657 - She's the Internet's Traffic Handler: Tom interviews Amy Biddle - Screw The Commute

657 – She’s the Internet’s Traffic Handler: Tom interviews Amy Biddle

Amy Biddle can help you identify any traffic that comes to your site. And this isn't just clicks, it's anyone that shows up. Even if you didn't get the opt in, Amy helps eCommerce store owners sell more products and grow revenue without risking giving over control to ad agencies.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 657

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See Tom's Stuffhttps://linktr.ee/antionandassociates

[02:09] Tom's introduction to Amy Biddle

[05:18] The Dreaded J O Bs

[10:15] Amy is much smarter than Tom with numbers

[13:47] Do what you want and the money will NOT necessarily follow

[14:58] No sale was made to a demographic

[25:17] The best parts of Facebook ads

[27:48] Some success stories

[30:03] Sponsor message

[31:40] A typical day for Amy

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

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Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/


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Disabilities Pagehttps://imtcva.org/disabilities/

Amy's websitehttps://amybiddle.me/

Traffic Handler Podcasthttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/traffic-handler-podcast/id1619550992

Email Tom: Tom@ScrewTheCommute.com

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 657 – Amy Biddle
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey, everybody, is Tom here with Episode 657 of Screw the Commute podcast? I'm here with Amy Biddle. She is the head consultant at E-Commerce Traffic Handlers. And this is one smart lady, smart, far smarter than I am, I'll tell you that. She knows the numbers. And the numbers is what makes your business work. We'll get her on in a minute. Now, just want to give you an update on the program we're doing with persons with disabilities, getting them scholarships. They're doing wonderfully in the school. One person that's blind actually started his own business helping other people with disabilities. Just very inspirational. So check it out at screwthecommute.com/disability. You can click over to the Go Fund Me campaign. It's funding their scholarships and you'll just be amazed at the things they're doing. Two of the people in the program are blind and they're shooting better videos than me, so check it out. All right. Make sure you pick up a copy of our podcast app. It's screwthecommute.com/app. Put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road.

[00:01:29] And guess what? We don't just dump an app on you and you got to figure it out. We've got screen capture video and screen captures to show you how to use all the cool functions. So check that out and then absolutely make sure you pick up a copy of our automation e-book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. And this has saved me. We kind of updated the figures, 8 million keystrokes. We're not making that up and save me hundreds and hundreds of hours of time fighting with my computer when I should be working with customers and prospects and developing products and services, because that's where the money is. Hey, I think it saved me carpal tunnel syndrome, too.

[00:02:09] All right. So let's bring on the main event we've got. Amy Biddle can help you identify any traffic that comes to your site. And this isn't just clicks, it's anyone that shows up. Even if you didn't get the opt in, Amy helps eCommerce store owners sell more products and grow revenue without risking giving over control to ad agencies. Amy, are you ready to screw? The commute?

[00:02:37] The commute? Absolutely.

[00:02:38] Time to put the commute in.

[00:02:40] Hey.

[00:02:41] Yeah. So how are you doing?

[00:02:44] I'm awesome. How are you?

[00:02:45] I am peachy. I am living the lifestyle business that I love. And I know you are too. But it wasn't always that way, though. I heard you started your first business and it tanked pretty, pretty quick, right?

[00:02:57] It tanked pretty quick. I graduated from college. When I got to college, I could read. When I left college, I could read and write. It was great. And then, you know, I got out of school and I didn't know what to do. So I started a woodworking business and working.

[00:03:12] Is that what you said.

[00:03:14] Woodworking? Yeah, it was refinishing furniture, I guess you could say I was a stripper. And so, you know, and then it went downhill from there. I started it started the business was easy. I rented some some shop space and from a guy who had a workshop and occasionally he had somebody who needed furniture to be refinished. And I would do that. But I had no way of having new business coming in. I didn't know the first thing about marketing and I was dead in the water and it was like six or eight months. It's amazing. It lasted that long.

