908 - Fake is ALWAYS Fake: Tom talks Seminar Scams Part Three - Screw The Commute

908 – Fake is ALWAYS Fake: Tom talks Seminar Scams Part Three

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Seminar Scams Part Three

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Tom talks Seminar Scams Part Three           Tom talks Seminar Scams Part Three          
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    Today is the last part of a series to keep you safe. This is part three of Seminar Scams, but we go all the way back to episode 903 QR Code Scams 904. Catfishing scams 905. Just regular Phishing Scams 906 is part one of seminar scams and 907 is part two. This is part three. I don't want you getting ripped off at a seminar, and I've been there thousands of times, literally, and have seen a lot of bad stuff. And I have actually have a dossier on just one bad seminar guy that I got 48 victims on for lots and lots of money. So I don't want that to happen to you.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

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    [00:23] Tom's introduction to Seminar Scams Part Three

    [01:43] Seminar that's “selling the dream”, getting limits raised on credit cards

    [04:11] Fake exclusivity, catalysts that makes the scams go easier

    [07:56] Fake live demos, bringing up objections and fake complaints

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    Seminar Scams Part Two – https://screwthecommute.com/907/

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    Episode 908 – Seminar Scams Part Three
    [00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom with episode 908 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today is the last part of a series to keep you safe. This is part three of Seminar Scams, but we go all the way back to episode 903 QR Code Scams 904. Catfishing scams 905. Just regular Phishing Scams 906 is part one of seminar scams and 907 is part two. This is part three. I don't want you getting ripped off at a seminar, and I've been there thousands of times, literally, and have seen a lot of bad stuff. And I have actually have a dossier on just one bad seminar guy that I got 48 victims on for lots and lots of money. So I don't want that to happen to you. All right. Make sure you grab a copy of our automation e-book. It's screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com. Also, the full article on this seminar stuff covers all three of these episodes and goes into great depth with a lot more examples of the things that can happen to you. antion.com/top20seminarscams.htm. All right. So this is part three. Uh, some bonuses and some catalysts to make the scams go better and things like that. All right. The first one that you got to watch for is the entire seminar.

    [00:01:57] Or the bulk of the seminar is selling the dream. Oh, look at my Rolex. Look at my car. Look at my jet that I went out on the tarmac and got a picture in front of. And I don't own that kind of thing. Selling the dream that you can have all this great stuff, but there's actually no content that would help you get it. So selling the dream, if you see that the bulk of it, you know something bad is coming for you financially. All right. The next thing is a real estate related where the first part of the seminar, they're totally telling you the importance of credit. Totally true. Right? This is you know, a lot of these scams are believable and have elements that are true, but that doesn't mean the whole thing is true. So yes, it's important to have good credit. It's important to have credit available. So as it goes along they teach you how to get the limits raised on your credit cards. If you're too timid to do it, they will actually get on the phone, pretend to be you, and get your limits raised. Sometimes the 50 $100,000, they're really good at it. They know what to say and what to do. And then it just so happens, by the end of the seminar, their advanced training is 50 or $100,000.

    [00:03:23] So if you see one of these where they're telling you how to raise the limits on your credit cards to do investments. And, you know, like I said, this was kind of invented in the real estate business. So, uh, also one of the most famous people in this is kind of kicked out of certain countries because he's such a fraud. But they, uh, he did a big publicity thing and hoodwinked the dumbass, um, reporters and bought a house, you know? Unbelievable. Deal. Put it that way. And it was all a big scam. But it because of the idiot, you know, reporters became worldwide known and made a fortune before he started getting kicked out of countries. All right, next thing is fake exclusivity. They're telling you you're going to be in this secret club that other people aren't into, and you're going to get knowledge that nobody on Earth has except me or my team. You know, as soon as you hear that, I mean, I teach people things like crazy. I mean, yeah, I even invented some of the things that I teach after all these 30 years online. But most of it I learned from somebody else that did it. And then I did it and refined it. And, you know, so so when you hear people telling you, okay, you're going to get things nobody else on earth has, well, that's crazy, all right.

