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450 – She’s back with great book marketing tips: Tom interviews Judith Briles

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Judith Briles (Part 2)

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Tom interviews Judith Briles (Part 2)           Tom interviews Judith Briles (Part 2)          
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    Judith Briles is here. And in addition to having some secret sauce, she's an award winning and best selling author of 37 books, including over forty five book awards for her publishing marketing books and just a sample of some of them, Author You, creating and building your author and book platforms, snappy, sassy, salty, wise words for authors and publishers, The Crowdfunding Guide.

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    449 – She can make you money FAST: Tom interviews Esther Inman

    Screw The Commute Podcast

    Tom interviews Esther Inman

    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
    Tom interviews Esther Inman           Tom interviews Esther Inman          
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      Esther Inman is the CEO and founder of Virtual Assistant Internship and the host of Help Me Work Online. Over the years, Esther has helped thousands of women from all walks of life across the world work online as virtual assistants, creating virtual careers that they just love. Esther has been a guest on Her Life by Design and featured on Future Sharks, Career Shifters and Growth Lab, among other outlets.

      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

      448 – This simple document can make you money: Tom talks Buying Guides

      Screw The Commute Podcast

      Tom talks Buying Guides

      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
      Tom talks Buying Guides           Tom talks Buying Guides          
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        So what the heck is a buyer's guide? Well, I'm sure you've all seen many of them and maybe didn't realize what you were looking at was a buyer's guide. A buyer's guide is usually a document or a Web page or even a video that helps you make a decision on which product or service to buy when you're looking to purchase something. Sometimes you may see it in the form of a comparison chart.

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        447 – A “REAL” Amazon Best Seller: Tom interviews Judith Briles

        Screw The Commute Podcast

        Tom interviews Judith Briles

        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
        Tom interviews Judith Briles           Tom interviews Judith Briles          
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          Judith Briles is here. And in addition to having some secret sauce, she's an award winning and best selling author of 37 books, including over forty five book awards for her publishing marketing books and just a sample of some of them, Author You, creating and building your author and book platforms, snappy, sassy, salty, wise words for authors and publishers, The Crowdfunding Guide.

          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

          446 – He retired from the commute: Tom interviews Simon Severino

          Screw The Commute Podcast

          Tom interviews Simon Severino

          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
          Tom interviews Simon Severino           Tom interviews Simon Severino          
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            Simon Severino helps business owners, coaches, consultants and speakers and all kinds of people discover how to be able to run their company more efficiently, which results in sales that soar. And he created the Strategy Sprints method that doubles revenue in 90 days.

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            445 – It started out as Decoration Day: Tom talks Memorial Day

            Screw The Commute Podcast

            Tom talks Memorial Day

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            Tom talks Memorial Day           Tom talks Memorial Day          
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              Tom's thoughts on Memorial Day and his special project to help do good in the world.

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              444 – Are you accountable?: Tom interviews Sam Silverstein

              Screw The Commute Podcast

              Tom interviews Sam Silverstein

              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
              Tom interviews Sam Silverstein           Tom interviews Sam Silverstein          
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                Accountability and leadership keynote speaker Sam Silverstein's mission is to empower people to live accountable lives, transform the way they do business, and to thrive at extraordinary levels. He works with organizations worldwide, and he helps them build powerful workplace cultures and long term sustainability. He's the founder of the Accountability Institute and a Certified Accountability Advisor. He's the author of 11 books, including I Am Accountable, Non-negotiable and No more excuses.

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                443 – Special Edition Training Episode: Tom talks Helping Others

                Screw The Commute Podcast

                Tom talks Helping Others

                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                Tom talks Helping Others           Tom talks Helping Others          
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                  Helping Others. You have strengths that could help others, and using those strengths can help you and your business too.

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                  442 – Sell 4 times as much as you do now: Tom talks Referral Marketing

                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                  Tom talks Referral Marketing

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                  Tom talks Referral Marketing           Tom talks Referral Marketing          
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                    Referral marketing. I can't tell you how many times other people have referred me and my products and services over the years. Now, some of it I can track because the people used an affiliate link to refer my stuff, but far more have sent me customers and prospects just by word of mouth. I'm going to talk about both of those kinds of issues.

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                    441 – Marketing doesn’t have to be that hard: Tom interviews Tim Fitzpatrick

                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                    Tom interviews Tim Fitzpatrick

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                    Tom interviews Tim Fitzpatrick           Tom interviews Tim Fitzpatrick          
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                      Tim Fitzpatrick is an entrepreneur, business owner with expertise in marketing and business growth. And he knows business growth because he grew one business 60 percent a year. That's pretty serious. He's got 20 plus years of entrepreneurial experience with a passion for developing and growing businesses. He currently owns Rialto Marketing and helps service businesses simplify marketing so they can grow with less stress.

