605 - From Coffee to Financial Strategies: Tom interviews Brandon Neely - Screw The Commute

605 – From Coffee to Financial Strategies: Tom interviews Brandon Neely

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Brandon Neely

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    Brandon Neely is here. He's an entrepreneur and he's got a thing, Profit First and Bank on Yourself. I got to get him to define all this stuff because he's got a lot of cool stuff going on. And he's the cohost of the Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast with his wife Amanda, and they founded and managed Overflow Cafe Coffee Bar. And now they share their experiential knowledge through podcasting and through developing personalized financial strategies for individuals and couples and profitability strategies for business.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 605

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    [02:09] Tom's introduction to Brandon Neely

    [04:16] Selling coffee as a data analyst guy

    [07:35] Creating “Ethical” coffee

    [12:49] Store falling apart and having a baby

    [18:15] Pivoting into the financial world

    [21:44] Budgeting vs Cash Flow Management

    [24:52] The STILL method

    [30:05] Sponsor message

    [32:25] A typical day for Brandon

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    Episode 605 – Brandon Neely
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with Episode 605 of Screw the Commute podcast? I'm here with Brandon Neely, and I'm not going to do the obvious joke of Let's Go, Brandon, because I'm just not going to I'm not going to go there, put it that way. But but you are going to hear how a little baby made him sell his business. How could that happen? We'll find out in a few minutes. Hope you didn't miss episode 604. That was Christian D Evans. And he's going to tell or he did tell us how to scale businesses with processes and so forth. So besides that, Brandon's also going to tell us about budgeting and comparing that with cash flow and all kinds of good stuff to get your money straight. All right. Make sure you pick up a copy of our automation e-book this week. We actually estimated it a couple of years ago that just one of the tips in this book and it's a 60, 70 page book, this isn't any kind of little three page crap checklist. This is the stuff that's allowed me to handle up to 150,000 subscribers and 65,000 customers without pulling my hair out. And it teaches you how not to fight with your computer because I want you to spending time with your customers and your prospects and developing products and services, not fighting with your computer.

    [00:01:46] So pick up a copy of this book. And by the way, it saved me seven and a half million keystrokes we actually estimated a couple of years ago it's probably 8 million by now. So pick a copy up at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. While you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app. You can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road.

    [00:02:11] Let's get to the main event. Brandon Neely is here. He's an entrepreneur and he's got a thing, Profit First and Bank on Yourself. I got to get him to define all this stuff because he's got a lot of cool stuff going on. And he's the cohost of the Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast with his wife Amanda, and they founded and managed Overflow Cafe Coffee Bar and then it's L3C, I don't know what that means and we'll find out what that is too from 2008 to 2018. And now they share their experiential knowledge through podcasting and through developing personalized financial strategies for individuals and couples and profitability strategies for business. So, Brandon, are you ready to screw? The commute?

    [00:03:02] Oh, for sure. I mean, I had my commute was not very far today. That's good. Straight down to the basement.

    [00:03:09] That's good. Well, the first thing we like to do is thank you for your service. We're very pro-military here. September is Veterans Years month. I might have had you on then if I'd have known right off the bat, but. And I don't want to I shouldn't say this because I never was a marine, but is it urgh. Or what is the saying that the Marines do.

    [00:03:32] I think you're.

    [00:03:34] Oc Semper Fi. Yeah.

    [00:03:36] You did a memorial Day I think thing and you talked about November 11th I believe for one of the holidays.

    [00:03:47] That used to be right.

    [00:03:48] Yeah. Yeah. And I think the reason it was changed again, don't quote me on this, but the Marine Corps birthday is that that same day. So it might have been competing with that.

    [00:04:00] I see. Well, yeah, there was a lot of interesting things about Memorial Day that covered in that that episode that was and that happened to be our 600th episode celebration, too. So I was thrilled to be anywhere near the service people that we love so much around here. Now, I got to ask you, though, how did a Witek and data analyst guy end up selling coffee? How does that work?

