648 - Active Duty Entrepreneur: Tom interviews Patrick Burt - Screw The Commute

648 – Active Duty Entrepreneur: Tom interviews Patrick Burt

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Patrick Burt

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    Patrick Burt is here. He's a third generation Marine who got started in building brands while he was on active duty. And he's been in the digital marketing industry for a little over eight years and he's worked with over 1850 businesses. So for his young age, well, he's got some experience. He found his career by chance, but he stays for his passion and he has some side hustles we'll tell you about.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 648

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    [02:33] Tom's introduction to Patrick Burt

    [10:22] Sticking with something familiar and translating to business

    [13:10] The Decoy Effect

    [18:20] Building townhouses and partnerships

    [22:53] Sponsor message

    [25:47] A typical day for Patrick

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    Episode 648 – Patrick Burt
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey, everybody, is Tom here with Episode 648 of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with veteran Patrick Burt and this is part of Vetpreneur Month on Screw the Commute podcast. Every September, we honor our veteran entrepreneurs, but really we're honoring all veterans. We're very pro-military here. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts on behalf of myself and the audience, because of the things they do so that we can do what we do safely. Patrick said money is important to a happy life and people who say otherwise, well, they don't have any.

    [00:00:59] So I like that.

    [00:01:02] That's pretty much true. I've seen that over many years. So we'll bring him on the minute. Hope you didn't miss Episode 647 That was Eddie Molina. He's got a home inspection business, a leadership business. He's a prolific writer in the veteran and law enforcement community. Now, anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash and then the episode number Eddie was 647 and Patrick is 648. All right. Make sure you pick up a copy of our automation e-book. Just one of the tips in this book we estimated has saved me 8 million keystrokes. It's a little macro program because as people in my business and all businesses get the same questions all the time, and this allows you to hit a couple of keystrokes and boom, you can put in war and peace as the answer if you want. So that's just one of the tips in this book of how I'm lightning fast taking care of people, because I don't want you fighting with your computer. I want you working with prospects and customers and developing products and services because that's where the money is.

    [00:02:06] So grab your free copy of that book. And this isn't like a three page checklist. This is a 60 page book that shows you how I've been automating myself for all these years and pulling in the bucks. So pick up a copy of it at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. And while you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app. It's screwthecommute.com/app and put us on your cell phone and tablet and take it with you on the road.

    [00:02:34] All right. Let's get to the main event. Patrick Burt is here. He's a third generation Marine who got started in building brands while he was on active duty. And he's been in the digital marketing industry for a little over eight years and he's worked with over 1850 businesses. All right. So for his young age, well, he's got some experience. He found his career by chance, but he stays for his passion and he has some side hustles we'll tell you about. So, Patrick, are you ready to screw? The commute?

    [00:03:08] Let's go.

    [00:03:10] Well, thank you very much. And your whole family for their service and your service. And I know all the family members are really part of service. I mean, they share some of the sacrifices they make on our behalf. It's just unbelievable to me. So, so thanks so much for that. So happily before you got into the service, did you have any jobs? You know, job is kind of a dirty word around here, but a lot of people are forced into some of them. So we we want to see how they got out of.

    [00:03:40] Right. So ironically, no. And I find it kind of interesting because most of the people that I served with in all I mean, they typically had something before, but military was my that was my first ever venture. That was the first time I ever really got paid for anything. So.

    [00:03:56] And you were.

    [00:03:57] Interesting eye opening.

    [00:03:58] You were in there. How long?

    [00:04:00] So I did I did five years in the Marines. It was it was very interesting. Like I said, it was the first time that I ever really got paid. So it was a unique perspective, I'd say, for just most people come in like, oh, they have to work a let's just say food service or something before they go in. But I mean, that was the first time I ever like, oh wow, I got money. Yeah, not actually enlisted. Don't get paid a lot, but that isn't what I thought. Yeah.

    [00:04:31] So five years you put in and then so when you were transitioning out, what were you thinking that you were going to do?

    [00:04:40] Oh, boy. So, I mean, like, like he kind of went over I mean, whenever I was active duty, I actually fell into marketing. So my story is a little bit weird. While I was active, I broke my arm and it kind of derailed my whole career. However, about midway through I got into the marketing and then from there I kind of knew I'm like, okay, whenever I get out, I know I'm going to go out and I'm going to do this. I'm going to continue this because it's it's it's fun and it's a challenge. I know that's weird to say since I'm coming from the Marines, but holy shit, sales is something different. Yeah.

