960 - Watching more of your videos: Tom talks Short to Long - Screw The Commute

960 – Watching more of your videos: Tom talks Short to Long

This is our last video in the YouTube shorts series starting at episode 944. We're going to show you how to grab people's attention and then move them into watching more of your stuff.

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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 960

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Short to Long

[01:29] Connecting to a longer version of your video

[02:54] Adding a related video

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

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End Screens – https://screwthecommute.com/959/

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In this episode, Tom Antion wraps up his YouTube Shorts series (starting from Episode 944) by explaining how to transition viewers from short-form content to long-form videos to boost engagement and watch time.
Key Takeaways:
• Using Shorts to Hook Viewers: Upload a YouTube Short with a snippet from a longer video to grab attention.
• Linking to Longer Videos: Use YouTube’s "Add Related Video" feature to attach a longer version or a related video, increasing session time.
• End Screens Strategy: Combine this with end screens (covered in Episode 959) to keep viewers watching multiple videos.
• Boosting Your YouTube Growth: Following these steps improves watch time and signals YouTube’s algorithm to promote your content.
Tom emphasizes that while this method may not create viral success overnight, it builds a sustainable, long-term growth strategy for YouTube channels. He also promotes his free automation book, mentorship program, and internet marketing school for further learning.


Episode 960 – Short To Long
[00:00:10] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:26] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 960 of Screw the Commute podcast. This is our last video in the YouTube shorts series starting at episode 944. And anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, and then the episode number. This series started at 944. This is 960 shorts too long. We're going to show you how to grab people's attention and then move them into watching more of your stuff. Download a copy of my automation book. It's free. Just one of the tips in this book is save me. We actually estimated 9 million Keystrokes. All right, so you're crazy if you don't download this book. screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Also, check out my mentor program at greatinternetmarketingtraining.com and my school IMTCVA.org, where you're a person in your life, could get a massively great, in-demand career in as little as six months and some people are making money before they even graduate. All right, check it out.

[00:01:29] All right, so we're talking about taking a short I'm sure you've all seen YouTube shorts. Those are short videos. But at the bottom, savvy YouTubers are connecting a link to either the long form of that video or similar to end screens on your main videos to a any other video. But if, let's say you took a snippet of a long form video to catch people's attention as a short, and then you linked it to the whole video so they can watch the whole thing? Well, this increases your watch time, increases your number of views, and if you do the what I told you on episode 959 about end screens, then you could catch them with a short lead them to the long form of that short, and then the end screen of the long form could lead them to more videos.

[00:02:22] You see how we're keeping people on and increasing your what they call session time. You know, this is part of the algorithm that makes YouTube love you. If people watch more and more and more of your videos. All right. So how do you do this. So it's not too hard. So you click upload video like you're uploading any kind of video. And then you choose a short from your hard drive or your phone. And it used to be you had to tell YouTube it was a short, but now they recognize it as short because of the length you upload it and then you'll see a little click thing called video elements, and then you'll have a choice there that says add related video. And then all your videos will come up, and then you pick which one you want.

[00:03:07] If it's like I said, if you're trying to hook them with a snippet of a longer form, then pick that one, and then there's going to be a small link at the bottom of your short that leads them to the longer version or to another video. So this is like I said, we'll catch them, like hook them with the short and then lead them to the longer versions and then end screens, which was episode 959. 959 will get them to watch more of your videos. All right. So you see how none of this is rocket science? All these little tips I've given you since episode 944 to this one, 960 will totally transform your channel. You'll look like a professional, and it will start to grow. There is no question about it. Now, does that mean you'll get a viral video and a million views overnight? No, it could, but that's pie in the sky thinking this is something you can build that's going to work for you for a long time. So go ahead and work on your shorts and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingtraining.com. And we'll have some all new kinds of great stuff for you coming up in future episodes. Catch you later.