Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Julio Gonzalez
Julio Gonzalez is the founder and CEO of Engineered Tech Services. That's the country's largest specialty tax engineering firm specializing in federal tax incentives, IRS compliance and standards and tax issues for all business sizes. He's also an author and member of the Forbes Financial Council.
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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 470
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[03:22] Tom's introduction to Julio Gonzalez [04:49] Things that small businesses should be watching for [06:09] Biggest mistakes businesses are making [09:25] Employees vs Independent Contractors [11:13] Donations [12:17] When Taxing the Rich Eats the Poor [14:30] Family came to America from Cuba [20:08] Tips for businesses in the current climate [23:45] Sponsor message [25:44] A typical day for Julio and how he stays motivatedHigher Education Webinar –
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Episode 470 – Julio Gonzalez
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey, everybody it's Tom here with episode four hundred and seventy five of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Julio Gonzalez, and I'll tell you what, you cannot miss this episode. He is our first billionaire ever to really, you know, charitably slum it to come on to my show. So we really, really appreciate that. But, oh, he's going to help you out and learn how to start businesses and save a lot of taxes. This guy is one of the foremost experts in the in the country, probably the foremost expert. And he came from humble beginnings and made it big. He was also a wrestling champ, which is cool to me because I was a heavyweight wrestler in the state of Pennsylvania. So a lot of fun with this. This guy, I hope he didn't miss Episode four. Sixty nine. That was basic search engine optimization. Now, you all know that I am not a big fan of this, but this should do the basic thing so you don't, you know, shoot yourself in the foot. I'm all about paid traffic and email and all that stuff. So but you should listen to that so that you, your idiot web designer, is not screwing you over and you don't even know about it.
[00:01:31] So that episode, I'll fix that for you. Now, how'd you like me to send you big checks? Well, if you're in my affiliate program or referral program, you can send your PayPal, Bitcoin, whatever you want. Gold boy, I don't care, but you can make big referrals anywhere from eight dollars and fifty cents to five thousand dollars plus per referral. So check that out by email me at Now grab a copy of our automation ebook and I'm going to say you're welcome. Right now, if you even do a portion of what's in this book, it's helped me handle up to 150000 subscribers and 65000 customers without pulling my hair out and allows me to ethically steal customers from other marketers that are just too darn slow to get back to people. You're going to get the money if you respond quickly. So grab it at And while you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app at Now, you know, I usually tell you about my school now, but, you know, I'm right in the middle of this really important program to change people's lives.
[00:02:40] You know, I have rescued animals and done a lot of good things for kids and all this stuff, but a lot of it was bandaids. This is the change people's lives. So we're doing this thing with my school where we're giving scholarships to persons with disabilities and we're going to hire people with disabilities to help run the program. So we have a go fund me account set up to help finance this whole deal. And then when it's when I prove the concept, then I'm going to take it big. I'm taking a grant writing course and we're going to go after big money to to really roll this big and change these people's lives. And you can be part of it. So check it out. It's Click on the Go Fund Me link and you'll see some of the people in the program now.
[00:03:24] All right, let's get to the main event. Julio Gonzalez is the founder and CEO of Engineered Tech Services. That's the country's largest specialty tax engineering firm specializing in federal tax incentives, IRS compliance and standards and tax issues for all business sizes. He's also an author and member of the Forbes Financial Council. Julio, are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:03:49] I'm ready.
[00:03:51] Thanks so much and I really appreciate it. You've got a really great, powerful past of handling, helping thousands and thousands of companies and individuals. And that's what we're all about here. So tell everybody what you're doing now, and then we'll take you back and see how you came up through the ranks.
[00:04:10] Yes, sir. Thank you again for having me on. You know, currently we work with about twelve thousand accounting firms and we help them help their business clients identify tax credits and opportunities for incentives and refunds that, you know, Tom every day. You know, these big companies, these big Fortune 500 companies, these type of companies that don't pay taxes in the media. Right. They have access to all these tax benefits. And we just want to make sure every small business owner out there has the same kind of access. And we try to work with their accounting firms to make sure that they're getting all the benefits for creating jobs, creating employment, investing in the infrastructure of the United States and being great patriots.
[00:04:50] Yeah, and some small business owners are just scared to death of the IRS. So they are conservative to the point of ridiculousness that they aren't taking advantage of all the things available to them. What are some of the things currently into the. The future that they should be watching for, that they can legitimately uses deductions.
