Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom talks Scheduling
Today, we're gonna talk about scheduling on YouTube videos and why it's so important for you how to do it, when to do it, when not to do it, all that stuff. This is part of my YouTube series on quick tips that can really improve your YouTube channel, get you more watch time, more views, all that good stuff. And this series started at episode 944.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 958
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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Scheduling [01:32] Upload and scheduling videos on YouTube [06:25] Don't get too crazy over this especially with lot of videos [08:15] Short Form vs Long Form videosHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
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Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
KickStartCart –
Copywriting901 –
Become a Great Podcast Guest –
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Tom's Patreon Page –
Tom on TikTok –
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Internet Marketing Training Center –
Shorts Remixing –
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Want The Transcript for this episode?
In this episode, Tom Antion discusses scheduling YouTube videos effectively to maximize views and engagement. He emphasizes the importance of timing uploads based on audience activity and using YouTube Analytics to determine the best days and times to release content.
Key Takeaways:
• Avoid overwhelming subscribers by uploading multiple videos at once with notifications enabled. Instead, schedule uploads strategically.
• Use YouTube Analytics (under "Audience") to determine when most viewers are active. New channels may need to experiment before gaining useful data.
• Timing is crucial—videos should be released before peak audience times to gain traction early.
• Long-term impact matters—even older videos can generate traffic and revenue over time.
• Content frequency:
o Long-form videos should be spaced out (e.g., once a week or more).
o Short-form videos can be posted multiple times a day but require testing.
• Consistency is key—maintain a regular upload schedule rather than posting in bursts and going inactive.
Upcoming Episode (959):
The next episode will cover end screens, which help keep viewers engaged by guiding them to watch more videos.
Tom also promotes his mentor program, his Internet marketing school, and his free automation e-book for entrepreneurs.
Episode 958 - Scheduling
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute, the entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 958 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're gonna talk about scheduling on YouTube videos and why it's so important for you how to do it, when to do it, when not to do it, all that stuff. This is part of my YouTube series on quick tips that can really improve your YouTube channel, get you more watch time, more views, all that good stuff. And this series started at episode 944. The way you get to a back episode is you go to, slash, and then the episode number. This series started at 944. All right, but I hope you didn't miss the last episode. 957 that was on shorts remixing. This is how you let other people mark it for you by using some of your video on their videos. All right. Make sure you grab a copy of our automation e-book at Check out my mentor program at and check out my school at It's certified to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia because it's distance learning. Okay, let's talk about scheduling. In other words, when to to upload and schedule videos to be released in the future. And a little sidebar here is, you know, you hear it all the time. People saying, you know, check that subscribe button and ring bell and all that stuff to get notified when we do a new video.
[00:01:53] Well, if you happen to shoot a load of videos and you have that check marked and you upload them all at once, I mean, this is kind of a scheduling thing. I mean, we do suggest you spread them out your uploads, but Uploads. But let's say you shoot a bunch of shorts or you bunch a bunch of videos. And you upload them all at once and they all have. And I think it's on by default to. Notify your subscribers. Your subscribers are going to get buried with a bunch of. Notifications and maybe get mad at you. So if you're loading up a bunch of stuff or scheduling a bunch of stuff at one time, I suggest you uncheck that on those videos. Okay, so they don't get too many notifications. I mean, you're better off making a playlist so they get notified of one in the playlist, and then they see the playlist or send them the link to the playlist, whatever. That way they can watch all those videos, but they don't get emails about all those videos. All right, so when we're talking about scheduling, people always ask, well, okay, what's the best time of day and what's the best day of the week and all those kinds of issues? Well, the Google or Google, I say Google because Google owns YouTube, will tell you exactly when is the best time to release stuff.
[00:03:06] And now this. If you're a brand new channel, no, you probably don't have this because it doesn't have enough data. Youtube doesn't have enough data to tell you when your listeners are on. But what you're going to do is you're going to go to your analytics and then also click on audience, and it's going to give you this graph that shows you different colors of the times when most of your audience is on. And also if you go a little deeper, it'll tell you who they are, how old they are, everything else. Right? So you don't want to release a video just because you got it done and you schedule it for midnight or some time when maybe, I mean, maybe your audience is on at midnight, but most people are not going to schedule something for the middle of the night, or they're not going to upload it as soon as they get done at 2:00 in the morning, because they're so excited about it, because there's less people on. And it all falls back to the rule of micro tests, which means in the first hour, all the social media want to see, hey, does anybody like this? This video? Are they watching a lot of it or are they looking at it at all? So you want to release it when most of your listeners are on? It gives you the better chance of getting more people watching and liking and all that stuff.
