348 - Work life balance: Tom interviews Marc Bullard - Screw The Commute

348 – Work life balance: Tom interviews Marc Bullard

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Marc Bullard

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    Marc Bullard has a Bachelor of Science degree in video production from Stevenson University and a Master's Degree in education from Ashford University. And I hired him off of Craigslist 10, 11 years ago. He was a surf dude and he had dirty sand filled flip flops and long hair. He has a master's degree and was a professor at ITAC. I said, why are you quitting there? He said, they want me to wear a tie. So that's the perfect metaphor for the lifestyle businesses we create and encourage our employees to enjoy.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 348

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    [04:33] Tom's introduction to Marc Bullard

    [06:15] Handling work/life balance in the beginning

    [09:37] Having family obligations

    [16:00] Making “deals” to keep things in balance

    [20:11] Having time to do other things outside work

    [23:44] Sponsor message

    [26:56] Camping and “Glamping”

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    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

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    Episode 348 – Marc Bullard
    [00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey, everybody it's Tom here with episode three hundred and forty eight of screw the Commute podcast. Today we have with us one of my right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot, everything folks that works around here for over ten years. And the reason he's on is because I personally am eminently unqualified to talk about the topic we're going to talk about today, which is work life balance.

    [00:00:52] He knows as good as anybody that I'm just a crazy fanatic to work day and night, weekends, holidays. And they don't have to worry about family obligations. So. So he's going to talk to us a little bit about how he's structured things over the years with me working back and forth with me and stuff that he does on his own. So we'll bring him on in a minute. I hope you didn't miss Episode 347. That was Cary Jack. Wow. What a lifestyle business this guy created. Jeez, he's a professional model. He's a biohacker. He's had plenty of start ups with his brother. He's eco friendly right now. I got a metal straw here. He sent me in a spork. And so really, really cool guy.

    [00:01:38] And he's into martial arts like I am. So you got to check that episode three forty seven. Now, how would you like to hear your own voice here on Screw the Commute? Well, if the shows helped you out or giving you any business ideas, we want to hear about it. Just visit. Screwthecommute.com. Look at the little blue sidebar says send the voice mail, click on it. And in your own voice, tell us what the show's done for you and also put your website in there so we can give you a big shout out in front of thousands of people on a future episode of Screw the Commute. Now make sure you pick up a copy of our automation ebook. This thing we figured it out a couple of years ago has saved me seven and a half million keystrokes. And we're not exaggerating. We estimated over all the years I've been using that's just one tip in this book. So we charge 27 bucks for this, but it's yours free for listening to the show. So check it out at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Download your own copy with our compliments. All right, let's see what else oh, hey, while you're over there, grab a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app, where you can put us on your cell phone and tablet. And we have great video and screen capture training. You know, some people give you an app and then you've got to try to figure it out. Well, it's not us. We we teach you how to use it so you can take us with you on the road. All right. Now, people are still freaking out because of this pandemic.

    [00:03:09] I mean, schools are open, schools are closed, schools are open a little bit, and then they're closed again in the middle of the week. You know, just I can't imagine what Marc is going through and the other parents around the world are going through with this craziness. But, you know, the thing is, is it's not really affecting me or my students that much because we're able to sell online and people call me up and know me 20 years and saying, hey, hey, Tom, you OK? And I'm like, yeah, why wouldn't I be? I'd been sitting here for I mean, literally I've been working out of my home for 44 years, 26 of it online. So it hasn't really affected me that much. So so that's what I went for you. So I want you to check out my school. It's one of the greatest legacy gifts you could give to a young person in your life and nephew, niece, grandchild, son, daughter. And I'll keep them from coming home and living with you because they'll actually have some marketable skills. And Marc, the guy we're going to talk to today also is the chief instructor in the school. So I'm sure we'll get to that a little bit. But it's I am Toksvig. We give scholarships to first responders, military law enforcement nurses, and you can get a full scholarship if you're in my mentor program, which I will tell you about a little bit later.

    [00:04:32] So let's get to the main event. Marc Bullard's here. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in video production from Stevenson University and a master's degree in education from Ashford University. And I got to tell on him when he first came, you know, I hired him off of Craigslist 10, 11 years ago. And I think it's more than that. I'm not sure if he's correct or not. Ask him how long it's been with both of us. Kind of forget. But he came in. He was a surf dude and and he was I ask him, well, and he was all we had, like, dirty sand filled, you know, flip flops and long hair. And I'm like, I'm looking at his resume. And I'm saying like, wait a minute, you got a master's degree and you were a professor at ITAC. And he said, Yeah, yeah, I think it was it. Yeah. And I'm looking at him. And I said, well, why are you quitting there? He said, well, they want me to wear a tie. So that's kind of is a perfect metaphor for the lifestyle businesses we create and encourage our employees to enjoy around here. So he's got all kinds of other credentials. But let's bring him on. Marc, are you ready to screw? The commute?

