Screw The Commute Podcast
I'm Not In The Mood
Tom's thoughts on the news from Afghanistan.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
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Episode 483 – I’m Not In The Mood
[00:00:03] Well, hey, everybody, it's Tom here with episode 483. The title is I'm Not in the Mood. And I'll tell you, I am not in the mood as to be extremely short. As I was right there yesterday when the reports came in of all the. United States service people that died in Afghanistan. And just really hit me, I just can't be my normal yuck, yuck, high energy, self knowing. These bad things are happening. Didn't have to happen. Not only are Marines, but many other innocent people, women and children. Had nothing, no reason that they that these bad things would happen to them. And so I just did not have the energy or the interest in talking about some kind of marketing stuff or, you know, is supposed to be an ask me a question episode, and I hope all of you realize. We're able to do the things we do because of these wonderful. Brave. Sacrificing service people that that allow us to say stay safe, and I hope things appears like things are going to get way less safe because of what's going on over there. Again, I emphasize I don't believe it needed to happen this way. But anyway, I know it's easy to say, but keep your thoughts and prayers out there for the families and all the the people that are sacrificing, it's still obviously I'm recording this Friday morning. August 27th, 2021. And, you know, we'll get back in the saddle on Monday and especially hits hard with Vetrepreneurs month coming up September. You know, next week. So anyway, stay safe. Do whatever you can to support our military. All right. Catch you on the next episode. Bye.
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