727 - How to market to Gen Z: Tom interviews Emanuel Rose - Screw The Commute

727 – How to market to Gen Z: Tom interviews Emanuel Rose

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Emanuel Rose

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    I'm here with Emanuel Rose and he's going to talk about marketing to Gen Z. And another thing that he's doing, that I've been preaching for a hundred years, is he's making his hobbies tax deductible. He's going to talk about steelhead flies and fly fishing and he's doing a lot of cool stuff with young people. And then I'm going to hit him up of why or what I think is the biggest problem when marketing to Gen Z.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 727

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    [02:20] Tom's introduction to Emanuel Rose

    [09:35] Doing directing and counseling

    [10:40] Having the dreaded JOB and transitioning to own business

    [14:45] Marketing to Generation Z

    [25:53] About Employee Advocacy

    [28:58] One marketing technique to use and where to use it

    [31:33] Using email and getting off social media

    [32:48] Sponsor message

    [35:38] A typical day for Emanuel

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    Episode 727 – Emanuel Rose
    [00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 727 of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Emanuel Rose and he's going to talk about marketing to Gen Z. And another thing that he's doing, that I've been preaching for a hundred years, is he's making his hobbies tax deductible. He's going to talk about steelhead flies and fly fishing and he's doing a lot of cool stuff with young people. And then I'm going to hit him up of why or what I think is the biggest problem when marketing to Gen Z. And he'll tell you what Gen Z is, too, when we bring him on. All right. I hope you are following me on TikTok at tiktok.com/@digitalmultimillionaire. That one video I got like 650,000 views in the past couple of weeks and probably got 250 little short training videos there. And they are short ones. Only five seconds. All right. So so, you know, it's pretty much everything I know I put into that one video. So check that out at tiktok.com/@digitalmultimillionaire and make sure you pick up a copy of our automation book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and you will thank me because we actually estimated just one of the tips in the book has saved me 8 million keystrokes.

    [00:01:45] And I'm not kidding, not exaggerating. So I want you working with customers and developing products and services and trying to wrangle these Gen Zers into something, you know, that that makes sense and not fighting with your computer all day long. In fact, that's one of their big benefits of us. Old farts don't know what we're doing. We can ask one of those kids and it'll be fixed in ten seconds. So that's one of their big benefits. And also pick up a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app. Put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road.

    [00:02:21] All right, Let's get to the main event. Emanuel Rose is an author and marketing professional and he specializes in branding, direct response advertising and the day to day operations at his digital agency. It's called Strategic E-marketing. His passion, I thought it was had adventure in there somewhere. He'll he'll correct that. If that's wrong. His passion lies in helping companies achieve business success from cutting edge marketing concepts and tools. His unique approach to marketing strategies has resulted in countless clients reaching their goals. Emanuel, are you ready to screw? The commute?

    [00:03:02] You betcha. How you doing, man? I'm doing really good. I'm looking forward to our conversation, man.

    [00:03:07] I got to two times. I'm going to say hate today. One is I hate fishing. I hate fishing. I remember as a kid I paid a nickel a piece for worms and lost them all.

    [00:03:22] Yeah.

    [00:03:23] I can't stand the sitting there waiting for that fish to come up to me. But. But I do love making your hobbies tax deductible. So that's. Tell us about Steelhead. I don't even remember what a steelhead was. I had to look it up.

    [00:03:39] Well, it is. Um. Well, number one, I'm a fly fisherman, and I like to say I come from an orthodox fly fishing family. And that what that means either. I'll tell you, it means there's only one way to fish. It's fly fishing, and there's only one way to do it. And that's with dry flies. And so, um. Yeah, if you've ever seen a river runs through it, it gives you a little bit of an idea of, of the kind of, the kind of family I grew up in. All right.

    [00:04:08] But you're standing out there in the water with I guess they're called waders, right? Yeah, absolutely. Because I saw a picture of you standing, like in the middle of a river. And I'm thinking, that guy is crazy.

    [00:04:21] What if that water.

    [00:04:21] Gets in those boots and you just sinks you to the bottom?

    [00:04:25] Yeah, we have been. I have been swimming before.

    [00:04:28] They have quick release things or, you know, that you can eject from those waders.

    [00:04:34] I don't know. Oh yeah it is There's there's a number of times I've been swimming but fortunately I carry two sets so I can just go back to the truck and get it cleaned up and get back out there. Well, no.

