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70 – Make a Fortune with Ebooks: Tom talks Ebooks

Ebooks or Electronic books. I’ve been selling them since around 2001 and I’ve made a literal fortune doing so. Ebooks are 97% profit. What other legal product has that much profit? I half-jokingly say you have to be a moron to not be able to make money with a product that has 97% profit. Today, I’ll be talking about both PDF Ebooks and Amazon Kindle Ebooks.

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69 – Ms. Perseverance: Tom interviews Jo Hausman

Jo Hausman is an inspirational speaker and coach. She's an international live radio talk show host and a bestselling author. She speaks and coaches others to move to greatness in their life. Jo wrote and published a book called Go For IT – A Woman's Guide to Perseverance. The passion she has comes from empowering others to live in a positive life. She has appeared on numerous television radio blogs and podcasts around the world.

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68 – Speaker Match: Tom interviews Bryan Caplovitz

Bryan Caplovitz is the president and CEO of, the world's largest online speakers bureau. Speaker Match helps line up thousands of speakers on all topics with meeting and event planners who need speakers, from local service clubs to the biggest speaking events in America. Speaker Match has been in business for nearly 20 years.

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67 – How to Make a Fortune Referring Me and Others: Tom talks Referrals

In today’s episode, I’m going to tell you the kind of money you can make by referring me and my services, and the same techniques can be used to refer others. Not only will I be telling you about the commissions I pay, later I’ll also tell you some of the methods you can use, some don’t even require a website, to refer me and others and get big commissions.

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66 – “The Assessment Guy”: Tom interviews Ken Keis

Ken Keis is a PhD and he's the foremost global authority on behavioral assessment strategies and processes. He's an expert in leadership purpose and wellness. He's authored over four million words of content, that includes 500 articles for books and a dozen assessments. Ken's purpose is to help others to live, lead and work on purpose.

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65 – He’s a professional investor: Tom interviews Joel Block

Joel Block is the money business insider. Joe's a longtime venture capitalist and hedge fund manager. He says that's gobbledygook for a professional investor. So when you hear a hedge fund, it's a professional investor. He lives in a shark tank world just like on TV, since selling his publishing company to a Fortune 500 company. Joel keynotes conferences worldwide delivering business strategies and the inside track for money and success to business executives and Joel are you ready to screw the commute.

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64 – Stand Out in a Crowd: Tom talks Excellence

The goal of this episode is to inspire you to see how using pretty darn simple principles could change your life and your accomplishments completely, and make good things happen for you that right now you might not even be able to dream of. Excellence, and what it can mean to your life, in both the short run and the long run. I was fortunate in that from an early age I had a good role model for excellence.

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63 – “The Reinvention Guy”: Tom interviews Steve Olsher

Steve Olsher is known as the world's foremost reinvention expert. He's famous for helping individuals and corporations become exceptionally clear on their “what”. And that is, the one thing that they were created to do. His practical no holds barred approach to life and business propels his clients towards achieving massive profitability, while also cultivating a life purpose conviction and contribution.

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62 – Super Hot at 54: Tom interviews Becca Tebon

Becca Tebon is a serial entrepreneur. She's owned two advertising agencies. She's developed numerous brands and coached many other businesses. Becca's intentional mission has become to be a go giver through various charities, and sits on the board of and she aspires to speak to women and children in crisis on “SELF LEADERSHIP U” and guiding them to evolve from adversities and circumstances into healthier, happier and more productive guided souls. Becca is a lifestyle and content expert, speaker, author and coach. She's redefining the landscape of sustainable healthy living at the corporate level as well as one on one or in groups around the globe. Check out her highly successful 17 Minute Fitness Club,, where you get to choose 4 exercises timed for only 40 seconds each.

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61 – Outsourcing on the Cheap: Tom talks Outsourcing

Why should you outsource? There are lots of reasons and one is the price. Also, getting out of payroll taxes and benefits. It also lets you keep you and your other employees focused on more productive things that only you and they can do. Depending where you are located, you could order work at the close of business in your time zone and it’s just the beginning of the day in your outsourcer’s time zone. So basically, you order some work and it’s waiting for you when you get to work the next morning.

