574 - Make personal branding your mantra: Tom interviews Angela Mulrooney - Screw The Commute

574 – Make personal branding your mantra: Tom interviews Angela Mulrooney

Dr. Angela Mulrooney is a global speaker, best selling author and personal branding expert. She works with thought leaders around the world to clarify their message through their brand archetype, while using various media platforms like LinkedIn and like this podcast. You're out here to drive sales, so these experts can change the world with what they know.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 574

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[03:07] Tom's introduction to Dr. Angela Mulrooney

[13:00] Working for a dentist that couldn't see

[17:25] Helping other dentists

[20:17] Not just health care, but anyone that needs branding

[22:10] Sponsor message

[24:54] Posterior aesthetics in dentistry

[26:52] A typical day for Angela in Nicaragua

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Episode 574 – Angela Mulrooney
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with Episode 574 of Screw the Commute podcast. We're here with Angela Mulrooney, and I believe I'm pretty sure she's the first arsonist we've ever had on the show because she said she's burning down. What's holding you back to unleash your personal brand? So we could have had arsonists, but I don't know. They certainly she's the only one that's ever admitted it put it that way. So. So, folks, make sure you download a copy of that automation e-book I give away. I mean, it's helped me handle up to 150,000 subscribers and 65,000 customers and just kept me from pulling my hair out. And what it does is instead of fighting with my computer, I'm spending time with customers and prospects. So just one of the tips we've estimated a couple of years ago, just one of the tips has saved me seven and one half million keystrokes. All of that time that I've been fooling around, cutting and pasting and typing was spent with customers. And that's why we're doing so well here. So download that at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and then while you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app. It's screwthecommute.com/app. You can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. Now, we're still going strong with our program to raise money for scholarships for persons with disabilities. And I've always known that the Internet and digital marketing was just perfect for people with disabilities because not only did they not have to traipse the class and kill themselves to get there, they can legitimately study from home and they can legitimately be hired from home and and or start their own business.

[00:02:12] And, you know, I've been teaching this for 25 years, but working from home, you know, screw the commute. Right? That's why this show is called Screw the Commute. And since the pandemic, everybody's working from home. Oh, you could work from home. I didn't know that. Yes, you can. I've been doing it for 45 years now. So? So, yes, you can. And we're going to I'm really proud of this program. I've raised a lot of funds for kids and and dogs and everybody else. But this is something that's going to change these people's lives forever. So check it out. At my school IMTCVA.org. Of course that will be in the show notes with all Angela's arson equipment. I don't know exactly what she's going to give you. So, so check it out and check out their Go Fund Me account. We have two people in the program that are blind. Imagine that. Blind to an Internet marketing and digital marketing and very inspiring. So it's something you can really be proud of.

[00:03:08] All right. Let's get to the main event. Dr. Angela Mulrooney is a global speaker, best selling author and personal branding expert. She works with thought leaders around the world to clarify their message through their brand archetype, while using various media platforms like LinkedIn and like this podcast. And of course, the stage, you know, we're all about professional speaking. You're out here to drive sales so these experts can change the world with what they know. Angela, you ready to screw? The commute? I love her giggle. She's giggling early.

[00:03:47] Oh, my.

[00:03:47] Gosh. I don't even.

[00:03:48] Know what to say to that.

[00:03:50] Yeah, well, we can't see her, but I imagine she's blushing because she.

[00:03:55] Might be a little bit warm right now.

[00:03:57] So. So, Angela, you were a dentist. I guess you're still technically. Ah, a dentist. I don't know. But but tell us your story of how you got into this branding from being a dentist.

[00:04:14] Sure. So I had started liking teeth when I was two years old. My parents don't even know where that came from.

[00:04:20] Liking teeth. Is that what you said?

[00:04:23] Yeah. Like the reason I. I started wanting to stick my fingers and everyone's mouths and see what was in there. So that's that obsession kind of carried me through in high school, and I was very good academic, so people were like, Oh, you should be doing medicine. Dentistry is for the not so smart kids. And I was like, Okay, maybe I should explore this medicine thing. And then I went to a Discover Estate at the University of Saskatchewan and I got to drill on a plastic tooth and I was sold. So that set my path moving forward. I finished dental school at 24, went into the world of being a dentist for realizes and realized that my shyness was a big impediment to potentially my success. So I decided to work with children because they were easy. I could just tell them stories. I didn't really have to come up with spontaneous engagement, and so that carried me through the first four years of my career. And then I.

