I have a repeat guest here because he does really great things for people and he's a great guest and known him for a long time. His name is Jeff Herring and he's a really prolific content creator and got a great new podcast coming up too.
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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 637
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[01:55] Tom's introduction to Jeff Herring [11:15] Coming up through the ranks from the dreaded JOB [16:07] Being a prolific writer [21:14] Even a dog can have its own blog [23:36] Working with students one on oneHigher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars
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Episode 637 – Jeff Herring
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 637 of Screw the Commute podcast. I have a repeat guest here because he does really great things for people and he's a great guest and known him for a long time. His name is Jeff Herring and he's a really prolific content creator and got a great new podcast coming up too. We're going to talk about it's coming up very soon, I think, on a week or so. So we'll tell you about the details on that because you do not want to miss that because he has helped thousands of people create, oh, I would say hundreds of thousands of pieces of content that promote their business. So we'll get him on in a minute. All right. Let's see a quick update on our program to get scholarships for persons with disabilities. And one of the person or one of the people has already started a website to help other people with disabilities. And another is totally revamping her husband's construction website. And first of all, those first two people are blind and they're shooting better videos than I do. And the third is the school teachers. And now that school's out, she's making rapid progress and her studies in the school.
[00:01:39] So check it out. Anything you can do to help out is great at screwthecommute.com/disability you can click over to the Go Fund Me campaign and see their videos on what they're doing. And it's just they're really inspirational love for you to help us out on that.
[00:01:56] All right, let's bring on the main event. Jeff Herring helps you take your content articles, blog posts, videos and and turn them into profitable digital courses. Content creators become content providers, and you don't have to have any experience to do this. You just have a brain. You can get this stuff out of it into a saleable format. In addition to being the host of the content profit show. Jeff is also the father of two sons, John and Caleb, the father in law of Caroline and a new Pops. I guess that's a grandpa to Bodie, and he's the wrangler of Duke, German Shepherd, Husky Wolf Combo. And four out of five of these folks are housebroken. You can decide which ones are. And, Jeff, are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:02:49] Let's do it. What's up, man?
[00:02:52] You've been 137 podcasts, dude. You're killing it.
[00:02:57] Yeah, that was just this week. Next week I'm at 1200 Slacker.
[00:03:02] Yeah, I remember. I was number five. So this is, you know, where I went to school? That's 632 episodes later.
[00:03:09] Yeah, that's.
[00:03:10] Cool.
[00:03:11] Yeah, that's. I wanted to have you on sooner, but I want to have you on every 600 episodes or so.
[00:03:18] That'll work. Actually, we did do one in between.
[00:03:20] Yeah, we do remember what number it is.
[00:03:22] Happy to be here, man.
[00:03:23] You got a whole new thing going where you're technically a digital nomad now, right?
[00:03:29] Yeah. It's something I've always wanted to do is just sell or give away most of my stuff and and do something like that. And I did this in late April and have been doing it for for several months now and, you know, doing it all through the north Georgia mountains, which are just beautiful with waterfalls and hikes and Appalachian Trail and stuff. And Duke comes along with me and and, you know, I brought I brought a whole group of my students there digitally for something we did this summer. And it's just a kick. I could. I could get used to this lifestyle.
[00:04:04] Well, what what's the coolest place you've stayed in?
[00:04:08] Oh, what a great question. Several cool places. But I'll tell you about the wildest story. There's a place called Hell in Georgia that is kind of like a.
[00:04:19] Is that h e ll Space Inn in Georgia.
[00:04:24] In Georgia, that's the summer temperature.
[00:04:27] You know, it's the politics.
[00:04:31] Oh, yeah. There you go. It's modeled after like a German town. They have October and all that.
[00:04:38] Kind of stuff. You have to wear cousins.
[00:04:40] Yeah, exactly. All that stuff all over the place have shops for it, actually. Anyway, I was staying there this summer and the night before I walked to the edge of this hill, we were on to take pictures of the sun setting over the town. And so the next night I went out to do the same thing. Had a very different result, Tom. I turned around and ten feet in front of me was a five or £600 black bear walking diagonally towards me, and my whole body froze, including my breathing. I wanted to take a picture, but was like, I'm not moving.
[00:05:17] You're supposed to run at them and jump on their back. That scares them. And then they run away. Don't follow that. I remember that. Don't follow.
