435 - How to become a digital nomad: Tom interviews The Digital Nomads - Screw The Commute

435 – How to become a digital nomad: Tom interviews The Digital Nomads

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews The Digital Nomads

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    Amy and Ian Anderson are a married couple from Tampa, Florida, that have been running their web design business together for the past 12 years, in August 2020, they rented out their house and they're now traveling around the world, changing countries every three months.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 435

    How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

    Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

    Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

    See Tom's Stuffhttps://linktr.ee/antionandassociates

    [04:49] Tom's introduction to The Digital Nomads

    [08:52] Travelling the world and making money

    [13:18] Best and worst countries for internet access

    [16:00] Every day is never the same

    [19:38] Working on separate projects together

    [23:12] The best and the worst of being a Digital Nomad

    [28:23] Met each other at Domino's pizza

    [33:00] Sponsor message

    [35:49] A typical day for Ian and Amy

    Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

    Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

    Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

    Screw The Commute Podcast Apphttps://screwthecommute.com/app/

    College Ripoff Quizhttps://imtcva.org/quiz

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    How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

    Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

    Amy & Ian's main business websitehttps://department727.com

    Amy & Ian's web designer traininghttps://www.webdesignersacademy.com

    Ian's websitehttp://ianrobertanderson.com

    Ian's Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/ianrobertanderson/

    Amy's websitehttps://unleashingamy.com

    Amy's Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/unleashingamy/

    Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

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    Episode 435 – Digital Nomads
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey, everybody. It's Tom here with episode 435 of Screw the commute podcast. I'm here with Ian and Amy Anderson. They are the digital nomads. And wow, are they perfect for this show? I've been railing against, you know, sitting in cubicles and making everybody else rich for my entire 44 years in business. And and they really embody the idea, taking it to the nth degree and something they'll tell us about a little later. They're actually making money while traveling the world doing their business. That's a pretty cool thing. You'd think it would cost them money. So hope you didn't miss Episode 434. That was Joey Donovan Guido. He said he's also in the Web arena like digital nomad's here and he just loves copy. He's got a site called CuppaSEO. He's an SEO guy. And and he wrote a book called Holistic Websites, which is really something because a lot of people come to me with what I call CSI guys. Everybody thinks, oh, it's the TV show, right? No, it's crappy, stupid idea. And they don't look at the whole big picture of how the social media and keyword research and everything works in to their web design. So he he went into that in depth and he wrote a book on it.

    [00:01:55] All right. How would you like to hear your own voice here on screw the commute? Well, if the show's helped you out at all in your business or giving you ideas to help you start a business, we want to hear about it. It's at screwthecommute.com and look for a little blue sidebar that says send voicemail, click on it, talk to your phone or computer and tell me how the show's helped you. And also put your website in there so you can get a big shout out on a future episode of Screw the Commute. While you're over there, pick up a copy of our podcast app. It's at screwthecommute.com/app. You can put us on your cell phone and tablet, take us with you on the road. You could take us all the way to Croatia or Montenegro. If you want to tell me, you'll know what that means in a minute. Also, I'm going to say you're welcome right now, because when you download my ebook on automating your business, you're going to say, oh, my God, I wish I'd have been doing this years ago. Yeah, just one of the tips in the book has saved me seven and a half million keystrokes we actually estimated the other day. And it's got cell phone automation and all these things that are right in front of your eyes that can make you lightning fast and taking care of customers and reducing your workload.

    [00:03:06] So grab a copy of that. We sell it for twenty seven bucks, but it's yours free for listening to the show. It's screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Now I know everybody's crying the blues because of the pandemic and you know your kids are out of school in school. You got to quit your job if you even had a job and everybody's freaking out. Well, I'm not and my students are because we know how to sell online or from wherever you happen to be in the world. And that's, of course, what this episode is about. But I've been selling on the commercial Internet since it began in 1994 and I started teaching it. But that was twenty seven years ago. About twenty three years ago, I formalized the training and my mentor program. And then thirteen years ago I formalized it even more in the form of a school. It's the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country, probably the world after check with our Nomad's here to see if they run into one somewhere. It's certified to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. And you don't have to be in Virginia, though, because it's good quality distance learning, unlike some of the colleges nowadays, that all of a sudden with the pandemic, they got a distance learning course that sucks and they can rip you off remotely rather than locally. Now, I guess, is how they work it. And you can compete for jobs at Starbucks. So what if there's Starbucks in Montenegro? I'm at the point. So. So that's it. IMTCVA.org. And a little later you'll hear how I you can get a scholarship that you can give to someone or use yourself for extra training if you're in my high end mentor program.

