Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Reiko Scott
Reiko Scott is a Japanese American part time author and full time emergency medicine physician. She enjoys connecting the two through narrative medicine, as well as tearing the two apart through speculative fiction. Her first non-fiction book she co-authored with her father, David Merriman Scott, is a Wall Street Journal best seller. It's called Fanocracy.
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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 405
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[04:53] Tom's introduction to Reiko Scott [07:35] Collaborating on the book “Fanocracy” [13:57] Narrative Medicine and Speculative Fiction [23:14] Getting deeper into Fanocracy [30:34] K-pop and reaction videos [33:03] Using Fanocracy in your business [37:25] Using proximity, physical and virtual [39:36] Sponsor message [43:06] A typical day for Reiko in the emergency room [51:36] Millennial women are having trouble finding guys to marryHigher Education Webinar –
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College Ripoff Quiz –
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Episode 405 – Reiko Scott
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with Episode four hundred and five of Screw the Commute podcast. Oh, wow. We have a very interesting guest on today. This is Reiko Scott. And I interviewed her dad, David Meerman Scott, a few episodes ago and heard him talking about his latest book, Fanocracy that he wrote with his daughter. And I said I got to meet that young lady because I have been following her dad for oh, I don't know, whenever that book came out, I was all over it. And I've recommended it literally thousands of times to other people. So I said, hey, let's see if we can get her on here, see what she's up to. So very interesting. She's either a doctor or a med student. I'm not sure at this point. But we'll find out. We'll see what she says from her point of view, which is like three times younger than my point of view of what what Fanocracy is all about. All right. So hope you didn't miss Episode 404. That was Burke Allen. And he and I have a West Virginia or West by God, Virginia, you have to say connection. And he's got a PR firm out of D.C. And boy, he gave some great tips on PR who should have it? I mean, who should go after it? Who should hire an agency? Who should do it themselves, things like that. So that was episode 404.
[00:01:46] Whenever you are, listen to the previous episode, you go to and then the episode number slash 404 was Burke. Today is 405 for Reiko Scott. Now, how would you like to hear your own voice here on screw the commute? Well, if the show has helped you out at all or giving your ideas to help you start a business, we want to hear about it. So visit and look for a little blue sidebar that says send voicemail, click on it, talk into your phone or computer and tell me how the shows helped you. And hey, also put your website in there so you can get a big shout out on a future episode of Screw the Commute. Now pick up a copy of our automation ebook, this book has helped me handle up to one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and 40000 customers without pulling my hair out. And it actually we actually figured it out. It's one tip in the book has saved me seven and a half million keystrokes. And that was that's not an exaggeration. We estimated that over the years. So check that out at And while you're over there, pick up a copy of our podcast app at All right, folks, I know people are freaking out still.
[00:03:04] And Reiko here is probably in the midst of it in her medical career of the pandemic and how it's, you know, just crushed families and businesses around the world, you know, and I feel for all that pain and suffering. But I have been preaching for 23 years that if you had the skills to make money from home, you wouldn't have to suffer those kinds of things. You know, the schools are open one day and the schools are closed the next day. People had to quit jobs if they even had a job and they're just killing their family income. So that doesn't happen to me and my students. I've been selling on the commercial Internet since there was a commercial Internet in 1994. And my students are not worried about this because we all can sell products and services around the world. And so I've been teaching this for 23 years, but I formalized it about 13 years ago in the form of a school. It's the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country, probably the world it's licensed to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia because it's good quality distance learning. It's not like the four year schools that are ripping students off and teaching them how to protest. And then they get out with their MBA and they're competing for jobs at Starbucks. Not like that at all.
[00:04:30] And also now they all of a sudden they have a distance program, you know, like they put it together in two days to try to keep taking money from students. So their hours has been operating distance for 13 years and we know what we're doing. So check that out at and a little later I'll tell you how you can get a full scholarship to the school if you're in my mentor program.
[00:04:54] All right, let's get to the main event. Reiko Scott is a Japanese American part time author and full time emergency medicine physician. She enjoys connecting the. Now, here's the thing. There's very seldom do I read somebody's bio and then don't understand the words in it. So she's going to have to explain something for me. She she enjoys connecting the two through narrative medicine. I know I read in her book a little bit about that, but still didn't understand. And as well as tearing the two apart through speculative fiction. Now that's another thing. I have no idea what that means. So she's going to fill us in her first non-fiction book she co-authored with her father, David Merriman Scott, I just said, is a Wall Street Journal best seller. It's called Fanocracy. Reiko, are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:05:53] Oh, was that how a cause players answers me? Is that. Oh, no. I felt like I needed the the enthusiasm.
[00:06:02] Oh, Reiko, I'm so glad you're here. Like I said, I've been following your dad for years and of course he sang your praises and I didn't really have a choice to get you on the show. So. So thanks for coming on.
[00:06:15] Yeah. Thank you for having me.
[00:06:16] Now I guess in the bio you are actually have graduated med school and you're a physician now.
