Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Adam Adams
Adam A. Adams is here. He's also known in the real estate community as triple A. He's devoted himself to educating and inspiring investors through events podcast, his program and his thriving Meetup group. Today, he's going to talk to us about all the great things he's doing, helping other podcasters really blow their show up.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 395
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
[05:34] Tom's introduction to Adam Adams [07:00] Helping podcasters really stand out [10:02] Relaunching a podcast that's already available [12:12] Focusing on the details before launching [16:02] Selling a podcast [21:50] A very colorful past [33:16] Sponsor message [36:12] A typical day for Adam and how he stays motivatedHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
Grow Your Show –
Real Blue Spruce –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Getting the Domain Name You Want –
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Episode 395 – Adam Adams
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode three hundred ninety five of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Adam Adams. And yes, that's his real name, Adam Adams. He's the host of the podcast on podcasting and he's also a multifamily real estate investor since 2007. And I'll tell you something else. He's a salsa dancer. And I got to tell you, a good day on the dance floor for me is if I don't hurt anybody, ask him to tell us how he got into that. I hope you didn't miss Episode 394. That's getting the domain name you want. And before you pooh pooh this like all Tom, well, that's awful easy. You're supposed to be big shot. Well, guess what, folks? There's lots of tricks of the trade and there's some truly hysterical mistakes people made hysterical for me, but not for them when they didn't think through their selection. I'm going to give you what just one of them right now. I know a guy who is all about licensing your intellectual property and a great, you know, awesome stuff to big companies and make a lot of money. And so he showed me everything he had ready to roll out and he had spent a fortune on all this branding stuff. I can't believe nobody pointed this out to him. And I started laughing uncontrollably, thinking that he was joking with me to the point he got mad at me and I thought, what's what's up, man? I mean, this is a joke, right? See, he had he's into intellectual property, so his domain name was IP Money. I almost had a heart attack laughing at him and he got mad and stomped off. So anyway, besides that, there's some real things that can really, really hurt you bad if you don't know what you're doing when you buy a domain name. So I covered that in episode 394. And every time you want to get to an episode, you go to and then slash and then the episode number. That's 394 and today is 395 with Adam Adams. Now how would you like to hear your own voice here on Screw the Commute? Well if the show has helped you out at all in your business or giving you an idea to start a business, we want to hear about it. Visit, and look for a little blue sidebar that says send the voicemail, click on it, talk into your phone or computer and tell me how the show has helped you. And hey, put your website in there, too, so you can get a big shout out in your own voice on a future episode of Screw the Commute. Now pick up a copy of our Automation eBook. This ebook is a compilation of the techniques. I've used the handle up to one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and forty thousand customers without pulling my hair out. We actually figured it out a couple of years ago that just one of the tips in the book saved me seven and a half million keystrokes and allows me to steal customers ethically off of other schmucks who are too slow to get back to people. I get back the lightning fast and all the tips and tricks are in here. It'll just save you tons of work and they'll make you more money so grab it at
[00:03:44] And while you're over there, pick up a copy of our podcast app at, where you can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. And you know how people give you an app and then you got to try to figure the darn thing out. Well, we have videos and screen captures to show you how to use all the fancy functions. All right. Now, I know people are still freaking out about the pandemic, but myself and my students aren't because we know how to sell from home. And I've been doing it since the commercial Internet started in 1994 and been teaching it for, oh, twenty, twenty three years, something like that. And then about thirteen years ago, I decided to formalize the training and I started the only licensed dedicated Internet marketing school in the country, probably the world certified to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia. It's a distance learning school and it's a good distance learning. It's not like all these these crappy four year colleges that are all of a sudden, oh, we've got a distance learning program and it's B.S. Plus they're going to take you for a ride, charge you a fortune, and you're going to get your MBA and then be out competing for jobs at Starbucks. So my stuff is highly in demand by every person on Earth that has a business. It's hard core stuff on email marketing, chat boards, text marketing, you know, online advertising, YouTube shopping carts, all the hardcore stuff that every business needs. And we have people making money a couple months into the school before they even graduate. So I'll tell you a little bit more later on how you can get a full scholarship to that school by being in my mentor program. So we get there a little later.