    [00:04:50] All right. Let's get to the main event. We've got Amy and I think he put her measurements here. Thirty six forty. No, no, that's her age. That's her age. Amy and Ian Anderson are a married couple from Tampa, Florida, that have been running their web. Design business together for the past 12 years, in August 2020, they rented out their house and they're now traveling around the world, changing countries every three months. And I'll tell you what, I had to look up on the map where they are now. I think it's in Montenegro and listed Amy and Ian. I'm afraid to ask this question to a couple that's in these all these romantic places. But are you ready to screw? The commute?

    [00:05:39] Well, I don't hardly ever interview two people at once, so I'll throw these questions out there and you can fight it out on who is going to answer. But but it's good. But tell us about this. The you you you rented your house out and said, listen, we're going on the road. And so how is that decision making process?

    [00:06:00] Well, it actually started January twenty twenty before the pandemic hit and we were all ready to go. And then covid-19 pretty much sidelined everything. Mm hmm. Fast forward to the week, the first week of July, Florida with spiking like crazy. And it's actually at that point, I think it was like the worst place in the world. We kind of became like the epicenter and we said, you know what, it can't get any worse than it is here right now. And at that point, Aruba had opened up to US citizens. So we said, let's just put the entire planet in motion that we started in January and let's do it.

    [00:06:44] Was the house rented at this point?

    [00:06:47] Oh, that was crazy. So despite covid-19, the the real estate market in Tampa is actually really strong. So we contacted our realtor who is managing the property. He's a property manager. And he basically said, are you guys ready to do this because the house is going to rent quickly? So I think from when we contacted him and said, OK, let's do it out of the house in less than two weeks. Wow. Yeah.

    [00:07:16] And we got a rented furnished. So that really saved a lot of moving. Right. Time and expense.

    [00:07:21] Yeah. And that usually happens so quickly that we ended up having to stay at an Airbnb in Tampa for six days because we it was like the logistics with the PCR testing for Aruba. So we weren't planning to get out of the house that quickly. So we ended up being in Tampa for an extra week, staying at an Airbnb about ten minutes from our actual house.

    [00:07:43] Well, I understand that you two have become somewhat experts at negotiating Airbnb.

    [00:07:50] Yes, absolutely. We've gotten great deals everywhere we go. We we were typically saving thousands of dollars every month.

    [00:07:58] Is it because the market is down because of the pandemic or you just good at negotiating? It could happen any time.

    [00:08:06] We'll find out when the pandemic goes away. All the negotiating, all the negotiating has happened during the pandemic. So I have nothing else to baseball.

    [00:08:14] I got it. Got it. But but I'm sure you're using some standard techniques. I mean, you made a whole course on it, right?

    [00:08:20] Yes. Yes, absolutely. There be negotiation course, walk you through the entire thing. And I'm sure that you have amazing guarantees on your products as well. But the guarantee is if you can't say that, at least you can't negotiate at least what you pay for the course, you get a full refund.

    [00:08:37] Yeah, yeah, I have guarantees that say, look, if you can't make money with my product, I'm going to get you a free vaccine shot. Yeah, and so so that's pretty good. So you I read that you're actually traveling the world and making money. So I see making money from, you know, doing your business, but you're actually coming out ahead of where you were. But before you tell us about that.

    [00:09:09] Yeah. You want to start with a spreadsheet,

    [00:09:10] But you made it so last January. I'm not sure why we started talking about this, but a bit took a spreadsheet and I listed all the current expenses that we had for our life in Tampa. That was our mortgage, our health insurance, our car payment, our car insurance, all of that stuff. And then in the column next to it, I listed the expenses. What it would be to basically do we're doing now, which is traveling the world, jumping from country to country. And it was amazing, the savings that I realized because we don't have a car and we don't have a car payment. We have car insurance. Right. Our health insurance is cheaper and the places that we're staying are cheaper.

    [00:09:49] Well, and I was going to say and our renter, our tenant, I should say, like the money that's left over. So like we everything that we get from our attendance covers the mortgage property tax, the property insurance. And then and then we cover some basic maintenance, like the monthly pool care, things like that. But it still ends up putting about three hundred dollars a month in our pocket. Plus the utilities are in his name. So we were able to say we don't have an electric bill, we don't have a water bill, we don't have an Internet bill.

    [00:10:26] Yeah, and then Florida Electric Bill is probably pretty serious with the the air conditioning right

    [00:10:33] Between that and then the pool. Yeah. Yeah.

    [00:10:35] Oh yeah. Yeah. So but what you said, you said your health insurance is cheaper. How does that work. Because it seems like you're risky to travel in the world more risky than sitting home.

