363 - This veteran helps other veterans: Tom interviews Scott Tucker - Screw The Commute

363 – This veteran helps other veterans: Tom interviews Scott Tucker

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Scott Tucker

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    Scott Tucker is an author, speaker and founder of U.S. Vet Wealth, a lifestyle and financial consulting brand that helps service members go from paychecks and government benefits, to wealth and liberty. He's also a West Point graduate, serial world traveler, a military financial expert, and he's an entrepreneur.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 363

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    [03:56] Tom's introduction to Scott Tucker

    [05:49] Giving financial advice and using the Internet

    [09:40] Issues specific for veterans

    [14:33] Breaking up with an opera singer and motorcycling across Vietnam

    [16:57] Mistakes people make with their finances

    [20:33] Meeting and dating an entrepreneur

    [21:50] LinkedIn is a great testing platform

    [27:12] Sponsor message

    [30:21] A typical day for Scott and how he stays motivated

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    Episode 363 – Scott Tucker
    [00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey, everybody it's Tom here with episode three hundred and sixty three of Screw the commute podcast. I'm here with Scott Tucker. He's a veteran. He's a West Point graduate, and he's got a very, very colorful past that will we'll get into. But he helps veterans learn about wealth and he's got a book out on it. And we'll we'll hear all about that shortly.

    [00:00:46] So make sure you grab a copy of our automation book. It's at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. It's your gift for listening to the show. We sell it for 27 bucks. But you get it because you're listening to this show. And I'll tell you what, we figured it out a couple of years ago. This is no B.S. Just one of the tips in the book has saved me seven and a half million keystrokes. We estimated it how much it saved, and we got cell phone tips and all kinds of things to automate your business and cut your workload down. It's just it's awesome. So check it out at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. While you're over there, pick up a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app and you can put us on your cell phone tablet, take it with you on the road. We got training on how to use it. It does all kinds of cool things. Save your favorite episodes and you know it dims itself, when you get a phone call and then starts playing again when you quit is really, really good. So check that out at screwthecommute.com/app.

    [00:01:56] Now, I know people are freaking out because of the pandemic, and I don't mean to downplay all the the the pain that's from that both financially and physically from people all around the world. But my job is to help people with their finances, kind of like Scott and a and a little bit different way, but. It's not affected me or my students that much because we're able to sell from home digitally. I mean, I have had people call me up and only 20 years and say, hey, Tom, you know, you OK, you OK with this pandemic? And I'm like, what? You know, I've been sitting here the same as I've been doing for 26 years. So I guess I was right.

    [00:02:39] So I've been teaching this for 22 years, hit multimillionaire status 20 years ago. Still to this day and then 12 years ago, I decided to set myself apart from the rest of the world because there's so many scammers out there. So I went through three years of living hell trying to get the license. So I have the only license dedicated Internet marketing school in the country, probably the world. And it's licensed to operate by Cheve, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia. It's a distance learning school and it's good quality distance learning, not the stuff they're trying to make little kindergarteners do.

    [00:03:22] It's a powerful techniques that are in high demand, see, every every business on the face of the earth needs email marketing and chat bots and shopping carts and everything else under the sun that you need.

    [00:03:38] So that's what we concentrate on. And we have people making money before they even graduate and not small amounts either. So. So check it out at IMTCVA.org and a little bit later, I'll tell you how you can get a full scholarship that you can either use yourself or gift to somebody if you're in my mentor program.

    [00:03:57] All right. Let's get to the main event. Scott Tucker is an author, speaker and founder of U.S. Vet Wealth, a lifestyle and financial consulting brand that helps service members go from paychecks and government benefits to wealth and liberty. He's also a West Point graduate. Wow. We should have had him on. I'm going to put this over in the first tribe because we should have had him on during Veterans Month in September, but he's a serial world traveler, a military financial expert, and he's an entrepreneur.

    [00:04:32] Scott, are you ready to screw? The commute?

    [00:04:36] Hey, Tom. Yeah, man. Excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

    [00:04:39] Yeah, buddy. So so I think the last time I laid eyes on you, we were stuffing our face at the Golden Corral.

    [00:04:47] Yeah, Jen and I were just just remember. And that was a very welcome meal. Yeah.

