Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Bob Dietrich
Bob Dietrich is an award winning public speaker, event producer and entrepreneur. Bob is also co-founder of Brainworx, a personal development company designed to help people with ADHD overcome their challenges. And he's co-host of the Online Business Toolbox. Bob is also a freelance writer for an online concert blog and a regular member of a local improv club.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 359
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
[04:36] Tom's introduction to Bob Dietrich [07:45] Created out of necessity [09:23] Concept of neurological reorganization [12:07] Three secrets that could help entrepreneurs [13:47] Started about 20 years ago [15:11] Scraping by as an entrepreneur growing up [21:54] Online Business Toolbox [27:05] Sponsor message [30:34] A typical day for Bob and how he stays motivatedHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
Brainworx –
Online Business Toolbox Summit –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Maximizing YouTube –
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Episode 359 – Bob Dietrich
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode three hundred and fifty nine and screw the podcast. I'm here with Bob Dietrich and he is the co-founder of OB Tool Box Summit. And guess what? It's starting today. So if you didn't get hooked up with this shindig, you'll be sorry. We'll talk a little bit about later. And so you can get over there and sign up right away. All right. Hope you didn't miss Episode 358 on maximizing YouTube. Sometimes when I have to do one of these YouTube things, it kind of depresses me because I got thousands of videos out there. And then YouTube comes up with something else. For instance, now you can put hashtags up to 15 hashtags on a video description. Well, now we got to go back and retrofit a thousand videos with hashtags that. But anyway, it's good that you know about these things that I copied all of them to you in Episode 358 called Maximizing YouTube. And of course, whenever you want to go to a specific episode, you go to and then the episode. So that was 358. All right. How would you like to hear your own voice here on screw the commute? Well, if the shows helped you out at all in your business or given the ideas to help you start a business, we want to hear about it. Visit, and then look for a little blue sidebar that says, send the voicemail, click on it, talk into your phone or computer and tell me how the shows helped you.
[00:01:51] And don't forget to put your website on there because you'll get a massive shout out on a future episode of Screw the Commute podcast in your own voice. All right. Grab a copy of our Automation eBook. It's our gift to you for listening to the show. It's something that allowed me to handle up to one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and 40000 customers without pulling my hair out. We actually figured it out a couple of years ago. It's just one of the tips, folks, one of the tips to save me seven and a half million keystrokes over the years. I mean, it allows me to handle customers and steal customers from other people because they're too slow to get back to them. So check that out at And while you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app at and you can put it on your cell phone and tablet. Take us with you on the road. We've got video and screen capture to show you how to use it. All right. I know everybody still bellyaching about this pandemic and I'm not discounting the pain and suffering that's gone on because of it for sure.
[00:03:04] I'm not doing that. However, myself and my students haven't been susceptible to that because we're able to sell from home. And that's what my school teaches. I formalize this over twelve years ago and it took me three years to get the license. I had to go jump through hoops, background checks, criminal checks, everything to get this license for Distance Learning School. It's and it's certified to operate. The only one in the country certified to do this specific topic is dedicated to Internet marketing and digital marketing. And it's certified to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia to attend. You can. It's distance learning and it's not this crap distance learning they're trying to shove on, you know, kindergartners. It's good quality stuff teaching you these hard core skills that I've been living and dying by for the last twenty six years since the commercial Internet started. And we have students making a six thousand dollars a month. A couple a couple months into the program, didn't even graduate yet. So it's one of the best legacy gifts you could give to your kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces, so that they're not coming home and living in your basement. Because they'll have their own money. Then I'm a little bit later. I'll tell you how you can get a full scholarship to that if you're in my mentor program. So that's my school, the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.
[00:04:37] All right. Let's get to the main event. Bob Dietrich is an award winning public speaker, event producer and entrepreneur. Bob is also co-founder of Brainworx, a personal development company designed to help people with ADHD overcome their challenges. And he's co-host of the Online Business Toolbox. Bob is also a freelance writer for an online concert blog and a regular member of a local improv club. Bob, are you ready to screw? The commute? How are you doing out there in the in the left coast? We call it the left coast.