[00:06:22] Yes, I have the M.D. next to my name now so you can get good.
[00:06:26] Well, I was going to say you could get good tables, but nobody there's no restaurants to get them at.
[00:06:31] Oh no, not really.
[00:06:34] So so I want to I want to get into that a little later, but I want to talk about fan ocracy because like I said, the new rules of marketing and PR was the book. Probably I don't know if you were even born when that came out, were you?
[00:06:48] I think I was. I was. You were in a lot of it. You're you're considered a millennial, right? I am. Yeah. I'm a millennial.
[00:06:57] There you go. So so us old geezers, we love to talk to millennials to see what the heck's going on in the world because we don't know anymore.
[00:07:07] I mean, now I have to talk to Zoomers. I don't know what's going on anymore.
[00:07:12] So. Yeah. So what is the progression of Millennial and then what's below that?
[00:07:18] Gen Z.
[00:07:19] And then below that is what?
[00:07:22] I don't know. We call GenZ Zoomers.
[00:07:26] Yeah, which is perfect, too, because and that GenZ term was around before they were all on Zoom all day long.
[00:07:34] Yes, exactly.
[00:07:36] So how did this collaboration come together? Because your dad has written lots of books and without your help, I guess.
[00:07:43] But this one, he he felt that you would be a great person to help him out on.
[00:07:48] Yeah, it was it came about because he was going to write it anyway.
[00:07:53] He has in the process of kicking ideas around before before you write a book, just thinking about this is an idea and passing like ideas through me here on a car. He was driving me somewhere and we were just talking about these ideas of fandom and connection and what that meant in terms of marketing. And I don't come from a business background and I never studied business as clear by my medical trajectory.
[00:08:30] But he's probably better off. He'd probably be. Yeah, exactly. I did.
[00:08:35] I don't have any preconceptions of what the cost of it, but I do have a lot of experience and fandom and being a fad myself. So he was talking about all these things and we were coming from very different angles. You know, he is a fan of, you know, Grateful Dead and old cars. And while I'm, you know, going to Comic-Con cause playing and writing fan fiction, so very different. But but we found like a core together that was like, oh, there's something here. And my dad started writing a little bit, in a sense, a little bit to me. And I realized when I was reading some of his early, early musings that I'm like, I cannot let you write about going to Comic-Con.
[00:09:19] I just cannot it hurts my soul.
[00:09:21] So so I was like, I, I need to write this with you because there's no way you can do it alone. And I think it worked out really well because we have just such different perspectives.
[00:09:31] So you stimulated this wasn't him asking you to do it?
[00:09:35] No. Yeah, no, he didn't ask me to do it. He he asked me to to read something of his that I was like, I am going to write this. And he's like, sounds good.
[00:09:45] So you basically saved him from himself, basically. Exactly.
[00:09:48] Because you could imagine the young people nowadays reading what the older folks are writing without the help of you all. But you brought something up and I saw a picture of you and the description of the picture like just like your bio on narrative medicine, which we'll get into speculative fiction.
[00:10:09] What the heck is that? Sounded like a different language. Yeah. I was like, what the heck is this stuff?
[00:10:14] But but the the caption of the picture I saw you and I couldn't understand one word of it I haven't written down here.
[00:10:25] It says, Oh, I understand your name. And it said that you were the person in the center. And then from that point on, no, I was said, this is just as bad. B is that one of the three forms of the Morrigan, Celtic goddess of war in the wicked plus the Divine? That's what it said. And I understood the two words.
[00:10:52] Reiko is in the center of this picture. Is that so?
[00:10:58] That was a comic a few years ago in New York where I went with two of my friends and we did a cosplay, which is costume play, where you dress up as a character in a book, movie, comics, TV.
[00:11:22] And often it's like Halloween, but a little bit more jacked up, I would say.
[00:11:28] So because of you look like three Catwoman to me.
[00:11:32] Yeah.
[00:11:33] So we all read this comic book, The Wicked and the Divine, which which is great. And it's basically a kind of contemporary like if contemporary versions of these old gods existed.
[00:11:51] But they were like pop stars. That's that's kind of the basis of the comic. And one of the one of the characters is the Morgan and a we they she has three versions that come up in the comic book.
[00:12:08] Oh, OK.
[00:12:09] We've we dressed up as the three versions of her. I so I think if I remember this, this picture correctly, so I'm in the middle and I have this long red wig on.
[00:12:23] And we have like we you know, I did a little bit of sewing by ourselves and a lot of makeup ourselves, all of that, so you have time to be a physician and write a best selling book and put red wigs on and so costumes.
[00:12:41] Yeah, yeah.
[00:12:42] You know, everyone has their their their thing they do. In their downtime or.
[00:12:49] Well why not combine them. Why not combine the one where some of that into the into the E.R.
[00:12:55] Well that's funny because one of my one of my co residents so I'm a resident physician.
[00:13:03] So after you graduate from medical school, you are still in the military, but you're still in training.
[00:13:09] Yeah. You're a rookie. Yeah, exactly.