    [00:05:19] Yeah, that's for sure. Now, yeah. You can't go into your prospect and and say, Hey, Heifer, how are you doing?

    [00:05:25] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    [00:05:28] Yeah. I don't think that applies to well in the business world. But, but, but still I want to go back to. So you broke your.

    [00:05:35] Arm.

    [00:05:36] But how did that transfer into marketing? You were stuck. You couldn't do anything else. So how did that by chance turn into marketing?

    [00:05:45] So I whenever I broke my arm, I got held back for a while. And funny enough, my first ever, I don't really consider it very entrepreneurial, but my first ever, I guess entrepreneurial thing that I went on to my own to make money on my own terms, ironically, joined a multi-level marketing company.

    [00:06:04] Oh, we hate those.

    [00:06:06] Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. But it opened my eyes because for some reason, I was exceptionally good. I was extremely good. Like, within two weeks of joining, I made like 900 bucks, which, I mean, isn't a lot, but I'm like, okay, what? What is this like? That was the first point when I learned I can control my own paycheck by just doing something. So. All right. But from there, I had a buddy from high school who I mean, 19 years old, flying private jets, doing all types of crazy stuff. Right. And I'm like, what do you do? And and he kind of told me some stuff. And then we just kind of kept in touch. And one day he's like, Hey, man, you want to make some money? And I'm like, Sure. I'm just day drinking in the barracks. Nothing, nothing going on. So he's like, Let's let's start. Let's start learning about marketing. And I've got this thing that I'm working on. And so I originally got started with, with sales and it was just, hey, learn sales on your own. And it was a like trial by fire effort, you know. But from there we started with building. We'd hit up Instagram accounts and be like, Hey, we can get you more followers, right? And then we went from there to more brands and then we started building up online presence and hey, we're going to get you on Google and Yelp and being a mentor. And I mean, that was that was our first big thing and that was what I did for the majority of the time while I was active on my entrepreneurial side and whenever I got out, wow. Yeah. So I knew straight up, I'm like, Yeah, this is what I'm going to do.

    [00:07:50] Well, yeah. So breaking your arm worked out pretty good for you. Let's just take a minute. Broke your neck. Jace, what's your.

    [00:07:58] Oh, oh, right. Like I'll go break some more bones. Yeah, yeah.

    [00:08:04] There's one thing that I noticed that I'd like you to talk about a little bit, and it's called the mere exposure theory.

    [00:08:13] Okay.

    [00:08:13] Tell people about that, because they're surrounded by a lot, but they probably don't understand what's going on.

    [00:08:20] Right? Right. So, I mean, the mere exposure theory that was actually part of my my psychological series that I've been doing. So with that.

    [00:08:30] Because you have a mindset business you're working on on the side. Right, as a side.

    [00:08:34] Right, right. Yeah. So I mean, with that God, I was so happy you brought that up actually, because one thing that I've noticed, especially in marketing, is that most people know how, but they don't know why. And so I started pushing these up there and writing up these content. So like for example, the mirror exposure theory, I mean, it's a theory and I'm going to try and sum this up because it's way beyond what my brain can handle. But, but it's really a theory that kind of just focuses on the, the tendency that people prefer the familiar over the unfamiliar. So like, I think from the post that I wrote on, I did a good example and it was like, let's say you're going overseas and you're going to a restaurant, right? And then, you know, let's say you're in let's say you're in Italy, right? And obviously, let's say you just can't read or whatever, but you see some stuff and you're like, well, I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is, but I understand pizza, you know? And so it's the human nature to go with something that we are already familiar with. That way we don't have to experience something new, we don't have to try new things. And it's just it's so deeply ingrained into our I mean, I don't know the parts of the brain, but it's deep in there. You know, I.

    [00:10:01] Did the same thing. Patrick I was in France and I went down to Monte Carlo and I ate at McDonald's.

    [00:10:09] Because I couldn't figure out.

    [00:10:11] Anything else. I figured they have French fries, so.

    [00:10:14] They having French fries in France? That's a that's a that's an experience right there. Yeah. So that's funny.