[00:05:17] There was this your own practice? Was this your own practice or you worked at another office?

[00:05:21] So this is working at a few different practices. If you're someone who wants to work with kids, you're a hot ticket item because most dentists are like, I don't want to work with kids. That's way too stressful.

[00:05:31] I think the kids would be fine if you'd get the parents and get tell them to get lost, just like when they get their haircut. You know, the parents standing there and the kids going crazy. The kid would be fine if the parents would go shopping or something. Just get out there.

[00:05:44] Oh, yes. There is a threshold that the parents were not allowed to cross. So so I reached a plateau and that I realized something has to change. Otherwise I'm not going to get any better at my job. So I started looking at maybe going to specialty school. And then I ran into an old boss of mine who is working at this practice for a 78 year old dentist. And he was like, and, you know, I really don't like doing dentistry, so why don't you just take this position off my hands? So I said, okay, so sight unseen, I agreed to work in this practice and I showed up Monday morning and walked into the most broken down, beaten up practice I have ever seen in my life and started to wonder, Oh, I feel like I got sucked in here. And the funny thing is, it was broken down, but it was just full of potential. It was full of all these patients who were super afraid. The dentist they were had a lot of work that needed to be done because unfortunately the old dentists couldn't see very well the last few years, this one. And so I decided to buy the practice, even though I had had no intention ever of buying a practice because I was still dancing professionally at that time. So I was like, Yeah, I just go to work and play with teeth. And then at night I go to the studio and perform. So I had this massive shift in my, my focus and perspective, bought this practice, got hooked onto my entrepreneurial dream, you know, the adrenaline rush of a new endeavor.

[00:07:13] And it carried me until I realized that we were in the full throes of the global financial crisis about 12 months into ownership. And then I started to realize, oh, my gosh, what have I done? So I ended up having to get help and learn how to be a business owner because the thrill of the adrenaline wasn't enough to actually help me to get through this economic crisis. And luckily, I surrounded myself with some amazing coaches who trained me to work smarter instead of harder. Turn the practice into my dream practice. I got my dream skill set doing IV station sleep apnea. Treating phobic patients was really my my focus. So the thing I realized later in life was that treating scared children and treating scared adults is pretty much the same thing, except scared adults. They way meaner things because they have a much bigger vocabulary. And so it wasn't that much different. It was just more complex, the kind of cases that we were doing. So luckily I was able to build a brand, used my skill sets to be able to develop a referral program so that other dentists who hated working with people who were afraid of the dentist, they could actually send me their patients. So it got to a point where everything was great. I had an amazing team. I was doing the dentistry I loved and patients I loved, and then I ended up starting to have pain in my drilling hand. And three months after that pain became unbearable, my hands stopped working during a procedure, and my last day as a dentist came and went, Wow.

[00:08:49] Wow. Wow, wow. But that was traumatic for two people.

[00:08:55] Yeah. Luckily we were at the end of the procedure, so it was a major surgery she was under for 5 hours, but it was time to just suture her back up when my hand stopped working. So I let my assistant know what was going on and she was very in tune with me. So we went in. I used my left hand, which is still pretty dexterous. She used her two hands to make up for my lack of my right hand, and we got the patient put back together and safe. And then it was starting to unravel the mystery of what was happening with my hand for the next six months after that.

[00:09:26] Yikes. So so I'm starting to get a feel for you now. So you had a bunch of patients that were a pain in the neck. Is that why you decided to get certifications in sedation? That's what I do. But I'm just like.

[00:09:44] Honestly, I didn't really want to use the IV station, so that was my last resort. My goal was always to get these people who people who are scared are like feral little cats, right? They're terrified. But if you can work with them and be patient, you can get them eating out of your hand. Right. And so my goal was always to not use IV sedation, it was to actually get them going from being this patient that they've been told they're bad and that they're they're scared of the dentist and they're they're terrible in the chair to someone who goes, okay, yeah, I can get myself comfortable here because I know they're going to be patient with me. I know they're going to be kind and be able to get them into a regular program instead of in the IV sedation program.