    [00:04:53] So tell everybody what you're doing now and then we'll take you back. Because like I said, I've looked into your past a little bit. That's very colorful.

    [00:05:01] I would say so. In a good way. In a good way.

    [00:05:05] Yeah. I've had an interesting life, so to speak. But no, I'm essentially, you know, it's exciting to hear your intro because in a way, that's kind of what I feel in some ways, intentionally. In some ways I kind of stumbled into it. But more of this kind of Internet marketing version of what it means to give financial advice. And I have a different philosophy on what it means to give financial advice as well. But it happens to work pretty well, leveraging this thing called the Internet. You know, you'd be shocked in our industry of how few people are even attempting, let alone, you know, building a real, you know, unique brand on it. So it's it's great to talk to you about that kind of stuff as well.

    [00:05:49] Yeah. And I saw I know that you are very well versed in finances and you just don't do what everybody else does, which is the key to success, I think. But you I saw a quote of yours, the CFP, that certified financial planner does not come with a crystal ball. I love that.

    [00:06:13] Right. Yeah.

    [00:06:14] And and I've been so many meetings and I have these CFP is trying to get me to go with them.

    [00:06:21] And I'm thinking like, how much money do you make? What do you know? You know, if I make way more money than you, how are you going to advise me?

    [00:06:28] And so so you kind of were immersed in that for a long time, I guess, and then saw that there's better ways.

    [00:06:35] Yeah. It's like once you understand, you know, the CFP has been put up on this pedestal as a certification, really, it's nothing actually official. But, you know, it got people, we're told, hey, if you get this three letters behind your name, therefore you'll get more business, more respect, you know, more clients, more money. And I started to see people go down that path and basically spend three years and end up looking like everybody else because now they're put behind these extra standards where how can you brand yourself? How can you be unique and different? And they literally can't.

    [00:07:12] And so I just I was just shocked that I was like, oh, my gosh, this is our whole system. And then when you start thinking about, like, well, what's the cookie cutter financial advice we're being told to give them, well, why aren't we teaching them how to do this other type of financial advice where you go create your own sources of income? You're not just on one fixed income saving for retirement. I just got so bored of that story to be so mediocre. And then as I started to look out away from my, you know, kind of very limited world view, just coming out of the military into the financial world, this is how things are. And then I started to see this kind of online world and I just thought, you know, why can't I be that goofy guy on the video or on the stage or whatever it is. Or and and so I started going down this path and realized, wow, it's more fun. I can help more people be more specific on who I help, not waste other people's time. So it's just I realized, hey, that CFP and such really a commodities in yourself and it's it's like it's nobody's fault. Hey, it's good education. It's good advice. But how do you differentiate?

    [00:08:24] Yeah, and and you I mean, you did spend quite a few years getting this education that because you were you worked with a lot of other mentors and other financial people.

    [00:08:36] Yeah, yeah, I never went through the CFP certification Persay, but I got all the various licenses you're supposed to get and, you know, had a couple of different versions and mentors and went to extra trainings and, you know, read every book you could about how to build a financial services practice.

    [00:08:53] And I just was kind of shocked that, you know, I looked at my mentors and these people telling me kind of they're just telling you how to sell a client. I was like, cool, but how what is this? What is the next step? And nobody really knew. And I never got a definitive answer. And so that was it was kind of frustrating. And with my education, I woke up kind of five years later and I looked at my mentor and where I was like, I haven't grown at all. And I was like, oh, I was bringing in business. I was bringing in leads. And I realized, no, this is how the whole system works. A couple of guys get to the top and then they they they surround themselves with folks that were basically just lead generators. And and I was frustrated that I wasn't growing in the industry. And I kind of saw this happening to a lot of veterans and it kind of pissed me off.

    [00:09:40] Yeah, I don't blame now a lot of veterans are going to hear this when I put it up in the Vetpreneur Tribe. So what are some of the the issues that are specific to veterans that you help him with?

    [00:09:56] Well, a lot has to do with the military transition, that was kind of my epiphany, so to speak, that, you know, the traditional saving for financial for retirement financial planning is that kind of 40 year approach. And it was always about age 60 or 65. And we're talking about active duty military who are going to be getting out at the military, even if they do a career in their late 30s or early to mid 40s. They have they're planning for a whole nother life.