[00:05:25] That. And as he as he turned to go off into the woods, he looked at me and I thought, is this how I die? And he was between me and the cabin I was in. The owners cabin was to my left. And there's somebody in the kitchen window washing dishes. And I'm thinking, if I scream loud enough, maybe I'll be able to make it to the front door. But he just lumbered on by and I finally got some pictures.
[00:05:51] And I thought you were going to.
[00:05:52] Say that.
[00:05:53] I thought they were going to say he said to you, hey, I want to talk to you about your auto insurance.
[00:06:01] What I talked about about your your extended warranty.
[00:06:06] Which you need one if I eat you.
[00:06:09] Exactly. And that that could have. I was really glad I didn't have Duke with me. Oh, and some people told me that, yeah, there'd have been a fight and Duke would have lost. And I'm not going to interrupt that. Other people have said there's no way the bear would have come there.
[00:06:24] I think that's true because black it's not a grizzly bear that's different. It's not a not a polar bear either, because they will eat you, kill you and and then smoke a cigar. It.
[00:06:38] Exactly. But I think there's a few of those sightings up here.
[00:06:42] What's that? Bigfoot. Oh, yeah, because there's.
[00:06:46] A few those sightings up here.
[00:06:47] I remember that commercial with Bigfoot for. His name's really Daryl. My brother Daryl and my other brother. Yeah. So. So you're traveling around the country now, so you're doing the same stuff you were doing when you were at home or just. You've got a new program coming or what?
[00:07:08] Some similar, some knew. First of the year I started playing with a new idea that had always been in my mind, and I'll explain that in a minute. But helping my my members, my students take their articles and flip them, repurpose them whatever word you want to use into a variety of information products. And people really reacted well to that. So what I did is I paired the digital nomad stuff with something I call the Summer of Profit. It's now called Content Profit Explosion. And I and just invited everybody to one to come on the summer tour with me, you know, and I would I would take pictures of things and videos of waterfalls and wish I could have got a better picture of the bear. And so my concern was when I started that summer long thing, 12 weeks, you know, are people going to drop out? Are they going to want refunds or whatever? And the opposite happened. The membership doubled during the summer. And we took it from how to create a profitable article, how to make medium your, you know, your traffic and list building site ebooks, mini classes I mean master classes, many course of course, signature course masterminds, mentor programs what else? Memberships and and through it I was able to create like six or seven products, but people were loving it. People have been taking action and people are wanting another version in September. And so that was proof enough of concept to me to start this podcast, the content profit show. And what we're going to do really do two shows a week. Monday will be I'll have a student loan and they'll bring an article and, and a good dad joke to the podcast and, and we'll flip, we'll turn their, repurpose their article into a, a digital product and even offered on that show.
[00:09:16] Right on.
[00:09:17] The show, yeah. Right on the show. And then promote the heck at it. We're going to do live cast and podcast and promote it in articles, videos, automated webinars. And then on Thursday I will do a three week cycle of either an interview or a training or another one of those article to, to product. And, and that that first Thursday I've got this guest that.
[00:09:46] Oh, you may know that some superstar as the guest.
[00:09:49] Yeah absolutely. This guy named Tom Antion.
[00:09:53] Oh, man. And I love that guy.
[00:09:56] He's a great guy because he's the only person I've ever learned from that every single thing he's suggested has worked.
[00:10:05] Yeah, I agree. That guy is awesome to the degree that people should definitely throw money at a gold coin.
[00:10:13] I think so too. Yeah. And it does rain by him too.
[00:10:16] Yeah. So so one thing I'm thinking about before we move forward is if you want to get better pictures of that bear, you need to go out there and just start yelling, Here's Smokey, here's Smokey and have meat wrapped around your neck.
[00:10:35] And I was thinking, I don't like bacon.
[00:10:39] Yeah, well, I don't know. Are bears carnivores or not? I don't know. They are.
[00:10:44] Herbivores. Some are. I know most of them. I think most of the black ones are like are not, but I mean.
[00:10:51] Just makes them hang some weed around you. You're bound to get somebody to come for a good picture.
[00:10:59] Especially in a vacation town like that. And then around the city is places like Sleepy Hollow and in other kind of crazy names, really. It's mostly old hippies, you know? Hot. Yeah.
[00:11:15] So let's take you back. So, you know, a lot of people new new listeners don't know your story, but you had the jetted dreaded and I my I get like throw up in my mouth when I say the word job. You had a job. So tell him. Tell him how you came up through the ranks.
