492 - She's diabolical and dialectical: Tom interviews Richelle Futch - Screw The Commute

492 – She’s diabolical and dialectical: Tom interviews Richelle Futch

For over 20 years, Richelle Futch has been a licensed clinical social worker. She's a Marine Corps veteran and an active duty military spouse. Her military spouse is a special forces engineer, and during her military service, Richelle worked in the finance field, and she's currently CFO and co-founder of Green Zone Training. She's got extensive training in dialectical behavior therapy, and she's also the author of Her Ruck, Inside the Emotional Backpack of Military Wives.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 492

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[04:03] Tom's introduction to Richelle Futch

[06:30] The “Green Zone” therapeutic model

[09:34] Clients who are seeking out help

[12:19] Going through “transitions” and surviving

[16:30] Dialectical behavior

[21:09] Her Ruck

[26:44] Being the main influence for our kids

[29:40] Kicked her husband, kids and dog out of the house to do this podcast

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Her Ruckhttps://www.herruck.com

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Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 492 – Richelle Futch
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode four hundred and ninety two if Screw the Community podcast, I'm here with Richelle Futch as part of Vetrepreneur Month here on Screw the Commute. We really love our veterans and thank them so much for their service. She's a long time friend of mine, and she's going to tell you more about later about being a licensed social worker. And I'm thinking, since everybody wants to defund the police, maybe we should like send her to South Side Chicago or South Central L.A. and have her, like, hold her hand out like a traffic cop and just say Halt. I'm a social worker. Quit shooting each other. I don't know how to work or not her. She'll go. Maybe she likes warmer weather. She'll go to L.A. So anyway, she's here as part of Entrepreneur Month. She's she doesn't want to quote, brag about it, but she was military spouse of the Year in Fort Bragg, and she's also a marine veteran. So and she's married. She's still a military spouse. So one of my best friends. All right, so how'd you like me to send you big money? Well, if you're in my affiliate program, I can send you commissions for referrals so you can make anywhere from eight bucks. To that, you can blow at Starbucks to in excess of five thousand for a speaking engagement and everything in between. So if that interest you? Email me at Tom@screwthecommute.com and we'll give you details.

[00:01:52] Now, pick up a copy of our automation e-book. We give it away free to folks that listen to the show and we sell it for twenty seven bucks. And I'm going to just say you are welcome right now because if you use even a portion of what's in this book, it's going to save you time. It's going to allow you to ethically steal customers off your competitors because you respond so fast, it's going to knock your workload down like crazy. So pick up a copy at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. While you're at it. Pick up a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app. You can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. Now, before we bring Richelle on, I want to tell you about this pilot program I'm doing with my school to help persons with disabilities. We actually have two slots left, and since this is vet per month, I'm hoping some veterans apply for this. It's a total full scholarship where they can not only learn from home, they can be legitimately hired from home or start their own business or both. And so check that out at IMTCVA.org/disabilities. And check out our Go Fund Me campaign, where we've got a great campaign going to finance the whole project and we're going to use some of the money to hire persons with disabilities to help run the project. And we're getting a lot of good publicity from it too.

[00:03:25] I just got called again from a major website that gets 100 million views a month that wants to cover the story. So. So we'd love to have your help in the Go Fund Me campaign, or if you're really flush with cash, you could sponsor a person yourself. They're very inspirational. You can see the updates over there. One guy shot a video telling what he learned, and he's twenty five hundred is his site where everybody else is twenty twenty. He's two thousand five hundred. He couldn't even see the camera that he was shooting the video on, so it was very, very inspirational. So check that out.

[00:04:04] All right, let's get to the main event. For over 20 years, Richelle Futch has been a licensed clinical social worker. She's a Marine Corps veteran and an active duty military spouse. Her military spouse is a special forces engineer, and during her military service, Richelle worked in the finance field, and she's currently CFO and co-founder of Green Zone Training. It's a consultation group, and I think it's based in Baghdad. Is that where it's from? She'll tell you where she got that name, so she's got an extensive training in, and there's always cracks me up. I never remember what the heck it is. It's dialectical behavior therapy, and I keep thinking it's diabolical. That's what I I've had in my life. And she's also the author of Her Ruck, Inside the Emotional Backpack of Military Wives, and she leads workshops for military and veteran families, titled Unpacking your emotional rut. Richelle, are you ready to screw? The commute?

[00:05:14] Always ready, Tom. Always ready.