    [00:10:31] So now all of a sudden that life's coming with a fixed income at that young age, which is the pension.

    [00:10:39] You know, it's one of the best benefits that that we get in all of America is to get start getting a retirement pension at the day you retire, not in age 60 or something. So this becomes a very valuable resource. And unfortunately, the mindset is always kind of. Well, it's a monthly stipend, you know, it's nice, but it's like you got to start thinking about that as one of your assets, your resources, and it's actually worth, you know, depending on rank or something. But in the high six figures, in low to mid seven figures of actual value in say, OK, well, look at that benefit differently.

    [00:11:15] Now, start looking at your other options and opportunities for post military life differently, especially now here in the last 10 years where things have changed drastically, more and more veterans entering the entrepreneurial space, it's easier to network than ever using things like LinkedIn. And so we just want to get people thinking down these approaches and using their benefits. In part of that benefit is the network. You know, this is the net. Your network is your net worth. You know how that one goes. So and we all know it. They always say, go out network. But usually you're coming out of the military. They give you a class on how to build a resume and you put a put a photo up that maybe you're not in uniform, but you're in a suit with a short haircut. You all look the same. And so, you know, that's where, you know, we want to get, you know, a little bit thinking differently.

    [00:12:05] But what does it mean to have it that benefit? It's we we're kind of taught it to be a handout. Hey, how can we give the veterans more handouts? It's like, no, that doesn't. We all know handouts don't solve problems, but, you know, using a resource, an asset differently, I think you're 20 years of service to get those extra benefits. That is now an asset. We start thinking that way. Then, you know, now we're on the right side of the the Robert Kiyosaki quadrant. We're thinking more like a business owner. Investor. Yeah. Maybe we still go out and get a job. But I think this is imperative to get veterans out of that, you know. Well, this is my new job after the military. I guess this is all I'm doing the rest of my life versus giving themselves permission to maybe bounce around. As you're finding yourself. I think it took me at least ten years and I know I'm still still searching. It's not easy. And we've got to give up. We've got to give ourselves time to find out who we are and what we want to do with ourselves versus just get a job.

    [00:13:04] So a lot of your your information, though, would still help nonveterans, right? Non-military people?

    [00:13:11] I would think so.

    [00:13:13] You know, just in the whole sense that in our American system is always about go to school, get good grades, get a good job, get in debt, retire. And how many people do we know? And our I think I've read that. Eighty five percent of Americans aren't excited to get up for their job every day. And that's the real problems we have. And, you know, as societies get to be more comfortable, you know, how do you find that purpose and meaning and are we even looking for it?

    [00:13:42] So, you know, if for some of our population they're looking for something. Yeah, I would hope I would hope it would resonate. Obviously, I think everybody knows somebody in the military. You know, we can always tie, you know, my my wife is we we weren't married while I was active duty. So it took a while to feel like a veteran spouse. But she had forgotten almost that she was a daughter. She's a gold star daughter. But she's been so disassociated since she lost her father at a young age from the military, kind of forgot to associate with it. So, you know, I think everybody can think about it in one way or the other. And that way I feel, hey, you're then you're part of the family. You know, we don't always have to have served.

    [00:14:24] Yeah. And and those eighty five percent that aren't excited about going to work, the other fifteen percent hate it.

    [00:14:33] All right. Let's take you back a little bit because I was doing a little research on you and it's just crazy. What I, what I learned about you is that and how it relates to me.

    [00:14:46] Every single person that I know on this earth that broke up with an opera singer took a motorcycle trip across Vietnam. It's uncanny. Yeah.

    [00:15:00] Tell us about your crazy trips and all the stuff you did when you just decided to take off and find yourself.

    [00:15:08] Yeah, I mean, I had done some traveling. I think even while I was at West Point, I got to spend a summer in Brazil touring military bases down there. And it just started to fall in love with this idea of just going to different places, kind of getting somewhat off the grid. Nothing crazy.

    [00:15:25] You were taken from like the place in Thailand on the beach for.

