Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Marc Bullard
Marc Bullard is back with all new YouTube tips and tricks from the latest batch of changes and updates they've made. Pay attention and take notes for more YouTube goodness!
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 398
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
[04:53] Tom's introduction to Marc Bullard [06:20] The Basics of YouTube [07:43] Make sure your video is optimized for search engines [13:02] New things from YouTube [21:53] Let's say you have a chicken website… [28:06] Tags and thumbnails for your videos [31:30] Sponsor message [34:40] New book on YouTube coming late Spring 2021Higher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
Marc's new Kindle book –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
YouTube Secrets –
Maximizing YouTube –
How to Write a Book –
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Episode 398 – Marc Bullard
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with Episode three hundred ninety eight of screw the commute podcast.
[00:00:29] I'm here with one of my left hand, right hand, middle back everywhere, guys. He's helped me out for many years. Marc Bullard, he's a video expert and he's written several books on YouTube marketing, which is what we're going to talk about today. And he's got a new one coming up pretty soon. We'll get him to tell you about it. But we want to give you some of the general stuff that just to bring you up to speed and then talk about the new stuff since the last time he was on. And you definitely want to listen to those episodes. We'll have them in the show notes where you can just click and go to the previous episodes where he went more in-depth on some of the basics. I mean, do you want to have the basics and, you know, take advantage of all the new stuff and we'll bring him on in a minute. Hope you didn't miss Episode 397. This was writing a book about something you know nothing about. Right. But still making it a quality production because we're all about quality here. And the method is just very simple right in front of your eyes, but you probably have never been exposed to it. So lets you crank out a book quality book on something you know nothing about.
[00:01:40] That's Episode 397. Any time you want to go to an episode that I mentioned, you just put and then slash and then the episode number. That was 397 and this is 398. All right, how'd you like to hear your own voice here on screw the commute? Well, if the show's helped you out at all in your business or giving you ideas to help you start a business, we want to hear about it. Click on ScrewtheCommute.Com and then look for a little blue sidebar that says send voicemail, click on it, talking to your phone or computer and tell me how the shows helped you out. And hey, don't forget to put your website on there so you can get a big shout out in front of a lot of people on a future episode of Screw the Commute. Now, don't forget to grab a copy of our automation book. This is a freebie we give you for listening to the show. We sell it for twenty seven bucks, but it's yours free and you go to And we figured it out a couple of years ago.
[00:02:38] Just one of the tips in this book has saved me seven and a half million keystrokes and allows me to ethically steal business off other people who are too slow to get back to people. So this really reduces your workload. If you use these tools, they're cheap and free and right. And many of you already probably have on your computer and don't even know about it. So check that out. It's And while you're at it, grab a copy of our podcast app at And you know, a lot of people give you an app and then you got to try to figure out how to use it while we don't like that. So we have video on how to use it. Screen captures all kinds of stuff to show you how to use all the fancy features so you can take us with you on the road. All right. Before we get into the main event, I really want to talk to you about people having so much trouble with this pandemic over the past year. Almost going to be a year and a quarter here pretty soon.
[00:03:40] And it hasn't been that way for me or my students because we know how to sell online. I've been doing it since the commercial Internet started in nineteen ninety four, and I formalized the training about 13 years ago. I mean, I've been teaching this for 20 to 23 years, but I formalized it in the form of a school that's licensed by the state of Virginia, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia because it's good quality distance learning. It kind of cracks me up. All these major colleges that have been ripping people off for years are now scrambling like, oh, yeah, we're distance learning. We got distance learning now. Well, we've been doing it since the beginning with good quality. And all of our graduates just rave about the quality of the education they got.
[00:04:29] And many of them are making money before they even graduate because of the high end demand skills that we teach in the school that every business on Earth needs. So you can either start your own business work for somebody else or both. So check that out at And a little later, I'll tell you how you can get a full scholarship to the school if you're in my mentor program.
[00:04:55] Let's get to the main event. Marc Bullard's here. He's been with me for many, many years and he's got a master's degree and in something and this that I mean, his formal bio here, we we just know each other so long. He's got a beautiful family and he's he's got side hustles with surfing. And it's funny story that you can hear on some of the other episodes when he first came here as a surf bum and cleaned up his act after he got married a little bit.
