935 - Cost Effective and Powerful: Tom talks Why I Don't Waste Time With Shopping Carts - Screw The Commute

935 – Cost Effective and Powerful: Tom talks Why I Don’t Waste Time With Shopping Carts

This is part of our series on why I don't waste time. Today is the last part of the series, why I don't waste time on shopping carts. If you want to hear the entire series and how this series from episode 929 to the present could save you, I mean thousands of hours into the future wasting time on stuff if you would just if somebody just taught you what to do.

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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 935

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Why I Don't Waste Time With Shopping Carts

[01:22] Using the most cost effective and powerful shopping cart

[03:22] Using Sequential Autoresponders

[05:26] Using Coupons and Upsell Modules

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In episode 935 of Screw the Commute, Tom Antion explains why he doesn't waste time with shopping carts, focusing on automation and efficiency. He emphasizes that he's been using the same shopping cart system, KickStartCart.com, for 22 years, as it is cost-effective and powerful for both beginners and small businesses. Tom explains that automating processes like sequential auto responders, coupons, upselling, and bundles allows him to save time while still generating significant revenue. He notes that many users don't fully utilize these systems, but once set up, they can run autonomously and bring in consistent profits. He also highlights that this shopping cart system provides free, unlimited training for users and their staff.

The episode is part of a series (929-935) where Tom discusses various time-saving techniques, covering topics like AI, book writing, customer service, web design, and podcasting. He encourages listeners to explore the entire series to help them maximize efficiency in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Tom concludes by promoting upcoming episodes and events, including the Profitable Coach Summit, offering free training on coaching businesses.


Episode 935 – Why I Don’t Waste Time With Shopping Carts
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 935 of Screw the Commute podcast. This is part of our series on why I don't waste time. Today is the last part of the series, why I don't waste time on shopping carts. If you want to hear the entire series and how this series from episode 929 to the present could save you, I mean thousands of hours into the future wasting time on stuff if you would just if somebody just taught you what to do. 929 was on artificial intelligence. 930 writing books. 931. Customer service 932. Web design 933. Social media 934. Podcasting and today is shopping carts. I don't waste time on any of this stuff, but I do use all of it to make a lot of money online. All right, let me turn this darn phone off. I hear it beeping at me here.

[00:01:22] Okay, so first of all, I've been using the same shopping cart system for 22 years and promoting it. I think I've had 1500 users over the years, and I'm still still using the same one. And here's why. Not only do I make money promoting it, but it's the most cost effective, most powerful one I've ever evaluated over all these years. Now, are there ones that will do more than this? Absolutely, yes. But for all the kinds of people I teach, they don't even use 100% of what this one will do, you know? So you get some of these things that are just so fancy, so complicated, that you're wasting money every month by paying for it.

[00:02:12] And I had one lady actually come to me with a system. You've all heard of it, and she was paying $4,000 a month for a part time person to operate it, in addition to the $400 a month she was paying for it. Right? This is just crazy. Especially if you're just starting out, or if you have a medium sized business and you don't have an IT staff. This is all stuff you can do yourself. So I don't waste time on this stuff. And it's just like podcasting and the many other things I don't waste time on. I spend my time in the beginning setting things up, and then I use the power of these tools to to do all the things that I wanted to do, where I don't have to do it by hand. And so I'm going to I picked out four things out of our shopping cart system. It's kickstartcart.com you can. And by the way, if you get it, we give you unlimited one on one tutoring for you. And if you have a staff to operate it so you you take advantage of all these powerful features that make money for you while you're doing something else. So anyway, one of the features is unlimited sequential auto responders. Now, if you don't know what an auto responder is, it's when somebody buys something or opts in to get a freebie from you. Email. Start going back to them automatically. Well, you have to to put them in to start with on what they should say.