    [00:15:34] Yeah, but I mean, what that's like Copi, where all the backpackers go, you know, so it's it's hard to to to really get off the beat. But I would love to have done something like that. But but even still, you know, I kind of fell in love with travel and and yeah, I kind of I was I was stationed in Germany, got. Was dating a German opera singer, and I realized no one was singing at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, so basically I therefore I need to get out of the Army and stay over there. And so I ended up, you know, that was kind of the catalyst for what ended up being a total of 11 years in Germany as my residence. And and then, yeah, once I realized that was quite low on the priority list next to opera and I kind of got thrown. I got thrown. I found myself kind of stuck in Europe in a way. And it was a bit of a blessing of a curse. But I did I was able to then use that time and some of the resource I created for myself to travel a lot.

    [00:16:39] And I try to not just go look at the Eiffel Tower, I'd like to go to a World Cup or run with the bulls or.

    [00:16:47] Yeah, motorcycle, just like every person I know in the whole world broke up with an opera singer has done that.

    [00:16:57] So what what do you think overall that mistakes people make with their finances, especially with their in business?

    [00:17:05] I mean, it's it's just understanding that, hey, let's let's be realistic. With the game we're in, do we understand how the monetary system really works, how the banks, you know, really work, how money is created, who's getting interest on the loans and stuff? And then, you know, the assumption is for things like retirement dollars or just anything, I don't know what to do with you know, we're playing the stock market. And I know, like, people like to watch the charts and all that and and maybe they're day traders or whatever, but the vast majority folks are just focusing on their mission. They might make a lot of money, might make a little. And if they're putting money away and in things like the stock market, not really paying attention to it, it's right. We didn't see that. Who saw the coronavirus coming? China. They saw the Federal Reserve. Yeah, right. And so the stock market crashes and then people go, oh, shucks. But they're not paying attention to it because the media is, you know, flipped out, are attention elsewhere. And then the Federal Reserve just makes money out of thin air, buys it back up the stock, and now we're back up to all time highs. It's like, guys, this game, the only thing we can truly control is the assets we create and therefore produce income and leverage from whatever. So that's that's all. There's no right or wrong. Hey, that. Hey, guess what? If you want to get returns, you're going to have to play the market in some capacity.

    [00:18:33] I just think, you know, maybe folks should be paying a little bit more attention to it. Realize there's a lot of people don't do the stock market at all and make a ton of money. Maybe they do real estate. Maybe they just flip businesses. You know, there's you know, we don't just have to play that game, especially if we're not really paying attention to it and not truly understanding it. So I just think with the modern age, modern technology, I'm not saying everybody run the gold and bitcoin. I have no idea. I honestly, I'm the one investment advisors like, no idea what's happened in the future. That's the one thing I guarantee. So I'm not going to. But the point is my my message really is it's your money. Stop just passing it off to an investment advisor, assuming that, you know, they really know anything better because it's impossible to know. So let's just be honest and say, yeah, sometimes you pay someone to manage your money. But, you know, understand, at the end of the day, this is your investment. This is your resource, especially in these changing times. You know, if stuff goes, you know, sideways, are we going to spend waste our time trying to blame somebody just because you hired him? And he gave me bad advice, like, how does that help?

    [00:19:42] Exactly. And then maybe their crystal ball was defective. You know, it could have been not their fault.

    [00:19:50] Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, it's like I don't I'm not trying to disparage the industry or whatever. It's just kind of like I don't know. I think Americans have the technology now to spend so much time learning every little thing about, you know, some conspiracy theory or something. But, you know, why not pay attention to how to do this part of your life a little more intentionally. So maybe then you can become more self employed.

    [00:20:15] It's they're putting put in cell phone apps that you can jump in the stock market, like for five bucks or so, you know, know the name of my song somebody's talking about.

    [00:20:26] Yeah, well, I'm sure the all the people that use those are really up on the all the details of the stock market.

    [00:20:32] So you write, you're married and we're going to have your wife on here on a future episode. How did you meet her?

    [00:20:40] Oh, that's great to have her on. She just got an award for her. So really very proud of her and excited. So she sang opera too. I met Sorcerous with her. No, no, she. She was really the first time I had it finally dated another entrepreneur, and it was just like immediately I was like, oh, somebody else will understand. I was still trying to define it or understand it myself at the time. But no, but she she was introduced to me to help me with my social media. So technically, I had the boss.

