917 - Take care of your customers: Tom talks How To Lose A $179 Sale - Screw The Commute

917 – Take care of your customers: Tom talks How To Lose A $179 Sale

Today, we're going to talk about how to lose $179 sale. Basically, we're talking about service reviews today and why I didn't spend 179 bucks when I could have.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 917

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to How To Lose A $179 Sale

[01:34] Buying a camera and looking at 1 star reviews

[03:12] Giving really, really bad service won't get you sales

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Episode 917 – How To Lose A $179 Sale
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 917 The Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about how to lose $179 sale. Basically, we're talking about service reviews today and why I didn't spend 179 bucks when I could have. I hope you didn't miss episode 916. That was surveys and how you can use them to get big publicity in major publications, and also improve your business and help your product and service development. Save money because you won't be producing stuff that people don't want. So that was 916. Anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, then the episode number. That was surveys 916. Today is 917. Pick up a copy of our automation e-book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Just one of the tips in this book has saved me. We estimated 8 million keystrokes. You want to get this book and put it into your business? It's free and we charge 27 bucks on the open market for it. So you're crazy for not grabbing it. screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingtraining.com.

[00:01:35] Okay, I like to talk about a lot of things on this podcast that's actually happening to me or I'm working on in this case, I wanted to buy a new dashcam. I saw this one that had all these great features. It had a front camera, 4K, legitimate 4K. It had an inside the cab camera with infrared, so it will do it in the dark. And it had a back camera, three different cameras, and it's awesome. And it retailed for $399, but it was on sale for $179. I'm saying wow. But anytime I, I check out something to buy, I always go to Amazon and I want to look at the review section and I always go to the one star reviews. Now how many one star reviews I can discount and just throw away? The person's an idiot, you know, they say the cord was too short. Well, that doesn't affect me. If the camera was great, I could. You know, my dad was an electrician for 50 years. I can extend the cord a little bit. All right. Or the box was damaged when I got here. So they gave it a one star review. Oh, it wasn't the shippers, you know, it was the shippers fault. It wasn't the person sending it. Probably. So I discount those kind of stupid reviews, but I'm looking for reviews that have substance. Well, the thing doesn't work. It doesn't turn on. It was dead on arrival. If there's loads and loads of those, then are all the great features seem to go by the wayside if it doesn't actually work.

[00:03:13] But another thing that keeps me from purchasing, which I did not purchase this dash cam. It wasn't because the camera wasn't good. They said a lot. In fact, most of the reviews were. The camera was good, but the service was absolutely horrendous. Let's say somebody's an accessory was missing. Here's some of the. And there could be other little things wrong that you need to call for service. Or maybe you couldn't figure out how to do something or whatever it is. So I got a couple quotes here from, I don't know, 30, 40, 50 similar quotes. So one of them was Jennifer made me feel like I was stupid. All right. That's bad service. Then they called and the voicemail said to text them, and then they texted him and did not get a response. All right, another guy said. I emailed and the response was two weeks later, all this is what we call poor service and service reviews. So this is this is something you really have to concentrate on. There was another one. It said customer service person was rude. I saw that numerous times. And so there's no way I'm going to spend $179, even if it is discounted. And I'm thinking then the reason it's discounted is because they're having trouble selling it because of all these bad reviews they're getting with their service department.

[00:04:47] And these went on and on. Like I said, those weren't, uh, aren't unique ones. There was loads of them. And like I said, hardly any of them said the camera was bad and many of them said the camera was pretty good. But still, with the service like that, if you have trouble, you're screwed basically. So I wasn't going to give my my money to a company that does that and listen to this in one of them. To honor the warranty on this camera, they said you must send it back in its original box and listen to this. I never heard of this ever. And the original shipping box. All Who? Who keeps their Amazon box or wherever you bought it from? You know, you might keep the box that the product came in. Sure. Yeah, I have lots of those boxes laying around, but the the actual shipping box that it came in just ridiculous. So, you know, and that was to honor a return or a warranty replacement for a camera that was bad. So here's the thing, folks. This is a short, short podcast, but this can cost you enormous amounts of money because if you let some schmuck go, some gen a, b, c, d q, l p l z.

[00:06:13] I don't know what generation we're on now that some woke entitled little prick thinks they shouldn't have to work, and then they treat your customers like this. Well, you're an idiot for hiring them. All right, you got it. And if you find out that they do something like that, and you read these reviews yourself, you fire them immediately. All right. Take the calls yourself. Answer the emails yourself. Answer the texts yourself until you get it under control or your business is down the tubes, no matter how good your product is. So make sure your service reviews are great. Legitimately great, I might add. Don't be just buying a bunch of BS fake reviews. That's obvious too, but have good service people because your product could be only mediocre. But if the service people take care of people, you'll still make money. Okay, I'm not advocating mediocre products at all, but I'm just saying that if you put stuff like this where reviews are just critical nowadays and guys like me won't give you our money, well, you're kind of screwed and you're going to keep discounting until you're out of business. All right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Check out my mentor program. GreatinternetmarketingTraining.com and I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.