Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Claudia Monacelli
Claudia Monacelli is a podcast host, a voice coach, a medical intuitive, an energy healer, a professor and she has two different names. I guess to hide from the mafia. She's also an interpreter, a psychic, and can teach you the right way to move.
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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 544
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
See Tom's Stuff –
[05:01] Tom's introduction to Claudia Monacelli [09:45] Advertising and developing her psychic business [14:17] Energy healing and Reiki [18:35] Being an interpreter [34:48] Teaching people to move [44:10] Handling the movement businessHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
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How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
KickStartCart –
Copywriting901 –
Disabilities Page –
Multiple Voices Podcast –
Claudia's website –
Claudia's other website –
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Email Tom:
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Audio Books –
Audio Book Sample –
Audio Book Update –
Angela Ohlfest –
Cathy Nesbitt –
Promoting Audio Books –
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Episode 544 – Claudia Monacelli
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode five hundred and forty four of Screw the Community podcast. I'm here with Claudia Monacelli and this is a woman of many talents I got to tell you. Not only did she work for Interpol and the DEA, that's the Drug Enforcement Agency. Listen to this job that I'm sure everybody wants. She worked for the anti-mafia unit. And guess where? Italy. What a sweet and safe gig that must be. Now, I suspect the reason she's not worried about the mafia is that she's also a psychic and and I guess knows when they're coming after her, so have her on in a minute. Now, I hope you didn't miss all these opera episodes. I did a whole series on audio books. Episode five Forty three is about how to promote your audio book. That's the kind of reverse order here, and I want you to go buy you a bunch of cheapskates out there. Go buy. My darn audio book is two dollars and ninety nine cents. It just got approved by Audible. I mean, if you've been listening to this podcast, I've given you a couple of million dollars worth of training, so. So yeah, I'm teasing. But but yeah, go buy this audio book of mine. It's called Online Joint Venturing how to get in front of a million warm prospects in the next 90 days. I think they're pricing at a two point ninety nine and but I need reviews. That's, you know, since it's brand new and I just got approved by Audible. So give me an honest review on it. And there you go. All right now, other if you're really interested in audio books, we had episode 541 Angela Ohlfest, who has done 90 voiceover for audio books, and she actually taught me all the intricacies of getting the technical stuff ready to get it accepted.
[00:02:18] And episode 535 and 537 are all about the journey I took and the things the tricks of the trade you need to know to get your audio book, accept it and then episode 542 Cathy Nesbitt. Yeah, she's I don't know. She's not quite as interesting as Claudia's going to be. I don't know. She was very interesting, but she sells worms for a living and I am not kidding. She sells worms for a living. You know, they say, Do what you love. All right. Well, I don't know how to interpret that one, but she sells worms for a living at sixty five bucks for half a pound. Oh, true. And it's a hundred bucks for a pound. And so there you go. So if you're in the market, that's who you get. Cathy Nesbitt. Now, anytime you want to reach that back episode, you go to slash and then the episode number. We'll have all these numbers in the show notes for you and make you make sure you pick up a copy of our automation e-book. This is something that we actually did an estimate a couple of years ago. It saved me seven and a half million keystrokes and also allows me to ethically steal customers from people too slow to get back to them people. So it'll save you tons of time and make you a lot of money. And most of the stuff is cheap, cheap or really or free and on your computer already, you just nobody told you how to use this stuff.
[00:03:46] So it's how to automate your business. Go to while you're at it. Pick up a copy of our podcast app at You can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. Now we're still going strong with our pilot program to help persons with disabilities get trained in internet and digital marketing. Love to have your help on this something you could really be proud of. We're changing these people's lives and two of the people are blind and they're making videos. So we're doing a Go Fund Me account to help pay for all this stuff and all the extra work it takes to to to get this going. And then I took a grant writing course. So once I proved the concept of getting them hired or in their own business, then I'm going to roll it out really big to foundations and corporations to help lots of people with disabilities. So this is one of my legacy projects, so I'd love to have your help on it. Check it out at the Internet Marketing Training Center, Click on the Go Fund Me campaign and you can see their videos. And hey, if you're really flush with cash, you could sponsor a person yourself. How about that something you could really be proud of?
[00:05:02] All right, so we've got Claudia here. Is a podcast host also of multiple voices. It's a show for schizophrenics. That's what she had me. I'm just kidding, folks. I don't know why she called it that.
[00:05:21] He came on, he came on.
[00:05:23] Yeah, he, he and the other guy came on to at the same time. She's a Ph.D. Claudia, are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:05:34] Oh, I keep asking myself, What am I doing here?
[00:05:38] You were asking that when I was on your show, what is he doing here?