[00:10:28] I thought they gassed them. Is that old school or was.

[00:10:33] I guess the nitrous is.

[00:10:35] What? Yeah. Is it healing.

[00:10:38] The gas chamber? The gas is a very mild form. So when you use IV station, you have more of a direct line to their brain, really. And so it allows you to control it at a higher level and you can take them a little bit deeper. So we just did Moderate Station, so they weren't completely out, they were still responsive if you ask them a question, but they would not actually be able to remember the conversation. So the agent that we use caused amnesia, which is part of the benefit of it is because if they're really scared of the dentist, it's the trauma of the surgery or the procedure that keeps them scared. So if we could eliminate that, it helped them to be able to become a regular patient.

[00:11:18] Must be the same stuff they give you for colonoscopies because they tell you you're going to have amnesia.

[00:11:24] Just the other end of the tube. Yeah.

[00:11:26] Yeah, yeah. So. So it must be, you know, you can't hit them, though, right?

[00:11:34] No, no, that is not allowed.

[00:11:35] No, no, I'll. You're in Canada. Everybody's nice up there. I forgot. So probably why I got kicked out of when I went to college, I actually audited a dental hygiene class thinking I was going to be a dentist. So it was me and 30 female dental hygienist and I didn't last long. I figured I'm not cut out to be in a little outfit in in an office all day long, that's for sure. So but I remember my here's the interesting thing I think about dentists is over time, they have become somewhat psychologist because I remember I'm so I'm so far over the hill. I don't remember going up the hill. And so so I remember my dentist in my little town had a leather strap that would run his drill. It was a little motor tied to a strap. And then if you if you had to get a shot, he pulled this giant horse needle out like eight inches long and held it up in front of your face. And like, here I come, bonzie. And now they hide it behind their back and they say, Oh, this is going to pinch a little bit. And then they sneak it up low where you can't see it and then shove it up into your brain and it still hurts. So I think that's a psychological thing that they did. So but you said you worked for a dentist that couldn't see. That's that's interesting.

[00:13:07] Yeah, well, he was he was 78. And, you know, it was.

[00:13:11] Him practicing, though, right?

[00:13:13] He was still practicing and his team was trying to be his eyes from the other side. And some days he let them be his eyes and some days he would tell them to screw off.

[00:13:21] Oh, my God. It kind of reminds. Would you ever see that really hysterical thing with Tim Conway? He was an older comedian, that he was a dentist and he kept stabbing the people with Novocaine in different places. You got to look that up on YouTube.

[00:13:35] It's like, I will have to look that up.

[00:13:36] That's a classic. So, so now boom, one day you've got a practice, you've got money tied up in it and whap, you know. So what was that time period like?

[00:13:51] So the six months after my hand stopped working was it was psychological torture because I had everyone was trying to give me hope and be like, you know what, you're going to get back to this. They're going to figure it out. La la, la.

[00:14:04] Well, were you able to bring other dentists in to keep the thing going or did you just have to close the practice? Okay, good.

[00:14:10] Yeah. So I was able to bring in some substitute dentists, but in my like once my hands stopped working like the pain for the three months before, I was like, I can get through this, I can push through this. And then once my hands stopped working, there was this shift in my body that I knew. I knew I was done. And so the the hope that everyone was trying to infuse me with and all the advice was this big conflict inside me because I'm like, well, maybe they're right, but maybe I'm right. And then when I finally got the diagnosis six months later at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, it was actually a huge relief because the battle was over. We knew I knew where I stood. I knew I had some big decisions to make as to what my future was going to hold, what my practice was going to do. And there was finally a bit of peace there because there wasn't that that unknown that had been hanging over my head for so long.

[00:15:04] Well, is this a permanent thing? I mean, if you could you do something right this moment because everything's much better and you're not using it or is it shot forever?

[00:15:13] It stopped forever and it progressively gets worse. So unfortunately, it's my hand is done when it comes to high dexterity things. So I had to make some decisions how I was going to move on with my life.

[00:15:27] But gross, gross motor movements or B are OC or will be OC.

[00:15:31] Yeah, there's, there's some deterioration of the muscle chains which have caused a little bit of twisting in my spine and whatnot. But I still do gymnastics, I can still dance and everything else. I just have to be mindful of how I use my body.