    [00:04:47] I'm talking about drowning right where you stand.

    [00:04:50] I mean.

    [00:04:51] I can't understand those things. If you get a hole in it, what happens? You have to get a bicycle pump and patch it or what? So, yeah. So what do you sell over there on steelhead.

    [00:05:02] Well, steelhead only.com is is steelhead fishing. Lies and steelhead are anadromous. Rainbow trout. And so Anadromous means that they're born in fresh water. They live in fresh water for a year or two, and then they head out to the ocean. And that's kind.

    [00:05:21] Of like the Gen Z's you're talking about. They're born in a reasonable environment and then they get thrown into this other environment in.

    [00:05:28] A big environment. Then they go, they go wilding out as far as as far as the Japan and the Bering Sea and Russia, and they make this giant enormous trip and then they end up back in their parents house exactly like Gen. Thus.

    [00:05:43] Is this one of those things where you you flip the rod and the thing goes way out, the the hook goes way out? Or what is that a different kind of fishing. Yeah.

    [00:05:52] So the that's a spey rod is, is the kind of fly fishing typically now done for steelhead on the west coast of the United States. Well what.

    [00:06:02] Is it? When they stand on the side and they flip it and the hook goes way out, Is that is that a.

    [00:06:09] Oh, yeah, spin fishing, probably. It was like what you're talking about when you were a kid throwing bait. Okay.

    [00:06:15] Yeah. Yeah. So that's kind of why I hate it. Too much stuff going on here. You then also I saw another interesting thing. You've written children's books. Henry the Hawk, I think is the star of your show.

    [00:06:30] That's right. My grandson's name is Henry. And so I've written a series of children's books for him, um, about nature and natural history and values and ethics that are important to me. And this book, Seeds to a Tree is about forest fire and is gets has a pack of seeds that goes with it so that the kids can go and plant a tree after they're done reading the book.

    [00:06:58] Beautiful, beautiful concept. And I also noted that it said 3 to 6 years old. However, you know, I watched the news a lot and you probably should make that 3 to 26 years old because because nobody can read anymore. They're all morons. Did you see in Baltimore 600 kids? They studied in high school and only 12 could read at their grade level and over 120 were kindergarten level and same thing in Chicago. So this this brings up some of the things you talked about with marketing to Gen Z is I mean, you can't you can't, you got to dummy thing down. You have to use glanceable marketing where it's like boom hits you fast. You know, that's that's a actual term glanceable marketing. And they're like, oh, you know, it's just like on my TikTok thing. You know, it's funny because you talk about influencers. I'm 67 years old and I'm doing five second videos on TikTok.

    [00:08:01] Five seconds is pretty pretty summer summer summarily done? Yes. Right.

    [00:08:06] So the longest one is two minutes and 59 seconds and most of them are around less than a minute. You know, put it down. So.

    [00:08:14] Right. Well, the attention span is 3 to 6 seconds. So five seconds hits it right in there.

    [00:08:19] Yeah. I read that thing about goldfish. Their attention spans longer than your gen Z-ers. Like nine seconds. Oh.

    [00:08:29] I have used that. I have used that quote before too, but it reinforces the value of video Tom. And so that's that's one of the. Sure. The fundamentals short form.

    [00:08:38] Video and vertical video because I've been in video for 45 years. I learned my initial training in Hollywood and a lot of things that used to be absolute taboo are commonplace Now. Two that come to mind is vertical video. We used to make fun of people shooting their camera the wrong way because it was all horizontal. And also jump cuts used to be jump cuts was the sign of an idiot marketer or idiot editor that didn't know what they were doing. And now you're an idiot if you aren't jump cutting. So, so.

    [00:09:14] Well, that and just editing in general, right? Yeah. It's amazing how much really what rough B-roll is used as primary video.

    [00:09:23] Yeah. And you're you got multiple cuts per second sometimes, you know, and the TikTok recommends 2 to 3 seconds per scene, you know, So. So it's a different world out there. And you did some directing and counseling, I guess, in the youth market.

    [00:09:41] Yeah. Way back. Grew up, uh, grew up going to summer camps. And then when I kind of aged out as the participant, I started working at the summer camp. Uh huh. And so Camp Jack Hazard is the name of the camp that I work with, and it's in the Central Sierra, just outside of Yosemite. Wow. And it's unique in that it every kid that goes and visits that camp gets to go backpacking for three days and two nights. And so talk about, you know, disconnecting and and kind of going back in time.