[00:05:42] What is he doing all right now? Not corny.
[00:05:45] And in addition to all the things I mentioned earlier, you're a voice coach. Yeah. Medical intuitive and energy healer, a professor, right? And listen to this, folks. You have two different names, I guess, to hide from the mafia with multiple voices.
[00:06:04] You know, tell everybody what that's all about. Christine Marionette or something like you're.
[00:06:14] Ok.
[00:06:14] At one point in time about, I guess it was 10 years ago, I decided to create this online persona as a way of getting out of my institutional job as a professor.
[00:06:27] It's the. Yeah, that's a good word for it. It's a mental institution is where I was.
[00:06:35] And so I started reading cards online and then built a business around it. So why did I use another another name I didn't want my students to find?
[00:06:45] I didn't want anybody to find me.
[00:06:47] I think we're done with that now.
[00:06:50] Right now. So I did. I put my only my hands never showed my face and I started my business. But then I came out of the closet a couple of years ago when I decided I didn't care about that anymore. And it was becoming so it's so important as a business because for the importance economically far outweighed, you know, my institutional keep saying job
[00:07:14] Well, when you were when you say you were reading cards, is this tarot
[00:07:18] Stuff? Yeah, well, they're tarot oracle cards. I mean, I'd read runes. Runes are stones or crystals with Nordic symbols on them. I read those, I read postcards, crystal balls, water. I can read just about anything, but that is basically for entertainment. You know, I put
[00:07:43] I just said that because I was going to ask you, like, how much are you able to steal from any one person with this?
[00:07:51] Well, well, no, no, I don't. I don't force anybody to come to me. You know that just like people, you don't force anyone to come to you. I imagine, right?
[00:07:59] Oh, yes, I do. Yeah, if I would not.
[00:08:03] So the L.A. Times wrote a letter in the letter to the editor section. So the title of that section of the letters to the editors because they had done an article on psychics, it said psychics are complaining about online fraud.
[00:08:18] Boy, that's right. That's right. Yeah, yeah,
[00:08:22] No, it is true. It is true. All of the people come to me, pay me in advance. All right. Yeah. And only once did I get cheated out of payment, but I didn't give the service. Whatever it is, it's not only, you know, reading cards, there's other kinds of therapy involved. But but it is. It's a problem like it is in every kind of business.
[00:08:45] Stop laughing. Yeah.
[00:08:47] You know, listen, ladies and gentlemen, he's going, we're going to finish this episode. He's going to ask me for a tarot reading.
[00:08:53] I bet I have. I have two students that are in tarot, but it kind of reminds me of this. When I do speeches, a lot of times I talk about crazy websites and one of the websites. If you paid so much per sentence and they would contact the dearly departed on your behalf.
[00:09:19] Right? Oh, but I don't get that.
[00:09:21] I don't get that so much for, oh, every sentence that came out.
[00:09:24] So it was like five bucks or something
[00:09:26] And every word or sentence that that they are.
[00:09:30] Oh, wow.
[00:09:31] But their disclaimer was We we cannot guarantee delivery.
[00:09:39] That's the truth. That's cute. That's cute. So this was a business now. How did you advertise this business?
[00:09:49] Ok, so let's just go back to what you just said about we can't we can't guarantee delivery. What happens? There are psychics and there are psychics, right? So a lot of people walk down the road and all of a sudden they stop in their tracks and they say, Oh my God, I have to call. My friend, Joe, because he's going to get into an accident, something comes to them and they think this is a message from a higher power. All right or something they're driving down the road and they stop all of a sudden because they in their gut, they get this feeling that they have to stop. All right. So that sort of interrupts their day. That is, you know, they're not in control of that. But there's the other side of this psychic story is that people who work in this business, I hope they do this, but you are only concentrating on what you have to get when you're working. Or else, I mean, if I were walk, it would be walking down the street all the time and listen to all of the messages that were coming in. I wouldn't even be able to eat anything during the day, you know? So I mean, it is a job that you control and you know where to get the messages when you get them. So in that disclaimer, for example, when I work with a person as a medium, I have no trouble contacting the person they want to contact because I get the information before I get the permission before it's there's an ethics behind this and stop laughing. Don't love Tom.
[00:11:20] But so there's never a money back here unless you know something goes wrong. And when I open communication, all of a sudden I realize that there are just too many negative forces, and then we just postpone it to another day. But no, there are two sides to the psychic story you really know. You have to know where to get the information, when to get the information, when the information is valid, but
[00:11:46] Kind of like your internet was down. I can't get my internet's down. I can't reach your your great, great uncle.
[00:11:56] Yeah, sorry about that. Right tomorrow? Yeah.
[00:12:02] All right. So and how long did you do this or are you still doing that?