    [00:10:23] So yeah. So you stick with something familiar. Now how does that translate to business?

    [00:10:28] So I mean, in business I typically translate that to more of marketing and branding. And with that, you know, it kind of goes into things like you don't want to try something so like new that's just going to shock an all people because they might be so scared to actually go forth and do it, you know? So you want to make sure that if you can relate this to something that's already out there, that's already people might be familiar with this. So I think I think I did I think I did an example of this one, but I'm more so focused, is on like colors and phrases. And so like, for example, let's say you're doing a construction company instead of having a construction company that let's say you do some you have some new tool, right? That does I don't know, it does double the work and half the time. Right. Instead of just trying to shock and all these people relate it to something that they might already know. So instead of saying, oh, this does it with this weird technology, but like it's the equivalent of having 50 men working all at the same time. Mm hmm. Yeah. So because of that, you know, they can they can piece something together in their mind that they already are familiar with. And it's like, Oh, that makes sense. Versus them trying to figure something out new all on the fly while they're while you're trying to convince them to buy or because that ain't going to work.

    [00:11:57] It doesn't even have to be something that clear. Because I remember I don't know if you know how old you are, but the kind of the grandfather of Internet marketing for small business he was 30 years old was Corey Rudolph, was his name. And that was my first training back in 1996 from him. And yeah. And he, yeah, he was making $5 Million a year from his apartment and it started selling automobile books and.

    [00:12:26] And what year was this.

    [00:12:27] Well you were in diapers or not even thought.

    [00:12:31] About it yet.

    [00:12:32] Yeah. So I started selling on the Internet in 1994 when the commercial internet started.

    [00:12:38] That's when I was born. Yeah.

    [00:12:39] And then. But I didn't make much money until I got Corey, met Corey Rudolph and took training from him. But he was telling me, Make your websites, blues and.

    [00:12:49] Grays.

    [00:12:50] Because all the Microsoft products are blues and grays. So people.

    [00:12:55] Aren't shocked.

    [00:12:56] On your website. They kind of flow into it and they don't get put their resistance up. So that's just a very surreal kind of psychological concept of what you're talking about, the familiar stuff.

    [00:13:10] And it goes deep. It goes real deep. Well, we're not that deep.

    [00:13:13] Around here.

    [00:13:14] So. Oh, no, no, no.

    [00:13:15] So let's let's switch to another one that's very practical. That, again, you see it all the time, you just never know it's happening to you. It's called the decoy effect. Tell him about that.

    [00:13:25] Yeah. So with the decoy effect, that was actually a really good one that I did. Let's see. I'm sorry. My dog is being a little. She's being a little.

    [00:13:34] Like dogs.

    [00:13:35] Around here, so put them on.

    [00:13:36] He's probably. He might be more interesting than you. Go ahead.

    [00:13:39] Put them on. Maybe. Oh, boy. Except for those. Those dog farts. Oh, yeah, that's something else. Yeah.

    [00:13:45] That's why we do audio only.

    [00:13:48] Look.

    [00:13:49] Out if he takes it.

    [00:13:50] So let's see the decoy effect. That was another one that I really, really liked. And I think that one I think that one's probably one of my favorite ones because it kind of goes into the another aspect of the paradox of choice. But it's like, so if you have two options, right? Let's say it's like, Oh, you want this package or that package. And actually we did this at the company that I told you about. So we had three plans originally, and one of them was like the starter. The middle one was kind of the the one we really wanted people to buy. And then we had a top tier premier package. The top tier premier package was 100% a decoy. If we sold it, great. But it was really just there to the best way that I can actually explain this. You remember I think it was Goldilocks, right? We had the. You know exactly. This one's too cold. This porridge is too hot. But this one's just right. And it's the exact same principle that I've seen. So it's like you have multiple choices, but some of these choices are literally they're just to make the other choice up here better. And I've seen it, used it. I mean, price tables, funnels, websites, sales techniques. I mean, you're pitching like everything it can apply to everything.

    [00:15:06] Yeah. That's, that's very practical thing to use. And, and people are probably sitting out there saying, Oh yeah, now I remember they were selling this. And so that's called the decoy effect, folks. And, and it can be used in your business to push people into a certain sale. And then if they, like I said, with the high end package, if they go ahead and buy that because you also have the.

    [00:15:30] That's a.