[00:11:36] It was it was kind of a job and kind of not at the same time. I was a counseling psychologist in private practice, and so I was working for myself. But the only way I could make money was sitting in that chair. No nodding my head every day. Right.
[00:11:51] Yeah.
[00:11:52] And so I started playing on the Internet, trying to figure it out. And then I went to telling somebody this the other day, I went to a National Speakers Association meeting down in Orlando, and there was this crazy dude giving people gifts but shooting them all out of a leaf blower. Right. Remember that?
[00:12:16] Yeah.
[00:12:17] And but he and this guy, Tom, of course, was he had down what I wanted to do. So I thought, all right, I'm going to learn from this guy, eventually joined his mentor program and things have taken off from there. And so it was funny, Tom, like, like five, eight, eight years after I left Tallahassee, Caleb and I were down there for a reunion in 2015, and I've always looking for a way to describe how I went from therapist to what I do now. And a lot of people down there knew me as a therapist, excuse me, and they're asking me about it. And then one day I was walking back with Caleb in the group from a ballgame, and it hit me that I, I traded my slogan is, I traded my couch for a mouse.
[00:13:05] Yeah, that's, that's a good one. Yeah. Because I mean, literally, I mean, I know you don't know exactly, but roughly how many patients had you seen? At that.
[00:13:16] Point. You're talking about clients back in the day.
[00:13:20] Students now? No. Clients back in the day.
[00:13:22] Oh, gosh, I'd easily say. Five figures altogether. And part of that was because I ran an adolescent drug treatment program before that with a lot of people, and then I did a lot of groups in my practice. So yeah, I've, I've seen a lot of people, but I mean, at the drug treatment center, I was sometimes the only adult there with 45 kids in a group. Right. And so to be in a private practice and walk into a group with eight kids, my colleagues are shaking their heads, but I'm thinking, this is okay, man.
[00:13:55] Well.
[00:13:56] You did one on one, though, too, right?
[00:13:59] Did one on one did couples and did adolescents and their families include.
[00:14:03] Did you ever on a one on one fall asleep.
[00:14:08] Tom.
[00:14:10] It was so close and it would be on days when I went to either Sonny's or this Chinese buffet and ate too.
[00:14:17] Much.
[00:14:18] And came back for my afternoon clients and it was getting ready to rain and dark, you know. And, you know, it was it was close a few times, but I never had to use it. But I had a strategy for that. If I ever fell asleep when I came back to, I was going to tell him, I'm trying out this new technique. I'm having these little mini dreams about how to solve your problem.
[00:14:40] That's a good idea to have in your back pocket, unless you're your head hit the floor when.
[00:14:47] You start ruling and twitching or something. The other thing from those days that really works here online is I've been doing groups since I was 13 years old in various situations. You get them in.
[00:15:03] For sex or what? What do you mean?
[00:15:05] Well, back then it was therapy. But when I was when I was 13, I did everything you could do wrong in 1971 except get somebody pregnant. And one one Monday morning I went to to it was eighth grade. And my buddy Chuck, who I'd gotten high with the night before, comes up to me and says, right now my mom is over your mom's house telling your mom everything. I'm like, Oh, this is going to be fun when I go home. So I was grounded for life and hadn't joined the Boy Scouts, but became the youngest patrol group leader in Orlando up to that time. And ever since then, I've been doing groups in some form, and that way of being able to work with a group of people translates really well. You know, like not too long after I do this, I'm doing my content Prophet Nation group and you know, a lot of people as they come on board doing what we do, they get nervous with groups. And to me, it's like like I said, I've been doing this for 51 years now.
[00:16:08] Wow. So when did all this prolific writing occur? Didn't you have like 1200 articles out or something?
[00:16:16] Yep. And this is the funny thing. The local paper, the Tallahassee Democrat, started having a mental health column, and the first three people wrote stuff like what is depression, what is bipolar, what is anxiety? Like, really exciting stuff, right? And then the fourth person who was in my practice drove me crazy. That got it because I applied and didn't get it. She went like Shirley MacLaine, woo, woo. And so when it came around again, I applied. Got it, which was hilarious because I never finished my PhD in counseling psychology because my professors told me I couldn't write and I believed them. Right. About three years after I got started on this gig, Dr. Mary Hicks, one of the professors that told me I couldn't write, signed up for one of my content creation workshops. Pretty happy. And so what I started doing was I noticed that the thing people didn't know how to do was create content, right? And that's how I got started here. But that that weekly column for the newspaper, it showed two simple things. It showed my unique approach to problems and my unique solutions to problems. And it was supposed to be six months for a year. It went ten years, got syndicated nationally and the Internet internationally. And I had people flying in from New York to little old Tallahassee, Florida, to do therapy with me. Wow. And so, you know, people told me for a while that I ought to teach that online. And I thought, well, yeah, but there's only so many newspapers, right? I don't want to create competition for myself. And and then the Internet changed from a fad, you know, to something pretty cool. And so I started teaching content creation online.