[00:05:16] Yep, you're a marine. You have to be ready. So what have you been up to, kiddo? You know, I never saw you much when you lived close to me, and now I never see you much when you live far. But it just feels different. You, like moved across the country on me.

[00:05:31] Yeah, it does feel further away. But you know, if I get back to Virginia, I'm going to definitely pop in and see you again because it's always nice when we can get together and have a have a chat about business and life and all the things.

[00:05:44] Well, you got to wear eight masks, though, if you come to see me because I don't want to bring in that crap from the state of Washington to my house.

[00:05:53] I don't blame you. I don't blame you. What's a tough spot to be? But we go where the military tells us and we try to make the best of it.

[00:06:02] I get it. And you also are on the board of directors of my school for the military, the military board of directors. So I want to thank you for all the work you did with that. And everything's kind of on hold until we get a new building and and we're also getting ready to apply for the GI Bill. And we were in the midst of that when everything went to heck with COVID. So we're we'll fire that back up. But tell them about your green zone, how you got where you got the name and why I said Baghdad and and what it's all about.

[00:06:41] Yeah, so Green Zone is a therapeutic model that actually one of my other co-founders had created sort of this idea, and three of us clinicians got together and really even expanded on that and created a therapeutic treatment model to help support and work with caregivers. I think caregivers don't get the attention they need. It's always usually the person they're caring for that gets the the care and the attention and the financing. And so we really address that. And so the Green Zone is is an energy focused treatment model. So we're talking about the energy that caregiver would give the person that they're serving when the person is good. So we're you hear caregivers a lot and a lot of times, especially in the veterans community, you're thinking service member who is injured and they're physically injured. But our treatment model is really going out here in Washington state, starting specifically with people with developmentally developmental delays and who are possibly living in home care, things like that. So when you think about people who are caregiving in that nature, how exhausting it can be and with physical disabilities, how exhausting caregiving can be. And so the premise really is about utilizing the energy in a smart way to ultimately help the people that they're serving. Now, is this still slanted all towards military?

[00:08:14] No. In fact, we're not even working with the military population right now. This is all in civilian population. I'm hoping to kind of like I did with DVT and generalize that over to the military population. We're hoping to generalize that over to military caregivers. We're in the talks with a couple of people right now who could help us maybe pilot a program and things like that. So right now, it's more civilian focused. I know a lot of the work I've been doing has been primarily military focused, but I'm really starting to create that shift in my business where I'm branching out into general population now.

[00:08:48] So are you saying that Green Zone actually had some was a term from psychological stuff, not just from Baghdad?

[00:08:57] Right? Yeah.

[00:08:58] I thought you got it from Baghdad because that was the name of the that's what it's famous for is the name of the zone where the where the government of Iraq was centered. I thought that's what it was.

[00:09:11] Yeah. And I know like when we think of military connections, right? We go, What is, oh, green? You know, we think of levels, we think of Green Zone stuff like that and also energy and, you know, in the world in care and recycling and things like that, too. So it can definitely be confusing. But the premise is is really around this optimal zone for the go zone, the green zone or the energy zone.

[00:09:35] So do you how do you get clients? How how does people find you and what would they be looking for or what? What things are they having trouble with where they would seek you out?

[00:09:48] So right now, we're in a few agencies, so we're mainly supporting agencies who are working with. They have funding from the state, they have homes that are operating, they have staff in the homes, things like that. So if people are. More agency focus that would be a great way to reach out to us, and we could do sort of a deep dive into what they're doing and kind of how we could help them. But we also have it broke down all the way down to the individual level. So if an individual is a caregiver, they're finding that difficulty. School districts would be great. They have special education places. I know my mom was a parent educator for a lot of years and without the training that she needed to be working with some of the higher, behaviorally challenged kids was really difficult for her. It put a lot of stress on her. There was a lot of burnout, and so we addressed the stress that burnout by focusing that energy and giving specific skills. I don't know if I don't know if we technically use the word skills, but a really good language and applying new behaviors from the staff perspective or that caregiver perspective in order to get better results and not burn out as much.

[00:11:04] All right. Now, are you able to do this remotely?

[00:11:07] Yes, we have been doing almost all of it remotely right now, especially with everything going on. So yeah, we are able to go to agencies and meet with them and train their staff if we need to. But for the most part, a lot of it is is remote and we're creating right now a remote training platform. So if an agency needs to train their staff and they don't have a trainer ready to go to train them, then they can do our or use our platform for that.

[00:11:35] So, I mean, are you currently servicing people outside of your local area?

