money or prevent you from blowing a ton of money.

                                                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                    305 – She can work a room and fix your back at the same time: Tom interviews Dr. Winifred Bragg

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                                                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Dr. Winifred Bragg

                                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Dr. Winifred Bragg           Tom interviews Dr. Winifred Bragg          
                                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                      Dr Bragg is the CEO of the Spine and Orthopedic Pain Center. She's treated thousands with non-surgical treatments for back pain and other musculoskeletal problems. She's board certified in both physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain medicine. She's the author of the bestseller Knockout Pain: Secrets to Maintain a Healthy Back. Dr Bragg is also the creator of The Bragg Factor, a system to teach professionals how to own and communicate their value.

                                                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                      304 – Secrets of recording high quality audio: Tom talks Great Audio Products

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                                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Great Audio Products

                                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Great Audio Products           Tom talks Great Audio Products          
                                                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                        How to create Great Audio Products. I've made a fortune with audio products over many years, and even though we have all these other methods of conveying information, audio still sells today. Why? Because it's the only medium where you can learn or be entertained while doing something else. You don't see too many people jogging down the street or working out at the gym trying to watch videos on their iPhone. So great audio can be a real winner for your business.

                                                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

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