Deirdre Tshien is the founder of Growth Boss, a leading mentorship program for online business owners wanting to scale to multiple six and seven figures using the power of tribe building funnels and human connection. She's a serial entrepreneur having founded and led five businesses across three industries in the last seven years, and has navigated the entire spectrum of experiences and emotions; the good, the bad and the ugly.
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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 393
How To Automate Your Business –
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Higher Education Webinar –
[04:07] Tom's introduction to Deirdre Tshien [09:58] Finding your organic traffic [12:00] Being an “innovation team” banker [14:41] Dad wanted her to be a doctor but she took a different path [25:10] Transitioning into entrepreneurship and helping others [32:44] Sponsor message [35:31] A typical day for Deirdre and how she stays motivatedHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
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Episode 393 – Deirdre Tshien
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode three hundred ninety three of Screw The Commute podcast. I'm here with Deirdre Tshien and listen to this. With her hands on experience in successfully growing her businesses to seven figures folks, she now coaches online business owners on her secret sauce of using buyer psychology to make their offerings irresistibly contagious to their customers. So bring her on in a minute. I hope you didn't miss Episode 392. That was Nikki Nash. What a dynamo this lady was. She she checked her corporate world job to go on a mission to help a thousand women build million dollar businesses by 2030. So you got to check her out. Also, I'll be doing a thing with her and a bunch of other podcasters on clubhouse. If you're not on there, get on there. It's going crazy. Let's see. So how would you like to hear your own voice here on screw the commute? Well, if the show's helped you out at all or given you an idea first to start a business or help the business that you got, we want to hear about it. So visit, and look for a little blue sidebar that says send voicemail, click on it, talk into your phone or computer and tell me how the shows helped you. And hey, don't forget to put your website in there so you can get a big shout out in your own voice here on screen the commute and also pick up a copy of our podcast app while you're over there at, where you can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. And if you're new to the show, we give you a twenty seven dollar e-book that's helped me automate my business over many, many years. We actually figured it out. The just one of the tips in the book has saved me seven and a half million keystrokes we estimated a couple of years ago. And it allows me to steal customers ethically from people because they're too damn lazy to get back to him in a hurry. But we get back to him lightning fast using these automation techniques. So check that out. It's Now, I know everybody's still freaking out because of the pandemic, but myself and my students aren't because we know how to sell from home. I've been selling on the commercial Internet since it started in 1994. Probably our guest was in diapers or probably wasn't even born by then. And the the skills that we teach are in high demand by every single business on Earth. I get so sick of these people go to four year colleges and all they get done is teach. They're taught how to protest and then they get out and they're competing for jobs at Starbucks.
[00:03:15] Well, that's not how we roll here. I've been teaching this for 22 years, but about thirteen years ago, I started the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country certified to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. However, you don't have to live in Virginia. If you can hear my voice and speak English, you can attend this school and in a matter of months you can literally have a career that will last you forever. And it will be a great legacy gift for your grandchildren, nephews, nieces, rather than just giving them money or paying for their college, which, like I said, it's it's going downhill quite a bit lately. So check it out. And I am Toksvig. And a little later, I'll tell you how you can get a full scholarship to the school to either use yourself or gift to somebody else if you're in my mentor program.
[00:04:07] All right. Let's get to the main event. Deirdre Tshien is the founder of Growth Boss, a leading mentorship program for online business owners wanting to scale to multiple six and seven figures using the power of tribe building funnels and human connection. She's a serial entrepreneur having founded and led five businesses across three industries in the last seven years and has navigated the entire spectrum of experiences and emotions the good, the bad and the ugly. And don't I know that that comes with starting running and closing businesses. Deirdre, are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:04:50] I am!
[00:04:50] Yeah. How are you doing there, kiddo? Good to meet you.
[00:04:54] It's all thanks so much for having me on.
[00:04:56] How could you do all this stuff? You only look like you're eleven years old. What's that.
[00:05:00] What's up with you? Well, let me tell you that that is the Asian genes.
[00:05:07] I can't even fit in my jeans anymore, so I'm so so you boy, you're a dynamo young lady, and but you had your ups and downs. I looked over at your websites and you said, man, you've had some failures, but that's the way it works in our business. So tell everybody what you're doing now, and then we'll take you back and see how you you got up to this point.