    [00:21:19] But now. Yeah, yeah. Very quickly we realized we could be, you know, helpful in each other's careers and missions and stuff like that.

    [00:21:33] So you still have to pay her for advice on your social media one way or the other.

    [00:21:42] Right. Absolutely. She she deserves every.

    [00:21:48] Thank you for not speaking of speaking on social media. You're crazy about LinkedIn, right?

    [00:21:55] Yeah, yeah, I'm kind of it's not like I'm a LinkedIn guru or LinkedIn, but I just was like, wow, there's a kind of a unique opportunity right now and it's still going on. This is me speaking to myself about two years ago where this can kind of act as a Testim platform for, you know, building a brand or whatever to try to test video and writing and Gary V's tactics or whatever you want to do. It was just kind of because everybody was going there for content, because they were sick of, you know, getting yelled at on Facebook all the time. So, yeah.

    [00:22:30] So you you believe, though, you've got to put a several years into it to get it to pay off. Is that what I understand?

    [00:22:37] I mean, it all depends on whatever intention you're going after. If your intention is to meet a certain person or certain type of person, you know, with a weekend's worth of study and a couple, you know, two to six weeks of concerted effort, it's pretty easy to network yourself in to to something that you're, you know, you're focused on. I mean, LinkedIn isn't, you know, a resume platform. It's a networking event that's going on 24/7. On any given topic you want, you just choose how much time you want to show up at. So and and if you're going to be the guy in the corner handing out business cards awkwardly or are you going to add value?

    [00:23:19] So in the beginning, a lot of people like me would would think of it as that's only business to business.

    [00:23:27] That's the entrepreneurs don't belong there. Do you do you have any comments on that thought nowadays?

    [00:23:34] I mean. You know, be to see essentially that's I mean, I have Business-to-business offerings, but, you know, also speaking to the actual military service member or veteran as an individual, you we call that B to C. I mean, these are the professional who do you want is a client, a professional who's going to put themselves out there, try to enhance their career, try to get paid more, you know, try to network and be helpful to other people. Those are the types of people showing up on LinkedIn. And so, you know, I put out. Information about what I do and every once while we connect, somebody sees what I do, they want to learn more. I mean, it's just a nice way to get a lot of the I mean, just from looking at people's profiles and chatting a little bit, being a little bit in the comments, you get to know, least you feel like you know people pretty well by the time you get on a Zoome call, it's OK. What's up, man? You know, cool. You want to do this thing, yes or no? You know, no biggie. And and, jeez, is that a nicer way to do this business where I used to stand at a golf course all day on the first offer. And if people wanted to sign up for my gift certificate giveaway.

    [00:24:46] Yeah, I would never I never have gone to a networking event ever. Yeah. Because I thought I can reach 10000 people sitting on my butt at home before I can reach 10 people that don't really want to hear what I have to say.

    [00:25:00] And I think that's what I think that kind of proves. My point is that someone like you saw the Internet immediately and and yet people in the military, we don't necessarily have our cell phones on us 24/7 because we can't we're in a secure location where deployed, whatever. I mean, think about the hours behind our civilian counterparts we are and learn in these tech, you know, what these technologies are, let alone understanding how to scale your brand to speak. You know, set a one to one, speak one to many. And that's where I thought, you know, people got afraid of Facebook and stuff. They didn't see it as professional. And I think slowly on LinkedIn, at least amongst the veterans. But I think in general, people are understanding, oh, this isn't just a resume. I can actually communicate with, you know, like minded people. I want to get to know him.

    [00:25:51] Yeah. And and I imagine it's a shock to, you know, be surrounded by people in the military and then sitting at home with your computer trying to start a business and reach out to the world. You know, you look around and there's nobody to you, right?

    [00:26:06] Nobody to your left, nobody behind you, you know, so so it's I'm sure there's a learning curve and a little bit of a shock to it.

    [00:26:15] Oh, absolutely. I remember when I first hired someone to design a website for me when she got finished, she said, OK, now when you start blogging.

