We're talking about internal links in your website, so this is very easy to do what I'm going to talk about. This is a primer. If you just do what I tell you in this episode, you're going to jump way ahead of competitors that don't know this stuff.
Creating professional looking videos doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Tom's been doing that for years without spending wads of cash, and his secret weapon is on this episode. We talk about how to get the most out of your camera and lighting, using slow motion and time lapse, and using the tips and tricks of more expensive video creation on a small budget with everyone's favorite Video Guy, Marc Bullard.
Social Media. Well, now why do I call it a necessary evil? The thing is you are expected to have it. Whether it's doing anything for you or not is a different story, but you're expected to have it. The first place someone is going to check you out is your social media, if they want to do business with you, so they want to make sure you are current and you're a real person.
Creating professional looking videos doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Tom's been doing that for years without spending wads of cash, and his secret weapon is on this episode. We talk about all that and how to get a Hollywood look on a small business budget with everyone's favorite Video Guy, Marc Bullard.
WordPress plugins are part of the engine that drives your website. In order to get the most from that website, you need to understand what plugins are, how they work and which ones you should use. We talk about that in this episode with Tech Sensei, and everyone's favorite IT Guy, Larry Guerrera.
Marketing tools can be powerful ways to increase your business, get more customers and service those customers without pulling your hair out. There's lots to learn here, so take good notes and follow through. Your business can grow if you work smart.
Today we'll talk about shopping carts, why you must use one, why PayPal is NOT a substitute for a good shopping cart and lots of other things that will help increase your sales.
Today we're doing ask me an affiliate marketing question. Now this is going to be from the perspective of you promoting other people's products for a commission. I've made millions of dollars doing this and and even though it's not that complicated, there are specific things you need to know, and that's what I'm going to tell you in this episode.
This is going to be Pinterest for Advanced and this is all based on a webinar I hosted with Daniel Hall and John Kremer, and this was the only webinar I've ever hosted where it was so good, the attendance went up in the middle of the event because people were telling their friends about it while it was going on.
Today we're going to talk about recording environment, preparing to market, getting guests, marketing inside your episodes, launch teams, pre-recording and a bunch more. Plus, I'm going to tell you how I got invited to the White House and got a speaking engagement where I never should have gotten one, just by being a podcast host.
This is part one of a two part series called Ask Me a Podcast Question. Man, I've done a lot of podcasts. There's five hundred and fifteen of my own here, and I don't know how many hundreds of others I've done recently on other people's podcasts, so I know a little bit about podcasting.
We're going to talk about Pinterest for intermediates. I'm going to concentrate on getting set up and the two main parts of Pinterest, which are boards and pins.
Today's episode is Ask Me a Great Speaking Question and episode 512 was Ask Me a Speaking Business Question. You have to have both if you really want to make money as a pro speaker because if you don't have the business part, you'll probably not make much money. You won't know what to do with contracts and agreements and deposits and stuff like that.
We're talking about Ask Me a Speaking Business question. If you've ever thought about being a speaker, or if you are a speaker, there's two things you have to master in the business of speaking, which is what I'm going to talk about today.
Talking about Pinterest and how you can use it to really drive traffic, cold traffic, to your websites, etc. It's a powerful tool and different from other social media.
We're going to do an Ask Me a Product Production Question episode. Last one was Ask Me a Video Question. So we're going to be doing a lot of these and I'll be doing more product production website questions, all kinds of stuff in the future.
In this episode, I focus on the questions I've gotten on video and all things connected to it. Be more efficient and improve the quality of your videos and the audio with them.
Cell phone and tablet automation. I am on iPhone and iPad. So the thing is folks, if you're on Android or some other tablet, all of them kind of follow suit with these features. Yeah, iPhone claims that they rolled out stuff first, right? Who cares, right? The fact is, is that almost all of the things I talk about are available on your other platforms if you happen to be on other platforms.
I've got another set of questions from my bottomless Grab Bag, all from listeners like you. We're going to cover a variety of things in this episode. Listen up and learn!
I've been doing a lot of ask me a questions because I got so darn many questions coming in all the time. But this one is going to be ask me a selling question. So if you really get serious about any of the topics I cover in this episode, it's going to mean at least an extra million dollars over your career.
I'm going to do another ask me a question session because there's just so darn many questions I get all the time and I guarantee you don't know the answers to all these questions.