[00:05:35] Now, let's get to the main event. Adam A. Adams is here. That's the truth. Adam A. Adams, he's also known in the real estate community as triple A. He's devoted himself to educated, inspiring investors through events podcast, his program and his thriving Meetup group. Today, he's going to talk to us about all the great things he's doing, helping other podcasters really blow their show up. And so I can't wait to hear it because I'll probably use some of the stuff. And I got to tell you, I haven't personally used his stuff, but people that I highly, highly trust and you all know I don't get behind too many people have used his service and saw immediate results. So, Adam, are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:06:24] I'm not ready at all.
[00:06:25] Well, you better get ready because it's time.
[00:06:29] Let's do it.
[00:06:30] How are you doing, man?
[00:06:31] I'm doing fantastic. It's been a busy couple of weeks. We've on boarded lots of clients and I'm growing the team right now. And so I've had to spend a lot of time working on Saturday and Sunday. But other than that, I'm happy. I'm healthy. And thank you for asking.
[00:06:50] Well, I don't see how you have time to take care of your clients because we're all on clubhouse like they and all the time now.
[00:06:57] 100 percent. 100 percent.
[00:06:58] Yeah. So so tell everybody about your program of helping podcast the folks, because podcasts are coming like crazy, everybody starting one. But you help people really stand out in a hurry, don't you?
[00:07:12] Yeah, and thank you, thank you for having me on the show. I'm looking forward to trying to add value to your listener and in case if they're going to start a podcast, they want to start podcasts, I think it's a perfect episode for them to just kind of at least know what to do.
[00:07:27] And maybe a couple of them might work with us. Who knows? But just to kind of give you an idea of of what it is that we do, we do podcasts, launches, but when we do a podcast launch, it includes everything. So it's a really full done for you service when you work with us to launch your podcast. Number one, you have three things to do. And number two, it includes everything. So you really just have to sit with me for like an hour or two in the beginning so I can really extract who you're trying to attract on that show. I figure out everything that you want to achieve. If you want to be making money with the podcast, you want to be attracting clients with the podcast. Whatever it is, we just need to sit down for an hour or two and just really understand and identify your goal with the podcast and who you want to attract. And then that's step one. Step two is my my team goes to bat for you so you don't have to do any of this. We create the image, your podcast cover art. We we give you several different options of that. And you select the right one for you. And we create the intro copy the we want to make sure that it's short 15 seconds or less. So write that down. That's super important. So we want to try to make your intro 15 seconds or less, and we write the copy to that and we try to make sure that it's speaking toward your avatar, like who you want to have on your podcast.
[00:08:51] That's a critical piece. And then we'll do like the outro as well. And your call to action so that you're going to be getting lots of value by having the podcast and you just approve of it. So step one, have a have a call with me step to approve of the I call them assets subdues or you approve of the assets that we create for you. And step three as you just start pushing record. So what ends up happening is Will we'll download that, we'll download the the podcast recording straight from the cloud, and then we we start doing all the post-production, writing your show notes, emailing the guests, creating image cards. And we just do all of that stuff. We also pay for marketing and we guarantee that the show becomes top on top 10 percent podcast or we write you a check for ten thousand dollars. So that's kind of what it looks like for us. It's just a full down for you service. We create every single thing that we need after interviewing you and then you just push record so that it's marketing. It's all of your post-production. By the way, we edit the podcast for an entire year and we give you a launch plan. We help you launch your podcast to be able to grow and be in front of more people.
[00:10:03] Now, can you with all this experience you have with podcasts, can you relaunch one? Can you take someone that's already started and maybe be fumbling or or stumbling and put them through a similar process?
[00:10:22] Yeah, we do that. There's there's a lot of people I mean, it's been said that 90 percent of podcasters have almost no listeners. And so that happens a lot.
[00:10:31] There's people that launched their podcast that's been maybe around for six months or even a year or a few. One of our podcast clients that allows me to talk about his story. His name is Chris Miles from the Chris Miles Money Show. And he really started out having less than one hundred ratings and reviews and nowhere near the downloads that he wanted. And so we did exactly what you said. We helped him to be able to grow that show, relaunch, get in front of people. And he's I think he went from maybe two ish hundred. It's not in front of me, but it's like two hundred downloads per day to like nine hundred downloads per day. So more than quadrupled his total downloads. And by the way, I talk in downloads per day, but have you do the math, what it's like from six thousand up to whatever what is nine hundred. What is nine hundred times thirty.