    [00:10:47] What was different when you saw our health insurance plan, the United States, could you

    [00:10:51] Speak up a little bit and you go do you go by Ian or Robert? Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, yeah. You get faded away a little bit there for me.

    [00:11:00] Oh, here I am. That's good. So good. Back in the United States. So we were paying what was it, about six hundred seven.

    [00:11:08] Yeah. Just for health. And then we plus vision and dental was separate so.

    [00:11:13] But now we have an international plan and it's only two. I think it was what she wanted. I think it was maybe four hundred dollars for the entire year. How crazy is that exactly.

    [00:11:27] I'm thinking about, you know, Canada when I go, I could pretend that I'm traveling.

    [00:11:34] Yeah, why not. Yeah. Yeah. And it's due to safety. And I'm not like promoting these people for any reason other than is the safety wing.

    [00:11:43] Yeah. You're fading away on me again because they close closer to the mike.

    [00:11:47] I have an earpiece on. But yeah, it's through safety wing and it's incredibly cheap now. It doesn't have things like the preventative care. You get your your teeth clean, all that. But to be honest, the we haven't done it yet. But whenever I online the cost for various cleaning checks up and all that in different countries is apparently significantly cheaper than the United States.

    [00:12:10] Yeah, there's people that specialize in the medical travel, I think they call it, because some things also try to avoid the getting any butt implants or something. I heard they put, like, you know, caulking, you know, bathroom pork and. Yeah, so so that's very interesting. So never, never heard what I've heard of that. Now, you know what? If you ever had a pet, what would you have done?

    [00:12:40] That's a great question. Could it be done about that? It can be. We actually just met somebody here in Montenegro who's also a digital nomad, actually kind of settled down here, started out as a digital nomad, but he and his wife moved here from the United States with two cats. So they were able to do that.

    [00:13:01] That's the thing. I'm not sure I know that there was a lot of paperwork you had to do. Yeah, I didn't get too much.

    [00:13:06] Yeah, I know. Even like taking some dogs to Hawaii, my friend. They had to quarantine him for six months now. Yeah. So it'd probably be more difficult with pets in the different countries. Different regulations. But how have you found the Internet in all the places. What are some of the best countries and worst countries for Internet access?

    [00:13:27] You know, every country we've been to so far, better

    [00:13:30] Than better than Tampa.

    [00:13:32] It's been great. I was actually really nervous about coming to Montenegro because when you look online, you see a lot of places that says that the Internet is not that great. And obviously we need the Internet to make money. So when Ian contacted a bunch of Airbnb is that we were looking at staying know the first question he asks is, what is the Internet where my wife and I are Web designers. This is important to us. So they usually will take a picture showing the upload speed. Yeah, yeah. And it was surprisingly good here in Montenegro. So so far we haven't had any issues.

    [00:14:13] So everyone has been great.

    [00:14:15] How many countries have you been to?

    [00:14:17] So since August. This is our fourth. We went from Aruba to Croatia to Italy and now we're in Montenegro and we're actually coming to the end of our stay in

    [00:14:28] Italy was hit really hard with the pandemic. How did you get in there that night?

    [00:14:34] What was a loophole? Yeah, actually, it really was. So at the time so when we went to Croatia, Italy, they were open for tourism. But they, like a lot of people, think that Italy was closed to United States citizens, which actually wasn't true. They were close to direct travel from the United States. So because we were a United States citizen in Croatia, Croatia was what they considered a low risk country. So as long as we could prove that we had stayed in Croatia for the immediate 14 days to to travel to Italy and went directly there, we were allowed in. And right after we were allowed in, they shut down for tourism.

    [00:15:19] Yeah, that's it seemed like a crazy time to be traveling the world. Yeah. Now, what about before you left? Did you. Like you said, you you went pretty quick, but what about the shots and things like that? They always tell you to get when you're traveling around the world. Did you have to for that?

    [00:15:38] No, no. Because we've traveled before. So we actually have a lot of the recommended travel vaccines, the only one that we don't have. And I do wish we had gotten in Tampa with yellow fever. Not that we're in a part of the world where there's a risk of that. But if we decide to go to somewhere like South America, that's one shot that I would want to get. Mhm.

    [00:16:00] Yeah. No, I'm going to quote here that from an article, I don't know if you both wrote it together, but I saw it in the, in the I must have been a Croatian magazine or something. Very, very, very cool. It said once you experience this lifestyle your days will stop being black and white copies of the day before and they will come alive with bursts of color.

    [00:16:23] But that's amazing.

    [00:16:25] Well, you wrote that writer. Did they write that about you?