    [00:15:30] Win. Yeah, that's.

    [00:15:31] That's.

    [00:15:32] Yeah, that's an effect where people think, oh, it must be better if it's so expensive. So some people do that and hardly anybody go with the cheapest one, you know. So. Right, beautiful. So you have a couple of other businesses. One is digging ditches.

    [00:15:46] So yes. What's that all about? So yeah, I mean, we're we're a site work dirt work company. So I mean, digging ditches. I mean, we can do anything from dig ditches. We're actually trying to get technical. I think we already got the funding for it, but we're going to get a grinder which grinds up full trees.

    [00:16:04] Yeah. Stump, right? Yeah.

    [00:16:06] Oh, no, I mean, not, not. I'm not talking of stuff. I'm talking whole trees. Oh, no. Yeah, this thing is big. You don't want to fall on that, but.

    [00:16:14] Oh, you shove the tree in it and it makes chips.

    [00:16:16] Out of it. So you shove the whole tree in it.

    [00:16:19] And I'm like, How big of a tree can you handle? Because I have.

    [00:16:21] Experience with that. I think it can do. I don't know the numbers on it, but it can do like several hundred yards of trees in like an hour.

    [00:16:32] How wide? How thick of a tree? How what's it over a tree?

    [00:16:36] I think it can probably do up to like a maybe a two and a half, three foot, like nothing.

    [00:16:43] Yeah, that's. That's pretty serious. Yeah.

    [00:16:45] Is it. Yeah. It's a big.

    [00:16:47] Boy. Is it for me or is the, the the brand.

    [00:16:51] Oh, I don't know.

    [00:16:52] Vermeer is one of the big ones. Big ones in that field. But but yeah, that's a pretty serious treat.

    [00:16:57] Yeah. I mean, I find it funny how I landed into this stuff because it's like I got connected with my partner through my marketing because the first thing that I did was I was like, Hey, I helped him three years ago with his marketing when nobody else would listen to him and nobody else is like nobody else would give him the time of day. And I'm like, Hey, dude, this is what you got to do. Here's the free stuff, your tips. I'm a big believer in value up front, so I'm like, Here's some tips. Hey, dude, I'll give you 30 minutes of my time. Do this, this and this. And that came back to me three years later and he's like, Hey, I want you to have 40% in this company and here's a percent in this company. And like, let's build this together. And I'm like.

    [00:17:36] Oh, great.

    [00:17:37] Yeah. I'm like, I'm like, I'll be real with you. My extent of construction equipment stops at around Tonka toys. But hey, we can we can work this.

    [00:17:47] Well, I'm thinking see, there's another concept, you know, you had the mirror exposure theory and the decoy effect. There's a concept called functional fix oddness. And that's where you can only see one use for a product. You can't see all the other things that it might be able to be used for. So I'm thinking that big tree grinder, you could probably make a deal with Mafia people and.

    [00:18:10] To get.

    [00:18:11] To get rid of body.

    [00:18:13] You know, I don't know. We'll do the 20,000 get rid of your competition commercial. So that's great.

    [00:18:22] And then you're also building what, townhouses?

    [00:18:26] Yes. So I mean, we've got another company where we focus on and where are you based? Where are you based? So yeah, so both of those are going to be based out of Houston and then I live up in Dallas.

    [00:18:38] Currently a recent raise in interest rates. Is that slowing things down a little bit for that business?

    [00:18:45] I'm seeing it a little bit, but I mean, it's more so the investors are pulling back not not so much the work that we do, because typically what we'll do is we'll find somebody that has land and then we're like, because we're trying to target the inner cities. So it's like we find somebody that has land and we're like, hey, we'll, we'll partner on you with the land and we'll come in at cost to build. And then we just split whatever we build at the end of the day.

    [00:19:13] Got it. Yeah.

    [00:19:14] That's interesting. Yeah. And yeah, it's working pretty phenomenally. We've got we've got a few things in motion. It's definitely a longer term thing, which I'm not 100% used to, but I'm like, Hey, I'm, I'm in it for the long run. I mean, I'm 28, so I mean, I got, I got time. You're all over the hill. Holy shit. Oh. So.

    [00:19:36] So tell us about Power Up Media.

