934 - A better way to do it: Tom talks Why I Don't Waste Time Podcasting - Screw The Commute

934 – A better way to do it: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time Podcasting

This is why I don't waste time on podcasting. What? What do you mean you don't waste time on podcasting? 934 episodes. You've been wasting a lot of time, Tom, on episodes. No, I haven't, so I'm going to teach you about that today on why I don't waste time and how. Of course, this thing has made a lot of money, probably a couple million dollars over the past couple of years. And I don't waste time on it, though. And that's what I want to teach you.

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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 934

How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

See Tom's Stuffhttps://linktr.ee/antionandassociates

[00:23] Tom's introduction to Why I Don't Waste Time Podcasting

[01:50] Don't chase sponsors and learn how to edit audio

[05:54] Distribution done wrong can sink your efforts

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

Screw The Commute Podcast Apphttps://screwthecommute.com/app/

College Ripoff Quizhttps://imtcva.org/quiz

Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! – orders@antion.com

Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there!https://channelstore.roku.com/details/267358/the-public-speaking-channel

How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/


online shopping cart, ecommerce system



Become a Great Podcast Guesthttps://screwthecommute.com/greatpodcastguest


Disabilities Pagehttps://imtcva.org/disabilities/

Tom's Patreon Pagehttps://screwthecommute.com/patreon/

Tom on TikTokhttps://tiktok.com/@digitalmultimillionaire/

Email Tom: Tom@ScrewTheCommute.com

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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How To Book Great Podcast Guests – https://screwthecommute.com/265/

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Why Podcasting – https://screwthecommute.com/382/

How to Pitch a Podcast – https://screwthecommute.com/475/

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Ask Me a Podcast Question Part 2 – https://screwthecommute.com/516/

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Pitiful Podcast Pitches – https://screwthecommute.com/760/

Podcast Agencies – https://screwthecommute.com/801/

Why Podcasts Fail – https://screwthecommute.com/870/

How to Create and Distribute 900 Podcast Episodes – https://screwthecommute.com/900/

Why I Don’t Waste My Time On AI – https://screwthecommute.com/929/

Why I Don’t Waste Time Writing Books – https://screwthecommute.com/930/

Why I Don’t Waste Time On Customer Service – https://screwthecommute.com/931/

Why I Don’t Waste Time On Web Design – https://screwthecommute.com/932/

Why I Don’t Waste Time On Social Media – https://screwthecommute.com/933/

More Entrepreneurial Resources for Home Based Business, Lifestyle Business, Passive Income, Professional Speaking and Online Business

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The WordPress Ecourse. Learn how to Make World Class Websites for $20 or less. https://screwthecommute.com/wordpressecourse/

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entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

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Summary by ChatGPT

In Episode 934 of the Screw the Commute podcast, host Tom Antion discusses why he doesn't waste time podcasting, despite having produced 934 episodes. He explains how podcasting has been highly profitable for him, earning millions over the years, without chasing sponsorships. Instead, Tom advocates for being your own sponsor by creating products or joining affiliate programs to monetize immediately.

Tom highlights time-saving strategies like automating processes, such as editing and distributing podcasts. He emphasizes that learning to edit audio yourself saves significant time and money, as outsourcing can lead to delays and double work. He also stresses the importance of using a reliable hosting platform like Libsyn for distribution, allowing content to be sent to multiple platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts effortlessly.

Tom discourages "cheap" podcast setups, advising against using poor equipment or low-quality hosting that might result in technical issues, making the podcast unappealing to listeners. He also references previous episodes that offer further details on podcasting topics, such as creating podcasts, guest appearances, and pitching. Ultimately, Tom promotes podcasting as a powerful business tool for building credibility and expanding reach, provided it's done efficiently.

He ends by promoting his internet marketing school, IMTCVA, which offers scholarships to military personnel, first responders, and their families, and provides a 90-day paid internship upon graduation.


Episode 934 – Why I Don’t Waste Time Podcasting
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 934 of Screw the Commute podcast. This is why I don't waste time on podcasting. What? What do you mean you don't waste time on podcasting? 934 episodes. You've been wasting a lot of time, Tom, on episodes. No, I haven't, so I'm going to teach you about that today on why I don't waste time and how. Of course, this thing has made a lot of money, probably a couple million dollars over the past couple of years. And I don't waste time on it, though. And that's what I want to teach you. If you either want to be on it shows or or have your own show. So and it's also going to be a big resource for you because I've got 13 other episodes on podcasting that could give you a complete education. People are charging a couple thousand dollars for this, and you can have it free just by listening to those episodes. All right. Now, today is part of a series on why I don't waste time. 933 was social. I don't waste time on social media. 932. Web design. 931 customer service. 930 writing books. 929 I so you can go to any of those episodes by going to screwthecommute.com, slash, and then the episode number. We'll have them all listed in the show notes for you. All right. Let's see here. So what I do is I set this up once, years ago on how to do this.

[00:01:58] And by the way, you probably should pick up a copy of my automation book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree, and it'll tell you again how to save enormous amounts of time so you don't waste time on stuff that should take no time at all. So anyway, I set this up once and then basically it's been rinse and repeat for 934 times. Okay. And uh, and I made money by doing this, by not trying to chase sponsors. So you can make money from the first day of your podcast if you are the sponsor, if you create an ebook, or even if you just join an affiliate program and promote somebody else's product, you can make money right from the first day of your podcast. So most people try to chase sponsorship and then they have nothing to to give to the sponsor because they have no, no listeners and, and no track record, see. And and the sponsors only pay 12 to $18. This is roughly per thousand downloads per episode. Well, it takes a long time to get to that point. So be your own sponsor. But anyway, don't waste time on this. Now, one of the things that I do and remember I said, I set this up once and then I rinse and repeat. I learned how to edit audio. Now I learned this 24 years ago. But it's it's exactly the same now. I mean, you just have easier software to use. And you say, well, hey Tom, how is that save time if you're editing the thing, if you're recording it and then editing it? Well, let me tell you.

