Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Chala Dincoy
Chala Dincoy is the CEO and founder of She's a marketing strategist who's helped B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients. And she put her time in at 18 years at all these major companies and has heard pitch after pitch after pitch. And that's why she felt the need to to teach people how to do it better.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 420
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
See Tom's Stuff –
[04:51] Tom's introduction to Chala Dincoy [09:27] Mistakes people make when pitching and how to do it right [11:48] Working through Zoom and STILL working through Zoom [14:19] Putting chemistry and emotion into elevator pitches [18:43] In person vs. Remote [23:11] Kicked “fear based working” to the curb [26:47] Sponsor message [28:58] A typical day for Chala and how she stays motivatedHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
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How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
Chala's website –
Chala's book –
Polish My Pitch podcast –
Naked Marketing –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Dr. Morissa Schwartz –
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Episode 420 – Chala Dincoy
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey, everybody it's Tom here with episode four hundred and twenty. And I got a chuckle about that because we're going to be friendly here on episode 420 and some of you won't even know what the heck that means, but a lot of you will, I'm sure. So we're here with Chala Dincoy. And you know what? I really thought that Canadians were nice, but I saw her and heard her tearing a guy up on his elevator pitch because she's heard, like, I don't know, 22 million of them when she used to suffer and work for Pepsi at Pizza Hut and Frito Lay and I don't know, Playboy or not Playtex. So, no, she's really nice. And and but she was really right about the things she was helping that person with. And you you want to definitely if if you want to improve how you pitch things, this lady is the one that does it. But anyway, we'll bring her on in minute. So hope you didn't miss Episode 419. That was Dr. Morissa Schwartz. And she's kind of on the cusp of the Gen Z revolution. I mean, she is a really accomplished young young person. I'll say she has a publishing company and she's ranked number one. I teased her about this in the New York, New Jersey area for her social media business.
[00:01:47] And I told her, well, you know, since everybody from New York and New Jersey has moved to Idaho that good, you can probably be number one for a long time. So let's see here. So let's see, how would you like to hear your own voice here on screw the commute? Well, if the show's helped you out at all in your business or giving your ideas to help you start a business, we want to hear about it. Visit and look for a little blue sidebar that says send voicemail, click on it, talk into your phone or computer and tell me how the shows helped you. And don't forget to put your website in there so we can give you a big shout out on a future episode of Screw the Commute. And while you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app at You can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. And I'm going to say you're welcome right now because if you download the free ebook, I give you an implement, even part of it. You will thank me, I guarantee you. It's called How to Automate Your Business. It's how I've handled up to 150000 subscribers and 40000 customers without pulling my hair out. And just one of the tips we actually figured it out a couple of years ago is save me seven and a half million keystrokes.
[00:03:04] That's not some hype we estimate. So so this will really help you ethically steal customers from people because you'll get back to them really lightning fast when everybody else is fooling around lagging and and not taking care of people. So check that out at All right. People are still freaking out with the pandemic, but myself and my students aren't because we know how to sell from home. And I've been preaching this for 23 years. But now people are calling me, oh boy, I wish I had to listen to long time ago, but you do, because this pandemic thing hasn't affected me at all. And it's not that I don't feel for the people out there when they're messing with your kids in the schools and all the crap they're doing to you. I don't know if your kids are going to burst into flames or something. I don't know what they're trying to tell you. But people had to quit their jobs if they had a job. But none of this affected me or my students because we can sell from home. And it's hard core skills that every business on Earth needs. And so I formalized this training in the form of a school with the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country, probably the world.
[00:04:22] And I'll tell you what, it would be a great legacy gift for your kids, grandchildren, nephews and nieces, rather than giving them a car or just giving them money, that's going to disappear. This way they'll have a career. We got people making money a few months into the school and guess what? From a selfish basis, they won't come home and live in your basement. How about that? They'll have their own money. Now, you can get a full scholarship there if you're in my mentor program, which I'll tell you about a little bit later.
