128 - The Dental Market loves this Guy: Tom interviews Jeffrey Palmer - Screw The Commute

128 – The Dental Market loves this Guy: Tom interviews Jeffrey Palmer

Jeff Palmer is the founder of Case Acceptance Academy, which specializes in training dental offices and their teams how to increase their case acceptance. Now case acceptance means he teaches dentists and their teams a hyper effective and systematic method to ethically sell dentistry in a way that increases their revenue and profit and simultaneously creates an amazing patient experience and I've seen some of his training and I have to say some of his tips would work for any of our businesses.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 128

entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

Higher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

[03:33] Tom's introduction to Jeffrey Palmer

[08:49] You can't script out a sales call

[14:05] Deciding to go off to entrepreneurship

[22:12] Taking control of the call

[25:25] The best and worst parts about working for yourself

[28:02] Sponsor message

[28:43] A typical day for Jeff and how he stays motivated

[34:50] Parting thoughts for us Screwballs

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page: https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

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Case Acceptance Academyhttps://www.caseacceptanceacademy.com/

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 128 – Jeffrey Palmer
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with Episode 128 of screw the commute podcast I've got Jeffrey Palmer Here now listen to what this guy did he created a simple and predictable system that generated the highest ever income in the history of a company and that was in the beginning of the worst economic recession of our lifetime. He's gonna have some great tips on sales and marketing for you so we'll have him on in a minute. All right. Last episode was 127 paid traffic. Now in this Monday training episode I show you a bunch of places you can advertise and some of the best practices so you don't lose your shirt. Now this is one of my Monday training sessions where I go in-depth on something that's either made me or saved me a lot of money. And of course Wednesdays and Fridays they interview other great entrepreneurs like Jeffrey. All right. Now I've got a big freebie for those listening today. It's my twenty seventh dollar e-book how to automate your business. And just one of those tips in this e-book has saved me over seven million keystrokes and that was as of a couple years ago when I wrote the book. So as probably seven and a half million by now. And I also have another little extra extra surprise for you over there so check it out at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. All right. And remember to pick up our podcast up in the iTunes store. You can also go to screwthecommute.com/app where we have complete instructions to show you how to use all the fancy features so you can take us with you on the road. Now also please tell your friends about this podcast or or pick a couple friends that you know are interested in business or improving their business or starting one and tell her about the show as the more the better we do the more freebies we can give you. All right. Today's sponsor is the distance learning school the internet marketing Training Center of Virginia. Did you ever wonder why tens of thousands of people like me sit home earn legitimate money and don't have to listen to a boss or get up and fight traffic every day. Well it's because we have legitimate online businesses. The reason I keep emphasizing the word legitimate is because there are tons of scams out there in the online world. That's why I started the only licensed and dedicated Internet marketing's distance learning school in the country. That's IMTCVA.org. You'll have that in the show notes but you can have And here I go again a legitimate lifestyle business and as little as six months. So check it out. We'll have the link in the show notes. Let's see. Oh one more thing I want to mention we're approved by the Department of Defense for their scholarship program for military spouses. So if you know any military spouses who want to work out of their home. From wherever they're deployed to please send them my way. Appreciate it.

[00:03:35] All right let's get to the main event. Jeff Palmer is the founder of case acceptance Academy which specializes in training dental offices and their teams how to increase their case acceptance. Now case acceptance means he teaches dentists and their teams a hyper effective and systematic method to ethically sell dentistry in a way that increases their revenue and profit and simultaneously creates an amazing patient experience and I've seen some of his training and I have to say some of his tips would work for any of our businesses and I hope he he lays some of them on us. So Jeffrey are you ready to screw. The commute.

[00:04:23] I'm always ready to screw to commute.

[00:04:25] All right. Yeah. You've been doing it for a while. Have you.

[00:04:28] I've been doing it for. I'm been doing it for a while.

[00:04:31] So. So tell us what you're doing now and then we'll take you back and see how you got here and see how you transition to your own business. So. So what exactly are you doing for dentists and some of the tips. Like I said I saw in your training could apply to any business right.