[00:13:12] We have to have we have to have the boss make sure that we're not screwing up. And so what if one of my friends, who's also a resident, we were both worked on Halloween and she fully dressed up to go into the the emergency department. And so she was a minion and she like went all out and it was amazing.
[00:13:34] Well, yeah, unless somebody's got a heart attack over there, you know, we were joking because we have to go to Chavas.
[00:13:42] And I was like, if you're already just in a trauma and you're like, oh, what's going on?
[00:13:47] And then you and pop up, it might be a little scary to them.
[00:13:50] Say it. But if blood spurted on your red wig, you know, nobody would even notice. It's just part of the costume. So. So what is this narrative medicine in the speculative fiction? What are these things?
[00:14:07] So I'll start with narrative medicine, which I talk about a little bit in the book as well.
[00:14:13] It's so when we do medical school and even like as a premed and undergraduate, we're very focused on the science. Right.
[00:14:22] Of course, we have to be that's that's our our most of our job, where most of the news claims nowadays that they're focused on the science know like where where one man's no where to where, where it doesn't know they don't work at all. You know, where on your butt you know so.
[00:14:41] Well, like the thing with the thing with all the the covid stuff and why things keep changing.
[00:14:46] And I think it's a good thing it keeps changing because it's it's such a we've only known about this disease for a little bit over a year.
[00:14:52] And so science, you know, isn't science is always improving on itself. And we get more data and we and we can change what our recommendations are based on the more data.
[00:15:05] I mean, I get that. I mean, but right off, I quit eating bats right away. I stopped that because I didn't want to take any chance.
[00:15:17] But yeah.
[00:15:17] And we we focused almost exclusively on the science when we're learning. Right. But we and we very we don't really focus on the human connection part of our jobs. And we are a service industry, especially in the emergency department. I would say I think about interpersonal interactions.
[00:15:40] As much, if not more than the science of what I'm doing now, do you think you would have this attitude had you not run into that one lady for a couple of years in her office?
[00:15:51] Um, I think I think yeah.
[00:15:54] So that's what I talk about in the book. One of my mentors when I was in undergrad was was a physician who I really looked up to who had this kind of attitude.
[00:16:04] You walked in the office thinking, yeah, oh, this is better. Just be you know, I better not play my cards, play in front of this play.
[00:16:12] Yeah, but she was she was like, yeah, she was just like, you know, memorizing poetry and telling us it was she was she was, she was great. But I think I mean, it definitely sparked the idea that like, oh, I don't have to play into this role that I assume doctors are. But I feel like I've run into quite a few people over my time that have a similar attitude that I really look up to. So I wouldn't say it's pervasive.
[00:16:38] It's not depression because, you know, they walk in and, you know, you have to run through so many patients in a hurry. And they're reading Ink magazine was there. They forgot your name or they don't know, you know. So it's it's not well known. And from the from the patient point of view, put it that way.
[00:16:57] Yeah. It's it's and it's really hard because especially like how medicine works right now, we have to see so many patients and and the the a lot of times the hospitals, like they're they want us to see a lot of patients because that's how they get money.
[00:17:17] Right. And that's not necessarily the best for the patient. So the the the it's not really aligning in that way. And so as a as a doctor, our priority is the patient.
[00:17:30] But we have the hospital kind of at our back, which is what you have to do.
[00:17:35] Yeah. So so narrative medicine really is the practice of honing those skills to be able to be patient centered in this like inter ic, just as two humans.
[00:17:49] It in a way that that doesn't get in the way of of all of medicine.
[00:17:53] And the science that we have to do is better at it than you can see a situation where you're you get in trouble for that. Because, you know, they're looking at your statistics. Well, Miss Scott, you're spending twenty eight point two minutes with a patient instead of fourteen point six. What's up with that? You know?
[00:18:16] Yeah, yeah. That's I mean, you could see it. You could you could see it in that way. But I think the the the ultimate goal is that it if you if you learn how to ask questions in a more patient centered way, the patient one will be more satisfied.
[00:18:35] And then at the end of the day, if if they'll give feedback, that's better, which is also good for the hospital, or if you get better at asking those questions and connecting quicker, then maybe at the end of the day you can get your answers faster because you're able to make that connection quicker.
[00:18:53] Ok, so I got an old fart piece of advice for you as a physician, but I got from an insurance executive I was sitting next to on a plane one time from a speaking engagement, and she told me she said 90 percent of our malpractice claims are because the doctors just won't be nice to the patients. She told me that. She said if they would just be nice, 90 percent of the lawsuits and malpractice claims would not happen at all.
[00:19:26] And I kind of believe that, you know.
[00:19:28] Yeah, because there's no connection there. Why should somebody stick up for you? I mean I mean, if I. I would like to homicide a guy, the last guy that worked on me. I mean, if it wasn't for I had a French guy with me, I had a hunting accident and it would be such a great short story that I got shot.