    [00:16:28] No, no, no. We wrote that. Yeah. That's obviously the entire premise of the script.

    [00:16:34] You're fading on me again.

    [00:16:36] I say, can you hear me?

    [00:16:38] Well, it's yeah, it's faded quite a bit. Oh, no, no, just if I had time to shake your head a little bit or something, I don't know, that's much better.

    [00:16:49] I would say, you know, it's the whole premise of your podcast is to screw the commute. And, you know, when you have to commute, every day is the same. You're stuck in traffic. And then you go to some great office building where you sit in some of the great cubicle for eight hours. You hate your coworkers, you hate what you're doing, and then you drive back home and it's the same thing for 40 years until you retire or die. And and that's why you're doing this. When you're doing this, you know, you see new cultures, you try new food, you see new places. It's always something new and exciting. And, you know, I know a lot of people don't have that, but I absolutely recommend it. And those words that you read, I absolutely believe.

    [00:17:32] Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I can't imagine I mean, I've never had the displeasure of going to work every day. I've always had my own business. So so but I see people just I mean, I you know, I'm a big guy. I went to college on a football scholarship. I had a physical and the doctor said you should have been a Clydesdale horse. He said he said, I got people half your age falling apart. And many of them were just in that rut, just back and forth to work, hoping for Friday afternoon and then dreading Monday morning. I mean, every day is is great to me, you know. Yeah, yeah. You wake up, you play with the dogs in my case and and do whatever you want. Nobody's telling you what to do. I think I think you alluded to that in the article. You know, you still take care of your business. One thing that I, I think people would have to be a little discipline like you to is get your work done before you go play.

    [00:18:33] Yeah. Yes. Yeah, you absolutely have to do that because you can't let your business slack.

    [00:18:37] Yeah. And one thing that I think we who is we're fortunate with is that we were so used to working from home. We've done this for so long. So it wasn't like making the transition from like a regular nine to five job where you have to show up and you have a boss telling you what you have to do every minute to, you know, making the leap to traveling internationally and having to, like, still make sure you're getting your work done. We were used to doing it for so long. It's just now we're just doing it in a different country.

    [00:19:07] Now, if you had any computer problems and you say, oh, man, how am I going to find a bill that is like one of my biggest fears, especially here in Montenegro, because we both we choose a MacBook Pro, which is a great computer, and we really need that level right. Computer to do what we do. So, yeah, Apple

    [00:19:27] Store months and weeks ago and every now and then, like there's been a couple of times, like he's kind of almost dropped his laptop. What are you doing?

    [00:19:38] Well, now, how do you two work on the same projects? Just different parts of each one has separate projects. What?

    [00:19:47] We typically work on the same projects and sometimes at the same time, maybe she's working on one page. On another page. Yeah, we do the exact same thing, the exact same client in the exact same projects.

    [00:19:58] Well, in the end, the communication with the clients could could it seems to me that could be challenging. Sometimes I think you said you just promise to have it done, but isn't there a lot of questions that has to go back and forth with clients?

    [00:20:13] There is and for the most part, it's for like we communicate through e-mail, and that's really how it's been for, I would say about the last 10 years or so, it's only if it's something like really urgent, you know, because our clients have different schedules and they have calls with their clients in it. So a lot of times it's easier just to communicate over email and then we'll just schedule a call. Like now we do it through like WhatsApp because we're international and then we just kind of figure out the time. So most of our clients are in York Times on their East Coast. And then I think we have one that's in Central. So we make it work. I mean, a couple of times we've had to have calls at 10:00 p.m. our time. So it's 4:00 p.m. back home. But for the most part, it's not.

    [00:21:01] Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would just think, though, in the web design business, there would be some nuances that would be easier to discuss by phone than than going back with 50 emails.

    [00:21:11] But but one thing that's different with our business model is most of our we work primarily with marketing companies, not the client. Oh, yes.

    [00:21:22] Yes. I was thinking because I know the reason we don't do any web design here, we we teach people to do stuff because because they can't stand the client, you know, three weeks later, they're supposed to get you some information and they have and then they're mad at you because you're not done yet.

    [00:21:41] Yes. So we rarely interact with the clients we overt like that was the word essentially a white label web design.

    [00:21:51] I wondered how you got your business. So the marketing company gets the business and says, yes, you're right.

    [00:21:57] Yeah. Yeah. So essentially we're charging you could say like a wholesale price, right. They mark it up at a premium and it's a great fit. So they have to deal with you know, they get the work, they deal with the client meeting.

    [00:22:08] Oh, that's even better.