[00:03:44] But I've had some of these sequences going back 15, 18 years. They've been working for me. Okay. You know how much money that's brought in and how and with me setting it up 18 years ago, that sequence, and then never touching it for 18 years now, sometimes you do need to update and edit some little things on it, but some of them have been running without me and doing anything because some of my stuff is what we call evergreen public speaking related. So a lot of that stuff hasn't changed forever. And so it's all running by itself now. Sequential auto responders mean that when somebody does something, let's say they buy something from you, an email goes out and then a couple days later, another email goes out to that person and then another a week later. I mean, you can set it how however you want. It makes sense for you to keep sending them emails, follow up service. One of the things I'm going to talk about next is coupons to get them to buy something else. Upselling. See, it's all automated once you set it up once. That's why I don't waste time on this. In fact, I couldn't possibly keep track of it with all the customers we have. And and remember to to send them another email because they bought product X and to give them a coupon to buy product Y. I couldn't possibly remember. We have 65,000 customers, so? So these are why I don't waste time on this. But sequential auto responders are part of your shopping cart system.

[00:05:26] All right. So the next thing I just mentioned was coupons. So I don't waste time on giving people deals that I could have automated. So in these auto responder messages, after you buy a certain product, after a while you'll get a coupon to buy some other thing and get a discount. Thanking you for buying the first product. And usually the the product should be something related to what they just bought, say so. Coupons are another thing that I don't waste time on. I set them up once, put them in there and they just run and orders come in all the time while I'm doing something else, say upsells. Upsells are where I set something up, where if you buy product A, it offers you product B if you buy product B, it offers you product C. All right. So these are called upsell modules. And this is extremely powerful. And I have not done in the third. Let's see I'm just having my 30th anniversary of selling online and having this capability started about 22 years ago. Yeah yeah about 22 years ago. Not once in the last 22 years that I've even had this capability. Have I done less than 30 to 50% of the people going for the upsell when I offer it to them? And I created some of them 22 years ago. Right. And so 30 to 50% of the people go for it. Now I have a whole training on upselling, but this is all automated. I don't waste time on this. This is my whole point of this series, is I set it up once and then I don't waste time on it and it just works automatically.

[00:07:17] And a spin off of upsells are called bundles. So after you get so many products built up, if you want to make a promotion to bring in some cash, you can bundle some of them together for one price. So I might have I have 25 different ebooks so I can bolt bundle, say, okay, let's take this one, this one, this one, this one. Put them in a bundle, put it at a discounted price for the whole bundle and send it out. All right. So those bundles, some of them have been created years ago. And anytime I feel like it, I can pull out one of the bundles, send the people an email and boom, money comes in. All right. So that's just that's just a smattering of the thing you can do with a powerful shopping cart system. The pro version of this thing only costs $129 a month. One simple promotion can pay for it for a year. Okay. So so this is the kind of things we've been doing over here for years and years and years, and teaching my students how to do for years and years and years. So anyway, if you want to, if you want this for yourself, kickstartcart.com also episode. I'm pretty sure it's episode ten of this podcast. Screwthecommute.com/10 covers all the kinds, like 30 things that you can do with a good shopping cart system.

[00:08:44] So make sure you listen to that. And keep in mind, if you if you decide to get this shopping cart system, you can pay monthly or you get two free months. If you pay yearly, you get unlimited one on one training and tutoring for you. And if you have a staff or if you have a spouse, all of them one on one tutoring to teach you how to use it to take advantage of all these things. And basically you're getting mentoring and high level mentoring as part of your deal. All right. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Make sure you check out this whole series 929 to 935. And also big deal. Uh, on Friday we have a Roberto Candelaria is on talking about his, uh, profitable coach summit, which is coming up next week. And you don't want to miss this. It's $1 million worth of free training. And if you want to just jump over there now, you can go to screwthecommute.com/pcs that stands for Profitable Coach Summit Register for free. They have an upgrade. If you if you know there's 2425 sessions so and live panel events. But the sessions you can watch anytime you want. So there you go. So check it out at screwthecommute.com/pcs. And if you want the shopping cart system and all this good stuff working for you, kickstartcart.com and then contact me for your training. All right. We'll catch you all in the next episode, which is tomorrow, 936. Bye.