[00:03:45] Well, before you before you go on, I got to ask you, you know, I'm not sure I'll pronounce this correctly from the locals, but you went to the College of. Is it Worcester or Worcester?

[00:03:56] Yes. Worcester.

[00:03:57] Worcester. Worcester. Yeah. But you had a B.A. in English language and literature. Now, I got to tell you, I don't get a lot of entrepreneurial types that are in English language and literature. They're mostly broke looking for jobs or or working, you know, competing for jobs at Starbucks. How did you decide to go into woodworking from that that degree?

[00:04:22] Oh, well, Tom, I've got to admit to you, the only a I got in high school was in woodshop.

[00:04:27] Okay, so but you still you went to grad skill?

[00:04:32] Yeah, I heard language literature. My parents told me I had to go to college. I had no idea what I was going to do. So it turns out reading, writing and being able to think and put ideas together, that's where the money is. Yeah. So that was it. That's what I did.

[00:04:49] But it wasn't in woodworking, though, right?

[00:04:51] It was not in woodworking, no. There wasn't even a woodshop at the college that I went to, so I was way.

[00:04:57] Well, now, as you look back with knowing what you know now, could you make money with woodworking?

[00:05:06] You can make money with anything.

[00:05:07] There you go.

[00:05:09] You have an idea. You could do it.

[00:05:11] Okay. All right. So. So that went down the tubes. Then what? So you went. Now we kind of get, like, throw up in her mouth when we talk about the dreaded jobs, but.

[00:05:24] Well, yeah, that's how I feel about talking about all the jobs I had.

[00:05:28] You got to go tell us about it, because some people out there are stuck in it and they want to get the heck out. So what what did you what did you have to go through? Put it that way.

[00:05:36] I went back to work in kitchens and law enforcement because that's where I had worked part time jobs through high school and college.

[00:05:44] Kitchens and law enforcement, both in the same time or what?

[00:05:48] Just in rapid succession.

[00:05:52] What did you do in the kitchen?

[00:05:55] I was cooking, washing dishes, basically whatever I could do.

[00:06:00] I kind of work or.

[00:06:02] Well, the first time after after the the business failed, I went and ran the kitchen at a sheltered workshop and I constantly had to explain to people that I was not one of the clients they didn't believe. But, you know, so I was there and I was running the kitchen, feeding people lunch all day and doing menus and ordering.

[00:06:22] Stuff, you know, that's.

[00:06:24] Honorable or.

[00:06:25] Honorable? Absolutely.

[00:06:26] Sure. Yeah, it was it was fine work and there was nothing wrong with it. It's just that it didn't make my heart sing. And that's that's an understatement.

[00:06:34] You mean not law enforcement?

[00:06:36] Well, I didn't like that any better, but that's what I had done in college there. I was a dispatcher at first, and then after a while they put me out on the street and I was a rent cop with a uniform. Oh.

[00:06:48] Did you have a gun?

[00:06:49] No, they never let me have a gun. And I think they didn't like how I looked in that polyester suit, I think said no gun for you. Wow.

[00:07:00] Wow. So. So you could cook and you could secure things.

[00:07:04] I could run a key in a lock like nobody's business.

[00:07:08] But you told me you went for, like, 15 years worth of jobs.

[00:07:13] Yeah. So there's a Hindi expression that goes, Netty. Netty. It means not this, not this. That's what my resume looks like.

[00:07:20] Okay.

[00:07:21] So it's like, you know, I would try I would work in an office. I worked at Kinko's for a while making copies. I did all kinds of things. I even got some internships and tried to find out something to do that way. And I interned for an architect. I interned at a publishing company. All would have been they all would have been fine as far as jobs or careers. But I was looking for what I could actually get up in the morning and love doing, which is how I live now.