    [00:26:27] And I was like I was like blogging. I don't want to, you know, one, what do I have to say? And two, I don't want anybody getting to know. I mean, this is this is me as a financial advisor trying to get business. I didn't want people to know me, you know, so I don't know if that was part of the quiet professional in me from the military side. Like, I'm not trying to stand out over here, or it was just the ignorance of kind of always following orders and not understanding what it means to be productive and creating value for others.

    [00:26:59] So, yeah, I had I had a number of years just, you know, taking two steps forward, one step back, because I refused to, you know, shift my identity from that of someone. It was an imposter syndrome or whatever.

    [00:27:11] Yeah, I'm sure. All right. So we've got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we're going to ask Scott what's a typical day looks like for him and how he stays motivated.

    [00:27:21] So, folks, about twenty a little bit over twenty years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing world on its head.

    [00:27:27] And the guys and women, not too many women at the time, but guys like me were charging 50 or 100 thousand dollars up front to small business people to teach him what we knew.

    [00:27:39] And I thought, wow, that's I know a lot of these people, they're rip offs to be hiding out in Thailand if you gave them 50000 bucks and they ever help you. So I said, you know, I'm going to turn this upside down. So I decided to charge a relatively small entry fee and then tie my success to their success. So for me to get my fifty thousand, you have to make 200000 net.

    [00:28:04] Well, people people really like this idea in seventeen hundred plus students later and twenty years later, it's still going strong. So that's what the the nature of the the the program is, is it's a year long training program.

    [00:28:19] I claim that it's the most unique, longest running, most successful ever in the field of Internet marketing, and nobody's ever challenged me on that. And I've dared them to to bring up what I provide and what they provide. And nobody has the guts to do it because it's so unique.

    [00:28:37] You get an immersion weekend here at the retreat center. We actually live in the estate here with me now, of course, after the pandemic's over, everything we do is one on one. We don't lump in with people that are more advanced or less advanced where you're either bored or you're lost. We have a TV studio next door where we shoot high definition videos for you, which I've seen him at events, just one of them going for between seven hundred and fifteen hundred dollars. We've never had anybody get out of here less than ten. And we had a couple come in and do. Three of them. All right. And we added them, put the graphics on and you go home with high quality marketing videos and you get a scholarship to the school I was telling you about earlier, which you can either use yourself or gift to somebody else. And it's one of the best legacy gifts you could ever give to a young person, because if you've been watching all the kids are saddled with debt or their parents are mortgaged their house, all they learn how to do is protest. And then they get out with an MBA and competing for jobs at Starbucks.

    [00:29:44] So that doesn't happen to my students. My students have highly in demand skills that every business on Earth needs. So before they graduate, people are asked to work for him. So very, very powerful program. You can check it out at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com and give me a call. I'm very accessible and one of the only guys will talk to you later. And people like me will not even talk to you, let alone teach anything. So check it out at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com and can't wait to hear from you.

    [00:30:22] All right. Let's get back to the main event. Scott Tucker is here with us. And Scott is a military veteran and West Point grad, and he helps other veterans with their finances and the. And Scott, so what's a typical day look like for you?

    [00:30:35] You got I'm sure you got a lifestyle business. You do what you want to do, but what's it look like over there? You get up early, you know, what do you do?

    [00:30:42] Yeah, I mean I mean, obviously, this is, you know, the pandemic era, of course. But quite frankly, you know, I was so focused on my name, I spent a number of years kind of searching to find myself. And and, you know, that led to a lot of the travels.

    [00:31:00] I've moved a couple different places, but once I kind of got dialed in on the mission, you know, it's kind of one of those things you hear everybody, you know, gets so focused in on it where, you know, I go to conferences typically is that would be the next thing on my horizon, but. The only thing that changed since the lockdown started for me was that I just didn't feel so bad about going out as much as I was. I was just like, OK, cool. It's like I've been sitting here, you know, starting to write and you learn to build websites, just learning all these new digital skills, teaching them some self taught. Really, once I kind of you know, I tested out my ideas on LinkedIn and I was like, all right, now I got to do all this next level stuff, you know, where do I start? How do I do video? You know, how do I do Facebook ads?

    [00:31:52] I just kind of been building building that up and so, you know, a typical day week for me is just a mix of creating content. I kind of I'm not more of, like, scheduling out my content. I just go where where things are pulling, pulling me. I mean, this last year, I didn't write just one book.