[00:11:26] Twenty seven million. Twenty seven thousand times thirty.
[00:11:32] Yeah. Twenty seven thousand. So it went from like six thousand to twenty seven thousand downloads per month. And I mean he's, he's so happy because like just tons of new clients he does well financially when he has a new client work with him and just he's getting so many more clients calling him. And so we do that. We definitely do that. We do it a lot because 90 percent of the podcasts out there probably aren't getting the downloads that they wanted.
[00:11:58] Yeah, that's for sure. I think we're close to four hundred episodes and I think a total of 200 downloads today go to two.
[00:12:08] Ok, I know you're exaggerating.
[00:12:11] So, but, but, you know, I do take a little bit different route because I have such high priced products. I don't have to have as many downloads. But, you know, with with not being on the road like I used to be speaking all the time, I have more capacity. So it's something that I should start concentrating on increasing the downloads so a person basically makes an appointment with you. And what I like about this is that a lot of these programs, the to help you launch a podcast are not personal at all. It's cookie cutter. And they don't think about, OK, who is your avatar, who is and where do we find them and how do you do? And you do all that stuff. You assist them in that that complete process, right?
[00:12:56] Yeah. I mean, not to get too weeded, but yeah, we assist them with that process at a pretty high level. For example, when we're creating their podcast cover art, we're deciding whether or not their face needs to be on there because of their avatar. We're also going into so much detail on font psychology of which fonts to use based on who you're trying to attract the colors. You know, if you should have reds or golds or blues or greens or whatever the color would be, we we focus on the psychology of the color and we even go a step further. And a lot of people think that it's weird, but I think it's important to make sure that we're doing everything that we can to attract your perfect avatar. So even look at shape psychology. And so if we're looking for people that are generally more attracted to square shapes or rectangle shapes or diamond shapes or circular shapes or whatever, we literally use those more within the cover art so that we have the highest probability to pull in your avatar. We do like we create your title and we create a subtitle or I like to call it a tagline.
[00:14:04] So you have the title on your podcast cover and then you have a tagline that really speaks to the Avatar. So we go into a lot to just make sure. That it is unique to your podcast, everybody has a different avatar. Everybody has a different type of person that they're trying to attract and we look at all of it even when we're hiring the voiceover artist to read the script. So we create your intro and outro script. So we go into all that copy. But when we hire somebody, for example, we have male voiceover artist, female voiceover artist, and they have all sorts of different types of voices that they can use for a podcast. And so we just we try to make sure that we're hiring the right person, having them use like the right you know, there's for example, there are sexy voices, there are excitable voices, there are calm voices and so many in between that. And we just want to make sure that we have the right voice to represent your brand. So, yeah, I said not to get into the weeds, and I totally got it.
[00:15:11] Well, yeah, but the thing isn't it it's totally true.
[00:15:14] I mean, you put the wrong type of voice. It's the opposite of what the show is about. It all it does is, you know, subliminally confuse people like this doesn't match. And same thing with music selection. You know, my buddy got a gold album and he's all into that. And he actually shows examples of how weird things sound if you choose the wrong music for the wrong message. So, yeah, it's all these things are important. And like I said, all the cookie cutter programs, they don't give a quid to this def. They they tell you, hey, go to Fiverr and get a voiceover artist and and write a 15 second script and and do that. But they don't, you know, you go way deeper, you write it for them and the. Yeah. So it's a much, much more high level service if people really want want results.
[00:16:03] Now I appreciate you have something that most people have never done. I mean a very tiny percentage I would say. You sold a podcast. Tell them about that.
[00:16:14] Yes, so I launched a podcast called Creative Real Estate Podcast several years ago, and when I when I launched it, I didn't do all these things right, like the things that I'm so passionate about doing right for other people, like color, psychology, shape psychology, even the title of the podcast and who it was supposed to attract. I totally messed that up. So, for example, I actually wanted a career. I wanted to pull in passive investors. So we buy apartment communities. That's what my my team does. And we do that with OPM, other people's money. For example, we become Coca Cola and basically allow people that do stocks in that company. So we sell private placements where you can put, like, I don't know, fifty thousand one hundred thousand, whatever you want to put toward being part of that deal. And I decided to start the what's called the creative real estate podcast because I didn't consciously think about all of these things. And that's why now I'm so passionate about it, because just imagine, like, I'm trying to attract a high level, very sophisticated type of person, an accredited investor. They call them accredited, meaning they make a millionaire. They have a million or more net worth besides their house and or they make like two hundred thousand three hundred thousand per year or more. And so these are the type of people that I was trying to attract. And the title called Creative Real Estate Podcast. It attracts somebody that has no money. It attracts somebody that has very little money. They're not sure how they're going to get into real estate. They need to use creativity to to do it.