[00:05:29] Yeah, sure. So you mentioned growth boss. And as its execution program is amazing, we do work with e-commerce businesses to essentially help them grow, as you said, two to six figures plus whatever their goals are. We will help them help get them there by basically building out the whole market ecosystem.
[00:05:51] So a core part of our strategy is that try building a human connection. So many people and I speak to a lot of e-commerce business owners, you know, they kind of think that, well, I'm an introvert. I know. And I but I want to run my own business online. So surely be easy to come up with some products and knock, have a website, run some ads.
[00:06:13] And where did you say did you say knock up a Web site that means something else in the United States.
[00:06:23] I see the Aussie the Aussie accent, you go, oh, well, we don't really want to knock anything up over here.
[00:06:30] I don't know if you know what that means.
[00:06:34] Oh, I didn't say they. Let's talk about I think I was on the live I was doing a live online in my group, my Facebook group.
[00:06:40] And I said outside raffles, you know, it's right now it's summer in Australia. Everyone's going to be net thongs and they're on the beach and people like, you know, hot dogs.
[00:06:54] Yeah. So like knocking up a website. Whoa. Oh, okay. So I'm sorry to interrupt you there, but just ahead, I had to jump in on that one.
[00:07:06] All right. Go for it next time.
[00:07:11] Yes.
[00:07:13] And then they realized then they want to say they do all these things launch and then they wonder why they're not making sales, why is no one buying?
[00:07:23] And so I'm a huge, huge believer in especially when you're a small brand, obviously for a big brand, they can they have the audience. They have you know, they have the reach or that you don't have to build that human connection. But when you are small, when you're just starting a human connection is a huge, huge part of it.
[00:07:42] I actually when I first started, I would call everybody that bought something. Personally, I couldn't possibly do it now. But that was the human connection for sure that you're talking about. Now, though, you and I have a diametrically opposite attitude on things. And I want to get you I want you to convince me like that crowd or guy who always says, you know, changed my mind. So so I've been around since the beginning and I was taught SEO by the best of the best. I had top three rankings for twelve years straight on Google and major keywords. But I don't know, about six or seven years ago we just quit SEO stuff other than the basics and went to all paid traffic. And I've heard you on video saying don't pay for traffic, don't pay for driving, don't pay for traffic. So. So convince me why I shouldn't pay for traffic.
[00:08:38] Yes. I think the first thing is like I don't I, I believe in traffic. I believe in traffic. Once you've got to some point, which is that you actually have an audience. So you know who your audience is, you know that interest, you actually know more about them than if you just started with nothing. OK, I say that is because you will spend to get leads and you would know this Tom to get leads, you need to pay. You had to pay for them, i.e. to pay with your time. And when you have no audience, it's totally cool just to start with traffic, but you need a lot of money to be able to find them. And so when I say don't pay for traffic, I'm really actually talking to those businesses. You don't have thousands, you know, to invest in in paid ads to begin with. I definitely encourage people who are starting out to find the audience organically first find out, you know, because when you have when you found your ideal buyers, you can then invest the money to build lookalikes of them. You invest the money to build cold audiences around interest that you know are common to them. But if you don't know these things about your audience, then you kind of just shooting in the dark.
[00:09:58] That's fair. OK, so what are some of them? Ok, I get that. So what are some of the ways that you teach people?
[00:10:06] For beginners, especially to find the organic traffic, yeah, so that's the big way, which, as I put it again, it goes back to, you know, you happy to pay with your money or your period of time. So in this case, you're paying with your time is to actually find individuals. So whether that's in other Facebook groups, whether that's using hashtags on Instagram, whether they are aware of the hanging out, go there and go and actually find them and actually start having conversations with them. So this is a human fiction part of it as well.
[00:10:37] You got to be careful, though, because you don't want to get kicked out of a group for being too salesy.
[00:10:42] Yeah, yeah. And and that's why I say I'm not saying you sell to them.
[00:10:47] I'm saying have conversations with them, because that is really how you can identify with. If you're if you have a lot of comments like a painkiller product, which is you're solving a problem or you have a violent product which is helping people reach an aspiration, you want to find the people who either have that or that aspiration or, you know, worst case scenario, and I've been through this myself, actually, is that.
[00:11:11] Yeah, you know, it might be somewhat of a problem, but you know what? It's not that big of a problem that they need to they want to pay for it. And so being able to actually find this stuff and have these conversations with people means that you're not spending too much money on ads, as I just discussed before, but also be you not actually spending too much money on whether it's like inventory or whether it's development costs.