    [00:04:26] Yeah. So I'm a person who loves to change the world, make a difference in the world. That's why I joined the Marine Corps, because I was like, oh, let's do that. Then, you know, I went into the music industry, worked with some big time celebrities, realized that that was not for me, even though I worked for them. And that was my soul was getting blacker and blacker by the day. So I transitioned to that and said, you know, I need to make some money and need to figure this out. Let me go to technical school because I don't know anything about this or money or didn't have a parent that helped me along the way and went to. It Ptech, which is now defunct and tried to become a, you know, doing all the technical stuff. But now it's all changed, right? Because that was a that was several years back. All right. Well.

    [00:05:20] Let me stop you for a second. Did you not have a parent at all or you didn't have a parent that helped you with this stuff? Yeah.

    [00:05:27] I had a bad two parents. They're great. They were not, I would say, financially gifted and all that kind of thing. So it just it was on me to figure out, which is a lot of people actually.

    [00:05:41] Yeah, sure.

    [00:05:43] And so went in the doing that and then somehow got now got married.

    [00:05:51] This was somehow got married.

    [00:05:54] When I got married I remember using my technical background and working for the big banks. I worked for JPMorgan at the time and my wife said, we're going to we'll get, you know, get married and you're going to move to Chicago. And I was like, That's not happening.

    [00:06:12] From where?

    [00:06:13] From where? From the suburbs of Chicago. And I was like, No, that commute is easier here. You're going to commute. And so what eventually happened is, you know, being a good potential husband, I did move over that way to to Chicago and commuted for an hour more than I used to.

    [00:06:35] Yikes. You know, that's dirty word around here, right?

    [00:06:37] Yeah, I know. I know. Like, this is stupid. And through the course of time was like you in came some jobs, had a less commute but then realized I wanted to do start up business. And we were idealistic entrepreneurs so we thought, hey, coffee is the most widely traded commodity in the world. Americans are the number one consumer. We want to change the world to have ethical coffee and community building, know your neighbor, that kind of thing. So we started that. Our commute was great because it was like within the neighborhood and launched a coffee shop, which after 2008, that was a great I don't know, maybe not the best time to start any any endeavor like that. But I was an idealistic entrepreneur. You know, you tell anybody, you can't do that, of course.

    [00:07:35] Yeah, they're going to do it. They're going to do it faster. Now, what I want to ask you, though, is a couple of things here. One is, what is ethical coffee? What is and what does that mean?

    [00:07:47] Yeah. So coffee, if you think about it, it's, it's bought and made, you know, and we might have our Folgers coffee. Somebody made it right. And in the thoughts are we we can say we don't believe in slavery, but yet we're buying slave labor stuff through our purchases every day. So buying coffee that the farmers are actually paid a fair wage. Right. So then it's through the whole supply chain, not just from the coffee roaster or me as a coffee shop where the whole supply chain is treated in a in a way where it's good for them. Right. I think that's why we're in our our economic challenges right now is because we didn't think about. The other person. We were just more about, how can I get it for cheap and free? And that's hurt us.

    [00:08:46] Well, how can you tell? Because there's a lot of hands in the coffee pot. Let's say from the time that coffee bean comes from where it's grown to, to somebody drinks it at your shop. So how do you know along the way?

    [00:09:00] Yeah. We had direct relationships with the roaster who we knew and even talked to the farmers. So having those conversations, looking at the labels, seeing, does it say fair trade or direct trade? Right. And knowing those labels and being made aware of those. And now I will I haven't been to a Starbucks in probably 20 years, and I don't plan to because I also believe in supporting local as much as possible.

    [00:09:34] So how does a typical person know what they see at the store and their buying? And not only just coffee? I'm sure if you walk into Wal Mart, you probably hear the echoes of slaves, you know, when when you hit the front door. So how does a person tell with anyway your experiences with coffee? Now, since you're out of the coffee business, what does the person look for?