[00:19:47] But no, I fell on a log and I perforated my intestine and I'm down in, like, the boondocks some, you know, probably, you know, traveling probably guy rode in on a horse or something. And and he's telling me he's just take some aspirin and just sleep it off. You just got a strain. And I'm screaming like a baby. And the French guy with me almost gets arrested because we're making such a ruckus that they want to send me home with some aspirin. And and so finally, the next shift came in and the guy said, ha ha, I could give him an MRI. I just shut everybody up. I'm bleeding out. And the and they rushed me to the trauma center to fix me, you know, so so, yeah, that guy deserves some some trouble. You know, he didn't he could have killed me right there. So so that's that's that's the balancing act you have. You want to spend time and do a good job. But the pressure, the financial pressures are so have to be so heavy in many situations.
[00:20:51] Definitely. And I think, like, you know, it's learning things like like asking the one one question that can get you a lot very far. And I assume also in like litigation as well. What are you worried about?
[00:21:05] You know, because you can get a lot out of a it's like, oh, you think it's like because because we're trained as in the emergency department to be what is the thing that's most dangerous are going to kill you and then what is the most common thing and or and then what can I fix. So if someone comes in with a problem and you go through those and you're like, I don't think it's a problem, but then if you ask that one question, you can really just have a conversation, be like, oh, you think it's this? Let me tell you why I already know it's not. And then they'll leave happy so.
[00:21:37] Well, I would have left dead.
[00:21:39] Well, yes. I mean, if they asked you that, you would say, I'm afraid that my my bowels are perforated and they'll be like, huh. I wonder if we have actually proven that that's not true.
[00:21:52] Well, you know, it's kind of funny is, you know, they're dragging me out of the woods and 13 inches of snow. I'm screaming like a baby. And and the worst part, actually, Reiko is I swear I could hear a bunch of deer laughing know.
[00:22:08] But another crazy thing, it happened.
[00:22:11] They, you know, they fought me in the the door of a hunting trailer and I'm laying there waiting for the ambulance and the snow everywhere and and my head's getting really hot and I'm thinking, oh my God, something's really crazy. My head's like on fire. So my head was right next to the propane stove.
[00:22:32] Almost caught my torso cap on fire. Oh, no. All right. So what's speculative fiction? What is that? Fiction is fiction right now. Can you speculate on fiction?
[00:22:43] The speculative fiction is another word for science fiction fantasy.
[00:22:48] So it's it's fiction that is not based necessarily on, like realistic aspects of our of our world.
[00:22:59] It has some sort of fantastical or. Oh.
[00:23:02] Or like, yes, science fiction aspect to it, so it's speculating on how parts of our world work through a fantastical elements.
[00:23:13] Ok. All right, I can get that now. So this fan ocracy.
[00:23:17] So let's get into that deeper now. So your dad. Yes. Is a crazy fan of Grateful Dead and surfing in the cars and stuff like that. You're a fan of Harry Potter.
[00:23:30] I hear lots of things. So I think the best way, the best way to describe what I am a fan of is just storytelling in general.
[00:23:38] I get I get really I get waves of being really deep into into things.
[00:23:43] Right. Eighty thousand words.
[00:23:46] Yes, I did write Potter.
[00:23:48] I did write a novel basically that is a fan fiction based on the Harry Potter.
[00:23:58] Is this common. The fan fiction is a common thing. Oh, very common. Am I out of touch? Yeah.
[00:24:05] All the books that you saw, I sent I sent her a bunch of pictures of my libraries, folks, because there's thousands very jealous of of the setup. Yeah, but you once you got here, they're all How-To books.
[00:24:16] There's one fiction book in my whole life I read in the last 30 years. Was this buddy of mine is also a martial arts expert. And he was a sniper in the army and he was an attorney, a prosecutor, and he drove a Dodge Durango. Why does this matter? Because he wrote a novel about an Army sniper who was the prosecutor that drove a Dodge Durango that went around killing pedophiles.
[00:24:46] So what we're hearing is this is this really fiction? What is this? But, yeah, all my books are How-To books, but.
[00:24:54] Okay, so 80000 words on fan fiction are on. That was on Harry Potter.
[00:24:59] Yes, that one was on Harry Potter. But I've written fan fiction about on on a lot of different television shows, books, movies.
[00:25:07] Other people sell these or this.
[00:25:10] No.
[00:25:10] So the whole purpose of fan fiction is that it's a community based practice that you write, you posted online. There's multiple sites that you can post it.
[00:25:21] But the the one that's use the most, at least in the English speaking world, is is archive of our own, which is FAREN and is honestly like a really fantastic site.
[00:25:35] And that that is like basically a library of fanfiction.
[00:25:41] And you can quote again, archive of our own. Yes.
[00:25:46] Our eighty-three we we we say and you can post it, you tag it with what fandom you're in and anyone can read it and comment on it and like it.
[00:26:02] And so really like communities are built out of people who write in these fandoms. And these and these authors are our I mean, can range from people who are beginning just, you know, practicing, writing and taking their first steps into it to people who are like successful published authors like winning awards for their original fiction, who also write fan fiction once and do it in their free time because they enjoy it. So a very it's a wide range of of of people who participate.