[00:07:52] See, this is what the what I tell parents now. I mean, when they want to push their kids like you were pushed into going to college and you got some worthless degree, I imagine.

[00:08:02] That's what it felt.

[00:08:03] Like. And, you know, I tell them, don't worry if your kids don't know what they want to be and it probably hasn't been invented.

[00:08:09] You know, that's. Yes. And parents come to me and they say, I'm worried about my kid. He's playing video games all day. I said, don't worry about it because he's developing skills that are going to serve him in ten years.

[00:08:21] And that's $1,000,000,000 industry itself.

[00:08:24] That oh my gosh, EA Sports multi billion dollar industry.

[00:08:28] Okay. So when you finally decide to have your own business, did you just quit a job cold turkey? Had you saved up money? What did you know then that would make a different than the woodworking business?

[00:08:40] Well, looking back, I should have saved up about six months of expenses or more like ten years of expenses that wouldn't have hurt. But what I did instead was I started part time, I mastered some software, got really good at it, started building websites with a little off brand website builder, got really good at it. And then I went to the company and I said, Hey, I want to do support for you. And they said, Sure, because they saw what I could do and work there part time. And then a few months later I went full time and ended up being director of sales for the company.

[00:09:20] But that's still a job, though, right?

[00:09:22] Well, it was it was freelance. So, yeah, you know, I could you know, when you're freelance, it's more like having your own job. I could work when I wanted to. I had some some control. Yeah. So it was more like running a business and that suited me because I would be more inclined to work longer hours when someone's not telling me I have to work.

[00:09:47] Right, right.

[00:09:48] A little bit of a contrary in that way.

[00:09:50] So that's what they say about an entrepreneur, though, work 18 hours a day to get out of work in 8 hours a day for somebody else.

[00:09:57] I've been doing it since April of 2008 and that's exactly what it is. And I work long days, but I feel like I'm playing all day.

[00:10:04] Me too. That's me. I could have retired like 22 years ago. Really? Roughly, yes. And I just sit here seven days a week doing all this stuff. Now, I was on your podcast and I became immediately impressed that you were much smarter than me.

[00:10:22] Because you're very kind. I wonder about that.

[00:10:26] Well, you know, a lot and are very good with numbers where I am not that good. I mean, I bring in loads of money, but it's a lot of it's digital, so it's 97% profit. I can make mistakes, I can get lazy and still do too fine. You really, really have dug in with a lot of people. With regard to numbers, can you tell us about how you've been helping people?

[00:10:49] Absolutely. So you know you know how it is, Tom, the technology. Changes. The industry's change. So I've had to change with the times. When I started off, it was dial up on AOL. So we don't have those problems anymore. So what do I do now and have been doing it? And we've even had a recent pivot. I say we like the mouse on my desktop. So it's been working with ecommerce store owners because they, they tend to be merchandisers and they know how to take pretty pictures and display their wares and most of them even price appropriately. But at the end of the day, they don't understand marketing. They're in the same position that I was in when I was a stripper, I mean, a woodworker. So, you know that that whole problem that they have is they don't know how to get in front of enough people. And many of them are even really good at social media, too. Way better than I am.

[00:11:55] Well, you know, you know, one of the things that I was reading in your book that will tell people how to get that later is for years I've been saying people brand themselves into the poorhouse.

[00:12:08] Yes.

[00:12:09] And you say don't start with branding. The best branding is about relationship marketing. Forget about colors and logos and taglines. You know, cracks me up. People want want to match their website to their brochure color. And I'm like, go down to BestBuy, open up ten laptops and put your website up and it'll look different on every one.

[00:12:30] Yes, exactly. It's going to be Pantone doesn't care. Pantone just doesn't care. Rgv It just they don't care.

[00:12:38] Yeah. So what other mistakes are people making besides just only taking pretty pictures?