[00:11:43] We have not actually reached out or marketed this program at all. Yet we've been doing mostly today. Yeah, till today. Here you go now you're the first, y'all are the first to know. We've we've really been focused on the efficacy of the model and getting our data and making sure that what we're doing is working. And we've actually been in an agency since 2000. I want to say the end of twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen and and that agency themselves has brought us into other areas. And so that's been what we've been growing and doing since then.

[00:12:21] All right. So let's you know, since this is an entrepreneurial podcast, you you've gone through some let's see transitions. Put it that way because you are originally from out west and then had a beautiful practice and then you got shipped over to the east and had the closure practice. And now you're back there. But you've you've taken a lot of stuff online that used to be in person, right?

[00:12:46] Right. Absolutely. And that's that's been the only way that I've been able to survive. And fortunately for me, because of that move, I was doing this before this pandemic hit. This pandemic hit that kind of created a lot of people to work from home. And so I was already established working from home before that had hit. So I didn't get hit as hard as everybody else because of that. And so luckily, I was on trend before I even knew it. I wasn't even anticipating this one, but it really worked out for me. And that's one of the things about being an entrepreneur is how you grow as an entrepreneur over time because you see in the military, I had a finance background and so I can I can reach put that hat on and do finance with businesses that I need to do. What I didn't have was the marketing aspect when I first had to go online for this move, and that's where I really dove in and started doing marketing training, which, as you know, is one of the number one things that an entrepreneur and entrepreneur needs is marketing training. Yeah, you can get all online, all you want, but if nobody can find you and you're not reaching them, then that's a lot of energy wasted for nothing.

[00:13:58] Well, I still think you got a good career to fall back on if the internet quits to, you know, visit, you know, all the places that defunded the police and just walk into all these ghettos and tell them to quit shooting back, you know, they want social workers, right? There you go.

[00:14:14] So well, you know, what's funny about that is that, um, nothing.

[00:14:20] Well, ironic about that is is the need that they have for social workers. But with my experience working with other social workers, now remember I have a Marine Corps background, so I'm a little bit different where I lean into where I work a lot with highly suicidal clients. Most of my friends that are clinicians avoid that. Those client tells with everything they want the how am I helping you and your relationship? How am I engaging you in your career in your kind of overall quality of life things and I'm like leaning in to the down dirty crisis, all of those things. And so I do see a need for social workers to be available for police. But I do not think that social workers are a replacement for the police force by any means. It's two completely different skill sets and and both are both are needed when it's time. But you know, Green Zone would tell you that treatment model that we'd tell you is when when somebody is highly agitated or in crisis, that's not the time to really lean in with a lot of energy and reinforce that behavior, right? That's completely opposite of the model we're teaching. We want what you need to do is you need to back off that energy, give short, clear directives, and it's about safety at that point, and that's exactly what the police force have been doing. And so I guess I'm a little confused as to why you would want to take that away from them when they're already trained in exactly what needs to be done. Granted, I'm not saying everybody's perfect and that there isn't problems. I absolutely can see the people who have abuse of power, but that's a different conversation and I feel like we've taken that conversation and we've stirred into something that it's not.

[00:15:58] Yeah. And I don't know if I told you I bought the domain name highly educated idiots. Take these stupid decisions, and then they're all they're all the ones that wanted to defund the police are all begging for the money to bring the police back because people are dropping like flies and there's no, you know, the businesses are leaving and it's what?

[00:16:21] And the military we call those the good idea fairies, right? Yeah.

[00:16:26] Yeah. So, you know, I know, right? You've kind of got me back into this mindset. So right after we we hang up here, I'm going to get back to my diabolical behavior therapy. Yeah. Explain that term to everybody. Dialectical behavior.

[00:16:46] I love to tell you, this sounds like a pesticide. I don't know.

[00:16:50] It kind of does. And it can be super confusing. I know a lot of people that know the term. You can say DDT and they know exactly what it means, but you don't see that a lot outside of the mental health field with people who are working with those highly suicidal clients, those high emotional reactivity. But it's a that's a specific treatment model, much like Green Zone has some elements of cognitive behavioral therapy to it that was formed here in Washington state. The University of Washington Professor Marsha Linehan created this treatment model, and when she created her model, she said, OK, therapist gave me the ones you don't like working with. It's the most difficult that just brings pain into your life. And they said people with borderline personality disorder, we struggle with them because of the nature of the relationships and the characteristics in which they have. And so she said, OK, I'm going to use this model on this clientele and show you how effective it is and it's beautifully effective. And so what people I think do oftentimes is they take that treatment model and they think it's only for people with borderline personality disorder when it's not. And that's kind of what I did when I did my workshops and they said, I'm going to take this treatment model. That's for these highly suicidal clients, and I'm going to look at our military population because we have a high suicide rate in the military population, military veterans.