[00:04:52] All right. Let's get to the main event. Chala Dincoy is the CEO and founder of the repositioning expert at She's a marketing strategist who's helped B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients. And she's been there. She's been at all these big companies. And she put her time in at 18 years at all these major companies and has heard pitch after pitch after pitch. And a lot of it fell by the wayside, I'm sure. And that's why she felt the need to to teach people how to do it better. And she does lots of other stuff. She's been on all the major networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and she speaks at Nasdaq and the Harvard Club of Boston and all kinds of places. So we are thrilled to have her. Chala, are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:05:46] Yes, sir. Yes, sir. All the way from Canada.
[00:05:49] Oh yeah. What part of Canada.
[00:05:52] Toronto. Still freezing, my friend. Still freezing.
[00:05:55] Straight north of us, but we were 70 degrees yesterday, so I was thrilled with that. But but yeah, yeah, I told you the story, but they kind of hassle me a little bit when I go to Canada. But it's a lot of fun being interrogated by, you know, I don't know who they do it airport, but I do love it up there. I went up to Ottawa. I think there's the G7 summit was up there and I was speaking up there. And they there's this gigantic cabin like structure up there. I don't know if you know about or what it's called, but but I it's it's like the biggest log cabin on earth. And I started my speech or I'd love to have the termite contract on this.
[00:06:41] This is in Ottawa?
[00:06:44] I'm pretty sure it was in Ottawa. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It was it was easy to defend because there was a big body of water running right by it. I forget the name of it, but but anyway, a lot of fun. I'd love to go to Vancouver and just beautiful country up there. So. So tell us what you're doing now and then we want to take you back to that nasty period of your life where you were, you know, in the corporate rat race.
[00:07:10] Yeah, it was nasty outside. It was totally nasty. You got the right person for this interview. All right. I'm going to I'm going to make all the points against it. People are going to run, not walk, run out of their jobs.
[00:07:22] All right. So so tell tell them what you're doing now, helping people with this repositioning.
[00:07:30] Yeah, I mean, I spent 18 years saying no to vendors when I was working at these big, big, sexy companies because not because I was nasty, right. I am Canadian, as you've said, but because I worked for some big companies and they've got contracts with big people and they just it takes a lot, a lot, lot to get through to sell to these companies. And then most of the reason is because they have horrible, horrible presentations and pitches and they're. Eighty six percent of buyers can't tell the difference between two suppliers. So, like, all they have to go is on their price. So that's what I decided to leave my job and to start teaching vendors how to sell to corporations. And that's what I do today.
[00:08:15] Well, what were people pitching? Did you have a certain type of product that you were in charge of or could they be office supplies on one hand and raw materials for Pepsi on the other?
[00:08:26] No, no, I was in marketing, I was always in sales and marketing, so the things that I was pitched were tons and tons and tons of agencies pitched campaign ideas. I'd have, you know, TV crews, production crews. I'd have materials for production, promotional companies come and pitch me. So it was always around in and around the realm of marketing services who pitch
[00:08:55] That wonderful idea to you, to kids. Michael Jackson's hair on fire. That was a great idea.
[00:09:01] I'm afraid he did that on his own. And didn't he die because he got addicted to the drugs, the painkillers?
[00:09:07] Oh, was it related to the fire? I didn't know. Yes, I did not.
[00:09:11] That was exactly. That's why he died. In fact, you could say Pepsi had a hand in it.
[00:09:16] Oh, my goodness. I didn't realize. I know it's insider stuff from the Pepsi world.
[00:09:22] It's not at all. That's just from the National Enquirer.
[00:09:26] So. So what? So what are some of the mistakes that are people are making when they're pitching?
[00:09:34] They're too generic. They're all saying the same thing. They're not a specialist in anything. They're not finished. They are not talking about my pain. They are talking about themselves. So those are basically it like just clean up your act, start talking about me, care about my brand and start thinking like me and then come and bring something of value to me.
[00:10:00] Now, how would you search your pain? How would they find out? And not just for Pepsi or something? How would somebody, if they were trying to get into a company, what would be the some of the steps to see what points they should be looking for?
[00:10:15] That's an excellent question, and it's exactly what I teach my clients. So for a B2B, what we do is I've created a system of going out and asking the market and prospects in a 15 minute conversation what some of the pain points are, the most expensive ones and how they what their decision tree is and how much they would pay for it and the likeliness of being interested in the next step conversation.