[00:18:03] And, you know, there were like a couple of thousand articles that came from the column. And then one day on a on a, I mean, a tele seminar I was teaching, somebody told me about evening articles and I'm like, Oh man, I can fill them up. And that kind of built my, my community, you know? And so I just started doing kind of the same stuff. Helping people create content. And one of my favorite stories is this woman on a tele seminar. Remember those? This woman was wed to the idea that she couldn't create content, couldn't write an article. And I tried every therapy trick I knew and it wasn't working. And I finally used the ultimate one I gave up. And then I just started asking her about her niche. I said, Well, what? What are you into? What do you teach? What do you coach for? She told me, and I said, Well, what's one of the biggest mistakes people make when you're starting out in this? And she told me and I wrote it down and I said, Well, what do you do instead? And she told me, and I wrote it down. And I did that two more times, you know, for three mistakes. And I said, I just created the outline of your first article, and this is why I tell people I made a woman cry on and tell someone because she started crying and has gone on to be a pretty prolific content creator. And so. From the very beginning. Tom And that kind of leads from then to now. One of the things I noticed is that people would go to create products and start over completely over and just stare at a blank screen forever.
[00:19:40] And what I noticed very early on in this, going back to like oh seven, is that you started creating your product when you've written an article, a blog post, or created a video. You just need to bundle them together. That was my first e-book was five articles on how to deal with Difficult People, and it was titled. Because you taught me how to do this. Back in the beginning. It was titled Beat the Bozos How to be a How to Deal with Difficult People Without Becoming One Yourself. And one day I put it together, spit it out, and like 90 minutes later, I got that first $17 order in the world changed for me. But what I noticed is, just like I just said, you can either bundle your articles or expand on your article content to create products so you're never staring at a blank screen when you create a product. In my model, you know you're taking something you've already created, and there's a site now called Medium.com. Maybe we can talk about later that. What I pay attention to is the articles that have got the best response time, that have made the most money over there, that have got the most responses, the most likes. And that's what I turn into, into a program, a product. The summer of profit came from my most viewed article ever, which was 21 income streams from one article. And so you've already created the content medium helps you take the guesswork out, right, because the audience has already voted and then you can create all kinds of products from there.
[00:21:15] Now, anybody can do this. I think you've proven that because you had a dog that had its own blog.
[00:21:25] Buddy, theInternetdog.com. He passed in April. But yeah, he had his own blog. And it was funny, Tom, that you mentioned that I was thinking about this interview. I was actually thinking of you when I was in the shower.
[00:21:37] And don't do that.
[00:21:39] Don't do that. You know.
[00:21:42] I thought, you know, but I mean, Duke, my current dog. Yeah, it's.
[00:21:45] Duke because he's taken over.
[00:21:48] He needs a blog. I'm going to I'm going to look up. I'm going to get Duke the Internet dog and have him take over.
[00:21:53] I thought he would take over the. The other one just continued.
[00:21:57] I'll probably just change the OC. Yeah, that's true. I guess I could do that. But I've got to change the name. So yeah, if a dog can do it and if somebody that couldn't finish their PhD because they couldn't finish their dissertation could do it. And if the lady that I made cry can do it. Listen, folks, here's the thing. If you can write a seven item grocery list, you can write a seven chip article.
[00:22:23] Simple as that. I could write it and I've got 1000. Being article was my grocery list is big.
[00:22:31] Well, there you go. Especially dog food. And so really, it's a matter of I call it fill in the blanks. Remember? Remember Mad Libs?
[00:22:41] Oh, I love those. Yeah, they're still around me too.
[00:22:43] I still play them. And it's really like that. You fill in the blank, you tell a story, and I've got I don't know how many I've lost track of how many content profit templates I've got, where you just fill in the blanks to create articles, emails.
[00:22:59] I still stole them. If I get stuck for a blog posting or something, I pull it out. Those templates you made. How many are you up to now on sell the.