[00:18:14] And what they've been doing isn't working. And so while I think if you were highly suicidal, you need more than a workshop, clearly. But what it does is it drops a little taste of identifying stress because we normalize that in the military, everybody's stressed. So it's just normal. We minimize it. And so I make them realize what's going on. We talk about it, we address it, we take a stress survey and then I teach them those skills. And dialectical really means two opposing truths that coexist, that both coexist. And so it really takes those two polarized extremes like acceptance and change is a big one we talk about is how can you change something if you're fully accepting it and how can you accept it if you're trying to change it? And we say, how do we make space for both of these to be true? How can I accept you for how you are and where you are and also encourage you and and and you agree to the need for change in where you are? And so it's making space for both of those things to exist. And I think the the whole world right now could could use something that allows for opposites to exist to coexist.

[00:19:19] No, that's not American anymore.

[00:19:23] It doesn't feel that way. I feel like we're very polarized and it brings me anxiety.

[00:19:27] Yeah, yeah. The dialectical sounds like electric shock to me.

[00:19:32] You know, how can I kill you and then revive you?

[00:19:36] You know, it's surprising when I take a dialectical approach even with couples and we start with those those topics that they're really polarized on and we actually ask different questions. It's amazing how much similar people really are than what they're portraying when their emotion takes over and they're really digging in and trying to prove a point. But their goal is often the same. Like, they want people to be healthy, they want people to be safe, they want people to live their best life, and they have just such different ways to go about it or people get stuck. And taking a dialectical approach really gets you unstuck, and that's what I think we need.

[00:20:17] Do you do any work with couples that are trying to not get divorced?

[00:20:21] I have since I've gone online, I try not to do couples as much virtually, but I used to do a lot with couples. And I like to have them in person because of the eye to eye factor, like I like them to be able to look at each other in the eyes instead of looking at me in a screen. I like to be able to really engage with them in person. And so I think it's more helpful for me if they are in person. But I have some clinician friends that that's their jam and they love working with them.

[00:20:48] Yeah, I wonder if they allow dogs in the sessions because a lot of divorces fight over who keeps the dog.

[00:20:54] Yeah. You know, I know people that have been just boyfriend and girlfriends and they're still doing dog shared custody dog so important. And you know, they can make court orders. Dog shared custody.

[00:21:10] So you mentioned the word workshops. Now I know you from this wonderful work you're doing with the Herr Ruk. Tell everybody what that is and about that. And if there's any military folks that like to bring you in for this, it's just gets rave reviews.

[00:21:26] So I started writing this book called Her Ruck, Inside the Emotional Backpack of Military Wives with the viewpoint that I am a military wife and I'm a female. It's really about this other emotional backpack that we carry that often is overlooked because we focus again on the service member, which we should focus on the service member. Absolutely. And again and right, the other side is the family at home in which is sacrificing so much in order to make make everything work and be effective. And so her Ruk really was about the spouse at home, and I recognize that there are a lot of male military spouses at home, and that's not always the case. It's not always a her and that there's many like myself, female service members. But I really, you know, the idea of the marketing and how punchy that word was was her rock. I literally could teach the same skills to active duty males, active duty females and I have. I've taught the same things, and so we changed the title to be more inclusive for the workshop on unpacking your emotional rock. So it really includes everybody. But her rock brand really is about, hey, there is some significant things that are different and unique to female service members, and there's some things that are unique to the spouses.

[00:22:53] Why don't you tell the non military people what a ruck is?

[00:22:59] So ruck is essentially a backpack. That's the one where where they throw all their gear in, you'll see them do rock marches, they'll put weight in it. It's that weight that we carry. And the premise around really came from a deep skill that we talk about, like around this emotional backpack that we carry. And so again, marketing military community, the emotional rock just made sense for their language. But unpacking your emotional backpack is the workshop that I can teach to. Any corporation, any individual, any anybody can benefit from these skills. It's literally just a shift in in that title or in the language. But the premise is all the same. We have stuff we carry around. We're not always focusing on it. We're doing it without awareness. It's causing a lot of damage to our bodies. It's causing damage in our relationships, in our lives. And how do we unpack it and how do we make it lighter? And that's the premise of the workshop now.