[00:17:51] You know, the no money down people.
[00:17:53] Exactly. So that's why I was attracting is the no money down people. And so I couldn't imagine somebody scrolling through podcast about real estate and having a ton of money and seeing the creative real estate podcast and being like, that's what I need to buy and I need it. I need to do the creative real estate podcast because I got loads of money. They would never do that. So I was really just attracting the total wrong person.
[00:18:18] So I didn't want to get rid of it because I loved the podcast. I had hundreds of episodes. I think I had like three or four hundred episodes already published. Now there's five, 30 or 40 that have been published through that podcast. So I didn't know what to do because I felt like I felt like I had this baby. I felt like I had this responsibility. I felt like I had this piece of me that took a lot of time, effort, passion to create.
[00:18:46] And I didn't want to just kill the baby. I didn't want to just squash the show. And so I tried to think outside the box using my creativity and like, what could I do?
[00:18:57] Do you think it would be valuable to sell this show to somebody who focuses more on that creative real estate and then maybe they have a coaching program around, you know, nothing down, for example? And so I just put out some feelers and they got somebody to say that they wanted to pay for it. And then I told my mastermind and there were three people at my mastermind were like, we'll pay more than 50 grand for that because the listener base that I had. So I just I just I sold it, had three three offers, about 50 grand, and it was kind of cool, just kind of sell it. And what went into selling that podcast was a few things. Part part of the contract to kind of work with the new owner was that I'd be partners with him so we could do a lot of episodes where it was both him and me on the show together interviewing somebody. And some of the some of them were just me. Some of them were just him. And that's kind of slowly happened for about one hundred episodes until I was out of contract to be able to be completely out of the show. So that was supporting him to be able to be the new face because you don't want to offend people who are used to just Adam, for example. I was kind of the face of the podcast, so we did it that way to to get the most amount of people listening.
[00:20:20] And just to give you an example, we were at around fifteen thousand downloads when we started the show. I did a little bit of marketing for we were doing about fifteen thousand per month at the time when I was selling the show and which is decent. It's I mean, you could if you had more than that, you'd probably sell it for a lot more than I sold mine for. But I told him that I would do some marketing while during the transition phase so that new listeners would be able to hear his voice more often and he wouldn't just be losing mine. So we did that. And he as of the last that I checked, he was having over thirty thousand downloads per episode, which is like double what it was before. So we did some marketing. We really crushed it, knocked out of park. And I don't think he could be happier with what? With his side of the deal. And for me I'm thrilled because, like, I feel like I gave my child up for adoption to a really good family. Right. That's what you want, is you want somebody that's going to really take care of it, really care about it, really spend the time and effort with it. And and then you feel good about letting it go. And that's exactly what happened.
[00:21:33] And and yeah, if you have more questions I like, well, it's basically one of the listeners to know that there's more than one way to monetize the podcast. You could build up something with lots of downloads and then look for a buyer for it. So it's just another potential revenue stream, though.
[00:21:51] You have quite a colorful past and I want to take you back and see how you came up through a quite an interesting beginning. And then you've got to where you are today, where you're highly respected person in the real estate and the podcasting field. So tell tell everybody about how you started out.
[00:22:13] Yeah, it's super interesting, so I was actually born and a lot of people, they don't know really what polygamy is or that that it actually exists.
[00:22:22] But my mom ended up being growing up in a family that was kind of a breakoff church from the original mainstream Mormonism church. And and they were more fundamentalist. So they went to the stuff that was happening like the 1830s. So my mom grew up that way with a mom and a dad that were into polygamy. And many kids and a lot of her brothers and sisters kind of like left the church. A lot of her brothers and sisters, they didn't want to have anything to do with it. But my mom was kind of daddy's little girl and just wanted to impress daddy, my grandpa. And so what she end up doing is she she actually being the one to to marry into this church. And so her first husband had six wives total. And so she was one of them. And I have 20 brothers and sisters from that from that group.