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                      440 – You can skyrocket your business using publicity: Tom interviews Mickie Kennedy

                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                      Tom interviews Mickie Kennedy

                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                      Tom interviews Mickie Kennedy           Tom interviews Mickie Kennedy          
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                        Mickie Kennedy founded Ereleases over twenty two years ago to help small businesses, authors and startups increase their visibility and credibility through press release marketing.

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                        439 – Get the money to finance your dreams: Tom talks Crowdfunding

                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                        Tom talks Crowdfunding

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                        Tom talks Crowdfunding           Tom talks Crowdfunding          
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                          Crowdfunding. How to get the money for your projects and never have to pay it back. How cool is that? So what exactly is crowdfunding? Well, it's where you get lots of people to participate in your projects, and I'm going to emphasize the word to contribute or participate, because in most cases, everyone that gives you money gets something in return.

                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                          438 – He’s helped people on 5 continents: Tom interviews Michael Angelo Caruso

                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                          Tom interviews Michael Angelo Caruso

                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                          Tom interviews Michael Angelo Caruso           Tom interviews Michael Angelo Caruso          
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                            Michael Angelo Caruso teaches presentation skills on five continents. He's worked with Hallmark, Bank of America, Verizon, Rayovac, Citco, Nissan, many others. He's the author of Work Hacks and Dear Michelangelo, A Father's Life Letters to His Son. What a beautiful book there. He also has a highly rated speaker coaching class titled Present Like a Pro, and he loves exercise, movies and travel.

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                            437 – He’s in my favorite profession: Tom interviews Dom Brightmon

                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                            Tom interviews Dom Brightmon

                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                            Tom interviews Dom Brightmon           Tom interviews Dom Brightmon          
                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                              Dominique Dom Brightmon is a DTM. That's a distinguished toastmaster. He's an award winning speaker and certified member with the John Maxwell team. He's the best selling author of Going North, Tips and Techniques to Advance Yourself. Also, Stay the Course, The Elite Performers Seven Secret Keys to Sustainable Success. And he's a contributing author to Crappy to Happy, sacred stories of transformational Joy.

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                              436 – Bad Reviews are Good For You: Tom talks Bad Reviews

                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                              Tom talks Bad Reviews

                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                              Tom talks Bad Reviews           Tom talks Bad Reviews          
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                                Bad reviews. Well, nobody likes to get bad reviews, but maybe I can reframe your thinking a little. You just might see how they can be used to your advantage. You really can't stop bad reviews. I mean, you can certainly decrease them to almost zero like I have by being fanatical about customer service. In fact, research that's come to light is showing that being pretty much perfect can have negative effects.

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                                435 – How to become a digital nomad: Tom interviews The Digital Nomads

                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                Tom interviews The Digital Nomads

                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                Tom interviews The Digital Nomads           Tom interviews The Digital Nomads          
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                                  Amy and Ian Anderson are a married couple from Tampa, Florida, that have been running their web design business together for the past 12 years, in August 2020, they rented out their house and they're now traveling around the world, changing countries every three months.

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                                  434 – Holistic websites?: Tom interviews Joey Donovan Guido

                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                  Tom interviews Joey Donovan Guido

                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                  Tom interviews Joey Donovan Guido           Tom interviews Joey Donovan Guido          
                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                    Joey Donovan Guido is the owner of Cuppa SEO Web Design and the author of the book A Holistic Guide to Online Marketing. So in addition to running his web design firm, he offers consulting and speaking services based on the principles found in his book.

                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                    433 – Don’t get your website hacked: Tom talks How Websites Get Hacked

                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                    Tom talks How Websites Get Hacked

                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                    Tom talks How Websites Get Hacked           Tom talks How Websites Get Hacked          
                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                      Website hacking. So how do you know if your website has been hacked, while sometimes you don't? Sometimes the hacker is using the resources of your website server or your hosting service, where your website is held to send spam emails and do other kind of nasty things.

                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                      432 – From homeless to a doctorate: Tom interviews Dr. Ty Belknap

                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                      Tom interviews Dr. Ty Belknap

                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                      Tom interviews Dr. Ty Belknap           Tom interviews Dr. Ty Belknap          
                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                        After working as a network engineer at companies like Compaq, HP and Microsoft, those are all dreaded jobs folks, Dr. Ty Belnap started his own Web design and online marketing company called Port Bell SEO, and he now lives in Seattle, Washington. He has four employees, but guess what? The closest one to him lives in England.

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                                        431 – He built 600,000 followers in an offbeat niche: Tom interviews Warren Carlyle

                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                        Tom interviews Warren Carlyle

                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                        Tom interviews Warren Carlyle           Tom interviews Warren Carlyle          
                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                          As the co-founder of the Community Leaders Association, Warren Carlyle, a community building strategist who works with purpose driven brands and influencers to build highly engaged online communities. And he's going to really go into depth on the differences in what you may think that is. Now, he's also the founder and CEO of Octonation. It's the largest Octopus fan club, a non-profit organization that inspires conservation of the ocean by teaching the world about octopuses.