[00:26:37] But it's a really thriving just just amazes me because I've written 25 books, but I don't believe I'm smart enough to write one piece of fiction because of, you know, character development and plot. It all has to fit together.
[00:26:54] And I'd be maybe I could do the speculative just make up some weird crap and I doubt it. So fan ocracy, though.
[00:27:05] So you're a fan of all that stuff? Your dad's a fan of stuff. How can a business person use this? I know you have a really nice quote from Ronnie Dunn, from Brooks and Dunn. He says, It truly emphasizes the importance in the how tos this book of yours that are necessary to maximise that all important friendship. Because he says the that's the biggest part of his career is, yeah, you can sing and you can, you know, promote. But the biggest part is his fan base.
[00:27:34] Mhm. Yeah. I, I of course that's like what I already said. I come from it as a fan more than someone as a as a business person, but I think that does, you know, give me a different perspective that's helpful. And I think that what was frustrating me was a lot of these companies who didn't understand the people who were fans of whatever their product or service was, because oftentimes there are. Communities that are built around things that, you know, like these products and the if the company doesn't understand the communities that are built, then they waste them. You know, that's a it's a resource that already exists. And if you alienate your fans by not understanding what they're doing on their own, then I think that's that's a fast way to to lose customers.
[00:28:26] And you have probably felt that yourself, right? If you're a fan of something and you didn't get treated or you could see that they weren't taken care of you like they should. Is that right?
[00:28:37] Exactly. You know, if if like a lot of companies, you know, are very protective over over the rights of their if they're like products or and I mean with that, it makes sense.
[00:28:51] But, you know, things like like I talk about Photoshop a little bit in the in the book or like Adobe as a company being like, you can't you can't talk about Photoshop like this.
[00:29:03] You can't this is the correct way to use language. Meanwhile, you know, tons and tons of people are posting YouTube videos on tutorials for Photoshop. And it's like that's free advertising for sure. These communities are like, this is this is how I use this. This is how this is easy tips to do that. And a company like Adobe shouldn't shut that down because it's it's those are people who are using your product and talking about your product.
[00:29:33] Yeah. And, you know, I've been around a long time, so I've seen a lot of this where in the beginning they were super cracking down the record companies on the copyrighted music. And I'm not advocating, you know, violating people's copyrights. But so they were starting to just crush people very violently, figuratively. It was, you know, legally. And then some of the executives started getting the idea like, oh, man, this is not working. We're yeah, we were protecting all our stuff with Machine-Gun Nest, but now people hate us and won't buy our music. So so they just started easing up on it quite a bit. I mean, yeah, you get the occasional this is that. But you're right, they are kick in the teeth. The person that just loves them, you know.
[00:30:23] Right. Exactly. And something that I've been interacting with a lot recently has been has been K pop. So I've been watching a lot of YouTube like, hey, pop on YouTube.
[00:30:32] And that's a thing that that a lot of people do every one second.
[00:30:37] That's another reason why I don't like you, because I saw in your bio k pop.
[00:30:45] And so I think, OK, I got to be a good interviewer. I got to go figure out what the heck that is. This is some kind of serial.
[00:30:54] What I want is no idea. Okay, so then I watch an eleven minute videos, everything you need to know about K Pop and things that I did not want to know, Reiko.
[00:31:08] Whole worlds that I am opening up to you.
[00:31:13] K Pop is Korean pop music, which is now a more global phenomenon over the past like twenty years.
[00:31:25] But you may know about Beats who is, you know Billboard Charting is came out this time.
[00:31:35] I don't know because I had to watch some video.
[00:31:39] I mean if you if you listen to the radio right now, you'll hear some some K pop whether you know it tape up or not. But but not like all those kids. I can't dance.
[00:31:53] Yeah. You should do it in the emergency room. You know, the okay.
[00:31:56] Poppers. I definitely can't dance, but it's something that I have never been. Well yeah.
[00:32:00] Good good day on the dance floor for me. As if I don't hurt anybody.
[00:32:04] Same of I'm a good business for you in the E.R. but about the copyright, it's I was thinking about this recently because a lot of people on YouTube do keep up reaction videos like because the a big thing in in in K pop is the music video and the dancing.
[00:32:22] And so it's a very visual visually and integrated music.
[00:32:30] Like there's some fashion like crazy because of it. Exactly. Exactly.
[00:32:34] And so and but but if there were some companies are more harsh on the copyright than others. And so some people aren't able to post reactions to these music videos. And it's like, come on, like these are like people get their they're like news or they're like updates on new releases through these people who do reaction videos. And how can you say, no, you can't do reaction videos? Because that's like a huge way for.
[00:33:01] I think with the work bill, I think they'll figure that out pretty soon. So so how can typical business person, small business person, use Fanaa to use the things that you teach in the book?
[00:33:12] I mean, I feel like it very much depends on what your company is is doing.