    [00:19:40] For sure. So Power Up Media. We actually recently rebranded from Connected Funnels. So my my partner Devin, he got that founded several years ago. And I actually came on board. I came on board for the first time and I say first again, weird stuff happened over the last five years, but I came on board for the first time in, I believe it was 20, 2019, and I kind of helped him out with a few things. And then I moved back to the other company that I originally talked about, and then that had a falling out. It was a pretty nasty falling out right after COVID kind of kicked up.

    [00:20:23] That's when you pull up that grinding machine.

    [00:20:26] Oh, sure.

    [00:20:28] Right. Fix the problem.

    [00:20:30] Right. Right. So, I mean, after that, I had to walk away. I lost effectively everything. I mean, I went from, like, that company at its peak. I mean, it wasn't anything crazy. Crazy, but I was managing, I don't know, 250 people myself, and we were making around 55 grand a month. But my partner didn't necessarily give me anything. And so I went from living in a high rise apartment with my my AMG Mercedes Benz to a hotel. But sometimes you got to. You got to do that. Yeah, I've been there.

    [00:21:05] I've been there for sure. Oh, yeah. So power up media.

    [00:21:09] Yes. I mean, I moved over to power of media and I mean, with their we're a full service agency. I mean, we've we've got we take care of everything from ads to SEO to web design. Mean we've actually got a package which we're currently executing on somebody to help them get verified online. We're trying to do Facebook and Instagram and potentially YouTube because that one's kind of the easiest. But I mean, that's been such an adventure because whenever I originally hopped over and I was helping them out, we were trying to do like a low price point. And that was that was a lesson we learned to the low price point. High volume is really cool for SAS companies, but not if you have manual people doing the work. So the clients.

    [00:21:57] Never get the stuff on time and don't.

    [00:21:59] Understand.

    [00:22:00] What's going on. That's why.

    [00:22:01] They don't.

    [00:22:02] We have nothing to do with that around here.

    [00:22:04] And I'm sure you've seen that. That picture that always gets posted is like the $500 client and it's like this is my life savings and the $50,000 clients like money sent. Get it done. Yeah. That's you know, that is that is so true. Oh! Oh, my gosh.

    [00:22:19] All right. So I'm going to give people a quote that I got from you, and then we're going to take a sponsor break and then we'll get you to come back and explain the quote and tell us what your daily life looks like today. So here's a quote I got from Patrick People that disallow criticism and feedback on their feeds or demonize an opposite opinion aren't actually trying to learn or improve. They're trying to build an echo chamber for ego. That's a pretty deep there. Patrick So for 28 years old, so we'll take a brief sponsor break. We'll get Patrick to come back and tell us about that and a typical day for him. So, folks, you know, I started selling on the Internet 28 years ago when the commercial Internet started, and then about halfway through, it was just getting buried with a bunch of scammers and, you know, legit people like me and some of the people that have been around for a long time, you're just getting hidden behind all these idiots that never made a nickel and telling you how to get rich, you know? So I thought, how am I going to set myself apart? So about 13 years ago, I went through three years worth of scrutiny to get the license for the only licensed, independent, dedicated internet and digital marketing school in the country, probably the world.

    [00:23:44] And I went through three years of living hell to background checks and financial checks and curriculum checks and everything. And still to this day, if I make a mistake, it's $1,000 fine per student, per mess up. So it's really, really we toe the line to keep our license for that school. We have a school that gives you an actual skill in as little as six months as opposed to the current four year college thing where you basically get a couple of hundred thousand dollars in debt. You stay out of the workforce for four years and you get out with an MBA that's probably five or six years. And then you're competing for jobs at Starbucks. Well, that's just not acceptable anymore. So our school is considered vocational, although it's computer related. So you learn Internet and digital marketing. All the stuff I've been doing for all these years, 28 and one half years. Tuition is reasonable and while we happen to be on vet per week, we give a 50% scholarship to all military and their families, veterans and their families and law enforcement, first responders and nurses. So if you're in any of those categories, you can get a 50% scholarship right off the top.

    [00:24:59] And then we guarantee that no military person will ever spend more than $97 a month for the balance of their tuition after they make a reasonable small down payment. So we're just totally behind you for what you've done for us. And my school was a reflection of that, and you can get a portable skill. So even if you're deployed or a military spouse, we have a program for them, a scholarship program with the DOD. You can take it anywhere and still stay in business and not have to take crappy jobs like all the military spouses have to do because everybody knows you're going to leave in a couple of years. So so check it out. We'll have it in the show, notes the link. But it's Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. It's a distance learning school so you can be anywhere IMTCVA.org/military.