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                                          430 – Who’s Your Daddy?: Tom talks GoDaddy

                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                          Tom talks GoDaddy

                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                          Tom talks GoDaddy           Tom talks GoDaddy          
                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                            GoDaddy. The things I'm going to talk about are simply my opinion. But if you check around, you'll see that what I say is corroborated, and is pretty much common knowledge among advanced marketers. But let me start off by saying this. Any time you see a company that sells Web services advertising massively on TV. you can pretty much bet the farm, it's designed for people that don't know any better.

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                                            429 – She went from penniless to $500 Million: Tom interviews Victoria Wieck

                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                            Tom interviews Victoria Wieck

                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                            Tom interviews Victoria Wieck           Tom interviews Victoria Wieck          
                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                              Victoria Wieck is a highly successful entrepreneur. She went from a penniless immigrant to generating over $500 million dollars in retail sales by turning her passion for jewelry design into profits. She did go to the corporate world, which is kind of cussing on this show, but she got smart and she got out of it and she started a small company so she can spend more time with her family and not be commuting all the time. But she had no money, no mentors and no inside connections.

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                                              428 – $100 Million a year is not to shabby: Tom interviews Jeff Morrill

                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                              Tom interviews Jeff Morrill

                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                              Tom interviews Jeff Morrill           Tom interviews Jeff Morrill          
                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                Jeff Morrill co-founded Planet Subaru. It's nicknamed your undealership. And that was back in 1998. He built it into one of the most successful privately held car dealerships in the United States. And you just type that in, there's articles in all the magazines about this, what he's done with this particular business of his. And so he later started other businesses in automotive, retail, real estate, telecommunications and insurance that generate over a hundred million dollars a year in annual revenue.

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                                                427 – Stay away from Fulfillment by Amazon: Tom talks Amazon FBA

                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                Tom talks Amazon FBA

                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                Tom talks Amazon FBA           Tom talks Amazon FBA          
                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                  Amazon FBA. Well what is it? It's called Fulfilled by Amazon. This is where you have a physical product, you ship it to Amazon. When someone buys the product, Amazon ships it to them, collects the money, takes out their fees and sends you whatever money is left. And there's lots of courses and lots of people bragging how much they sold by doing this. Now, you got to excuse me for being skeptical.

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                                                  426 – He’s got a patent on saving lives: Tom interviews Dr. Jeff Hockings

                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                  Tom interviews Dr. Jeff Hockings

                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                  Tom interviews Dr. Jeff Hockings           Tom interviews Dr. Jeff Hockings          
                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                    Dr. J. Murray Hockings, he's Dr. Jeff to me, is the world's number one diabetes reversal doctor. He's a published author with thirty years of experience. He's the CEO, founder of the company Help Your Diabetes with one physical location. But now, twenty eight virtual locations and a world class digital platform and app, and he's given over 400 diabetes presentations in the past 12 years in six countries and has a mission of reversing diabetes in millions of people around the world.

                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                    425 – The most unique magician I know: Tom interviews Dan Chan

                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                    Tom interviews Dan Chan

                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                    Tom interviews Dan Chan           Tom interviews Dan Chan          
                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                      Dan Chan has been featured on ABC, Bay Area BackRoads, Radio Disney, The Wall Street Journal and The Hustle. In 2020, Business Insider and CNBC, who's still chasing him around, by the way, both featured him twice. And he's a favorite entertainer among Silicon Valley billionaires. So I'm really thrilled to have Dan Chan here.

                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                      424 – My mistakes will save you a ton of money: Tom talks Paid Traffic Tips

                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                      Tom talks Paid Traffic Tips

                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                      Tom talks Paid Traffic Tips           Tom talks Paid Traffic Tips          
                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                        Now if there's one thing for sure that you must do, especially if you are new or relatively inexperienced in paid traffic, is you must obsess. In the early days, I made a horrendous mistake. I put an ad in on Friday. I didn't put in safeguards. I'm not even sure that they existed on the ad platforms in the early days. I got too busy over the weekend to check. By Monday, I owed Google $8000 and I had to pay it. Oh my God. It hurts me to even mention that. But know if it saves you, then I'm doing my job.

                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                        423 – The most interesting tax discussion you will ever hear: Tom interviews Dan Pilla

                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                        Tom interviews Dan Pilla

                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                        Tom interviews Dan Pilla           Tom interviews Dan Pilla          
                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                          Dan Pilla is a tax litigation specialists with over forty years of experience helping people and tax professionals solve IRS problems. Now, his research and work started the tax resolution industry. And The Associated Press said that Pilla probably knows more about the IRS than the commissioner of the IRS. I could guarantee that's true because Dan is a real professional and a lot of those people are pencil pushers.