[00:33:18] Well, I heard you say you're talking about an insurance company. Yeah, exactly. It's crazy because you wouldn't. Yeah, that's a caper, you know, equal.
[00:33:29] I mean, with that insurance company, you know, they figured that the the the the K pop equal is is their customers were huge fans of their cars.
[00:33:39] Right. And they would do they would consume, you know, news magazines, all of this this other stuff related to the car. And so Haggarty Insurance just just put out this like highly like this well produced, you know, YouTube videos and magazines about the cars to promote also their insurance. But it's not like they're just selling their insurance. They're providing more than just their product. They're saying, I understand that you guys are a community because you're coming together to celebrate these cars. We're going to help you with that by giving you all of these other resources to stay a community.
[00:34:28] Yeah, they immersed themselves in the industry. Like I think in the book it said something about they went through over a hundred different car shows and always had a presence and were involved in the whole thing.
[00:34:39] Exactly. Exactly. I think it's not forcing yourself into into a situation or forcing yourself to or being just a salesman.
[00:34:48] I think you have to understand the community that you are selling to and how you can have a place in that community that is not that that is, you know, that people will enjoy or.
[00:35:08] Yeah, like, it's almost like at a tennis match, you see Rolex on the wall. You know, they're they're they're all over the place, but they're not part of the tennis match. But they're they're always around. And so they're you know, people buy Rolex, so. I noticed I haven't read the whole book yet. I noticed in the first part of the book there would be a chapter and it would have your name and then another chapter would have your dad's name in the whole book like that.
[00:35:38] Yeah. So we didn't fight it out each chapter. We try to.
[00:35:44] So we tried a couple of things in the writing of the book, one being what we ended up with, which was we each wrote our own chapters and then the other being we combined our voices and had like a neutral version. That is that is both of us is one voice. It turned out that we have very, very different writing styles. And it was there is no way that we could integrate them into something that made sense.
[00:36:13] So would you do sneakin the the speculative fiction in there a little bit?
[00:36:19] Well, that's that's the thing my dad writes.
[00:36:21] The way my dad writes is very like short sentences to the point. Exclamation point. That's why you know so much. And then mine is is is coming much more from a rewrite of a lot of fiction. Right. And so it's much more lyrical. I don't want to call my own work lyrical, but it's much more it's longer sentences that that are I care more about how like sound and and word choice and all of that. And so I wrote some of those some of my chapters, much more like prose and then like than a business book I think.
[00:37:02] But again, I don't come from a business world.
[00:37:05] So did it take you longer to write your part than him?
[00:37:09] I don't think so, I think we are pretty equal in how fast we roll, because because because it's just my style of writing, right. Like I that's it's much easier for me to write like that than to copy my dad's style because I try. Is that when we are trying to do that? And I was like, oh gosh, this I can't, I don't know how to write like my dad does.
[00:37:27] Well, there's tons of good stuff in the book, but I was one of the slivers that that caught my eye was and I've been a big proponent of this over many years, is actual physical proximity to people. You had an example of some famous guitar player came down and played right next to a fan. And but nowadays with this covered in the six feet rule, what are we going to work with that?
[00:37:55] I think there's a few ways. So I think the the idea of proximity, I think we're understanding now is much more of an emotional proximity when you can't physically be close to somebody.
[00:38:09] So the few good things that have come out of covid for me or that I have become a lot closer to the people, my friends in my life that are are physically far away. Right. So even without covid, I have, you know, friends in California, Minnesota, that that I wouldn't be able to see at all. But now it's just so common to zoom and to have these group chats that that are much more active because people can't go outside that I feel like I see I'm much closer to those friends than I would have been otherwise. And that makes me happy. And I think that part of that also that companies have been able to jump onto in a good way is that idea that like, oh, you can be close to people who are physically far away from you now because, you know, we are forced to have that technology. And so things like being able to do these remote games and zoom or these like hangouts through through anything. So I think that that makes that proximity happen, that there's an emotional proximity now that didn't exist before.
[00:39:29] Yeah. In some cases it couldn't be better because, you know, you go years without talking to anybody, but now you're you can do it easily and make that emotional connection. So we've got to take a brief or break. When we come back, we'll ask Reiko, what's a typical day look like for her? She got some craziness. Tell us about in the E.R. and also I'm going to do a little research on her because she's a young woman. And I heard something on the news. I want to ask her if she thinks it's true. So, folks, about twenty three years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head. And the people like me were charging 50 or 100 grand up front to teach small business people what we knew. Well, I knew a lot of these people, and you give them fifty grand up front. They'd be hiding out in some emergency room somewhere so they wouldn't have to help you. So although the bill might be 50000 when they get out, so that might not be the best place to hide.
[00:40:23] Oh, I thought, you know, that's too risky for those small businesses and not really fair. So I said, I'm going to turn it on its head. So I charged people an entry fee and then I tied my success to their success.
