838 - Another powerful way to increase sales: Tom talks Cost Comparisons - Screw The Commute

838 – Another powerful way to increase sales: Tom talks Cost Comparisons

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Cost Comparisons

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    Today, we're going to talk about cost comparisons. This is another copywriting technique based on my course copywriting901.com. Episode 837 I talked about teasers that yeah, they're not that important for low ticket products, but very important for high ticket products. That was episode 837 and then 836 was bonus testimonials. That's another little known copywriting secret that you can add easily to your sales letters to sell more stuff. Also, your video sales letters.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 838

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    [00:23] Tom's introduction to Cost Comparisons

    [01:41] A great way to show the value of your products and services

    [03:21] For the cost of something cheap you get a great benefit

    [05:48] Use cost comparisons and you'll increase sales

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    Episode 838 – Cost Comparisons
    [00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 838 is Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about cost comparisons. This is another copywriting technique based on my course copywriting901.com. Episode 837 I talked about teasers that yeah, they're not that important for low ticket products, but very important for high ticket products. That was episode 837 and then 836 was bonus testimonials. That's another little known copywriting secret that you can add easily to your sales letters to sell more stuff. Also, your video sales letters. So anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to screw the commute comm slash and then the episode number 836 bonus testimonials 837 teasers today is 838 cost comparisons. And when you want to get to our training episodes as opposed to our interview episodes, you go to screwthecommute.com/training. I think we got 425 episodes up there now. Straight training, probably a million bucks worth of training for you. Check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com and download a copy of our automation e-book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree.

    [00:01:41] All right cost comparisons. They're a great way to show value and move people to buying your product or service. Also, they are a beautifully illogical way to sell stuff. Illogical. And I'll explain that that shortly. There are two types of cost comparisons. One is called apples to oranges, and I don't really have a name for the other one, but it's comparing something expensive that's good to something cheaper. That's better.

    [00:02:13] All right. Let's let's look at the apples to oranges. Here's an example for the cost of a cup of coffee a day. This is from my public speaking stuff. For the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you could throw in the name of a major coffee place if you wanted to. But anyway, for the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you could be getting standing ovations around the world. Now, I usually ask my students why this is totally illogical and it's beautiful because it works like a charm. It sells like crazy, but I get all kinds of answers for them. But the actual answer is that I never specify a time period. You could be buying a cup of coffee for the next 10,000 years, right? To pay for your knowledge of how to get a standing ovation, but nobody you're selling to ever notices this. So that's why it's beautifully illogical. They just see a relatively small price, even though I know fancy coffee isn't that cheap nowadays. But. But they compare that to the giant benefit of getting standing ovations around the world. So your formula to use this cost comparison is here. It is for the cost of something cheap. And that's where you fill in the some cheap thing that they can relate to. You could get. And then you fill in a great benefit of your product or service. So for the cost of something cheap you could get a great benefit. There's your formula. And it's really easy to put in your into your sales process.

    [00:03:50] But it's extremely powerful when it comes to selling. All right. Now let's move on to the second cost comparison. That's comparing something expensive that's good to something cheap. That's even better. And here's an example of that. For $20,000 a day, plus first class airfare plus expenses, plus an assistant plus per diem, you could have Tom come into your business to do a full day training on internet and digital marketing for small business, or for only $599 a year. You could have Toms Small Business Internet course and have it available in small chunks and for new hires during the year. All right, let's break that down. Yeah, I would do a great job for them like I have for many, many years in speaking. But they would get a fire hose worth of stuff to do. And new people hired after that day would not be exposed to the material for the $590 per year. Let's say that's a small business price. The larger businesses would pay more. They would be able to implement it a little bit at a time. New people throughout the year would be able to learn the techniques, and I wouldn't have to set foot in an airport. Right. I mean, I'd rather sell a thousand of these 599 things to small businesses and get a recurring income every year rather than travel anymore. And there has to be a lot of money on the table for me to go to the airport after having done it a couple thousand times in my career, and how crazy it is now.

    [00:05:29] So your formula for this cost comparison is you could have X. At why price something good at an expensive price. Or you could have a bunch more. Great things for a lower price. So that's your formula for this cost comparison. I mean use cost comparisons in your business and you're no doubt will you increase sales. There's one other bonus one I could throw in. It's not necessarily just a cost comparison, but you can make comparison charts. So you compare other products in your field and make a big like list with, you know, you get this with us and you get you don't get this with these other ones. So that's a cost comparison chart. Be another way. I don't do that too much because there's a lot of stuff I have. There's no there's nothing to compare it to. So. So anyway use that and you will make more money. This is part of our copywriting series. I know they're short, but these things are powerful. I've used them for years to make enormous amounts of money and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com where you can get one on one help from me personally and my entire staff that's been trained by me to really kick off an online business or improve any business that you have in your online portion of it. So check it out. GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com and I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.

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