[00:23:22] You got to make a lot of money for Christmas. There you go. And so when I was about four years old, my mom just couldn't take it.
[00:23:35] She ended up leaving and my biological father was originally saying, you can't you can leave. Like, I'm not going to make you stay here. But if you do leave, you're not going to take the kids. And so that ended up having her stay a little longer. But then she realized she could not take it anymore. It just wasn't the lifestyle for her and for a listener who is who believes in that lifestyle. I'm not saying anything derogatory to you or judgmental or anything, it's just my mother did not want to be part of it. She didn't believe it. She only did it because her dad would be happy. She wanted to make daddy happy. And so for her, it was something where she was trying to get out and she finally just decided if the only way for me to get out is to leave my kids, I got to do it. And so it's crazy. She made that decision. And I was such a bad kid, like without my mom. And of course, like when you're four years old and you don't have your mom around and your dad basically has 20 other kids to think about and five other wives to think about these, you don't get a lot of attention from anybody. So I end up being kind of like a troubled four year old. And I used to beat up like all of my older brothers, my half brothers. I used to beat them up and just I was I was I was strong. I was aggressive. I was like I was sometimes mean and nasty to them because I didn't want to be walked on because I was like I was such a runt.
[00:25:02] So I really had to have a large bark and a large bite to to be able to to make it there. So anyway, fast forward, I drove all these other moms so crazy that they end up saying we just can't do it anymore. So they they gave us to my mom and I grew up with a single mom who is going to college and working at a pet store with two kids. Child support was less than fifty dollars per kid. And and so it was you know, it was like dire straits. It was not easy for for my mom to to to raise us that way. While she was going to college, she was busy. And I got in more fights when I was like a little kid. And it was when I was about eight years old, my mom remarried, my mom remarried my stepdad. And just to kind of hold the story full circle, what's interesting about my stepfather is he was a real estate investor and an entrepreneur. So at eight, I used to work for him watering trees at his tree farm. I used to drive the tractor at eight years old, nine, 10, 11, 12, drive a tractor on the farm bill, jumps for my my BMX bike. And then my dad set my step dad said, you can build the jump with with the tractor so long as after you're done, you just flatten it out again. So every day of take the take the tractor bill jumps on between the corn and and the and the spruce trees and down the straight line.
[00:26:36] And I just do jumps on my bike and then I would flatten it out and I go into my house. That's how I grew up. I used to work for him and make a dollar per hour, literally one dollar per hour as an eight year old, nine, 10, 11, 12 year old. And as we were making a buck an hour, as I was making a buck an hour, I learned a lot about entrepreneurship. One day I watered half the trees, came home, and my dad was like my dad was like, how did you get done so fast? And I was like, oh, I, I didn't want to make all the money he got on me so hard. He was like, if you started a job, you have to finish it. Right. I learned a ton from him. He I used to we went to all of our rentals. We had self-storage units that we managed. Eventually I was the person who would snowplough them with a little four four wheeler we had four is duplexes, condos. And I just learned about real estate investing. And that's kind of how I came to be. What I do, which is entrepreneurship, which is a podcast company. I help podcasters grow and real estate investing. And I know it might sound super duper impressive. Just to be clear, I'm partnered in I don't own these alone and so I'm partnered in with other people. But we are I'm partnered in one hundred million dollars of real estate investments.
[00:27:57] And it's it's just it's been a big thing to me to just get that passive income and residual income. And like Robert Kiyosaki talks about in his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and have a business where the where the team can almost run itself. So that's where I am today.
[00:28:16] Wow. Wow. So you never had to suffer the regular old job kind of stuff in a corporation or anything when I was never really a corporation.
[00:28:27] But when I was in college, university, going to school for music education, I used to compose music when I was young. It was a big passion of mine and I always wanted to be a band director, but I was going to school for that. And, you know, I, I had worked for my dad originally landscaping and working on some of our rentals. We'd put up walls, run electricity, stuff like that, do plumbing. And so I worked with my dad on our rentals. I worked with him in his landscaping company. I worked with him on the tree farm. So in a way, I always worked for people that way. And putting myself through college bartending seemed to be like the best way to go, because at the time this was a lot of money or a decent amount of money, especially for somebody going to college. But I make about one hundred to two hundred bucks a day doing bartending. And that was that was good money for most of the college students. So that's what I that's what I did. So I yeah, I worked for different corporations, fish houses, steakhouses, barbecue restaurants, things like that, while going to college. And then I started my own company like a handyman company and a property management company. So I manage a lot of other people's properties and I would do the work for them because I had a lot of experience with that. So but that was kind of like my own business also. And finally put put me a few years after I did for about one full year from April of 15 to April of sixteen, I was a project manager for a large construction company.