                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                          422 – This guy failed and failed and just wouldn’t quit: Tom interviews Anatoly Spektor

                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                          Tom interviews Anatoly Spektor

                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                          Tom interviews Anatoly Spektor           Tom interviews Anatoly Spektor          
                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                            Anatoly Specter is from Eastern Europe, but he moved to Canada at 21 years of age. So he changed his career from business software development and he got a great focus in three years to get a position where he works in some of the world's most successful I.T. companies, earning a six figure salary. But you know what wasn't good enough for him? He says, “I'm tired of working for somebody else”. So he started a side hustle.

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                                                            421 – Small changes to your graphics can mean big traffic: Tom talks Image Optimization

                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                            Tom talks Image Optimization

                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                            Tom talks Image Optimization           Tom talks Image Optimization          
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                                                              Today, we're going to talk about image optimization. And I know that doesn't sound sexy, but this is a very simple way you can improve yourself by being found online. And this is one of the common mistakes people make on their web sites. And it causes them to miss out on an important feature of Google, called image search. I'll tell you what you have to do to easily fix that problem.

                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                              420 – She’s been pitched 20,000 times: Tom interviews Chala Dincoy

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                                                              Tom interviews Chala Dincoy

                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                              Tom interviews Chala Dincoy           Tom interviews Chala Dincoy          
                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                Chala Dincoy is the CEO and founder of Repositioner.com. She's a marketing strategist who's helped B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients. And she put her time in at 18 years at all these major companies and has heard pitch after pitch after pitch. And that's why she felt the need to to teach people how to do it better.

                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                419 – Wow! She’s got degrees AND the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Tom interviews Dr. Morissa Schwartz

                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                Tom interviews Dr. Morissa Schwartz

                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                Tom interviews Dr. Morissa Schwartz           Tom interviews Dr. Morissa Schwartz          
                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                  Dr. Morissa Schwartz is the owner of DrRissysWriting.com. It's a marketing and writing company. And she also has GenZPublishing.org. She's got a doctorate in literature from Drew University and a Master's in Communication. She's been featured in Forbes and MTV. She broke a Guinness World Record for creating the world's longest chain of bracelets, and she's a best selling author. Morissa seeks to inspire others through words and a positive attitude.

                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                  418 – 97 percent profit awaits you: Tom talks Value of Ebooks

                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                  Tom talks Value of Ebooks

                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                  Tom talks Value of Ebooks           Tom talks Value of Ebooks          
                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                    What is the value of Ebooks? Tom goes through what it takes and how you can increase your business, plus the WHY of Ebooks. Listen and take good notes!

                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                    417 – From drugs, to a child’s death to Top Consultant: Tom interviews Tracy Brinkmann

                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                    Tom interviews Tracy Brinkmann

                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                    Tom interviews Tracy Brinkmann           Tom interviews Tracy Brinkmann          
                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                      Tracy Brinkmann's here and he hit rock bottom using drugs, went through a divorce, a bankruptcy and even the death of an 18 month old daughter. But he went from that to running the planning and marketing departments of some of Corporate America's finest companies and then started his own company, helping driven entrepreneurs and coaches scale their businesses by crystallizing and monetizing their passions. And now he's hosting his podcast focused on driven Dark Horse Entrepreneurs.

                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                      416 – She does 100 things and does them all well: Tom interviews Nadia Holliday

                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                      Tom interviews Nadia Holliday

                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                      Tom interviews Nadia Holliday           Tom interviews Nadia Holliday          
                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                        Nadia Holliday, better known as the “Wall Street Chick”, turned realtor in the state of New York, and she's a two time self published author. She's a playwright, a screenwriter and actress, an event host, serial entrepreneur, a financial consultant and a wealth builder. Now, here's a fun fact about Nadya that she'll tell us more about. She's bi lingual and that's Afro Latina. I never heard before. And she originally hailed from Baton Rouge, and you may have previously heard her on the radio.

                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                        415 – Get lightning fast using your cell phone: Tom talks Cell Phone Automation

                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                        Tom talks Cell Phone Automation

                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                        Tom talks Cell Phone Automation           Tom talks Cell Phone Automation          
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                                                                          Tom gives you a whole new bunch of cell phone automation techniques in this episode. NO APPS REQUIRED! These will make you faster, more efficient and tap into your inner techno-wizard! Also, listen to episode 367 for the first part of this series that details which apps to use and why.

                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                          414 – She turned lemons into lemon drops: Tom interviews Kellen Fisher

                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                          Tom interviews Kellen Fisher

                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                          Tom interviews Kellen Fisher           Tom interviews Kellen Fisher          
                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                            Kellen Fisher spent more than 17 years as a commercial real estate broker. And finally, at the ripe young age of 55 and in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, she decided to follow her passion. She used covid to redefine herself. She started a company called Cards that Wow. And it's now grown into an international scope.