[00:10:46] Who are you asking this to,
[00:10:48] Decision makers
[00:10:49] And how are you getting them to just be honest with you about these topics?
[00:10:55] They have to be someone that the CEO I'm working with knows or it has been introduced to them from a past life or it's through family or through their warm networks somehow. It has to be a trusted relationship.
[00:11:10] You got to be a little kind of a sleuth to to get to this information, right?
[00:11:15] Well, it's part part of what I teach, right? Because believe it or not, everybody has natural networks because no CEO, except for maybe the ones that you talked to last time, are younger than 50 that I'm meeting are younger than 40. So they've been around the block and they know lots of people. But what they don't have is a focused direction and a focused way to approach them. And they don't know how to elicit the information that they need to to ascertain that sort of gap in the market. So where we are positioned.
[00:11:49] So how do you work with people? Is that remotely? Is that one on one? Is a group is it online training? What what is it?
[00:11:57] Well, it was always through Zoom And after the pandemic it's just still through. But there's more. There was one component where they would literally fly their butts up to Canada for a VIP day, a full in-person strategy day, which was part of the VIP package. And we've just divided that into two three hour sessions on Zoom. And it's actually working even better because it's getting giving them the space and time needed to do the research.
[00:12:26] Yeah, and you can probably handle more people
[00:12:30] That way, too. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I'm not exactly like a Wal-Mart kind of place. Like I have a boutique, you know, a small number of really high paying clients. And I prefer it that way because I work out a lot.
[00:12:43] Do you mean exercise a lot?
[00:12:47] Yeah, it's my hobby.
[00:12:49] Oh really. Homegirls or something.
[00:12:52] You know, I'm always in sort of some sort of training to get more muscle mass produce fat, and I'm always doing photo shoots. I have a fitness blog. I'm a huge. You know that. Yeah. Yeah. But I know it does. It doesn't look like that, right?
[00:13:08] Well, no, no, I just I didn't I did notice immediately when we were doing some video zoom that the wall behind you had a very interesting tell about what's on the wall behind you.
[00:13:22] Oh, today, you mean. Yeah, it's the serotonin and oxytocin chemical as symbols.
[00:13:30] Yeah, I'm looking at it. Like I said, those aren't just random, you know, artwork. That's those are chemical symbols and so so oxytocin. So that's got to be good for business people, too, right?
[00:13:44] It's the love hormone. In fact, in marketing. Do you know that they're tracking oxytocin now in marketing testing of different concepts. So they used like Fitbit, which we're tracking oxytocin release in test subjects to test marketing campaigns. And they could tell if emotion was involved in being exposed to the marketing concept, whether they would have a higher correlation to purchase intent. And an almost always every case they did, it was like a ninety five percent predictability.
[00:14:20] That seems more scientific to me than the muscle testing that people do.
[00:14:26] Yes, yes.
[00:14:27] I know they do it and get paid a lot of money to do it, to review marketing materials and stuff. But I just this never was a big could get into it. I mean, I, I actually had trouble in college. There was a guy that was working with the college athletes. I went to college on a football scholarship. He would hypnotize people to help them run faster, you know, so they'd be more allowed to work faster. It worked for most people, but it didn't work for me because I just refused to be hypnotized.
[00:15:00] And so that's not going to help you, is it?
[00:15:03] Well, yes. So so, I mean, I tried, but I just my mind wouldn't let go. And if I guess I must be a control freak or something, but but I did run into a funny, funny thing one time when I, I said I could not be hypnotized and the guy said, let me just do it. I said, OK, go ahead. And so he said, you know, what's a problem you have well I too much pick a food. Chocolate chip cookies, so I'm just I'm just throwing this away to please the guy because I don't want to offend them. And and so he's talking talk and you're getting sleepy. No, I'm thinking I'm not sleepy at all. In fact, I wish I had a chocolate chip cookie. Right. So, so fast forward. Didn't touch a chocolate chip cookie for two years.