    [00:05:40] You got that right. Yes. I guess you have been you got two boys there, right? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. They screwed everything up.

    [00:05:48] I hope I hope they interrupt this today so we could, you know, be more real life about this whole thing. But hey, first of all, let me thank you publicly for all the great things you've done for me in the school and the students over all these years.

    [00:06:01] So I want to thank you publicly for that.

    [00:06:03] Oh, sure. No problem. Appreciate it.

    [00:06:06] Go ahead. Add the part about as long as you keep sending the paycheck.

    [00:06:09] Well, yeah, sure. Yeah. I appreciate that as well. Yeah.

    [00:06:13] Yeah. So, so, so this isn't the hard core nuts and bolts. I mean this guy has written books. Yes. I don't know, three, four or five books on video marketing. Very highly accomplished. But this particular thing is about handling work life balance and the deals we kind of made over the years to keep him and his family going. Because I do care about families. I just don't want one, that's all. So so tell him a little bit about how how workflow it was like in the beginning, and then we'll come up to the president and see what we're doing because of this pandemic, OK?

    [00:06:49] Yeah, sure. In the beginning, who knows what how many years it was. I like that we both kind of forget. But in the beginning when I didn't have kids and it was just getting ready to get married, I mean, you still had other families flowing into your, you know, your house where you've been working, you know, from Jan. And I think even like I don't know, Tracy didn't have any kids, but I know Jen definitely had kids coming in and out. And she was probably the biggest example of work life balance at that time.

    [00:07:18] Well, they actually grew up at my feet in the big office down there. I mean, they didn't exist for the first few years. She was really desperate to have kids. I mean, I remember going through that, helping her with that. And they both grew up crawling around on the floor in the main office down below.

    [00:07:36] Yeah. And then and that's when I started was when her second the youngest was. One, you know, wasn't even crawling at that time. Yeah, so that might maybe helps with the timeline, but whatever, but yeah, but that was the first time that I saw how the work life balance was going to be with you, at least when I was with kids and I was like, OK, well, that's really nice, really flexible. Kids show up and you know, if you started back in that little office right in the back of the office. Right. Yeah. You know, dogs and kids and multiple people coming through. But when you were talking about work life and especially like family. Yeah, Jen was the biggest first indicator of how you were you were going to handle things with the work life balance and everybody else's life, like you said. But you were saying that you don't you don't really have a family of your own. But it's kind of funny because there's multiple times in all of us that have worked for you have it one time or another, felt like, oh, we got to not check up on you. But you're like a family, an extended family member.

    [00:08:38] I mean, thank you. Thank you. I just I mean, I don't I don't have kids myself. I got dogs. And of course, I got that long lovely girlfriend. But she lives three hours away.

    [00:08:50] So it allows me to be a fanatic, workaholic, kind of a workaholic. I mean, nobody would look at me in my life and say, well, he's you know, he's all balanced. But the thing is, is I've tried to make it a point not to put it on all you folks. I hopefully agree with that.

    [00:09:08] Oh, yeah, I definitely see that. Yeah. Yeah. At times you're taking on more.

    [00:09:14] Well, yeah, because this pandemic I didn't want Jen going to the post office anymore with the kids when they were out of school. So I just took on that for her because yeah, I do really care deeply about that's what I most people have been around here for many, many years and the longest probably, I don't know, six years or so. So I try not to put that on you, but but most people are not going to be like me. I'm not going to be, like, totally fanatic day and night. They've got family obligations like you do. And and so how's that working out? Again, we're still looking from behind there. We're going to come up to the president. So. So you worked here for a while and then you had a family, right?

    [00:09:56] Yeah. Worked here, got married. I did the whole thing. And then the family started showing up. And that was you know, that was a culture shock in itself, just having a family. But now I'm working and having a family. And it was I mean, with the first little kid, little boy, it was pretty easy, in my opinion, with working with you. It was at least in regards to working with you, you were very flexible. But there at other times it was, you know, day care in the morning, day care at night and, you know, picking up, dropping off. And sometimes you had some one time I dropped the dropped them off without shoes for the daycare lady.