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60 – The Sexy Boss: Tom interviews Heather Havenwood

Heather Havenwood teaches coaches, experts, and service providers current online marketing and sales strategies to close the right clients any time they want. She's regarded as a top authority on digital marketing, sales coaching, and online publishing business strategies. She has been named the top 50 must follow women entrepreneurs by Huffington Post. She's also author of Amazon's best seller book Sexy Boss how female entrepreneurship is changing the rule book and beating the big boys.

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59 – The “Blown Up Guy”: Tom interviews Brian Fleming

Brian Fleming is an author, speaker, and Combat Wounded Veteran. He's the resilience trainer for the U.S. military and teaches people how to come back from setbacks as stronger, better people. He's a walking poster child for that for sure. He speaks for Fortune 500 companies and other organizations about how to stand firm when everything around you is blowing up.

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58 – The Gold is in the List: Tom talks List Building

If you really want to grow your list rather than see it decline, your content needs to be great. If you don’t start there, you’re just wasting your time because people will not stay on your list and you will be always looking for the next sucker who briefly comes in and maybe spends some money, but quickly leaves because you don’t give great value. I’m going to introduce you to lots of ways to get people on a list. Each method has lots of details on how to implement them successfully.

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57 – She chucked the corporate life: Tom interviews Carol McManus

Carol McManus is an author, speaker, radio host, and social media consultant. She is the CEO of CKC Global Media, a branding and marketing company that helps individuals and companies reach new markets by elevating their message and amplifying their voice. Her newest book, Choices, is about how real people share their stories of how they overcame challenges to design a better life. It's an international bestseller and a bronze award recipient from the Nonfiction Authors Association.

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56 – Business Out of Adversity: Tom interviews Mike Domitrz

Leading organisations and educational institutions seek out Mike Domitrz's thought provoking programs to transform the culture in their organizations. He's the author of “Can I Kiss You?”. He's also the founder of The Date Safe Project. He has been a featured expert on many media outlets, including Dateline NBC.

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55 – Instant Products: Tom talks Private Label Rights

What is a private label information product? It’s a product produced by someone else and that person or company sells you the “rights” to sell the product under your name as if you created it. You will frequently see the abbreviation PLR which stands for Private Label Rights. These could be eBooks, audio or video but the great majority are eBooks.

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54 – The Master Negotiator: Tom interviews Greg Williams

Greg Williams is the master negotiator and body language expert. He's also a TV News contributor. He's authored seven books on the topic of negotiation and reading body language and he's trained tens of thousands of people worldwide. Today he'll unlock some extremely important negotiation secrets that you can use to better your negotiation outcomes.

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53 – She loves to climb mountains: Tom interviews Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman's motto is just say yes. After a life changing trek in the Andes mountains, she embraced her inner adventurer and ditched the black business suits for a knapsack and hiking boots. As long as there's Wi-Fi, Denise is a happy camper. She's an early adopter and active experimenter, and she loves helping authors and online entrepreneurs navigate the journey of growing their business on the web.

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52 – Other people sell your stuff: Tom talks Affiliate Selling

Tom takes you through the world of Affiliate Selling, giving details of the different types and how to take advantage of this to boost your business and create new ones.

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51 – Health and financial problems didn’t stop him: Tom interviews Jim Edwards

Jim was one of the first to publish an e-book online back in 1997, the same year Microsoft Front Page came along and a mere mortal could make a web page. He's taught hundreds of thousands around the world about self publishing, sales copy, email marketing, membership sites, and a bunch more. And he's most famous for his online software wizards which make critical tasks, like writing ads sales letters and webinar scripts, push button simple.

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50 – Sponsorship expert tells you how to get the money: Tom interviews Roberto Candelaria

Roberto Candelaria is the founder of Sponsorship Boot Camp and the international best selling author of Relationships Raise Money A Guide to Corporate Sponsorship and Sponsorship for Influencers Profitable Partnerships in Five Simple Steps. He's also the creator of the Sponsorship Roadmap, Sponsorship Crash Course, and Sponsorship 901. His strategies have transformed the way global influencers and organizations increase their bottom line by getting sponsored and leveraging their platforms for profitability.

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49 – Recycle your knowledge for fun and profit: Tom talks Repurposing

I want you to maximize your sales from every piece of knowledge you own or that you can create or have somebody else create for you. I'm going to show you how to take your knowledge, and format and sell it many, many, many different ways. Let’s get this very clear. You have a piece of content. It could be an eBook, a video, an audio, a webinar or whatever. The point of this episode is to show you all the different formats you could convert that piece of content to so that you maximize the revenue from it.

