582 - Marketers can benefit from this: Tom talks Business of Meditation - Screw The Commute

582 – Marketers can benefit from this: Tom talks Business of Meditation

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Business of Meditation

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    Today, we're going to talk about the business of meditation. Almost everyone I interview on this podcast, I'd say maybe 70% or more, say they meditate. Now, I don't particularly relate to it myself, but I notice when there's a trend that's going up. So I have a big announcement. I partnered up with a voiceover artist and we created the first ever meditation for marketers. It's actually their product, but I think it's great.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 582

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    [00:23] Tom's introduction to Business of Meditation

    [02:20] The market for meditation continues to grow

    [04:51] Insight Meditation (Vipassana)

    [06:53] Opening a studio, creating apps, starting an online business

    [08:21] Making this “hobby” tax deductible

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    Sounds True websitehttps://www.soundstrue.com/collections/meditation?limit=48&order=rating&gclid=CjwKCAjw9e6SBhB2EiwA5myr9iXmbuiKYLgacWIj83B338e4Y3_OOi_fp0jDtLFRCaO1xCaM687EOhoC4kkQAvD_BwE

    Google search on selling meditationshttps://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+sell+meditations+online

    Meditation for Marketershttps://screwthecommute.com/mfm/

    How to Start an Online Meditation Businesshttps://guidedmeditationframework.com/blog/how-to-start-an-online-meditation-business/

    How to Lead a Guided Meditationhttps://guidedmeditationframework.com/blog/how-to-lead-a-guided-meditation/

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    Episode 582 – Business Of Meditation
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with Episode 582 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about the business of meditation. Almost everyone I interview on this podcast, I'd say maybe 70% or more, say they meditate. Now, I don't particularly relate to it myself, but I notice when there's a trend that's going up. So I have a big announcement. I partnered up with a voiceover artist and we created the first ever meditation for marketers. It's actually their product, but I think it's great. And I assisted on it and I'm selling it as an affiliate and you can check that out at screwthecommute.com/mfm and that stands for meditation for marketers. So I don't want any MF'r jokes. All right. I hope you didn't miss episode 581. That was Teresa Velardi. And on that episode, she's trying to convince me of the value of anthology books, which I've ragged on for a long time. So check out that episode to see if she convinces me that there's any value to these things other than for the people that promote them. Put it that way. And as always, pick up a copy of our automation e-book. This will save you enormous amounts of time and effort. And so you're not fighting with your computer all the time. I want you making money and talking to customers and prospects. That's where the money is. So grab your copy at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and then pick up a copy of our podcast app while you're at it at screwthecommute.com/app. You can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road.

    [00:02:21] All right. Let's get into the topic of meditation. And this certainly isn't how to meditate, because I'd be the last person on earth to try to teach you that. But I just started doing some research and I got these numbers from statistics the size of the meditation market in the US United States from 2015 to 2017 and a forecast for 2022. I'm not sure why they skipped 18 and 19, 20 and 21. All right. But here's what's the numbers are. In 2015, the market size was 0.96 or almost $1 billion. In 2016, it was 1.08 billion. In 2017, it was 1.21 billion. And they're estimating for 2022 at 2.08 billion. So each year the market has increased and more than doubled in six years. So I would say that's a pretty good indicator of a market to be in. Also more research. I did. I found over 20,000 meditation related products on Amazon and 10,000 audio meditations on Amazon. There was just tons of physical products like cushions and benches and things that I have no idea what they are. Zoo botany. Mats and. Eye masks and eye pillows and candles and blankets and essential oils. And this other one, again, I think I figured out what this thing is, but I'm not sure it's called a singing ball, but it says the singing bowl with wood strikers and hand sewn cushions.

    [00:04:13] So I think you hit this bowl and it makes a noise. I'm not sure about that. And another thing, yoga bolster. I'm not sure what that is either. But guess what? It doesn't matter. These things are all selling and people that do know what they are are buying them. But of course I'm mostly interested in digital products and training because all those physical products have so many troubles with them, with shipping and and probably import duties and manufacturing and low profit margins and that kind of stuff. So I'm not in favor of those. I just want to let you know, people are buying this stuff like crazy. Now, there's another thing about meditation I never heard of called Insight Meditation. It says, also known as. Vipassana or vipassana persona. I'm not sure how you pronounce that. Anyway, it's a traditional art of meditation. I mean, Buddha taught it. I don't know. It was passed on for 2600 years from people to people. And it's still popular today, apparently. But, you know, for 50 years, there's been a thing called the Insight Meditation Society, IIMs. And those people were selling a course, an in-depth course on how to meditate. 12 session program retail. 337 on sale today for 137. Right. So and there was a website called sounds true so you and de-stress chewy.com and they have a whole collection of meditation. Adios. I mean, all you have to do is Google how to sell meditations online. And there are tons of people talking about this. Again go by this meditation. You know, sometimes I.

    [00:06:08] I shoot. What is the thing called? The aim or aim? Shoot. Fire? I don't know. I don't know what it is, but you know where it's opposite of that. I just shoot and then I aim. So that's why I went into this thing with this voiceover artist is What the heck? What do you got to lose? It's beautiful. It's calming. She has this silky voice. It's just so calming. But I gave her a bunch of ideas about calming people for. The marketers and the problems that they have. So go we're introducing it at seven bucks go buy it right now at screwthecommute.com/mfm. Now there's all kinds of things you could do that have to do with meditation. You could open a meditation studio. Just think you wouldn't have to have a whole lot of equipment, right. For this. All right. Just a space to do it. You could have. Meditation apps for phones they have you can have meditation training by zoom online courses on it. There's stuff if you if you talk about start another thing you could Google start online start an online meditation business there's loads of information on that. And again, it's very low risk, very high profit margin, and you could do it right from your home. I mean, so if you're into this, it's a beautiful thing. There's lots of stuff on how to lead a guided meditation. I'm not exactly sure also what that is, but there's loads of stuff out there on it. You can have meditation retreats.

    [00:08:03] You could either write or buy meditation music to use on your meditations. You want to make sure you don't do any copyright infringement, but you can go buy meditation music, or if you're good at music, you can write it yourself and then sell it. Now I know this was a pretty short episode, but this would be another example of making your hobbies tax deductible, which is episode 169, I might add. And you say, Hey, Tom. Well, it doesn't cost anything to meditate. Yeah, but here's the thing. Maybe you want to travel, too, and attend meditation conferences. Hey, if you follow what it says in episode 169 tax deductible, maybe you want to attend a meditation retreat and review it on your blog. That's making money. Guess what? Tax deductible. Maybe you buy some meditation products out of those 20 or 30,000 on Amazon. Most likely tax deductible if you do what I teach in Episode 169. Maybe it takes some meditation, training or certification to become better at your meditation business. Guess what? Tax deductible. Now, of course, I want you to develop digital products like those, like the one I just did, new media. You know, the new one, meditation for marketers. But you could develop and participate in any way you want in this ever growing market. Now go get that meditation for marketers at screwthecommute.com/mfm and remember no MF'r jokes. All right, we'll catch you on the next episode. That was my feeble attempt at meditation. All right. See you later.

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