54 - The Master Negotiator: Tom interviews Greg Williams - Screw The Commute

54 – The Master Negotiator: Tom interviews Greg Williams

Greg Williams is the master negotiator and body language expert. He's also a TV News contributor. He's authored seven books on the topic of negotiation and reading body language and he's trained tens of thousands of people worldwide. Today he'll unlock some extremely important negotiation secrets that you can use to better your negotiation outcomes.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 054

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[01:38] Tom's introduction to Greg Williams

[03:02] How Greg teaches people to negotiate

[09:56] Learning skills on the J O B

[21:57] Deciding to go out on his own

[23:55] Getting screwed in business is par for the course

[26:37] Crazy Mercedes-Benz story

[30:00] Tips for learning negotiating skills

[32:19] The best and worst things about working for yourself

[38:03] Sponsor message

[39:17] A typical day for Greg and staying motivated

[43:55] Parting thoughts for all us Screwballs

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page: https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

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30 Speaking Tips in 37.625 Minuteshttp://www.onlinemeetingnow.com/register/?id=l8i4jyv23a&

Greg's websitehttps://www.themasternegotiator.com/

Negotiating With A Bully bookhttps://www.amazon.com/Negotiating-Bully-Charge-Tables-People/dp/1632651351/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1537061798&sr=1-1

Body Language Secrets To Win More Negotiations bookhttps://www.amazon.com/Body-Language-Secrets-More-Negotiations/dp/1632650592/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1541621287&sr=8-1&keywords=body+language+secrets+to+win+more+negotiations

Greg's LinkedIn pagehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/themasternegotiator/

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 054 – Greg Williams
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:25] Hey hey hey everybody. It's Episode 54 of Screw the commute podcast we've got a great guest. I've known him for a couple of hundred years. Name is Greg Williams and he's going to teach you. Listen this. He's going to teach you how to negotiate your way out of a paper bag. So he'll be here in a minute. Episode 53. Hope you didn't miss that. Denise Wakeman she's built her entire business around her love for hiking and mountain climbing. She's got a truly lifestyle business today's sponsor is amazingpublicspeaking.com. This is the membership site with over 475 professional and public speaking training videos plus audios and articles. And we also have a corresponding complimentary webinar called 30 speaking tips and thirty seven point sixty two five minutes. We go a little bit longer than that and we will have a link to that in the show notes at Screwthecommute.com/54. Because this is Episode 54.

[00:01:39] All right let's get to the main event. They say many people in our government couldn't negotiate their way out of a paper bag. That's why they overpay for everything with our tax dollars. Well you don't want your personal and business money wasted. And our guest is going to teach you how to get what you want when you negotiate. Greg Williams is the master negotiator and body language expert. He's also a TV News contributor. He's authored seven books on the topic of negotiation and reading body language and he's trained tens of thousands of people worldwide. Today he'll unlock some extremely important negotiation secrets that you can use to better your negotiation outcomes. And hey business is about negotiating with clients with vendors with employees. Every day is a negotiation. So Greg Are you ready to screw?

[00:02:41] Such an invitation.

[00:02:55] All right we'll go to dinner if you insist. Greg I've known you forever. But tell everybody what you do.

[00:03:04] Tom I teach people how to negotiate better and to achieve more of what it is that they want out of life. I also teach stuff how to read body language and non-verbal clues so that they get insight into the mindset of the people that they're negotiating with. Tom my model is you're always negotiating and that means what you do today actually influences tomorrow's outcomes and thus by being able to read body language to gain insight into the real thoughts that are occurring in the other negotiator's mind one can become not only a better negotiator but in the process achieve more of what it is they seek in life. That's how I teach people or that's what I teach people to do.

[00:03:50] OK so let's think this scenario you're in a definitely high stakes negotiation and somebody on the other side gets up and shoots the moon at you. How do you read that. Are you winning or losing at that point.

[00:04:24] But seriously Tom you just hit a factor of negotiation and that factor is the unknown. There are times we can do things as a negotiator that will change the dynamics of the negotiation. I must admit that last scenario that you just created might be interpreted as being a little let's call it brash.