    [00:10:13] And what years were you doing that?

    [00:10:16] Let's see. Geez, that was a million years ago. That would be in the 80s. 80s.

    [00:10:20] See, there was no cell phones. Nowadays, the kids would all be on some kind of drug that to keep because they'd be shaking with no cell phone in their hand.

    [00:10:28] Yeah, well, they still do it. And this where this location is, there's not cell service, so they got to go and rough it.

    [00:10:34] I'm telling you, I bet you they're sneaking pills in there because they can't handle it now. No way back. You had some dreaded. It's kind of a dirty word on this podcast job. You had some of those.

    [00:10:51] Yeah.

    [00:10:52] So tell us about that and tell us when you transitioned to your business, because a lot of people are stuck in a dreaded job and they want to get out into their own business.

    [00:11:01] Yeah, I had. I had two very distasteful experiences in a row. Um, one was that I built a multi-million dollar business unit for for a company. Uh, and at the request and, and benefit of the owner who who then reneged on the bonus that that was promised so that, you know, that was, that was distasteful and not uncommon story, you know. Um, then the next thing that happened was I went to work for a friend of mine and, and for a pretty big jewelry company and, um, basically just got lost in the morass of, uh, middle management and then was told not to make any changes for 90 days. And then, then they kind of fired me for not doing anything, you know, one of those deals. And so I got fired from that job and I'm like, I am way too skilled to be getting fired from some job. I don't even care about that much. So and clearly I'm unmanageable. So I've ever just worked for myself.

    [00:12:10] So how did you make the transition? What was the moment that you decided, All right, I'm going to start my own business. And did you save up money? Did it cold turkey? Was your family on board? I mean, how did that transition?

    [00:12:23] Yeah, I mean, literally, I'm taking the taking my big pens and two yellow pads out to my truck and I'm like, what am I going to do? I'm not going to get another job, right? And so I'm like, well, what? What am I going to do Then? I've got to start a business. And I kind of did that personal inventory and said, This is what is always interested me. I've always been involved in sales and marketing and product development, and this was when, uh, you know, social media was just really starting to, to get some traction. It's been 14 years now, 14 years ago. So I said, Well, I don't know that much about it, but I'm going to figure it out. And, um, I, uh. I had a friend who who knew that somebody was looking for a new agency. And. And so I built out built out some materials real quick and signed that first client. You became a.

    [00:13:17] Myspace expert, right?

    [00:13:22] We were Facebook and Twitter was kind of in the beginning days.

    [00:13:26] And that was zero four, I think.

    [00:13:29] So yeah, that was it was a million years ago. But yeah, I still have that client. So I signed that very first client. They're still a client of mine and I've been able to transition around through all the changes that have happened over the last decade and a half.

    [00:13:42] All right. But had you did you save money up or did you have some type of severance package? You know.

    [00:13:47] I just basically I just, uh, I just in the in the cruelest bootstrapping way possible, I just lived on my savings and, um, and built out, you know, a website and, um, and suffered through it until I picked up, I think in the first two months I picked up three clients and that was just enough to, enough to starve and, and learn.

    [00:14:12] Do you have a family?

    [00:14:14] Oh, I have. I have a wife and she's got grown, grown children.

    [00:14:18] Well, she we see around at that time.

    [00:14:21] Yeah. And she's she's an entrepreneur also.

    [00:14:23] So she, she wasn't a big fight with her to do this. Right.

    [00:14:27] Not at all. No. Beautiful. She's Yeah, she, she knows she knows the story of unmanageable because she is also too unmanageable.

    [00:14:37] Yin and yin or yang and yang. Yeah, right.

    [00:14:42] We're soul twins.

    [00:14:45] All right, So. So now I'm going to tell you why I think it's difficult for people like me to to market to Gen Z. And by the way, folks, I had to look it up. Gen Z is 11 years old to 26 years old. Is that is that right? Yeah, that's about right.

    [00:15:04] Okay.

    [00:15:04] Yep. All right. Well, here's here's why people like me have trouble marketing to them. Ready?

    [00:15:12] Yeah. Go.

    [00:15:13] We don't like them. We hate them.

    [00:15:18] Their values suck.