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48 – Here’s one happy guy: Tom interviews Joel Comm

Joel Comm is a New York Times best selling author, Blockchain enthusiast, professional keynote speaker, social media marketing strategist and live video expert. With over two decades of experience harnessing the power of the Web, publishing social media and mobile applications to expand reach and engage in active relationship marketing. Joel is a sought after public speaker who leaves his audience inspired entertained and armed with strategic tools to create highly effective new media campaigns.

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47 – Secrets of commercial real estate: Tom interviews Dr. Howard Haller

Dr. Howard Haller, I call him Big Dog Ph.D., believes that with the right tools and training, anyone can build a full time income with part time effort because when you know how to find the right cash flowing commercial property, that's his expertise, it becomes easier to buy commercial real estate than it is to buy a house.

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46 – Other people will spread your name everywhere: Tom talks Viral Marketing

I’m not talking about your crazy cat video that gets 3 million views overnight. I’m talking about specific tools and techniques now available to anyone. You don’t have to get 3 million views overnight to make millions of dollars in your business using low to no cost viral techniques. You now have enormous power at your fingertips and tons of examples in front of you every day. Any small business can afford to bring in thousands of leads and what we’re all looking for: Large increases in sales.

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45 – She’s not a stripper: Tom interviews Silver Rose

Silver Rose, and despite the name, she swears she is not a country western singer or a stripper. I don't know if that's the same order, but she is an expert in getting employees to bring their best to work each day. She's known for making audiences laugh wherever she speaks. She honed this ability doing hundreds of stand up comedy shows at clubs and conferences across the country.

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44 – She’s the Businesswoman of the Year: Tom interviews Patricia Drain

Patricia Noel Drain is the founder of the Case Academy. In the academy, she works with Coaches Authors Speakers and Entrepreneurs at the Case Academy to make the money they deserve with what they already know. Her newest event is The Year of the Woman is Now. Her book, with the same title, will be released soon and we'll have the exact date in the show notes for you.

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43 – Ten cool ways to be great any time you speak

This episode is going to give you TEN of the things I always do to get the kind of results you want and need. A successful presentation is memorable and the people attending should leave motivated and inspired. You need to do everything you can to become a strong, likable, sympathetic, and trusted voice whenever you stand in front of a group.

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42 – Former Waiter turned Media Mogul: Tom interviews Mitch Davis

Mitch Davis runs The expert referral site and his news release wire is where his clients get success from those two entities. He pushes their news releases out 10 ways to news media and creates a great search engine optimization footprint for them.

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41 – New Science of Swimming: Tom interviews Dr. Pete Andersen

Dr. Pete Andersen is regarded as one of the best swimming instructors in the world. His brand Teach Yourself To Swim is a system of easy to master, one minute steps regarded as the New Science of Swimming. His illustrated book and pro demonstrations DVD video packages have been sold over seven countries and all over the United States. And he didn't put this in his introduction but he's got enough gold medals and Senior Olympics if you melted them down, you could finance a small country.

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40 – Save a ton of money making business purchases

One of my overriding principles of becoming wealthy through your business is by keeping your costs extremely low. There are many firms servicing the business community that charge small fortunes for things that should cost sometimes literally 100 times less. You have to get the mindset, that without appearing cheap or actually being cheap, that you are going to pay the least possible amount of money for things you need in your business.

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39 – Community Building: Tom interviews Warren Carlyle

Warren Carlyle is a community building strategist and the CEO founder of, wait till you hear this, OctoNation. This is the largest octopus fan club with 250,000 plus members across various social platforms. This community was featured by Ellen DeGeneres, the Cousteau family and multiple national and international nonprofit organizations. Warren helps brands and entrepreneurs leverage the connection they have with their existing clients to maximize profits by building a highly engaged following online.

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38 – She’s a Mompreneur: Tom interviews Caroline de Posada

Caroline de Posada is an attorney, speaker, writer, wife, and mom to three boys. Caroline practiced law at the public defender's office. Until her first son was born. She's then created several businesses giving her the flexibility to raise her children. Caroline inspires parents to be there even when they're not there.