[00:30:13] So I would just manage all of the guys. We do multi-million dollar projects for like huge roofs for, for example, for apartment communities, which is kind of what I manage now. But I would do huge, like these giant multimillion dollar roofs and siding and other things that got damaged by hail. So that I did work for somebody, but I was kind of the manager and I had a lot of experience in that. But one day, because I only did that really for a year, to be honest with you, almost exactly a year, almost to the day. But but one day I wanted to take a Friday off Tom. I just wanted to like my friend was coming into Denver from Florida and he said he'd never gone snowboarding before and he would like to know if I could teach him how to snowboard. And I was making. I was making money through what's the word for it? I'm not real experienced with that stuff, so I had a salary is what I'm trying to get at a salary. And I was I was told that I needed to work anywhere from thirty five to forty five hours a week, but to get to maintain my salary because on the off season it was less work on the ANSYS, I might have to put in a couple extra hours. That was what I was told when I agreed to the dollar amount.
[00:31:30] And when I took this Friday off I that week I actually worked seven a.m. to seven p.m. on Monday, seven to seven on Tuesday, seven seven on Wednesday, Thursday. And I worked seven to seven on Saturday. We were doing six days a week managing this huge commercial projects. And but I took a Friday off and literally she docked my salary pay. Even though I worked 60 hours that week. She docked my salary pay by by a fifth. Oh, man. Because I had to take Friday off. She said she had to pay somebody else to manage the my projects on that Friday. So she had the money had to come from somewhere. You can imagine I was livid being somebody who almost my whole life basically worked for myself and even bartending. It's kind of like working for yourself, too. So all of a sudden I was like, no, I quit. I my real estate investments. That same month in March of sixteen, I had doubled my money almost three to three times. I had doubled my money on a few of the tax investments that we were doing at the time. And I did a transaction where I bought something for half its value and then refinanced it for a lot more than I put into it. And so I had all this cash and capital and I just said, now I'm just going to be real estate full time. I it's not worth it to me to have to ask a boss for for a Friday off when my friend comes into town and then not get paid, even though I'm doing sixty hours. So yeah, you can imagine I was pretty upset. I did quit and I've never looked back.
[00:33:12] Good for you. Good for you. I can't believe some of these people fall and stuff like that. So we got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we're going to ask Adam what's a typical day look like for him and how he stays motivated. So, folks, about, oh, about 22, 23 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head where guys like me were charging 50 or 100 grand up front to teach what we knew. And I knew a lot of these guys. You give them fifty grand up front, you'd never see him again. So I said, you know what, that's too risky for small business people. I'm going to I'm going to fix this. And so I started charging an entry fee and then tied my success to their success. So for me to get my fifty thousand, you have to clear net two hundred thousand and then you don't owe me anything after that. And so people like this and seventeen hundred plus students later in twenty two years, it's still going strong and it's the, it's the longest running, most successful, most unique mentor program of its kind ever.
[00:34:20] And I have no trouble saying that because I've been daring people for years to put their program line for line against mine and they're too chicken to do it. It's just blow them away. It's unique in the fact that everything is one on one. I mean, nobody at my level even talk to you, let alone teach anything. Then my whole staff is one on one. So you're not lumped in with advanced people if you're a beginner or lumped in with beginners if you're advanced, there's no no that never works out. And then you have an immersion weekend that the great Internet marketing retreat center, it's a multimillion dollar facility in Virginia Beach. We have our own TV studio here. And it's a big mansion where you actually stay in the house here for an immersion weekend. You also get a full scholarship to my school. That's a nineteen thousand dollar scholarship that you can either use yourself for extra training or gift to someone. I mean, this one guy, he he spent eighty thousand dollars on his daughter's crappy education and she's working a crappy job. So he joined the mentor program.