[00:12:45] Well, you know, it's the pretty pictures. It's not knowing what the current technology needs to be for the store platform. So and that gets into the technical and they don't want to know it, which is fine, but someone needs to help them exactly. With the integrations. Integrations. It used to be tough. You didn't used to be able to plug one widget into a Gazeta, but it's different now and integrations can work really well. You you love automations. I love automations. So there are things that you can connect together, like your store platform and Facebook, for example. There's a gateway into that that helps with that integration called the conversion API. Well, if it's not set up right, your Facebook ads are just not going to work. So you can actually hire somebody. You can consult with me and I'll show you what to do. You can hire somebody on fiber and maybe they'll get it right. But yeah.

[00:13:44] Maybe they won't.

[00:13:46] Right, but.

[00:13:47] But, but see, that's the whole thing though, you know, when people just refuse to understand what needs done, they just, you know, the old saying is, do what you love and the money will follow. No, it won't. It'll follow. It'll follow the people that take advantage of you because you don't know what the heck you're doing, right? You can't divorce yourself from the marketing. People just want to do the creative and think up new things and fun things. But then the rest of it, I mean, when we do a website critique in the back end, we've seen people with like 50 or 60 plug ins and they're three of them do the same thing and it takes a calendar to load, you know. Right.

[00:14:29] Can not just the calendar but the whole site like those plug ins. So if you're on a store platform and if it's not WordPress and WooCommerce with the plug ins that you're describing, maybe it's Shopify, you know, and you've got a theme that's got all these different apps and same problem. If you have 5050 apps in your Shopify store, it's going to slow you down.

[00:14:51] And people won't put up with that and neither will Google, you know, so so you're basically doing all this work for nothing. Now, I also read that you talk about demographics and psychographics. You say nobody no sale was ever made to a demographic.

[00:15:08] That's right.

[00:15:09] So tell people what demographics are and psychographics and which one they should concentrate on.

[00:15:14] Well, okay, there's some magic in this, because when you know the the psychographic of your customer, you can just everything you write, everything you do to stay in front of that customer can work some magic.

[00:15:30] Totally different.

[00:15:31] Yes.

[00:15:32] Each one is demographic is.

[00:15:34] All right. So I am a female. I am 55 years old. I live in the southeast part of the country in Florida. I make X amount of dollars. I drive a Honda I. That's demographics. All right. So there are certain things that you can look for if you rent. A list, for example.

[00:15:55] No, it's good to know that. Right? That's part of the thing. Yeah.

[00:15:59] Exactly. Because if you if you want somebody of a different demographic than me, then great, go do that. But you have to know the psychographics, too. So I have a giveaway and I think we'll get to that later. But in this book, The Growth Guide for Retailers, there's a little story about Ashley and Matthew, and they're beautiful, gifted, exceptional children. And, you know, if you know what their lifestyle is about and, you know, like how they make decisions and you know, how they engage with their environment then and their world. And now I'm thinking of this from an E commerce point of view, and people are buying things. But you can sell experiences, you can sell services, you can sell whatever you want to sell once you know how people do things the way they do them, and then you write or do videos or engage with people where they are, it's how you say things and what you say in relation to how they are in the world.

[00:17:06] Well, give us a little deeper on that. Matthew, was it Ashley thing?

[00:17:11] Yeah, Ashley Ashley.

[00:17:12] Is in the kitchen. She's doing this. She's buying this stuff the kids are playing.

[00:17:17] Exactly. Yeah, the kids are playing. They've got follow or the jazz cats playing on the Alexa. They've got Matthew's coming up or. No, Matthew just had a promotion. Ashley's coming up for hers. You know, that one kid's in Montessori and in preschool and the other kids in first grade in public school. And, you know, it was when I wrote this, it was at the beginning of the lockdown. And, you know, everybody's home schooling and everything.

[00:17:51] Even said what type of plate was sitting on, you know where she bought the plate that was sitting on.