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37 – Geeks are your friends

I’m going to cover recruiting young, tech savvy people to work for you either as independent contractors or employees. I suggest every business embrace young people we lovingly call geeks and propeller heads. These are tech savvy people that are in love with computers and figure things out in 2 seconds that most of us wouldn't figure out in 2 years. I'll will tell you how to find them, recruit them and pay them. When you find the right one (or many), your business will accelerate tremendously.

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36 – Editor of “American Entrepreneur”: Tom interviews A.J. Martinson

A. J. Martinson is a film director, editor, and cinematographer who skipped college in order to pursue a self-taught career in filmmaking. Six years later, he's worked on hundreds of projects through his own production company, Section Three Films, including countless national and international commercials to feature length documentaries. The American Entrepreneur is included in that and a narrative feature film entitled Blackmark, which he wrote, produced, and directed at the age of 21.

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35 – Green Acres is the place to be: Tom interviews Scott Wilson

Scott Wilson, along with his family, own and operate Full Quiver Farm in Suffolk, Virginia. They have pasture raised chicken, eggs, pork, and beef. They sell direct to customers and at local farmers markets and other delivery points around the area. They have been helping me feed my dogs raw, which I have done since I got them, for four or five years since I found them and I'm so glad I did.

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34 – Make a fortune with Email Marketing

You can make a lot of money with quality email marketing. To this day, with all the fancy social media and text and messenger marketing, people at my level still make virtually all our money through email. In this episode, I’m going to cover the mechanics and theories of email marketing. In a future episode, I’ll cover list building. The reason I’m doing it in this order is to save you from yourself. I don’t want you emailing a bunch of people and getting no results or getting negative results.

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33 – Write your own ticket: Tom interviews Christina Hills

Christina Hills is the founder of the Website Creation Workshop. She teaches non techie people how to easily create a website in WordPress in a fun and creative way. She used to work in the film and television industry, but when her baby was born, she quit to become an online entrepreneur.

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32 – Vacation Any Time: Tom interviews John Drebinger

John Drebinger is a certified speaking professional who has spoken to over 400 major clients on safety over 28 years. His best selling books have sold 80,000 copies which is forty five thousand more copies than any other book in the field of safety. His new online course helps people eliminate their fear of speaking in public.

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31 – Joint Ventures: Get Other People to “Put you on the Map”

Joint venturing is perfect if you're just starting out and you don't have a big mailing list. If you’ve been around Internet marketing at all, you always hear about the value of the list. If you’re established and have a big or moderate sized list, you still want to grow, so joint venturing is great for you too. The same rules apply. Instead of starting with a small or nonexistent list, you are taking your existing list to a new level so everyone who wants to grow their business should listen to this.

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30 – “Self Help” is his middle name “Self Growth” is his website: Tom interviews David Riklan

David Riklan is the founder of, one of the top self-improvement websites. Now I'm going to have to dispute that a little bit. I probably would say it's THE top self-improvement website on the Internet. has received over 100 million, that's with a million, unique visitors since he launched the website. In addition, David has published over 10 books on self-improvement, natural health, sales and marketing.

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29 – She’s a collaboration and sponsorship expert out of Canada: Tom interviews Charmaine Hammond

Charmaine Hammond is a serial entrepreneur and business owner. She's a professional speaker who teaches the principles of collaboration, partnership and sponsorship. As a result of Charmaine's teachings and program, she has presented to more than 300,000 people around the globe, has appeared on media more than 250 times, has published five books, and is on a mission to help entrepreneurs raise their dreams through collaboration and sponsorship.

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28 – How to Advertise Your Business Online

This is a brief primer to show you lots of things you could be doing with regard to advertising and promoting your business. Some of them would take a week-long training session to even get halfway competent. What I want to do is let you know what you could be doing. That way, you’ll be able to dig in deeper and we can either train you or you can find some credible training on the things you actually like and want to implement.

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27 – “The Mango Man” strikes again: Tom interviews Wayne Pickering

Dr. Wayne “Mango Man” Pickering is an MD, a PhD and an SCM. He's the author of 25 books, over a hundred CDs, 70 plus DVDs, and 10 health systems. He's a naturopathic physician, Doctor of Theology, a nutritional performance coach, a lifestyle management consultant, and a disease prevention specialist. He's a regular guest on TV and radio shows who teaches people how to get older and better, not old and bitter.