[00:04:54] I see that happening in some circles but you know maybe not it's not mainstream I wouldn't say it exactly. But think about what might be associated with such a move.

[00:05:10] But anyway it could be representative of some something that's going on in their mind about negotiation. Truly they could give you their finger. They could be a lot of things they could cross their hands they could cross their arms they could look away to all of these things.

[00:05:38] Well well yes exactly. And when they do it is what you should take note of as you're negotiating because they have committed such an act because of something that was either said done or something that they saw what they're doing is reacting to that stimuli. So if you are aware of what caused them to do that and let's say you wanted to provoke that type of reaction in them that means you're on the right track per whatever negotiation scenario you're engaged in then the outcome you're seeking to continue doing the same thing.

[00:06:16] You've got the response that you wanted if you didn't then you've got to change tactics I guess.

[00:06:21] Exactly. And that goes to the point also of making sure in the planning stages of a negotiation that you adopt different scenarios whereby if X occurs you will exercise A If y occurs you will switch to B. All negotiations you should plan for any type of potentialities that you encounter as to how you'll address that particular situation.

[00:06:50] So yeah it's a serious thing. You want to go in and wing it no matter how experienced you think you are. Because I know even in speaking like that that night before I'm still practicing stories out loud just to make sure I don't flub but when I'm in a real setting and I might have then those stories 1500 times hard to tell. So practice is important.

[00:07:11] And that's exactly what makes you the professional that you are and will do so for those negotiating. I oftentimes tell people depended upon the severity of the negotiation and the outcome that you seek. You should definitely go through role plays.

[00:07:28] When you say the words severity you mean the amount of money involved or or the confrontation involved. Or what do you mean by severity.

[00:07:38] The value that you seek. Because money is not necessarily the delimiter that some people seek from a negotiation. They want more prestige. And thus the value to them would be and gaining more prestige as the result of the outcome of the negotiation.

[00:07:55] An employee might want more time off or something.

[00:08:00] Exactly Tom. And that's why you need to focus on what it is that you really want and put a label on it. Like I just said a moment ago it may not be dollars. It may not be in some cases it may not be prestige it may be more time off to spend with your family etc. So if you know what it is that you're aiming for you then know how to role play for that outcome and in the role play. You should also have someone that will be like the individual that you will be negotiating with.

[00:08:32] Or you could imagine them if you had to if you're by yourself.

[00:08:37] Well yes you can and the purpose of having another individual is because if you practice by yourself you'll be engaged in the mental attitude that you already have per how you think that negotiation will flow and thus if you actually roleplay with another individual that will shift the dynamics of the thought process that goes into the negotiation.

[00:09:05] I see that can be touchy there Greg because let's say you know you're going to negotiate with a really big jerk and say you go to somebody else in your company and you say look I got this association with a really big jerk and you're the closest person that I have to practice on.

[00:09:32] Well in that particular case you may not want to get someone inside of your organization.

[00:09:49] Hey Greg so you've been doing this for a long time ever since I've known you but did you ever have a job.

[00:09:57] I actually started my business in 1993. I actually had a job I was a senior vice president of an organization. And at that time I had the highest margins in the company and the president came to me and said Well you know what are you doing differently. Can you teach the other people how to do it. And I told them I just negotiate. And I didn't even consider the fact that I was a good negotiator.

[00:10:28] But I had learned skills literally from the time I was a kid watching my mother negotiate for everything and At times she would say to people I heard you say that's your best price but how much better can you make that. Here I am this little kid 4 5 6 7 8 years old. I remember telling my mother Mom that's embarrassing people will think we're poor. She said well first of all we are. And number two the more money you save the more money you can do with what you have left. If you learn to negotiate better you'll learn to save more money. Tom actually took my tag line from her. You're always negotiating. She was the one that actually gave me that tag line.