[00:40:35] So for me to get my fifty thousand, they had to make clear net. Two hundred thousand. Well, guess what? People love this. And twenty three years and seventeen hundred plus students later, it's still going strong and it's the longest running, most unique, most successful Internet marketing and digital marketing mentor program ever. And I have no trouble saying that because I've been there and people for years to put their program up against my line for line. And let's see who wins, because number one, we charge an entry fee and we tie our success to your success. No, to everything is one on one. Nobody at my level will even talk to you, let alone teach you anything. So myself and my whole staff only work with you one on one. We don't like the group stuff where if you're talking to somebody, advance the beginners or lost. If you're talking to the beginner, the advanced people are bored. So no, it's all one on one. And then you have an immersion trip. Of course, when is done at the great Internet Marketing Retreat Center in Virginia Beach. It's a massive mansion here. We have our own TV studio and we shoot marketing videos for you. And that's the only thing that's group is. But it's only about five people average.
[00:41:52] So you get plenty of personal attention and get immersed in this. And you actually see the inner workings of a of a distance learning facility and the Internet marketing company that's working out of a home, basically. Then you get a scholarship to. The the school that I told you about earlier, which some people have gifted to young people in their life, you know, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, their own kids, and we have one guy spend 80 grand on his daughter's crappy education and she's working a crappy job. He joins the mentor program, gifts the school to her, and within four months, she's making six thousand dollars a month as a side hustle and still hasn't even graduated. So this is real hard core skills that every business on Earth needs. So check it out at great Internet marketing, training, dotcom, great Internet marketing, training, dotcom, no high pressure. We're happy to talk to you about your future online to keep you out of this mess that covid has caused and and into the future. Give you kind of an insurance policy that you'll still be able to make a lot of money, even if you can't sit in traffic somewhere making somebody else rich, which is what we're all against.
[00:43:09] All right, great. We're back with Reiko Scott. She's our main event today. Reiko is a physician and a best selling author and I don't know if she dresses up for some reason, I don't know why people do this Halloween all the time for her. So Reiko give us some crazy, I know there's got to be some stuff that happens in the emergency room that that's kind of wild.
[00:43:38] Yeah, I guess so.
[00:43:41] Yes. I work at an emergency hospital in Boston and yeah, it's it you can imagine how how maybe you can imagine how crazy it is.
[00:43:56] I know Court TV is the stuff that happens on TV.
[00:44:04] Yeah. It's funny.
[00:44:04] I have some friends who like are very into watching E.R. and they're like, does this actually not the you know, the intern, you know, doctor romance?
[00:44:19] That's not that's that's not as much of a thing.
[00:44:22] Right. I can't say I've ever seen E.R., but yeah. I mean, like, the other day I pulled a cockroach out of someone's ear, so.
[00:44:34] Oh, man. Now that is interesting.
[00:44:38] Yeah. Where were they using it for instead of a cutup just crawled in there and someone came in.
[00:44:46] It was like the hospital or from home. From home. Someone.
[00:44:50] Yeah.
[00:44:51] So someone someone came in with their their chief complaint saying I think something crawled into my ear and we looked into our ear and indeed something had crawled into your lap.
[00:45:04] I mean, I was one of you. I mean, it sounds really uncomfortable and I mean, it is hard enough. Oh, it was a life.
[00:45:15] You know, it happens enough that there is a process that like is that we have to pull things out of out of the pull alive things out of people's ears.
[00:45:26] So, yeah, it's I mean, there's a whole range of emotions that you go through when you're when you're working in an emergency department. We know from the from from the like kind of absurd, you know, with with a someone with a bug in their ear to like, you know, we see death in the there quite often.
[00:45:50] So and it's like it's very it's whiplash from one to the other.
[00:45:53] And so you have to kind of get used to the the the going from a trauma room to seeing a patient who just kind of has like a twisted ankle to like seeing someone who has terminal cancer.
[00:46:07] You know, it's like emotionally very bizarre. It would be good. Yeah, exactly. So.
[00:46:16] So do you do you see the dark humor? Somewhat, because I used to when I first started speaking, I was speaking about humor in the workplace and how nurses and first responders and police officers have a behind the scenes dark humor to cope with some of the nastiness that they see. Do you see much more that we do?
[00:46:38] Yeah, and it's. So tell us about it. No, no.
[00:46:41] I mean, what I what I will say about it is, is that's what's hard. Right.
[00:46:45] And you have to kind of code switch while you're while you're working, because the only way that we can really get through a day, especially, you know, when we're in the depths of covid, I was working in the ICU and it's really, really hard to see all your patients die.
[00:47:05] And like, no feeling that no matter what you do, that there's nothing more that you can do for these patients. And and you can't have the family visit because of covid and all of that. And so the only way for us as providers to to emotionally get through that is is a bit of a dark humor, because how else are we going to be able to laugh? But I we also understand that it's it would be very hard for anyone on the outside to hear any of that. And so being able to to understand your audience and and and how much of something that you're saying is for you and how much of it is for for somebody else's is important.