    [00:10:00] I think you do your research right and too many times where we just listen to something on Facebook or this and say it's true, that's in the financial world where we just copy other people's sayings and it's not even accurate. Right. And so you like a store, right? Look at their website, look at their practices, look and see. So I like Eddie Bauer because I know their their labor practices. Mm hmm. Right. And I see this in other other places like Korea and things like that that I believe are better. Right. You can't totally get away from everything but moving in the right direction. And we we actually did a podcast episode that is coming out soon where we you vote with your dollars every day. You know, we we can't say like, I don't know the whole China thing and I don't like China. But yeah, we've we've gotten there. Stuff from them for years. So we vote with our dollars every day that we buy something, right.

    [00:11:06] So with regard to the coffee, though, would you would you say that virtually all the places let's say I'm driving from Virginia Beach to Toledo, Ohio?

    [00:11:18] Yeah.

    [00:11:19] And I like coffee.

    [00:11:20] Yeah.

    [00:11:22] Virtually all of it is probably not what you're talking about, right?

    [00:11:27] I mean, usually.

    [00:11:28] Virtually all of it's unethical.

    [00:11:30] Usually the bigger chains, maybe they they're doing where they're saying something or marketing. Right. Hey, it's all Rainforest Alliance or whatever. Maybe it's that way, but not the other side. And so sometimes, again, as I'm going through, go without or know what's around. Like if I'm going on a vacation, I'm going to kind of do a little research and I can tell on their website, and I'll like to go to a local independent place more just because it's the vibe of the new place.

    [00:12:09] Hey, maybe there's a website somebody could create, or maybe they have to list all these places for travelers. What do you think about that?

    [00:12:18] I bet you there should. I mean, probably something I mean, it's there's some in Chicago, a couple like that or, you know, if you're. You're in that city. Typically, the you'll find a tribe of people that know all the places. Right. You just talk and the barista or whatever will tell you you should go to this place or that place. Everybody knows. Right. Because they're the locals. They're the.

    [00:12:49] Insiders. Right. So I'm not sure if I got this story straight, but it seems to me that a mafia baby walked in, a Chicago mafia baby walked in and made you shut your store down. They were going to take it over. Is that accurate?

    [00:13:08] Where did you see that?

    [00:13:10] Because I'm talking about with you. You know, your wife got pregnant. You figured you couldn't have a baby behind the bar.

    [00:13:18] Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, see.

    [00:13:20] That's where my mind goes. It's a mafia. Chicago baby walked in and threatened you.

    [00:13:26] It did seem because I was like, wow, there's heat there. And this was something that was interesting in the the business. In order for us to start, we had to be a part of a part of a community center and. At school and we were pretty much tenants and we were on a year to year lease. Right. Which is not good to be on with with a business of our nature. So as a year to year lease, we had just experienced a flood in the business and we used our banking yourself policy to overcome the flood. But basically this is crazy. They were repairing the roof of this giant building and a freak storm came and and flooded us. And I remember I was at the gym running and my staff calls me and says, you need to come here right away. The store is falling apart. I was like, Oh yeah, this is melodramatic. I'll be there in 10 minutes. And then they are, you know, I'll get there later. Then they called Amanda and she said, We need to go. Here's a video. And literally the store was falling apart. We're like crying, you know? And find out later that my wife was a couple of months pregnant. We didn't even know at the time. So. So wading in floodwater, probably not the best idea.

    [00:15:00] Oh, my goodness.

    [00:15:02] And I remember a guy that kept asking me, what's my number? After I'd recovered a little bit from that, yes. Would always ask what's my number to sell? And I was like. He came in one day and I was like, What's, what's your number? And so it took a little while, but I'm really glad we did because, you know, having a baby behind the bar is kind of illegal. Know it's literally you can't. Yeah.

    [00:15:36] And so what's the l3c mean? What does that mean?

    [00:15:41] Yeah. So now three C is a like a for profit non profit hybrid.

    [00:15:47] Never even heard of that before.

    [00:15:48] Yeah, it was new to us. We were the 17th ll three C in the state of Illinois. So you exist for your mission.

    [00:15:55] Is it a state thing?