[00:11:26] So beautiful. Great story. It reminds me of my mother because I came from a little two horse literally still to this day populated with 500 people and we live in the suburbs. So total sticks I came from. And then I hit it big I was living in D.C. and it had a big Mercedes sedan. I go back to this little town to visit my mom and she'd always beg me to take her to a thrift store and the Salvation Army because we grew up very frugal and still to this day I'm frugal not cheap. And so I pull up in a big Mercedes to the Salvation Army and she's inside bitching about this blouse that cost 25 cents. She wants it for 15 cents because it has a stain on it. I'm crawling under the counter. But to this day I'm always bargain hunting and she did the same for me. She taught me to watch your money.

[00:12:33] Exactly. And that's a very good lesson too because our parents came from a generation whereby you had to watch what it was that you had in order to get more of what it was that you wanted and thus like yourself I'm frugal also to this day. And truth be know Tom I still do love going into thrift stores. I consider it like almost like a bargain hunting adventure or something you know.

[00:13:01] Where I do it now There's buying apps so Facebook marketplace. I did a whole thing on this one episode. But there's offer up there's Let's go Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace and virtually everything that I buy. It's possible the buy I buy it off of buying app and I get 90 percent off of brand new stuff. Somebody got an electric drill for a gift. I mean this one guy told me that my wife wants me to fix anything I can barely put my socks on in the morning I'm not drilling holes and stuff it was brand new like 90 percent off. So yeah I love that kind of stuff. But take me back a little bit further. You took me back to when you were a kid. But I mean the jobs before you were a big shot executive. What did working up to this.

[00:14:01] Oh my gosh Tom literally now you'll understand the time frame that I'm speaking of when I said when I was four years old my parents allowed me to shine shoes. Close to a quarter literally. And it was that the neighborhood bar to be quite frank with you. And I used to see all kinds of people going in and out of the bar and the men would allow me to shine their shoes and I noticed if I was nice at times nicer than normal whatever be the case they'd give me a dime instead of a nickel. Sometimes they give you a quarter. And I took note of OK so the way you project yourself to someone to a degree determines how they will also interact with you and therefore you can enhance that process by being nice sometimes. Sometimes there were jerks that you mentioned a moment ago type of individuals and those were people even at a young age that I realized you have to stand up to those type of people or else they'll run over you or attempt to do so. And again I developed my negotiation strategies as a result of that as I grew older I was a chef trainee. I was a dishwasher. My gosh Tom I was a computer operator systems analyst computer programmer. I mean I've touched so many rungs on the ladder. I've climbed over the years that I guess it also gave me a good background from which to create negotiation scenarios and address them.

[00:15:32] Yeah well when you say about the person running over you is this the same thing somebody could use against the bully some of the things that you teach.

[00:15:41] Yeah. Oh definitely so. Because in some cases in my latest book Negotiating with a bully as an example I speak about the fact that you have three types of bullies you have the hardcore bully the Middle Core bully and the soft core.

[00:15:57] Before you explain this for business people with the metaphor of a bully or is this for real bullies for kids and teens and things like that.

[00:16:05] This could go this can go across all spectrums. It really really can. Because first of all you know that you're being bullied based on how you feel. And thus Tom someone may approach you and say something in a derogatory manner and you may go well I don't think so or whatever might be your response to tell them hey that's not acceptable someone else may encounter the same type of individual and may just shrug it off because for whatever reason they don't accept it or recognize it as being bullying or being bullied. And thus the way you feel will determine to what degree you're being bullied and then you need to identify the type of person that you're dealing with the hardcore bully is someone that doesn't give a heck about you. Period point blank he's out to maximize his returns. He will step on own mother in order to do that the middle core bully is someone that has graduated from the soft core bully. But at the same time has not reached the levels of a hardcore bully and thus he's still feeling his way as it were the soft core bully is someone that I also term a bully in waiting a bully in training someone that will test to what degree he can bully others and he's the one that you stand up to the most and he'll back down the quickest and that will deescalate as you go further up the line.

[00:17:36] So will all of them you know they say a lot of them you know they won't respect you until you stand up to them. Is that true across the board or can that get your face beat in.