[00:35:28] He gifted the scholarship to her after one month. She was making eleven hundred bucks a month on the side. Three months she was making three thousand in the last I talked to her after four months in the school, she was up to six thousand dollars a month as a side hustle. So this is very, very in demand skills that we teach the school. It's and the mentor program. You can check it out at Of course, all this stuff will be in the show notes along with all of Adam's stuff that we're going to get to here shortly. So check it out at, and we'll see if we can help you get online and thrive online.
[00:36:13] Let's get back to the main event. Adam Adams is here. He is a real estate investor, but he's currently doing great things with podcasts, helping people really promote their podcast. So, Adam, what's the typical day look like for you? And then we'll see how you stay motivated and see how they get a hold to you.
[00:36:34] Yeah. You know, it's interesting just because we've gone through so much growth just the last couple of weeks that my my days are definitely changed. And I'm definitely working more than ideal, probably working almost 12 hours a day again. And I used to work like six hours a day. So I'm just going to I'm just going to go back into history like before I got. So I don't know if it's successful, but before I got so many clients.
[00:37:02] Well, you're going to get a lot more from this and then the clubhouse that you're all over.
[00:37:07] Yeah, clubhouse has been awesome. And we're we're my team's trying to really work to get this going. But part of the work that I'm actually talking about is me on clubhouse. But let me just jump in and try to respond to your question succinctly. So you're asking, what is a typical day look like?
[00:37:28] You get up early. Do you work out you have a morning routine that, you know, our friend Care is all about and then. Yeah, then what do you do?
[00:37:36] Yeah. So I do actually try to exercise every single day, but I don't always have the ability to leave the house and go to the gym because I also have to get the kids up. I also have to get the kids ready for school and all of those kinds of things. So what I'll typically do is wake up.
[00:37:56] Buy them a tractor. Let them drive themselves to school.
[00:37:59] I mean, we don't live on on the farm where that was when I was growing up.
[00:38:04] But the older kids, the other 12 and. Eight, now eight, get him a tractor, let him have a tractor, people get out of the way when they go down. Yeah.
[00:38:17] So I'll wake up, get out of bed around six fifty. The first thing I do is I just practice gratitude. It's like praying or meditating depends on like who you are and what you want to call it. But I, I just call it practicing gratitude where I spend a few minutes just thinking about all that I've been blessed with all that I'm grateful for, because I noticed that when I didn't do that, when I didn't make that as part of my regiment, I really had a lot work where I felt like, you know, my kids are holding me back. And I actually had a lot of resentment for my children. And I know that sounds horrible to say out loud, but. But when I wasn't practicing gratitude. I really felt like, man, I'd be so much more successful, I'd have so much more time if I didn't have to wake up early, if I didn't have to feed them, if I didn't have to do homework with them, if I didn't have to, whatever I could, I could work seven days a week. It would be no problem. And so I used to be like the type of entrepreneur that would snap at them. I come home so busy that I would that I would just need something to help me feel better. So I drink like six beers and all this kind of stuff. So it ended up I learned that if I just spent some time talking about that, how much I loved the kids, how much I was grateful for the kids, what they've done for me, that they taught me what love is and unconditional love and and the way that their faces light up.
[00:39:47] If I can think about that. Am I, sweetheart? And what what I've been able to afford because of all the real estate that I'm part of in my business and and the clients that come in and the relationships that are made, then I actually am a better person. I am more clear about where I'm going. I'm more clear about what I should be focusing my time on. So that one thing made a huge, huge difference. The other thing that I try to do is exercise a little bit every day and when I can, I'm going mountain biking or going to the cross fit gym or going to the other gym because I actually have a membership to the Crosthwaite gym, which is kind of expensive, and then I have a membership at the regular gym. So across gyms you have to get there exactly at a certain time and start the start. So I have that membership. I prefer that. But if I have the ability to leave the house and I can actually work out at the other gym, then I will. And if I can't do either, which is what happens most of the time, just to be completely honest, I usually can't go. So I'll just exercise for like five, ten minutes, doing set ups, push ups, jumping jacks, stuff like that. Perp's in the living room or I have a deadlift bar in the other room too. So so that's that's important to me. So as far as is as far as the morning routine, those two things are almost non-negotiable.