[00:17:55] Her? Yeah. Like Pottery Barn table and all this stuff. So when you know these details, you know, you can picture being at home with Ashley and Matthew. You know, they're not just a 34 year old male and female couple living someplace in the mid-Atlantic region. They're they're actual people. And when you talk to them the way they want to be talked to, you can stay in front of them over and over and over again and, you know, have a relationship. And it's nothing nefarious.

[00:18:31] No. You're just always putting in things in front of them that, you know, interest them.

[00:18:35] Exactly.

[00:18:36] So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to stop the interview right now and I'm going to go down the street and knock on doors and ask them all this stuff because.

[00:18:43] Well, you know, somebody's.

[00:18:45] Going to get info.

[00:18:47] Well, you know fortunately I've got some software that the huff of that. Oh segue Tom thank you so you can go door to door and when I was selling and just.

[00:18:59] Arrested while you're at it.

[00:19:01] Yeah, you could. I mean, some places you can't go door to door. When I was selling insurance, they used to give us leads and we had to go, you know, to make sales in people's homes. So that's hard work. I would not suggest people do that. That was one of my jobs that didn't work out.

[00:19:16] But I had that down, Amy. Oh no, I didn't do it myself, but I had a bartender at my nightclub that was selling life insurance. I said, This is simple to me. You know, you call in death threats the night before.

[00:19:30] And you show up.

[00:19:33] I don't know if that's accepted in the insurance world, but it seemed like a good idea.

[00:19:39] You know, it does it creates a little bit of the pre meeting. You know, it's like free paving and sales. They call that pre paving. That's good. Yeah, that could work. So instead of going door to door and asking people nosy questions, I actually have software that, you know, some people that I work with use and so we can take a look at the anonymous visitors on the website. And most of these stores. One of the big problems that they have is that 97% of the traffic is anonymous. They don't buy it. They don't opt in. They're never coming back. That's that's a huge number because that.

[00:20:18] Did get there somehow. And you need to.

[00:20:20] Know who.

[00:20:21] The heck they are.

[00:20:22] Yes. And most of the time they got there because the store owner paid for traffic to get them there. So that's a pretty expensive problem. I mean, that's like having a SIB, you know, that you're you're running all of your marketing dollars through. So we have these anonymous visitors. 97% of them are getting away. Well, working with me. A store owner is going to be able to identify, say, 20 to 50% depending on the day, because every day it's somebody different. So when we can identify them, we can get in front of them again. And then the question is, would the people that we can get in front of again, how many of those can you convert? You know, to a cell.

[00:21:07] So let's see if you're a multi billion dollar business. You've got this lock. They they suck up to you and give you anything you want, but.

[00:21:16] Right, right.

[00:21:16] Little guy. Yes. This stuff is not available normally.

[00:21:20] And it might not be.

[00:21:21] Available in the future because the way they've been squashed in small businesses.

[00:21:26] That's right. Yeah. Yeah. The whole the whole environment. I mean, the country was was founded on small business and now the small businesses, that that's the enemy. I mean, look at all the people who went out of business just in the last two and a half years.

[00:21:39] Yeah, big businesses are allowed to stay open. But the little guy. No, no, we're going to throw you in jail if you open your doors.

[00:21:45] Yeah, that's right. That's right. So this gives you a lot more control. Now, I can give you an example of how this can work.

[00:21:54] Go ahead. Let's we're here.

[00:21:58] Let let's let's say I go buy an air filter for my car. I need to replace the air filter in my car. So I go to the car parts store and I buy an air filter. Well, now while I'm there, they ask for my email address, or maybe I bought it online. So now my email address is part of what's called the ID graph. It's this big bucket of information that everybody who buys things, everybody's in it. I mean, if you pay for something with a credit card or you buy something on Amazon or someone asks for your email address and you anyway, everybody's in the ID graph. So now I'm in the system. Well, I go with my. I'd say that that is tagged to every device that I have. And now I go by, let's say, a glass vase at some little boutique online and it's pretty and it's got gardenias on it and it's gorgeous. Well, they don't the store owner doesn't know that. I just bought an air filter at the car parts store, but my ID is now matched to that gardenia base. And so now we've got two data points that show things that I buy and who I am, and that's in the ID graph. So the software, you know, we have a little a little pixel that tracks people. And just to get really geeky, I'll do this for about 18 seconds, maybe less.