[00:05:11] Yeah, there's so many great deductions out there and there's so many tax credits and grants available. It's just there's credits, their deductions from creating employment for buying buildings, for buying equipment, for doing innovation, for doing research and development activities. And those are the type of things we work with the accounting firms to make sure and to help them identify these tax opportunities for these small business owners. One person, 10 people, one hundred people. I mean, we work with all kinds of business owners and we just make sure they get it. They take advantage of all these opportunities.
[00:05:45] So you don't have to be bringing in millions and millions to to take advantage of this stuff. Right.
[00:05:52] You know, listen, we work with a lot of startups. I mean, even they are paying payroll taxes. And a lot of those payroll taxes are refundable because they're doing what? Creating employment, creating innovation within their own company, trying to do something new to them and obviously for their clients. And all those things are refundable activities.
[00:06:11] What are some of the biggest mistakes you see small business people making with regard to their finances in taxes?
[00:06:18] Well, I think the biggest mistake I see is that they consider it an expense and so they want to pay as least possible to get that work done right, because they'd rather be out selling and promoting and working on their business. But, you know, I think of it more as an investment. And if you get a good person and you invest and you look at that as an investment, you're going to get a return on investment because, you know, if you hire an accountant and you're not spending a lot of money, you're not going to get a lot of return. But you may hire that accountant says, you know what I know about all these credits. I know about all these grants. I know about your industry. And I know that there's these refunds available and all of a sudden his fee, you're getting a 10 times return on it because he actually understands your industry can help you with grants and all these incentives.
[00:07:07] Yeah, I remember about twenty one years ago and first of all, I just bow down to you folks because I'm good at bringing the money in, but counting it and all that stuff is not my main thing. But I remember getting called I started out with as one person, with a temp person here. My accountant called me and said, Hey, Tom, you got too much retained earnings. And I said, what if I got too much retained earnings, you mean, so what's that mean? He says, well, you're going to pay more taxes. And I said, You mean I've been keeping my nose clean and not buying yachts and and and airplanes and hookers and everything else. And now I have to pay more taxes. He said yes. So that's when I started hiring a bunch of people. And I said I'd rather make jobs than than pay for bombs. You know, that the government's going to just throw it down the drain somewhere for some stupid program. So. So that's what you're talking about. You're investing in your business, not just spending money on employees.
[00:08:04] Tom, one of the things when I read your bio that you did early on was your invest in real estate. And I think what people don't understand in small business is that if you buy your building, you actually get to expense that. You get to write off the whole building. So there's not many investments in this country where you can expense the whole asset and then obviously have the appreciation. You get some rental income as well. So I think that was a brilliant move. I mean, I saw in your bio that you had five apartments by the time you were out of high school or before high school.
[00:08:36] No, it was I had five apartment buildings in a hotel before I graduated college, starting with nothing. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:08:43] But you don't you know, so I tell small business owners, maybe you don't have to pay the rent. Maybe you go in and buy that small building. And by the way, you're going to get to expense all that building and that's going to lower your taxes. Now, that's just a strategy of do you pay someone else rent or do you pay yourself rent and take the deductions? Yeah, those are the types of things I was.
[00:09:03] And I made no mistake, about 12 years ago, I rented a building for my school and I ended up paying seven hundred thousand dollars in rent, which I could have bought the building three times over for that. So at the time the concept wasn't proven. And I, I think I made a mistake there. But yeah, these are investments in your your business now. What's your opinion on the employee versus independent contractor? Because one time some the state of Maryland tried to hit me up and say all my employees were are all my contractors were employees. And I had happened to have a hundred months worth of magazines where these employees were. These contractors were advertising themselves to the general public. So any any plus or minus you see there with the independent contractor versus employee.
[00:09:55] Yeah, I mean, I think we're truly in a gig economy now where, you know, independent contractors are becoming more and more important. Look, I've seen a lot of issues with the IRS come down on employers because they want to create that employment and get that taxpayer right. So the difference between independent contractors is there's not that tax distribution. So, you know, we have to be careful, right? Because the IRS says if you're basically their only source of income and you're telling them where to be, when to be, I mean, that becomes more of an employment relationship. But ultimately, you know, these independent contractors, I think that's a viable way to go today because a lot of people want that independency. They want to work from home. They don't want to have to go to an office and they want to have other side gigs. Right. So, you know, I think we'll see more and more of that. And certainly the IRS has to understand that that's how it's evolving in our country.