[00:12:05] All right? No, I still do. I've been doing it for so many years, professionally online. It started 10 years ago, but I have been working for over 30 years doing this kind of work, and it grew to be a business through that. You know, that instance of me saying, Oh, you know, I've got to have a little fun with what I like to do. You know, I'm a third generation member of the occult, so I monetized it, actually put it on line and started developing different services for people trying to read, literally read or understand what was happening in at the moment. What did people need, for example, give you the example of today, what's going on today? Um, we are, you know, two years ago, the pandemic started, and now the whole the whole psychic world has been blown up with negative entity attachment, alien attacks, big time. So three years ago, two years ago, when people used to come to me for a simple card reading, they would ask me questions like, Oh Crystal, then you know, they would call me Crystal. Now they call me Claudia. When are they going to call me? Will I ever get married? You know the questions around their love life, their work? I still haven't got a job today. After the pandemic, two years, I started to get questions, 90 percent of the questions, 90 percent of the concerns that people have are around what is my soul's purpose? I know I'm meant to do something greater. I know I'm meant to do something more than just, you know, punch a card in the morning and then come home. What is that? So so there's a that's a big change.
[00:14:00] I'll send you the message right here. So you tell them I'm getting a strong signal. You're supposed to go join Tom Antion mentor program.
[00:14:12] All right, I want to get that commission. Yeah, you get a commission for that. See, there's nothing wrong with that. I'll take Carolyn, right?
[00:14:19] All right now, this energy healing stuff is this is this what they call reiki is
[00:14:24] As you ever hear? No, no. Reiki is, yeah, reiki. I'm a reiki masters. Wow.
[00:14:28] Oh my god, I got here. I'm in Virginia Beach. Ok, yeah, I guess this is a big, big area for that kind of stuff.
[00:14:36] Why would that be?
[00:14:38] Well, this guy, this old dentist from what's his name? There's a whole institute here, this guy that was a psychic medium. Oh, I can't think of his name, but the whole institute's here, people come in from all over the world to go to this institute down by the beach. I can't think of the guy's name, but. And then there's all these places that do crystals and all this stuff. But yeah, here's here's my problem with this you can go downtown here, and in a two day course you can become a reiki master. Well, the word master, you know that that to me, means years and years of. Of course, of work and field and and I just don't can't see.
[00:15:22] Yeah. And then, well, today you can buy any kind of certificate PhD. Today you can get anything that and you know that. So I mean there, too, the the the issues of being a master up until, say, 10, even just 10 years ago, to become a reiki master meant that was three levels. And it was it is expensive and you have to go through those practices and it had to be done in a certain way. Over the years, even online now and YouTube, you can find free videos that will give you a certain, you know, knowledge about it. And many people just make their own certificate and call themselves a master. So it's hard to discern, you know,
[00:16:10] How do you masters need to go and call the Federal Trade Commission about fraud and reiki field?
[00:16:17] And yeah.
[00:16:19] But here's a nonbeliever. Whenever you can do this, then I'll believe in it. Ok? And I know that you don't touch the person right?
[00:16:29] Your your hands are.
[00:16:30] No, you don't. You don't put hands on, right, but you put hands near right near them if you're in person.
[00:16:37] So here here is what will make me a believer. I want to see a reiki haircut and a reiki car wash. If you can wash my car,
[00:16:49] If you can cut my hair,
[00:16:51] I will believe in reiki.
[00:16:53] I don't practice reiki in the way you mention my my. You asked about energy healing and I'm a medical intuitive medical intuition talks about you say to me, All right, look, Claudia, I something's going wrong. I feel that something's obviously wrong. I I got into a car crash. I keep meeting the same kind of people, and just after two or three days, it's it's inevitably it ends. I keep bumping my head, you know, things happen. I broke my toe so they come to me. They know that there is negative energy around them. And what my concern is to see how concentrated it is in certain areas because it can eventually lead to full blown diseases. And so I divide the system, the body into the different systems of the body, the skeletal system, the lymphatic, you know that and the reproductive so and so on. And in those systems, I look at all of the organs and parts, right? And so I map out where there is a concentration and then we come into a session and we talk about it and we understand where it came from. And I start to clear them, clear them energetically. And you would be surprised. I don't give them a haircut. No?
[00:18:18] Well, see, I'm thinking if I was doing this, if somebody came in and they had broken their toe, hit their head and got in a car crash, I'd say, Get the hell away from me. Your curse,
[00:18:28] Right? No way. Yeah, there's something wrong there.
[00:18:31] I want to get hit with lightning. Somebody's trying to hit you and they miss and hit me.
[00:18:36] There's something wrong there.
