Mentor Training Downloads - Screw The Commute

Mentor Training Downloads

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Getting better at copywriting is the fastest way to bring in more money to your business.

Link to Part I –
“What to prepare before you Start”  
(No Downloads for Part I)
2 Hours 4 Minutes

Link to Part II – “Paperwork and Money
1 Hour 39 Minutes

Downloads for Part II just below
Right Click and “Save Link As…” to save files to your hard drive.

Mentor Program Summary Sheet


NOTE: These are samples only. I am not giving legal advice. Use at your own risk. I suggest having an attorney look over any agreements you use.

Link to Part III – “Running the Program”   
2 Hours 8 Minutes

Downloads for Part III

Study / Work Progress Log

Pre-Visit Questionnaire

Retreat Center Visitor Agreement

Link to Part IV – “Marketing Your Program”   
(No Downloads for Part IV)
1 Hour 49 Minutes

End of Course. Go out and make some money. Book your consultation by emailing me three days and times you can be available and I can usually confirm one of them. (if you don't hear back in 24 hours, call the office 757-431-1366 or evenings / weekends call my cell 301-346-7403.

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