Mark Joyner is an author, inventor and a serial entrepreneur. He's currently serving as founder and CEO of Simpleology, a web application that helps people and teams get more done faster. He started as the first e-book publishing company, the first online ad tracking company, the second pay per click search engine and he invented the tracking pixel. And he also started a website called Start Blaze that went to number thirty six globally within six weeks of launching with zero dollar ad budgets.
Dan Janal works with top business leaders as a book coach and ghostwriter, and no matter where you are in the book writing process, Dan can help. He's written more than a dozen books, and as an Award-Winning newspaper reporter, he's interviewed President Gerald Ford and First Lady Barbara Bush and a whole bunch of other luminaries and every entrepreneur should write a book.
Title tags. I will give you the ins and outs of title tags and why they are so important. Also, what you can do to make your WordPress sites get some love from the search engines. If you want to be found, pay attention and take good notes!
I've got more great questions from our listeners on a variety of subjects. And I have the answers! Membership sites, Audience temperature, Quora, Title Tags and more.
This episode is loosely based on a eulogy I wrote for my father in the year 2000, where I wrote down 10 leadership tips I learned from him since I was a little boy. I'll be throwing in some other ones and some spin offs as we go along. What I plan on doing is popping back and forth from that eulogy to my commentary. I want to make sure you get some learning points on things that you can do to really be much more successful in your life and in business.
Learn all about Functional Fixedness and how it affects your business and personal life. Yes, it sounds way out there, but I'll make it all clear for you in this episode.
Caleb Blair is here. He's a young serial entrepreneur that started in the construction industry and has transitioned into marketing after struggling most of his life with mental health issues. He found healing and understanding human behavior and psychology. He now operates projects ranging from mobile apps, digital marketing, finance and even wilderness retreats in Alaska. And he has a company called Monkey Wrench Marketing.
James Felts is here. He's a devoted father and husband to three beautiful girls and he prides himself on the three P's: professionalism, personality and perseverance. And he co-founded with Marty Martinez Joint Task Force 214. And James and Marty started the Lounge with Legends Show, which is dedicated to celebrating veterans success and countering the narrative that veterans are all broken misfit toys.
Jared Ledbetter is here. He started out with WordPress after WooCommerce came on the scene and he eventually migrated to Shopify. And, you know, back in the early days, there weren't any easy web builder options for WordPress like there are today. So, he had to learn HTML, which I want nothing to do with. I probably know just a tiny little fraction. Once in a blue moon, I need to know something about it. But guys like him have minds like steel traps.
See, Gray Man theory historically, is the idea that before or during an emergency, you can blend in with the crowd. I mean, you might be fully prepared for whatever the emergency is, but you don't want to become a target for people that want to take what you have. That was the gray man theory. Now, I didn't invent the idea of the Gray Man, but many people like me have used it successfully in business. Now, you may have heard stories of this concept on TV and not even realized what you were hearing.
For over 20 years, Richelle Futch has been a licensed clinical social worker. She's a Marine Corps veteran and an active duty military spouse. Her military spouse is a special forces engineer, and during her military service, Richelle worked in the finance field, and she's currently CFO and co-founder of Green Zone Training. She's got extensive training in dialectical behavior therapy, and she's also the author of Her Ruck, Inside the Emotional Backpack of Military Wives.
Niurka Castaneda is an Army veteran and media host of Amor Umbrella TV. That's a TV show that is set in giving and restoring hope one story at a time, in order to help heal and empower our military families to live in alignment with who they are and who they can be.
John Fuhrman's here. He returned to his birthplace of Winter Harbor, Maine, and he had this wild idea to build a veteran owned barbecue, dry rub company in a lobster village. And his unique blend of spices and Maine ingredients, good quality ingredients, not sawdust, like a lot of the big companies throw in stuff, has won awards and competition in cooking contests, and now it's sold across the USA.
We're here with Frank Manteau. And just six days after graduating high school, he was in the Marine Corps boot camp at Parris Island, South Carolina. And now he's a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. And we really thank him for his service. He ended up a sergeant. And when you see his picture, he looks like a sergeant that you would not want to mess with.
Talking about portable Wi-Fi and they're sometimes called travel routers. I want to tell you what it can mean for your business. If you only work your business while sitting home and you have a solid Internet connection, then this episode would only apply to you if you travel once in a while and are always frustrated with poor and insecure hotel Wi-Fi or if you enjoy sitting at a coffee shop working on your tablet or laptop. But if you're a “road warrior”, this could make a big difference on the road.