[00:04:25] Okay, so I can't tell you the time of day you have to look at your own stuff. Now. In the beginning when you don't have these figures, you just got to start uploading stuff and then you cross your fingers that somebody will watch it and you email everybody, tell them to watch it, and then you'll start getting data. And then more and more people will see that. And after a little while, you'll have a pretty good picture of when most of your people are on and when you should schedule your videos. And it's usually going to give you a range of times so you don't want to start upload your video at the if it's if most of your people are on from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., you don't want to release it at 6:30 p.m., you want to release it at it at 230 so that it's on and covers that whole segment when most of your listeners are on and then day of the week, same thing. You really just don't know until you get some up there and you start seeing now some you can probably guesstimate and make a, you know, an informed guess. Let's say you were doing stuff on college sports. Well, you know, Friday before the games that are on Saturday, if it's football then that might make sense to you.
[00:05:43] And maybe Monday or Tuesday it doesn't make much sense. Again, it's always a testing process when anybody tries to tell you definitively when you should do something, run and guard your wallet, because there ain't no way to get around this testing for your videos, for your market, your personality, everything else you do to help promote your channel. It all boils into it. So we don't know how many, uh, or what days of the week yet. You have to test it. Just throw them up there at any time. And once you get enough videos up there, you'll start seeing these analytics emerge. And then you can make better decisions in the future of what? Days of the week and so forth. Now, don't I'm telling you about this, but don't get too whacked out on it, because I've got videos that are years and years old that are still bringing in traffic, still bringing in subscribers, and maybe I did 112 years ago and maybe it brought in five subscribers this year. All right. But trust me, I shot a three minute video 12 years ago, and if it was bringing five subscribers in a year, that's 60 in those 12 years just for that one video. And and this sounds like pitiful little tiny numbers, right? But when I've got 1000 videos up there, that ends up being a lot of people. And remember, as I've talked about on a lot of these episodes, one person can spend as much as $59,000 with me.
[00:07:16] Okay. They can really spend more than that. But that's that's typically from the low end of $17 to the high end of 59,000. I got products anywhere in between, and any one person can can give me that money, but multiply it by 1000 videos by five, ten, 15. And some of the some of the videos have 600,000 views. Right. So you're talking enormous amounts of reach using this. So and the point I'm trying to make here is that these videos are there for a long, long time. So we're just trying to give you a kick in the butt momentum by releasing them at the right time to get the momentum going for you, but keep it in mind in the big picture long run. If it's a good video and you do all the stuff that I've been giving you on these tips, it's going to make you money and get views and watch time and everything else that you're looking for. Okay, let's see what else we got here. Okay. The next question that comes up is short form videos versus long form. We don't really suggest putting up more than one long form video a day, and usually several days in between, and you could literally start out with a week in between until you get your act together. But the short form video, some people put in 3 or 4 a day.
[00:08:37] And again, there's no absolute rule here. I saw an example online where the the WWE wrestling guys put up 605 videos last year. Right. So so there is no exact rule. It goes back to testing again, but just start out with one a week if that's all you can handle. That what's important is that you don't start out doing more than you can keep up with. Because YouTube likes a regular upload schedule, not necessarily the same day. But if you put up in the old days, I put up 300 videos in one month and then didn't put up any for years, and that worked. In those days, that doesn't work anymore. You want to put put them up regularly. So if you put up one a week. Do that for a while until you get your act together. And then maybe when you really get good at it, you can go to two a week and eventually three a week. But you got to give people, you know, a lot of times you have to give people a chance to watch them to see depending on your market. So again, all this is a testing process. But you need to know the scheduler. And the analytics inside YouTube will tell you the results you're getting. You just test, test, test until you really get a feel for your market and then you just do that.
[00:09:54] All right. Now the next episode is episode 959. That's end screens. Those are the the things that pop up at the end of your video about 20s before the end of your video. And the thing is, is this is the way smart, great YouTube marketers do. They don't kill the kill themselves. Say and subscribe and ring the bell and all that crap, because that's nothing compared to getting people to watch more of your of your videos longer. And so utilizing end screens we're going to talk about episode 959. All right. Check out if you if you want help with all this stuff one on one. I'm the only guy in the world at my level that will talk to you and me and my whole staff. You have one on one tutoring for a year, plus all the other benefits of our TV studio and all the things we do for you. It's the longest running, most successful, most unique mentor program ever in the field of internet and digital marketing. And if you get in my mentor program, you get a scholarship to my school. It's worth $19,000 that you can gift to a person in your life. See so or use it for extra training for yourself. Suit yourself. So anyway, check all that stuff out. The school was Mentor program. and I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.