[00:05:26] So I let's just get to it. Hey, Marc, what's up, man?
[00:05:29] Hey, Tom.
[00:05:29] How's it going?
[00:05:30] I'm good.
[00:05:31] How's the dog doing?
[00:05:33] Having a great time. I think she likes cold weather. So right now she is outside a lot.
[00:05:38] Yeah. What's might be easier on her joints is like putting ice on. Yeah. My my only little part of his dog is I gave him a crate for so but. But what's her name?
[00:05:52] Pepper. He's full of full of pepper.
[00:05:54] Right. Oh that's right. So, so great. So good to have you back on. We're you know, we've been doing YouTube for one hundred years now and it's made some major changes over the years. But let's give people just some real quick basics that, again, I want them to go to the show notes and and see your other episodes where you went more in depth, just given them some of the basics. And then we'll get into some of the new stuff that they should know about.
[00:06:21] Ok, yeah, the basics when it comes to YouTube, of course, YouTube is all video centered. So of course, we're going to be focusing on videos. But also, what do you do with those videos once they are up on YouTube? So there's two battles there, but they're really not too difficult. The first one is creating some content, creating a video. And the easiest way to go about it is to find some topics that you have maybe answered regarding your business and create a simple two to three minute video that maybe answers a question, answers that question, and it doesn't have to go into too much detail just enough to show that you know what you're talking about. Now, the reason why I mentioned two to three minutes, because YouTube pays attention to how long a person will stay watching your video. And so we want them to watch one hundred percent. And it's very easy. Well, not very easy, but it's a lot easier to get somebody to watch one hundred percent of a short video than it is a very long video. On top of that, if you create a short video and it's pretty simple for you to edit that, simple for you to upload that and also simple for you to do that again and again. So we we do want to focus on making more than one video. So it's a lot easier to make sure videos than it is to lump everything together in a long video that viewers on YouTube aren't going to like. Now, let's just say we already have a video and we get it up on YouTube. And now what? Well, you want to make sure that your video is optimized for the search engines.
[00:07:55] YouTube is the search engine. Google is a search engine. Google owns YouTube, so they pay attention to each other. So we want to make sure that our video has certain phrases that you're a potential customer would be probably typing into the search box, either Google or YouTube. And we want to have these phrases, hopefully that they type in and we want them in certain parts. One of these areas for the video is the title area. In the title area, you can actually go in and change, enter text. And it is a very good idea to sprinkle in a keyword or a keyword phrase into the title. Hopefully you already know what your keywords are, so we're not going to go into that, but but we want to get that into the title and we want to, of course, make sure that keyword or keyword phrase is relevant to the video that that it is in reference to. Now, it's a good idea if you can it's a good idea to have the title contain more than one keyword. Again, we want them sort of natural and not just on a list of spammy sort of sense. But what we like to recommend is if you can have a general keyword, a general phrase, for example, public speaking. So that would be the general phrase. And Tom channel has multiple videos on public speaking. So this one would say public speaking, Dasch. And then we would go into a subtitle of whatever this particular video is talking about. So if Tom public speaking video was about stagefright, we would title it something along the lines of public speaking, dash, how to get over stage fright. OK, so in that example, we have multiple keywords. We have a general keyword public speaking and we have a more specific niche, keyword or phrase, fear, public speaking. And that is, of course, what the video is talking about, hopefully. And and then hopefully in the actual video, Tom would say or whoever is speaking would say. The words public speaking, they would talk, maybe they would say, hey, today I'm Tom and I'm going to talk to you about public speaking, specifically how to get over the fear of stage fright. And then because he said those words in the actual video, YouTube will transcribe you to transcribe the whole entire video into text. So then those key words are also in the transcription. So it's a fantastic place to get keywords there as well as in the title. Once we get through the title, there is another area for a description. This is for your video, your video description. And this area is a large box. You can put a lot of text in here. You can fit up to 5000 characters. Text in this box and we do recommend filling this out. You don't have to go the full five thousand amount, but we do recommend at least two to three paragraphs, as well as some other information in the description. The number one thing that we put in, the description that you description is a link to your website or link to the main place that you want your traffic to go.