[00:41:11] I do them almost every day and then I'll generally be at work by eight o'clock and I'll start working. I have nine virtual assistants that that those are that's my main team is all of my Vas mostly from the Philippines. So I'll start by working with them. I have meetings in the mornings. I do podcasting every Wednesday. I do coaching calls on Tuesdays and Thursdays, passive investor meetings on Fridays and my meetings for my real estate business are Monday. So every Monday is real estate business only or we do the Syndications Tuesdays coaching calls Wednesdays podcast for all because I have I do multiple podcast Thursdays are coaching calls again and Fridays are generally working with the real estate business again. But I do a lot of one on one with passive investors that might want to work with us. And Saturdays every single Saturday I spend all day with the kids, except for the last couple of weeks. I've actually been working all day on Saturday, but on Saturdays I generally want to get out and do something really fun with the kids, take them to the amusement park, take them to the regular park, go rock climbing, mountain climbing, hiking, go play at the pinball palace, all sorts of random things. We just try to make memories, enjoy each other. And Monday night is date night. Sunday, I try to relax so I don't go to church. I just try to take a day off and kind of get mental clarity again and not worry about work to the best of my ability.
[00:42:51] I'll tell you what, I'm really glad you turn things around, because when you were saying snapping at the kids and everything, it kind of reminds me there's a Harry Chapman song called The Cat's in the Cradle. And it's it's about the guy who was so busy all this time. And and the kids are said, come on, play ball. No, I'll play ball with you when I get a chance. And then he finally they grew up and then they didn't have time for him. You know, kids are sick that it can't come see anymore. You know, it kind of turned around on him, but that's not going to happen to you. So that's a song you could go listen to Cats on Parade.
[00:43:28] I love that. I love that song. Yeah, no, you're absolutely right. And when I hear that song, it does make me reflect because I cannot say that I'm a perfect dad and I cannot say that I probably ever will be.
[00:43:41] However, I do absolutely make it a conscious effort to improve on a weekly, monthly, annual basis just to be better than I used to be and to improve even like the book, the compound effect, even to just do a little bit more maybe when I'm home cooking. Ginner, I want to sit down with them and and ask them about how their day was and things like that, so it's definitely something I'm consciously thinking about and I love that song. And I cannot say that I'm a perfect dad, but I can say that that I put a lot of effort into trying to be.
[00:44:21] Absolutely. So what's your main motivation? How do you stay motivated working out of your home and the. With a virtual team? I guess so. So you're buy yourself a lot, right?
[00:44:31] Yeah. I mean, I go to the I have a I have two offices, I have one office from a real estate company and one office for my podcasting company. Both of them have a podcast studio in the office. So, so like on Mondays and Fridays, I don't know, I just I am interested. Intrinsically motivated me to.
[00:44:51] Yeah. So I asked this of people all the time, but you know, I just do it.
[00:44:56] I don't exactly push me.
[00:44:58] I just, I block by block time out of my day. I know what every day is going to be weeks ahead of time. I already know what I do, where I go. And I just I have a passion for what I do and for who I serve. So it's it's really not hard, like you said.
[00:45:19] Well, it's great. Great having you on. Like I said, I don't know if we've had anybody that's had twenty siblings so far, but.
[00:45:30] But boy, you sure. You sure climbed up the turned into something really great. Tell everybody how they get a hold of you.
[00:45:37] Yeah. Great. The best way if they want to start a podcast they can just go to and we can support them, we can help them launch a podcast, make sure it gets in the top 10 percent or top one percent, whatever they want to do that. And so and in the off chance that there's somebody who is listening and they recently exited one of their businesses or maybe they started taking or coaching and they're making two hundred fifty thousand extra a month, a year or a month, we can do passive investments. They can just go to That's for passive investors. It's And they can click the button that says get on the list, and then they can start seeing the types of deals that we do and maybe be part of them.
[00:46:24] Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah, great. So we'll have that in the show. Notes for you folks. Let's for the podcasting in real blue spruce and then you'll you'll get to talk to triple a while.
[00:46:41] I appreciate that so much. Thank you. Is a pleasure chatting with you. You're a great host. And as somebody who talks to a lot of podcasters, I really respect what you're doing.
[00:46:51] Well, thanks so thanks so much.
[00:46:52] So so everybody check out all of that and stuff in the show notes and think about the gratitude that turned him around for sure. So we will catch everybody on the next episode. See you later.
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