    [00:25:49] All right, let's get back to the main event. We've got Patrick Burt here and he is 28 years old. Oh, my God. 28 years. I'm so far over the hill, Patrick. I can't remember going up the hill. So so I was I was informal business for 45. Five years at this point.

    [00:26:10] You know, so. Oh, gosh. Yeah. So.

    [00:26:14] But anyway, we're glad to have the youth. Youth is is revered nowadays because if you ask, you know, I know how to use TikTok, but you know, you you folks came out of the womb swiping screens and everything.

    [00:26:27] Oh, gosh.

    [00:26:28] My first my first calculator. No. Yeah, my first calculator cost 70, 80 bucks in the seventies. And all it would do is add, subtract, multiply and divide. And my first computer listen, this had a 40 megabyte, megabyte hard drive.

    [00:26:48] And, you know, that was fancy for those days.

    [00:26:50] Oh, man. Yeah, it cost $6,000.

    [00:26:55] So. So we've come.

    [00:26:57] A long way, baby. So I love to be these young people because, man, they teach me all kinds of fact. The first kid I started out here as an intern just sold Pluto TV. I don't know if you've heard of that. It's kind of like a Hulu kind of thing.

    [00:27:14] Yeah.

    [00:27:15] Yeah. He just sold it for $340 million.

    [00:27:19] I told him.

    [00:27:20] I said, I've come out to LA. You're buying dinner, buddy, because I got.

    [00:27:24] Him started.

    [00:27:25] In the business. So. But anyway, tell us about that quote about, you know, there's so many people getting canceled, there's so many safe spaces. Nobody wants to hear anything. That's not exactly what they want to hear. Tell us about how you, at your young age escaped that that problem.

    [00:27:43] So, I don't know. I feel like I got a really interesting kind of upbringing in business because like I said, I mean, I won. I had the Marines and the Marines. You're going to take your criticism whether you like it. Right. Right. You know, and then again, after that, whenever I got into my first business, the my mentor, my partner at the time, extremely, extremely aggressive type of guy. And then it was it just it kind of stuck with me, even though it was extremely, dare I say, toxic, but it was it's stuck. And, you know, last night I did that post because last night I was scrolling on Facebook. Right. And I was I saw this this girl that I followed and I like just added her because she has some coaching business or something. Like I, I work with all the coaches, so I'm checking out her feed and she, she states something which is kind of opinionated and then somebody else disagrees with her and then she says, Hey, I don't want that on my page. You know, this is for me. And I'm like, What? You know, I'm like, That is absolutely wild. And then I started thinking and I'm like, I see a lot of people that will disagree, and then they get like blocked or they get shut off. And I'm like, Man, if you go through, you go through my feed. I do a lot of controversial opinions. I'm not going to lie. I like stirring things up a little bit, but I've been called out. You know, I've had people I actually did a post the other day and I had a buddy who is way more successful than me.

    [00:29:17] And he called me up and he's like, Hey, man, you're out of line. And I'm like, Break it down for me. Like, What did I do? What did I say? And how should I do this? And I mean, he got me a lesson right there on the spot. And I mean, if you're so worried about being right or being the center of attention, like, you'll never learn. And I could care less if somebody thinks it's stupid, because if I, if I, if I make a fool of myself but I improve myself, it's like, hey, look, I had the the frickin the courage to fail, learn, and now I might be better than you. I'm saying, like I'm able to grow. And I feel like nowadays. Growth is not a priority to people as much as feeling good and feelings are only feelings are only powerful in the moment. But I mean, this might be a little bit rough, but feelings are cool whenever you're young and you worry about your feelings. But the last thing you want to do is wake up in your mid thirties and you're like, I wasted all my life, you know, because you, you just cared about what was good in the moment and you did not prepare for the future. You didn't think of yourself in the future and you never focused on growing. And so now you're the same person just ten years older, you know? Yeah, that's the deep stuff right there. I got to tell.

    [00:30:45] You, Patrick, that's your age. You just gave me back my will to live. Because are people your age are not talking like that.

    [00:30:56] I got to tell you. No, no, they're not.