    [00:10:37] And you maybe keep bringing shoes. I think we made a deal that we left shoes there just in case, because in the summertime I'm barefoot as Tom.

    [00:10:47] You know, in the introduction you mentioned I'm a surfer, so I usually have flip flops, but I just didn't think about it with the kid.

    [00:10:52] I've never heard that story. That's correct. Yes.

    [00:10:55] And she was OK with it. But sometimes she would take the little kids to, you know, like the library or there's like a little reading bus that they would go to. And she said I couldn't take it because he didn't have shoes. So I felt kind of bad. So, you know, it was, you know, that work life balance was a I guess like a culture shock and a breaking in period to get used to the rigamarole. And and there was even times, not that often, but there are even times that, you know, the daycare lady was out. And of course, my wife had to work and I was working. And I would sometimes bring the little, you know, little guy to work. And at this point, I think I was at the school the majority at the time.

    [00:11:37] So that's why I think you've been here a lot longer, because we've had the school twelve years while doing OK.

    [00:11:44] Well, like I started before I started in that school was still two by fours. Yeah. Walking in there with you said, OK, well OK. Wow.

    [00:11:54] You know, I kind of got a story like that too because I did data girl that had a had a baby and I did change one diaper in my whole life. All right. So I that puts me in a special group of people, workaholics that and what I found out is that, you know, break you bite your nails really quick to change your baby. But but anyway, I had to take the baby.

    [00:12:19] I had to go to the mall to get something in. The mom was busy doing something and was taken with you. He loves you. OK, all right. So I put him in his car seat, which was like, I don't know, you got to have a PhD for that thing. So get him in the car seat, I haul off to the mall. I'd run in a park and I just start running into the mall and.

    [00:12:41] Yeah, I'm forgetting something, so I'm so used to that as a bachelor doing my own thing, he's sitting in the back of the car seat just laughing and, you know, so I had to go get him. But there's been people worse than that that left him on the roof of the car and drove off and the kids sitting in the middle of the intersection laughing. So I wasn't that bad. But so.

    [00:13:03] So anyway. Yeah. So you had to bring him with you. But that was no big deal, right? No. I mean, it really was around here.

    [00:13:09] It wouldn't be a big deal because this lifestyle business not like going into a corporate office or anything.

    [00:13:15] Oh, yeah, no, I can not do that. No, it was fantastic because it was all Internet or phone and then sometimes the combination of Internet on the phone. So it was you know, there were a couple like I would have, you know, like a zoom meeting. I would have a zoom meeting or something at times, and there might be a little crying in the background.

    [00:13:37] Yeah. But even with our clientele, knowing the way we run and we're trying to teach them to have a lifestyle business. I mean, you see it on national TV every day now because of the pandemic thing of it, even before the pandemic.

    [00:13:51] Yeah, pretty acceptable of it. And so, you know, I don't know, maybe that's just the maybe that's the people. People are getting the vibe off of you. I like that, you know, the mentees and the students and then they kind of pick up on that family vibe. So they're all fine with it as well. I don't know. But I'm anybody I've worked with phone Zoome call emails or anything, if there is any sort of, like, family thing going on there, more than acceptable and understanding. So that's really cool. Maybe it's just this whole online business in general, I don't know.

    [00:14:24] Well, I kind of think so because I'm trying to teach them to have work out of their home and have a lifestyle business. And so naturally, I should be a good role model for that. And if some of the dogs bark or something, I say I would just make fun of it or, you know, whatever. If somebody comes to the door, the dogs would go crazy. Don't worry about it. And so, you know, if you project that the people you're trying to teach to have that kind of life can relate to it. But if I mean, if you're trying to do work with really, you know, stick up the butt corporate people, well, then you might have to, you know, be much more careful about that.

    [00:14:57] But around here, though. Yeah, but I mean, they do see you are a role model, especially with the work ethic. But then also you're an eccentric because you said yourself that work ethic is not everybody can't do everything, you know, can't do what you do. And that's what we're talking about, this whole work life balance, even before the pandemic and stuff. But the Internet as a whole and doing everything that we were doing, I was doing at your house. And then eventually the school carries right over as long as you have Internet connection and a computer. So it hasn't been too difficult, you know, except for sometimes you and I, we have to get together and record stuff. But that all all that consists of is an email of kind of scheduling a date and time other than you used to just say, hey, come over, I got to shoot something real quick. So.

    [00:15:43] Well, and yeah, I mean, even if we got to it, the boys are old enough now, they could be playing in the corner somewhere if we really had to.