[00:18:37] All right, so let's come down more to my Earth here, oh, oh yeah, and
[00:18:43] I wonder where that is.
[00:18:44] Well, the the field of being an interpreter, you are also you just got off a job before you got on this call.
[00:18:51] Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
[00:18:52] And I can be a good, lucrative field, right?
[00:18:57] Well, yeah, yeah. If you but see, I don't like to work with all topics I like. I, you know, my specialization is the political arena, and more than that is the undercover business. You know, the antidrug, the anti, everything.
[00:19:14] But did you ever did you ever say he shouldn't have said that? I'll change it for him?
[00:19:20] Well, yeah, it happens. It happens that people, for example, the Russians are very direct, whether they speak Russian or English. And to an Italian, you cannot be as direct as the Russian is.
[00:19:34] So mean they pinch you in the butt. When you're walking down the street, I can. I'm less direct. Can you get than that?
[00:19:41] Well, that must have been a long time ago. Today they're getting haircuts. Somewhere else is Oh, so so let's say that you tend to get a specialization. And so my specialization is sort of the undercover stuff, the investigations I work with the police often I live very close to the Ministry of the Interior. What do they call them? Intelligence services, one of the branches. And so it will happen. I'm on call sometimes and I don't like to respond. But the best times they know that I'm on call would be during the evening night, during the night
[00:20:24] And get paid to be on call.
[00:20:27] Whether Oh yeah, well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:20:30] And we're just talking about two languages here.
[00:20:33] Well, I know five, but my my work is with English more than anything else, because all people who come in and are from areas of the world where they can't find interpreters of that specific dialect, that specific language and a bench, they'll call me for the Italian, for the English, from English into Italian. Or sometimes they'll use two interpreters and we're vetted over and over. We get vetted several times. Well, every other year we get vetted and it's fascinating. It's fascinating for
[00:21:13] You to solve a crime with their psychic abilities, too.
[00:21:18] Well, no. Now I've never worked with my psychic abilities in this country. No, no. In the States. Yes, at a distance when I was living here. Yeah, but I kind
[00:21:27] Of want to talk about that. I can't talk about that. I know you'll have to kill me, right?
[00:21:33] Yeah, no. Well, we you know this. It's a nice story, but I probably I don't know. Tom. Wouldn't your listeners be more interested in the business side to that?
[00:21:42] Well, that's what I wanted. Then my next guest is going to be as the I mean, how much money can you make as an interpreter? Now, a friend of mine made the bulk of her money on tour buses. Well, she would when like, let's say, if a German group of people came in, she would get hired by the tour and she'd be with them the whole time and then they tip her at the end, plus the money she made. So that was just one way an interpreter
[00:22:11] Interpreter could make money.
[00:22:12] Well, they're not interpreters. Their tour guides interpreters are. All right.
[00:22:17] Yeah, that's true. But she multilingual people could make money. Yeah, in that in that fashion.
[00:22:22] I also was a tour guide in the city of New York. I was licensed to do that. Well, it is no big deal. I mean, all you have to do is repeat the same thing for different languages. And by the time the bus passes, you're down three blocks. It's a pain in the neck.
[00:22:38] Yeah, but now all you have to say is, OK, there's a homeless person will probably kill you.
[00:22:44] There's a guy shooting up heroin right there.
[00:22:49] Yeah, yeah. What's interesting is the way you create the network of for your business because it's not. You sure you can open a website, put your name there and call yourself an interpreter. But I'm not in a position to be able to shout to the world that I work with certain agencies and others, you know, so, but so I work through colleagues of mine. I'm part of an international association and where my language combination is known and they they know what I do, what kind of languages I work with and what areas I work with. And so it's sort of I help you, you help me. And it is in terms of how much money you can make. It differs depending on where you live in the world. Actually, in the United States, they don't make that much money for conference interpreting. Conference interpreting means you go into a wide, let's say, a conference center. This is before COVID, where there are booths interpreting booths and you use headphones and work like that. And when there's a press conference, you use a different you use annotation, you use a system of note taking to relay the messages to the press. Now that is conference interpreting, it's much different from what we would call whisper interpreting say on television between actors that between an actor who doesn't speak the language and the host of the show, usually the interpreter is hidden away and you just hear their voice. So it has different ways, but the conference interpreting is by far the most well-paid if you work for lawyers.