    [00:30:58] Oh, and I kind of blame it on the parents and the educators, because I think they all should have to work a service job. They're so entitled, they they don't understand service.

    [00:31:10] And I mean I mean, I pinned it to something I was thinking and I kind of want your opinion on this. So because I painted as like, for example, my father or my grandfather was a Vietnam vet and he was a, as they would say, a horse Marine, this man who you don't want to mess him up. Right. And then he raised my father in a certain way. And then, of course, my father didn't want me to be raised like he was raised. And that's obviously something with all types of parents. They want to do better for their kids. But what I've noticed is that, you know, so I was raised in a certain way to make it more nicer than what he was raised. But it also made me not have any lessons, as many lessons as, let's say my father had. So and I see that I mean, I love my dad to death. Right. But and of course, every parent is figuring it out. Right, exactly. You know.

    [00:32:02] And they figure it out after you're already up.

    [00:32:05] And grown, you know. Exactly. Exactly. So I've noticed that there's that generational gap. And I think that that's a major reason that because it's like my generation, I would say, yeah, it's pretty messed up. But the generation under me, wow, I don't and maybe I don't know, that's just because I'm getting older and that's every generation.

    [00:32:26] Well, yeah, but think of me. Think in three or four generations how?

    [00:32:30] I mean, you must be like.

    [00:32:32] Yeah, it's like it's very difficult because and that's why I like to not have to deal with them very much. So my opinion is, is that it's two things. It's a generational, generational thing and it's a cultural thing. So the generational part of it is that, yes, the parents want to make things better for their kids. However, I think they go overboard. They use some of what happened to them should be preserved because it's like being on time. Like I had this big argument with this millennial expert and I said, Yeah, my deal is if you're not early, you're late. And she's like, Well, Tom, time is kind of flexible or fluid with my generation.

    [00:33:15] And.

    [00:33:15] I'm like, okay, you got to sign on your door. It says Open at 9 a.m., but then you put a note under it. Well, that depends if.

    [00:33:23] The employees.

    [00:33:24] Feel like at that day.

    [00:33:26] Oh, yeah. So my gosh.

    [00:33:28] So that's the generational part. They make it too easy on the kids. The cultural part is I'll give it just kind of a one line here. I read that American parents, mostly mothers, but American parents want their kids to be happy. Japanese parents want their kids to be successful.

    [00:33:51] Right. That's a big.

    [00:33:53] Cultural thing right there. And also, I like the TikTok thing. Everybody's, you know, the wildest, craziest BS is on tick tock, right. In the United.

    [00:34:03] States.

    [00:34:04] In the in China.

    [00:34:07] They don't let him be on it.

    [00:34:07] It's all science projects and things like that. And there's limit like one hour per day can I mean.

    [00:34:14] Yeah.

    [00:34:15] And so they're they're sending it to us to, to make it worse over here. So, so anyway, so it's a it's both. All right. So what's the typical day look like for you?

    [00:34:24] Oh, boy. So for me, I'm not going to lie. I'm trying to get things a little bit more tight knit.

    [00:34:31] All right. But do you get up early? Do you work out the.

    [00:34:34] Time.

    [00:34:36] Or what?

    [00:34:37] I'm trying to get a good morning routine going, so I'll wake up around like 637 and I'll get out of bed. I try to do my stretches, I take a shower, I take a long showers. I don't take cold showers because I'm not there yet. But in my showers, I will do all of my stretches. I will meditate and I will. I'll get ready for the day and wake up properly. And of course, during that time I'm drinking water. Then after that, I'll make breakfast and I get to work at around eight and I mean work. It's weird because everything's gone remote nowadays, and so I mainly focus on sales. That's always been my. I love it. I'm good at it. So. I get in, we have our morning meetings. I have to talk with my partner at Power Media. I talk with my partner in the construction and get all that out of the way. And then typically by around 930 or more on nine, I'm like, All right, cool, let's go. I'm start hitting through groups. I'm start getting through my messages. I'm starting all calls. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I try to go to the gym at around noon and or if I don't do something at the gym, get up, do some stretches, do some walk and do some calisthenics, stuff like that. I feel like health fitness is extremely important to health and a lot of people are like, Oh, you got to go lift crazy weights. It's like, look, if you're not there yet, don't worry, but get up, you know, drink water, move so you don't just stagnate, right? But I mean, so I'll knock that out. I mean, most of my days, I don't really have a good structure. I'm not going to lie. I am, for the most part, running and gunning. Yeah, I get it. However, I kind of like that. I like the.