[00:23:10] Current version has there's 37 in there, but in some of most of them are articles, others are emails, videos. And what I'm working on now is creating templates for everything from ebooks to master classes, many courses, courses, signature courses, mentor programs, masterminds, memberships. So even creating products is going to be fill in the blank easy.
[00:23:37] All right. So when a student comes to you. How do you start working with them if it was a one on one student?
[00:23:46] The first thing I would want to know is their niche, what they're into. And I would go over to Medium and do some research under that niche and find out the all the articles that are written over there, the people that are doing it, and the publications they have over there and the keywords that are used over there. Right. And so I'd show them that, hey, you can you can dominate this space. You can be number one or at least in the top ten in this space, get a lot of traffic, build your list, etc. And then I'd pull out probably the three mistakes template because it's the easiest thing, you know, and have them fill that one out and create an article and they would create it, bring it back to me, we'd finish it together and then we'd start talking about using it to, to get traffic to build their list. Because every day I get new people on my list for medium and then we talk about, okay, which, which articles are doing the best over there. That's what will turn into a product, you know, and then we decide whether it's an e-book or a master class or a course or course or, you know, a membership site.
[00:24:52] You know, I wrote that article a long time ago on how to was actually like a transcript of a class on how to sell your knowledge in 19 different ways. So you've like doubled that you.
[00:25:06] Yeah. Yeah. I mean you've got me started it. I've made a whole lot of more from that. But I remember, I remember where I was standing in my kitchen, in my house in Tallahassee when I was listening to that tell a seminar that came from this is back in like oh five, oh six, maybe even oh four. But anyway, I asked you on that tell a seminar. I said, Tom, what would happen if you did this with ah part of this with every one of your articles and you said you'd get very well known very fast. And so I did and I did.
[00:25:43] None of this is rocket science, folks.
[00:25:46] It's not.
[00:25:47] You just have to decide and then go do it. And none of it costs a lot of money either.
[00:25:52] No. To be super consistent with it.
[00:25:55] Consistent and persistent. Just like 637 episodes of a podcast.
[00:26:01] Yeah, I've got something along those lines called CPR. Tom It stands for consistent, persistent and Resistant.
[00:26:08] Yeah. And, you know, I have CSI. Right? Yeah. I'll let you tell the crappy, stupid idea.
[00:26:15] Yeah.
[00:26:16] Don't do it. And I had some of those this summer with my students.
[00:26:19] You're allowed to have them, because if you don't have the crappy and stupid ones, you'll never find the ones that are great.
[00:26:26] That's exactly right. And that's what I said to Summer to a couple of students that had a crappy, stupid ID and I quoted you. I said, Tom Antion would say, you got a CSI. And, you know, they were able to hear that and not pout. And, you know, we came up with a better idea.
[00:26:42] Yeah. I mean, all ideas have to be molded into something that works. And when you get feedback from the people seeing the idea, do they like it? Do they not? Do they give you suggestions? Or they say, I wish it had this or that's how it improves you? Just very seldom is something a home run right off the bat?
[00:27:01] Yeah, very seldom. And so what I tell people now is, like I said, if you can if you can create a seven item grocery list, not only can you create content, but you can turn that content into products, whatever your area of interest is. I mean there's I know a woman that her whole niche. It's not corgi dogs, Tom. It's Corgi dog paraphernalia. Mm hmm. Millionaire because of it. And they have a corgi dog paraphernalia conference every year.
[00:27:33] Is this like corgi smoking dope? Is that is that what you're talking about?
[00:27:37] You know, I'm sure there are some things doing that or doing a full frontal nudity scene or something, you know, and if and if she can do it. Come on, folks. You know, I'm working with a friend down in Orlando now, who? He can take you anywhere in central Florida and you'll catch fish. And it's like, okay, let's turn that into something, man.
[00:27:59] Well, yeah, you could go in to the. There's a place here that's Aquariums Unlimited.
[00:28:07] You can go there.
[00:28:09] I guess so.
[00:28:11] So you got to use the right bait or you get kicked out.
[00:28:14] Yeah. So tell them. Tell them more about the show, when it's going to fire off and how to find it and all that stuff.
[00:28:22] It's going to be at thecontentprofitshow.com.
