Today, we're going to talk about YouTube end screens and how it can really help you out. This is part of our YouTube Quick Tips series starting on episode 944. And you really want to catch all of these, because all these little techniques add up to really lots more views and watch time and and more promotion for your YouTube channel. So check that out.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 959
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[00:23] Tom's introduction to End Screens [01:44] These pop up near the end of your video [04:06] Setting up the elements and how they display [06:24] There are analytics available for your end screensHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
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Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
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Want The Transcript for this episode?
In this episode, Tom Antion discusses the importance of YouTube end screens and how they can help increase watch time, views, and overall promotion for a YouTube channel. This episode is part of the YouTube Quick Tips series, which began at episode 944.
Key Takeaways:
• What Are End Screens?
o End screens appear in the last 5–20 seconds of a video and allow creators to add up to four elements, such as video links, playlists, and subscribe buttons.
o They are not available for YouTube Shorts and require the video to be at least 25 seconds long.
• How to Add End Screens:
o Go to YouTube Studio → Content → Select Video → End Screen Section.
o Click on “Add Element” and choose from different options:
Video: Recommend another video for viewers.
Playlist: Promote a playlist.
Subscribe Button: Encourage subscriptions.
Channel Link or External Links: Available for YouTube Partner Program members.
• Choosing the Right Video for End Screens:
o Most Recent Video: Automatically selects the latest upload.
o Best for Viewer: YouTube picks the best suggestion based on the viewer's history.
o Choose a Specific Video: Manually select a relevant video, ensuring continuity.
• Best Practices for End Screens:
o Don’t Cover Important On-Screen Content – Position end screens carefully.
o Use a Grid for Alignment – Helps maintain a clean look.
o Session Time Matters – Encourages viewers to keep watching, boosting YouTube’s algorithm ranking.
o Track Analytics – Monitor which end screens are performing well and update them as needed.
Next Episode (960 Teaser):
Tom will discuss how to connect YouTube Shorts to long-form videos to maximize watch time and engagement.
Final Notes:
Tom also promotes his automation book (available at and his Great Internet Marketing Mentor Program, which includes a $19,000 scholarship for students at his licensed digital marketing school.
Episode 959 – End Screens
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 959 and Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about YouTube end screens and how it can really help you out. This is part of our YouTube Quick Tips series starting on episode 944. And you really want to catch all of these, because all these little techniques add up to really lots more views and watch time and and more promotion for your YouTube channel. So check that out. And the way you get to a back episode is you go to, slash, then the episode number. This series starts at 944, but the last video or the last episode sorry, was thinking video like crazy. This whole series. Episode 958 was on scheduling. So when the schedule, when not to schedule and all that stuff pick up a copy of our automation book at and check out my mentor program at, where if you're in it, you get a $19,000 scholarship that you can gift to someone in your life. At my school, the only licensed, dedicated internet and digital marketing school in the country. And is certified to operate by the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia because it's distance learning.
[00:01:45] All right. So let's talk about end screens. End screens are what pops up. It would have to be at least 20s before the end of your video. And you can have four what they call elements on your end screen. This is coming to the end of your video, and frequently you see this where people will pop, hey, look at this video.
[00:02:06] If you want to do this, look at this one and other and there's other elements you can put there. But right now we're talking about end screens. So the way you get to this section, you go to your YouTube studio, go to content and then pick a video that you want to work on. You can work on videos you already have up there. You can go back to your channel and do this, which will clearly increase the number of videos that people watch of yours. Okay, so anyway, you go to content, select the video and then go to the end screen section. Now you can only do this. This isn't isn't for shorts. That's a different thing that we'll talk about on next our next episode. But your video has to be at least 25 seconds long. Okay. For this to to work. And it can't be made for kids. And there's some other mobile restrictions and things. But anyway, it's a really powerful technique that you can take advantage of. Now when you get to this end screen area, you're going to click on either the plus sign or add, and it's going to be like add element. And you have different ones that you can pick from. You can put a playlist link there, you can put a subscribe thing, you can put a channel link, and then some people can put links if they're in the a partner program to external websites.
[00:03:20] But anyway, we're talking about putting videos there so people watch more of them. See, there's a thing called session time and it's way more important. This is one of the techniques that you know better YouTubers use. Rather than just yapping about subscribe and hit like and all that stuff. That's all important and good. But this is more important that people watch a greater session time or have a greater session time, which means that they watch one of your videos all the way to the end, and then they watch another one and another one and another one, and it leads them, you know, the session time is a major, major part of the YouTube algorithm where they recommend your video to more people. So this is what how important this is. Now when you click on the plus or the add element, the first one that comes up is video. So you click on video and it's going to give you a chance to pick some templates. So you don't have to line up stuff yourself. But you can if you want. You can just skip that and then And move videos around wherever you want them. But you got to be careful with this because you don't want to move a video on top of you speaking or any other important things on the screen, and it will allow you to preview it so that you can make sure that the videos you're suggesting, the thumbnails are not covering up important things on the end of the video you're working on now.
[00:04:46] When you do select video, a video element, you have several choices. One is you can leave it as the most recent video. So it's like the last video you put up. Or you can click the next button and it says best for viewer. This is where YouTube says, hey, from all your videos, this is the one they're most likely to watch next. Now that wouldn't make sense. If you are pointing, you know, in your when you're shooting your video and saying, hey, click right here if you want to see X, Y, and Z video because you know it may not be x, y, and z video if you let YouTube pick it. All right. So be careful if you use that one. And then the last one is choose the video. So that brings up all your videos. And then you pick the exact video that you want and exactly where it's going to be on the screen. And then you can if you want to point to it when you're talking in the end of the video that it's going to be on. All right. And like I said, you can drag it around and move it and all that stuff. So then you set the time frame. It has to be at least five seconds, but maximum 20s. And also you can pick a grid that helps you line things up. You know, the people won't see the grid, but you will see it as you're working on this to make sure things look nice.
[00:06:11] And the video at the top left lines up with the one on the bottom left and that kind of stuff. But you can you don't have to do that. You can always go back and edit these. Also see these. You're not carved in stone when you do this. So that's a good thing. And you can even get analytics for your end screen videos to see how which one's doing good or which one's not doing good. And you can go back and edit and change the video out after the fact. So that's a good thing. So end screen is very important to help people watch more of your videos in sequence. And that gives you a greater session time. And it makes YouTube like you better. And they'll show your videos or recommend your videos to more people. That's the way it is. All right. So next episode is a really cool technique you can use on. And that's episode 960 coming up next couple days. And that's where when you put a YouTube short up, how to connect it to a long form of the same video. If you if you caught them with the short, then how you get them to watch the whole thing and it all adds up to your watch time and session time and all that stuff. All right, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Check out the mentor program at and I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.