913 - Free is not always free: Tom talks Perils of Unlimited Emails - Screw The Commute

913 – Free is not always free: Tom talks Perils of Unlimited Emails

Today, we're going to talk about the perils of unlimited emails. There's a lot at stake here, including your wallet, your professional and personal emails, and your reputation.

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Perils of Unlimited Emails

[01:15] Crazy low priced or free email services you don't want

[04:30] You'll get kicked off if someone else does something bad

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Episode 913 – Perils Of Unlimited Emails
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 913 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about the perils of unlimited emails. We'll tell you about that in a minute. Hope you didn't miss episode 912. That was topless car wash at church. All right, before you get all freaky on me, it was a publicity stunt. And, you'll learn a lot about publicity stunts and what they did on the topless car wash and pick up a copy of our automation book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com. It's the longest running, most successful, most unique ever in the field of internet and digital marketing. And I triple dog dare anybody to put their program up against mine because they will be embarrassed and they won't do it.

[00:01:15] All right, so here's the deal. I've been getting tons of emails lately promoting programs that give you unlimited email distribution for almost nothing. You know, one time payment of $7 or some stupid, crazy thing like that. So let me explain to you why this is ridiculous and why it hurts you. Don't get sucked in by this stuff. So let me explain to you. When you have a free email service, a broadcast email service, I'm not talking about just using Gmail for your personal stuff or I mean, yeah, AOL and Hotmail and Yahoo are the worst of the worst, but but anyway, that's not what we're talking about with broadcasting to hundreds or thousands of people in your professional or in your business.

[00:02:10] So let me explain to you there's two major reasons that you don't want these services. And I know that sucks everybody, you know, and I'm the first one that promotes free stuff. That's as long as it's good for you and and works and is, uh, you know, keeps your professional image correct and all that stuff and gets results for you. But this ain't it, folks. This ain't it. Do not do this. All right, let me explain to you. When you have a free email service, every spammer on the face of the earth that has a union card, okay, is going to go to that service, spam the hell out of whatever they can get away with until they get kicked off, and then they're going to come back later and with a different IP address, different everything, and do it again over and over and over again. You say, well, so what? How does that affect me? Well, here's the thing. If you're sending legitimate email out from that server, that free email service, other recipient, receiver networks for email and clients say, hey, loads and loads of stuff coming from that server that you're on because you were you didn't know any better, says they say, hey, lots of the stuff coming from that server is spam.

[00:03:42] So we're not going to accept any mail from that server anymore. Oh well, yours is legit, so it should get through, right? No it won't, all right, because they shut off receiving email from that server. So you make a beautiful email, you send it out, you think everything's hunky dory, and then nothing. All right, now, I'm not saying some of them won't get through, but the thing is, is you're basically doing all this work making up a promotion, writing a great subject line and a good email, and getting them to click to your website. But nobody sees it because it gets filtered everywhere, because all these other spammers are surrounding you on that server. So that's the first reason is that spammers are going to use that service and make the the sending service not being received all around the world. All right. So that's the first thing. And you're you're right in the middle of it even if you're trying to be legit. All right. The second thing is is stop and think about this logically.

[00:04:51] If they are free or one time cheap, uh, fee, super cheap fee. How on earth are they going to have the money to keep up with all the security fixes, the upgrades to the servers, all the things I don't even know. I'm not an IT person. All. But all the things necessary to keep that server running the electric bill. I mean, everything, you know, it's almost like a Ponzi scheme. You know, they got to keep bringing people in to be able to keep servicing the old people. Well, it just doesn't work that way. A lot of these people are scammers, and they'll grab that initial money where in their country it could feed their family for three years, that one launch, and then they don't take care of the thing and disappear. And and they count on the fact, well, I only spent $7. And so what you know, and then and most people that would buy such a service don't know how to complain. And even if you did complain, what are you going to do with somebody in Pakistan that's just screwed you, you know? So so that's the two reasons spammers are going to flood the system, making your emails almost zero deliverability, and the service is never going to be able to keep up with its bills or if it shirks its bills, that means it's going to be full of security, uh, problems, which means they're going to get hacked and everybody's going to steal your nice customers off or your your email subscribers.

[00:06:26] So so don't get sucked into those things. I'll tell you when something free is good. All right? Just ask me. Email me Tom@screwthecommute.com and say what do you think about this Tom? and if it's free and something this important, chances are I'm going to nix it. If it's something like, I don't know, Speakpipe used to be free where people could leave a voicemail on your on your website, which still, you can do that. If you don't want to email me, go to Antion.com or screwthecommute.com. And there's a little thing that you can click on and leave me a voicemail through the internet. Very cool. I mean, it used to be free. I think it's I think I paid a little bit to be able to have more messages on there. So that kind of stuff. Cool. No problem. But your email list, uh, don't do it. All right. Check out my mentor program. GreatinternetmarketingTraining.com. And I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.