[00:10:59] Most of us, it's our website and there could be an affiliate link to. But I don't really care. We don't really penalize you like a Kindle book for a weird looking affiliate link, right?
[00:11:08] Yep. It can be a like a tiny URL. It could be a link. It could be affiliate link. It could be a website. It can be your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn ebook. And I do recommend that. But and so but again, you want the number one thing, the main thing that you want to get your traffic to go to. Most of the time it's a website, but it doesn't have to be. But most time you want to put that as the number one thing in your description, the description box you want to put https colon slash, slash w w whatever your site is, dotcom, you need to put that full you URL in there. And if you do that, it makes it clickable, makes people be able to click away from YouTube and go to that you are out and they don't have to open the show more box to see if the link is going to be there.
[00:11:54] Exactly. The description by default when anybody watching it, they only see the first three lines of the description and they have to manually click a show, more link to see the rest of the description. So a lot of people will be lazy. They won't click that. So it's a very good idea. That's another reason why we have the link right there is the first number one thing in the description. And then right after that we put it usually put a space after the link and then we put two to three sentences that are specifically about the video that we're talking about. And hopefully if the video is a topic about keywords, then it's very simple to naturally get keywords into this first description paragraph. You can also mirror the title so you can say, you know, in this video we talk about public speaking, specifically fear of stage fright, how to get over stage fright, and then maybe one other sentence. And that's good enough for your first little paragraph. Feel free to embellish and add more sensitive to this first paragraph if you want, but at least do two to three sentences again after your main clickable link.
[00:13:03] Ok, so that's good for some of the basics. And you covered those thoroughly in the other episodes, so we'll let them go to the show notes for that. But let's get into some of the new things that are there. And there's what you've got about four or five, five new things I've discovered.
[00:13:19] Yeah. And they're actually pretty big. They're pretty big. And some some of them are even a little bit of a game changer, probably. OK, well, since we're talking about the description box, a new thing that you can put in the description are hash tags. If you're familiar with Twitter, I believe Instagram uses them. They're the little pound sign with a phrase. You can put hashtags into your description, your YouTube description. Most people put them at the bottom. And the first three hashtags will appear right under the title of your video and they will be clickable. And when people click on these hashtags, it gets taken to a YouTube generated page that shows everybody else's videos that also use that hashtag. So you can kind of be lumped together with other people that are using these usually keyword rich hashtags. And so that can be a good thing because YouTube can kind of associate you and your business with all of these other people that are using the same hashtag.
[00:14:22] In other words, your video could show up when somebody else's video is way more prominent than yours. Absolutely. If somebody clicks on the hashtag right.
[00:14:33] Right now, the downside of that is if somebody clicks on the hashtag, you know, they might click away from your content and click on somebody else. So the pros and cons to both as of right now, I like I like using the hashtags.
[00:14:45] I think it looks a little bit at least hip with it. Also, it does help with organizing and stuff. And I think in the eyes of YouTube, it's good to kind of be lumped together. Even if they are, there are people bigger than you is kind of good to be kind of grouped together with them and you choose. Another neat thing about hashtags is you can put a hash tag in the title. If you put a hash tag in the title, it will be blue and clickable and you do it the same as you do in the description.
[00:15:13] You can only put one in the title, obviously not 15, but you just do the pound sign, the phrase and it will show up in the title. People can click that. It will take them to the same YouTube generated page as if you put it in the description. However, if you put it in the title, the three hashtags will not be visible under underneath your title. So it'll be one or the other. You can have three clickable ones underneath the title. You can actually have one right there in the title. So and I really not as of right now, I don't know which one is better in my opinion. I like having the three visible, but who knows, it might change. And later on, maybe the title hashtag will become more of a prominent thing. So we have to keep our eye on that. So that's one new thing, another new thing that's not terribly new, but it is something that not a lot of people will have have started to use yet, as you can create a post in YouTube. And it kind of goes against YouTube because you can create a text post, you can create a static image post, and you can also create a video post. Now, what are these? Well, these are kind of like almost like a movie poster. You can you can hype up stuff that's coming in the future, like my new books coming soon or I have a new webinar on such a such date. And what happens is it's text and and or an image and or video and it will show up in your subscribers feeds.