[00:04:48] Yeah exactly. So what I do and my background is in marketing and sales is I teach dentists how to set up a predictable sales funnel because they they are licensed dentists and and that's what you need to do in order to do dentistry well. However dentistry like any other business is a business and there is a sale involved in the process and and there's a lot of marketing they do as well. Anybody that exists in the United States knows that dentists market nowadays. So I teach them a predictable way of how to set up a sales funnel so that it results in a great experience for the patient and high revenue for the office.

[00:05:29] So how do you how do you reconcile those two things what about the sales process makes it really good for the patient.

[00:05:34] Because when you really understand what selling is and I know that you do but when you really understand what selling is selling is ultimately about doing what is the best thing for the person that you're trying to sell. That's what selling is. Ethical and legitimate selling it's like what's best for the person and when you really are laser focused on doing that everybody wins.

[00:06:01] So what does that look like in a dental office.

[00:06:03] Well the the sales process begins with the new patient phone call. And you know in for example now the area that we practice in because I do this in a dental practice while I'm teaching others how to do it you know just like you Tom you do Internet marketing and you teach others how to do internet marketing. And you know the challenge in our industry is that there's a lot of dental consultants that have never worked in a dental practice. So that's kind of kind of the way the industry is and it's not necessarily a bad thing because consultants are you know a full time job but I have a lot of reality on. OK you're gonna do advertising so how do you get the best ROI from your advertising so when a dental office that begins with the new patient phone call.

[00:06:52] Ok. So here's here's me calling. OK. Hey. Hey Mr. Palmer I want the cheapest lead filled heavy metal thing out of Vietnam cap. How much is it.

[00:07:04] So that's usually the way the new patient phone calls begins when you're doing marketing is how much does such and such cost. How much does such and such cost. And when the receptionist who basically is a receptionist answers the question such as well that costs the thousand dollars or or they're also trained to say well I can't give out any prices over the phone one of those extremes. The person usually hangs up the phone and they move on to the next person.

[00:07:33] Right. The thousand bucks for a 12 dollar cap out of Vietnam seems outrageous.

[00:07:40] Pretty much it is. And we don't do any dentistry in other countries here. Yeah but that's that's pretty much on top of mind of a lot of the consumers is price. You know they're price conscious but in reality they really want good care. They just don't know what other questions to ask. So they say well how much is a... And that's and that's what the that's what I do as I just equip the front desk team with the right tools to be able to handle those types of questions so that they can ultimately get them in the office because that's what you want your marketing to do as you wanted to bring in patients. But if they don't handle that phone call correctly they they will either not schedule or they will schedule and then not show up.

[00:08:28] Right. Right. I mean even worse because it took a slot for somebody and now you've lost that time.

[00:08:35] That's right. Because there's only and this is what patients don't understand is that there is only a finite number of units available on that schedule so if you don't show up there is nobody there. And in the end the office loses out which is why it's so frustrating for the office.

[00:08:51] Yeah and I notice the you didn't call your I guess who called A Guide for the person to take that phone call a script because those why you don't want to call it a script.

[00:09:02] Well because you can't script out a sales call. I mean you can you can frame it. You try it but then you know the patients doesn't have a script. So then you basically get all tripped up because the patient's not doing what they're supposed to do.

[00:09:20] Wait you're supposed to say this right here.

[00:09:23] Yeah. Yeah exactly. And then they come in and they're just supposed to magically whip out their credit card as you say this. Right. It doesn't work that way. It's really a guide and I've I've I've listened to hundreds and hundreds of phone calls and I've trained hundreds and hundreds of people and I've done it myself and it always is going to go in a certain way. It really doesn't vary too much. So we can really guide it. And when you understand that framework it becomes a lot of fun.

[00:09:53] All right so tell us about this. In the worst economic period you took this one business to super high sales.