[00:10:52] Yeah, the lady from the state was really pissed when I showed her all this proof that they these people were not employees. And also, you're not stuck with a full time payment when maybe business is slow, you can hire them as needed. So it's yeah, it's a great thing. And it's come to light more with the pandemic. Now, everybody's working from home and doing multiple things. So let's talk about the charitable donations or donations or political donations. Like you're kind of a trendsetter in that. You're one of the few people on Earth that have put out a press release about a donation in Amede. I read about this in the I think it was The Daily Beast. And the one guy said, this guy, everybody should do what this guy did. Do you remember that?
[00:11:38] I'll never forget it. I'll never forget you now coming home and my wife and I watching TV and there's Mrs. Cuddalore, you know, on MSNBC giving me a hard time on national TV and yeah, I'll never forget that moment. But like I thought, I should always be open and honest.
[00:11:57] Exactly. See, that's why they didn't like you, because that's that's not the standard. Everything's supposed to be hidden unless somebody pries it open with a big crowbar or something. So. So I was really impressed with with that that you just said, screw it, I'm going to tell the world what's going on and the and you can hold your head high, that's for sure. Now, let's take you back a little bit. Another thing you said one time when taxing the rich eats the poor, to expand on that a little bit. That was an article you wrote, I think, for Forbes.
[00:12:30] Well, you know, basically when you continue to raise the taxes for the small business owner, you know, think about this. If you have a dollar, you can spend it, you can save it, or you can invest it. Now, when the taxes get to these incredible high rates that Jimmy Carter had or, you know, the Bush administration is trying to get to, you know, and say now you're in a state with state tax. And now sixty one percent of every dollar you make goes to the government, federal, state and local. Well, then no small business owner is going to invest in their business. They're going to do other things. And that means no employment
[00:13:06] And no and the big ones are the same way. They're going to just go to some other country or Ireland or wherever the the low tax rates are. And then there goes all these jobs with it, you know. So, yeah, I totally got that when taxing the rich eats the poor. That was a brilliant article. Now you're in the Forbes Business Council, which tell us more about that.
[00:13:31] Well, you know, they're you know, we're trying to put out monthly articles that. I write on basically how small businesses can take advantage of the difficult tax cut. We have a million pages of tax code and we cannot we can't assume that your accountant or you are going to know all the things in that millions of pages. So we try to work with small business owners, their accountant, to identify some of these niche tax credits that they can take advantage of so that they can continue to be rewarded for all the great activity they're doing here in the country.
[00:14:05] Yeah, and I was talking to another tax guy. He said he goes to a tax court all the time to tax the IRS. People don't know what the laws are. The million million pages, they they just figure they'll they'll get whatever they want because the judge doesn't know. And chances are the other attorney doesn't know. So they win all the time. But a million pages who could possibly keep up with all that stuff? I mean, so that's that's just crazy. But let's take you back a little bit. Your family came from Cuba, is that correct?
[00:14:39] Yeah, they came over here and fifty eight to this great country to give our generations, our future generations an opportunity to live in a capitalist community and have an opportunity to thrive outside of a communist terror regime there that gets worse every day.
[00:14:57] You were born there or you you came about after they got here.
[00:15:03] Yes, so I was born in Miami, OK? Fortunately not there.
[00:15:08] Yeah, well, I was thinking about getting a boat and rowing over there and giving him a hot spot like lately that everybody can have Internet. Yeah, that is really rotten. The thing that's going on, going on over there. And I'd like I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm not a really technical person as much as a marketer. We could have Internet over there in two minutes. If we if somebody got behind it and decided to do it,
[00:15:33] It's desperately needed. Get on that road. But I'll go with you. Yeah, I'll give him a hot spot. I mean, look, they have no food, no water, no power, no communications. It's devastating there
[00:15:45] And beat up just for standing on the street, you know, will disappear forever. Yeah.
[00:15:52] Yeah. We'll never see a lot of those people again.
[00:15:54] Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. So so you got into wrestling and became a wrestling champ, right? And then this was it with University of Colorado is I want to win.