[00:16:42] So anybody who subscribe to you when they go to YouTube and they go to their homepage, they see, of course, all of the videos that that they subscribe to. They see all the new content that their subscriptions have done. But you can also have these text or graphic image posts like a still image, and it shows up in their feed as well, kind of in a post area. And it's kind of a neat way to kind of just without even uploading a video to still kind of stand out in a person's feed. And it's also a really neat way to sort of promote yourself even before you have some content out. So this is kind of new. And another neat thing about hosts is it will show up on your YouTube channel. There is a tab there's a couple of tabs on your YouTube channel, home videos, playlists and discussion. Oh, excuse me, discussions. The old one. The new one is called Community. So it goes home. Videos, playlist, community. When you go to community, you can see any posts that that person is done. And if it's your channel, you can actually put a post there. Another neat thing about Post is you can have a poll so you can get a little interactive with your audience and have a poll. You can have people vote so you can actually have them pick what content they would like to see first or see next. So it's pretty neat. And that and doing a poll adds to I already kind of mentioned it adds to the audience engagement.
[00:18:06] And I might bring up that phrase again, audience engagement, because that is another thing that YouTube is really focusing on. But posts, if you ever messed around with post, go in to your YouTube channel and then play around with it is pretty neat.
[00:18:20] Do you have instructions on how to do all this stuff in your book?
[00:18:26] Yes, I do. In the book, yes. The new book that I'm writing, it's still not done yet, but I'm trying to get it for all the twenty, twenty one. And while writing this book, this is where I discovered some of this new stuff. And, you know, some of it is not super new, but it's new in the eyes of YouTube. It hasn't been around, you know, in the older versions of YouTube. So it's definitely new for me and the book. But yeah. So post and polls are really neat.
[00:18:54] Another thing that is not entirely new, but it's something that we have not really focused on that much is content.
[00:19:05] Now, I've always hyped that you do want fresh content. We want to have and what I'm saying content and usually the videos, we want fresh content, we want it on some sort of a regular basis. I always try to recommend at least one video a week.
[00:19:19] Yeah. Let me let me jump in on that one. Oh, years ago, Marc and I shot like three hundred videos in one month and we shot like ten this morning for like a month and put them all up there. But you wouldn't do that now, right. If you had three hundred videos, you'd meet them out over time, right.
[00:19:37] Absolutely, yeah. You want to trickle them out. Yeah. It was a good at the time. Yeah. We did a big dump but then we didn't follow through so it was like a firework giant blasted and faded away instead. We want a slow burn. We want, we want to.
[00:19:50] Well it lasted that way for years. I mean, but the change somewhere in the past few years, do they want stuff put up regularly?
[00:19:59] Regularly. Yes. If you can do it once a week, fantastic. If you can't, then stretch it out once every two weeks. But you don't want to just dump and then don't do anything. You want to trickle out this content. And that's where the two to three minute videos come in again, because it's easier to shoot those. It's easier to do, you know, four or five months that are two minutes long than a twenty minute long.
[00:20:23] Let me jump in on that, too, because because I think I told you guys in the sun one of our meetings is that I don't want you to discourage you from making a really long video. If it's interesting and if it teaches something, that's fine, but just don't make it a habit. But I watched an hour and 15 minute video.
[00:20:44] I couldn't stop watching on how to raise chickens. It was like all the way from I. I didn't realize you can order them and have them send. You and the male peeps, and then and then what to do and how to raise them all the way through, I watched the whole darn thing. And then after watching the whole thing, I said, you know what? I'm going to go to the grocery store and just buy chickens. Not going to raise them.
[00:21:13] Yeah, yeah, right. But it was an hour and 15 minutes. It had a couple of million views. All right. So if you have a certain thing.