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26 – Lights, camera and action from this Hollywood producer: Tom interviews Terri Marie

Terri Marie has worked with Olympic athletes, like the U.S. Ski Team and top public figures like James Roosevelt. That's Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's son. She's an award winning producer who has produced over 38 documentaries. Her ski movies have aired on network television, PBS, cable and giant screens at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. She's featured in Success Magazine and wrote a column for The Orange County Register.

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25 – Automate Your Business

Around 2002, I got to $1.2 million a year with one part time person who came in one day a week. I had anywhere from 100K to 150K subscribers and many thousands of customers. How can a person possibly handle that many people? The answer is automation. There are so many cheap and free tools to help you do things. Some didn’t exist back then, but developers are thinking up new tools all the time, as they slave over programming for months to create stuff that can make us Screw The Commuters rich!

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24 – This guy has an art restoration company: Tom interviews Scott Haskins

Scott M. Haskins is an art conservator with Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, an internationally renowned painting restoration firm that provides a variety of professional services, including disaster response for art and murals. He is also the author of the Save Your Stuff series, of which over 10,000 copies have been distributed to help people save their stuff at home.

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23 – She’s a top business strategist: Tom interviews Vickie Sullivan

Vickie is internationally recognized as one of the top market and brand strategist for experts and thought leaders since 1989. She specializes in standing out in crazy, crowded markets. Her clients range from world renowned astronauts, New York Times best selling authors, to executives in the B2B space.

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22 – Learn the Details: Upselling and Advertorials

These are two different topics, but both will help you sell more. We typically call upselling, “Do you want fries with that?” Someone has already made a purchase decision and we are offering them something additional to go with what they just decided to buy, or what they have already purchased. In the show notes for this episode at, we’ll have some screen captures so you see how upselling and advertorials might look in action.

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21 – He started a gold standard webinar replay service: Tom interviews Geoff Ronning

Geoff Ronning is a longtime entrepreneur. He currently is focused on and He has a front row seat and advisory role to webinars that are running around the world, including mine. Geoff has observed his clients run over a billion dollars in business through webinars on Stealth Seminar.

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20 – She Teaches People How to Write a Book: Tom interviews Carol Amato

Carol J. Amato is an award winning author of 26 books and 200 articles in national magazines. Four more books are due out in 2018. Two nonfiction, a science fiction novel for adults, and a middle grade mystery. Carol also coaches entrepreneurs on writing nonfiction books based on their expertise and she's the owner of Stargazer Publishing Company.

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19 – Get Information Product Ideas FAST: Quality Products

There is no reason you can’t or shouldn’t create information products, no matter what kind of business you are in or thinking about starting. They are cheap, easy and low risk to create, yet they have a super high profit margin. 90% for physical products like books, CDs and DVDs, and 97% for digital products like videos, audios, and various formats of e-books and e-courses. Besides being high profit, they lead to other sales of your products and services or affiliate products and services.

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18 – Anti Bullying: Tom interviews Al Johnson

Al Johnson created the Bullies be Gone project. It's a national award winning program for children and adults for the past 32 years. Al has taught thousands anti-bullying, safety awareness, self-confidence and racial harmony. His program's objective is self empowerment training for children, and teens, that prevents and protects against bullying.

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17 – The Brain Gym Man: Tom interviews Jerry Teplitz

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz is an attorney. he has a Ph.D. in holistic health sciences and is celebrating his 44th year as a professional speaker. Jerry has spoken to over 1 million people and has earned the title of Certified Speaking Professional from the prestigious National Speakers Association. Jerry's the author of nine books and his two latest books, Switched on Selling and Switched on Networking, went on to best seller status on Amazon.

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16 – Seminar Scams

The top 20 seminars scams and how you can avoid them. I decided to do this after spending over half of my speaking career, which is about 13 years, speaking at public seminars and watching the decline of services provided by seminar speakers and promoters and also the increase in scammer speakers getting rich while committing fraud at the expense of mostly unknowing and trusting people.

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15 – Gorgeous Image Consultant: Tom interviews Rayne Parvis

Rayne Parvis is a Los Angeles based Certified Personal Stylist, style coach and media personality. Author of The Ultimate Guide to Style from Drab to Fab, she entered the fashion industry as a fit model, over 15 years ago, after which she began consulting for established bathing suit and lingerie brands as a personal stylist. She helps busy professionals who desire a more polished image or just the everyday soul who yearns for image confidence.