    [00:15:19] And I'm a boomer. I don't even like millennials. We had a millennial expert on here. I'll give you a little background here. So first of all, one of my mottos is if if you're not early, you're late. All right. So I got this millennial expert on here, and I'm telling her, like, I can't stand it. These people don't want to be on time. She said, Well, you know, Mr. Antion time is kind of flexible to our generation.

    [00:15:48] And I'm thinking, okay.

    [00:15:49] I have a store and so I'm going to put a sign on the door that says Open at nine maybe.

    [00:15:56] Yeah, yeah. Ish Or it depends on if they.

    [00:16:00] Feel like being here at 930 or whatever. So just stand out there and wait.

    [00:16:05] All right.

    [00:16:05] She couldn't answer that. So. So we don't like them there. Like I said, the the and we especially don't like somebody that's wet behind the ears has never done a thing in their entire life telling me to buy an electric car with no inkling of background experience. Like you're in the West Coast, right? Yeah. I mean I mean even. And by the way, here's another little sidebar for you. My one of my I've written 25 books. My next one is called Highly Educated Idiots.

    [00:16:39] And so your coast is full of them, all right. Yes. Yes, it is. And and they're saying, okay.

    [00:16:45] Buy an electric car, hawk your lungs to buy an electric car, but don't charge.

    [00:16:50] It because we don't have enough electricity to charge it.

    [00:16:54] But you will be able to brag about having your electric car. So so when some little punk, you know, comes up and is telling me this kind of stuff with no background, never did a thing in their life living off my generation's money, I don't like that. So.

    [00:17:10] So there's your little background of.

    [00:17:12] Why I think we have trouble. And so your job is to say, okay, Tom all right. You're an old fart. What are you going to do about it? They're coming up and they're going to swarm.

    [00:17:21] You swarm around? Yeah.

    [00:17:23] So that's the true story.

    [00:17:25] Take it away. Take it away.

    [00:17:27] So there's 68 million. Um, there's. There's there there are more of them than there are boomers. So that's the that's the tidal wave. And. And Tom, I got to tell you, there is a part of me that is not that far away from your opinion. And but the flip side is that they are very caring and very ethical. They may be different ethics than you have, but they're very grounded in what they believe. So that in itself is is noteworthy and is respectable from from my perspective and as a business, you've got to pay attention to it.

    [00:18:06] Um, well, also, are you talking about stuff like the environment, You know, they're environmentally conscious and the Green New Deal all this stuff and their.

    [00:18:18] Commitment to inclusion, you know, that is a it's a big value of theirs.

    [00:18:24] All right?

    [00:18:24] But here's here's you know, I'm going to be like the old point counterpoint show.

    [00:18:30] Go ahead.

    [00:18:31] All right. So. This inclusion thing has gone too far. Airplanes are doing near misses and crashing everywhere because they're saying, oh, well, if you're a certain color, you can you got to be a pilot, not can you fly this airplane and get us there without killing us.

    [00:18:49] Right. Right.

    [00:18:50] And here you are. You going to want somebody that just got their position in the heart surgery arena to operate on you? That's where things you know, I'm all for moderation. It's gone too far in this inclusion craziness because when people aren't qualified, there's no merit meritocracy anymore. That's that's my problem with it.

    [00:19:13] Yeah, and that is an interesting point. And you know, as a as a marketer, I say, well, okay, so that's, that's their belief is inclusion, diversity, equity and inclusion. Yeah, I might have political opinions about that that we could talk about over a beer, but if I'm going to sell them something right, I need to I need them to mirror at a at an authentic level the things I believe about those things in order to speak to them.

    [00:19:40] So. But will they listen?

    [00:19:41] See, my problem is, is there's no debate anymore. It's all I hate you. You're you're. You're bad because you don't believe like me. That's that's. And I'll be happy to talk and debate. But when you're just shut down, you know, they just shut you. Look what they did to that that federal judge at Stanford Law School.

    [00:20:02] Did you see that on the news? They pretty much kicked him out.

    [00:20:05] He had to have guards to get him out of there. And these were law students and there was no debate. It's like, shut up, you're a judge and you've hurt people, so screw you. We're not going to debate and not even listen to you talk. That's my problem with with with that is there's no debate anymore. How are we going to get that back?