    [00:22:10] Yeah, right. And then they relay the information to us and most of the companies we have worked with for almost ten years. So they you know, at this point it's almost like routine. Right. They kind of know the process. So that that makes it easier.

    [00:22:22] Yeah, that's that's something the one of the kids I started, he just sold his third startup. He sold Pluto.TV to Viacom. You're sitting down, you're allowed to sit down in Montenegro. So, yes. Three hundred and forty million dollars. It's OK. But he had sold

    [00:22:45] Actually have the Pluto TV app on my phone.

    [00:22:47] Yeah, he my kid I started started that and he just sold it out to Viacom. And prior to that he had a Web design company called Suplex in L.A. and he sold it out for a million and a half. And then he sold a greeting card company out for six million. So but but I don't think he dealt with the end client too much either. It was kind of like the same thing. So. So what's the best part in the worst part? Of being a digital nomad, yeah.

    [00:23:19] Oh, the worst part right now, doing it during covid-19, I would say for sure that's definitely made a challenge.

    [00:23:27] Is everybody in all these countries the crazy?

    [00:23:31] It ends on the contrary, I would say the biggest, most crazy country was it was Italy, like you had to wear a mask everywhere, indoors, outdoors, unless you're eating which and there were some days we couldn't even go out to restaurants because we experienced a lot of like the crazy lockdowns well here and here in the U.S. They can't make up their mind right now.

    [00:23:55] Yeah. So, yeah, Italy, Italy was better than what other kinds of things, if it was a normal environment, would be, you know, challenging.

    [00:24:04] I'm challenging because our business is exactly the same as what it was. There's nothing business challenging about it because the time zone thing isn't an issue when the negative things and I think in the article that you wrote about because you miss your family and your friends, because you don't see them. Because you're back in the United States,

    [00:24:23] I don't even like my family, so I wouldn't miss them

    [00:24:26] At all. It would be that much easier. Yeah, yeah. Um, I actually I guess this would be the same regardless of whether or not there was covid-19. I hate travel days. Like, I hate the day that we changed countries because you literally it's not like when you travel from home where like you just grab what you like, you literally need to pack up every single belonging. Right, that you get into a suitcase, get to the airport. It's always a longer process, especially when you're already in a foreign country and then go into another foreign country and then immigration and customs. It makes for a very long, exhausting day. So I'd say travel days are probably the

    [00:25:09] Language being a barrier anywhere, you know, spoken in most places. Yes. Some more than others here. It's not the best here in Italy. Yeah. Which waitstaff and stuff.

    [00:25:24] I'm always amazed how many people can actually speak

    [00:25:26] English in Aruba. I think everyone. Yeah.

    [00:25:30] Have you gotten any surprises on the fees at airports.

    [00:25:34] These are airports, the

    [00:25:36] Amount you get charged for stuff, for instance. Because when I was speaking over in London, I think and and they said, oh yeah, you got to jump on this Ryanair. It's like thirty bucks to go to somewhere, you know, place. And I said, oh, that's great, know. So I get up there and that's thirty bucks for the ticket and it's like three hundred and sixty bucks for my luggage.

    [00:25:59] Yeah. That sounds like Spirit Airlines in the United States one time is the same thing. I'm like never again. We have an experienced. Go ahead. No, I was

    [00:26:09] Going to say I think they're the ones that just threw off this young family off the plane. It was all over the news. You know, the two year old wasn't wearing a mask while it was eating yogurt on the plane so bad.

    [00:26:23] Yeah, no, I don't think we've had any crazy.

    [00:26:25] No, I see the worst three that we've experienced it's atmosphere. So you can actually like looking into it. There's a bank account, a special bank can we can get to get the ATM fees reimbursed because I think we pay like sixteen dollars every time we take cash out of the gun. Yeah, it's kind of crazy.

    [00:26:45] Sixteen bucks.

    [00:26:47] Yeah. Wow.

    [00:26:48] Yeah. There's got to be a better way than that. So you can't play like electronically through your phone and stuff.

    [00:26:55] Well, there's just certain things here like so for example, in Montenegro, they have food delivery, like the equivalent of Bubar each, but you can't they don't accept credit cards. So, like, every time you have food to eat, like you have to pay cash. And a lot of the restaurants here. And this was in Croatia, too, believe it or not. You can so you you pay for dinner with your credit card. They don't have the capability to add the tip on to the credit card. So you always need to have cash. So, yeah, you go through cash pretty quickly. Amazing. Like back at home in the United States, like we barely ever carry cash, right?

    [00:27:29] Yeah. Yeah. I don't remember spending cash all the time. Yeah, but what about changing money? It isn't there fees involved with that when you're changing dollars to whatever Montenegro uses.