[00:11:35] If you're doing like a bit of a software platform, you know, like you're not actually investing all that money up front without actually identifying whether or not you'll have any part of it. So that's kind of stuff that was too easy.
[00:11:51] You convince me or say, I wouldn't mess with you. You're too good at this. So I understand you used to be a banker. I'd get fired in like ten seconds. I'd be like somebody come in. I'd say, OK, here's ten for you and ten for me, ten for you. And I'd have a tip jar up on the counter to what you do at the bank.
[00:12:21] So I had a variety of roles, but I basically at the end of my career, I was in the innovation team.
[00:12:30] So I was doing innovation as well as, I mean, finding more ways to screw over your customer.
[00:12:36] So that that in make money. Right.
[00:12:48] So, yeah. So that was kind of it was it was a good job, though.
[00:12:51] It was kind of fun because where was it.
[00:12:54] In the location, which it was in Sydney.
[00:12:57] Oh, this is Sydney, OK, this wasn't it.
[00:13:00] Yes, I worked for an investment bank, so that makes it almost even worse.
[00:13:06] It was an investment bank in Sydney.
[00:13:08] Where have you been watching this stuff going on with GameStop on. On.
[00:13:13] I have. Did you make a million and or are you going to make a million and then talk to me anymore?
[00:13:18] What always will be.
[00:13:25] But that's not my role, as I say, what we're talking about.
[00:13:31] Yeah, I was just asking if you watched the GameStop thing with the little guys trying to bury the big guys and then then the then the Robin Hood software just quit and then everybody's saying, you guys, that's criminal, don't do that, you know? So. So, yeah, it's crazy, crazy, crazy market there now.
[00:13:50] Yeah. It's just I mean, this is kind of like it's a sidebar, but it's like I kind of feel like no one can do anything right. Because I don't know if you remember, there's a story about that. Someone committing suicide over their Robinhood Account. And and so I think it's kind of like reacting to that. They they've done they've gone down this path and then people still on. It's kind of it's tough. It's tough because you can't please everyone. So it's almost like whatever you do, you're always going to be.
[00:14:23] Really annoying. Yeah, but but, you know, if there are laws, I guess you have to stay within with. But so was this banking career the right before you, an entrepreneur or what, just along the way?
[00:14:40] Yeah, yeah, it definitely was.
[00:14:42] I always take you back further. Were you entrepreneurial as a little kid?
[00:14:46] Oh, my gosh. OK, let me tell you my life story growing up, like just to set the context, you were born in Malaysia, right? I was born in Malaysia, yes. But moved to Australia when I was pretty much a baby.
[00:14:59] Ok, you know, the classic migrant Asian story of my parents wanted to give us. That opportunity given life, better education or that, so at a very young age, I think I was like seven, my parents got started putting me to tutoring, so I used I got tutoring since I was like seven. And I had to, like, get into the best classes going to the selective schools. I got into, like, the best high school in the state. And my parents, or I should say my dad really wanted me to come again.
[00:15:35] And we must have a doctor in the family.
[00:15:38] And know I was kind of on that path because I didn't really know what exactly I wanted to do. And it's it's kind of fortunate, actually. And I know that you mentioned your age, but why why spend all this money and give up four years of your life on an education? I kind of like at the time, I wouldn't have you only because I was like, this is this is the opportunity I like. You go out and get you get a full education and that's what's going to happen to you. But now, obviously, with all of the use of wisdom that I now have, it's certainly not the case because it is almost impossible. At 17 or 18, you have a young really you are at that point to know what you want to do.
[00:16:25] And some of it hasn't been invented yet.
[00:16:29] Something like I can't believe that, you know, you have to make that kind of decision at that point to your point, not even knowing. So that's so I was on the path to like potentially becoming a doctor. And but then I hit 12 and I was like, this is crazy because the one pre requisite you have to have to go into medicine is to do chemistry, which I didn't do, which I was studying. But I hated it.
[00:16:59] Right. I did. Yeah.
[00:17:02] And I'm like, why, why? Why am I doing this to myself? And so then so then I was like thinking about what is it actually enjoy doing?
[00:17:10] And I always love reading books like geriatrics and stuff like that with the context is all about business. The context is around like takeovers and things like that, like it's fiction. But I found that really fascinating.
[00:17:22] But when you were going through this was the thought of your dad being disappointed, hanging over you.