    [00:20:24] Well, that's a good a good question. I think part of what's going on here also is that, you know, these these are young people in in that there's the exuberance of youth. I know I was a knucklehead and I was a kid. I thought I knew a lot of stuff I didn't know. And I'm amazed that I didn't get more right crosses to the face by my my dad and and other people for some arrogant, you know, chicanery. But if you think back to even in the 60 seconds with like Mario Savio and the Free Speech guys in Berkeley, you know, they were they were in similar ways acting out their their beliefs and their ethics and challenging authority. And that's part of this. The transition from being a kid into a teenager, into a young adult, is is pushing those boundaries. And we understand. I mean, I feel too a little bit muzzled myself. Um, but it's it's a conversation and, and leadership is what they need. And this, this idea that you have about highly educated idiots, um, is interesting also because they are the most educated group of Americans.

    [00:21:39] Exactly. Well, yeah, except, you know, I have a.

    [00:21:42] School know I have a the only licensed dedicated Internet marketing school in the country. And I believe in education. I'm totally. But it seems that all the only thing that's happening now, they're being taught how to protest and how to and being indoctrinated, not how to read.

    [00:21:59] And how to add.

    [00:22:00] You know. So that's.

    [00:22:01] My or.

    [00:22:02] Think critical thinking, right. Is really.

    [00:22:04] Missing.

    [00:22:04] And also I have this quiz. It's called the college rip off quiz. It's the seven ways that colleges and universities are totally robbing families. I mean, like they're they're the tuition has gone up eight times the cost of living. How do you justify that? You know, and so so the you know, there's a big push away from colleges and universities because there isn't the education is not what people are paying for. And then they're coming out with enormous debt and then competing for jobs at Starbucks. You know, so that's it's a it's going downhill.

    [00:22:43] That is it is one of the challenges we have with the education system that and and having having people who can think critically and and understand what free speech is. But we're seeing that all over all over the United States right now. The real challenge with that. Yeah.

    [00:22:58] And the one thing I do miss is that we didn't have transgender strip shows in kindergarten where I came from, you.

    [00:23:07] Know, So I feel like I was slighted a little bit there.

    [00:23:12] Well, they're still trying to catch up. Tom.

    [00:23:14] Yeah, I'll I'll I don't have any kids, so it's hard for me to attend without having an excuse to attend.

    [00:23:21] But so, so tell us more about the book and what's in the book. What would people learn and what would I learn from this book with? You see the kind of attitude I have.

    [00:23:34] So yeah, well, and I think you are a great example of, of what the, what the marketing program needs to be and that the, the leader of the business, the manager, the, the, uh, the person who started the business or the CEO needs to be the primary influencer. It needs to be out in front. Leading the marketing in that respect. They're the face of the brand, just like Richard Branson or Kylie Jenner.

    [00:24:03] Yeah. Now, that's.

    [00:24:04] I heard you say that on another interview. I said, Can you get the two further ends of the spectrum.

    [00:24:11] That now at least Richard Branson is kind of crazy.

    [00:24:15] You know, because.

    [00:24:16] Kylie's pretty crazy.

    [00:24:17] Too. Well, yeah, but for a different reason. Yeah, but she's. She's gorgeous enough. She doesn't have to be crazy, you know, so.

    [00:24:23] But he's not. But he's, you know, flies and balloons and does crazy stuff. So he's, it's like Red Bull should sponsor him.

    [00:24:32] Yeah. So.

    [00:24:33] So yeah, but they are definitely the faces of their business, that's for sure.

    [00:24:39] Yeah. And so this is the thing that I've seen with with small businesses and even mid-sized businesses that the CEOs or the people who founded the businesses are of this, you know, they're Gen Xers or boomers. And we were trained that you do your business at work and you leave your private life at home and the two don't cross. Well, we need to bring a little bit of the private life and the human into the marketing campaign and into what's called the social CEO.

    [00:25:11] I bet you're not.

    [00:25:11] Going to see that from those SVB bank people out.

    [00:25:14] There. No, I don't think they want to be the face of anything.

    [00:25:19] They want to be the face of Venezuela. It's Non-extradition, right? Yeah. So that's the challenge, is that we need we need the business leadership to be out in front and talking about not just the business and the products, but then also about the staff and the culture and then the community involvement, because every every business is involved in their community in some way. And and it's just not publicized enough.

    [00:25:52] Now, I've heard you talk about an employee advocacy. What do you mean by that?