                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                            413 – Depression and Introversion didn’t stop this high achiever: Tom interviews Jen Amos

                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                            Tom interviews Jen Amos

                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                            Tom interviews Jen Amos           Tom interviews Jen Amos          
                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                              Jen Amos is a gold star daughter, a veteran spouse and host of the award winning podcast Holding Down the Fort that highlights the needs and perspectives of career military families. Now she is the community relations director of an award winning business, U.S. Vet Wealth, which she runs with her husband, Scott Tucker.

                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                              412 – The “Relationship Guy” is here: Tom interviews Lindsay Adams

                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                              Tom interviews Lindsay Adams

                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                              Tom interviews Lindsay Adams           Tom interviews Lindsay Adams          
                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                Lindsay Adams is known around the world as the relationships guy. He teaches business owners and salespeople how to get into relationships quickly and how to leverage those relationships to get more business. And he's a best selling author and an accomplished conference speaker. He was recently recognised by the Australian government and awarded the Order of Australia medal. And I understand that he is the only person in the world in his field to get that.

                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                411 – 20 hours a week is all he works: Tom interviews Josh Tapp

                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                Tom interviews Josh Tapp

                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                Tom interviews Josh Tapp           Tom interviews Josh Tapp          
                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                  Josh Tapp is the host of the Apple iTunes Top 50 Marketing and Entrepreneurship podcast. He's worked with some of the world's top entrepreneurs, discovering their top business success secrets and he shares them with his audience of raving fans. He's also helped over 500 entrepreneurs to monetize their personal brands through his proprietary Parthenon method.

                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                  410 – His new “Common” book will help you toward “Uncommon Success”: Tom interviews John Lee Dumas

                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                  Tom interviews John Lee Dumas

                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                  Tom interviews John Lee Dumas           Tom interviews John Lee Dumas          
                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                    John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire. It's got over a million monthly listeners and a seven figure annual revenue. Now, he's spreading entrepreneurial fire on a global scale. This is his first traditionally published book, “The Common Path to Uncommon Success”. And it's available for preorder now at UncommonSuccessbook.com.

                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                    409 – New Strategy for Social Media: Tom talks Social Media Strategy

                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                    Tom talks Social Media Strategy

                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                    Tom talks Social Media Strategy           Tom talks Social Media Strategy          
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                                                                                      I want to tell you about a common sense topic. And it's usually right in front of our faces, but I mean, even I've been guilty of ignoring it because it's so frustrating with the rapid pace of change with regard to all the social media outlets. And I'm not talking about new social media openings. That's one thing that's a pain in the neck like TikTok. Is it new or what? But each social media is always coming out with new features all the time.

                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                      408 – Editor in Chief Entrepreneur Magazine: Tom interviews Jason Feifer

                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                      Tom interviews Jason Feifer

                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                      Tom interviews Jason Feifer           Tom interviews Jason Feifer          
                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                        Jason Feifer is here with us and let me tell you first why I don't like him. The guy is such a great storyteller, he sucked me into watching or listening to a 42 minute podcast on elevator history. He sucked me in. I couldn't couldn't stop listening to it, but he is the Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine. And he's the host of the podcast Build for Tomorrow, which I think was the podcast he sucked me in on, which is about the things from history that shaped us and how we can shape the future.

                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                        407 – Content is King: Tom interviews Jeff Herring

                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                        Tom interviews Jeff Herring

                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                        Tom interviews Jeff Herring           Tom interviews Jeff Herring          
                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                          Jeff Herring is the creator of Content Creation Nation and Smart Content Income. His students and members discover how to create repurpose profit with all kinds of content. And he's a single dad of two sons, two large dogs. And guess what? All of them are housebroken. How do you like that?

                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                          406 – This small change can increase your followers like crazy: Tom talks Hashtags

                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                          Tom talks Hashtags

                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                          Tom talks Hashtags           Tom talks Hashtags          
                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                            Let's talk about hashtags. Boy, you can use these things just about everywhere now, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest, and probably a bunch of other places, too. So let's talk about why you should use them. Well, it helps you target an audience and helps them find you.

                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                            405 – She’s a doctor that writes: Tom interviews Reiko Scott

                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                            Tom interviews Reiko Scott

                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                            Tom interviews Reiko Scott           Tom interviews Reiko Scott          
                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                              Reiko Scott is a Japanese American part time author and full time emergency medicine physician. She enjoys connecting the two through narrative medicine, as well as tearing the two apart through speculative fiction. Her first non-fiction book she co-authored with her father, David Merriman Scott, is a Wall Street Journal best seller. It's called Fanocracy.

                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                              404 – Humble beginnings to top media strategist: Tom interviews Burke Allen

                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                              Tom interviews Burke Allen

                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                              Tom interviews Burke Allen           Tom interviews Burke Allen          
                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                Burke Allen is the head of Allen Media Strategies. It's a media marketing, PR and talent management firm with authors, entertainers and interesting subject matter experts as clients. He's a veteran broadcaster and On-Air Talent. He's a former radio station owner and consultant and he's still a West Virginia boy at heart.