[00:05:21] We are working our left muscles out over here on the left coast. Yeah. I'll bet a lot of people are doing, you know, I'm quitting all this Internet crap and I'm going to become an election lawyer. That's what that's where the money is.
[00:05:34] I was a lobbyist. So.
[00:05:38] So tell us what you're doing now, then we'll take you back a little bit to see how you came up through the ranks.
[00:05:44] Yeah, sure. So right now, I'm working with a company that I created with my partner, Olma Galván. It's called BrainWorx. We work with children and adults that have ADHD, autism and other other kind of neurological disorders. And we use natural methods, exercises mostly that ignite the brain, ignite neurons to make connections that give them functionality so they can regulate their fight or flight and their focus, which is a big part of the challenges that come with ADHD. So it's a big it's kind of a breakthrough process and it works amazingly well. Like I said, the body will heal itself if you allow it to. And we kind of set the stage for that. So we're really starting to gain momentum. We're working with people all over the world. Our program is completely designed to be and it's not we didn't pivot like for the for the pandemic. It was designed to be virtual. We can reach more people. And so it's been fantastic. And people are really raving about the results, though.
[00:06:51] Did you develop this program or is this this developed by some kind of PhDs or what?
[00:06:58] Actually, AMA developed the program. She pulled it together from PhDs that created different parts of it. And when she pulled everything together synergistically, it worked. It worked amazingly well, like I mentioned before. And so she she's taking other people's work, combining it together, things like brain gym, reflex integration, a neurological reorganization. And we've got a few of our own things that we've kind of come out of this. But and we've got a couple of staff, psychologists that are that work with us as well. But for the most part, you know, we're taking other people's public domain programs and products and pulling them together to to create a system that really works and helps helps children and adults overcome their challenges.
[00:07:45] Though she did this out of necessity, right?
[00:07:48] Yeah, she has. And her story is amazing. She had two children that were that were a couple of years apart. Both be diagnosed with severe autism, severe ADHD, OCD, the sensory disorder, you name it, that it. And to the point where two doctors told her, listen, your oldest son put them in an institution and move on with your life. Oh, my God.
[00:08:13] And so, really, at this point, they were like three or four. Oh, yeah. Maybe four, four or so. And that was the oldest one. And she said, no way, I'm not going to do that. I'll find a solution. She spent seven years looking for something kind of trial and error, trying something that worked. Nothing seemed to work for seven years until she came along, came across neurological reorganization and almost and brain gym almost the same time. And she combined those things. And that really started to make some differences to the point where her voice now they have jobs, they have girlfriends, they drive, they are totally self-sufficient.
[00:08:53] And she never thought they would get that to that point where we should put the people that told her to put them in an institution. Let's put them in an institution.
[00:09:05] You know you know what doctors are like nowadays.
[00:09:07] It's like they they diagnose and prescribe. And and so that's that was they're just following their protocol. And, you know, I wish they would they would be more open minded to different things like that. But, you know, nowadays it's just like, here's a pill.
[00:09:23] All right. So just before we go on, can you explain that concept of neurological reorganisation?
[00:09:32] Yeah, neurological reorganization is a process of going back to the movements that you did in your first year of life. And and those movements ignite the brain to make neurological connections. OK, and I'll have to go back a little bit.
[00:09:50] But let me let me explain this part. So when a normal neurotypical person goes into fight or flight. Right, they'll go into fight or flight if somebody attacks them or some kind of that's happening where they need to go in a fight or flight. It's a natural, important part of our who we are as human beings, however. When your ponds, which is part of your brain, is located at the top of your brain stem, isn't developed completely, you will not be able to discern whether things are a threat or not. So things like, you know, like I'll use a kid as example, things like doing your homework or taking a shower or brushing your teeth could seem like threats to them. And then they go into meltdowns. Right. And so you see these kids at the stores, you know, going into meltdown over a box of cereal because their brain can't do anything but that. Right. They go into the meltdown as they get older, they learn to deal with it. But then it looks like anxiety for adults. Right. And so what we do is we do neurological reorganisation, which is going back to the first year of life and we recreate the movements.