[00:17:44] Years ago you and I did a session about negotiations. My answer was It depends. And it really does it depends on the type of individual that you're dealing with and you read it based on the environment that you're in because let's say you're dealing with a soft core bully but you're into the environment where people are egging him on to confront you and if you then say something along the lines of Oh OK so you just said you're going to punch me in the face. What do you think. If by chance he says I'm going to punch you in the face. And your response is Well what do you think I'm going to do while you're punching me in the face. Well the folks back at him say something like Oh he's challenging you he's threatening you.

[00:18:38] And that will egg him on that promotes him to do something that he otherwise would not have done. Now depending upon the environment. Again you read the bully and certain body language gestures that you can observe in order to gain insight into his thought process. Let's say while he said I'm glad to punch you in the face he is literally withdrawing his head back ever so slightly from you. Well what he's saying is I'm going to punch you in the face. But no I really don't want to. Oh my gosh Tom I'm near New York. Can't you hear the train going by.

[00:19:12] Yeah yeah. All right. Don't jump on it. I was just thinking when they got you know if that happened to me when the guy moved his head back that means I'd hit him in the throat because he's exposed. Before he could say another word and I'd say who's next.

[00:19:36] But what I was saying is I don't promote violence but Tom in that particular situation that might be the appropriate action.

[00:19:45] Well you know I don't know if you know I have the brutal self defense course. But yeah there's times when you have a preemptive strike because you can't get killed or maimed if you don't so you have to do it in a situation that you can articulate why you felt so threatened like that was going to happen to you. But you know you have to take the element of surprise and strike first. If it's evitable you can't run can't get away get the safety sometimes you have to preemptive strike.

[00:20:18] Exactly. And understand something about bullying bullying is all about control. So like you just said a moment ago if you are preemptive and you strike that individual you have literally taken control from him. Now again going back to the environment depended upon who else is in the environment you might be prepared to strike others if they approach you or striking that bully may cause the others to back away too. So you're calculating to what degree you should do what in a particular situation based on who else is in that environment.

[00:20:56] Absolutely. Sounds like the self defense class. But I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't strike him in the throat unless it was the last ditch effort it would be more I would be trying to deescalate.

[00:21:07] Yeah exactly. And Tom that can be done with words you can say something along the lines of let's say he's somewhat aggressive and when I say somewhat aggressive on a scale of 1 to 10 he's at a 5 and you can tell that he really doesn't want to be aggressive but he's testing you. You can either lean closer to him and say look we really don't have to do this or you could say you really don't want to do this. You know let your words carry the weight of the actions that you might perpetrate.

[00:21:42] Or you could say Look man I'm sorry whatever I did I didn't mean it I'm sorry let me buy a drink. So things like that. You're not showing weakness but you're not going too far to escalate things.

[00:21:55] Exactly. Exactly.

[00:21:57] Ok so so you remember when back to the executive suite. Somebody asked you to teach what you do and when did you decide to go on your own.

[00:22:09] Well like I said 1993 is when I started my business. And I had already started preparing because prior to working for that particular organization I told the president that I was going to be with that company for approximately five years. He was the one to reminded me that it was five years to that date to the day rather that I made that statement that I actually tendered my resignation and it was something that I had planned from the time I was in college. The progressions that I would go through in order to reach a point where I could start and sustain my own business that time occurred. I was actually in the position of doing so and I just went forth and did just that.

[00:22:54] But you had money the money in the bank was it just cold turkey.

[00:22:59] No no no no no no no no no. I definitely had money. Again remember what I said. You plan what will occur tomorrow by doing the actions that are needed today.

[00:23:12] So did you like hire yourself back to that same company or how did you get your first clients.

[00:23:17] No I did not hire myself back to that same company but I had actually surveyed companies that were outside of the contractual area that I had with that organization to assess to what degree they would support my own efforts. And I got very favorable feedback from those that said they would. And sure enough within the first 30 or 60 days of stepping out on my own I had I think four or five clients.

[00:23:49] So you plan for that really too, to see who was ripe fruit for you. So have you ever gotten screwed in business.