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14 – Superhero Motivational Speaker: Tom interviews Barbara Cookson

Barbara Anne Cookson is a professional speaker and she's known as the Superhero Speaker. She actually dresses up like a superhero! She keynotes conferences nationally, leads workshops and retreats, and she's a certified health coach helping people to get healthy. She's a fitness instructor and still maintains a massage therapy practice two days a week. Her passion is helping people to unleash their own inner superhero.

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13 – Copywriting

Copywriting is about words that make people buy stuff. This is the #1 skill in my entire 40+ year formal business career that’s made me the most money. This is a must listen episode if you really want to increase your business income. You can even start a business doing this for others. You will learn in this episode how powerful copywriting techniques are and how important it is for you to learn them if you want to have a successful business.

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12 – These Entrepreneurs Work Out of Two Homes: Tom Interviews The Rudelics

Robert and Sheryl Rudelic are co-owners of Impax Therapy, an innovative sports medicine and personal coaching practice in San Francisco. They bring together their combined talents: Robert's 30 years of changing people's lives on a physical, emotional and professional level. And Sheryl's extensive business experience as an entrepreneur specializing in business development and operations.

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11 – This Guy Can Sell Your Books: Tom Interviews John Kremer

John Kremer is the author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books and is a mentor to authors who have sold over a BILLION books. He's also the founder of the Billion Book Initiative to help the next generation of book authors sell another billion books. Over the past thirty years, John has helped thousands of authors and is an icon of the industry. He's helped both major celebrities, and those just starting out, to sell lots more books.

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10 – Shopping Carts

In this episode, Tom gives you lots of information so you can make the right choice on picking a shopping cart system. This is a pretty serious decision that you'll likely have to live with for a while. Simply too important to make without knowing the right questions to ask!

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9 – Reading Tarot Cards for a Living: Tom Interviews Dusty White

Dusty White is the number one best seller of the book The Easiest Way to Learn Tarot Ever and Advanced Tarot Secrets. He is one of the best astrology and tarot teachers in the world. He turns beginners into professionals and professionals into highly paid consultants. If you have any interest in this subject, this is the guy to listen to!

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8 – Create Extraordinary Leaders: Tom interviews Cher & Bil Holton

Cher and Bil Holton have been helping corporate clients be extraordinary in leadership teamwork and bottom line results. They take what they call Indiana Jones vacations, like whitewater rafting, skydiving, fire walking and ballroom dancing. You don't see those together too much!

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7 – Top Ten Ways to Make Money Speaking

Tom shows you a bunch of ways you can earn top dollar running your mouth and some of them don't even require you leave your house or get on stage.

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6 – He Created a Brand: Tom interviews Daniel Hall

Daniel Hall is a former student of mine, an attorney and a nurse. (You don't see that combo every day hahaha) I helped put him on the map years ago by promoting his “Speak on Cruise Ships” product and since then he's taken off like wildfire and has his own online brand.

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5 – Content Creation: Tom interviews Jeff Herring

Jeff Herring used to be a psychologist and I tease him that I never met a psychologist that didn't need one. hahaha He was in my mentor program and has become a full time Internet marketer and he even has his own moniker, “The Content Marketing Guy”.

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4 – Cheap World Class Websites

In this weekly training session Tom shows you the method he uses to create world class websites, in most cases, for under 100 bucks.

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3 – Keep Safe: Tom interviews Alain Burrese

Tom and Alain discuss Alain's business “Survive a Shooting”. This business and his materials help keep you and your loved ones safe in a dangerous world. Alain is a lawyer and former Army sniper and sniper instructor. Alain is one of the few people in the world Tom would trust with his life.

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2 – Internet Audio: Tom interviews Mike Stewart

Mike is “The Internet Audio Guy”, who was finally able to get Tom Antion to jump into the podcasting pool! He's a consultant and coach who helps businesses understand the Internet and what it can do for them. He also creates training courses and develops membership sites, while writing songs and music for podcasters and YouTubers (he wrote the Screw The Commute intro music) and loves playing Beatles songs. A well rounded guy who has extensive experience with the broadcast medium known as the Internet. PLUS He's got a gold record album and he'll tell you about it on this episode.

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1 – THE most important thing you can do – Keyword Research

This is Tom Antion's maiden voyage into podcasting. In this first episode Tom introduces himself and goes in depth on the biggest mistake he's seen in 24 years selling online.

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