[00:10:03] Yes. So I was working for a company that trained dentists and other health care professionals on how to run their practice like a business and I was doing that for 15 years and one of the main things that I did for that company as a job. That was the longest job I've had I have had a lot of jobs but that was the longest one I worked there for 15 years. And I learned how to sell at that company and I was I was selling dentist training over the phone. That was this was before the Internet started in 1994. And so I did a lot of telephone sales and face to face sales and selling doctors and on how to improve their business and I really learned how to help people. That's what selling selling was. And so after 15 years of doing that by 2009 By the time that rolled around it was time for me to do something else. And I called up my father in law who is a he was a dentist and a client that the company had actually signed him up at the company years earlier.

[00:11:04] Before He was your father in law before.

[00:11:06] Yeah. Before he was my father in law.

[00:11:08] So then did you make him throw in his daughter with the deal or what.

[00:11:11] Well now that was she came along willingly. She came along willingly and they actually hired her to work at the company years later. And so technically she started out. I was her boss. And eventually we ended up getting together. And so this was you know January February of 2009. You know in the economy it pretty much fell apart in 2008. And what did that mean for the dental profession is that a lot of people were financing things in in the 2000s early 2000s and dentistry was no different people would finance their their dental work they would take the money out their house they would use third party lenders. Well in 2008 pretty much all of that dried up. And so my father in law's practice was really on the downswing because they were they made half their revenue in 2008 from third party financing. Half so by the time I walked in in March of 2009 the practice had pretty much bottomed out and there was no people getting approved for financing and the marketing was really not working. And so things were kind of spinning out of control.

[00:12:27] So this wasn't a big fancy area with lots of spendable income either.

[00:12:32] No this was in western Pennsylvania by Lake Erie. 20 percent of the population lives at or below poverty level. It was located in a rural area not even on the main town. I was out by a blinking stop sign in the middle of middle of farms. Basically. So I I went in there with my wife and my father and I created a partnership and I left know left that job. You know I did. I did have some you know money set aside which I pretty much had to put into the business which I did. And within 90 days though of focusing on on on the telephone and on the patient experience we created the highest ever income in the history of the practice.

[00:13:16] In the worst economy that you could come up and not the greatest high income area. And then like quadruples what you just did. I mean because I mean if you were in a high income area and the economy wasn't that bad. Okay that's pretty cool that you did it but wasn't phenomenal. This sounds phenomenal.

[00:13:39] Yes. Well at the time it didn't feel you know so great because I'm like What the hell am I doing here. And my father in law kept saying Jeff are you sure you want to do this you know and but I did you know it everything in retrospect it did create the whole story for what I've what I've created and and it really was a lot of fun when it was all said and done and we maintain that same level of productivity for five years. So it wasn't like just a fluke.

[00:14:07] I mean it kind of sets you off on what you're doing now and gives you the street cred that a lot of the people doing this don't have.

[00:14:14] Exactly.

[00:14:16] Oh man. So when did you decide to go off on your own and go back and train another dentist.

[00:14:24] So you want me to be honest here huh. You know I love the company that I was working for. But you know whenever you're working for a company you're always like well you know if it were my company you know I would I would do things this way. And you know there came a time in 2008 where things were getting really tight. And actually as a salesperson my my personal pay was getting cut. Not not just because I was making less sales. They were actually cutting my pay. They were cutting the leads were coming in less because things were kind of shifting to more online from from other traditional methods which we were relying mainly on direct mail. So there was less leads. There was less sales and I was getting less money. Other than that everything was wonderful. And so you know they're just amongst other factors. You know I was living in Florida at the time and I had a son that was up north and I really wanted to be up north where he was. So there was just a multitude of factors whether you know be the the growth opportunity because I was doing the same thing for 15 years I really want to do something else you know not being near family. You know all those different things I just decided hey if I'm going to do this now is the time and and I just basically pulled the plug.

[00:15:46] Now are you still involved in the in the western Pennsylvania business.

[00:15:51] No we sell that practice and that was the intention we sold that practice in 2013 and then moved down to northern Virginia and started again in 2014.