[00:24:00] If you been a business and you haven't got screwed you're not in business. Well Tom now you're invoking some painful memories. I had one particular partner that literally took me for a quarter of a million dollars. I still feel pain. And what did I do about it. Tom I'm from I was from going to preface this I was from an environment that said eye for an eye tooth for a tooth et cetera et cetera et cetera. But I grew out of that because I wanted to become more of the gentleman you handle disputes through conversations. And the truth be known with that individual that was my first attempt to handle it through conversation. And it escalated. And I had to really release it and accept the lessons that I learned from that experience by letting it go. I found out I was creating more mental harm and stress for myself. And I literally turned it over to God. Now some people maybe go oh yeah. Well I would did X Y Z to that guy. And I thought about doing just that. He ended up dying of cancer and cancer shortly after the encounter. And I said to myself ok so God took care of it. It worked for me because I was serious. I never got the money back. But I consider that to be the lesson I paid for in knowing when to trust other individuals and Tom something that also let me to learn more about reading body language. I did all kinds of due diligence with this guy and checked him out ten ways to Sunday and everything came back positive. The one flaw that I did not consider that he had was if he got into financial trouble like a lot of people like some people I should say he did things that were irrational things that I had never considered that he would do because I thought that was so far outside of the realm of possibility that I did not consider it as I said that was what I considered the price to pay for a stern lessons that I learned.

[00:26:35] I give you something a bit more lighthearted think about anything funny bizarre weird happen in any of these negotiations.

[00:26:44] Oh yes. You spoke about my Mercedes a moment ago. And I must have been in my early 30s at the time went into a Mercedes dealership and I did not have the wherewithal that I have today about negotiating with folks and so forth and so on and I ended up buying a gold colored Mercedes. Now I did not have the fat ribs on it or anything like that. But someone said to me black man and a gold Mercedes. Yeah that's right. I don't know how professional that image projects itself. Back to the dealership and I said to the dealer the salesperson you know I realize I made a mistake with this car. I don't want it. Now there's a rescission law that you have five days from the time you make a major purchase and the salesperson said well I'm sorry we can't do anything about it you purchased a car. And I told him what I just spoke of. And he said Well you'll have to speak to the sales manager. And I said No problem. So I spoke with the sales manager and Tom throughout the interactions I had with the sales manager. He said to me oh my gosh you know what you really are a great negotiator.

[00:28:25] Now you didn't have a long fur coat on and a big cigar.

[00:28:28] No no. Nor did I have the moniker of Superfly but the sales manager and complimenting me really made me feel good and he said I tell you what how about if I take I can't remember the exact amount maybe five six thousand dollars off of what I had already paid and I'll just get that back to you and you can go ahead and keep the car. I walked out of there feeling so good. And remember what I said about money earlier. I felt like wow look at this. I got this bonus on top of this. I did keep in the car. But the reason I mentioned that story is because it opened my eyes to when we are negotiating and we don't think when negotiating number one and number two I kept the car for a few years that I ended up getting rid of it but still I thought had someone not said to me black man in a gold Mercedes. I wouldn't have I would have probably been okay with it but because of that person's input I was able to go back get a few more dollars that otherwise would have had in my pocket. And I learned a very valuable lesson in the process.

[00:29:42] The problem is that 5 6,000 you had to spend it on a paint job and a new wardrobe.

[00:29:51] Also back then I was somewhat defiant. It was like OK yeah I'm standing out.

[00:30:00] So if you had a boil about if somebody wanted to start learning the skill of negotiating what would be like three points you could give them to start besides buying your books. We're going to have your stuff in the notes you have a lot of good books on this topic.

[00:30:15] Ok. Well number one it goes right back to what I just said a moment ago. My motto and that is you're always negotiating. So raise your sense of awareness to the fact that you are sending out signals about how you react in any situation any time and every time you're engaged with other individuals. Tom I will go into environments and just observe how people interact with each other just so when I'm negotiating with them I have a baseline from which to determine how they will act in a normal environment and then I can assess to what degree they're getting stressed. So remember that you're always negotiating Number One. Number two Never think that you are too small of an entity to negotiate with an entity that may be a lot larger than yourself. Remember David slayed Goliath because of the strategy that he implemented and thus if you implement the right negotiation strategy at the right time you too can overcome larger obstacles. Number three look at yourself and the mental attitude that you have before entering into a negotiation and try to make that as positive as you possibly can. Because the mental attitude that you take into a negotiation will determine the flow of the negotiation and truly have an impact on the outcome of the negotiation.