    [00:36:30] Oh, I can't stand the routine, you know I can't stand routine. Why do you think it's called Screw the commute? I couldn't stand.

    [00:36:36] Exactly.

    [00:36:37] On set. I never had a job. That's why it's called screw the commute, in case you didn't know.

    [00:36:41] Right.

    [00:36:41] And and you can live two or three lives when you're running and gunning, you know?

    [00:36:47] So. Exactly. It's so much fun. It's so much fun because, like, you just don't you don't know what's going to happen. And every win is like a it's a real win. It's not like, oh, well, I showed up today and I got my thing done. It's like I had to go hunt this down. And this just popped up 30 minutes ago and I took care of that fire. And it's like, I'm making moves and I love it. I mean.

    [00:37:09] People like us get more stuff done before breakfast than most executives get done in their whole career.

    [00:37:16] Really?

    [00:37:18] Seriously? Oh, I ask an executive, what do you do? Well, you know, I get in around nine 3010 and then we have a meeting and then it's lunch.

    [00:37:30] Right. You know, that that relates to something that I was taught which I would love to share. And it's that most people are dim lights. Right. And so what I mean by that is, you know, they'll they'll they'll work an eight hour day, but it's really I'll.

    [00:37:47] Call them dimwits but yeah.

    [00:37:51] So it's like if you work in an eight hour day and you really look at what you're working on, you can accomplish that same amount of work in like 2 hours if you are fully putting your focus into it. But people don't fully put their work and their energy and their focus in anything, so they spread it out over 8 hours and then, you know, and it's those same people that go into entrepreneurship and they're like, Why is this so slow? I'm like, Because you're taking 2 hours of work and spinning it out over 8 hours and you're wondering why your overheads upside down like, yeah.

    [00:38:24] They don't get it. You know, I, I got a person to, I thought that came from the corporate world and was going to run something for me. Oh my God.

    [00:38:36] She, I mean.

    [00:38:38] She had 20 people that could go run and get her coffee and turn her computer on. She couldn't even hardly turn her computer on. So that was the last time I ever did something like that. So Patrick, it's been great talking to you. Thanks so much for coming once again. Thanks for your service. How do people get ahold of you?

    [00:38:55] So, I mean, easiest way to get ahold of me is going to be Facebook. I live on there like a like a hermit from the real world almost. So. So you can go to facebook.com, forge slash p, t r k brt. That is that is.

    [00:39:12] B b u r t.

    [00:39:14] Correct. So that is, that is the best way to get a hold of me for anything that I do. Obviously we got the agency powerupmedia.com. I mean that's that's typically what I like to help people and that's the biggest value that I can give because at the end of the day, it's I'm sure you've already heard Zig Ziglar quote, you can you can get everything you want in life by helping others get exactly what they want. I live by that now.

    [00:39:37] Is that the same place they would get you if some of those Mafia people didn't want to pay for the grinding and they just wanted to.

    [00:39:44] Dig a ditch? You're going to have to probably hit me on a proton mail or something, right? But but yeah, I mean, any of that stuff. Again, Facebook's the best place because I have all of my educational content. I'm always on there. I do all different, all my different businesses. And I've got such a crazy network that I tell people this in jest, but I can actually do it. It's like, Hey, man, if you need an alpaca by Friday, I know a guy like.

    [00:40:15] Well, thanks so much for coming on and on behalf of myself and the whole audience, thanks for your service. I don't know if you're. Lucky. Maybe you'll go out and break your leg next time. And you know.

    [00:40:25] I know.

    [00:40:25] Big jump in your business.

    [00:40:27] So break my leg and get a Lambo. There you go.

    [00:40:30] Thanks so much for coming on, Patrick.

    [00:40:33] Of course. Happy to.

    [00:40:35] All right, everybody, this is part of Veterans Month, September, every September on Screw the Commute podcast. So check out facebook.com/Ptrkburt. That's kind of abbreviation for Patrick Burt for all his stuff. And then if you are interested in the school, check out IMTCVA.org/military. All right. We'll get you on the next episode. See you later.

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