[00:23:31] So really the app is all we allow.

[00:23:34] So. Okay, all right, I'll cut it short. So we, we, we have this identity resolution, which happens because of the pixel and. You know, because we have this tag, then we can get I'll even simplify it. Once we have that person in the system, we can reactivate them with ads, emails and postal mail. In some cases, not everybody has all the data points in there, but that kind of sums up what we're doing. And basically, we're we're kind of hoovering up a whole lot of anonymous browsing data that store owners have been missing.

[00:24:18] So is this is this like a retargeting on steroids kind of thing?

[00:24:22] Yeah, super steroids. Yes.

[00:24:25] And except for nobody knows what that is.

[00:24:28] Yep. So retargeting is just so targeting is when you're getting in front of people. Retargeting is when you're getting in front of people again. That's the simplest way to.

[00:24:39] Think it happens in real life. It happens when you stop somewhere to look at a product on Amazon and then that product starts following you around the world.

[00:24:48] I got a pair of boots in my closet right now that proves that that happens because those boots I saw them once and then they chased me around the Internet until I bought them.

[00:24:57] Yep. Well, unfortunately, I purchased a bra for my girlfriend that she needed with Amazon Prime real fast for some event, some special bras or something. And so for six months, bras ads kept chasing me.

[00:25:11] That's right. That's right. An advertiser paid for that. Lucky you, right? I should have.

[00:25:17] Thought about it. So now you really like Facebook ads and there's a lot of people out there that would go against you on that. So what what makes Facebook ads so good for you?

[00:25:29] Well, the best part of Facebook ads is that there are 2.91 billion monthly active users. And that's even after all of the shenanigans and the problems that Facebook has been through. But that and that number was. Q three or four of last year. So yeah. Yeah. So it was there a lot of people there. And if I, if I drop my car keys, I'm going to start looking where the lights are first. Before I start looking in the dark corners, I want to look in the obvious places. So there are a lot of people and Facebook has its own graph. Remember before I was talking about the ID graph where I showed up because of the air filter and the glass face and now I'm in that ID graph. Well, Facebook has its own graph and it has all sorts of data points on every single person who goes through there. So when we match our data with the data that's in Facebook and we get a match. You know, we can find the people that we want to find with with our customer list and with our prospect list. So even if you're just getting started, this works.

[00:26:38] But that's different than, you know, people just going on Facebook and trying to advertise. You're matching up to be able to target it better even. Yes, I see. Yeah. Yeah. Because, you know, so many people rag on Facebook ads and I mean, I particularly like YouTube in-stream ads because they're they're really, really cost effective if you learn how to use them. Yes, but but still, I never had this is the only place that you match your software with is Facebook.

[00:27:10] No. Any any platform where you can upload a customer list or a prospect list and the platforms don't know the difference. So TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, things.

[00:27:22] Like audience is that.

[00:27:24] You can build lookalike audiences off.

[00:27:27] Something called a lookalike audience that's.

[00:27:29] Know.

[00:27:30] It.

[00:27:31] Straight straight list upload. Yep. So even with Google, with the retargeting in Google, you can you can get in front of the the same people, a certain percentage of them over and over and over again just by uploading your list.

[00:27:48] Beautiful. Beautiful. So. So tell us some of success stories.

[00:27:53] Well, let's let's back up a little bit, because there was there was a young man who came to me and I'm old now, so I'm allowed to say that. So he came to me a few years ago and he was having a hard time getting past 80 $900 a month. Couldn't couldn't make any money. He was losing money hand over fist. He was really financially in a lot of trouble.