[00:31:44] And those are really good tips and the number two kind of stuck with me because long time ago and they've kind of scrub the web of this. But Dell computers almost went out of business. One guy that had trouble and told the world about it on his blog. So yeah the big companies got to have an ear for the little person or don't think of yourself as the little person because they depend. And now with all the tools we have that tell the world about trouble you have a lot more clout than what you think. So what's the what's the best thing about working for yourself and what's the worst thing.

[00:32:24] The best thing is you'd never stop working for yourself. That's the best and the worst. I love creating content because I love to give content create content that can help other people. And there are times when two o'clock in the morning and I'm still working on something that I don't even realize it's 2 o'clock in the morning. I like providing happiness for others. And therein lies where I find my happiness. And thus If you want to consider that to be the worst part of the life that I'm living right now consider it to be so. But if I were to die tomorrow and I was able to crank out one more piece of content that others could use it would be.

[00:33:18] I would make one more point too because you can always gain insight about somebody still processing their mind based on how you trigger them. For example this is Episode 54 of screw the commute podcast. You spoke of that the first thing I thought about was Car 54 Where are you. What I have revealed through that thought process is how old you are.

[00:34:15] So in the show notes we're going to have links to your books. Which would be the best one for them to start learning negotiation. Besides that new book The book is good across the board but you have a lot of seven books.

[00:34:31] Yes yes. And the what I would refer to per the question you just asked is body language secrets to win more negotiations. And the reason I suggest starting there is because again to the degree that you are able to observe someone's body language you'll get greater insight into what they're thinking at any time. There's a dispute between someone's body language and the words that they utter. Observe and follow their body language. The body language will always tell you much more about the true intent than their words ever will. So that's where I'd start.

[00:35:07] Now do you watch TV and like these hearings that they have in front of the Senate. And watch the answers there. Did you ever try to do that. If the person's lying or not.

[00:35:20] Well not only do I watch it. That's what I'm called upon the different TV networks to expand upon. Again It's interesting to watch those especially politicians that are supposed to have an upgraded sense of knowledge about what to say how to say it how to stay on message and so forth and so on. And you could tell when they get off just by the fact that they may momentarily look away from something as a matter of fact I don't want to delve too deeply into politics but one can glean insight about the truthfulness of some of the statements that have been made by people in the current administration just based on the way they've answered questions and how they have paced their speech.

[00:36:13] When someone changes the pace of their speech something caused it to do so. And Tom when it comes to our body our body always tries to stay in a sense of equilibrium and that means the body wants to feel comfortable. And once the body doesn't feel comfortable it will emit signals trying to pull it back into that state of comfort. People wringing their hands. It's a sense that wait a minute something's not right so I'm going to try and sooth myself by rubbing my hands together people will raise an eyebrow. Wait a minute. I need to see this a little more than I'm seeing because something doesn't appear to be right with it. Those are the type of clues that people can pick up on and gain extra insight into what the person's thought processes.

[00:36:59] You know what cracked me up I don't know if you watch the Mark Zuckerberg hearings. The Facebook guy it wasn't so much for him because he looked like he was stoned to me. But a lot of the senators or whoever Congressmen were so clueless. Asking almost like what's the internet. And didn't know whether to laugh or give another robotic answer. They were so clueless. You could see them like you said they'd look down like like they were looking for the next question on their paper that they didn't know what the hell he just said.

[00:37:44] Therein lies how you could also use knowledge as leverage. The senators don't want to look bad in public. So you give them an answer that would make them scratch their head. Well they don't want to scratch their head but what they want to do they want to move on so they can get out of the spotlight.

[00:38:00] Yeah that's right to use that to your advantage. All right. Well we got to take a little break for our sponsor message then when we come back. We're going to have Greg tell us what a typical day look like for him and how he stays motivated.