[00:16:07] Yeah. Here in the state of Florida at high school and then the University of Colorado. And I think that was really my opportunity to, you know, get out of the community and get to learn about business. And fortunately, I had you know what? I went through an interview and the accounting firm, like I was a wrestling coach and like wrestling. So it really got me from out of Miami and into college and into business. It's been one of those great things. You just you never know where your opportunities are going to come by. Wrestling was one of those things that opened a lot of doors.
[00:16:43] Now, you you worked for big business to start with then and then decided like, hey, everybody should be able to take advantage of this, right?
[00:16:50] Yeah, we were I was working for a big accounting firm. And, you know, these were the types of tax incentives we were doing for the Fortune. Five hundred the public companies. You see that in the media all the time. Why does an Amazon pay any taxes? Right. I pay taxes. Right. Because they use these tax credits. And I just felt it was important that every accounting firm have the resources to provide these same incentives to their business owners. So that's the journey I've been on since. Two thousand one is to make sure that, you know, the accounting industry here and their clients, you have access and we appreciate you having us on. They create more education in that regard.
[00:17:28] Yeah, yeah. No problem. Because you're you're helping out small business people, which is all I'm about. I've got to ask you a question, though. This is off taxes, though. I always wondered how super wealthy people, if they have more than one house where they keep their favorite stuff. Oh, my favorite stuff is right here in my house. And if I had another house somewhere, I would be lost. So you have multiple houses.
[00:17:57] Yeah. And listen, you know, it depends on how far you can dig dig down. Yeah. Benefit of multiple properties.
[00:18:05] My favorite books, my stuff, my bike. You know, all these things. I was thinking you have to have multiple ones. I don't know. I came from a really small town, 500 people in western Pennsylvania, and that's still the population today. So it's and we lived in the suburbs. So I was totally from the sticks and and grew up very frugal because my dad came with, like I said, nothing from Syria. So so I just saw what's.
[00:18:33] We I just recently bought a firm in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Mm hmm. And you know, what a great community. And if anything else, you have a great football team to root for every Sunday.
[00:18:46] Yeah, that's for sure. And I got a crazy Penn State story. So I was I went to college on a football scholarship. So I was recruited all over the country. But I wanted to go to Penn State because my brother had gone there and Joe Paterno and all that stuff. So now at the time, my dad was in the 70s and and I was the only one that really made it big in sports. And and so he's boning up on all this stuff about recruiting violations and things like that. So we're sitting in Joe Paterno, his office. I'm getting offered a scholarship to Penn State my whole life. I'm wanting this and. You know, college athletics, of course, you know, are governed by the NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association. So my dad looks Joe Paterno right in the eye and he says, Joe, is your school covered by the end of last year? Didn't know whether to laugh. I wanted to crawl under the desk.
[00:19:45] He was a real icon.
[00:19:47] Oh, yeah. I ended up going to West Virginia because it was much closer. My parents were elderly and so forth. But Bobby Bowden was the one that recruited me and then they hung him in effigy when he left to go to Florida State because they they were not too happy about that, but. So. All right, let's get back to some some tips. Like people are having trouble with stimulus checks and stimulus money and applying for PCP and all the big companies go in and suck out all the PCP before anybody else can have them. Is that all by the wayside? Is that done?
[00:20:27] Well, not necessarily. And a good point there. I mean, a lot of small businesses struggled to have access to that. And I think really this is where having a good accounting firm is an investment, because those accounting firms, you know, they know the small banks, they know the community banks, they can have got you in line. They could have helped you with that whole process. I think you think about it as a small business owner. That was a daunting task to go through that loan application. But if you had a good accounting firm, they probably would have came to me and said, listen, I got you and I got the bank relationship. We're going to take care of this. This is what's so important. It's good to invest in those relationships and have those. But I think that's something we learned in the pandemic, that having that kind of relationship could have made a big difference between having successfully got that loan or not or not even having to pay it back. I think those were all, you know, really vital things we learned about the pandemic, having that relationship, investing in that relationship and making sure you know the bank, too.
[00:21:27] Now, you've seen like a difference between red states and blue states with with regard to the finances and income and and all that. What's what do you see as the big difference?