[00:16:01] So there's another practice you're involved in but you're still training other dentists is that.

[00:16:06] Exactly. Exactly.

[00:16:07] Yeah. So. So that's what I'm interested in is when did this case acceptance Academy come about and take off.

[00:16:17] In its current form It started in 2015 so I had been doing other I have been doing consulting with different doctors in different different ways. Up until then but I really focused in on case acceptance in 2015.

[00:16:34] Yeah. This is the membership site right. It's got video training and quizzes and things for. Is it for both the dentist and the staff or mostly the staff.

[00:16:45] It's for the dentists and the staff. And that's you know that's one of the things that I really focus on is that selling dentistry involves the doctor as much as doctors like to push that off on the staff. Right. Yeah. It really involves the doctor because they're buying the doctor they're not buying the staff. So the dentist has to be involved in the process.

[00:17:07] Yeah. And yeah I've always that's where I've run my biz my training business is the you know I get people all the time they just say Okay why would somebody just to do this for me. Well you know that's why a lot of doctors are sitting ducks. They get all kinds of things because they they're great practitioners but they just totally divorced themselves so the marketing and then they just get ripped off over and over for large amounts of money. So yeah. They need to be involved in this and any principle needs to be involved in their business unless they're a giant corporation. Then you've got plenty of resources but most of the small businesses you need to be involved.

[00:17:47] Exactly. Exactly. And that's and that's part of what I do is help simplify what that involvement means and teaching them exactly the numbers to watch in a finite way so that they can really influence how they're doing.

[00:18:02] All right so let's go back to this. This opening call. How long does it normally take to cause some of the places they teach you to like get off the phone as fast as possible just get the get the appointment and get on with it.

[00:18:17] Yep. So the opening call usually takes about five to 10 minutes.

[00:18:22] Other places are trying to tell people get off the phone I mean not just dentistry. But two minutes Max get on and off the phone.

[00:18:31] Yeah. And that's just not enough time to build a relationship and really know what the person needs and wants to that you're scheduling them correctly.

[00:18:39] Reduces the show up rate too.

[00:18:42] Exactly. You know so. And that's and that's one of the things that I run into is people are taught that you know to get off the phone as quickly as possible. But that's because they're not trying to build a relationship. They're just trying to schedule and get off the phone.

[00:18:58] Yeah. And then the the whole practice pays the price for it. But imagine you need a couple people because I've been in dentist office and that's just the bustle at me it's like a beehive going around in the front desk. I mean can one person do do this now.

[00:19:15] They need it in order to implement my system. They need at least two people. And you know most of the offices that I work with are are usually overstaffed not understand. But yeah I when I'm working with a client and taking them on as a as a mentor because when I mentor them I've got to make sure they have at least two people they use. Use the system effectively and it definitely warns that they will generate more revenue if they do it that way.

[00:19:42] So what is the first thing is they want so much as how much is this.


[00:19:52] No. OK. So that's the first question. Yeah. Yeah. So it's always like a positive thing but you're controlling the call.

[00:20:02] Absolutely yeah. The whole idea in sales is that you want to take control and take them down a path that you know they easily go very nicely gently take him down a path that you want them to go and if a person is unwilling to go down that path in a in any health care situation if a person is unwilling to go down that path they're not going to get a good result. Anybody that's really trying to dictate you know how they want things to go is not good. Not a good start. Now it doesn't mean that we don't listen to them. You have to definitely listen to people. But more more often than not they don't they don't even know what they're asking why they're asking it because they want you to diagnose something over the phone.

[00:20:47] Why don't you have like a dental drive through windows.

[00:20:54] You know what I think that is gonna come up here is going to be there is gonna be virtual consults. I'm doing that at Madison and that that will happen eventually in dentistry. But that would be the other solution. Right.

[00:21:07] If you could just picture a open wide and stick your mouth up to your webcam.