    [00:15:57] Yeah, it's like I don't know how many states now, but but the I remember when we were doing our we were going to be a nonprofit coffee shop because we wanted to exist for the mission. Right. And again, we were idealistic entrepreneurs, so we thought that that's cool. People will give us money. Easier said than done. And two people send us about this article, about this legal structure. And one was from Ohio, one was from another state that randomly sent us this. And I was like, That's exactly what we're looking for. Come to find out, the attorney who we ended up meeting, who wrote the legislation on it, became a good friend of ours. And so that was really interesting to be a pioneer in the social enterprise sector. As we launched the coffee shop, people were like. Amazed. We didn't even know what we were stepping into. Really?

    [00:16:57] Yeah, that's for sure. So anyway, you get out of the coffee shop. Sell it, you sell it. Well, it's flooded. That's pretty.

    [00:17:05] Cool. No, it was. It was no longer flooded. It covered. We got our insurance back, and then we were on a year to year lease. So the owners knew that they could end up being kicked out. So that we had built a brand, we built, you know, everything was kind of set up, you know. Copyrighted all that fun stuff that he wanted that. And so after we sold, they actually told them to leave when my son would have is a year old, right? So April 30th was their last day at the place and then COVID hit a little later. So they were closed. They reopened. It's owned by a nonprofit, so they were able to overcome it. And they're doing amazing now with the with the new ownership and and all of that, they are rocking and rolling and I'm excited for them. I'm also glad that I gave up that first child, you know.

    [00:18:15] And so so. All right. So you're out of the coffee business then. How did you get into this financial help thing you're doing now?

    [00:18:24] Yeah, well, I did not know that. Again, we are activists, so we did not know coming into the financial world that there's a lot of opinions about Wall Street and life insurance and all of this. We had no idea. All we knew was this system that we had set up for us saved there, but more than once. Right. Because our biggest risk was us. Right. And our biggest investment was our business. So we needed some stability in place. So we had put it into what the what people hate to talk about his whole life insurance but my mentor and he was my advisor at the time still still helps us but we put into there and we could access our our cash value from the policy to do certain things like get out of debt, you know the emergency. Ultimately, we used it to buy a house here in Cincinnati down payment of that house. And so as we sold the business, I remember applying to work with them. And he said. No, I don't. You're too entrepreneurial. I can't hire you. I was like, Well, thanks. I need to go look for a job because I have a baby coming and being a business owner and being an entrepreneur. You know how hard it is to get a job.

    [00:19:48] Oh, my God.

    [00:19:49] Yeah. I'm like, hell, I don't think this is going to work. And then he came back a couple of months later, he said, I have an idea. How about you and your wife team up together to do this? And and you can get trained and you can create your own business. And my wife is like at this point. Pretty pregnant. And and we're like, That sounds great. No one's going to hire her. Might as well. And so we we did that. And we created our second business, which is grandma's wealth wisdom, which we're in the middle of a kind of a rebrand. But the tagline was, Sometimes intelligence skips a generation for wisdom because we're like neighbors versus investors. Look at how that's working out for a lot of people. We had used this thing called Story Brand and we weren't as confident in our own financial experience yet, even though we had sold the business, did all of that. So we thought, Well, Grandma, we'll use her as a guide, but we've now switched and said, No, we are actually pretty legit. We do know what we're talking about. And so we've switched that to Wealth Wisdom Financial, which has pictures of us.

    [00:21:06] I'm glad you did, because when I first started, you know, I go through thousands of emails a day. All right. Thousands. I'm like lightning fast. But when I saw this grandma thing come in, I thought it was spam for a minute. That's grandmother's, you know, email of me, and it was you.

    [00:21:27] Well, it was good. From a marketing perspective. I felt like it was a good remember. People remember.

    [00:21:33] That. Yeah.

    [00:21:34] Yeah, but. But it wasn't leading what we wanted. And we don't want to be just another financial firm like Wealthfront Capital or whatever.

    [00:21:45] I did see I did see one of your videos and it was a it was called Budgeting versus Cashflow Management. And you use some farm examples. And I was watching that and I'm thinking, man, I never budgeted my whole life. I'm like, bring more money and bring more money. That's all I think about. So what's what's the difference between budgeting and cashflow management?

