966 - Three for productivity: Tom talks Phone Tips - Screw The Commute

966 – Three for productivity: Tom talks Phone Tips

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Phone Tips

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    Today, we're going to give you some more phone tips and a lot of these things for Android is right behind or has a similar function. It's just I don't have an Android, so I don't know how to do it on Android, but you'll see some really cool ones on this one, including using Apple Intelligence and Visual intelligence.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

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    [00:23] Tom's introduction to Phone Tips

    [01:48] Shortcuts app, handwriting text messages

    [04:42] Apple Intelligence and Visual Intelligence

    [07:25] Using Search for Google Images

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    Tom Antion shares useful phone tips, primarily for iPhone users, focusing on shortcuts, handwriting text messages, and Apple's new visual intelligence features.
    Key Takeaways:
    1. Shortcuts App:
    o The Shortcuts app helps automate tasks, reducing the number of taps needed.
    o Example: Setting a shortcut to start recording video hands-free by using voice commands.
    2. Handwriting Text Messages:
    o On iPhones, users can switch to landscape mode while texting and access a handwriting feature.
    o Unlock screen rotation if necessary and tap the scribble icon to write messages with a fingertip.
    3. Visual Intelligence with Apple Intelligence & ChatGPT:
    o Requires iPhone 16 with iOS 18.2 or later.
    o Holding the camera control button enables “Ask” (uses ChatGPT for detailed info) or “Search” (finds similar images via Google).
    o Example: Tom used it on a Ronald McDonald antique clock, and it identified the item, providing historical details and estimated value.
    Tom encourages listeners to explore more phone tips at screwthecommute.com/training and stay tuned for upcoming episodes.


    Episode 966 – Phone Tips
    [00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 966 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to give you some more phone tips and a lot of these things for Android is right behind or has a similar function. It's just I don't have an Android, so I don't know how to do it on Android, but you'll see some really cool ones on this one, including using Apple Intelligence and Visual intelligence. All right. I hope you didn't miss episode 965. That was be careful who you deal with. It was kind of a rant about all the scammers out there and what, you know, I, I buy a lot of stuff off of him so I can review it, and then I can only bring you the good stuff. See? And most of it isn't. I gotta tell you that. So that was episode 965. Anytime you want to get to a back episode you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, and then the episode number. Be careful who you deal with with 965. Make sure you pick up a copy of our automation book. It's free. And I gotta tell you, you need to check out my mentor program. If you want somebody that's been there and done that for 31 years online. All right. Check it out at GreatInternetmarketingtraining.com. And also, you get a scholarship to my school that you can gift to somebody and and really do them well rather than a four year college that's going to rip them off.

    [00:01:48] All right. First little tip is the shortcuts app. So your phone has a shortcuts app that has some predesigned shortcuts in it that you can make the phone do certain things Rather than a bunch of, you know, ten different taps and keystrokes to do things. For instance, when I have my phone in my pocket, I might want to take a video of something hands free. I can if I say, hey, and you know what? It wakes up the the lady in my phone. If I say it, it's going to wake it up. All right. But and then I say take video and it starts taking a video right in my pocket. All right. So it's sticking out of my pocket so it actually sees something. But that's just one of the many kinds of things. So basically your shortcuts app is probably on your phone already. But if not, just go to the App Store and get the shortcuts app. And there's loads of people on YouTube videos showing you how to use it, but it can really you find the things that you like to do the most, or you do the most and make shortcuts out of them, and you don't even have to touch the phone in some In some cases.

    [00:03:04] All right. So that's one I'm going to save the best one for last. The next thing is kind of a nice thing. More personal thing is the handwriting text messages. So what you do is you open your messages app and you click in the text as if you're going to type something. Or, you know, most people know that you can hit the microphone button and you can talk what you want to say. But let's take it a step further. If once you tap that text area, if you turn your phone horizontally into what they call the landscape mode, now if it won't go, you do need to go into your control center and unlock the screen orientation thing. It'll be red if it's locked. So that means your screen won't change orientation. So unlock that and go back to your landscape mode on your hand. On your messages. On your in your text messages and on the right hand side clear on the right bottom. There's a little scribbly thing. Touch that and it opens up a screen where you can write a message with your fingertip. And so it's it's handwriting. And they have some pre-done messages at the bottom like see you later or things, you know, different different things. And you can just touch them and it puts it in handwriting, but you can handwrite a message right there, and then you just hit the button to send just as normal.

    [00:04:39] So that's a cute little function to make things more personal. All right. Now here's the biggie. Oh, man. Is this something I was playing with this this morning. It is crazy. So this you have to have at least an iPhone 16 and iOS 18.2 or later. And this is using visual intelligence and Apple intelligence and ChatGPT enabled on your phone to do some crazy stuff. All right, so here's what's what's going on. Like I said, Apple has its thing called Apple intelligence. And we're going to use a visual intelligence aspect of this combined with you must enable ChatGPT on your phone and all that stuff's easy to do. All right. Now you have to hold your phone vertically. You can't do this in landscape. And on the side of your phone is your camera control button. You you aim your camera at something that you want to find more details about. You hold your camera control button in, not to take a picture, but to bring that up. And you'll see on each side of an X button where if you just don't like that one, you can start over. You'll see ask and you'll see search. And if you click ask it's going to go to ChatGPT and bring up all kinds of details on what you're looking at. Amazing. This is crazy.

    [00:06:11] Amazing. And then, if you're not satisfied with the amount of information that you just got at the bottom, you can type more prompts or questions into ChatGPT. For instance, we have an antique clock Ronald McDonald clock up on the wall over my bar. So I pointed the the phone at it in vertical mode, pushed the control button, clicked ask. A few seconds later it said, hey, this is a vintage clock from McDonald's and was used as a promotional blah blah. You know, a bunch of stuff. So then I went down to the bottom and I said, how much is it worth? And it came back with, say, these kinds of clocks, depending on condition, can be from 50 to $200. I actually saw one go for $1,200 one time. But anyway. And it gives a thing about the value of it, right? So crazy, crazy, crazy. All right, so that's the first thing that's crazy. You should try if you have a 16 with an iPhone with 18.2. And it's going to come late soon, folks. So. So if you have an older iPhone, eventually you'll, you'll be able to use this. But if you did the same thing and I pointed to that clock and held this control button in instead of hitting, ask if I hit search. It's going to search Google Images and find all the other things, like if I didn't know what it was.

    [00:07:46] I mean, that's pretty obvious as Ronald McDonald waving at you, but you know, if you have something, you don't know what it was and you want to see like how things, how much things are worth or find other ones, and I mean all kinds of reasons you could use this. You hit search and it searches Google images and brings up a bunch of Google images of that thing or similar things. And then you can learn about what it is or more things about it. So. So these are just three little tips here for you for phones. These phones will do crazy stuff folks. I have a whole bunch of other tips in the past. You can search our training area of the site, screwthecommute.com/Training and just search that page. Control F or command F is search and put in the word phone. And you can see like tons of these things that make you lightning fast on your phone. Now, like I said, it'll do more things than you'll ever learn in a million years. But this visual intelligence thing is really awesome. So today we covered shortcuts, app, handwriting, text messages, and the visual intelligence. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. We'll have more of these phone tips for you coming up, and I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.

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