[00:23:56] So if somebody wanted to, let's take two different things corporate and military. So if if a military person was listening, what do they do? Does the bass sponsor it? How does how does it work? How do they get you to come in and give the workshop?

[00:24:11] Yeah, they can reach out to me specifically. Like this weekend, I'm going to go teach the workshop with the second Rangers out here at JBLM, and they reached out to me personally because I've taught with them before.

[00:24:22] What's JBLM?

[00:24:24] Oh, Joint Base Lewis-McChord here like Fort Lewis in Washington. And so they emailed me personally because we have a relationship, but if they if they don't, they can find me on my website and just send out a feeler. And I've gotten a lot of those through the website. Hey, somebody brought your name to our attention. We're interested in what you're doing. I've worked a lot with the chaplains on post and they've been able to finance it. And I actually have an amazing sponsor called Safe Project, and their fight is again is trying to stop the addiction fatality epidemic. And it's actually founded by a service member who lost their son in their first week back at college to an accidental overdose. And so they have been also funding my trips and paying for my flight and coordinating in that area for space and my fees. If an organization wants to bring me but they do not have the funding, then we can talk about that and I can connect them with the sponsor as well.

[00:25:28] And what is your website?

[00:25:33] www.herruck.com specifically for those workshops.

[00:25:36] Now you're such a dynamo. You actually homeschool your kids too, right?

[00:25:44] I do. You know, it's fun. I when I looked at what I wanted to do and why I want to work so hard and and and money's a part of that. I think a lot of people feel bad about saying money matters. But to me it does because it affords me the ability to spend the time with my kids. And I don't want to spend so much time working so hard that when I finally get to a point that I'm financially comfortable, my kids are grown and out of the house, I want I want to be the biggest influence in their lives, more so than educators, more so than peers at their age. Because my oldest is about to turn 10 and I can just imagine a 10 of their 10 year old being a really strong influence in her life. So I think home education right now is one it helps with continuity in their curriculum with us having to move as military family. But again, that I know what they're being taught. I know the way it's being taught and I like to create critical thinkers.

[00:26:46] Yeah, that's you know, I, you know, I work at home, of course. So the TV's on all day and all I see is parents screaming board members are all highly educated idiots. You know, you didn't say it. I said that, but I see the position. They're putting families and kids in. With all this craziness. The kids can't read and write or do math, but they, you know, they have to worry about race and all these other things that the kids wouldn't even have thought about if they wouldn't have been shoved down their throat. So, man, I'm very upset about that. And even I don't have kids. I'm kind of glad I don't, but I'd be the same way I'd say I'd want to be the main influence in their life and teach them good stuff and and how to be great citizens and all that. So I applaud you for doing that. I don't know how you fit all this stuff in.

[00:27:41] Well, I incorporate them in what I'm doing, because I think that life is in what we're doing, and so they should see pieces of that. They should see what it's like to to cook and to clean and to run a business, and they should have aspects, age appropriate aspects of their life. And you know, and it doesn't mean that we're isolated from the world. We definitely still connect with other other people. We, you know, sign up for organizations. We do stuff with the Girl Scouts. We have a community day that we do. I'm not afraid of my kids coming to me with a question that might be older than they are. I just want to make sure that when that conversation happens, that I'm present for it, right? And so I'm not fearful that they're going to be, that they're going to hit some things that are hard, hard things, and I don't want to protect them from that. I think that they need to be just at an age appropriate level in which things are described to them so that they're not overwhelmed and they're not carrying a lot of stuff in their emotional backpack, but they don't need to carry.

[00:28:39] No, I totally agree. But but something you said just a minute ago, it's kind of made me feel a little inadequate because, you know, I'm a hard worker. But that cooking and cleaning stuff, I mean, was that.

[00:28:54] Well, you know, the benefit is, is that you can just hire somebody to do that. That's not your forte, right?

[00:29:00] Yeah. Well, I guess you could, but I don't know anybody in the house and nobody's hardly anybody who's been in the house in the past year and a half. And this is the retreat center for my mentor program. So. So I don't want to bring people in and make them feel uncomfortable, that's for sure. But my house is, you would have to say, was it was decorated with early like hand grenade. So, so yeah, when we do have retreats, the whole place is like perfect. But with me being here a year and a half, it was just me and the dogs.