    [00:32:12] I actually wrote a couple of other ebooks as well. So and also published 40 articles on my website.

    [00:32:19] So that but right now, I'm kind of all tapped out. We'll tell you about the books, though, and the main one.

    [00:32:26] Yes, the man once called veteran well, secrets, and you know that it's a culmination of about three years of me trying to, you know, I did I don't like being labeled as a financial adviser yet.

    [00:32:39] I'm still in the financial industry and I'm like, how do I like how do I explain what it is I'm trying to do? Because I think of defining something new, bit of a blue ocean. But, you know, ultimately, the book lays out the the philosophy of, hey, if if you if you're seeking, you know, especially amongst us in the veteran community, if you don't want to just follow orders the rest of your life, then, hey, it's OK. There's a different path, but it requires a different way of thinking about the world than we've really been told to believe, especially coming out of the military. And so that requires some kind of self work, some thoughts around your identity and different ways to think about your money. So I lay it all out. The print version. I just got it back from the edit. It looks like it's gonna be three hundred forty two pages. I meant to write one hundred and twenty, so I just kind of, you know, it's a bit of a manifesto. I kind of had to lay out how I see the realities of the post military life, the kind of education we're told to get or getting and how it's really not helping, you know, financial advice, how it's really not helping motivate folks. And so we got to think about things differently and then take some self responsibility if we want to get what we want, if we want to do what we want, if we want to spend our time or money. Essentially what I'm talking about in the book is, you know, it's not about the money. It's not about getting rich. That's that's the lie. It's about your wealth is about the time and the purpose. You use money to buy yourself that time, figure out your purpose. I mean, otherwise, what what are we all doing? We all want to serve at least most veterans. We want to serve in some way, but we get stuck in the cubicle if we're told to just replace the.

    [00:34:24] Well, I really enjoyed the and the stories. You and I got a manuscript of it and I was enjoying the stories of you sitting on the beach and the and the working for the mentors that weren't really mentors and a lot of fun there. When's it going to be ready? Because this would make a great gift for other veterans, I would think.

    [00:34:46] Yeah, absolutely. It's available now on Amazon went went live on Veterans Day last week. I mean, Kindle or print version or what. Kindle version right now should have the print version up in a few weeks, can you preorder that? They allow that anymore?

    [00:35:04] I know I could set that up for the actually, I should set that up for the app.

    [00:35:08] Yeah, I'm not sure that they allow it anymore. I was talking to another author today that said there was some question about that. But but at any rate, it'd be a good you can gift Kindle books to folks. It would be a great gift for for other veterans.

    [00:35:21] So so, you know, grab a copy for anybody, you know, is served in and should should help them. Do they have to be retired already? Or can this this help?

    [00:35:32] No, no, I mean this I mean, ideally, you're reading this while you're still in basic training, because the reality is yes.

    [00:35:42] I mean, yes, you want to. Sign up to serve your country, but. We get a lot of pretty good pay and benefits, the fact that the thought that military active duty are poor.

    [00:35:56] Well, no, the ones who are handling their money. Badlapur There's a lot of young folks enlisted, by the way, not getting the huge paychecks that officers get, but are are learn how to do real estate investing, start a business on the side websites, money that make great, great, great.

    [00:36:13] So, yeah, I didn't realize that that this would be good for that. Somebody is just starting in the military.

    [00:36:20] Yeah, because it gives them an opportunity to think like at one point you're going to leave the military, the sooner you're preparing yourself, whatever that might mean, especially if you can get out, even if you do 20 years and get a pension, if you're also got a couple of websites paying you or some real estate investments paying you. Imagine the opportunities you've now created for yourself instead of just having to go to a job fair and hoping you get the.

    [00:36:43] Yeah. And I would I know I've been discouraging people now for the past year to invest in commercial real estate other than apartments will still be OK. But the thing is, is for retail space and everything, they're just dying because everybody's seeing that they can work at home. And a lot of these companies I mean, I closed my school building because everybody was working at home of 7500 dollars a month for nothing, just er and so my lease was up. I said, forget this. And the state was kind enough to let me wait till they're pandemic's over to I have to have a building for this license. But they were, you know, and other companies are realizing, hey, why should we have somebody write in a blog post and pay 25 to 100 dollars a square foot to have them sitting there when they could do it at home? So. So a lot of commercial brokers are really, really hurting and scrambling. But but so how do you stay motivated, working, working for yourself?