Travis Johnson is a Navy guy, and he's going to probably look funny at me when he finds out I turned down an appointment to the Naval Academy. He's got the Nonprofit Architect Podcast. Shares his perspectives as the former vice president of books by vets, and he's a board member at the Shine Foundation. He's a volunteer with 1300 plus hours of volunteering. He's really paying it back and paying it forward, and he's helped raise more than a half a million dollars.
Joel Stewart is a United States Navy veteran. He's the founder of the International Franchise Marketplace and the CEO of the Veteran Franchise Initiative. He's a certified franchise consultant and he's a franchise navigator. He's got an MBA, he's an engineer. He does all this great stuff. He's a speaker, author and a guy dedicated to helping you escape career prison.
Ask me a question. Tom is back with more from his grab bag full of questions! You, our loyal listeners, ask, and Tom has the answers you seek! Take notes and listen carefully. More goodness to learn and to make your life and business better.
Steve Hoffman, also known as Captain Hoff, is the captain and CEO of Founders Space, one of the world's leading startup accelerators. Founders Space was ranked the number one incubator for overseas startups by Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine. Steve is also a venture investor, a serial entrepreneur, and he's the author of several award winning books, including Make Elephants Fly, Surviving a Startup and the Five Forces. And we're going to talk about going in depth a little bit on surviving a startup today.
YouTube Shorts are the latest social media offering that you should look at seriously for your business. I gave you the scoop on what it is and how to use it to maximum effect.
Frank Furness is a CSP, that's a certified speaking professional, and that means he's organized. He's a best selling author and international sales and technology speaker, and he travels between his homes in London, Spain and Florida whenever they'll let him back in a country that is, and he's presented in 65 countries now. He's a regular speaker at Entrepreneur's University and his clients include the British Olympic team, Sporting Champions and Sport England.
We have Lauren Resnick here. She is an architect by trade, but an experienced project manager for projects such as the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. She's a speaker. She's an author and a power coach who helps female leaders pivot from their 9 to 5 to a fulfilling entrepreneurial life.
Web Development. You can spend a lot or you can spend a little. It all depends on how much you want to learn and grow your business. Most of this stuff is not hard at all, but your willingness to do it right the first time makes all the difference.
Ask me a question. Tom is back with a grab bag full of questions from his fans and listeners, and has the answers you seek! Take notes and listen carefully. Learning is all over this episode, as it is with every episode.
Mike Stewart's the president, founder of Stewart Internet Solutions. It's an Internet consulting agency and services company, and it's in Nashville, Tennessee, used to be in Atlanta. Mike's composed countless radio jingles, television scores, and he's produced and performed with some of the big names. It would take the whole podcast to read this guy's bio because he's really been there and he has a gold record. I'll have him tell you about that.
I have seen hundreds and hundreds of pitches to get on my podcast. And I got to tell you, many of them, I just zone over, I can't even read them. My eyes glaze over and all I see is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. “I help small business people”. And even worse than that is “I work with big companies”. Well, that pretty much proves they're wrong for my show and they didn't do their homework. And then they have the gall to say that they're perfect for my show.
Jaryd Krause. He used to be a plumber and he was working 60 plus hours a week and he hated it. Fast forward to today. He now owns multiple online businesses himself. And many of his clients earn thousands to tens of thousands of dollars per month from their businesses they bought working with Jaryd. His Buying Online Businesses podcast is rated in the top three best passive income podcasts online.
Emily Harman's here. She's a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. Emily served her country for 38 years and she was a naval officer. And Emily's coaching now is focused on helping men and women create a life they love living while achieving new heights of authentic success in their personal and professional life.
So first of all, some of these things you might say, Tom that's so simple. Well, I work with so many people, and I got to tell you, they just don't know these things. So if you know any one of these great. Wait till the next one. I'll bet you. I guarantee you there's one here you don't know about.
We have another Ask me a Question session. I get hundreds and hundreds of questions a week and hundreds of thousands over the course of my career. So I've got plenty of material for a lot of little things that can make a big difference in your success online or just in business in general.
Julio Gonzalez is the founder and CEO of Engineered Tech Services. That's the country's largest specialty tax engineering firm specializing in federal tax incentives, IRS compliance and standards and tax issues for all business sizes. He's also an author and member of the Forbes Financial Council.
I don't want you depending on SEO or spending money on an SEO firm. You should be able to implement what I tell you today. And I'll have a few things that you shouldn't do. And I'll have a couple things that if you were if you had a little bit of cash, you could have a geek do for you, but not a lot of money and not a lot of time invested.