[00:38:15] Now let me ask you both have you ever thought about getting paid to speak and you're not really sure if you're ready to invest in lots of training. Well I've got the solution and this also works for business presentations. I mean not necessarily big keynote speeches in front of thousands but any time you get up to speak the better you are the better it is for everybody and for your career. Amazingpublicspeaking.com has over 475 public and professional speaking techniques openings closings attention getting devices humor in the business of speaking and it's only 97 bucks for an entire year. So you can also check out the complimentary webinar we have on the same topic it's got 30 speaking tips and like I said thirty point six seven five minutes is a little bit longer than that. But all this will be in the show notes at screwthecommute.com/54.

[00:39:18] All right back to the main event. Greg what's a typical day look like for you.

[00:39:22] Well it depends. Because life depends what you engage But seriously with my day. It depends on what I'm doing per Am I addressing client activities creating a presentation for clients prepared to negotiate on behalf of clients writing content that will go out through the Internet to provide others with insights that they can use when they're negotiating again. It really does depend on the day per.

[00:40:03] What time do you get up what do you do. Do you exercise. You know you have breakfast you drink coffee. What's it really look like inside the Greg Williams home.

[00:40:14] Messy. Now I do exercise. Nowhere near where I should be the level of where I should be now. Because I'm creating too much content but I exercise I do drink coffee. What time do I get up. It depends on what time I go to bed. As I said earlier. So 2:00 3:00 in the morning I may be up working on something and I may sleep until 9:00 o'clock the next morning. But seriously speaking to that point there's something to be said about physiology. Your thought process is also tied into getting the proper amount of rest the proper amount of exercise and the proper amount of nutrients so I try to stay in balance by getting the level of exercise that I should although I don't to the degree that I should be getting right now. And I try to maintain a regiment that allows me to stay in balance such that I'm in harmony with myself.

[00:41:33] Now how do you stay motivated when you work by yourself.

[00:41:36] Oh Tom I love that question. And the reason I love that question is because someone will walk up to me after a presentation they'll say oh my gosh Mr. Williams and I'll tell them first of all just call me Greg. You know I don't think my father just walked in but the other thing that I will tell them is well I appreciate the compliment but understand something you motivated yourself.

[00:42:03] I said something that caused you to have a reaction. You chose how you would react to what I said and thus you are the source of the motivated. And I also tell them if you give your powers away by telling someone else that they are the source of your motivation you're not realizing the fact that you are the one controlling your own life and thus. How do I stay motivated. Again it's through the acts that I engage in in imparting information that others can benefit from. And Tom let's not be Pollyannaish about that. There are times when I will get somewhat down and what I sense when I'm in such a mindset I will think to myself when did this first start. Why did it start. OK. I was the one that brought it on. I'm going to change it sometimes I may listen to uplifting music. Sometimes I may just literally start jumping up and down exercising or whatever be the case but I know I have the ability within myself to change my mood and I go about doing just that such that I could stay positive.

[00:43:17] Great advice man. Yeah I work my myself too. I mean I have employees all over the place but I am pretty much by myself where I work. And again I'm working late into the night and it's almost the same thing. I just love creating things that didn't exist. And I love hearing from people that heard something that I said are but one of my products and when did you know that's the thing it's not the times that self-help what they call it shelf-help because people buy and they don't do anything with it. But I just love that and waiting for the next one to come in all the time. So do you have any parting thoughts for all our screwballs. We call them screwball.

[00:44:01] I love it. Yes I definitely definitely do. Always look at yourself as be all that you can be and all that you want to become. Also never ever forget that you're always negotiating.

[00:44:18] Is that the quote from your mother.

[00:44:20] That's the quote from my mother.

[00:44:22] Say it again.

[00:44:23] You're always negotiating.

[00:44:27] Thanks so much for spending the time with our screwballs and myself. I haven't talked to you for a while. I knew it was going to be great and we'd have a lot of fun and we sure did so so we'll have you back one of these days. So everybody check out Greg's stuff in the show notes at screwthecommute.com/54 and check out my Monday training is coming up next episode. It's 55 where I'll be teaching you about private label products. These are products created by someone else and you get to put your name on them and sell them and keep all the money. So don't miss that. I'll catch y'all later.

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