    [00:27:45] Well, believe it or not, even though Montenegro is not part of the E.U., the actual euro's so euro. Oh, so we've actually been using the euro cents since so since December.

    [00:27:57] That saves a lot. Yeah. So it's standardized all over the place. But the plan on going to London or any place, because aren't they doing Brexit where they're trying to get out of the they might still use the euro.

    [00:28:10] I'm not sure. London is some place we'd want to go right now, I don't think it's feasible because of covid restrictions. We're actually looking at Greece next, but Greece is also the euro. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    [00:28:21] Ok, very cool. I understand that you've had that you two met at work, right?

    [00:28:28] Yes, we did. We met at Domino's Pizza, all ridiculous places.

    [00:28:32] You were working. Both of you working at Domino's.

    [00:28:35] Yes. Yeah, I was a driver. I used to deliver pizza and she would answer the calls,

    [00:28:40] But we did not date then we actually. Because I was I was 14, he was 18.

    [00:28:48] Oh, OK. All right.

    [00:28:50] We were like it was just very friendly, like, hey, how are you doing? And then we both went our separate ways at some point. Each of us.

    [00:28:57] No, we didn't go separate ways. He had his eye on you watching your birthday and it was going to be hammered down.

    [00:29:06] That's that's a great way to say it, because when we actually

    [00:29:09] Hey, you're fading away on me again.

    [00:29:11] Oh, no. Can you hear me?

    [00:29:12] Well, I hear you, but it's like one tenth the volume, so it's no big deal. Just shake your head again. That worked last time

    [00:29:21] And shake my hand here. And I was going to say it was actually it's a great way how you said that he's a xianyi because we were actually working at a grocery store.

    [00:29:30] I say so then we after Domino's, we probably hadn't seen each other in like two years. And then I was working at a grocery store chain as a cashier. I was like my junior year of high school. And then, you know, there's loss prevention, security, and they always change the security people in the grocery store. And then one day I walked in and

    [00:29:52] I was there. You were right. I used to zoom in on her all the time.

    [00:29:56] He was stalking you the whole time.

    [00:29:58] Right. Right.

    [00:30:00] There's no doubt about it, Mama. Now, do you have a wedding ring or an engagement ring or any kind of ring?

    [00:30:06] We have a wedding ring.

    [00:30:08] Ok, I want to hear the ring story every couple. Yeah, every couple I ever meet, I said there's got to be a ring story. So let's hear

    [00:30:17] The ring from the ring story on how you lost

    [00:30:19] It. Oh, how I lost it. Or how we got our rings.

    [00:30:22] Yeah, both. Because if you lose it, you got to go get it again.

    [00:30:27] That's right. You got it.

    [00:30:29] Like our wedding.

    [00:30:31] Yeah. Like how did he proposed that he proposed that you propose to him or how to work.

    [00:30:37] I don't honestly like we had dated for like eight years before we got married, so and by the time we got married, I don't even. Was it just like

    [00:30:47] I just kind of had a conversation?

    [00:30:48] Yeah. I was like, yeah,

    [00:30:50] I was going to get

    [00:30:51] Married.

    [00:30:52] So he didn't sneak up in the helicopter and get on his daily stuff.

    [00:30:57] No, and like it was and like, honestly, the wedding ring story, it's actually it's like kind of boring. And I guess it's embarrassing because back then we didn't have a lot of money. And I think we went and picked out our wedding. I like cold for like for like sick. They were like 60 or 70 bucks each.

    [00:31:15] You could go to Sam's Club or something, you know. Yeah, they do. They have a ring. I can't believe it. I walk by there, they get this case full of wedding ring.

    [00:31:26] Yeah. I mean they're white gold but they were very inexpensive. And then like I said, I did lose mine. I like and it didn't fit the best. And somehow I was walking around and like, I would do this thing where I kind of like my thumb would kind of like flip the ring in. I guess it kind of like slipped off and I didn't realize that. See it again.

    [00:31:44] Oh, well,

    [00:31:45] So she is original.

    [00:31:48] 60 bucks down the drain. Yeah. Big investment called your insurance company.

    [00:31:55] So.

    [00:31:57] Well, maybe, you know, if it fell on the ground, Ian could have found it when he was passed out peeing all over the floor.

    [00:32:04] Oh yeah. That's quite the story.

    [00:32:08] What is. Yeah. What what's that all about. So historians speak up or shake your head.

    [00:32:14] There's something in my head.