We have another Ask me a Question session. I get hundreds and hundreds of questions a week and hundreds of thousands over the course of my career. So I've got plenty of material for a lot of little things that can make a big difference in your success online or just in business in general.
We have another Ask me a Question session here. I get hundreds and hundreds of questions a week and hundreds of thousands over the course of my career. So I've got plenty of material for a lot of little things that can make a big difference in your success online or just in business in general.
Backlinks. These are one of the unsung heroes of SEO or search engine optimization. Do them wrong and you'll pay the price. Do them right and you'll benefit from increased sales, increased business and more money in your pocket.
Here's more questions from folks like you and my answers. We'll cover a variety of areas in today's episode and hopefully answer the questions that are burning a hole in your pocket!
I'm going to do another ask me a question. I mean, I get so many questions here. I've got to tell you that I figured I'm going to put a lot of these in this, these past couple of weeks and and any time I get more of them, I'll just do another ask me a question. It gives you a lot of variety on the things you need to know to be successful in business.
Today, we're going to talk about surveys. You can get an enormous amount of media coverage and turn that coverage into cash by doing surveys correctly. And another thing, you don't even have to get media coverage to turn it into cash and you can make money with surveys without ever even doing a survey. And I'm not kidding.
We are back for part 2 of Ask me a Question and I've got a whole bunch of these that are sent in by folks like you. And you'll find some new things that are just brand new that you need to know about.
Today, we're going to do one of the things we do every once in a while called Ask me a Question and they'll be also some things, some opinions in here, some new things that are just brand new that you need to know about.
I would say now this is going to be the shortest episode ever. No doubt about it. I'm just going to briefly talk about independence and how it relates to this podcast.
Becca Tebon. She started training clients with her 17 minute workout routine in twenty seventeen. She invented these things called powHERbands™. It's a system that she's trademarked for total body resistance training and transformation. She provides highly effective and efficient and functional workouts. She provides memberships for women online. She has a proprietary software system that each person can create their own workout from her library of two hundred and fifty exercises.
Charlie Collins was legally blind since the age of 13 from juvenile macular degeneration. Charlie struggled with accepting his diagnosis and suffered tragic pitfalls of low self-esteem. And he chronicles this journey in his memoir, Tripping into the Light. I want everybody to get a copy of that today. He turned his challenging life circumstances around and now offers hope by teaching how to remove the blocks in our lives, develop a vision of success with clarity and fulfill our life's true purpose.
Email Marketing Part 2. Go back and listen to 454 if you missed it, but this is 457 and we're going to jump right in with talking about subject lines. Now, what do you think the number one thing is that keeps your e-mail from getting deleted immediately when it hits people's inboxes? Fooled you, it's not the subject line, it's whether the recipient recognizes who the email is from.
Today's guest is author and outdoorsman William Hovey Smith. Hovey's most recent business book is Make Your Own Job Any Time and Anywhere at Any Age. And he advocates conceive your own job, have fun, make money and experience the most exciting life you can imagine, which is perfect for screw the commute.
Marcus Norman is a serial entrepreneur. He's got a multitude of businesses that he invests his time, energy and heart into. Now he comes to us from St. Croix. He served eight years in the United States Navy, and we thank him for his service, that's for sure, where he honed and sharpened his skills at a very young age while he grew into manhood. Now he's the CEO of a real estate investment firm and property management company based in Virginia.
Email marketing. Now, you can make a lot of money with quality email marketing, and that's the way I've done it for 27 years now. But still to this day, with all the fancy social media and text and messenger marketing, people at my level make virtually all our money through email. Now, in this Part one episode, I'm going to cover the mechanics and some of the theories of email marketing. And next Monday, I'm going to cover the extremely important issue of subject lines.
Paul Ace is here and he is popularizing the concept of CCom. It's the science of conversion and conversation and automation all put together. He founded Amplify CCom, which helps grow businesses past seven figures through eighty percent human like and twenty percent human experience. Now Amplify combines human psychology and automation to create more products in their customer's pockets.
Maxwell Ivey is known around the world as the blind blogger. He's transformed himself from a blind, failed carnival owner to a respected amusement equipment broker, to a self-help author, motivational speaker and online publicity rock star. He's the host of What's Your Excuse? and founder of the What's Your Excuse or WYE network and you can find him at theblindblogger.net.
I call these mistakes that people make “booby traps” because many of them are hidden and then they hurt you really bad before you even know what hit you. So that's a booby trap online. I can teach new online marketers to do these things correctly, but the worst are experienced business people who have had great success in one field and then decide to go online and then they fail miserably.