    [00:22:11] Yeah. So most entrepreneurs are they bring more money in. Right. And that can work. But then at the same time, I use this profit first system where I operate OpEx, my operation expense is about 30% of what comes in. Right. And so I want to budget and make sure that those things are optimal. Right. And budgeting helps kind of look backwards, see what's working. Cashflow is how can we make more money and increase more revenue. Right. That's doing more with less. And also, I learned a thing from this guy called Perry Marshall.

    [00:22:55] And this guy, he he's the original OG's like me. I mean, he was back way back when I first started.

    [00:23:04] Yeah, he was I met him way back a long time ago. I had no idea he was a big deal in the online world is through church and I was getting advice on how to start this business and they said well this guy does business. He's pretty well known. You should talk to him. So we bought him a beer and he gave me some advice of saying, you know, audition every employee that comes through before they before you hire them. And so I auditioned everybody before I got them as a staff person, you know, wash the dishes. Let's see if they can actually wash dishes.

    [00:23:43] Yeah, make them sing, too.

    [00:23:45] Yeah. And I would learn. Well, this person, if they're asking me how to wash dishes and they don't need a job, they should learn that from mom. So I learned that from him. And then he taught, which I'm getting into the 8020 rule, like 80% of what we do actually doesn't matter, 20% does. So if you're budgeting and you're doing what we call that, looking at your budget, seeing how much expenses are going out, not just making money, but is it is it creating a system, put more money towards that 20% that's working and keep doing that. But you have to kind of know your numbers and know what's working right. And too many business owners say, well, I don't like that. I'll just make money. Or on the flip side, from a business owner perspective, they either overpay themselves or underpay themselves. There's no in between. And so I love having percentage models in place to be able to know if it's working or not. Get myself profit instead of just giving it to Jeff Bezos or something.

    [00:24:54] Yeah, really? So what what actually is the still method? What what what does that mean?

    [00:25:00] Yeah. So as we've been working with clients and business owners, we've been realizing that a lot of and this is our, our system in the world today. Let me see if you resonate with any of this. These words. Confusing, haphazard.

    [00:25:19] Yeah.

    [00:25:21] Anxious.

    [00:25:22] Yep.

    [00:25:23] Overwhelming and stressful.

    [00:25:25] Yeah. I've heard those words before.

    [00:25:28] And that's our our our world right now. And that spells chaos.

    [00:25:32] Chaos, right.

    [00:25:34] And we're like, man, this world is all chaos. And it's by design. Our our tax system is by design are everything I feel like is by design for for chaos. And this guy, Donald Miller, he wrote a wrote a book called Story Brand, and he said, if you confuse, you lose. And I was like, this is really good for marketing. And if you're confused, you won't make as much right. And I look and say, well, okay, taxes, all of this stuff is confusing. So what do you what do you do? Well, and for my faith background, I was like, well, you create a practice around your money. You'd be surprised how many business owners, family members don't talk about money with their significant other. They don't actually do any of this stuff until.

    [00:26:29] The until the divorce.

    [00:26:31] Until the divorce or at the end, they're like, how did they get here? And and they all have these like some goals. I'm going to be a millionaire by this day and they aren't doing anything right. And so the still method is a, is a practice right. And you can implement this and you know, am I doing a good date night with my wife or something and the because we love acronyms the chaos to still and the still is set your sights right you have to actually know where you want to go kind of have a a destiny. Nation. Great. And again, most people don't even know. They're just kind of zoned out zombies. Right. So you have to have a destination. Set your sights then. That's that budgeting of track. You know, track you're in and out looking at, hey, I have these goals. Am is going to McDonald's every day helping me go on the trips that I have as my sites. Right. That I want to do right. Inspect your progress is the I so again track it but then you inspect and look and then the LL leads again leads into these other pieces look for 1% adjustments.

