Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom talks Playlists
Today, we're going to continue our YouTube series of quick things you can do to increase your success in YouTube. So this is 948 and we're going to talk about playlists.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 948
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
See Tom's Stuff –
[00:23] Tom's introduction to Playlists [01:08] YouTube can show your videos to more people [02:36] Good idea to put others' videos in your playlist, maybe [06:14] Make sure your playlists are PUBLICHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
KickStartCart –
Copywriting901 –
Become a Great Podcast Guest –
Training –
Disabilities Page –
Tom's Patreon Page –
Tom on TikTok –
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Internet Marketing Training Center –
Not For Kids YouTube Setting –
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Want The Transcript for this episode?
In this episode of Screw the Commute, Tom Antion discusses the importance of using YouTube playlists to boost channel success. Playlists help increase video views by encouraging viewers to watch multiple videos in sequence, which aligns with YouTube’s goal of keeping users on the platform longer to generate ad revenue.
Key Points:
1. Playlist Benefits:
o YouTube prominently displays playlist titles under video titles, making it easier for viewers to discover related content.
o Playlists keep viewers engaged longer by grouping similar videos together.
o Including others' videos in your playlists is possible but should be done strategically to prioritize your own content.
2. Best Practices for Playlists:
o Use descriptive titles and detailed descriptions to make playlists more discoverable and appealing.
o Customize thumbnails to attract attention.
o Optimize playlists with keywords and settings like allowing embedding and ensuring they’re public.
o Reorder videos within a playlist to guide viewers' experience.
3. Collaboration Opportunities:
o Partner with other creators to cross-promote content by adding their videos to your playlists and vice versa.
o Collaborate selectively to maintain a strong brand reputation.
4. Practical Tips:
o Use YouTube Studio to create and manage playlists.
o Share playlist links via email to encourage multiple video views, increasing watch time.
Call to Action:
Tom emphasizes the importance of optimizing playlists without creating new content, making it a time-efficient strategy. He also encourages listeners to check out his mentoring program and tune into the next episode (949), which will cover strategies to improve YouTube watch time.
Episode 948 - Playlists
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 948 is Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to continue our YouTube series of quick things you can do to increase your success in YouTube. So this is 948 and we're going to talk about playlists. Hope you didn't miss episode 947. That was the setting. Not for kids and all the pros and cons of that setting. And this is going to be important to lead you into the next episode, 949, which is going to be on Watch Time, another very important thing for your YouTube channel. All right. Let's see. Check out my mentor program at, and grab a copy of our automation e-book at
[00:01:09] All right, let's get into playlist. Now this is really important. So so that YouTube can show your video and more of your videos to way more people. So YouTube has put a really big emphasis on this because see, all the social media want you to keep people on their social media thing longer so they can sell more ads. That's pretty much the bottom line of all of them. And I've been saying that for years. So it's better if they watch 4 or 5 or 6 or 10 of your videos than just one. And if you make it easy for them, it's more likely that they're going to do that. All right. Now, one of the things they've been doing is this YouTube has been doing is under your video. Let's say people are looking at one of your videos.
[00:01:56] You might have emailed and told them about it or they found it on YouTube. However it is they got there and they're watching your video. Now, if that video is in a playlist. Youtube is showing the name of the playlist, the title of the playlist under the title of the video that the person is watching. So if they like that video, they can click there into a playlist of a bunch of similar or related videos that you have. It's a very simple thing, really, but it's a great way to have them watching a lot more of your stuff. If you just take the time to start making playlists, you're absolutely going to increase your videos for sure. There's no question about it. And one thing I should tell you is that other people's videos can be in your playlist. Now there's pros and cons to that, so you can put pretty much any video on YouTube in your playlist. Now, is that a good idea? Well, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. See, if you put some big name people videos in there to help suck people into your playlist. That could help you out, but pretty much you want people watching your videos and increasing your watch time, which I'm going to cover in the next episode. 949 what is it? 949 so again, I suggest you stick with your videos. And now, um, another thing, you can have a custom thumbnail for your playlist to make it, you know, nice to look at and to make it interesting. And another thing they're doing now is you can collaborate with other people.
[00:03:28] It's not that they're doing it, it's you have to instigate this, collaborate with other people, and that means you could make a deal with another channel that they could upload stuff from their channel to your playlist, and you could upload stuff to theirs. Actually, you're just, you're, you're the they're uploading to their channel. You're just putting their thing in your playlist. So both of you get cross-promotion and you don't have to do it with just one channel. You can do it with multiple channels. Just make sure that you're collaborating with good people because you don't want to look like a schmuck if you're collaborating with other schmucks. So how do you do this? Well, you go into your YouTube studio, you got to be logged in to do this and get into the YouTube studio. And depending when you're watching this, you could click either on content. And I think the latest thing in content. Then they click on playlist. But there used to be a just a button that said playlist. But anyway, you can find it if you get into your YouTube studio and you basically pick the videos that you want to have in your playlist and and you got to pick a name for your playlist and make sure it's a descriptive name. So don't just say like moneymaking. Like for me, I could say affiliate marketing, playlist or book marketing or list building or things like that. You know, very specific. Not just money making, even though the overall umbrella is money making.
[00:04:59] You want it to be specific and then you can make a description for your playlist. A lot of people don't know that, so separate from your channel description, you can make descriptions for each playlist and it shows up all over the place. And and it helps people make a decision if they want to watch your videos or your playlists or not. Now you can also now they never used to do this allow you to reorder the videos in your playlist. So it used to be you just thrown them in there and whatever order you up, you picked them. But now you can reorder them, slide them up and down and pick which ones you want people to see first. And that's another feature that's available now. Now you might hear the term optimized playlist, which means that you have done keywords and a description and a good title. So that helps people find you more, helps the algorithm of YouTube, you know, pick your playlist when people are searching for stuff And there's also a lot of other settings in there, but there's tons of YouTube videos on this. If you want to get into the nitty gritty, or you can get in our programs and we'll teach them to you. And one thing you want to do for sure is allow embedding. This way somebody else can embed your entire playlist in their site and create views for you. And also make sure your list is public. Don't list it as private or unlisted because we want the public to be able to see it.
[00:06:22] And then once you get all this stuff done and and you learn how to do this, it's very easy. Then you can send the link in an email to your email list. Now see your playlist actually has a link. So you might have been sending individual videos to your list of people. That's good. Awesome. You should be doing that. But if you send a playlist link, they might watch three, four or 5 or 10 of your videos rather than just one. When you send out an email, it's much more efficient way to use your email, and it really increases that watch time, which you got to catch the next episode. 949 where I go over that. So pay attention to playlists. It's it's not even creating any new videos. You already have the videos. You're just organizing them and making them easy for people to watch. All right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Keep keep abreast of this series we're doing on little YouTube fixes that can really change your success with YouTube. And also check out my mentor program, where you get one on one with me and my entire staff, and hold your hand and teach you how to do all this stuff and buy from somebody that's actually done it and made millions and millions of dollars doing it. So. So there you go. That's my story. I'm sticking to it. We'll catch you all in the next episode, which is going to be Watch Time.