[00:21:21] Yeah, you could make a long video on it. But what Marc is saying is the is the general rule for the most of your videos. The shorter they are, you'll get a higher percentage of watch time, they call it. So the higher the percentage, the better you look to Google and get a higher ranking. All right.
[00:21:39] Yes, yes. But we are going to jump into the longer videos and stuff like that. What do we do with that? Well, let me just break down the content a little bit more. Now, this is not entirely new, but again, this is something that we haven't really pushed into.
[00:21:54] But if you stick with the topic of chickens, you've got a good chance.
[00:21:58] Yeah. OK, well, let's talk about chicken. Let's say we have a chicken website.
[00:22:02] And so now I'm going to talk about three different types of content that YouTube is recommending YouTube is looking for. OK, so the number one type of chicken content videos that we're going to focus on and it's the majority, these are called it's funny. These are called hygiene content. It is. That's the phrase hygiene content. Hygiene content are short, weekly, based on keywords. And these are going to be the informative type videos. If they can be evergreen, these are going to be the evergreen type of videos. They're going to be the keyword stuff that we that we are using to get new people and to also keep the old people and to establish you and yourself as an expert. This is called hygiene content, the next type of content.
[00:22:53] It's not going to be the majority, but it will be a good chunk if you if you want to mix it in with your hygiene content, it's called hub content, hub, hub content. This is not so much informative and the keyword based. It's still going to be carrier based, but not so much. This is going to be fresh perspective stuff. This is going to be maybe new content, maybe, maybe what we're doing right now. Hey, here's an update to the news that maybe an opinion. This is your perspective. So it's you as an expert or you as a learning about this stuff. This is called hub content. And you want to sprinkle this in with your hygiene content hygiene is going to be the two or three minutes keywords, building traffic, getting people home, contents where your personality comes in, a little bit of content where you can get a little bit more creative. It doesn't have to be two or three minutes at this point, but let's save off on the hour long. But hub content is sprinkling a little bit of the sprinkles on the cake.
[00:23:51] Let me give you an example of that. I'll just make it up. Chicken related. So. Oh, yeah. So so I'm going to start out with an opinion, which is a good way to start out. So so I don't think they should be mailing peeps through the mail anymore because I ordered my peeps, they were late getting here and they came with forty two absentee election ballots.
[00:24:15] So there's a piece of content for you as they were using that for like the bottom for the poop and stuff.
[00:24:24] But that's what that actually is a good example. Right. So you the hygiene content would be did you know that they mail peeps or they mail chickens through the mail. And if no opinion it's just informative, then you're hub content would be I don't think this is a good idea or here's why it's not a good idea or why it is a good idea. That's that's perfect. That's a good example of hub content. Now there's one more section. There's three types of content. The third type is what we we almost have been kind of shying away from. But now this is a little bit different. It's something to consider. This is called hero content. Hero contents are big events that can be long. They can be live.
[00:25:05] You maybe are going to do one of these a year, maybe one to two a year. It can be like a holiday event. It could be a certain date or obviously an anniversary. But this is where we actually could put some of these long, long, long, long videos. Online productions. However, it's called a hero. It's called hero content. So you don't want to put just an hour long of slides. Do you want to make this a big deal of it? Could promote it ahead of time. Of course, with these posts and stuff, you can talk about things ahead of time. And so YouTube is looking for this as well. The majority is hygiene sprinkled in with some hub. And then once or twice a year you're going to crank it up with hero content. So, yeah, the rules that I said before don't necessarily go out the door. You still want to have some keywords and stuff like that in the title. But this this hero content can absolutely be longer. It can go on and you can answer questions live. I really like a live event for hero content, but it can be a recent webinar, but it's going to be a big deal. And this is what YouTube is suggested. This is I'm reading up the YouTube creator playbook and they have said what I just laid out, these three different types of content is really good for looting and riots and stuff, if you want.
[00:26:21] Yeah, yeah. I mean, there could be informative videos and then your opinion and then a big event. So that was a big event movie. So, yeah. So that's content. And then along the lines of this hero content stuff is and this is again is that entirely new.