    [00:25:59] So this is a concept that's been put into action with Fortune 500 for a long time, and it's gotten a lot of traction in these bigger corporations. And that's when the the company or the brand is leveraging the employees social media profiles to tell the story of the company. And on a paid.

    [00:26:20] Basis, they pay in these people.

    [00:26:23] Um, it could be paid or it could be gamified.

    [00:26:25] So this is, is this like a precursor to UGC, you know, the user generated?

    [00:26:32] Yeah, it's similar to it's a user generated content, but from the employee side. Yeah, that's, I think that's a great way to think of it. Tom Um, and what we know is that about 50% of people are already posting about the company or they're resharing about the company. And so it's a chance to, um, increase the, the reach instantly for a brand and, and, and successful deployments of, of employee advocacy about 60% of the employees participate. Um, and so you know it's not for everybody but it is a great way to give traction in for HR and hiring and retention of employees. Generates ultimately a lift in sales. All right. But what.

    [00:27:20] I'm what.

    [00:27:21] I'm not clear about Emanuel is isn't there some skepticism in the marketplace that, you know, that that employees have been told to do this rather than as sincerely telling how great their company is?

    [00:27:36] Yeah, I think it depends on the on the content. Right. If it's a if it's, let's say employee outings, you know, happy hour outings and or, you know, going to bowling or doing the bowl for kids sake fundraiser, those sorts of things have got provide a lot of lift to to a company and they provide a feeling of the culture for for that business.

    [00:27:59] The latest ones I'm thinking about people are making fun of a little bit in that like the Twitter takeover you know they're making fun on online of these people going around showing their pool tables and how they eat for free at Google.

    [00:28:14] Right.

    [00:28:14] And everything. And then 7000 of them just got fired.

    [00:28:18] Yeah. Oops.

    [00:28:18] We maybe we should have worried about working a little bit more and a little bit less. Yeah. No, again, it's got to be it's got to be authentic. And it can't be too glossy. Right? But it, it's, uh, it's the story of the company and that helps. Helps to attract and retain humans, both on for employment and for doing business.

    [00:28:39] So you would you generally call this these CEOs that are in this arena, social CEOs. Is that the term? Did you. Yeah, I.

    [00:28:49] Say that's the mandate going forward from from today forward is the social CEO and if company's not doing it they're they're becoming irrelevant.

    [00:28:59] Right so if you were going to pick one marketing technique to hit this generation today, what would it be? Video.

    [00:29:08] Short form video. Right.

    [00:29:10] Would do everything. I would do everything with video and I think short form videos and editing tactic inside a video. Right. Um, so it should be a monthly a monthly campaign around video and then and then Vayner chucking it into 64 pieces of content.

    [00:29:28] All right but vertical.

    [00:29:29] Vertical video.

    [00:29:30] The only vertical with a lot of jump cuts. Tom.

    [00:29:34] That's right.

    [00:29:35] I actually figured out I did an episode on how to shoot horizontal video and use it horizontally and vertically. By the way, you position the subject.

    [00:29:46] So so because.

    [00:29:49] It saves a lot of.

    [00:29:50] Work. Yeah. Putting them on YouTube standard. Yeah.

    [00:29:55] Where would you put all the videos? Where is your like do you have an order of importance of where you would put them?

    [00:30:03] Well for, for.

    [00:30:04] Right now because it changes next week it could be different.

    [00:30:08] Well yeah. When TikTok's made illegal to come up with something else. Right, Right. Yeah. So I mean, right now TikTok is is the is crushing it for for these this demographic so that's primary. Um and then you know I still think that that YouTube is a great repository in terms of you know as a as a search engine. You've got lots of lots of ways to to get your content out via YouTube. So would you concentrate.

    [00:30:38] On shorts first or, or the regular YouTube?

    [00:30:42] Yeah, I would I would look at it by let's say we're going to do ten minutes on the first Monday every month and then we're going to chop it up and, and it'll be a ten minute video just on YouTube and then we'll create the shorts and the and the reels and and, you know, push it out to the other platforms. Got it through, through editing.

    [00:31:03] So you'd go TikTok, YouTube. What would be your next in order.

    [00:31:08] Looking at at Facebook live that it's not necessarily um that would just be another another video repository but we know that the Z's are on TikTok and Snapchat primarily. So those are the two platforms that you're going to have to go to and then you're going to have to get it onto your website so they can go from those platforms to your website and do the research they need.