[00:15:46] Can they tie your shoe?

[00:15:48] I can. Who has shoelaces? I live in Nicaragua now, so I wear flip flops.

[00:15:53] Q Can you lift a fork and spoon?

[00:15:56] Yeah, I can lift a fork and spoon. I'm probably bottles, but, you know.

[00:16:01] I said let me get worse, though, right?

[00:16:03] Yeah.

[00:16:04] Wow, boy. Och so that, that, that was now you have some, at least a little piece of what's going on then what.

[00:16:16] So for the two and a half years after that, I kept the practice because all the advisors around me were like, You've built this brand, you're trusted, trusted dentist in the community. People will still send you. Patients just bring in associates. So I did.

[00:16:30] That. Did you go in? Did you go in at all?

[00:16:33] I was allowed to go in for limited hours, according to the disability insurance. And every day that I went in, it was like someone tore the scab off my heart and I started bleeding again. So it wasn't really very fun and I was trying to listen to these experts because they'd seen other people go through this and they said, you know, this is what you should do. So I listened until I couldn't listen anymore. And then in 2015, the oil crash happened and my practice was in Calgary, which is the headquarters of oil and gas in our province. And the economy sank. It was tanking so much faster than what I'd witnessed with the global financial crisis. So I decided, you know what? I'm not doing this with me not being able to practice. And I decided to piece out, sold the practice for half of its value, and it was time to move on with my life and pass the torch.

[00:17:27] Got it. So how did you come up with the idea of helping other dentists?

[00:17:32] Well, I took the next year after I sold the practice to build my professional dance company, which is called Unleashed Dance Company. And I took that year away from dentistry because people knew who I was. And so if I'd run into them, they'd heard what had happened and there was pity on their face. So I didn't want to have to deal with that. And so I just spent a year building the company. We are the second largest adult based land company in our city. By six months into opening the company and I spent that time on the floor just kind of letting all the pieces that had exploded start to come down and fit together and see what what it kind of really meant as to what had happened. And what I realized was I had been through so many experiences in that practice more than most people will have in a 30 to 40 year career. And so I decided there was lessons I had learned the really hard way that I could pass. I could reach back to other dentists and pull them forward and help them to have success so much easier than I did, because I could show them the easier way to avoid all these pit bulls that I had fallen into. And so I built my dental coaching company, which is called Unleashing Dentistry Potential, and started to help people to reach into their practice and to get that company understood. I took to LinkedIn and start talking about teaching, branding, dentistry, what I knew and I went from 212,000 industry followers in a year and then people start to ask me, Can you do that for me? And so I started dabbling with other people's LinkedIn accounts to see if I could actually get them, to get that exposure that I had and I was able to do that. So then Unleashing Influence came became an official company in January of 2020. Imagine that perfect timing two months before the pandemic hits.

[00:19:24] I'm not going to stand next to you in a lightning storm, put it that way. Yeah.

[00:19:28] Yeah, I would say that's probably probably a good idea. But what happened was the dance company got decimated, the dental company got decimated and unleashing influence took off. We went from two and a half full time team members to 14 full time team members in the first ten months of the pandemic.

[00:19:45] Wow.

[00:19:46] So of all the companies that I could have bet on, that was not the one that I would have bet on in a pandemic, but it was the one that survived and thrived during tough economic times.

[00:19:57] Well, there's only one mistake I see you made, because you're so nice. When all those people were pitying you, I would have milked that for it was worth. I just started a go fund me campaign for myself.

[00:20:14] So we existed back then.

[00:20:18] Oh man, I'm not clear. Does this company only help dental professionals or did you expand to anybody that needs branding?

[00:20:28] So anyone who needs branding. So a lot of the people that there's kind of two camps of people that I work with. So I have entrepreneurs, health care and non health care entrepreneurs who have wanted to pivot to having the freedom from brick and mortar. So honestly, the pandemic scared the crap out of them and they decided they did not want to be at the mercy of brick and mortar in case something else happened. So those people started to come to me wanting to develop their personal brands so that they could develop online programs, be able to work as a digital nomad like they've seen me do, moving from Calgary to Nicaragua and be able to really insure their future against any kind of disaster as long as there's an Internet connection. And then I have the other camp, which is high level executives, CEOs, VIPs in companies who are looking five years down the road going, okay, I will have to leave this company at some point. And I would like to have a resume of content of how I think about things that I can pull on so that I can move into. Again, that digital nomad situation where they have this. People can look at their LinkedIn profile, they can see the expertise that they bring. They can reach into their expertise and consult with companies if they want, or they can get another C-suite position with another company. But they're trying to ensure they're trying to futureproof themselves.