[00:29:37] Oh my god, yeah, I can imagine, right?

[00:29:40] Yeah. So, so your husband is special forces? Mm hmm. And and he had you kicked him and the kids out of the house to to do this podcast?

[00:29:55] Well, I said, would you mind taking the kids in the dog for an hour while I do a podcast so I don't have noise in the background? He said, Yeah, sure, absolutely. He's very he's he's very supportive of all my adventures and all my things that I do. He's supposed to be in Mongolia right now, and his unit is really has here at JBLM Joint Base Lewis-McChord and at Fort Bragg. When we were there, they were very supportive of the specific work that I do, knowing that I'm helping service members and their families and veterans and their families to build better lives for themselves and build lives worth living. And so they they will often try to adjust his schedule or let him take leave to be home so I can travel. And it's been a real blessing that they're so supportive of the work that I do.

[00:30:42] Yeah, and you deserve it, that's for sure. But I mean, is it the situation when you hear, you know, when us civilians hear of special forces, we we're picturing like, OK, a beeper could go off, and then he's got to run to some unknown location and nobody knows where he is. Is that is that the situation or not?

[00:31:01] We have not. We have not lived that lifestyle where a beeper goes off. I'm sure maybe the Delta guys do that, but usually they're they're on a training schedule. They know what they're doing when they're off someplace on mission. Now, that's that's something that I don't always have access to that information, but usually they're very strategic planning. Green Berets are really social workers. They're like the world social workers, so they go to other countries and they really

[00:31:29] Say, I wouldn't mind sending a Green Beret with the policeman.

[00:31:32] Yeah, yeah, right. That might be that might be a good solution. Maybe we should write some letters and say, Let's transfer these guys who are just getting out and put them right in the police force. I have 100 percent support that.

[00:31:45] What a Green Beret think that was an insult?

[00:31:48] Oh, no, I think I think our military and our law enforcements are kind of cousins, and so a lot of them are a lot of our law and law enforcement are former veterans and things like that. So I think there's a really good relationship between military and law enforcement.

[00:32:02] Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, a lot of there's a lot of camaraderie there, for sure. So you have the her rookie, but don't you have Richelle Futch also?

[00:32:13] I have RichelleFutch.com and it is a hodgepodge of all my things. And you'll see my parenting workshops stuff on there. You'll see some of the books that I'm a children's book that's coming out a lot of different things because I have a that. Entrepreneurial spirit in which I take who I am and what I offer, and I and I like to put him in these different programs and these different assets, and it's kind of speaking to the artist in me and this creation of creating these different things.

[00:32:55] Well, I think the audio cut out a little bit when I was doing that because all I heard was F-U Tom.

[00:33:07] We say it's Richelle like Michelle and Futch like Dutch.

[00:33:13] There you go.

[00:33:14] That's an easier spelling for people. Yeah, I really think of my work is like as kind of like my missionary, right? Is this, you know, I'm a Christian.

[00:33:23] Your missionary position?

[00:33:25] Yeah, my missionary position in the world. Yeah, is it's really about getting the skills that I've been gifted to learn. And how do I get those in the hands of other people?

[00:33:37] Yep, and you do a great job at it. I've only heard rave reviews about you and your work, and then the way you've treated me is just been wonderful. And I thank you for your service and for service to me in the school and all the great things you got got me invited to the White House last administration and and all kinds of good things come from you.

[00:34:00] So, yeah, Tom. I'm a big fan of yours and you've helped me out so many, so often. And honestly, a lot of the revenue models that I have created since we've met has come from you and your suggestion. So I thank you for that.

[00:34:13] Well, yeah, it's a great, great friendship and I want to hear how your your e-books are coming along. Yes. So yeah. Yeah, so. Well, anyway, thanks so much for coming on and updating us for my, you know, like I said, I'm still going to do some diabolical training on my own and all the good things you're doing in the veteran world and now in the in the civilian world. So. So thanks so much, kiddo.

[00:34:41] Yeah, you're welcome. Thank you for having me.

[00:34:43] All right, everybody. So that was Richelle Futch. Check out HerRuck.com or RichelleFutch.com and also does the Green Zone have a website?

[00:35:02] It does. It is GreenZonesupport.com

[00:35:06] All this stuff will be in the show notes, folks, so you want to make sure you check it out. Great. All right, kiddo, I'll catch you next time.

[00:35:18] Yeah, thanks so much.

[00:35:19] All right, everybody, we'll get you on the next episode for Vetrepreneur Month.

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