[00:10:49] So and this sounded kind of wacky to me until I started interviewing people and I started seeing the results for myself when I did the program. And now I'm watching other people go through it. And it's amazing. So so when you think of a baby from zero to six months, they creep on their tummy. Right? They can't crawl yet. They can't even walk. They can't do anything except move along their tummy and they as they start to move forward on their tummy. That scooting process actually is the process, the movement that ignites the brain to start making those neurological connections. So what we'll do with these children especially, is we will get them to do these exercises that will where they scoot on their tummy and try and move forward across the room. And they do that about 10 minutes a day. Within a couple of weeks, you'll start to see them calm down significantly. And with a couple of months, they'll have made permanent connections in their brain to to to overcome that. And you'll have that transformation. So it's pretty, pretty amazing stuff.
[00:11:45] It is. It is crazy because I'm sitting there thinking, man was as big as my tummy is. I should be brilliant.
[00:11:52] Well, you got a scoop on your tummy. What was the last time you were on your tummy? Tried to move forward across the room.
[00:11:57] Oh, let's see. When I fell down trying to get out of my chair in college.
[00:12:03] Right. So, all right.
[00:12:07] Now now I know you're into entrepreneurship. And I watched an old video of yours that said there was three secrets to it and one was learn stuff.
[00:12:16] One was work on your mindset about money. And one was trying not to get caught in only high concepts. In other words, like be a dreamer, you know, picture this great thing, but don't take the steps to do it.
[00:12:29] So it seems to me what you know about the brain and brain works and the combination with brain gym, this would help entrepreneurs to to have some of this work. Would you? Is that true or is it only work for people that have trouble now?
[00:12:43] It works for anybody. I mean, we've assessed thousands of people and we've never seen anybody that had a fully developed porn's midbrain.
[00:12:51] So, you know, your pawns, your pawns is the part of the brain that determines fight or flight.
[00:12:58] So if you are feeling anxious or you're having anxiety or any kind of, you know, anger issues in emotional control, you know, we talk about emotional intelligence. This is why it's happening a lot of the time, because you don't have that pond's connected. And so you really don't have that functionality to to to to calm yourself down. And people use meditation and yoga and things like that. But they're using it because it's a management tool. They're managing what's already there instead of, you know, kind of fixing their brain.
[00:13:28] Not that must be pretty good at it. Says I recently had this traumatic event where I learned I wasn't going to get affiliate commissions for the next three traumatic events. But we have we have an exercise for that.
[00:13:46] So let's take you back to the zoo. You know, first, how old is Brain Gym started when her kids were little. So that's 20 some years ago.
[00:13:56] Yeah, that was twenty million up range and brain brain works. The beginnings of brainworx.
[00:14:01] Yeah. Brain Gym is a component of the brain, but brain work started about twenty years ago and it wasn't brain works back then. It was just almost, you know, working. Now, how did you get involved with it? Well, I got involved about four years ago when she said, hey, listen, I've been doing this word of mouth for twenty years, had made a successful business out of it, but it's all been local and I want to be able to get this information out all over the world. Well, I know video really well. I knew and I knew that you needed the leverage. You know, the only way to leverage a company like this was to put it on video. So we created a video program. We created online group calls. And and through using Zoom, we're able to have one on one sessions and we put the whole thing on video. And what what was interesting is that it worked even better, you know, the way it is now, you know, virtually because people got more time with her, you know, even though it wasn't one on one, those group calls, you know, there's there's this connection that you get with the group calls and you're still learning. You're still engaged in the process. So at a lot of. Credibility and accountability and and accessibility.