[00:21:39] Big difference is income tax rates between the two states, right? I mean, the blue states have massive state income tax rates, local income tax rates. They have a lot of regulation. And, you know, they just never opened up for the businesses. And it looks like they may shut down these businesses. Once again, we're going through this cycle. And I think that's the big difference. The red states know low to no income tax rates, lower regulations and no more willingness to open up.
[00:22:07] Did you hear that thing about the cost of a U-Haul in California?
[00:22:11] Oh, yeah. So, I mean, yeah, yeah, Tom. I mean, basically, everyone's moving out, right. So it's a lot to get there and, you know, getting them a lot less difficult task, right?
[00:22:25] Yeah, well, they were charging, like, if you want to rent a U-Haul from Vegas to L.A., there's a couple hundred bucks or they might like you to take it. But coming the other way, a couple of thousand because they can't everybody leave me out of it. Yeah. And I'm hearing a lot of I actually met some of my friends in Colorado. I'm hearing a lot of scuttlebutt. They are not liking the fact that these people are coming from California, even though the houses are selling for more that they're listed for. But they're bringing the same values that ruin the California state, trying to bring it to the other states. So, yeah, I'm getting a lot of flak from people saying, Jesus, I wish these people would go somewhere else because they're bringing the same things that were
[00:23:10] Happening with all the red states. I think, you know, politics starts locally. And when these people come to your neighborhood, you get to welcome a man, bring him in and educate them on why you're living in that state and to make sure they don't bring their politics with them.
[00:23:26] Oh, boy, boy, that's good. Yeah, I'm happy to be in Virginia and in Virginia Beach, so it's not Northern Virginia, which is a whole no question, hangmen where I live, this is mostly military here, blue collar. You know, we didn't suffer through just about anything that a lot of the other states did because nobody will put up with it. You know, it's a wonderful place. So we've got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we're going to ask Julio how. And by the way, this isn't the painter. All right. In case you guys didn't know, there's a lot of famous Julio Gonzalezes in the world. This is the most important one for you as a small business person, that's for sure. So we'll ask him what a typical day looks like for him and how he stays motivated to keep helping all these folks. Folks, I want to bring up again my crowdfunding campaign because I'm really, really, really passionate about making a permanent fix for these people's lives. You know, I ended up one of my favorite things I ever did was I fed two hundred and eighty eight homeless kids for a whole year and and I rescued, you know, hundreds of dogs. But as I look back, I'm proud of those things, but I kind of feel like it's a Band-Aid. You know what happens after the years up for those kids. But in this case, it's different. I think with the catalyst of my school being able to teach these people, let them learn from home and also so they can legitimately work from home, which is obvious to me for 20 years.
[00:24:57] But now with the pandemic, everybody else is all you can work from home. I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. So so I think I can change these lives permanently and I want your help. It's almost like if you throw in a few bucks, it's like putting your name on a park bench or or your name's on a library, you know, at the school because you've really helped do something really, really great. So check it out at and then click on the Go Fund Me campaign. And if you're really flush with cash, you could sponsor a person yourself. It's only about fifteen thousand dollars for a scholarship that can really change a person's life. So. So check it out and anything that you can muster up. We really, really appreciate it. You're doing something really great in the world.
[00:25:48] All right. Let's get back to the main event. We're here with Julio Gonzalez. He is a fantastically successful person that came from humble beginnings and is helping thousands and thousands of business people around the world. And we're so thrilled that he is honoring us with his appearance today. So, Julio, what's a typical day look like for you when you've got I don't know, you have over a thousand employees, is that right? And that's like I can't handle two or three of them. They drive me crazy. So what's a typical day look like for you running a big business?
[00:26:23] I like you love animals. And my favorite thing every morning is to get up with my German Shepherd and go for a nice long walk and, you know, really kind of get the day planned. And so we do that early. We get up around 5:00 and get on our walk. And, you know, I'm in the office early on, you know, really trying to, you know, touch base with all the executives throughout the company and see how the different divisions doing.
[00:26:49] So you're going into an office building to do this.
[00:26:53] Are you running? No, I'm actually still going into our building. Listen, we have hundreds of employees nationwide that will probably continue and always now work from home. And I think they really enjoy that. And I think they're getting a lot of benefit from that. So I have no problem with it.
[00:27:09] I saw a graphic on one of your articles that had on one side going to work and it was like a pie chart and had all these crazy things on it. And then the other side working from home, the whole pie chart was there actually working. Yes. That's a good I
[00:27:27] It and I think, you know, if they're responsible, they're going to do the great job from home and not have to worry about two hours of commuting and all the stress that goes with all that.
