918 - More tips to make you fast: Tom talks Cell Phone Automation Tips - Screw The Commute

918 – More tips to make you fast: Tom talks Cell Phone Automation Tips

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Cell Phone Automation Tips

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    Today, I'm going to come back with some stuff I've been doing over the years on phone tips and tablet tips to really increase your productivity. And yes, I use an iPhone, but a lot of these things, if you just look up the same tip for Android on how to do it, they're going to have it too. So don't worry about that. And I'm going to give you a big list of back episodes. If you listen to all these episodes and implemented this stuff, you would be so lightning fast on your cell phones and tablets out there, I'm telling you. No doubt about it.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 918

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    [00:23] Tom's introduction to Cell Phone Automation Tips

    [01:45] Auto delete old text messages, sharing passwords securely

    [04:27] Notes app as a scanner, send calls directly to voicemail

    [07:20] Optimize battery charging, set Maps to avoid tolls and highways

    [10:29] Using indoor maps, name your alarms

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    Episode 918 – Cell Phone Automation Tips
    [00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 918 The Screw the Commute podcast. Today, I'm going to come back with some stuff I've been doing over the years on phone tips and tablet tips to really increase your productivity. And yes, I use an iPhone, but a lot of these things, if you just look up the same tip for Android on how to do it, they're going to have it too. So don't worry about that. And I'm going to give you a big list of back episodes. If you listen to all these episodes and implemented this stuff, you would be so lightning fast on your cell phones and tablets out there, I'm telling you. No doubt about it. All right, I'll give you those in a second. So I hope you didn't miss episode 917. That was on how to lose $179 sale. It was about service reviews and how I didn't buy a particular product because even though the product was seemed good, the reviews for the service was terrible, rude and nasty and non-responsive and all kinds of stuff. So that was episode 917. Make sure you pick up a copy of our automation e-book at Screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com.

    [00:01:46] All right, I'm going to just read off this list of back episodes that are have to do with cell phone automation and tablet automation, but that'll be in the show notes for you too. So it's episodes 828, 711, 627, 595, 573, 549 528, 508, 472, 415 and 367. If you missed those, just rewind. Okay.

    [00:02:18] All right. Let's get into today's cell phone automation stuff. First tip is how you can automatically delete older text messages. And so the. On an iPhone you can and you can pick 30 days. After 30 days, it automatically deletes. It could be after one year, it automatically deletes the text messages that haven't been, you know, used for that long or forever. So you go to settings and then messages and then click Keep Messages. And then the next thing will let you choose 30 days, one year or forever. So that's how you ought to delete text messages. All right. Next thing is how you can share your password securely with your employees or family members or whoever needs to have certain not all your passwords, but certain ones. So this is like making a group so that everybody can be on the same page and they don't have to have separate logins and all that stuff. So. Oops, I was testing the timer function I'm going to tell you about later. Um, okay. So you go to settings and then passwords. Now it's going to make you put your ID in because this is you know, it's high security stuff. And then you hit the plus button. That means you're going to add a new shared group. And then you put new shared and then continue and then group name. So you just name it family or work team A or whatever it's going to be. And then you click Add People and then you pick who should be on that particular group for those passwords.

    [00:04:10] Now they have to accept the invitation. So you should tell people that this is happening. And then you add what passwords are applied to that group. And there you go. You can share passwords with that. Like I said, your family or work groups or whatever and multiple ones, you can make as many groups as you want. Okay. The next tip is um, you can use your notes app as a scanner. You don't have to have a special scanner app. You're probably, you know, you have notes already. It comes with iPhones and stuff, so you can use it as a scanner. So here's how you do it. You go to notes and then new. Or you can pick an existing note if you want to scan something into an existing note. Or you can start a new one. And then you click the camera icon and then you hold your your iPhone or your phone over the document until the whole document is in it and it automatically clicks and takes the picture. And if you mess up, just hit delete and start over. And then you now have a document that scanned. And I'm not sure if this is available yet, but I think you can use OCR optical character recognition so that you can actually read the document, but I'm not positive about that yet. I couldn't get that to work on my iPhone. I got an older one anyway, and then you can mark up the thing, put it, you know, it has colors and arrows and things you can draw on the document and save it and cut and paste and do whatever you want with it.