    [00:27:54] How can I get better? Because it's not the big sale that makes it. It's those 1% adjustments that are made over time that really you can see wealth accumulate. Right. And then the last Dell is live deliberately. You can say all this, right? But you have to actually live it out. I know in the business world there's a lot of what I call entrepreneurs. Yeah. You know, they all have ideas. They're all going to tell you. Some of them may have been on your show, right? You never know until after. But the the the ones that are real entrepreneurs are the ones or business owners are the ones that have some some failures, more wounds than they've lived deliberately. And what they've done is they've moved forward. Then they made a failure or something, and then they pivot right and they say, okay, go back. What was my goal track? Go back over, right? And they do this all the time and they're pretty deliberate in what they do.

    [00:29:05] All right. So let me go over those again. So set sights, track your ins and outs, inspect your progress, look for 1% adjustments, you know, not not any big, wild stuff and then deliberately live deliberately to go after those things. And then I guess you re inspect.

    [00:29:26] Now you just go back through it monthly or, you know, probably monthly. And this doesn't just apply to money. Again, I look at, hey, I want a good marriage. Set your sights. What do I want to look like this when I'm 60, right? Marriage wise. All right. Are we doing date nights? Right track inspect. Are we just watching and vegging or not even talking? Right. Look for 1% of adjustments. Turn off the TV, live deliberately. Continue that cycle. Right. So it can be in all areas.

    [00:29:59] Yeah. I'm just glad you didn't, you know, talk about ins and outs on the marriage and. Oh, yeah, we don't want to go there. So beautiful. So we've got to take a responsive break. When we come back, we will ask Brandon, what's a typical day look like for him? Does he have any kind of routines, morning routines. I know his wife is involved in the business and it's four year old that we'll see if the four year old is going to end up being an entrepreneur. So, folks, about 20, 25 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head, and the people at my level were charging like 50 or 100 grand up front to small business people to to help them with online stuff. And and I knew a lot of these people, if you gave him 50 grand up front, you'd never see him again. So I said, you know, I'm going to turn this on its head and kind of make them all mad in that I charged an entry fee. It was only like 10% of what they were trying to charge. And then I tied my success to your success. So for my for me to get my 50,000, you had to net 200,000. Well, people really love this because they knew I wouldn't disappear on him. And and here we are 25 years later, 1700 plus students, and they're still going strong. It's the longest running, most unique and most successful Internet and digital marketing mentor program ever.

    [00:31:22] I triple dog dare people to put theirs up against mine because they won't because I'll embarrass them. I mean, we have the great Internet Marketing Retreat Center where you spend an immersion weekend actually living in the estate with me for an immersion weekend. We have our own TV studio here where we shoot videos for you, edit them, put the graphics on, send them to you. It's all one on one. You're not lumped in with groups where people are more experienced or less experienced. It's all about you with me and my entire staff. You get a scholarship to my school, which is the only one in the country that's specific and dedicated to internet marketing and digital marketing and licensed by the state of Virginia. So nobody puts this kind of stuff up for you so you can check out the details if you'd like. That program at GreatInternetmarketingtraining.com. There's no high pressure here. If you don't see the value of it. It's not going to change my lifestyle one bit, but it might change yours. So check it out. GreatInternetmarketingtraining.com.

    [00:32:28] Let's get back to the main event. We've got Brandon Neely here. He and his wife run a I don't know what to call it a financial management or financial help firm. What do you what do you call it, Brandon?

    [00:32:42] Yeah. I'd say we are financial services. We help people a lot with cash flow management. And then there you go, whole life insurance, annuities, it's all about managing cash flow.

    [00:32:54] Got it.

    [00:32:55] Kind of the way I think.

    [00:32:56] All right. So what's a typical day look like for you? Do you have a morning routine or what? How's it go? What do you eat? What time do you get up? How the family work in with all this stuff?

    [00:33:06] Yeah. So I'm also a caretaker of my mother in law, so she helps watch my son. So she's good enough to watch him, but not good enough to live on her own.

    [00:33:17] I understand.

    [00:33:18] And and so in the mornings, side note, I'm changing my routines a little bit because having a four year old, I've noticed my scale has been going up.

    [00:33:30] Well, that changes your your routine more than 1%, I think.