[00:21:13] Exactly. And that would so kind of a funny story one of the one of the front desk people I was training for my own office. She said she worked for this doctor he was an old an old crotchety guy. And when somebody would say so how much is it going to cost to fix my tooth because this is what they call and ask. And the doctor would say wait a second hold on. Open up wide so I can see. Wait a second. I'm on the phone I can't see you've got to come into the office right. And that's really the challenge is that patients you know patients want to know what it's going to cost without having the doctors see you and that's not really possible.

[00:21:52] Yeah that's the kind of stuff I would have a certain clientele but probably alienate most of them. Your tooth hurts. Well here's a hammer and a chisel. I'll give you a coupon for Home Depot. There you go. I don't think that would fly right away. So the bottom line here is for everybody out there and other types of businesses you've got to take control of the call nicely. Basically they'll be the bottom line. Right. You can't just let them take control of the call because you'll never get the results that will help either one of you.

[00:22:32] And really the simplest way that I can describe taking control is that you are asking questions instead of answering them.

[00:22:43] Mm hmm. Get them talking. But responding to your questions.

[00:22:48] Exactly. Because usually the where it goes off the rails in any sales process not just over the phone with this situation. Any sales process goes off the rails when they are asking questions and they're taking you down a path that they want to go rather than you asking them questions and taking down a path that you want to go. You're both. That's just the way that it works out best for everyone.

[00:23:11] There you go folks. There's there's a really really solid lesson for you. You got to ask the questions and have them most of the response doing the responses not them asking the questions. Now it is you know fair to you know. Do you ever say after you're done with this whole spiel Do you have any questions.

[00:23:33] Absolutely. That's that's at the end of it.

[00:23:36] And after you've got what you need that's at the end.

[00:23:38] But the other thing about asking questions Tom and this is something that I have to go over with the doctors because doctors like to talk because the patient is coming to hear them. Right. And what I say is that God gave you two years and one mouth. Use it in that proportion. Right. So when you're asking questions you listening you're listening more than you're talking you should be you should be right like you listen to what people say and then that tells you the next thing to ask and that's where the guide comes in because you ask the question and it takes you down a particular path because this is the framework of the way the calls go and it's the same thing once they come in the office. It's all about asking questions uncovering needs uncovering fears uncovering obstacles and really listening to what it is that they want and where they're at and meeting them at that place and then bring him to where ultimately they want to go which is sometimes it's just to get out of pain. Sometimes it's to fix their whole mouth. But if you listen people will remember that.

[00:24:38] That's for sure now. So if any dentists out there are listening or even if you have a dentist that's close to you or you think needs this kind of stuff how are they going to hold you. They go to my Web site which is caseacceptanceacademy.com and I have free information on the Web site and there's a contact portion where you can fill out a form and request a strategy session with me.

[00:25:05] That's that's really great. So yeah folks because there's probably just even recommended your own dentist. I mean make everything go better for everybody and then make them after they make a lot of money make them give you a commission or give you free work after after he shows them how to double their income.

[00:25:22] I mean it should be good for at least a set of veneers you know.

[00:25:25] Exactly. So what do you like best about working for yourself and what's the worst part.

[00:25:31] What I like best about working for myself is the control. If you haven't figured it out I'd like to be in control in a good way. And so I can kind of control my future and really what I mean by control as I think all of us have. As entrepreneurs we have a vision of how we would like to help in the world. And so I can execute that vision every day. And the thing that really excites me is when I'm I'm training someone and I can see that they get it and they get the result. Like that's my that's my Nirvana. That's my bliss. That's where I. that time stands still. And I'm so lucky that the thing that I really enjoy doing I can get highly compensated for.

[00:26:20] And there's various methods that can work with you right different levels.

[00:26:24] Yep. They I do video training. I do live events and I also do in office mentorships where I'll go into their office. Train them and help them to implement it in their office.

[00:26:38] You actually take any of the calls and let them watch you.