[00:15:11] So you took a word of mouth business and they blew it up using video, so that's very common. But she didn't know how to do it. You had to step in and help her with that. So in helping pass it along to helping a lot of people, too. So that's that's a beautiful, beautiful work. So let's take you back to the beginning where you and entrepreneurial kids or did you grow up in an entrepreneurial family?
[00:15:36] You have a job, all that stuff. You know, it's interesting.
[00:15:40] So so my dad, he was a drug addict and alcoholic. Oh. I mean, he wasn't around much. And so my mom, she lived on hairdresser salary and welfare. So we had to really scrape by. And I remember one time when my mom had give me like five dollars to go to the store and she gave me this stuff and she goes, you know, if you can't get everything, they can get what you can see if you can make it work. So I was really proud when I came back with, you know, with that all the stuff and change. Right.
[00:16:16] And so it was like at this, you know, these are the types of things where I and I had other family members that that did have money.
[00:16:23] You know, you got to deal with the shoplifting being an entrepreneurial endeavor.
[00:16:30] Thank God I didn't get that because, you know, that that could have that could have happened. That could have been one of the things that we were. Yes. To. But but what I did learn was that, you know what? I made a decision very early on that I wasn't going to grow up like that when I could make the decision for myself, I was going to be different. What I had to battle, though, was all the mindset that came with growing up like that. What's interesting, though, is because my mom was a hairdresser and she worked, you know, she kind of paid Buth while she was an entrepreneur. And I didn't realize it till later in life, that how much I actually learned about being an entrepreneur from her. I mean, she used to put bus trips together to Las Vegas with a bunch of people and we'd we'd have all sorts of different things. So, you know, her and my sister and I all kind of worked together on this. And and we kind of got this, you know, this kind of bringing community together thing that my mom had that that really made made it kind of became part of me. And that's why this online business toolbox and and bringing community together with ADHD and some of the things I've done with Toastmasters, it all is part of who I am. And I've really taken that those good things from my childhood and made them, you know, made them my strengths.
[00:17:41] Well, I mean, did you did you end up getting a job somewhere? Because how long have you been an entrepreneur?
[00:17:48] Yeah, yeah. That's interesting. So I think my first job was screening luggage at the at the airport gate.
[00:17:55] And it was back then, you know, it wasn't all this TSA stuff. It was like the fun stuff. We just, you know, we were just we would just pull over the people that we wanted to write. But, you know, I was 19 at the time. This is this is like I was just happy to be working and I was having fun and stuff like that. And and then I got a 19 that was 18, actually in 19. I got a job at the bank and I worked at the bank because I thought, you know, that's where the money is. And, well, I just realized that when I started working there that that's not they didn't pay us the money. Right.
[00:18:28] So so I did that for a while. And I took my accounting career and I spent 16 years in accounting and.
[00:18:35] Oh, but I always 16 years ago, 16 years.
[00:18:39] And I always as I was graduating college, the last class, my teacher told me, listen, if you want to if you want to be in a recession proof job, you've got to get into sales. And I knew sales was super important, but I was an accountant, which is the opposite. Right. And so I knew I had to get into sales. And so eventually I quit accounting. I started learning entrepreneurship through Robert Yazaki and things like that, which which that's that's a whole different story. But there were some good nuggets in there about that. But there are some things that I didn't care for either. But anyway, so I started learning entrepreneurship. I got into the commission only sales, which is a lot like being an entrepreneur. You know, you you get paid on results. And that was really a big deal. And I learned how to spread my money out and make money in chunks and and make money like an entrepreneur does. And then eventually I opened up my own my own business. I was about twenty years ago, was an energy conservation business. And so I studied entrepreneurship for a long time until I, you know, I was pushed into the what was the energy conservation business about?
[00:19:56] What's up?
[00:19:57] What we do is we would we would work with the utility companies to distribute energy conservation products to the community. So we did. Thousands and thousands of pieces of energy efficiency products like, you know, it was first class and then it was led lighting and then, you know, thermostats and.