                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                403 – Advanced tips to grow FAST: Tom talks Instagram

                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                Tom talks Instagram

                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                Tom talks Instagram           Tom talks Instagram          
                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                  I'm going to talk about Instagram and I teach my students what to do. I do it to grab email subscribers, which should be your ultimate goal as well. If you want to wade into the Instagram waters, Tom gives you the tips and tricks to make your efforts as effective as possible.

                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                  402 – He invented a term that’s in the dictionary: Tom interviews David Meerman Scott

                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                  Tom interviews David Meerman Scott

                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                  Tom interviews David Meerman Scott           Tom interviews David Meerman Scott          
                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                    David Meerman Scott spotted the real time marketing revolution in its infancy. And I believe it because I've been watching this guy for years and he wrote five books about it, including the new roles of marketing and PR, which is the one I started with, and now it's in its seventh edition. More than 400000 copies sold in English, and it's available in 29 languages from Albanian to Vietnamese.

                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                    401 – This Aussie sold $3 Billion: Tom interviews Rael Bricker

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                                                                                                    Tom interviews Rael Bricker

                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                    Tom interviews Rael Bricker           Tom interviews Rael Bricker          
                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                      Rael Bricker is a collector of experiences and observations. He's built an education business with six campuses and 4000 students. He wrote a book and we'll be talking about that here. But he says, listen, business is simple. Business is not complex. Dive in and adjust your course while you're moving.

                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                      400 – You learn a lot in 44 years of business: Tom talks What I’ve Learned

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                                                                                                      Tom talks What I've Learned

                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                      Tom talks What I've Learned           Tom talks What I've Learned          
                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                        These are some things I've learned after 44 years in business. That's formal business, and as I was jotting these down, I was thinking, what order should I present these things? And I figured that that would take me longer to figure out than actually telling you about the ideas. So they're not going to be in any particular order here. Now, if I had to pick one of the most important things I've learned not only in business, but in life, it's persistence and consistency.

                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                        399 – Accountant turned sex therapist: Tom interviews Dr. April Brown

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                                                                                                        Tom interviews Dr. April Brown

                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                        Tom interviews Dr. April Brown           Tom interviews Dr. April Brown          
                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                          Dr. April Brown is a licensed mental health Christian counselor in three states. She's a nationally certified counselor, a Florida certified sex therapist and a qualified clinical supervisor. She also mentors three counselors, supervises 10 beginning counselor interns and she helps them get in their own private practice.

                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                          398 – We are back with NEW YouTube Stuff: Tom interviews Marc Bullard

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                                                                                                          Tom interviews Marc Bullard

                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                          Tom interviews Marc Bullard           Tom interviews Marc Bullard          
                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                                                            Marc Bullard is back with all new YouTube tips and tricks from the latest batch of changes and updates they've made. Pay attention and take notes for more YouTube goodness!

                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                            397 – Write a Quality Book You Know Nothing About: Tom talks How to Write a Book

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                                                                                                            Tom talks How to Write a Book

                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                            Tom talks How to Write a Book           Tom talks How to Write a Book          
                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                              This topic is about writing about something when you know nothing about the topic, and being proud of your quality work when you're done. And if you've been following me for a while, you know, I emphasize quality over everything to give you long term credibility. So how could this possibly be that you can produce a high quality book when you know nothing about the topic? And why would you want to do it in the first place? Listen in and find out!

                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                              396 – She’s a dynamo real estate pro: Tom interviews Nathalie Mullinex

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                                                                                                              Tom interviews Nathalie Mullinex

                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                              Tom interviews Nathalie Mullinex           Tom interviews Nathalie Mullinex          
                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                Nathalie Mullinex has worn every hat in the real estate industry for over 35 years. Her passion is being a change agent. She started with creating real estate menu systems in 1994. And her real estate teaching supports many small mom and pop brokerages and allows Realty Universal to donate and serve the much needed areas she's passionate about, which are starving children and wounded adults.

                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                395 – From 20 siblings to 100 million in real estate: Tom interviews Adam Adams

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                                                                                                                Tom interviews Adam Adams

                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                Tom interviews Adam Adams           Tom interviews Adam Adams          
                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                  Currently Playing

                                                                                                                  Adam A. Adams is here. He's also known in the real estate community as triple A. He's devoted himself to educating and inspiring investors through events podcast, his program and his thriving Meetup group. Today, he's going to talk to us about all the great things he's doing, helping other podcasters really blow their show up.

                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                  394 – Buying a domain name has its pitfalls: Tom talks Getting the Domain Name You Want

                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                  Tom talks Getting the Domain Name You Want

                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                  Tom talks Getting the Domain Name You Want           Tom talks Getting the Domain Name You Want          
                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                                  Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                                                    Getting the right domain name can make or break your business! Tom gives you the tips and tricks you need to navigate safely when you are purchasing your domain name.

