964 - Jazz up your recordings: Tom talks Sound Effects - Screw The Commute

964 – Jazz up your recordings: Tom talks Sound Effects

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Sound Effects

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    Today, we're going to talk about sound effects and how they can jazz up your recordings.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 964

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    [00:23] Tom's introduction to Sound Effects

    [01:25] Jazz up your recordings

    [02:57] Editing these into your videos after the fact

    [05:10] Audio editing is easy but don't overdo it

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    Host Tom Antion discusses the importance of sound effects and how they can enhance audio and video recordings. He covers three main ways to add sound effects:
    1. Handheld Noisemakers – Affordable and easy to use, these small devices have preloaded sound effects that can be played directly into a microphone.
    2. Post-Production Editing – Adding sound effects after recording using free or paid sources. Recommended sources for royalty-free sound effects include Sound Bible, Pixabay, Freesound.org, and Uppbeat.io/sfx.
    3. Mixing Boards with Built-in Sound Effects – While offering live effects and voice changers, these are expensive, complex, and limited in variety.
    Tom advises using royalty-free or Creative Commons Zero (CC0) licensed sound effects to avoid copyright issues. He also stresses strategic use of sound effects to enhance content without overdoing it.
    He wraps up by promoting his previous Episode 963, which featured a cassette-to-MP3 conversion gadget, and encourages listeners to check out his free automation book and online
    business school.


    Episode 964 – Sound Effects
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 964 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about sound effects and how they can jazz up your recordings. And I hope you didn't miss episode 963. That was on a cassette gadget I talked about that can transfer your old cassettes into MP3 format so you can preserve them so they don't go bad. That was 963. Anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, then the episode number. The cassette thing was 963. Sound effects today is 964. And make sure you pick up a copy of my automation book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my school at IMTCVA.org. It's probably the best legacy gift you could ever give to a young person to get them an in-demand career, highly in demand career, and as little as six months. And we've had students making money long before they graduate. So check it out.

    [00:01:26] All right. Let's talk about sound effects. See, they can really jazz up your audio recordings and your video recordings. And and there's three kind of ways that you can use them. The one is what we call a handheld noise maker. And I have one here I got off Amazon years ago. And all you do is hold it up to your microphone. So I'll give you it's got 25 different sound effects on it. It was only a couple dollars. And so I'll play it into the microphone here for you. Now there's just three of them.

    [00:02:02] I'm sorry. You are an annoying, pestering telemarketer. Please hang up and quit your job. There's one. Uh, here's another one.

    [00:02:12] North American air defense readiness center. Sergeant Maron speaking. State your emergency, please.

    [00:02:17] Yeah. I pulled jokes on lots of people on the phone when they call me doing this. And then, uh, this last one is perfect. If you say something that's supposed to be funny.

    [00:02:28] Ha ha ha ha ha.

    [00:02:34] Okay, so that was a handheld, uh, noisemaker, which is the cheapest, easiest way you can possibly do to add some sound effects. All right. But, you know, they would see you if you were on video holding that up so you can edit sound effects in after the fact. And that's the next hardest way. But it's easier than the last way I'm going to tell you about. So you can get them I'm going to give you a whole bunch of places to get the sound effects, but you can edit them into your videos or audios after the fact. So that's the second way. The third way is a little bit limited and an expensive and hard. All right, but I have a mixing board here. Have you ever seen those at concerts where they have this big thing that's full of dials and everything? Well, there's little ones that you can have for podcasts and things like that. And this one that I happen to have has a bunch of built in sound effects and voice changers and things like that. So it's expensive and it's limited on the number of sound effects that it has. The one I'm using is a Yamaha one two X2 and it's so hard to do. I hardly even use the ones on the board there. It's much easier to use the hand-held thing if you want to do them anytime. And if even if you're doing video and you want to, you know, just be cut up and be funny, you can hold it up to the microphone.

    [00:04:00] And so if they see you, who cares? They know you're just playing around. But if you want them to be in your videos, then they're edited, edited and usually after the fact. Okay. So what you can do to find them is search for free or royalty free is the best term. Sound effects. Now there's places like. Envato.com that are paid subscription. Then they have sound effects and video and all pictures and all kinds of stuff. You can use royalty free. You can sort them by what category? If you're looking for a gunshot or a laugh track and so forth and a bunch of free places. I'll tell you about is one is epidemic. Oh. Excuse me. Epidemic sounds is also a paid one, but you can get great stuff at Sound Bible. Pixabay freesound.org. Uppbeat.io/sfx. Those are all places you can get them for free. Royalty free. Now here's the thing. When it's audio, it'll work with any kind of video editor or audio editor you have. All right. It's easy. Audio editing is relatively easy. But the thing is, is don't overdo it. You know, you want to use them strategically. And there's plenty of YouTube videos reminding you when to put them in. So, for instance, if you were going to transfer or switch to a different scene in a video, you might put a swoosh there where right at the point where you change the camera, you hear the boom, you know, the swish, you know, something like that.

    [00:05:50] The thing is, is the laugh tracks and gunshots and things like that. Sirens are all easy to work into, a lot of things that you're doing. And another, uh, term you want to watch out for. Not that this is a good thing to look for actually is Creative Commons zero. This this is stuff that it's out in the public domain. You can just use it without giving anybody credits or purchasing it, or worry about getting sued or anything like that. Now that's the one thing you just don't want to steal something from someplace that's copyrighted because you could get sued for it. You just want to be very careful in any of your your products that you make or the things that you do online that that you're not stepping on somebody else's copyright because a federal lawsuit for copyright is a is going to ruin your whole day. Let me tell you that. And plus a lot more days. All right. So that's sound effects. This is episode 964. And make sure you grab that episode 963. If you missed it, screwthecommute.com/963 because this little gadget that's really cheap can take all your old cassettes and turn them into digitizing them so that they don't get ruined, or the tape doesn't get old and brittle or break on you. It'll get them all saved for you so you can keep them forever. All right, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. We'll catch you all in the next episode. See you later.

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