    [00:31:33] So are they using any email anymore? Because guys like me and everybody I teach the big money is email to us. The social media is a necessary evil to get them the heck off of their onto an email list. So do these Gen Zers even do email anymore?

    [00:31:55] Their email is is just like a necessary kind of annoyance to them. So it's not anywhere that they're looking for purchasing information. So that's where, like you mentioned, the user generated content and influencer style campaigns. Driving driving them into pages that have other social proof and then purchasing opportunities.

    [00:32:26] See, I tried to be an influencer, but I could not find a bikini that would fit me.

    [00:32:36] And and especially one with like very little in the back. And yeah, it was.

    [00:32:42] It was, I would say it was a failure.

    [00:32:44] I think we should all all be thankful for that.

    [00:32:47] Tom So we got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we'll ask Emanuel what a typical day looks like for him and we'll hear more about the book and where you can get it. So folks, about about 25 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head, and the people at my level were charging 50 or 100 grand up front to help small businesses. And I knew a lot of these people. They're a rip offs. You give him 50 grand, you never see him again. So I said, you know, that's too risky for small business. I'm a heavy, small business advocate, never had a job, always small business. So I said, I'm going to fix this. And I kind of made them mad and that I just charged an entry fee, which was like 10% of what they were charging. And then I tied my success to your success. So for me to get my 50 grand, you had to net 200 grand. Well, people kind of like this In 1800 students later, it's still going strong. It's the longest running, most successful, most unique internet and digital marketing mentor program ever. And I have no trouble saying that because I tripled.

    [00:33:56] Dog.

    [00:33:56] Dare anybody, anybody else to put their program up against mine because I'm a crazy fanatic. And they would be embarrassed because this program has this giant estate in Virginia Beach where you actually get an immersion weekend where you live in the estate with me for an immersion weekend. We have our own TV studio where we shoot marketing videos for you and you also get a scholarship to my school, which is it's a $19,000 scholarship to the school where you can either use it yourself for extra training or gift it to someone. One guy had spent 80,000 bucks on his daughter's crap education and she got a crap job when she graduated. He gifted it to her. Within four months, she was up to $6,000 a month just in the school. And then she started her own agency and took off like crazy. So very, very powerful. Plus, it's all one on one. We don't believe in any group coaching here because I don't want you lumped in with someone more advanced or less advanced than you. It's not efficient that way. So I pretty much dedicated my life to helping small business people do this, and that's why it's one on one with myself and my entire staff. So check it out. There's no machine gun nest here, no high pressure, very accessible. So check it out at great Internet marketing training.com. And by the way, if you if you just want to school if you happen to be a first responder military law enforcement or nurse, it's a 50% scholarship right up front and all military will never pay more than $97 a month to attend this school after their modest down payment.

    [00:35:39] All right. Let's get back to the main event. We've got Emanuel Rose here. He's got a lot of nice hobbies that he does. He helps youth and he helps tons of businesses in their operations. So, Emanuel, you built yourself a business here. What's the typical day look like for you? You get up early, do you work out? Do you have a morning routine? What do you eat? Give us give us an insight into the man.

    [00:36:06] All right. Well, um, I get up about 345 Pacific Time and and then spend the first hour of the day meditating. Okay. And and then that provides the energy to get through the rest of the day for me. So from there, I take the dog for I got a Springer spaniel who's a hunting dog. So he's. He's got to get out and do his thing. Um, we go for a walk and then. Coffee with the wife first thing. And then after that, I've spent a couple hours at my desk writing and then doing client work managing my my project managers and creatives for the agency And um, and then I do my outreach to for prospecting.

    [00:36:56] But you're working.

    [00:36:57] At the house, you stay at the house to work?

    [00:36:59] Absolutely. Yeah. I have the, the last 13 years I've worked remote, so.

    [00:37:03] Thank God I should.

    [00:37:04] Have asked that earlier. We'd have had to kick you off the show if you weren't.

    [00:37:09] Yeah.

    [00:37:09] No, everybody, you know, last couple of years during the lockdown, there was like, Oh, I love working from home. How do you do this Zoom thing? And, you know, all the things that like this is you guys are so behind the times. Exactly. So, yeah, working in my home office and got out the window. I've got a redwood forest that goes out onto a golf course, so I'm pretty fortunate here.