                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                    393 – This Aussie loves desserts: Tom interviews Deirdre Tshien

                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Deirdre Tshien

                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Deirdre Tshien           Tom interviews Deirdre Tshien          
                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                                    Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                                      Deirdre Tshien is the founder of Growth Boss, a leading mentorship program for online business owners wanting to scale to multiple six and seven figures using the power of tribe building funnels and human connection. She's a serial entrepreneur having founded and led five businesses across three industries in the last seven years, and has navigated the entire spectrum of experiences and emotions; the good, the bad and the ugly.

                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                      392 – Keep it simple sista: Tom interviews Nikki Nash

                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                      Tom interviews Nikki Nash

                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                      Tom interviews Nikki Nash           Tom interviews Nikki Nash          
                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                        Nikki Nash is a Hay House author. She's a podcast host and a business advisor who equips entrepreneurs with the support and resources they need to share and profit from their message. She's a recognized expert in marketing and business strategy, and her insights have been featured in Business Insider. Forbes and BossBabe. She is a boss for sure, and she's been in lots of other media outlets.

                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                        391 – Join the Club: Tom talks Clubhouse

                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                        Tom talks Clubhouse

                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                        Tom talks Clubhouse           Tom talks Clubhouse          
                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                          Clubhouse is a new social app that takes interacting with people to a whole new level. Tom just joined and takes you through the steps you need to make this a valuable business tool.

                                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                          390 – From Psychology to Fashion: Tom interviews Nova Lorraine

                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                          Tom interviews Nova Lorraine

                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                          Tom interviews Nova Lorraine           Tom interviews Nova Lorraine          
                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                                                                            Nova Lorraine was born in Jamaica and raised in Connecticut. She's an award winning fashion designer, brand adviser, and she's the founder of the premiere Platform for Creative Entrepreneurs, Raine magazine. Nova's debut fashion collection earned her the best Haute Couture Designer of the year. Her designs have been featured on The View, in Essence, in Vogue Italian magazines. She's a poet and a storyteller at heart and has found success in her award winning nominated podcast, Unleash Your Supernova.

                                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                            389 – High level help at a fraction of the price: Tom interviews Andrew Deutsch

                                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                            Tom interviews Andrew Deutsch

                                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                            Tom interviews Andrew Deutsch           Tom interviews Andrew Deutsch          
                                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                                                                              Andrew Deutsch is the founder of Fangled Tech. In addition to its global marketing services, Fangled also offers consulting and know how to small businesses and startups. Through mentorship advisory programs at a very low cost, his services can be described as having an executive level member of your company at a fraction of the cost.

                                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                              388 – Your life experiences can be turned into cash: Tom talks Life Experience to Side Hustle

                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                              Tom talks Life Experience to Side Hustle

                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                              Tom talks Life Experience to Side Hustle           Tom talks Life Experience to Side Hustle          
                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                Turn your life experiences into side hustles. For many years, I've taught you to make your hobbies legitimately tax deductible. Well, this is kind of a spin off of that, in that the things I'm talking about today could be hobbies, but they could be lots more.

                                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                387 – Turn ADHD into a Superpower: Tom interviews Ben Sklivas

                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                Tom interviews Ben Sklivas

                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                Tom interviews Ben Sklivas           Tom interviews Ben Sklivas          
                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                  Ben Sklivas is coming to us from Montreal, Quebec. He's a 27 year old entrepreneur that has worked through adversity both in personal and his professional life. Ben speaks on how he changed his outlook on ADHD from being less than normal, to utilizing it as a superpower in everyday life.

                                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                  386 – Sister Act: Tom interviews Bekkah and Ruthie

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                                                                                                                                  Tom interviews Bekkah and Ruthie

                                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                  Tom interviews Bekkah and Ruthie           Tom interviews Bekkah and Ruthie          
                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                                                  Forward 60 seconds
                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                    Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                    Bekkah is a business owner and a serial entrepreneur, and her sister Ruthie, is a financial coach. She's certified through Dave Ramsey. Now, they both love fun and talking about business. You can hang out with them on their podcast called Business Talk Sister Gawk, where they demystify all sorts of business topics, so you can try it yourself.

                                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                    385 – Mastermind correctly and you’ll help both you and the participants: Tom talks Short Term Masterminds

                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Short Term Masterminds

                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                    Tom talks Short Term Masterminds           Tom talks Short Term Masterminds          
                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                    Back 15 seconds
                                                                                                                                    Forward 60 seconds
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                                                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                      Short term masterminds. I've seen so many rip off people doing fake masterminds. I'm a little reluctant to do this topic. But a fake mastermind is when a rip off seminar leader charges you a lot of money to be in a “mastermind” where there could be a hundred other people from all different skill levels. Now, with this many people, the leader of the mastermind can hide their poor depth of knowledge and experience on the topic covered in the mastermind. I'll tell you how to do this right.