[00:21:52] Got it. And where did you say you're living now?

[00:21:55] Nicaragua.

[00:21:56] Let's see. This is the first time I've ever heard a South American Canadian accent. You don't hear that every day. So. Oh, boy. So, boy, you've been run run through the ringer. Now, we've got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we'd like to know what's a typical day like, especially living in I can't even say right Nicaragua. I can't even do it. I can say it. American, Nicaragua or hillbilly or redneck. Yeah, Nicaragua. What? Where is that place? So. So, folks, about 24, 25 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head and that people at my level were charging 50 or 100 grand up front to help small business people. And, you know, I knew a lot of these people they'd be hiding out in Nicaragua if you gave them 50 grand and and expected them to help you. So I said, you know, that's too risky for small business people. I'm going to kind of turn this upside down. And I just charged an entry fee. And then for me to get my 50 grand, you had to net 200 grand. Wow. People really love this. And 1700 students later, it's still going strong. It's the longest running, most successful, most unique Internet and digital marketing mentor program ever. And I always triple dog dare anybody to put their program up against mine and nobody will do it because there's no way that line four line they can beat a fanatic like me. I actually threw a a seminar on Thanksgiving one time because I forgot it was Thanksgiving. So that's how fanatic I am. But anyway, it's got a lot of unique features. It's one on one with me and my staff.

[00:23:43] It's Immersion Weekend and the Great Internet Marketing Retreat Center in Virginia Beach. That's the only facility of its kind in the world. You have time in our TV studio where we shoot videos for you, edit them, send them to you, put the graphics on, do the whole bit, and you also get a scholarship to my school. It's the only licensed internet and digital marketing school in the country that's dedicated to that topic, and it's certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia. So you can either gift that to someone, which would be one of the best things you could ever do for a young person, because all they're learning how to do now is protest and and then they're getting their MBAs and compete for jobs at Starbucks. So so this is a highly in-demand skill that you can either use yourself for extra training or gift it to somebody. So there's loads of other really powerful features to our program. So check it out at great Internet marketing training and we'll discuss. You don't have to worry about high pressure around here. If you don't see the value of this, then I can't help you. So check it out. GreatInternetmarketingtraining.com and we'll check out your future online.

[00:24:59] All right. Let's get back to the main event. We have Angela Mulrooney here. And she has gone through a devastating business loss that that turned into a massively great business. So she's really been able to pivot. And the only one thing I wonder about her is, is her posterior aesthetic. You're into posterior aesthetics. What is that?

[00:25:28] Posterior aesthetics. Where are we getting that one from?

[00:25:31] It's on your LinkedIn profile. Saric Advanced, anterior and posterior advanced.

[00:25:39] So posterior aesthetics in dentistry has to do with your back teeth, your rear in.

[00:25:45] A completely different picture. In my mind there I'm saying she's got a dance school, she's, you know, sedate people and then worries about their posterior study. I love.

[00:26:00] How we can take things out of.

[00:26:01] Context. No wonder I didn't make it in dental school. Oh, the back teeth, huh? Yes. Yeah, because I would really been afraid if I didn't realize it was teeth. And you started talking about. Yeah, the bite wings and of your butt. So. So anyway, what? Oh, wait, there's one other thing I found out about you. You have an implant mentorship is that.

[00:26:34] Those are dental implants. Not over, but implants.

[00:26:38] There we go. I was picturing a completely different kind of implant. So I always I always recommended that you get one at a time to see if you really like them. But I didn't know it was teeth. So tell us, what's a typical day like in Nicaragua for you and why are you there? That's another good question.

[00:27:03] Let's start with why I'm here. So I made the decision that I did not want to see snowflakes anymore.

[00:27:09] Okay, well, don't live in the United States because we're full of them.

[00:27:15] I'm kind of.