[00:15:48] Oh, seriously? Yeah. So that's a great story. Well, yeah,
[00:15:52] I abbreviated it, but I mean, so there's a lot of things when you think you understand something, you think you're in control, you're not necessarily in control. But this Fitbit thing is really interesting. So how would someone put that into practice? Would they be more touchy feely in their presentation? I don't know if that would work on me, but like you're saying, it had a very high correlation of success rate.
[00:16:17] So the whole story and I write about this and I teach this is how do you use exactly the findings of that study that oxytocin releases correlated to higher purchase intent? Is that and this is something that's known and talked about by a lot of people, is that emotion is at the root of every purchase. So everybody thinks that purchase is a logical thing and it's not. In fact, other studies have shown that the purchase decision is made within seconds and it's made on several things that your your intuition gathers. In fact, intuition is like your brain is like a computer and it's amassing all of this enormous amounts of data and giving you feeding you back a result and a decision. And you don't even know you have no awareness of what that is. But it's in fact, it's coming across as your intuition, your gut feeling and trust. So the the way to elicit that in a prospect, whether one on one or one to many, is to use emotion in selling and in marketing. And the way we do that is the number one way we hook, especially, you know that I do elevator pitch polishing. As you said, I tore into the guy I'm dying to see which episode is,
[00:17:40] You know, you were sweet about it, but I'm thinking, man, she's got a knife edge that she's been through this a lot. So of course I joke around a lot, but this was very.
[00:17:51] I know. I know. Yeah, I know. And I really appreciate you saying that because I know you like one thing. You're like a straight shooter. So to get back to the story, the way that I teach people how to use emotion, especially in the first 15 seconds when you do your elevator pitch, is to use their pain because we are humans psychologically wired to look for danger. And when 70 percent of humans purchase based on pain and when the words that you're saying to people as soon as you open your mouth is about their pain instead of about you, they're hooked. They're listening because they need to watch for that danger. And you're talking about danger to them. You're talking about their pain. So that's the emotion that we use pain most often and most successfully with our marketing messaging, starting with your elevator pitch now to get their attention.
[00:18:45] Have they done any studies with this Fitbit kind of study? Is the difference between in-person and remote?
[00:18:54] They I haven't seen any like I remember at the beginning of a pandemic, there were some studies done about Zoom and the effectiveness of Zoom sales meetings versus not non zoom sales meetings. And the latest research that I've seen is that most buyers are going to be, in fact, in China, which is where all this started, 50 percent of buyers, B2B buyers are saying they will never go back to in person. That's 50 percent right of one of the world's largest buying markets and selling markets. So with respect to what's happening with B2B sales right now in the world, up to one point five million dollars of sales are now performed. So products and services that are up to one point five million dollars are performed only virtually if you can believe in.
[00:19:54] You mean in the in the value of that particular contract?
[00:19:58] Yeah, whatever they're selling, so it's not like just peanuts anymore. Right, right. It's like big stuff is being moved just virtual by virtual meetings. Yeah.
[00:20:09] The virtual world has changed permanently. And I'll tell you who I'm worried about is all the commercial real estate brokers because. Yeah, they are. I mean, when these companies are trading, we're paying one hundred dollars a square foot for seventy five percent of our business where we don't need anymore. And so they're like, this is all these vacant buildings. I heard the guy on TV the other day, one of the news anchors saying the building across the street from me is like forty two stories high or something. He hasn't seen a light on in the whole building for a year. Yeah, that's a billion dollar building.
[00:20:47] Exactly. Exactly. But have you Tom have you heard of revenge travel.
[00:20:53] No, no.
[00:20:54] But I like what they're. I know, but they're anticipating this enormous rush of travel because it's been suppressed. Right. And as soon as it's able and so they're anticipating huge revenues, huge revenues as soon as people are able to. So my thinking is that anything that's been suppressed is going to kick back strongly once everything is, you know, relatively back to normal. And and I think in person is going to be one of those things because they're really just so tired.