[00:17:28] Yeah, I mean, always because I do so and I'm super grateful for what I did do because I am genuinely thankful that they made the move. They gave us all this. We didn't have a lot of money. But the money that we did have, you know, they put towards things like my tutoring, towards things that would, I guess, make us better.
[00:17:51] So, you know, it's one of those catch me to where I'm like I feel that that burden and that expectation and the guilt of it. On the other hand, it's like but I am also my own person. I can't be living my life for them.
[00:18:09] So, yes, it was it was a little bit of struggle.
[00:18:11] But we we got to a compromise.
[00:18:13] And the compromise was that I would do more and say, oh, what of fun. Yeah.
[00:18:23] But like at the time I was like, I think, you know, to do a law degree, you have to be a double degree.
[00:18:29] So I was like, I actually really want to do a business degree, like a college degree. So I just end up doing that with more.
[00:18:37] So you become a lawyer? I did not. I did the same thing. I was like I realized very quickly that I did not want to I do not enjoy anything else.
[00:18:48] Let me just see your your dad talking to your mother. We had a chance at a doctor and a lawyer. Now what do we get?
[00:18:56] We get this we just wait until I get to the point where I thought this is because I love the circle. Not really. Yeah. So I studied law. I did finish it, but I didn't go into law because I think, as I said, I realized early on that I did not want to do that, but I did go into bankings did.
[00:19:20] And yeah. And why do I go into banking? I think because I.
[00:19:28] I had actually interned at a management consulting place and I was like even the culture and the hours and all that, I was like, Oh, not for me, thank you.
[00:19:41] In Australia is kind of it's interesting because the there of the culture is a little bit more relaxed and maybe because it's not like super super yet anyway and.
[00:19:55] Oh, and all of us and I think in my mind, I was like, well, I'll start to you and then I'll just kind of see where I go out.
[00:20:04] And then it was and and also the reason why was because I actually had a part time.
[00:20:09] So the reason why I also stating that that company was I was actually also working for them within part time while I was studying, I was at university. So I was kind of just like, you know what, I'm just there's a lot of decisions that have to make. I didn't have to make them. Well, now I'll just kind of go down this path and let's see.
[00:20:27] And again, it's really funny. Like, I feel like I keep repeating myself.
[00:20:31] But I also realized very early on that I do not want to say it like, well, let me break this down for our listeners here.
[00:20:41] This young lady was totally lost for most of her life until she became an entrepreneur. And that fixed everything seemed perfect.
[00:20:52] Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And everything. Yeah.
[00:20:58] So I was I was in my early 20s. I was actually so I was in the bank like, you know, high flying job because I was fortunate enough to actually put be put on this huge project. It's I kind of I was once in a decade type projects. It was about regulatory reform and that only happens. And it was it was massive because it was really far reaching across the industry.
[00:21:22] And so I was actually leading a piece of work. And this project was big enough that it went all the way up to the CEO. So we'd be in these I'd in these meetings of like me as these junior burger essentially in a room with, like, some junior burger.
[00:21:39] Yeah. You get knocked up a junior burger. Is that what a new person is called or like, you know.
[00:21:53] Yeah, I know what you would say because I wasn't like an executive, so I was like, you're a burger or the two parties are three or triple burger or is definitely loaded. OK, so you are a junior burger and then what I got. Yeah.
[00:22:17] And like and I think again at the time because as soon as the project and it gave me visibility to all these super skinny people. But what that also exposed me to was like all of the and it's nice going to be no surprise to anyone, but all the politics, all the backchannel happens like all of that.
[00:22:38] And even at that point, I was like, oh, I just cannot become this person. I just to climb the corporate ladder, this is what you almost have to do. The Bally's you have to give up. And I was like, oh, I just can't do that.
[00:22:52] Were you starting to get nervous about these stops and starts and all these things that you didn't like, that you didn't really have a direction?
[00:22:59] Yeah, because I think all my life, you know, as you can tell from the context, like I had a direction, they might not have necessarily been mine, but I had a direction I had like and I've grown up being very disciplined. You can probably tell, like, you know, cheering. I did my piano lessons. I hated piano, by the way, but I did them because I had to. And I was disciplined enough to be like, OK, like I'm the type of person who likes to kind of finish what they started.
[00:23:26] Yeah. Yeah, I know.
[00:23:28] Yeah. And so it was really like I was just at loose, like I still work and I still putting because that's just in my nature. But I just, I was kind of at loose ends because I was, I don't know what my what I'm going to do, what's my next step going to be.