[00:26:41] You know that's not a bad idea. But the way that we we address that is I have some recorded calls but I also we record most most everybody that's doing marketing these days record their inbound phone calls. And so we we review and critique their calls and give them feedback in a very non-threatening way. You know there's there's a company out there now that likes to do mystery calls and and kind of invalidate the person as a training method. We're very careful just to say hey look here's the guide here's what you did. These are the points to fix it listen to the call and that's the way we all learn is by getting getting feedback. And so you're giving the right feedback and that's that's how we do the training.

[00:27:30] It probably wouldn't work through all of you if you rag on them so bad they all quit now. Now my overhead went down.

[00:27:40] Yeah yeah. No that doesn't work. But I have been in situations where I've been in office training and we go over it and the doctor will basically go over with the person in front of everyone how horrible they did and it you know there's a there's an old management saying that goes praise in public rock criticize in private.

[00:28:01] Right. So. Oh we got to take a break from our sponsor when we come back we're going to ask Jeff what's a typical day look like for him and how he stays motivated.

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[00:28:45] All right. We're back after the break with Jeffrey Palmer. He is a really really luminary in the dental arena by helping dentists increase their case acceptance. It's called I guess technically but but also give a great patient experience because if they go hand in hand everybody is gonna be happy it's one of the classic win win. So. So Jeff what's a typical day look like for you.

[00:29:11] Well I do actually have a commute but it's relatively short considering where I live. I live in Northern Virginia which I know you're familiar with this area and the traffic.

[00:29:21] So a quarter mile commute could be what three hours.

[00:29:26] Well it's not like an L.A. commute it's more like everything's very spread out here. And so you can get stuck in a lot of traffic. So I live very close to where I work so I have about a 15 minute commute which is great because I get to listen to all my training when I commute. So that's my rolling university otherwise it probably wouldn't get done. And so I commute it's about 10 or 15 minutes and I have an office in the House But I have dogs so they bark a lot. No I I do see and that's the thing I'm really doing virtual coaching has revolutionized my business. I do travel I do go to offices but I do a lot of my coaching virtually. And I do that for my office. And I also oversee the dental office. So it's in the same same complex.

[00:30:25] So what time you get up in the morning and your workout.

[00:30:29] 6:00 a.m. Yep 6:00 a.m. most days 6:00 a.m.. Some working out gratitude coffee and then set up my day and take off for the take off for the office after I make my my morning my morning smoothie bullet.

[00:30:48] So what if I would have coffee disappeared off the face of the earth would you fall apart.

[00:30:54] Probably not. I've gone without it it's just one of those you know one of those pleasures.

[00:31:00] Yeah. So how do you stay motivated. So you're doing that in a practice that you're part of. But this other thing. Are these separate business entity. So you are an entrepreneur with all the training for other dentists as separate from your work. So what kind of business entities would be set up.

[00:31:24] So very specifically it has to be a separate entity for the dental practice. And it's a management company that has a contractual relationship with the dental practice that that my father in law owns.

[00:31:39] Is it true that you can't actually own one if you're not a dentist.

[00:31:43] Legally in no state can you do so but there are ways to legally set up corporations so that you can run them and you can you know you can set up the corporate structure that you're running them but you don't actually own the practice. The definition of a practice is the patient's chart. So I don't have anything to do with those. That's up to doctors. So I help with the management and then we're also a lot of my my time is spent looking at other dental practices to buy and we're actually in the process of hopefully closing on another one next week.

[00:32:16] Now how do you pick them is they all they're really pitiful and we could make them great if we would.

[00:32:21] Yeah. I do. I do the exact same thing that I do for clients. You know I evaluate the numbers and look at the look at the practice overall and then figure out what the potential is. And you know it is you know I am looking for practices that are a little bit more distressed or have opportunity because it's cheaper And then we build them up and that's another that's one source of revenue.

[00:32:46] Are you building them up to keep them or to turn them over.

[00:32:50] So eventually it will be to sell them.

[00:32:54] Well yeah they'll do just consulting on that alone. Like if somebody says hey I'm planning on getting out in a couple of years I need help you set that up. Is that something that would you would do.