    [00:37:34] Beautiful. Where's the closest place that you fish?

    [00:37:37] Oh, let's see. There's a mad. The Mad River is about seven minutes from my house.

    [00:37:44] The Mad River.

    [00:37:46] Mad.

    [00:37:46] Mad.

    [00:37:47] Yeah, mad. Mad.

    [00:37:49] That's kind of seems to me.

    [00:37:50] All East Coasters think that's totally appropriate.

    [00:37:53] For West Coast people. Yeah.

    [00:37:56] Mad Hatter. Yeah, for sure.

    [00:37:59] And how often do you get to get out there?

    [00:38:01] Uh, you know, I get out on a good a good trip at least every month. And so I'm either hunting or fishing on a big trip once a month. That's my commitment to my. Do you.

    [00:38:13] Hunt?

    [00:38:14] I'm a bird hunter. So ducks and then upland. Upland. Upland. Birds, pheasants and chucker and quail.

    [00:38:22] See, this is funny.

    [00:38:24] Because I am pretty soon, even though it's.

    [00:38:28] Not technically kosher here.

    [00:38:29] In Virginia Beach, I was going to get some chickens and so did you ever.

    [00:38:33] Hunt chickens? They're pretty easy.

    [00:38:37] Yeah, they are. I just got to. I shoot them with my wallet.

    [00:38:42] Eggs is what you. What you get the wallet out for? Yeah, for sure. All right. So.

    [00:38:47] So great, great lifestyle business you made for yourself, man. And so tell us more about the book and how they get it.

    [00:38:55] You bet. So run through the what we've talked about the social employee advocacy. Break down a little bit how to how to go through a values values driven marketing campaign, how to how to tease out the values of the company and then review the need for e-commerce. And even even B2B companies have got to get every, every aspect of their, uh, their customer journey digitized so they can be done from a smartphone. And, and then after that, we do a deep dive into the psychographics and demographics of Gen Z, get a little nerdy on the psychology. And and after that we look at some case studies in a in a way that a business, a CMO or a business owner could can start developing their own campaign specifically for this cohort.

    [00:39:54] It's going to be pretty tough.

    [00:39:55] For some of this old farts like me to to convert. Do you think?

    [00:40:00] Yeah, I've seen attitude.

    [00:40:02] Change, right?

    [00:40:03] It's kind of like. Yeah, it's kind of like leading an old mule around.

    [00:40:11] Yeah. I mean.

    [00:40:13] I think that's the biggest hurdle. So can they. Can they transition into this new kind of company with maybe some of their underlings instead of them? You know, because some of these people are not really going to be cut out to be the influencer.

    [00:40:29] Yeah, you know, that's a that's a good question. And, um, I think. This. The reluctance to be the face of the business is really like you're saying is the biggest thing the biggest hurdle they have. Um, and so it does work to get some other other people who you know on the CMO or well.

    [00:40:52] If you can get that.

    [00:40:53] Employee thing going, you know that, Yeah. That, that seems like that could help with a transition a lot because the employees are naturally going to be younger and more open to this stuff.

    [00:41:03] That's, that's true. Yeah. And so implementing any one of these, these parts of the program is better than not doing any of it. Yeah, I agree with you there, Tom for sure.

    [00:41:13] All right.

    [00:41:13] So how do they get the book?

    [00:41:15] We can go to strategicemarketing.com.

    [00:41:30] Okay. And and your contact information is there if they have any questions.

    [00:41:38] Yep. And I love to get connected with on LinkedIn and that way. That way we can have a have a conversation from there also. Yeah.

    [00:41:46] You got a lot of followers up there. That's that's cool. Well, thanks so much for coming on. I hope I didn't push you too hard. But you know, it's important for us boomers to to either, you know, get into this or get out because we're going to all of our regular customers be dead. And then all we have left is these.

    [00:42:06] Guys, you know, this.

    [00:42:08] Bunch of old guys that don't want to pay for anything.

    [00:42:10] Yeah.

    [00:42:12] No, I really appreciate it. Tom. I enjoyed our conversation. Thank you very much.

    [00:42:15] All right, folks.

    [00:42:16] Check it out at strategic marketing.com. And like myself, you know, I'm in this game for the long haul. I got to deal with these people. And so it's and they're not going to change to suit me put it that way So so it's time to to make some changes. All right, everybody. We'll catch you all in the next episode. See you later.

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