[00:23:43] And so at that time and so this is what I'm like, funnily enough. So my my boyfriend, my then boyfriend, he's now my husband, he so he's not Asian.
[00:23:55] He's not going to keep him too. I mean, you've checked out everything I tell you is a burger.
[00:24:03] I mean, I think.
[00:24:04] No, well, no, not anymore.
[00:24:10] But he yeah. We he's talk about the one thing that I kept around.
[00:24:15] So he we got together, we've been together for almost almost twenty years.
[00:24:26] Well, at the end of this year.
[00:24:29] So it definitely gives you it gives you a little bit of insight about how you kept him longer than the three different careers you trust and love.
[00:24:41] But, yeah, so what was super funny was that I think he was he'd also been at loose ends and he actually went into studying medicine.
[00:24:49] And that's what I was told about a full circle moment.
[00:24:53] So like said, I think my dad was like, oh, maybe we'll have a doctor in the family.
[00:25:00] Don't tell me he quit then.
[00:25:01] He did.
[00:25:04] Your poor Dad.
[00:25:08] It's breaking his heart at every turn.
[00:25:11] So how did you transition into entrepreneurship?
[00:25:15] So I had companies realisation that corporate wasn't really working for me. As I said, my boyfriend was like he was hating what he was doing.
[00:25:24] But because we just moved out, he had started cooking, baking. I have this one. I love my dessert.
[00:25:32] And I have this one favorite is that we used to go to this Italian restaurant and we'd get this lava cake, which was just like beautiful. So Ash would essentially be affecting me at home.
[00:25:47] And so, like, we were just I think we were just having dessert.
[00:25:51] And then we're like, you know what? Like, why don't we just give it a go?
[00:25:55] I mean, you can tell how young and naive we were because who, you know, at that age decides that they're going to invest the money that they don't have, by the way, not like we had money into opening up a brick and mortar.
[00:26:09] Does that bother you that your dad just said, this is it, I'm out of here.
[00:26:19] Oh, so far so anyway, so that's what we decided, do we?
[00:26:24] Yeah, he said he deferred, he kind of forced his medical degree, never went back, obviously, but just like just in case when you just defer and if it doesn't work out, at least you kind of have something to go back to.
[00:26:38] And I still have to work full time because we have to find the thing.
[00:26:43] But that's another thing I would have got fired from because I have eaten up all the profits. Go to the local. You're skinny, but.
[00:26:53] Yeah, so that's how we got started.
[00:26:55] And that was. So that was your first business? A bakery.
[00:27:00] It was a dessert by dessert bar.
[00:27:02] Ok. Yeah.
[00:27:03] So it was kind of more like a city and you would actually they were made to order essentially. And we just wanted to create a place that we would have wanted to go to, whether it was on date night or whether it was to hang out with friends. So it was a super.
[00:27:18] So what happened? That it thrived, that it did you sell it for fail, went up there?
[00:27:26] You know, it thrives that we regrew that definitely to be a business. We opened five stores in total. But part of the Thalia's was actually we had to pause. We closed down three of them in the ensuing seven years. We opened up a restaurant as well. So we have two of those now. So, yeah. So, I mean, they're still operating. They're still operating back in Sydney where we're buying them remotely, but I think we can sell it himself.
[00:28:02] So it yeah, that's a pretty big deal. Operating a restaurant remotely, you know, I mean, a continent away. So how did you get into helping other entrepreneurs?
[00:28:14] I guess so. Then fast forward through life.
[00:28:17] A lot's happened in that journey. We made the move to New York and part of that was we're part of New York in the city where we are the only ones left.
[00:28:30] Yeah, it's been great.
[00:28:34] Well, you I mean, they're all looking for something to eat there, all the restaurants and clubs.
[00:28:40] And so, yeah. So we moved over.
[00:28:43] And actually at this time at the time people moved over, I had started a new business in fashion technology actually with another co-founder. And we were like, you know what? I always wanted to live and work overseas. So and there was just something that happened that we found out at one of the store manager for our highest performing store in the city had been stealing from us for years.