[00:26:39] But it's pretty neat little feature and that is called Premieres, where you can premiere one of your videos and it can be a live event. And what you would do is you would schedule a live event and then send out a premiere to your subscribers. Hey, I'm doing a live event on such and such day, such and such time. Let's meet up. And I, I, you know, I'll do my live broadcast and everybody will be here. And so you can actually schedule a premiere to do this for a live event. You can also do it doesn't have to be live. You can schedule a premiere where where one of your new videos comes out. So one of your new videos gets published at a certain time and you and your viewers watch it at the same time and they can comment. There's like a chat box and it's like a live chat box. But it's not a live video because they give you money. I believe they can. That's a good question, and I don't know the you probably have the eligibility for that. That's right. Sure. But I have seen where people can donate. Yes. So, yeah. So that could be really cool because you could combine your hero content, your big event with something live, and then you can schedule that for me. Or so you let all your subscribers know ahead of time and it's a big deal. So they all show up as alive. And I mean, YouTube loves that when everybody just shows up and starts commenting, it's a big deal. So Premiere's look into that because you can premiere some of your content. And then other than that, there's a maybe a couple other little sprinkles in there.
[00:28:10] Oh, wait, actually, yeah, there is another big thing that we haven't talked about. The last thing that in the new list that I have here, tags and thumbnails, your videos, your videos have an area that you can enter, keywords or phrases. And these are known as tags. There's a tag box. And we do want to put keywords or phrases in here. And for the longest time, YouTube has recommended and we have always taught that the most three most important places to optimize your video or your title, your description, which we've already covered a little bit, and your tags. And that was the third, third most important place. And the tags areas where you want to put key words, keyword phrases related to your video and to your business as a whole. However, YouTube has kind of changed how they look at the tags box now and they have specifically said, we don't really look at this that much and it does not really affect your video that much anymore. And instead, the thing that is now overruling tags, it's a pretty interesting choice in my opinion, is thumbnails. Thumbnails are the little still image graphic that you can designate for your video. YouTube also picks three of them out of random so you can pick one that YouTube offers you. But we want to upload custom ones. There's an option to upload a custom thumbnail for each one of your videos. And YouTube is saying that this thumbnail graphic is more important. Metadata, that's their words. This is more important metadata than the tags box. So sort of a new thing and something to really, really take into consideration if you don't use thumbnails that thumbnails now in the top three most important things when it comes down to optimizing your videos and tags out. So some people that don't have thumbnails on their videos really start to consider either getting them made for you or start making them yourself. Maybe you have to do a call on that later on.
[00:30:18] Yeah, not only from a podcast from Google and YouTube point of view, but, you know, they stand out, you know, make people want to click on them. If you make a nice thumbnail rather than just some random shot from your video, that might not be that exciting or stand out in a big list.
[00:30:36] Yeah, they stand out. They also you could they help you with branding if you had a logo. You have your face, the website, you can flip them and the graphic each one of the graphics of any time somebody is searching for anything that related to you and you show up and the results, even if they don't click you, they look at your title, they look to your graphic, they look they could maybe see your website, and then you keep making these videos and your thumbnails keep popping up or other related keywords.
[00:31:02] They're eventually going to either see you or, you know, like click and affiliate you with that with the those phrases.
[00:31:10] So that's some great new stuff. And you want to make sure you listen to the show notes to hear some of the regular stuff. I mean, there's playlists. There's just all kinds of stuff that you need to know about. They they keep experimenting with, I guess, video creator and editing software in YouTube that's going through a little bit of a transition. But we're going to take a sponsor break. When we come back, we're going to have Marc tell us more details about his upcoming book and maybe we'll try to twist his arm to get an ETA on when it's when it's available to folks. About 22 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head and the people at my level were charging 50 or 100 grand up front to teach Internet marketing to small business people. And I knew a lot of these people, you know, you give them 50 grand, they'd be hiding out in Mexico. You have to chase them around to find them. They wouldn't help you at all. So I said, you know, that's not fair to small business. So I turned it on its head and kind of made them mad in that I charge an entry fee, which was much lower. And then for me to get my fifty thousand, you have to net two hundred thousand.