[00:28:18] He was pulling in 80 $900 a month, but losing money.

[00:28:22] Yes.

[00:28:22] Right on his store and all this.

[00:28:24] Stuff on the store. Right. Because, you know, you get cost of goods. You got to pay for software.

[00:28:28] That's why I like digital better.

[00:28:31] Go ahead. Well, right, exactly. Yeah. He he did not have 97% margins. Right. So he's making money, but he's not staying afloat and he can't buy more inventory. So he comes to me, he says, What am I doing wrong? I can't. So we fixed his ads, we made some tweaks in his store. Didn't even tweak his pricing yet. Well, 45 days later, he's at $35,000 a month just from working with me. So that was kind of fun.

[00:28:58] Did he have the software or was there other things that you can do for folks?

[00:29:02] This was even before the software there of the things that we did.

[00:29:07] Yeah, those people are making very common mistakes that somebody with a sharp eye and you've handled like 2500 people for.

[00:29:16] Yeah. Yes. I mean, starting starting back with that company that I was with, that I had learned software. I mean, I've audited, consulted, worked on over 10,000 businesses in the last I don't know, however long ago April of 2008 was. Got it. So I've seen.

[00:29:36] Things easily that would just go right over a typical business owners head.

[00:29:41] Exactly right. So we went from 80 $900 a month to $35,000 a month. And then it was 15 months after that point. This guy was running $1,000,000.

[00:29:55] Business and now you own the company, right?

[00:29:59] That was Victor Kim. And I don't say so, but.

[00:30:04] We've got to take a brief sponsor break. And when we come back, we'll get Amy to tell us what a typical day looks like for her. And then she's got some great stuff for you. So get a place where you can write it down. If not, all the stuff will be in the show notes. And she's got a real easy link for you to go to. So, folks, about 25 years ago, people started begging me to teach Internet marketing for small business because I had been so successful myself. When they started, they started begging me to do a boot camp. Well, I came from a comic background and everybody does boot camps. I was not about to do what everybody else does. So I was sitting there one day in front of my computer and I said, You know, I'm sitting here making all this money. I'll call it boot camp. And everybody thinks it's a typo, but it's it's the longest continuously running Internet and digital marketing seminar ever. And, and I've done about 11 countries around the world and in London, they call it made me call it Bum Camp was I couldn't call it bootcamp, but that led to my mentor program.

[00:31:09] It's also the longest running, most successful ever in the field of Internet. Digital marketing covers is very comprehensive. It's one on one. You get an immersion weekend at the retreat center here in Virginia Beach. We have a TV studio where we shoot videos for you and you have access to me and my entire team one on one for at least a year. So it's like I said, it's the most successful ever in the field of Internet and digital marketing. There's no high pressure here. If you'd like to discuss your future online, check it out at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com.

[00:31:43] All right. Let's get back to Miss Cool Amy Biddle. And I forgot to tell you, she is the recipient. I know she's going to blush over this. Of the Sally Wheeler Service Award. So we have never had anybody on here that's had that kind of accolade. So, so so Amy. What's a typical day look like for you?

[00:32:07] You did some digging, Tom. You went back.

[00:32:09] To my.

[00:32:10] Business. 1985. You hired a P.I. to find that one. Good.

[00:32:15] Oh.

[00:32:15] Thank you. So a typical day? Yeah. I wake up between three and 5 a.m. without my arm. Ready to go. All right, ready to go. And I just get up and I make some coffee and I have some quiet time and.

[00:32:28] Was it the same when you were a security guard?

[00:32:31] No, I used to. I used to hear the birds chirping outside at sunrise and swear and curse my life. I did not like that. Okay. So, yeah. So I get up and I'm ready to go and I have a little bit of quiet time and a little more coffee than a little and just hit the ground running. I'm reading more marketing articles and finding.