[00:28:44] Yeah. Although content profit show I have and I'm going to forward to there again something you taught me and so it starts August 29th and we'll start with a live cash that's going to be at 4:00. And what we'll do on the first Monday show is and every Monday I'll bring on a student and all that I have to bring to the to the the podcast. The live cast is a good dad joke and an article, and we'll turn that article into a product right there in front of everybody. And I also have a way for people to get an early discount on that article. Then it'll turn into a podcast, several articles, videos, and then automated webinars of that show or other things of theirs. And once that product is completed, they'll come back and give me that link and that'll also be in the show notes, right? So people are going to get a lot of a lot of publicity through that and they'll be a link on the site to to apply to be a guest. And then on Thursdays at 4:00, I'll do another livecast it'll turn into a podcast and that'll rotate three weeks cycle of an interview like I'm doing with you. Might as well start with the best, right? And then a training where I'll teach something and then another one where I'll do another Monday show, you know, taking an article and turning into a product for someone. And you know, I've done a couple of podcasts before and just I didn't I didn't have a passion for it, you know, it was too much like everything else. But this man, this just got me super excited. I've seen the results this summer of people from that, that summer of content program, I mean, summer profit program. And I am super excited about this because, you know, it's just different enough. Like, you taught me to be different enough to be unique, right?
[00:30:49] Well, what I'm confused about, and I've been trying to find an answer to this for a long time, what exactly is a dad joke?
[00:30:58] Well, it's what's been phrased as the phrase has come up with really stupid, corny jokes. Somebody came up with the dad joke name. So dad joke can be any stupid, corny joke. I even thought of doing a podcast like that. There's a there is a group out there called We got the chocolates that do this. It's about ten.
[00:31:20] 20 to 30 like x rated, though, right?
[00:31:23] Well, some of them are. But I mean, like when we can tell on a family show like this is how do you tell the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer?
[00:31:31] Oh.
[00:31:32] The taste.
[00:31:34] Yeah, that's. That's pretty risque, I would say.
[00:31:38] Well, you know.
[00:31:39] I wanted to.
[00:31:40] Envelope a little bit, but, you know, I've told you something we can't repeat.
[00:31:44] Oh, absolutely. So is this is this one this is one of my favorites. Did you hear about the Barbie divorce doll? No. Tell me. It comes with everything Ken had. Is that a dad joke?
[00:32:00] That's a good dad joke. That's like Louis Grizzard was a columnist and an author down here out of Atlanta years ago, and he would come up with all these things. And one of them was he said, I'll never get married again. I'm just going to find a woman I hate and give her my house.
[00:32:17] That's good. And and I always say marriage is grand, but divorce is 200 grand.
[00:32:23] Yeah.
[00:32:24] Tell me about it. But, yeah, any kind of silly joke. I mean, some of the basic ones that are kid's stuff are like, you know, what did the ocean say to the shore? Nothing. It just waved. I mean.
[00:32:37] You know, okay.
[00:32:39] So you can get that bad or you can get pretty bad.
[00:32:42] Well, there's the really sad thing that just happened that I guess you could say it's funny, but the the owner of IKEA passed away.
[00:32:50] And it comes.
[00:32:56] It was a shame because they had to delay the funeral because nobody could figure out how to put the casket together. And then everybody that wanted to attend the funeral couldn't figure out how to get out of the store.
[00:33:11] That's right. It turned into a grave situation.
[00:33:16] All right. So the content profit show, it's rolling the what they call the first episode or something. The premiere or the.
[00:33:26] Premiere episode or the inaugural premiere episode. Yeah, premiere episode.
[00:33:30] We'll have a great superstar guest. We all bow down to bow down to tie my shoes. But great. Come on. Great catching up with you, man.
[00:33:44] You too. I always tell him to take good care and thanks for the opportunity to be in front of your folks. Thanks.
[00:33:50] Duke.
[00:33:50] To.
[00:33:51] Duke's got to get his show going.
[00:33:54] You know what? I decided that, like I said, when I was thinking about you in the shower and I'm going to have to get I'm going to hang up and and by duke the Internet dog.
[00:34:05] Oh, yeah. Good. Because you'll be able to do that before people hear this. So because everybody will want that.
[00:34:10] Oh, yeah. I wouldn't I wouldn't have said that if. Yeah.
[00:34:14] All right, everybody. August 29th, 4 p.m. Eastern. Be there or be square the content profit show with Jeff Herring. And I will see you there myself. All right. Catch you later, Jeff.
[00:34:29] I'll take good care of me. I appreciate you.
[00:34:30] All right. We'll catch everybody on the next episode. See you later.