[00:33:06] I would refer that to my CPA who specializes in doing that.

[00:33:10] Okay great. Hope you get a commission.

[00:33:12] Yeah well we refer actually back and forth. So he actually has clients that need help with case acceptance and he refers in to me and it goes back and forth. So it's actually a really great relationship.

[00:33:23] All right so what fires you up these they motivate every morning when you get up.

[00:33:27] No one I focus on my family. You know when I was working for somebody else work was always first. You know and family was second. So now it's family first work second.

[00:33:41] So you cheated a little bit there and you because it's you in a business with your family.

[00:33:48] Yeah it's a family business right. Yeah. So they're both the coequal. Exactly. And part of that is doing you know making sure that my my in-laws are are doing well in our well taking care of for their retirement. That's why I do it. I do it for my children I do it for myself. You know so I do pay attention to the financial aspects of things because that's how you know you do things as you really that you really want to do and create those memorable experiences as a family. You definitely need money to do that in Northern Virginia. It's not a cheap place to live.

[00:34:21] Are those children involved in the business at all. You turn them in the entrepreneurs.

[00:34:26] Yes. Tom my 12 year old does help with the business. That's why he gets a salary. o my 18 year old he actually is not involved in the business but my wife is in the business and my my son helps and yeah. So we're all we're all pretty involved.

[00:34:47] So yeah. So you got plenty to keep you motivated to get going. So what kind of parting thoughts would you have for any of our screwballs out there I know there most of them are not going to be able to take advantage of your dental acumen but you know they're all in sales and marketing and you've got a massive career in that. So what kind of parting thoughts would you have for our screwballs.

[00:35:09] No matter what you're doing if you're doing it successfully there is a process that you are going through to make it successful. And if you haven't taken the time to break down what those steps are you're doing yourself a disservice. And you know it took me it took me hiring some other people to have me take this outside framework and look at what it is that I was doing from a step by step process and once I did that the whole thing became very predictable and teachable and making money as you know is is very systematic and most people when they're successful they don't they can't see that system. And so if you haven't figured out what the steps out of your system. I would suggest that you you figure it out or hire somebody to help you figure it out because once you once you frame it you'll be able to replicate it and teach others how to do it and make sure that it never goes away.

[00:36:12] Yeah and the predictable part that we did in your introduction a little bit was you know people were always the entrepreneurs are half the time afraid oh gee if it doesn't come in. But you've created the systematic thing where you can predict what you which are going to make right.

[00:36:29] Yeah. Yeah. It's not like it there's no work because there's obviously work involved. But I'm the type of person that I don't I mean I don't like to waste time or energy I want to do something that I can maximize results and of course it's taken a lot of years to get to that point. But that's why you know clients pay me as to shortcut that process and I think that anybody is available to do that or has that available to do that if they just take the time to to really step back and observe what they do.

[00:36:58] You're going to come out ever with any courses for the general zhlubs.

[00:37:04] You know I have this motto that's says a niche will make you rich. And so I opportunities will make your riches very naturally and I'm and I'm not. That's why I have dental practices and dental consulting and whether I step outside of that I'm sure I will in the next five to 10 years. But for right now this is the game plan and and I'm in execution mode which is part of the reason why I'm working with you.

[00:37:29] All right great. So so. So some big takeaways from this call is that when you're selling on the phone you've got to take control of the call and whatever that means for you is in general Jeffrey said to be listening or asking questions and listening and not let them take control of the call and then a systematized things once you find out what's working. Get it into a predictable system so that you're not freaking out all the time wondering where the money's going to come to pay the bills so. So thanks so much for these great insights Jeff.

[00:38:01] You're welcome. My pleasure.

[00:38:03] All right so everybody this has been oh well we're going to have we'll have case acceptance Academy and how to reach Jeff in the show notes and this has been episode 128. So you want to pass it on to your dentist. The first thing they might be insulted. Too bad too bad. And we will catch everybody on the next episode. See ya later.

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