    [00:32:16] Yeah, it works every time you shake or

    [00:32:19] I'm going to keep my head shaking. Yeah, good. So I was getting just routine blood work done and after blood work, they had to go and have a problem with blood or anything like that. So I went in the bathroom as peeing in a cup. My head just got all crazy. And then a few seconds later, I was looking up at the ceiling and I was a guy standing over me and I was peeing all over my torso. And apparently I have low blood sugar.

    [00:32:47] I hate when that happens. Yeah. Yes.

    [00:32:49] All the time to I out and end up in the hospital.

    [00:32:52] It was a twenty four hours. Yes.

    [00:32:55] Did you see the ring though, passed by your eyes and Antion.

    [00:32:58] No, no, no.

    [00:33:02] All right. Well we got to take a brief sports break. We come back, we'll see what I'm afraid to ask what a typical day looks like for these two. But right. That so folks are about 23 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head. And the people at my level were charging 50 or 100 grand to teach what they knew to small business people. And I knew a lot of these people. They'd be you give them 50 grand, they'd be hiding out in Montenegro or Croatia because they wouldn't help you. So I said, that's too risky and no good. So so I said, I'm going to charge him an entry fee and then I'm going to tie my success to their success. So for me to make my fifty thousand, you have to net 200000. Well, people really like this. And 23 years later and 7500 hundred students is still going strong. It's the longest running, most unique, most successful Internet marketing program ever. And I have no trouble saying that because I've dared people for years to put programs up against mine and nobody will do it because I'm a crazy fanatic. And it's unique in the fact that, first of all, the the financial part is unique. Second is you get an immersion weekend at this big estate in Virginia Beach, actually live in the house with me as we're working. And then we have a TV studio here and another building. We shoot marketing videos for you. And then all of our training is one on one. We don't do anything group because if you're in with an advanced person, you're lost. If you're in with a beginner and you're advanced and you're bored.

    [00:34:42] So that doesn't work. So myself and my entire staff work with you one on one will take over your computer screen when, you know, most of the program is remote. You have the immersion weekend here and then you also get the scholarship to my school, which would be the one of the best legacy gifts you could ever give to a young person, because I know grandparents are giving them cars and paying their tuition and things for some crap education, if you can even call it that nowadays. But I got people making money a few months into the school because these are hard core skills that everybody, every business on Earth needs. I mean, email marketing and chat bots and shopping carts and everything else that goes along with it. So. So check it out. The mentor program is greatInternetmarketingtraining.com and give me a call and very accessible because I sit home all the time and I don't travel the world like this to so so but I'd love to hear from you and and tell you about what we can do with you and your business online.

    [00:35:51] All right, let's get back to Amy and Ian Anderson. They are the digital nomads and they are right now in Montenegro, which I had to look up on the map and and they just live a beautiful lifestyle while still taking care of their business. It's just wonderful what many people aspire to. So. So. I call them the dynamic duo here, duo. So what's a typical day look like for you? I mean, do you get up early to exercise work besides just the work stuff?

    [00:36:27] You know, I wish I could say I did get up early. I love the idea of getting up early. I'm really like I was much more of a morning person way back in the day when I had the traditional job just because I had to. Now I feel like nine o'clock might be an early day, being honest, seriously. And then we get up and we we have breakfast, check, email, look at normally we have a good idea of what projects we have to work on. We get everything to a good, you know, a good stopping point and then usually just go out for a walk and explore, take some pictures, maybe stop and have a meal. Yeah.

    [00:37:10] All right. Now, you two must get along pretty good. Is everything 24/7? You're together, you know

    [00:37:16] Pretty much that.

    [00:37:17] Yeah, it's been like that for as long as we can remember.

    [00:37:20] That's amazing. Yeah. Because a lot of people need they need some space and need some time alone. But you must be a great connection there.

    [00:37:28] Yeah, I would say the only I can't even remember the last time where we went were more than two hundred feet away from

    [00:37:35] Each other, except when you after you put all over yourself. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he ended up in the hospital for twenty four hours. That's probably the only time we've heard in a long

    [00:37:44] Time that everybody was more than two hundred feet away from the paramedics and everybody else. Yeah.

    [00:37:52] But yeah, I mean we worked every every minute of every day where we're working or we're having fun together everyone. Let's just do it together.

    [00:38:00] You're fading away. I mean, shake your head again.

    [00:38:02] Yeah, I'm shaking my head.

    [00:38:04] There you go.

    [00:38:05] Saying we do everything together every single day and that yeah, it's normal

    [00:38:09] Because I say it like, you know, like I always say, like, we don't just love each other. We actually genuinely like each other. So, like, I know it might sound cheesy, but like, you know, like, you know, we're having this amazing experience right now. And it's like it just wouldn't be the same, like doing it with anyone else. And I feel like that with most things.