[00:27:15] Snowflake.

[00:27:17] I was living in Calgary, which is near Banff, so we're near the mountains, so you can have snow for way too many months of the year. And I just I was done with it. So and with the condition in my hand, the focal dystonia, the cold, actually makes the pain severely worse. So I made the decision to my original plan was actually to go do international business development in Australia, South Africa, the UK. And after I made that decision in during the pandemic, Canada had a massive spike in cases and all those countries closed their borders. So there was no chance of me even going there. So I still put my house on the market and it sold in a couple of months time and I was free from all my, I guess, physical items because I'd sold them off. And so I embarked on an adventure and landed in Nicaragua five days after I got here, all the flights back to Canada got cancelled. And so it was like, okay, well, I guess this is what I'm doing. So luckily all my work is online aside from when I'm speaking at events. But most of the events were shut down anyway for 2020 and 2021. So I just kept doing my work as usual with my clients online. Continue to build that and just made my life down here.

[00:28:42] Yeah, yeah. I haven't been on a plane in two and a half years and I love it. I just love staying. Staying home. But. But what's it like down there?

[00:28:51] It is paradise. I'm 500 meter walk from the beach and sunset every night. I haven't seen a sunset that wasn't spectacular yet. Wow. So there's. There's that. There's great surfing. There's. Like jungle everywhere. I actually recently ran the four by four by 48, which is this you're really running two marathons in two days, so you run 4 hours or four, four miles every 4 hours for a 48 hour period. And it was interesting because I'm like I was running the same path over and over again. But you're running through the jungle at night because in that 48 hour period, some of those 4 hours are at night. Wow. So it was interesting running through the jungle and being like, you know what? I'm actually really not scared of the animals here because as long as you're making noise, they scatter away because they're wild. And it was an interesting experience to to do it anyway, but also do it in a country like this. Definitely added some nuance to it, but.

[00:29:54] Without headlights on or a headlamp or.

[00:29:57] Yes, I did have a headlamp because the road I was on, some of the rocks are pretty big. So the likelihood of twisting an ankle or breaking an ankle are pretty high if you're not paying attention. So that's definitely helped keep me safe.

[00:30:09] Well, speaking of safe, is it generally safe to live down here or are you in an expat community or what?

[00:30:15] There's a lot of expats down here. I'm not in a like a closed gated community or anything like that, but there's a lot of expats, there's a lot of tourists, and it's a small town. I'm in San Juan del Sur, which is like 18,000 people. So it's pretty close knit community. There's locals who have lived here forever. There's expats, there's tourists. So there's quite a variety of people to interact with. And a lot of the expats and the tourists coming through are also digital nomads. So you get to meet some really interesting entrepreneurs along the way.

[00:30:48] So are they generally the locals generally accepting of of folks coming in and leaving dinner.

[00:30:56] Sometimes. Sometimes not. So there's, you know, there's there's racism, there's prejudice. And from the history of what has gone on, it makes sense as to why that exists. Obviously, I try to set a good example and sometimes I get lambasted because I'm not one of them, and that's just the way it is. We we are human beings and we we have our biases. And I've I've never experienced that before because I was living in Canada and it was just I had seen it happen to people who were immigrants. So now I'm understanding, like I was empathetic to what I would see before and would step in wherever I could. But it's it's interesting being on the receiving end and you're like, oh, this is this is not a nice feeling. And I can imagine how awful would feel like my language skills with Spanish are pretty terrible. So my ability to save myself in a situation like that and talk, talk and explain is not great. So sometimes you just kind of skulk away and go, Oh, well, they judged me harshly for something that I that really I didn't deserve to be judged for. But this is this is how humans are.

[00:32:04] Yeah. I don't think say live works there, too. No. Yeah. My buddy. Well, I was staying with him on a sailboat down in Cabo San Lucas. And and before I came down this is a long time ago, he said, get a Rolex watch and you can use it to bribe your way out if people are giving you a hassle. And he said and say, what do he tell me? He said, Say puedo pagar. He says, Puedo pagar. I can pay. That's what he told me. Well, Pueda Pagar is I can pay pueda pagar is I can hit you. So I would've been in worse shape if I had said done what he told me to tell. So. So. Yeah. So language definitely can get you in trouble. So what's a typical day like for you there?