[00:20:18] You know, all sorts of things, sensors, so you made a deal with the utility company to promote this for you? Is that what it was?
[00:20:27] Yeah, yeah. So we would take the rebate money as a contractor and we would we would go and we'd we'd make we take the rebate money and we find a product manufacturer, a reputable product manufacturer with a great warranty. We negotiated great price and then using that was lower than the rebate and then using the rebate money, we would basically give the project away for free because the rebate paid for the whole thing and we can make a decent profit on it. So, you know, we were getting 15 dollars a light bulb, for example, and and we were buying the light bulbs for five bucks apiece. It was costing a couple of bucks to install and to ensure everything. And we were able to make eight bucks, light bulbs and eight bucks times. One hundred thirty five thousand light bulbs. Yeah, money.
[00:21:14] Yeah, that's for sure. Yeah. So we were able to really do that.
[00:21:17] And so to literally the light bulb went off in your head and literally it did.
[00:21:24] Exactly.
[00:21:24] And we did that for a while and and it was, it was good except the market got saturated. And, you know, I was I wanted to do more public speaking. I wanted to make a bigger impact in the community. And, you know, I've always I've always taken jobs ever since I left the county and I decided I'm only doing projects and working at places where and building businesses that made a difference to the to the community.
[00:21:54] All right. Well, tell us about the Obbie tool box. How did that come about?
[00:21:57] What is it starting today? How did you come up with the idea? What's what's it all about?
[00:22:04] Yeah. So for a while. Well, let me let me go back a little bit. And I used to work a lot of Toastmasters and Toastmasters. You know, we put together a lot of events and we'd had this thing called the Leadership and Communication Expo, where we would bring in local talent right within the toastmaster community to do individual presentations on all the things that matter to speakers. Right. So and because Toastmasters about leadership communication and public speaking, we'd have leadership programs, we have storytelling programs, we'd have how to use Facebook and how to get paid for speaking and all these other things around public speaking.
[00:22:43] And so we had these great events and they went off amazingly well. I did about five of those. And and then these are live or online. These were live events, live events. And then when I started working and developing brain worx, we did a couple online summits. And these online summits were amazing. They really brought the community together.
[00:23:05] And by bringing together different experts from ADHD, from doctors to biofeedback to people who are coaches and things like that. And so we brought the whole community together. And it was really a great resource for people who were, you know, who were looking to overcome ADHD or autism or some of these neurological challenges.
[00:23:28] But, you know, entrepreneurship and personal development has been a passion of mine for a while. And I finally I was talking with with my partner, Thomas Mangum, my business partner, and Thomas said, hey, I'm ready to do this. I said, it's about time, let's do it. And so because I was working with Shanda, Sumner, Chanta agreed to be in the program. We found several other people. And now we've got over 40, 40 people like yourself that have come in to the program. And and they'll be speaking on everything from how to start your Etsy business, how to build your list and, you know, different keys to starting your online program on your own online business. And, you know, when I was talking to Thomas with the genesis of this whole process was, you know, there's so many people out of work right now. And and if they felt like we did, they're like tired of being so vulnerable to somebody else, you know, to somebody else, paying them, you know, getting that paycheck and and having this independence of being able to earn money online. It's just been freeing for both of us. And we thought, you know, let's give this to these people that are out there that want to learn to start their own business, get free from their job and and really start to be successful and earn money online so they can live more of the life they want, more life. They feel like they're meant to live and and make the difference they want to make and be able to travel doing it. I mean, shoot, I could be sitting in Costa Rica right now having this conversation with you. Right. So, you know, we're we're big fans of really, you know, living your bigger life. And I think having an online business allows you to do that.
[00:25:09] All right. So how's it go? What's the schedule like? Start today. So how's it go?