[00:24:38] There are certain agreements that you can make with them for particular cases working for the courts, you can die of hunger literally here and in the United States, but usually your best bets are having people know the type of work that you do, what areas you're specialized in, and they will call you for that. And if they're, for example, if I did, I don't know Norwegian or Finnish, you know, that has a certain combination. Say, if I worked with German or a combination that's not represented in the city of Rome, there are not many native English speakers in Rome that do this kind of work. And usually the Italians work back and forth going into and out of English, and we qualified the languages language A, B and C. So the A would be a native speaker. B would be a very active. I could use the language actively and C would mean I work from that language going into my native language. So it's it's sort of a network of it takes a while to establish your network. That's what the where, that's where the difficulty lies. But for example, my friend in Los Angeles will call me, she knows that I'm good in some areas working on television. She'll say, Look, I've got this job, I can't do it. I prefer you to come over and then then we'll work that way and vice versa. I call her for a U.N. of agencies here, FAO.
[00:26:09] I know how do you get paid by the hour or by the job or what
[00:26:14] For for a conference interpreting when you go into that, even if I'm home doing it behind a screen in our associations, it is by the day if you work one hour, you are paid the entire day. That's the way it works in other.
[00:26:32] I mean, it seems like, oh yeah, you can.
[00:26:34] A day would mean a day would mean maximum seven hours. You only work. You work in with another colleague, so you only work forty minutes. Then you relay to the other person. The other person works 40 minutes and you pass it back and forth. There's a break of at least an hour and a half, but the day is not longer than seven.
[00:26:56] Hours now, have you ever been with one of these cohorts and then you thought, Man, they stink?
[00:27:01] Jeez.
[00:27:03] Well, you know, well, people would might even say that of me. Yeah.
[00:27:07] Well, there was one. Yeah, there was a famous one several years ago on TV, a guy. The interpretation was just just panned like crazy because it was so bad.
[00:27:19] Well, and the problem is you can't recover from something like that. I mean, I mean, you can't you have to know your stuff. You just can't. It's not like the I don't know the Hollywood industry where knowing who knowing people will get you the job, you have to really open your mouth and say something or else it won't work. But it's
[00:27:39] Fascinating. So is this totally different?
[00:27:42] Is this totally different from me giving you a something written in English and asking you to put it into Italian?
[00:27:51] Yeah, that is. That's cool. Translation and translation is written in the written medium, and that is today that's paid. I don't do. I used to do a lot of translation. I stopped because I am not a person who I prefer the oral mode and I prefer moving instead of sitting. It drives me crazy to do translations. I don't have the patience, but they are paid by the page or by the word, and that's completely different. It's different in every country, but more or less the it is, by the way,
[00:28:25] But it's a way to make money if you have the bilingual skill and
[00:28:29] It's paid much, much less, very much less. It's a lot less. Just like I said, the courts, if you work for the courts, you could you could, you know, die of hunger. And even though translation is highly technical, it's highly technical. I mean, there are some areas, for example, advertising the slogans are could be for words and to change that into another language, you can't be paid by the word. You have to be paid by the time it takes or a set fee for that job, for that, you know, request. And so that is a different area. But but generally it's paid by the word or by the page.
[00:29:10] Okay, so picture in these conferencing now there was a movie with that famous Australian actress. I can't think anybody's names now.
[00:29:18] Yeah, but it was the interpreter of the movie.
[00:29:21] Oh, there you go. So with
[00:29:22] Sean Penn, Sean Penn, yeah, you're always used to.
[00:29:25] Oh, who is she? I speak to Tom Cruise, I think.
[00:29:29] I bet everybody in the world does that to her. She she actually is in a movie now playing Lucille Ball the Ricardos. What is her name?
[00:29:38] Yeah. So anyway.
[00:29:41] Yeah.
[00:29:41] So so what I'm thinking is so the person on stage is making certain gestures and facial expressions and movements, but the people are hearing, Yes, you,
[00:29:58] Yes, this is the problem. So let's say that the person on stage or at the podium cracks a joke. Mm hmm. And half of the audience laughs. If you don't make the other half laugh, there's something wrong. You know, there's that's a problem. A lot of people do. This was a joke. Please laugh.
[00:30:20] Yeah, you do say that.
[00:30:22] I've never done that. But a lot of people do. If they don't. Not able to translate, you know, the play on words or whatever it is. It's a fascinating job. I've worked for the the State Department and that was the beginning of my career. And so I got to travel all over the United States and that was so challenging, so challenging because we would get our we would be I was living in New York City at the time, and so the State Department would say, Look, send me a bio and say, give me, give me 24 hours to accept the job or not. For a delegate from either France or Italy coming in for, say, two weeks, any any way from any from two to four weeks, usually four weeks. And so if you accepted it, you would come down, fly down to Washington, spend a couple of days with them planning the trip depending on what they were interested in. If they were a curator, if they were a politician, you know, things like that in an invitation from the United States and then travel for a month with them. So you leave your home, you don't know without knowing where you had to go. No dictionaries. You couldn't take the you didn't know what.