[00:21:33] Yeah. You really think, though, people are going to big companies are going to look at their real estate investments and say, you know what, let's fill them back up? You know,
[00:21:43] I don't think it's, to your point. I don't think it's going to go back to that. I mean, some smart companies have taken already the cost out of doing that. Right? They're they're just furloughing or they're letting people work from home. I get that. But I think and I don't see that it's going to go back to 100 percent of what it was, because clearly it was outdated. It was like antiquated way of doing business. Right. Because everybody is all that way by now. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. But I do believe that because of that revenge portion of what's going to come back, there's going to be some form of pivoting of commercial real estate into either part time face, face to face, or it's going to be like some sort of iteration of a corporate virtual office. You know, how small businesses, they go to virtual office and they have like rotating office. So maybe it's going to become a version of that for sure. It's not going to be one to one. It's not going to look the same and it's not going to be at the same level. But I mean, I just don't see it going away entirely because people are sick.
[00:22:56] Yeah, I'm just I'm just wondering how much damage will be done when it gets to that point, you know, by the time it gets. Yeah.
[00:23:03] Agreed.
[00:23:04] Agreed that all these restaurants that are under, you know, that are just they can't make a comeback. I mean, they've just been decimated. But let's take you back to when you were a little girl. Were you entrepreneurial at all or how did you come up through the through the ranks?
[00:23:21] Well, my parents were immigrants right there, Turkish immigrants, and they're well educated. But my mom was a lawyer. My dad was an engineer. But they always taught us to work really hard in school. So really big companies would hire us and guess look at what I created. And then they were hoping that because we would be hired by big companies that we would always be safe. I was restructured more in my life than I've ever had any jobs. Right. So it was like they were and themselves they were restructured from corporate jobs into retirement. So that dream was was never mine. But I still did it because I was afraid, because that was the conditioning. Right. So it was always fear based. And it doesn't sound like you were. And that's amazing. No, because
[00:24:10] My dad came on a cattle boat and was had his own company at 13 years old.
[00:24:16] That's amazing. So that's what I'm saying. Your dad taught you such different values around risk, right. Versus mine. Mine were like completely risk averse. Don't borrow money. Don't spend money you don't have. It was just a distress sale. Oh, yeah. That's in America. Right, exactly. So that's that was my my run Canadian. Exactly. That was my blueprint. And then I was able to kick that to the curb because one, I had it on my sort of my vision that I wanted to and I certified as a. While I was working for the company, while I was working, but it took me seven years to leave, and then I only left because I had a two year fight with this bipolar lady at work. And my boss kept ignoring the conflict because he just didn't know what to do about it. And I thank her every day. Now, I could kiss her on the mouth. I make four times what I used to make.
[00:25:14] Wow. Yeah. So so seven year transition so that you had money in the bank and money coming in while you were doing the transition.
[00:25:25] But as I said, like I wasn't anticipating leaving it just things came to a head leaving so quickly. I always I was always, you know, it's always this pipe dream kind of thing. And then but I was able to this woman just came to such a head, thank God, that I just couldn't I couldn't stay there anymore. And I couldn't look for another similar job where your
[00:25:47] Parents still alive at the time.
[00:25:49] Oh, there's. So I go back. They just got their shot.
[00:25:52] Well, what did they think at this point when you said when you told him you were leaving?
[00:25:58] Well, they had so many years suppress their own dreams that especially my mom, she was like, I will support you. In fact, she paid my taxes a thousand dollars in the first year like I was out because I didn't know I was supposed to save taxes. Yeah, totally caught.
[00:26:16] I know he's out of the business world. Yeah.
[00:26:18] Yeah. So they've always been very supportive, believe it or not. But, you know, concerned, but very supportive.
[00:26:23] Well, yeah. And I hear it a lot, you know, that's all I deal with those entrepreneurs that that people, you know, the best thing that ever happened to them, they got fired. They quit somebody and they just couldn't stand. Now, I'm not I'm not sure you should have gone you should go through with the kiss them on the lips thing. But other than that,
[00:26:42] I think she'd let me
[00:26:44] Maybe make a good YouTube video, but I don't know. So so we got to take a brief sponsored break. When we come back, we're going to ask Chala how she stays motivated and what's a typical day look like for her. And she's got a little side thing going on that I didn't know about with regard to health and fitness. I want to hear about that. So so, folks, about 23 years ago or so, it kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head and that people like me were charging fifty or one hundred thousand bucks up front. I don't want to say they're like me because I do a lot of these people and a lot of them are rip offs. And you gave them fifty grand. They'd be hiding out in Toronto or Mexico or somewhere because
[00:27:25] They would watch it, buddy.