[00:32:21] Well, people love this and seventeen hundred plus students later in twenty two years, almost twenty three years later, it's still going strong. It's the longest running, most unique, most successful mentor program in the field of Internet marketing ever. And I have no trouble saying that because for years I've dared people to put their program up against my line for line and nobody will do it because, you know, we give so much personal attention. It's all one on one with me, Marc, Larry, Travis, Jennifer. You know, we got a team of people here to help you. Yeah, you get that. Of course, after the pandemic, you have an immersion weekend at the retreat center in Virginia Beach and you get a scholarship to the school, which you can either use yourself or gift to somebody. It would be one of the best legacy gifts you could ever give to a young person, rather than having them going to, you know, get ripped off at a four year college, you know, where they're just learning how to protest and then they get their MBA and then they're competing for jobs at Starbucks, you know, so it's not that way. With my school, we teach the hard core techniques that I've been using for now.
[00:33:34] Twenty seven years now of email marketing and chat boards and shopping carts and blogging and everything else under the sun you can imagine, including YouTube, Facebook ads, social media stuff, all these things we we teach in a very comprehensive course and we have people making money before they even graduate because every business on Earth needs these skills. So you can either work for yourself or you can work for somebody else or both. But anyway, the mentor program gives you that scholarship. Plus you have a whole team of people that's got a financial incentive to keep helping you so that you're successful, so that we get our money, you get your money. And by the time we're done with you, you're pretty good expert on online. So check it out at No pressure sales here. You'll talk to me and discuss your future and any young people in your life or future online.
[00:34:41] All right. Let's get back to the main event. Marc Bullard's here. He's a YouTube marketing expert and video editor. So, Marc, tell us more about your upcoming book. I mean, this is their third or fourth or fifth. What is it?
[00:34:54] Oh, jeez. I think this one's the fourth iteration of the book. It's the YouTube marketing manual. And it just really goes into step by step. Go here, click here, do this. And then it explains why you need to do what I'm telling you to do. And then, you know, once you learn what needs to be done, it's pretty easy for you to either decide what you want to do, do as yourself, or you can delegate it out. But it's really handy to read through the book and know what needs to be done. And if you want to do it yourself, it's right there, tells you how to do it. So it just covers everything, pretty much what we're talking about here. But it starts from uploading and then it goes. Pretty much through like the whole series, the whole adventure that a video takes from uploading to getting optimized to getting out into the world, and then what do you do while it's out in the world? And then there's marketing techniques. After that, we even jump into a little bit of video production analytics and a whole bunch of other stuff in there. So it's a good book to flip through and and figure out what you need to do.
[00:36:02] There you go. You talk about monetization at all?
[00:36:05] I talk a little bit about monetization, but not too much because I was more focused on people that are if they're just starting out or, you know, they have a pretty low, not very popular YouTube channel. And monetization now requires 4000 hours of watch time. Tom mentioned watch time a little bit earlier, and it requires a thousand subscribers. So my book is more along the lines of building you up to that point.
[00:36:34] Used to be anybody could monetize their videos, but now I guess they're concentrating on more substantial people and and they're seeing if they're going to be seeing you before they let you earn any money now instead of letting your money and then it.
[00:36:50] Yeah, I know. Yeah. So so I only focused on organic, the free stuff, the way the stuff you can do without paying. So I don't focus on any ads. I do mention ads, but I can focus. I tell people that's a whole that's a whole other book. Yeah. So I just focus on organic free stuff and no monetization and no paid ads or anything like that.
[00:37:12] All right. So how about an ETA when this thing's going to be really hot off the presses?
[00:37:17] How do you like digital process, like a specific date and date the pilot or I can say like in a week or so I'm thinking, oh, yeah.
[00:37:26] So that's so how about spring twenty, twenty one. So I'm thinking spring early spring. Yeah.
[00:37:33] Ok, yeah. And we'll have it in the show notes here. You can contact Marc at It's and ask him for updates on when it's available for you. All right, cool man. Well thanks for coming on and giving us this update.
[00:37:52] Yeah, thanks for having me.
[00:37:54] All right, man. So we will catch everybody on the next episode. See ya later.
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