[00:03:41] And really seriously, look at this. Plus, editing myself has saved. Well, let's just conservatively say it would take $100 per episode to have somebody else edit it. That's 940,000. No, I'm sorry, $94,000. I saved by editing myself. And you say, yeah, but you should delegate. Your time's valuable. Yeah. Okay, well, here's the reason that it doesn't save you time outsourcing your editing once you learn how to do it. And plus, it's the easiest kind of editing you can do way ten times easier than video editing 20 times. 100 times. But anyway, if you know, you got to remember, if you got a podcast, you're responsible for what's said on that podcast. And so if somebody says something wrong or really crazy or totally backasswards that I don't want out there on the airwaves, I need to edit it out. So by the time I go to the editor and tell them what to do, and then they send it back and I have to listen to double check it, I could have just edited it myself and saved a week's worth of time by the time they turn it around. You know, if they're busy in a good editor, they're going to have other clients, right? So it doesn't save me any time. I'm going to knock this one out today, and then I'm going to spend whatever time it takes to edit it, and it's going to be done off of my plate.

[00:05:17] Okay. It's not going to be wondering if somebody else is going to edit it correctly and have to listen to it again. And then if they messed up, I got to send it back and wait for the revision, you know? So no, all of that is cut out. So learn how to edit it yourself now to distribute it. This is how you save time. And you don't waste time on distribution. And you don't look like a fool because a lot of people want to super cheap out and do stuff on their cell phone, and it sounds like hell. So they're never going to compete with good podcasts that have at least a decent microphone. Right. But anyway, the distribution is what I'm talking about here in saving saving time and not looking like a fool. Because if you tried to house these audio files on your cheap shared hosting, and you get any kind of decent number of listeners or downloads, it's going to stutter. It's going to buffer. People are going to say, this is crap. They're never going to stay and wait for this. It's because they're used to having perfectly playing podcasts, everybody. I mean, it costs almost nothing to have a perfectly playing podcast. So if you try to cheap out and put it on your cheap shared hosting, you're going to look like an idiot and it's not going to work.

[00:06:38] So we happen to use the gold standard for podcast hosting. Now, this doesn't mean that you can't play it off your website. That's a whole different thing. The player on your website connects to this good hosting service that's designed to host audio. And they're like, all the big people use this, this place because it's so massively optimized for audio. It's called Libsyn. Libsyn. And what you do is remember I said set it up once. Well, what I did was I went to all the places that play podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, and there's like 30 other ones. And I signed up for an account free account at all the places. I think one of them, you have to pay SoundCloud or something. And then I put those into Libsyn. I put my user ID password, my account, everything into libsyn, and then when I get done with the podcast editing, I upload it to Libsyn. I actually send it to Larry, who does it for me, who's been working for me for years. But anyway, he just uploads to Libsyn and then Libsyn distributes it to all the other places. See? So you don't waste time going to each place and uploading your your podcast. Now, if that doesn't save you time, I don't know what does because uploading each podcast to 30 different places, you should just shoot yourself in the head, right? Because it's. That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Totally ridiculous. Especially since that service cost me only $20 a month and I do at least 12 podcasts a month.

[00:08:27] We have one account there for these Amazon skills. They're called where I have, I think 900, I don't know, like loads and loads of short tips on public speaking. It's $5 a month for that. All right. So so we do not waste time podcasting, but we use podcasting because podcasting is great for your business and it's great for you personally to build your reputation and credibility. It makes connections with people you could never reach in any other way. If you listen to these other podcasts, you'll learn all the techniques, the fancy techniques. I used it. Other people were charging you 2000 bucks to teach you. They're all in these episodes, I, I think I know. Oh, yeah, I'm going to read them off for you now, but they will be in the show notes. Number 900 was How to Create and Distribute. That's more details on Libsyn 870 was why podcasts fail 801 was podcast agencies dealing with them. 760 was pitiful podcast pitches peep all right. 567 was guesting being a guest on others five, 15 and 16. 515 and 516 were asked me questions. So it's a bunch of miscellaneous stuff about podcasts. 475 was how to pitch yourself for podcast. Uh, let's see, 382 was why podcasts are so powerful. Three. Let's see. 265 was how to book great podcast guests. See if you have your own podcast. The better the guests are, then the better your podcast is going to be.

[00:10:09] 211 was one of the staples. Here is how to be a great podcast guest and 190 was Miscellaneous Tips. So those will all be in the in the show notes for you, but don't waste time on it. Do it. Use this powerful mechanism to your advantage for your business, but don't waste time on it. Use these techniques. Take a little bit of time in the beginning to learn them and wow, you can just knock them out like crazy over and over and over again and just saturate the airwaves with you, your company, your credibility, your products and services. So there you go. All right. Also check out my school IMTCVA.org. It's the only licensed dedicated internet and digital marketing school in the country. We just signed up a new military person this week, which is we give a 50% scholarship to military, first responders, law enforcement and nurses. So if you and their families. So if you're in any of those situations, you can have a credible education and get a certificate in as little as six months. If you took advantage of all the electives, you could go six months to a year. But we've had plenty of people making money long before they graduated, so that's a possibility in this school. And we also guarantee a 90 day, 90 day paid internship when you graduate with me personally. All right. So check it out at IMTCVA.org. And I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.