    [00:38:28] Yeah, well, I knew this Internet marketing guy and I knew his wife. She is to be my secretary. And they they sat in the same like ten by twelve office at home and they never talk. They text each other. So they eventually got divorced. So yeah. So yeah. So but I think before you take off on a digital nomad tour, you better know that you're you're compatible. That's right.

    [00:38:58] I did. Good point. Yeah. And again, like we had been working at home, you know, pretty much side by side for the last well, 11, 12 years doing this. So, you know, we knew we wouldn't kill each other, you know, traveling the world.

    [00:39:12] Right. Right, right. Got it. So how do people get hold of you? That's like what you probably have some standard way to because they never know where the heck you're going to be.

    [00:39:25] Well, you're on Instagram, yeah,

    [00:39:26] Instagram, or you can visit on my website, ianrobertanderson.com, when you actually see the link to that here, because that you were talking

    [00:39:32] About. Yeah, I'm on Instagram as well, although it is much better at Instagram. Actually, it's kind of embarrassing. I'm not that great with somebody who is I've never really had to use it before. Now we're finally doing something like I don't want to be one of those people who just use Instagram to be like, oh, look, look at my Starbucks latte. And I feel like I never really had anything interesting to put on Instagram. And now that we're traveling, I feel like I'm starting to have things that are worth sharing with people. So I kind of just get into the Instagram game, but I'm not that great with posting as regular. Well, I've been taking some advanced training on it and I had to clean out like I had somebody else operating it for me and they weren't paying attention. And so I had to clean out like 600 ghost followers, which were worthless. And they they hurt your account, even though some of them I knew personally. But they're not active, so it hurts your engagement rate. So, yeah. And then there's all these new features, like I'm having a blast because I was a professional comedian for six years. And and these reels that are kind of competitors with TikTok, you know, they're trying to keep people on Instagram and they're very short, most of them funny kind of thing. So I'm having a blast with that. But but there's things called guides, which are new things. But you could use it for business. I mean, you got a cool business, but still you've got a lot of knowledge on the marketing and stuff. So it could I don't know if you if you really want to go directly to the public, though, you know, so so it might be just a fun thing for you to do. But but the there's an algorithm involved that they play with it all the time. So, yeah, you got to do what you got to do to please the Instagram guys, I guess.

    [00:41:27] Yeah. Yeah.

    [00:41:29] All right. So so we'll have those links to that in the show notes. So that would be that they would direct message you then through Instagram, right.

    [00:41:40] Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

    [00:41:42] Ok, well, this has been a blast. It's you know, like I said, you live in the living, the life. And it's just and it's nice to see a couple that actually gets along.

    [00:41:52] So that's us. Absolutely.

    [00:41:54] Yeah. Yeah.

    [00:41:55] Well, great meeting you. And keep in touch. Let us know what country you know where you're going next.

    [00:42:02] We're hoping it's going to be Greece.

    [00:42:04] Greece in about two weeks we will be in Greece.

    [00:42:07] Yeah. And what if now isn't there are restrictions on how long you can stay on tourist visas and stuff in certain countries.

    [00:42:15] Typically, it's 90 days

    [00:42:17] Or so every three months.

    [00:42:19] So what if Greece is closed at that time, then you have to make new plans real quick.

    [00:42:26] Yeah, so right now, the reason why, again, we say hope because we do know how quickly things change, but right now they're supposed to have they're opening up for tourism like May 14th, May 15th to every I believe, every country with the requirement of either proof of vaccination or proof of a negative PCR test within 72 hours of arrival. Wow.

    [00:42:49] Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. So that that things put a damper on a lot of a lot of fun stuff, but still you're making the best of it. So.

    [00:42:57] Yeah. So I mean it's great. I mean it's definitely been challenging. But then we've had some amazing experiences when we're in Italy we got to go to the Colosseum, experience the Colosseum with like only 20 other people. Like normally if there was fully open, it would be hundreds and hundreds of people. Yeah. So, you know, so there are there are perks to traveling like this.

    [00:43:18] Well, it's it's great to meet you, too. Do you see in passing out just to keep an umbrella with you?

    [00:43:28] Well, yes. Yes.

    [00:43:30] All right. So thanks so much. Great meeting you, too. And they can't wait to hear more exploits for you a couple of months. Get in touch with me and we'll we'll see what you've been up to. How about that?

    [00:43:41] Sounds great.

    [00:43:42] All right, everybody. We'll catch everybody on the next episode. See ya later.

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