[00:31:37] So the biggest problem I had the very difficult trip I had once was I was with someone who worked and worked in the field of he was a text specialist, so I had to really up my game and study on the job. I really, you know, got to study that job and this. Really, pre internet when you didn't have a little iPad, you could carry with you. So it was tough, it was really tough. I had to spend a lot of time with the person and oftentimes I would, you know, leave the morning with my tail between my legs knowing that I hadn't given the best, you know, because I couldn't be a tax specialist myself, you know? But you know, a couple of days before you leave. You do prepare glossaries and you try to maybe on the trip during the trip, ask the person themselves what they would be interested in and to give you a few key concepts that you could deal with for the, you know, the following day so that it's everybody thinks that it's a glamorous job because you travel and you do you do travel. But if you don't study, you can't work. And that's the big problem of interpreting, well,
[00:32:52] I've only had one interpreter in my whole career. I was speaking, Oh, Mexico, and I think you've got to feel for my personality from our interview on your thing. So, yeah, you know, I'm going to mess with them, right?
[00:33:06] So, yeah, so I get up there and I'm doing my speech and it's mostly male audience. This is in Mexico and it's a female interpreter. So. So I start saying stuff like, Hey, isn't that interpreter really hot?
[00:33:22] Wouldn't you like to have her? Oh, that's terrible. That's terrible. Mexico.
[00:33:29] And there was silence.
[00:33:31] So these guys are cracking. I know she, she she was a trooper.
[00:33:34] She lost everything. Good for her.
[00:33:39] Yeah. And one this one friend of mine now she was speaking in front of a male audience, and they she was asking her friend, You know, speakers. Usually, if we're in front of an audience, it's mostly a different language. We we try to say something, you know, in their language. And at one time one time I got slapped for it up in Montreal, Canada, I said, Would I say I said, Merci beaucoup instead of merci beaucoup. Ooh, you know the difference?
[00:34:16] Well, yes, it was something like, thank you for your nice ass and said, Thank you. Yeah, and the guests laughed. But anyway, they told this lady, they pulled a joke on her and they she was doing a toast at the end of her speech, and she thought she was saying something like, you know, health and happiness and everything. And she said, more power behind your zipper.
[00:34:44] They all went crazy.
[00:34:46] Yeah, there are war stories. Yeah.
[00:34:50] All right now you also have another interesting sideline. I don't know if this was tied into the energy work or not, but the when I was talking to you on your podcast is talking about how to move. Oh, and wasn't bowel movements? It was.
[00:35:06] It's teaching people to move, teaching people to. I remember I asked you, What do you do for movement? I have my dogs, I've got my dogs, I've read tennis and stuff like that.
[00:35:17] Yeah, I work with movement. I teach people how to move. And it's I use the Feldenkrais method, which is a somatic method, which means it's a body oriented method. It's designed to help people connect to their body and learn, learn ways to move better.
[00:35:36] How else would you move if it wasn't body area?
[00:35:40] Well, no, you could move your eyes would. Which people wouldn't think is part of their body. You don't see them moving, but their eyes are moving. That would
[00:35:50] Be a little creepy when well, or closing the eyes or looking for that right, you move your head to the left, close your eyes, but your eyes stay looking to the right. And that's really is. It helps you in so many different ways. But what is interesting about this, more than anything else, is that people who it doesn't only work for the body, but it also helps and has a positive impact on a person's mental state. So Lou, usually a lot of people who are looking for treatment for health, mental health have a really beneficial comeback come away from, you know, they benefit from this method. And I use it also to teach in my voice training when I do voice coaching. It helps. It makes a person more aware of where things are and how they move. For example, if I said to you, Tom look. Do you have any idea what your rib cage looks like in the back? Or how many ribs you have?
[00:37:05] I kind of looks like down at Captain George's Seafood Buffet.
[00:37:09] The ribs section.
[00:37:11] I think mine has barbecue sauce on it. That's right. I don't know. No, I don't think I know what my rhythm because everybody's not used to being in touch with their rib cage. It's like a big block. And that's where or their their pelvis bone. The the the core of the method is learning how the pelvis helps you to move, using your head to move and your eyes to move. And I have a four. I have a different packages and one is called twist and shout because I like to work with the voice and I like to work with twisting and turning the spine to help people connect with their.
[00:37:52] Back and they're back side, yeah, yeah, exactly.
[00:37:56] Be one with your butt.
[00:37:58] Yeah, right. So.