[00:25:15] Yeah, so it starts today and launches today. It runs. All the way through the end of November, it will have two videos released every day of two different speakers all the way through the end of the program. And at the very end last two days of the month, we will we'll give you a full replay of everybody who's been in the program. So so, yeah, you can you can really join it any time. And at the very end, you'll be able to to to listen to all the replays, all the interviews, the entire last two days.
[00:25:46] Ok, and if you can't be there, you can you can purchase these.
[00:25:51] Yeah, if you can't be there, you can you can purchase them, if you just go to the LP toolbox and sign in, you'll get a thank you page in an email and you'll be able to link over and purchase. Yes.
[00:26:02] Yes. So.
[00:26:03] So folks here, we'll have links in the show, notes to you're going to and get all the details over there. They've got loads, loads of speakers. They slummed it a little bit and they decide to have me on. So I don't know what to do. You know, the schedule of speakers yet or that announced or unannounced speakers.
[00:26:32] We don't have the schedule announced at this point. And the reason why is because we really like to just release them on a daily basis and gives us the flexibility to move people around as as time permits. But the I think the the important part for everybody to know is that, you know, Tom Antion and his content is gold for us.
[00:26:55] I mean, Tom's been around so long and he's got so much content to share that we are so happy that he's in the program. So thank you, Tom, for being a part of it.
[00:27:03] Yeah, yeah. My my pleasure's all right. We got to take a brief sponsor break. And when we come back, we're going to ask Bob, what's a typical day look like for him and how he stays motivated. So, folks, but twenty years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head because guys at my level and girls were charging 50 or 100 thousand bucks up front to teach of the stuff that we knew.
[00:27:27] And and I knew a lot of these people. You give them 50 grand up front, you'd never see him again. So I thought, you know, this is too risky for a small business is not right. So I said, what am I what can I do to help these people? And so I so I flipped everything upside down and I just charged an entry fee, but I tied my success to their success. So for me to get my fifty thousand, you have to make 200000 net. And so people just love this idea. And and seventeen hundred plus students later and twenty years later, it's still going strong. So it's a very you know, I, I triple dare I triple dog dare people all the time come up with a program that can even come close to matching mine and nobody takes up the challenge because of all the unique and great features of it. First of all, it's one on one. You know, guys at my level won't even talk to you, let alone teach anything. So so it's one on one with me and all the people I've trained at work here.
[00:28:30] So we have subject matter experts. So you're not lost, you know, group stuff. You're always either bored or lost one or the other. So it's all one on one. Another unique feature. You have an immersion weekend here at the great Internet marketing retreat center in Virginia Beach. It's all you have to do is get the Virginia Beach. We pick you up in a limo and you spend an immersion weekend where you actually live in the retreat center here with me. And and we have classes the whole time. Of course, this will be after the pandemic. You also get a scholarship to my school that I talk to you about earlier. So a lot of people joined a mentor program in and gift the school to their kids or their nephews, nieces or grandchildren. And that's one of the best gifts you could ever give them. There's lots of other unique features you just cannot get anywhere else with a program like this. It's a year long. Like I said, my success is tied to your success. You know, I'm not going to disappear on you because I won't get my fifty thousand and I want my fifty thousand. So check it out at It's the longest running, most successful, most unique program ever. I even have checklists where you can take to some other program and when you start comparing them, those other people go crawl under a rock somewhere.
[00:29:52] They can't possibly compete with this.
[00:29:55] And we also have a TV studio here where we shoot videos for you, which we have seen just one of them go at the discount price at a seminar for seven hundred dollars. Their regular price was fifteen hundred. And we nobody gets out of here without 10 to 15 of them. And we've had one couple do 53 videos where we added them, put all the graphics on for you. And you have you know, they left here with fifty three marketing videos, high quality. So so like I said, nobody can compete with this program. If you want to take the jump in your business or start an online business, this is the place I'll tell you.