[00:29:08] Wow. Like like hundreds of thousands of dollars, like a lot of money. And so I think it just got to a point where we were kind of like, oh, is this is is this going to be our lives? Like, is this what we want to be know? And I think at that point we like, you know what? Let's just make the move and we can work it. We can work it out. So we made the move. My co-founder and his other business actually came along with like, well, it's going to go neo fashion technology. Let's let's give it a go there. And we kind of failed it pretty quickly, you know, but I think it was because we had done the things we had. We actually see the pavement. We spoke to a lot of women. There was a problem there that they were all feeling.
[00:29:53] But to be honest, the work arounds that they had, they were happy. So it wasn't going to be worth our time or money getting in in that space.
[00:30:03] So I'm still stuck on the guys, still on the money. I would have I would have eaten so many lovely cakes to get over that, to make myself feel better.
[00:30:13] Well, there was a lot of there was some of that visual and some somewhat stronger, you know.
[00:30:22] So then you started helping out. How did you start helping other people?
[00:30:30] Yeah. So then we we actually from that point we were we actually actually ran into someone who I didn't know Aboriginal either, but she was transitioning her retail business online and she knew our background and what we could do. And so she got us to run his jalopy for her, which we did. And we also got a whole bunch of other and brands on board.
[00:30:53] So we had to dump you. Basically, an agency thought it was just we're not scalable. It was not something that we loved being in the weeds and doing, to be honest. And and to be frank, we really felt like we actually wanted to help, because I remember even from my own entrepreneurship in the early days of having to fight at that bar, I remember how lonely it was when I had I just. Could not figure out a way out of how to actually go to see how to actually get people into this like we were bleeding from at the beginning. And I would just remember that feeling of being so lonely in that time, which didn't work.
[00:31:30] And so when I was when we were doing like doing the digital mapping, we're working with these brands who kind of in middle market and they were kind of cool.
[00:31:43] And I was like, oh, my heart's just not in this, because I think there are other people out there who actually need our help more. And so that's how we kind of like what I think we can make what we know more scalable by by essentially turning it into a coaching program to buy it, by bringing together all of our knowledge, the strategy, everything that we essentially do. But let's actually help others with that. So that's kind of how growth boss came about.
[00:32:12] Well, yeah, but the most important thing I think that you've ever done is you became a cat lady.
[00:32:19] Yes, because I'm an animal nut myself, rescued all kinds of dogs, I have a protection dog company on the side.
[00:32:30] So yeah, well, I'm actually I've been relegated to the couch because the seat that I usually chair, I usually sit on for these kinds of things. My cat is on.
[00:32:40] Oh, of course. Yeah. You can kick you out.
[00:32:45] So we got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we're going to ask Deirdre, what's a typical day look like for her and how she stays motivated and she might have a little give away for everybody. So. So hang in there. So, folks, about 22 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head in that guys like me were charging 50 or 100 grand up front to teach this stuff. And I knew a lot of these people who came 50 grand, they'd be hiding out in at the at the dessert bar, you know, just it would never help you at all. So I said, you know, that's not right for small business. So I kind of turned it on its head. I charged a an entry fee, but then I tied my success to their success. So for me to get my 50000 bucks, you have to make 200000 bucks net. And so people kind of love this and they figured I wouldn't disappear on them.
[00:33:41] And seventeen hundred plus students later in 22 years, it's still going strong and it's the longest running, most successful, most unique mentor program of its kind. And how do I say that? Well, I've triple dog dared people to put any program up against mine and nobody will take me up on because I have all the unique features of mine, one of which is you get an immersion weekend at the their retreat center here in Virginia Beach, where we have a TV studio. We shoot marketing videos for you. You spend an immersion weekend actually living in the estate with me. And it's also all one on one. So I don't like group coaching because if I'm talking to the advanced people of the beginners or lost and if I'm talking to beginners, the advanced people are bored. So it's just not efficient. So it's all one on one with me. And my entire staff will take over your computer, teach you what to do, how to do it, critique stuff for you and all that. And then you get a a scholarship to my school. So if you're in the mentor program, we give you a scholarship. We had one guy said that he paid for his daughter's crappy education and she had a crappy job and he joined the mentor program, gifted it to her, and she's making six thousand dollars a month, only four months into the school. So it's very, very powerful teaching skills that every business on Earth needs. It's no fluff to it. They'll have a career even before they graduate. So check it out at Give me a call and we'll talk about your future and your people that are in your life, their future online. And the nice thing is if they have their own career, they won't come and live back in your basement. So here you go.