[00:27:27] So. So I said, that's not right, you know. So what I did is I charged him an entry fee which was like ten times cheaper. And then I tied myself to their success so people knew I wouldn't disappear on him because for me to get my fifty thousand, they had the net. Two hundred thousand. Well, they sure love this. And seventeen hundred plus students later in twenty three years, it's still going strong. It's the longest running, most successful, most unique Internet marketing mentor program ever. And I don't have any problem saying that because I've triple dog dared people for years to put their program up line for line against mine and nobody will do it because I'm just a crazy fanatic. And you get an immersion weekend in this estate home of mine in Virginia Beach. We have our own TV studio. We shoot videos for you. You get one on one training. We don't do anything group here because if you're in with an advanced person, you're lost. And if and if you're advanced and I'm talking to a beginner, you're bored. No, that's ridiculous. So it's all one on one with me and my entire staff. We shoot marketing videos for you. I mean, just nobody can put a candle to this. Plus you get a scholarship to my school, which you can either use yourself or gift to somebody in your life. So nobody has this kind of stuff. So check that out at Give me a call. No high pressure sales around here and we'll discuss your future online and maybe some of your loved ones future online.
[00:29:02] All right. Let's get back to the main event. Chala Dincoy is here. She is a a wonderfully nice Canadian person that you don't want to make a pitiful elevator pitch in front of her. If you don't have thick skin, but anyway she can help you out like crazy. So, tell her, what's a typical day look like for you
[00:29:26] Working out
[00:29:27] You. Yeah, that's the thing I want to hit up on. I didn't realize that she was. Are you a competitor or you just you're just trying to make yourself better.
[00:29:37] No, I mean, I don't compete, I try not to compete in anything with anyone except for myself, so I try to book myself until like two or three photo shoots a year for myself, like, my birthday's coming up. I'm going to be 50 to me first.
[00:29:53] So they're lying about that. The Canadians are liars in some way because she looks like she's about I don't know, she'd probably make a 20 year old jealous.
[00:30:01] Oh, so sweet.
[00:30:03] Seen her from the head up. So I don't know the rest of her looks like.
[00:30:07] Yeah, maybe right now that's not a bad thing because like I said, I'm working towards I'm working towards that. Like, I used to have a six pack. I lost it and it's trying to make a comeback.
[00:30:20] It's in there. It's in there.
[00:30:22] It's in there. But, you know, it's six packs are made in the kitchen. Right. So but I'm trying to increase my strength and it's all good for the over 50. I'm always tagging fit over 50 because there's a lot of hormonal issues involved and food has to do with the hormone and the hormones. Hold on to the fat. I mean, you have nothing to worry about Tom. You're not a woman.
[00:30:45] Well, yeah, that's right. And I don't plan on being like what's going on there.
[00:30:50] But a lot of people
[00:30:52] Have a judgment. You got a six pack. I got a cake. Say, I'm a high achiever.
[00:30:58] That's right. Don't say cake. I'm so hungry. No, no.
[00:31:02] Yeah. So that's a keg. You take a big guy. It's a
[00:31:07] Very nice. Very nice. Well, I mean, so I mostly work out and I spend very little time on actual client work because I have just a few clients who pay me a lot and I work very deeply with them and they have full access to me all the time. But most of our time with my team is spent on getting new clients. That's the way I like it. That's the way it should be.
[00:31:36] Ok, and this workout routine is this five days, seven days. What kind of routine is it? You know, what your daily routine do you get? Do you have a lot of people talk about their morning routines? Do you have one?
[00:31:52] Not really, it depends on who's booked why, and I have to fit in some sort of protein breakfast, I make myself like a protein waffle and then I then fit in like a good 60 Minutes heavy lifting session as much as I can. And believe me, the gym's being closed, has completely,talk about screw with people that screwed me up really bad. And then
[00:32:18] So. Yeah. And if you were at the retreat center, we have two gyms here. No problem.