    [00:37:45] I think it's just one of those things where for me. This became my my my passion, my hobby, just just the the desire to learn and grow and to start actually completing something for myself.

    [00:37:59] I remember when I wrote my first book, I was like thirty eight years old or something like that. And when I got the print from Amazon, you know, print copy in my hand and I was just like, holy cow, this is you know, I'm at like 38 years old. And this is the first time in my life that I gave myself an assignment and completed it. You know, it was an order. It wasn't just, hey, you know, this week's assignment in school is to paint this or that. I mean, it was just straight out of my pure creativity. And then to have somebody, of course, read it and go, actually, man, that's pretty good, you know. Yeah. Good stuff in there. Like, it's a good idea. And I'm just like, oh, I can now recreate that. And and so the the skill sets I've learned since then, you know, I've had quite honestly, I think I got more work done in this last year. And quite honestly, I took some time where I wasn't really doing a whole lot just because I needed a mental break. But, you know, in this last year, I think I got more work done and I did and most of my adult life and that time in the army. And it's just shocking to really think about it, because I realized how much of my time was just, you know, busy work or stand around and wait or just, you know, it's like, wow.

    [00:39:19] So that's just a huge epiphany for me and kind of feel a little bit like, well, I got so much time left. Let's go see what happens. You know, I used to never have financial goals. Like, I would always just think that if I'm making as much as I'm making in the army, I got to be good enough for me. And when I hit that goal, I'd stop working. But now I just think crazy big goals because it's like, all right, well, you know, I can take huge steps. And if I if I end up you. Doing pretty good, it's going to be way better off than I ever thought before, and that's kind of what's happening. So it's it's fun to just experience it and see kind of what happens. I'm just in one of those, you know, instead of, you know, showing up in a different city around the world and trying to figure things out like I used to do, I think that kind of got me prepared in a way to just be throwing myself and a lot of different uncomfortable situations, putting a book out there, starting YouTube videos like, yeah, it's still you know, but, you know, there's a bit of the thrill of that kind of challenge doesn't keep me quite a good shape as I used to be. But, you know, those days are.

    [00:40:22] Yeah. And I know that feeling about getting stuff done. And I've been fortunate, you know, screw the commute, the name of this podcast. I never had a job a little bit in high school and a little bit in college, but never had a job. And, you know, I claim I get more done before breakfast than most executives get them in their whole career.

    [00:40:41] So it feels feels like I mean, it's honestly fascinating the amount of just either busy work or, you know, we're all getting paid on a set monthly paycheck in the military. Rarely does somebody get fired, let alone we start talking, you know, government bureaucracy.

    [00:41:01] If you've ever worked in a military command where you have civilian employees around, it's it's heart wrenching. What do you what do you think of the aid, the taxpayers money and stuff like that? So, yeah, I just I just wanted to to do it the right way. All right. And and not not feel like a waste of space.

    [00:41:22] Well, thanks for coming on, man. Tell people how they get a hold of you and them and give them the name of the book and stuff again.

    [00:41:29] Yeah, well, thanks, Tom, for having me. It's been fun, could find me on LinkedIn at Scott R. Tucker.

    [00:41:38] I'm very excited to tease right with a message.

    [00:41:41] Oh, yeah. Scott R Tucker.

    [00:41:45] Yeah, my main website is USVetWealth.com, and if you want a free PDF copy of the book that's always available for free at VeteranwealthSecrets.com.

    [00:41:56] We'll have all this stuff in the show notes, folks.

    [00:41:59] Well, great. Tell tell your wife I said hi. We'll be talking to her soon. And thanks for coming on right now.

    [00:42:05] Well, thanks again for having me. I really appreciate getting to talk to someone with so much success like yourself.

    [00:42:13] And I look forward to learning from you. More sense. Sounds good, man. All right, everybody, we'll catch y'all on the next episode. See ya later.

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