[00:27:39] Yeah, and it's saving them expenses, car expense, car repair fuel, which is now thanks to the current administration, is going through the roof. All of these extra expenses they can knock out, which, you know, hopefully, you know, as a business person, you don't have to hit them up with raises as much because that's kind of a raise.
[00:27:59] Well, it's been good for them. You know, they enjoy being with their family and not having to have the commute or all the costs that associated with getting dressed and going in. And you're right, gas doubled probably will triple when we get to Jimmy Carter. Gas prices, I don't know the scary stuff, but certainly I think they're enjoying that whole process.
[00:28:21] Ok, so do you have any kind of a lot of people say they have a morning routine. So you start with the walk with your German Shepherd. I have two of them looking at me right now and then.
[00:28:33] And then I get to the office early and really.
[00:28:36] No, but I mean, do you work out what do you eat? Give us an inside of your life?
[00:28:41] Yeah, well, I always like to get a workout in the morning right after the walk, and I'm good by coughing right from talking all day. And but, you know, that's really my routine. I, I'm planning at night for the next day and I'm making sure that, you know, I hit the ground running when I get to the office by seven o'clock and, you know, working with the different divisions across the different companies and getting those reports. I mean, really, I'm dedicated to continuing to grow the company, but take care of the people that are employed here. Right. They like my children and they have families. And I have to do everything I can to be on my A game and make sure that I'm doing everything I can to support those families. So it's like, you know, when you're in sports, we have an off and on season. Right. But when you're running this company, there's no off season.
[00:29:35] Right, right, yeah, and and you've won a lot of awards for your business acumen and well-deserved, too, with what you've done with what you've built. So how do you stay motivated? Other than the making you get all these people under you, you know
[00:29:52] You know that that motivation changes, I'll tell you what motivates me right now is that Jeff Bezos basically overnight created the largest accounting firm in the country and he's trying to basically take away the small business accounting firms and eliminate them and make them the cab drivers while he becomes the uber of accounting. And now his accounting firm has the highest value in the world in accounting, and that'll give him the pedestal to take over the tax code here in our country. So, you know, I'm motivated.
[00:30:24] So it's actually the universe now. I think he took it with him.
[00:30:27] Yeah, that's right. The universe. Right. So, you know, my motivation always evolves. But right now it's to keep these accounting firms well informed that this is coming and that we've got to work hard as a community to do better with our clients and to do it more efficient and to have other services and to continue that relationship and evolve. Otherwise, we will be the taxi cab drivers and he'll be Uber. And so, you know, we have a David and Goliath battle going on between him and our industry. But that's a great motivation for me.
[00:31:00] Oh, good. Good for you. Yeah. Take them on. That's for sure. Now how do people I mean, what type of business are you actually looking for. So accounting firms or your clients is that.
[00:31:12] Yeah. It's really accounting firms big and small. And you know, clearly most of our business comes from them, but small business owners reach out to us all the time or go to our website, engineer tech services for daily tax tips, and then we help them directly and then work with their accountant. We kind of back into them to make sure that they all are learning about these tax incentives and taking advantage of them.
[00:31:37] So it's engineered tax services.
[00:31:40] Yeah, and we have daily tips up there to make sure that people are taking advantage of all these opportunities and we're a good resource during the pandemic. But ultimately, we're trying to get meaningful content out there all the time. So small business owners are aware that there is a lot of benefits out there that just go untapped and go on.
[00:32:02] Yeah, I love that because I won't say that I've been aggressive, but I haven't been passive in all the years I've been in business 44 years now to take advantage of what's coming to me. I never, never had any trouble with the IRS. And even if I got audited, I don't think I would. You've got to take what's coming for you. Nobody's going to stick up for your
[00:32:22] Family, right?
[00:32:24] Well, thanks so much for coming on. It's been a blast when you come back and see us again and give us a
[00:32:29] Blast and listen, I really appreciate your education. I really appreciate your charitable contributions to the country and what you're doing there and all you do for the animals as well. All those things are so vitally important. I think we're well on that.
[00:32:43] Well, I appreciate it so much so. So, everybody, we will catch you on the next episode. See ya later.
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