                                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                      384 – She’s the businesswomen of the universe: Tom interviews Patricia Drain

                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                      Tom interviews Patricia Drain

                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                      Tom interviews Patricia Drain           Tom interviews Patricia Drain          
                                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                        Patricia Noel Drain is the author of 12 books to date, and she's the podcast host for When Passion Meets Profit. We're going to talk about a lot of that today. She's a business mentor to entrepreneurs worldwide. And her latest book will be out for Valentine's Day. It's a hundred tips for a happy, long marriage. And that kind of puts a lot of pressure on her not to get divorced before Valentine's Day.

                                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                        383 – She has the voice of an angel and makes money with it: Tom interviews Angela Ohlfest

                                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                        Tom interviews Angela Ohlfest

                                                                                                                                        Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                        Tom interviews Angela Ohlfest           Tom interviews Angela Ohlfest          
                                                                                                                                        Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                        Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                          Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                          Angela Ohlfest is here. She has sixty books on Audible and this is only in a couple years and she has a great YouTube channel called Voice Over Angela. She claims she's a gearhead, but she's twenty years in the automotive industry and then she transitioned out of it to be a voice over artist. And so we are thrilled to have her with us. And she also helps people learn how to be voice over artist and start their own home based business.

                                                                                                                                          Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                          382 – Cool techniques to market yourself if you have a podcast: Tom talks Why Podcasting

                                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                          Tom talks Why Podcasting

                                                                                                                                          Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                          Tom talks Why Podcasting           Tom talks Why Podcasting          
                                                                                                                                          Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                            Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                            I'm gonna give you three podcast marketing techniques. Now, let me be clear. I'm not talking about directly marketing your podcast to get more listeners. Yes, that's really important. But what's more important is to turn your podcasts into money, and use it as a marketing vehicle to market your bigger products and services. And that's what I'm talking about today.

                                                                                                                                            Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                            381 – Massively improve your Zoom calls and recordings: Tom interviews Bobby Owsinski

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                                                                                                                                            Tom interviews Bobby Owsinski

                                                                                                                                            Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                            Tom interviews Bobby Owsinski           Tom interviews Bobby Owsinski          
                                                                                                                                            Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                            Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                              Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                              Bobby Owsinski is a music producer and mixer, blogger, podcaster and author. He did so many of them, but his books have been the staple for many years in recording courses in universities around the world. He's going to reveal the many easy-to-do secrets of getting better audio.

                                                                                                                                              Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                              380 – His daughter inadvertently started his company: Tom interviews Robby Besner

                                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                              Tom interviews Robby Besner

                                                                                                                                              Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                              Tom interviews Robby Besner           Tom interviews Robby Besner          
                                                                                                                                              Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                              Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                Robby Besner is the chief science officer, device developer and co-founder of a company called Therasage. They're the makers of the premier infrared healing products in the world. They're the recognized as the leader in integrated infrared technology.

                                                                                                                                                Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                379 – Build yourself a budget sound booth: Tom talks DIY Sound Booth

                                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                                Tom talks DIY Sound Booth

                                                                                                                                                Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                Tom talks DIY Sound Booth           Tom talks DIY Sound Booth          
                                                                                                                                                Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                  I'm going to talk Do It Yourself or DIY Sound Booths. And I'm going to give you tips on building a portable Do It Yourself sound booth in your home or office and more importantly, why you would want to do so.

                                                                                                                                                  Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                  378 – Think about the people that have made your life better: Tom talks Christmas 2020

                                                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Christmas 2020

                                                                                                                                                  Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                  Tom talks Christmas 2020           Tom talks Christmas 2020          
                                                                                                                                                  Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                  Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                    Today I want to publicly give thanks to the good things and good people in my life and maybe it will stimulate you to write down and thank the people that are important in your life.

                                                                                                                                                    Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                    377 – He’s back bringing tons of speaking leads: Tom interviews Mitch Davis

                                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Mitch Davis

                                                                                                                                                    Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                    Tom interviews Mitch Davis           Tom interviews Mitch Davis          
                                                                                                                                                    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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                                                                                                                                                      Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                      Mitch Davis is the brains behind Expert Click. This is the place where I have all my listings in press releases and all this stuff that he does for me and also the Yearbook of Experts, which he started in 1984. But today he's going to talk about another thing. If you have any aspirations of speaking and I know people that hate speaking, it's made me millions of dollars and sold a lot of my offline stuff. It's just just been so good for my career and can be for yours too.

                                                                                                                                                      Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

                                                                                                                                                      376 – Get training fast and cheap: Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training

                                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast

                                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training

                                                                                                                                                      Screw The Commute Podcast         Screw The Commute Podcast        
                                                                                                                                                      Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training           Tom talks Fiverr Spot Training          
                                                                                                                                                      Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
                                                                                                                                                      Back 15 seconds
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                                                                                                                                                        Currently Playing

                                                                                                                                                        Fiverr is more than a resource to get things done inexpensively. It started off that way, but has grown far beyond that initial mission. Tom gives you the details on how to use Fiverr to get really good, valuable training for you and your business.

                                                                                                                                                        Click Here for Complete Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript

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