    [00:05:50] So that's you already have a scanner. Now the scanner apps that are available will do more stuff, but if you don't want to bother with another app, boom! If you had a document you needed to to scan, there you go. It's right there. Okay, next, if you don't want to be disturbed and you got lots of calls coming in, you can send them directly to voicemail. And there's lots of ways you can do it. I'll give you a couple of ways. One is you use airplane mode. Now that's going to shut off a lot of your other functionality. So you might not want to do that. But if you go to your control center, which on my version of iPhone is you swipe from the top right down to the bottom left, opens your control center, and there's a moon icon there. And if you click on it, you'll have the option of Do Not Disturb and you click it and nobody's going to mess with you. Now it's also the location of your focus mode, which sometimes you want to not be disturbed for a certain amount of time and focus, and you don't want other notifications popping up and things like that. So you can hit focus mode while you're there doing this. And you can also make it, um, where unknown callers go directly to voicemail so you don't waste time on a lot of spam stuff, and that's that.

    [00:07:17] That can save you a lot of hassle of being disturbed all the time. Okay. Next tip is optimized battery charging. A lot of people don't know what that is. Well, if you have that on, it makes your battery have a longer life before it goes bad on you. Like for instance, mine's been around a long time. I have optimized on and in the battery, you know, health area. It says I still have 81% available of when it was new. And I've had this thing for quite a few years say so. So that optimized. What it does is it charges it up to 80% unless it somehow magically knows you need more and then it'll charge it more. Now, if you turn the optimized battery charging off, remember on makes your battery last longer in calendar days, you know, before it goes bad. But if you turn it off, it allows you to charge your phone faster. So if you have need for that, you'd want to turn it off and charge it real fast. Like if you're you only had 15 minutes for the plant, you got to load on the plane, then turn it off and get as much charge as you can before you leave. Let's see. So to do that you go to settings and then battery and then charging optimization. And you have like 80% limit or none to choose from. And there's another setting while you're in there.

    [00:08:52] It's a clean energy charging which somehow magically knows you and your electrical system and only charges your phone when the energy is the cheapest and cleanest to produce. So I don't know how that works, but but there you go. So that's optimized. Battery charging could really help you, uh, make your phone last longer and get you out of trouble and let it charge faster when necessary. Okay. Let's see. Here's an interesting one. If you drive a lot, the, uh, the maps function where you can have it set to avoid toll roads and highways. Now this is something you can make it do as default and then you can turn it off. Let's say if avoiding tolls cost you an extra hour on the road, you can turn it off right there and say no, forget that. However, if you don't set it at all anytime you're doing directions in your maps app, it gives you a chance to avoid tolls. You can click it right there, and it tells you the different amount of time it's going to take and everything. So you can make a decision right there. But if you want to set it as your default, do settings and then maps and then directions and then driving, and then you choose either avoid tolls and highways or not. You can turn it on and off. And like I said, you still get to choose for each trip you're making. All right, now speaking of maps, I know in the travels I've done around the world, oh my God, there's been times when I'm like, uh, running through airports and I'm running the wrong way.

    [00:10:42] I don't know where the heck these giant airports. So there's a thing called indoor maps you can type in. You just go to your map app and then you can just type in like Chicago O'Hare airport, and it's going to show it's going to take you to, you know, it's going to give you choices. Like you could click the word gates and it's going to show you where all the gates are in the airport and where you are, so you can get over to them. Now, not every place on earth has this, but some big shopping malls have it and big airports and things like that. So it's a very handy thing to have on your phone, because sometimes you're just standing there. There's nobody to ask, nobody knows what's going on. There's hundreds or thousands of people walking by you, and you're looking at your watch, and your plane was late, so you got to make that connection. So this is something really handy for you travelers out there. Oh, there's a alarm thing going on. Oh, you know, it's so funny. The alarm was the next thing that I'm going to tell you about. I just hit delete this time to delete this darn thing. Okay, so the the alarm tip I want to give you is you. A lot of times if you have a lot of stuff going on, an alarm rings and you can't remember which was that, what was I supposed to call somebody at that for that alarm, or was that supposed to be the garbage? You know, I have to set the garbage out at this particular time, you know? So so you can now name your alarm so that when the alarm rings, it tells you exactly what that alarm was for.

    [00:12:25] And that's a very handy thing. So you go to your clock app and then click alarm and then tap the time or when you want the alarm and then tap, you hold your finger on it and another menu comes up and you tap label. And you just type in what that alarm is for. And you click done and save. And when that alarm kicks off, you know exactly what it was for. So, so these things, along with those other episodes I told you about, I'm not going to read them again for you, just will make you screamingly fast. You're on your cell phone all day, you might as well learn how to use it. And uh, and instead of fight with it the whole time where you got to charge your battery because you fooled around so long, your battery went dead. Just trying to do one of these things. So takes a little practice to remember how to do some of them, but some of them you just set up once and then they're done. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Catch you later on the next episode. Check out my mentor program. GreatinternetmarketingTraining.com.

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