[00:37:59] And it's fascinating. It is absolutely fascinating. You stand after doing this. You feel like you're ten feet tall and you literally, I mean, I've just miracles happen. For example, I've had two things that were really miraculous. One, I went in because I dance Argentine tango and a number of times. Well, when I didn't know how to dance, I used to get stepped on, break my toes and I, you know, had to go through the motions, put the toes in in a certain blocked fashion and not move them and all of that. But over the years, I started feeling that my toes were. How do you call those Italians called vermiculite? When you have you feel like ants are walking over the toes? You lose sensitivity right in a couple of the toes on my right foot and I, I thought, My God, if that could ever happen, I could fall if I, you know, didn't feel the ground under my feet. I went to have a hands-on session, and this is literally hands on working with the skeletal system. So there are two, yeah, feet on. So there are two ways you work. You work in groups having lessons, you teach lessons. I do a lot online and the other method is called functional integration, where you work with a person on a massage table, which is particular to the Feldenkrais method. It's low and wide and you move the person's skeletal system. So when I went to a person for this integration, for this functional integration, I said, Look, you know, I have these toes and I and I, I swear I went to her that one time I never had a problem with them again, I swear to you. And the last miracle is, I guess, it's been three months. All of a sudden I woke up and my finger. I guess they call it in English. They call it trigger finger became blocked and I thought, Oh my God, this is the devil. You know something.
[00:40:07] All right. So I tried to smooth out not nothing. I could do work. I went to the functional integration for functional integration again, went to a colleague who has more experience than me, and I said, Look, I'm ready to have the operation done and, you know, get rid of this issue. She said, Don't do it, don't do it. I've had a man who was 94 years old. He had a problem with this thun thumb and three months he it just left. And so I worked with her and I've been to her now three times. And I swear it's just like as if I have never had it before. You know what?
[00:40:47] I'm doing that in a chiropractor.
[00:40:50] Well, the chiropractor pulls and pushes and tries to correct you. What Feldenkrais does is try to teach you how to use your own body. So if I'm not there and you need to move in a certain way, you've learned from my lesson and going back to this trigger finger business, I know what to do to help myself and not to hurt it. For example, I had put my hand in a brace thinking I couldn't move it anymore, she said. Get rid of the brace. That's never going to help you. And so there's a way. I mean, chiropractors have a great, they have a great job. They're laudable. And all of that. When you leave the chiropractor, you will have to go back sooner or later. You're not going to be able to figure out yourself. You know, you won't be able to fix it yourself. You won't come away with the tools necessary to fix it yourself. I'm trying to think of other things are very good for a lower back problems and for shoulder blades and to correct the way people move and the way they extend their arms. I'm a swimmer.
[00:42:05] So how about rotator cuffs? What about the musculature? Sorry. How about rotator cuffs like the musculature?
[00:42:13] Well, yeah. Well, of course we you have to know how the system works. It's not only the there obviously is the skeleton, but you have to know what muscles are in place. And that's part of our study. You know, we have to learn how the the muscles, what the role of the muscles are. You know what their role is, if I've understood your question.
[00:42:42] Ok, so I got I got a question for you. But before that, our producer looked up the those names. It's Nicole Kidman.
[00:42:50] All right, Nicole Kidman. Yeah, right,
[00:42:52] And then the foundation here is the Edgar Casey
[00:42:56] Foundation. Oh, well, of course, Edgar Casey, I didn't know that it was Edgar Casey wasn't from Virginia, was he from?
[00:43:05] You don't know that. He must have landed here because that's a big deal here. The Edgar Casey Foundation is down there. That right off
[00:43:12] The orso, it is a foundation, but it's but Edgar Casey doesn't have a direct connection just for Reiki. He he
[00:43:21] Is. No, no. He's he's all this other stuff. But he's dead.
[00:43:25] Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:43:26] He's dead. I channeled him actually on my YouTube channel.
[00:43:30] Yeah, I you didn't
[00:43:32] Channel him YouTube channel then. So, so. Well, first of all, I'm the producer,
[00:43:40] So I looked at my iPhone. So oh,
[00:43:44] How honest you are. Everybody thought, Boy, this is a bigger show than we thought so. So with all this, forty five things that you do,
[00:43:55] You know you talk a really good game. You are really, really good. I remember when you were on my show, I'm thinking, I mean, how?
[00:44:03] How could
[00:44:04] You? I mean, why would why do you want to work with all of those people? He says. I don't work with anybody.
[00:44:09] I only have a few people I work with.
[00:44:12] So, so anyway. All these things that you do. What's what's the percentage breakdown of how much you work with voice coaching as opposed to energy healing as opposed to interpreting as all the other stuff? So what's the what's the percentage?
[00:44:31] My my let's say my greatest income comes from energy healing and mediumship because I
[00:44:42] Ship now there's a word we've never been on this show.
[00:44:46] Well, media, mediumship, yeah, mediumship.