    [00:04:58] Because there's always somebody before you that that did something and you learned from it, and maybe you changed it a little bit. And yeah, I do say that in certain things, like I'm pretty much the only person at my level that'll give you one unlimited one on one consulting. Nobody else will. Maybe you'll find somebody. Maybe I'm telling an untruth here, but I've never heard of anybody at my level that will even talk to you at all, let alone, let alone one on one. That's the basis of my whole, uh, mentor program online. For 27 years or so, I've been online 30 years, uh, my anniversary, 30.5 years now. So. So, yeah, there's some things you can't get anywhere else. But the information that I give you, it's all out there. It's just that I boil it down and make it understandable and help you through problems and things like that, you know? So I'm not claiming to know all, be all. That's that's a bunch of BS. So fake exclusivity. Now the next one I call a catalyst. It's something that makes the scams go easier. And this is the I'm a Christian scam. So they make a big deal of their faith and how they go to church and how they're family oriented and all this bullshit, and to make whatever scam they're pulling seem more believable because this person is so good.

    [00:06:30] Look at their good heart. I've even been accused of it because I save animals and I make a big deal of it. Uh, and, in fact, I almost got kicked out of Whole Foods the other day because I made a big stink. There was a Tesla idiot yuppie piece of shit in the parking lot charging his vehicle with a dog in the back, and the dog was clearly upset, you know, in distress. It was 92 degrees out there, ran in making a big deal of it, and everybody's just standing with their thumbs up their ass. And I'm telling the to get the person on the PA system and get out there and take care of the dog. I had to call the police. I mean, it was a big mess. So yeah, I'm a big dog advocate and I hope you like me for that. If you don't, if you don't like dogs, I. Okay, I can't help that. But this overly push I mean, I haven't said that on 900 podcasts. I don't think talk. I probably talked about dogs a little bit, over 900 podcasts, but it's not like every day I'm trying to tell you what a wonderful Christian guy, good person I am so that I can scam you. Okay.

    [00:07:40] There's even this big restaurant chain that claims to be all this, this stuff. And, uh, and then they, uh, they sued some little farmer out of business, you know? So, Anyway, the. I'm a Christian, uh, catalyst, I call it. All right, now, this one is really, really, really, really insidious. And I even had a lawyer. A piece of shit lawyer as big. Another big name guy. It was a big, did big stuff in the entertainment industry sticking up for the scammers, you know, just piece of shit garbage. Um, but anyway, it's a fake live demos. So this guy would get on stage and say, look, I'm going to create a product right here in front of you and have it on sale and bring in big money in, uh, while I'm on stage here in my presentation. Okay. You know what happened? He had if on one of the other episodes I talked about shills, but these are people that are around the country or around the world that he's going to do this on stage and put it out there, and they're sitting there waiting to buy it to make you think that it was just random. People around the world were buying this product, and then you run up and learn, you know, by giving big money to, to find his method. All right. So this is fake live demos.

    [00:09:08] Now this this crosses the line into fraudulent con, you know, con man stuff. Um, let's see. And then the last one is I'm really important and this is a scam to cover the fact that once somebody's been scamming for a long time, it's coming out online. You can research them and hear all this stuff. So and it actually goes back to our sales technique of bringing up an objection before somebody else does. And so right away these people will bring up objections. You you'll see a lot of bad stuff about me online. And you know what? It's because I have found it's jealous competitors. That's who's the one that's putting all these fake, uh, you know, bad reviews about me on there, and you can't, you know, this is what happens when you get as successful as I am because I'm important. Total horseshit. If you look deeply, if you know people, people have to be really screwed over to put a bad a really bad review, detailed review out there. And so chances are, if there's a lot of them out there, they're not all fake. Now, yes, there have been instances where legitimate company, a disgruntled employee did something, uh, to screw them over or got somebody from China to, you know, hit him with an attack or, you know, there are potential. You know, that does happen for sure.

    [00:10:35] But again, they play off of this fact to screw you over, to use it to rob you. And so when you hear them, what do they call it? Uh, I think he doth protest too much, right? About all these jealous competitors. And I'm so important and all these fake bad reviews, uh, you know, you got to guard you, put your hand on your wallet, guard it, and run out the door. Okay. All right, so that's, uh, a whole bunch of episodes. How many I got here? One, two, three, four, five, six, I think six episodes. Uh, two weeks worth that will help keep you out of trouble. Uh, so check, uh, you know, really, really take these to heart and spread this around to save your colleagues and your employees. They can get hit with phishing attacks. That'll hurt you. You know, it might. They might give up some information, and then they're an employee. And the worst you can do is fire them. Or, you know, you feel bad that they made such a mistake, but you made the mistake not training them. And you're the one that's going to get your bank accounts robbed, you know? So so be extremely careful and take these things to heart. All right. Check out my mentor program. GreatinternetmarketingTraining.com and I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.

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