933 - A Necessary Evil: Tom talks Why I Don't Waste Time On Social Media - Screw The Commute

933 – A Necessary Evil: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time On Social Media

This is part of the Why I Don't Waste Time series. This is 933 Why I Don't Waste Time on Social Media. 932 was web design. 931 was customer service, 930 was writing books, and 929 was artificial intelligence.

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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 933

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Why I Don't Waste Time On Social Media

[01:30] Social Media is a necessary evil

[05:35] Tools you can use for posting social media content

[07:12] Get them off social media and onto your email lists

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More Entrepreneurial Resources for Home Based Business, Lifestyle Business, Passive Income, Professional Speaking and Online Business

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Summary by ChatGPT

In Episode 933 of the Screw the Commute podcast, titled “Why I Don’t Waste Time on Social Media,” host Tom Antion explains why he considers social media a time-waster despite its necessity for new businesses. He outlines that social media platforms are designed to keep users engaged to sell ads, which distracts from real productivity. While it's important to have a social media presence to build credibility, Tom emphasizes that it should be used strategically, with the goal of moving followers to an email list. He argues that an email list is more reliable for business growth since social media platforms can easily limit or remove access.

Tom advises listeners to focus on quality over quantity when posting and prioritize engagement over follower count. He suggests using tools like Meet Edgar, Hootsuite, or Buffer to automate posts and manage content efficiently. The episode references other podcasts that dive deeper into related strategies and tools for improving social media effectiveness.

Ultimately, Tom's message is to spend minimal time on social media and instead focus on building an email list, which is a more direct and profitable way to connect with an audience. He concludes by promoting his mentor program and online training school for young entrepreneurs.


Episode 933 – Why I Don’t Waste Time On Social Media
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 933 of Screw the Commute podcast. This is part of the why I Don't Waste Time series. This is 933 Why I Don't Waste Time on Social Media. 932 was web design. 931 was customer service, 930 was writing books, and 929 was artificial intelligence. All of them. Why? I don't waste time on them even though I do all of them now. Coming up, I've got some on, uh, let's see what else podcasting you say? Well what do you mean? You did 933 episodes. What do you mean you don't waste time on podcasting? No, I don't waste time on podcasting. Why waste time on shopping carts and whatever else I can think of in a week or so? Anytime you want to get to one of these back episodes, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, then the episode number. Starting this series at 929, and then also pick up a copy of our automation e-book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com. All right. This is also besides telling you how I don't waste time on social media, it's a resource of nine other episodes that if you took the time to listen to them, it's going to save you a fortune in time, effort and money. Wasting away doing crap on social media that's not paying off for you. So I'll list those. I'll tell you about the numbers later and they'll be in the show notes. So if you can refer to them.

[00:02:00] All right. See, to me social media is a necessary evil. All right. You have to have it. But for most people, it's a giant time waster. Now, why do you have to have it? Well, the thing is, is if you're new, people are going to check you out. If you don't already have a long term reputation, people are going to check you out on social media. And if you're not there and don't have a good presence and feedback and engagement and all that, they're less likely to do business with you. Why is it a time waster? Well, here's the thing the entire business model of all social media is for you to stay on longer and get others to stay on longer so they can sell more ads for a higher price. That's the entire business model, no matter what you see here. That's the purpose of these places out there to get you to keep on longer, to get others to stay on longer so they can sell more ads at a higher price. That's it. Now, thank God I had the foresight because I'd been around for so long when this before this came along. And when it came along, I was right there at the beginning. And so I didn't get sucked into this kind of stuff. I could see what was coming. See, they encouraged you in the beginning to get likes and followers, but now you have to pay to reach them.

[00:03:33] So they sucked you in basically, while they didn't suck me in. And in fact, if you look at my social media, I don't look like much of anything, all right. But if you look at my bank account and my email list, you'd say, wow, this guy's been around and check my reputation. But if you're relatively new or don't have a big reputation or don't have a big email list, you have to play their game. So I want to tell you how to play the game better to make more money. All right? You won't be able to brag as much and get your ego involved of oh, I got this many followers all you know, I don't care about that stuff. And you shouldn't either. You should care about your bank account growing, not your follower count growing. Okay, now before I get into what I do, I want to list off these other episodes and then they'll be in the show notes for you. But there's nine of them in no particular order here. Episode 523 was on strategy. Social media strategy 925 was prong two of my three prong attack, which was about database and part of it's email and part of it's social strategy. 755 was social media success 403 very important. One on Instagram 409 was another strategy on social media. 398 was YouTube. There was one of our many episodes on YouTube where my video guy Mark has written, I think, five books on YouTube marketing.

[00:05:07] So that's a good one and it'll lead you to other YouTube ones. 750 was social selling. That's a little nuance of social media stuff. 613 was telling you to back off social media. In other words, quality instead of quantity. And then 181 was how I handle it. But that's more in depth. But I'm going to give you some of the newer things I've been doing to handle social media. All right. So there's tools out there that you can use. Now I'm not promoting any one over the other, and I'm not an affiliate for any of them. I happen to use a tool called Meet Edgar. The reason I like it is because it holds a library of my evergreen content, and it can pull from that library automatically and post for me on a schedule. So that's a nice one. Another two other very prominent ones are Hootsuite and Buffer. I used buffer for a little while for to create Facebook stories. That's one thing. It's I created them But for Facebook Stories you have to to manually post them. You can't automatically post them, and Hootsuite is another one. I tried for a while. I don't remember what it was good or bad about it, but they're all three of them are going to be better than nothing. Okay, now as long as you don't abuse them and just post like crazy and get no engagement, you're just kind of spinning your wheels.

[00:06:40] Nothing's happening. Engagement is the key. And I cover that on those other episodes on how to get engagement and why it's important to you, why you should throw away worthless followers. Even if you know them personally and you love them to death. If they're not helping you, they're hurting you accidentally and they don't know it. You don't know it. But I teach you all about that on these other episodes. So don't over post quality over quantity and get get yourself some engagement. So I don't waste time on social media. The whole point you should be doing is trying to get them off of social media onto an email list that you control. See, the thing is, all these social media companies can turn one dial and you either disappear off the face of the Earth. They have some type of thing that you violated that nobody ever heard of, and they just throw you away. I mean, who knows what's going on in the crazy idiots that you know, that the two brain celled people that they hire to to operate these things. All right, so they're just getting rich on you. So so you got to turn that around and use them so you get rich, and that means get them off there onto an email list that you control because you don't control anything that's on social media. It all is there under their tutelage or their purview.

[00:08:08] And they can throw you away and just flick you away with a finger and then heck with you see? Well, an email list is not like that. So that's why you can be more secure, make more money. Everybody at my level makes the bulk of their money on email. The only people that dispute that are the ones that sell social media training. It's the only ones. Everybody else makes the bulk of the money on email. So that's why I don't waste time and build up a big social media following, because I want them on an email list where I can sell to them. I can still help them just as much as I could on social media, but I can sell to them way more easily on email. All right, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Watch for more episodes of the why I Don't Waste Time series, and check out the ones I've already done. Artificial intelligence, writing books, customer service, web design, and today with social media. All right, we'll catch you all in the next episode. Check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com, and make sure you check out my school. If there's any young people in your life, get them into my school. It'll be the best thing you could ever do for them because every business on earth needs this type of training. All right, we'll catch you on the next episode. See you later.