[00:30:35] All right, let's get back to the main event. Bob Dietrich is here. He's the owner of Brain Worx and the co-founder of the Online Business Tool Box Summit. So, Bob, what's a typical day look like for you out in sunny San Diego?
[00:30:49] Well, you know what?
[00:30:51] To be honest, there's no typical day, but I will tell you some some things that are routine, you know, when I wake up, one of the things I do is I one of the things I used to do is I used to go right to my phone. Right. And I'd scroll through and I turn on the TV. And then what I've what I noticed and what I realized was that because your brain, when you wake up in and when you first wake up, your brain is still kind of groggy. And that's kind of a theta state. That's when you're really open to to new ideas and new reception, kind of like in hypnosis is the same state as hypnosis. So I use that time to be quiet. Now, I don't go to my phone. I don't go to my my TV. What I do is I, I give myself positive affirmations and it really starts my day in a great way.
[00:31:34] And what I'll do is I'll start with a walk. Right. And I'll and I'll kind of really ground. And then about halfway through my walk, I might get on the phone and have a conversation with people and kind of get my day ready and then come back, you know, and then I'll be doing everything from client calls sometimes to interviews.
[00:31:51] And most of it's online. I work from home a lot of the times. If it's summertime, I'll I'll just take everything down to the beach and I'll put my umbrella down and my my beach chair and I'll just do all my stuff from from there, which is awesome.
[00:32:04] I love that cell phone, tablet, laptop.
[00:32:08] Most of it's on my cell phone. Sometimes I'll take my laptop but it's a lot to carry and good sand and it doesn't.
[00:32:15] Yeah.
[00:32:17] So you know sometimes I'll work from the beach on my cell phone. So I work, I live like ten minutes from La Hoya Shores here in San Diego. So easy to get to. And then at night Gece.
[00:32:31] You know, because I have diabetes and I try and control my blood sugar, I'm often trying to figure out, you know, important things to eat, like, you know, that are low carb and low fat. So that's that's kind of a challenge for me.
[00:32:48] Trying to figure that out is, in fact, bad for diabetes.
[00:32:51] Well, yeah, we can go into that because Kaito type thing and, you know, they're claiming enormous gains with that.
[00:33:00] I mean, with diabetes. But it's it's high fat diet. It's opposite, but it's low super low carb.
[00:33:07] It is high fat and and low carb. And so you can accomplish weight loss with that. But the problem with diabetes is that fat will form around the cell. And then that's why that's why the insulin doesn't get get into a lot of the cells so that all the sugar can metabolize.
[00:33:23] So it's going on the low fat diet like like under 10 grams of meal under 30 a day. That's when you really make progress because you are now, you know, you're stripping that fat away from the cells, allowing the insulin to unlock in the sugar to metabolize. But and that's that's gone from mastering diabetes program that I'm working on now. So I haven't mastered it yet.
[00:33:47] That's pretty tough because low fat means you get hungry.
[00:33:51] And that's it's a tough that's a tough gig.
[00:33:56] So how do you stay motivated when you're working for yourself?
[00:34:00] You know what things like this event, like the online business toolbox, it just you know, when I have a schedule and I'm going from one thing to another to another, I really stay motivated.
[00:34:13] It really keeps me motivated. I've also noticed that because I'm in the brain and how the brain develops, that dopamine is an important part of it. If you can if you can get small tasks done throughout the day and feeling like you're accomplishing things, then that is a big part of that will release dopamine into your system and you'll feel good about things and that will really motivate yourself. So I try and have a detailed list of the things that I want to get done. And as you scratch them off, you know, dopamine release and in my system, monkey motivated, that's a great way to keep keep yourself motivated. And that's something I use. Stayed motivated.
[00:34:53] Sounds good. All right. Well, I know you're busy today, but there's this thing kicking off. So thanks so much for coming on.
[00:35:01] Yeah, thank you. I'm very excited. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the online business toolbox.
[00:35:06] There we go. OK, folks will have everything in the show notes for you and we'll catch you all on the next episode. See ya later.
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