[00:47:48] Well, so I'm not going to put you on the spot here. But I mean, there's there's lots of jokes going around that feel like there's someone based. And in reality, one of the jokes was, is the there was a guy that blew himself up in an RV in Nashville or Tennessee a couple of months ago and, you know, blew the whole street up, basically. And so the joke going around was, oh, yeah, he died of covid, you know. That some some coroner came on TV the other day and said, yeah, this guy had three bullet wounds in his chest and and she looked at his chart and it was said Dye to cover it, you know, so the general public's kind of, you know, you know, we're getting so much misinformation. Every channel, you know, I work out of my home. So I'm sitting here all day watching TV. There'll be 10 highly credentialed doctors on in the course of a day. Five of them say one thing for now, four of them say one thing, four of them say the exact opposite, and two of them say we really don't know. So so the public is like, what the heck is going on? And depending on what state you're in, you know, you're closed down for the same thing that another state is open. So it's it's just been a devastating thing for the world, basically.
[00:49:16] Yeah. Yeah. And and and here's the thing, too, because the the. How covid is affecting people is like, yes, the disease itself is is. Can range from being asymptomatic to killing you, and it's not just, you know, like I've seen like a twenty eight year old with no past medical history have like her heart stopped because of it. So it's not it's not that anyone should feel like that they're immune to it. Right. But at the same time, it's not just like what?
[00:50:02] Covid as as a disease is doing, because where people are losing their jobs, people are not able to go outside, people aren't able to see other people. What are the consequences of that, too? Are, you know, people like depression is rising. People like we see more suicide or suicide ideation in the hospital as well. And at the same time, the the psychiatry the psychiatric help is not there's not enough of it to be able to take all of the patients that they need. And so I've seen people who have passed because they weren't able to control their addictions during this time and all of that. So it's like at the same like it is like, oh, it's it's obviously they didn't die of the disease if they died of an overdose.
[00:50:56] But in a way that it is part of the the cycle of existence exacerbated. Yeah. But so many people were like, oh, you're leaving the liquor stores open is essential stuff and we can't go to school, you know, so there's just it's just crazy chaos.
[00:51:16] The thing about the liquor stores is actually interesting, because if you close the liquor stores, then people would die of of alcohol withdrawal.
[00:51:24] Yeah, that's what I mean. But, you know, it's it doesn't look good on the surface. You know, it doesn't look good on the church, but you can go, you know, the rest and people to go to church. So it's crazy.
[00:51:36] But but so I want to end on something that's it's even more sad than this.
[00:51:43] Reiko, you know, it's going on.
[00:51:46] I saw on the news that millennial women are having trouble finding guys to marry because they're all sois boys can't do anything. And they're they're happy to go fabric shopping with them. But but they don't really want to marry him. Do you think that's true?
[00:52:05] Well, I can tell you that I am currently married to a wonderful man who has just finished a very lovely blanket that he had sewed out of fabric, that he died himself from from from natural materials.
[00:52:29] I don't know how to sew. He's very good at it. So I can say that that I enjoy the the that sort of a man.
[00:52:37] Ok, but yeah, but you're a doctor and a best selling author and a superwoman cause player.
[00:52:45] So but the average woman out there, do you think that this is this has got any validity?
[00:52:51] I mean, why you're in I mean, why women are getting married later is probably because we have more ability to go to to be successful in the careers that we want to be successful. You know, if you have more of a choice than just getting married and having kids, then a lot of people will take that choice. So it's not necessarily that they don't want to have families, but they want to have they want to set up their careers and have that also after they set up their careers. And so if you're if you're traveling a lot to, you know, like a lot of my friends, because I have a professional career, you went to undergraduate, you went to graduate school, and then, of course, you like, you know, I have to go to you go to residency, which is another move. Or like if you get a Ph.D., then you have to do a postdoc. So all of those things are reasons that, you know, you're not in one place for a long time. And I think a lot of those those women do wait a little bit longer to have a family.
[00:53:50] Mm hmm. OK, so I'm going to take that as a no comment on my original question.
[00:53:58] So thanks so much for coming on. I'm so glad I told you about told me about you. And they should go by Fanocracy, right?
[00:54:08] Yeah. Please buy Fanocracy and tell us what you think. Well, I recommend going to your local bookstore and support your local bookstore if you can find one. Yeah, there's and there's there's great resources online too.
[00:54:27] If you just search for four local bookstores at all that will mail you books because a lot of them are working remotely right now as well. But if if not, we're on Amazon and we're on like everywhere you name.
[00:54:45] You know, nobody's going to mistake that book for another book because of your desire, small naming things properly with news jacking and fanaa crazy.
[00:54:54] Yeah. And on our website, you can you can find where to buy it.
[00:54:57] What's the website?
[00:55:09] We'll have that in the show notes for him like we did for your dad's. So, so thanks so much. Go back, go home and go save some more lives.
[00:55:18] Thank you for having me.
[00:55:19] All right. It's a blast. Thank you. All right, everybody, we'll catch y'all on the next episode. See ya later.
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