[00:44:50] And well, because I tend to shy away from interpreting jobs unless they are interesting for me. So I'll do it less. I'll do it much more rarely. You know, I'll do one interpreting job a month instead of doing my mediumship all all week, you know, or at least three times a week. And I love working with energy and in the movement business, it's actually the business of it. I like working with both the voice coaching and the movement. It is the same thing. It works with the same Feldenkrais method that is my life in the sense that I spend all day with that business because it's you have to know your stuff. You're always looking at different lessons to teach for certain cases. And I read case studies to see how, you know, because the lessons are infinite. There's so many different lessons that you can create as well. But I think the most interesting for me today is the movement and voice, because I find the besides me being the outlier on your podcast.
[00:46:12] Yeah. What do you mean by that?
[00:46:16] Well, what is it basically about multiple voices?
[00:46:21] Oh, you mean my your pie?
[00:46:24] What is it about?
[00:46:25] Ok, I was on there, but I still don't know what everybody else was on. What's the overall thing?
[00:46:30] All right. All right now. My podcast started with a different name, and it was a pleasure seeking because I'm writing a book called The Magic of Pleasure Seeking. And I needed to say to hear my voice saying the words because I needed because I work with my ears more than my pen.
[00:46:54] So I'm laughing. Not not at the title of your book because I'm laughing at the contrast between you and I. I'm working on a book that's you and me.
[00:47:08] Oh, there you go. Exactly. I got to read that book.
[00:47:11] Yeah, I'm working on a book called Highly Educated Idiots, and you're working on a book about pleasure.
[00:47:20] Well, anyway, I got fed up with 13 episodes and hearing my voice talking to myself. So then I changed it to multiple voices because it's the name of my business. I have a business called multiple voices. Okay. And and so that was great for me because I tend to get bored easily. So I create a different series, so channeled voices, the voices of love. I have the voice of horror, all different series. So when I find a guest, that's interesting. Well, the I think you came under the category of the work of the voice of work and finance or something like that, if I'm not mistaken, voice and lunacy.
[00:48:08] I think I thought that was what you named that episode the Voice of creativity, you know, the voice of spirit and all of that. And so that's how how I organized my podcast and I tried to gravitate towards interesting things, you know, interesting topics that I like to listen to and learn about. And that's that's the reason for being for that.
[00:48:32] For all right. So podcast. So how do people get a hold of you and if they wanted to take part in any of these services?
[00:48:38] All right. I've got two websites. One is Forget how he pronounced it in the beginning
[00:48:48] And I do it right.
[00:48:50] So I caught him on a telecom and the other one is Crystal Martinette.
[00:49:07] And you'll find my services, psychic services on Crystal Martinette and my movement and coaching on Crystal Monacelli.
[00:49:18] Wow, that's been a wild episode about one one.
[00:49:22] Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I've got a great Instagram following if you want to go there. Ok, yeah, that is the magic of pleasure seeking.
[00:49:30] Oh man, I post three times a day.
[00:49:34] Magic of pleasure seeking. Yeah, yeah. Where else can I get you? You're in Italy now.
[00:49:41] I'm in Rome. Yeah, I live in Tom. I go back and forth. So it's some. It's almost it's rounding up to seven p.m. You're at one p.m., aren't you?
[00:49:51] All right. So six hours, six hours,
[00:49:52] Six hours difference. Yeah. And I go to New York, I go to New York, New Jersey often, but I'm waiting now to find some a little more heat before I move out. There I go, go travel out there because it's not a good time now.
[00:50:06] No, there's been this massive storm. That's everybody's going crazy. Even on ninety five up to D.C., there was like people were stuck for twenty four hours on the road.
[00:50:15] Yeah, I had a guest who was in an hour I should have interviewed, but we have to postpone it because she has no power.
[00:50:24] Yeah, yeah, that's crazy. All right. So one last thing before you leave.
[00:50:28] Yes. Could you please say, screw the commute.
[00:50:32] What's my favorite drink?
[00:50:33] Oh no, please say screw the commute in Italian.
[00:50:37] Oh, I found cool commutes.
[00:50:42] Funk, funk cool. Yeah.
[00:50:49] Oh okay. Oh, funk, oh yeah.
[00:50:51] And that was free.
[00:50:53] Yeah, yeah, I'm not paying a whole day for that. Oh, thanks so much
[00:51:02] For coming on.
[00:51:03] You're welcome. You're welcome, everybody.
[00:51:07] We will catch you out on the next.
[00:51:10] What what is it, you say, do the ending for us?
[00:51:19] We'll catch you all on the next episode of Commute.
[00:51:25] All right, everybody goodbye. Bye bye.
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