[00:32:23] Yeah. And they're open. They never shut.
[00:32:26] It's my house.
[00:32:28] Oh. Are you into that as well, Tom.
[00:32:31] No, I just, I just have them. And you know, I was a major college, top 20 football school. And, you know, for the whole my whole life, anybody could kill you. So I was into it, big brother, but not as much lately. I mostly martial arts and stuff now, but but we have over in the garage, we have a heavyweight set up. And then in the house here, we have a whole edge of the house that's we got an infrared sauna, an indoor hot tub, a steam sauna and a workout room. So I think they're I think they're back there. I haven't seen them for a while.
[00:33:07] God, I think you're going to invite me. You're going to invite me.
[00:33:10] You're always you have to have a workout to come to the US. I don't
[00:33:15] Know. I did, you know, see, I paid for it. I have an extraordinary alien visa, so I'm covered.
[00:33:21] You're an extrovert. That's what it's called. An extraordinary alien. Yeah.
[00:33:26] Yeah.
[00:33:26] And that is the normal alien.
[00:33:28] You're an extraordinary you're extraordinary. If if you are on TV, if you read books, if you do speeches. So kind of everything but you do right
[00:33:40] Behind the times. Yeah. Yeah. Like I said, they didn't have me. Every time I go, oh
[00:33:45] You're going to write a book. Yeah.
[00:33:46] Now you can tell me you're 420 friendly too because this is a.
[00:33:50] Oh yeah. That Yeah that'll help. Yeah it's legal here. It's legal there.
[00:33:56] The state by state here. So, so Virginia I don't really know because I'm not really into that scene but but it's, I mean the whole country is legal. Yeah. Oh everyone. Well I see you guys are progressive.
[00:34:10] Justin Trudeau man.
[00:34:12] Oh I should have known. Yeah. So how do people get a hold of you to work with you?
[00:34:21] Yeah, I'm the repositioner. It'll get you. And I'd love to give you guys my book. So you go to that'll get you the gentle marketing because I'm gentle. Yeah, apparently not on my podcast though. Tearing into people. So gentle marketing. It'll teach you how to gently attract loads of clients.
[00:34:52] Yeah, she's awesome. I tease about the podcast, but what was the name of that podcast.
[00:35:00] Polish my pitch.
[00:35:02] Polish my pitch. And that's where you see high level people like in tears.
[00:35:09] I love it,
[00:35:10] But I'm going to do a promo of an uptake of what you're saying. I love
[00:35:15] It. So. So this awesome. I'm so glad we crossed paths and so Tom. Yeah. And you got out of that corporate nightmare, but you're making it pay for yourself and helping a lot of people that want to get in, at least from a vendor standpoint back in there. So, so they know what to do. That's for sure.
[00:35:37] Thank you. Thanks for having me. Yeah.
[00:35:39] So I just noticed one other thing on your thing here, Playtex, that they make bras and stuff or whatever they make.
[00:35:48] They do. They do. But I worked in the, believe it or not, nipple division, the infant feeding. I never had. I had such a problem when I started working there in the boardroom. We would be like all serious talking about areola size. It was just like so funny for me. And I hadn't had a kid by then, so I had no clue what they were. It's all real. It's all needed.
[00:36:15] I get it. But I mean, it's definitely the first episode that we've gone into that area for sure.
[00:36:21] So I hope you don't get censored.
[00:36:24] Oh, boy. Oh, yeah. And I wonder if you have any bras because people ask me, like you're into fitness and stuff. And so what? I'm trying to lose weight. People ask me how much weight you're trying to lose Tom. I say I'm just trying to get down to a B Cup.
[00:36:41] That's excellent. That's a very worthy goal. My 11 year old tells me, look, I have man boobs.
[00:36:47] Oh, wow.
[00:36:50] Corona did a number on all of us.
[00:36:52] Oh, man. All right. Well, so good crossing and with you. And hope we get across the border and meet in person one of these days.
[00:36:59] For sure Tom. All the best.
[00:37:01] All right, Miss Repositioner is signing off and we will catch everybody on the next episode. See ya later.
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