[00:32:57] Typically I get up, I have a little puppy. She's a miniature pincher, so she needs needs lots of walking. So we walk along the beach in the morning, come back, meditate, do yoga. If I can get her to sleep, then I will try to go for a run. And then I start work around nine or 930 and I work with all my clients online. So I take meetings in the morning, I work with my clients in the afternoon. Sometimes in the evenings I have online lectures and I've been trying to since I divested down like I sold off my dance company, the coaching company, as well as the agency part of unleashing influence. So now I just do my specific work. And so that has allowed me to pare back from 100 hours a week down to a more normal working schedule. So it's, it's been quite nice and now I actually get to enjoy paradise, whereas I felt like the first year I was here, I was looking at paradise through the window while staring at my screen and.

[00:33:57] Talking to.

[00:33:58] My clients. So it it was definitely a wake up call moving down here and realizing how unbalanced my life had become because of my ambition.

[00:34:07] Well, start start a dance company down there and see how it goes.

[00:34:13] Except that people want me to. And I just I kind of have had a falling out with dance. I have needed a break from it. So it it's tempting, but it's not something I want to do right now.

[00:34:25] Well, this is certainly been an interesting interview from professional doctor to business owner to whap smacked in the face with a debilitating injury. Is it considered an injury or disease or what?

[00:34:42] It would be considered an injury because people who end up with it have a genetic predisposition. But if you're not doing a high dexterity job, it won't manifest.

[00:34:53] I see.

[00:34:54] So it's it is pushed by pushing your dexterity. So, yes, it would be kind of like an overuse injury that has.

[00:35:02] A potential, not a traumatic incident.

[00:35:04] Right. Right. Like I got into a car accident. My hand got smushed.

[00:35:07] Right, right, right. So. Yeah, so. But she turned it around, made it only 100 hours a week. She's kind of a little slacker, but. But.

[00:35:17] But lazy, lazy, lazy.

[00:35:21] Running through the jungle, avoiding snowflakes. And I was referring to all the young people around here. Snowflakes instead of so. And I'm sure you were aware of the the trucker thing up in Ottawa, right? You heard about that with the truckers? Yes. Yeah. That was pretty, pretty interesting. I I'm not really welcome in Canada very much. So the first time I went up there to speak. Oh, man, I'm a big shot now. I'm an international speaker. Ooh. So at the border, they say, What are you doing up here? And I said, Oh, I'm here to speak. You're getting paid for it. I am. I'm so proud of myself. This is back for you. When you had to have a work permit, they said, oh, is that right? Well, come on over here a minute. 6 hours later, I was still being interrogated and I had to bribe my way out of there to get up to the event. Up in. Yeah, it was up in Ottawa. It was the it was where is that giant building where they had the G7 summit, the big log cabin thing. And I get up there in the meeting, planners all drunk, and I said, Why don't you tell me about this at the border? She said, Oh, you just sort of lied to them. I said, Yeah, I'd be in jail by now. So every time I go to Canada now, they pull me aside and for an hour.

[00:36:40] So once you have a mark on your your name, I'm I don't I don't.

[00:36:45] Really let it go. I'm a marked man. But my one of my favorite comedians is Kathleen Madigan. And she did a tour up in Canada and she said, you know what, Canada is like the attic to the United States says, you forget it's up there, but it's got some cool stuff up there. So I said, Yeah, it sure does, but they don't like me. So thanks so much, Angela, for coming on. Tell them tell them you got something for them, right.

[00:37:13] Absolutely. So with the work that I do with unleashing influence, if you are looking to build your personal brand on LinkedIn, I'm always happy to hop on a 30 minute call. You can use it to look at your brand. You can ask questions whatever you want, so you can get that by going to unleashinginfluence.com/contact.

[00:37:33] All right. We'll have that in the show notes. Unleashinginfluence.com/contact for a wonderfully generous consultation with Angela. And I'll tell you what it's like I said, she's been there and done that. You've been up and down and all around and and came through beautifully. So thanks so much for coming on, Angela. I had a blast.

[00:37:56] My pleasure. It's been fun.

[00:37:58] Yeah. I'm going to go work on my posterior aesthetic, so we'll catch everybody on the next episode. See you later.