[00:32:57] You work out. Where do you eat? Do you?

[00:33:00] Yeah, I should work out.

[00:33:02] I mean, what do you do?

[00:33:04] A little bit of meditation, a little bit of like contemplation. I don't do so much of an Eastern type of meditation. Yeah, meditation. But, you know, contemplation, like thinking about the day ahead and how how's it going to go and that sort of thing. And then, you know, then it's whatever book I'm in, whatever articles I'm in the middle of reading, looking at whatever because, you know, marketing changes, there's there are always new tools, there are always new ideas. The principles are always the same. And that's one of the things that I find when I'm working with people. You know, a lot of people want the the tactics and the strategy and they want what's hot new. But if you know the principles is not a lot, you don't to worry so much about tactics. You can kind of hire that out sometimes.

[00:34:01] I'll bet you you're reading How to Automate Your Business by that really great guru guy.

[00:34:06] That really great guru, Tom Antion. I am reading it. I'm on my second or third reading, but right now it's open on the screen next to me. It's a great book. So then, you know, I'm into writing or constructing whatever it is that I'm doing currently, whatever the current project is. I mean, I've written two books, right? Well, I've written three. The third one has been published yet, but the growth guide for retailers, that's on the website, if you can build that me that's there. I've got the retailers e-mail.

[00:34:39] amybiddle.com

[00:34:51] Yeah, yeah. If you go to the dot com, there's another Amy Biddle on the other side of the country, and I think she sells real estate. So you're not going to find it. You're not going to find me there. Yeah, so go there. And that's where you can get the growth guide for retailers. It's a free download.

[00:35:07] That's what I've been quoting from folks really, really great about the Facebook numbers and the demographic psychographic stuff. The, the. Amy. I mean, the Matthew Ashley example of all the psychographic things that you probably never thought of. It's all in that great book.

[00:35:28] And that's that's what that focus is on. And, you know, really thinking about your customers in a different kind of way. Can't you really you really can't beat it. If you want more detail about email, you go to Amazon and put my name in and you'll find the retailer's email playbook. And that's a 67 point master plan you can start using right now to add 30% or more to your bottom line. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So there's that, too. But anyway, so by like nine or ten, the wheels have come off because I've already been at work for a few hours. I may or may not have some breakfast at some point and then keep going with podcast interviews because I have a podcast which you were on recently. Thank you again for that. And client meetings.

[00:36:21] Tell them the name of it.

[00:36:22] Oh, it's the traffic handler podcast.

[00:36:24] Traffic handler podcast.

[00:36:26] Right. And we're everywhere. So we're on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, iHeart Radio, every, every place libs and pushes out. So that's a heck of it.

[00:36:37] Yeah.

[00:36:38] Mm hmm. Yeah. So anyway, my days are long. It's pretty much whatever happens and comes up during the day, it kind of like I said, the wheels come off after about nine or ten in the morning because by then people are awake and they want something. So that's why I get up so early. But I got to tell you, I'm asleep by eight most nights.

[00:37:01] Well, all I can say, Amy, is thanks for coming on. And if it doesn't work out, you can always go back to cooking and.

[00:37:11] Short order, chef. That's my that's my plan B.

[00:37:15] So thanks so much. So, everybody, check out AmyBiddle.me. And that will lead you to the the growth book. And I imagine they can contact you there, right?

[00:37:25] Yep. There's a contact form. You can find some of the podcasts. There's a blog. Yeah. Fun stuff.

[00:37:32] There. Beautiful. And then type her name into Amazon for the other 67 Ways book.

[00:37:37] Yes.

[00:37:38] Well, thanks so much for coming on, Amy.

[00:37:40] Thank you, Tom. All right. Spend time with you.

[00:37:43] Yeah, fine. And like I said, folks, this lady is brilliant. She knows the numbers and the numbers of what make your business work. So check all this stuff out and we will catch you all in the next episode. See you later.