[00:35:32] All right. Get back to the main event. We're here with the Deirdre Tshien, and she is quite a dynamo young lady that's built many businesses had failures, had been robbed from trusted people. And so she's kind of been through the ringer for her young years. So tell us, what's a typical day look like for you now, Deirdre?
[00:35:55] Yeah, so I guess I always start with a workout. I'm a very active person with a full and then full breakfast and basically then it's a mix of creating content, all going live for my community, helping deep diving with my great bosses, the people in my program. So we have very high touch system with them and hanging out with my cat, you know, and. Yeah, and then Saturday night with the husbands.
[00:36:31] And once you're in the city, that's all right. I am hanging in there. So it's like a ghost town compared to what it was.
[00:36:39] Oh, definitely. Yeah. Like we go to Times Square just to visit and it's like it is talking and cheese what it used to be like where you could not move. There was no such thing as personal space. Now it's like I could do backflips.
[00:36:54] Yeah, it's amazing.
[00:36:56] It's it's crazy.
[00:36:57] You seeing anything coming back or are you in any of the danger areas where all the rioting and stuff was not.
[00:37:05] No, none of the riots.
[00:37:07] We definitely saw the protesters coming down the street that. But yeah, no. Wasn't what it means.
[00:37:15] Now we're getting on the news that I mean, there's homeless people and needles and I mean more than usual everywhere. Is that true? Not true or just different part of town or what?
[00:37:26] Totally different part of town. Yeah. I'm, you know, fortunate, not super exposed to to all of that. But yeah, I'm used to hearing I was hearing the news on all that.
[00:37:40] And you have to wear a 12 mask now this year.
[00:37:46] So, so it's a total loss.
[00:37:49] Does does help with the blistering cold wind.
[00:37:53] Yeah. There you go.
[00:37:54] So what's your how do you how do you stay motivated to to do all the things you do?
[00:38:01] Yeah, I think it's, you know, technically, like I should say, physically, that's why I work. Like, that's a great stress relief for me. But I also it's like, you know, I think and we all have to have this is the why behind what we're doing. And that's why even say our you know, our program is that if you want to be part of this, it's not for people who look back because, you know, entrepreneurship is hard and you're kidding so that if everybody got rich overnight, but it's like.
[00:38:38] Yeah, and a big part of that resiliency is to know why you're doing it in the first place.
[00:38:44] What is that thing that's bigger than you even going? So, yeah, I think that's that's what keeps me motivated.
[00:38:50] I think I think pretty soon you'll go back to being a doctor. I can kind of hear your voice. You really like to take care of people mentally now you got to do it physically. So. All right. So it didn't you have something to give the folks? I do. You have a Mensa membership program or something?
[00:39:10] Yeah, well, I have a free three day challenge that e e business owners agree to sign up for. It's really about how to take your audience from college competitors and how to find them and then how to convert them. So, yeah, definitely I'd love for anyone to join. It's at
[00:39:47] Ok, and now I but I've been doing a health challenge, I do a you know don't eat sugar but it's not a three day, it's a three minute so.
[00:40:01] Well I would advise, I would think I would do a three second every second.
[00:40:04] Yeah. And by the way I, we kind of booked this on the last minute. I didn't tell you you have to pay to be on the show. So I expect a lava cake to show up at my front door by dinnertime. So I'm just letting you know.
[00:40:19] So then tell them quickly about your your moment mentorship or your membership program.
[00:40:27] Yeah, it's it's a twelve month program and essentially it's twelve months because we help you go about your full marketing ecosystem, everything from how you find your audience, your cold audience, how you make them curious. You magnetize them, converting them, having them become your advocates, you know, you're raving sales force and then eventually to invest ambassador program. So it's the full gamut that we hope you go about. And that's. It's super cool, very high. It is great, but you it's a hybrid, actually, I would call it, because we got specifically into your business with you just in group settings, a group pretty cool. But when you when you're on, we speak only to you and about your business. So it's a super cool program.
[00:41:15] And they'll they'll get to that through the challenge, though. They'll end up seeing that, too. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:41:20] They can find out more about the challenge for sure.
[00:41:23] All right.
[00:41:23] Well, it's been a blast talking to somebody that was lost for most of her life that I can tell your dad or dad has no hair left and and he wonders what hit him. But thanks so much as a lot of fun talking to you. And you're really doing big things, that's for sure. And I'm so glad we met you.
[00:41:45] Thank you so much, Tom.
[00:41:47] All right, everybody. We'll catch you on the next episode. See ya later.
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