    [00:33:34] Yeah, it has changed a bit, but my scale on my weight has been changing and I'm like, this is not going to happen. And so I've been changing diet lately but Monday through.

    [00:33:47] So that's just that's the still method, right? I mean, you still use the same thing that you explained.

    [00:33:54] Yeah. And I'm lowering my weight because I want to get back to 180 and but I've been going every morning, Monday through Friday, I get up at 530, head to the gym, do some exercise. But again, it's not just exercise. You have to actually make sure you're not eating junk food.

    [00:34:13] Or you can't exercise enough to to get rid of that.

    [00:34:18] And that's where I don't know how much when you have like a little kid, everybody gives them candy, right? And that's like the worst thing ever to give a kid if you want them to actually do anything.

    [00:34:31] And that's a conspiracy by the dentist, too.

    [00:34:35] And I don't know. I don't know. So I do that. My wife is studying for a CFP, so she gets up at the same time and she's studying every day for almost an hour to do hours for CFP, which is the certified financial planner does designation, and then either go into the office, work with the staff. We have a couple of staff that we have employed. When I now I have some staff I remember with a coffee shop, I said, I'm never going to have employees ever again. This is ridiculous. And now I'm I do again.

    [00:35:13] So are they W-2 employees or contractors or what?

    [00:35:17] I like W-2 employees just because for me, I like to build the company culture and some of that, not just saying, hey, make me in again, looking at my ethical economics, I could get a same job in Ethiopia or something, but is that really aligned with my values? So, so that was something. And then we, we do our podcast writing or YouTube or or mainly client meetings. Yeah.

    [00:35:53] Tell them about the podcast.

    [00:35:55] Yeah, it is wealth, wisdom, financial. It comes out every other week, same wealth Wisdom Financial on podcast and on YouTube where we're just trying to educate people, you know, and tell them or help them think for themselves. Right. Dave Ramsey maybe doesn't know everything.

    [00:36:17] And you're kidding.

    [00:36:19] You're kidding. But maybe what he's teaching isn't actually accurate for you, right? Yeah. And too many times I hear, yeah, this is stupid. And he's even said, what I do is stupid and I'm like, it only saved my life and my marriage and and, you know, other things that I think it's helpful. And that's why I'm in this industry. But helping re-educate people you know, like the for one educating about for one K or the market like building stability and safety. I think that why why we put so much emphasis on content and in this world today is most people's financials. It's kind of like a pyramid that's built upside down. Right. And what we might be seeing pretty soon is a lot of these pyramids falling over and why I liked our old brand, Grandma's Wealth Wisdom. It was built on stability. You know, you don't spend more than you make, you know, budget. You know, we don't have we don't need everything that we think we need. But, you know, we are in a consumerist world and, you know, it's all based on consumption if health. And I'm like, let's look at a look at a person who's diabetic. Tell me that consuming a lot is going to help be healthy for them.

    [00:37:45] Right, exactly. So. So how do they get ahold of you?

    [00:37:49] Yeah for sure. Go and download stillmethod.com. It's that simple little pdf no ebook yet. We are going to get there after my wife finishes the CFP. That's the next big thing but still must adcom download that little pdf. Asked a lot of questions on that. Go to wealth, wisdom, financial and podcast YouTube and you can email me directly at Brandon@GrandmasWealthWisdom.com.

    [00:38:30] Eventually we'll change the name. But you know, not as you run a business. It's. It's like. Really slow to move all this.

    [00:38:41] I'm worried about the four year old. Keep you busy. So thanks so much for coming on, man.

    [00:38:47] Yeah, thanks for having me. I can't wait to have you on our show.

    [00:38:49] Yeah. You doing good work in the world. And again, thanks for your your service.

    [00:38:53] Yeah. And if I could leave your listeners, you're the master of your ship, right? Actually think and own your own future. Right. That's. That's the main thing that too many people are passive.

    [00:39:07] It's grueling. Commute, screw the commute and do it deliberately after you do the first style step. All right, man. All right. Thanks so much.

    [00:39:18] Thanks for having me.

    [00:39:18] All right. We'll catch everybody on the next episode. See you later.