    [00:15:50] Yeah. Yeah, they're pretty. Yeah. They're actually pretty well behaved and we can, we can quiet them down, time out. We'll run them around with the dogs before.

    [00:15:59] Yeah. So, so that went on for quite a few years and then, and then things somewhat changed where you and I had to make some deals. Right.

    [00:16:09] Yes. Yes. So what happened was now the kids are getting a little bit older. I have two kids, two little boys. The second boy moved on to kindergarten and we sent them off to what? We sent the kindergartener off to a Montessori school. And they kind of charge hourly. And so if you can actually get one of the kids before a certain time, it saves you a good hundred bucks. And so I talked to Tom. Hey, is it OK if I kind of go out and grab, you know, leave early, but then I can keep checking my emails. I can do stuff when I get home. I just need to leave early to grab the kids and then I can either come back to the school and work on, you know, on the computer and the kids just stay busy for about an hour, hour and a half or, you know, I just run home. And the way it actually turned out eventually was that they both got off the bus at the same, you know, right at the house. So I would just, you know, pick up, get the kids off the bus and then just run them back on home. They needed, you know, give them a snack. And then that was perfect because I could check emails and, you know, run back upstairs and check emails. And and what's nice also is because when they come home from school, they kind of like brain dead time anyway. You know, they are a little bit excited. But luckily, my kids had in the afternoon at recess so tired about. So they wanted to eat and just chill, chill out for a little bit, which was fantastic for me because I would just tell them I'm upstairs, I'm checking my emails and doing this. I got to do this. And they were actually pretty cool with it. So that worked out really well. And like I said, that was, of course, when there was a bus driving around and dropping them off and picking them up.

    [00:17:52] Yeah, but from my point of view, I'm sitting here thinking, man, that's ridiculous to make him run back to the school for an hour or half hour. It's just stupid. I mean, I respect the people that work here in their expertise and all the time we have invested in each other and all that. And it just doesn't make sense for me to be Mr. Badass, and then force them to do stuff that just don't make any sense just because I'm the boss. So it was you know what? That's the thing. That's why people have been around here so long.

    [00:18:25] I'm not I don't want to claim I'm some great guy to work for. But the thing is, is I try to to make sure that we both get taken care of with the least amount of hassle. So that's that's why I work on it.

    [00:18:38] Well, yeah. And that kind of carries over into the work ethic of the employees. So like I'm like, oh, cool, he's flexible with it. I will be flexible. So what I'll do is I usually I don't really have to start work till around 10:00. That's when they usually start. But I wake up and I'll check an email at seven thirty or eight o'clock sort of.

    [00:18:58] Yeah. That's actually surprised me lately when you know, I send something thinking, okay, well I'll hear from him after 10:00 and then I hear from you earlier.

    [00:19:05] I'm thinking, boy, he must this clock must be on.

    [00:19:08] Yeah. I get into the habit and I'm also kind of like, well you know, Tom flexible while I'm flexible. Appreciate. And also because you're not taking advantage of it, right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Have you asked me every day to check my emails at six or something like that. I would get a little curmudgeonly.

    [00:19:23] Yeah. I don't, I wouldn't blame. Yeah.

    [00:19:26] Right. So, so I think it flips and carries over both ways and again with and with the kids and stuff. When they were here what was also nice, I also found that I was like I wasn't staring at the clock waiting for five o'clock. I just kind of was like, oh OK. You know, I'd work and check on the kids and then come back. And then sometimes I was checking emails at five fifteen or six fifteen. But, you know, sometimes it's a quick answer, usually it's a quick answer. And so again, that's where the flexibility came in. I was like, you know, and I can just knock this out real quick. It'll save me time in the morning. Had a deal. So I liked it. I kind of liked I still like it, but I kind of like just being able to not on my own time. But I did have I felt like I was doing more things on my own time, even if it wasn't within my set hours.

    [00:20:11] Yeah. And and he's been able to amazes me that keep such a full life with two boys, a beautiful wife and really, you know, serious hobbies, you know, doing the surfboard thing. I want you to tell him about that. And he reads things that I would never read in a million years, has time to do that and still gets all his work done. So tell him about the surfing stuff and the camping. Also, another camping is another big part of your life.

    [00:20:42] Well, yeah, well, definitely Tom said that I'm a surfer and I was a surfer and still out. I still am a server. And what I started to get into was fixing up old surfboard selling, um, finding old ones, you know, kind of like what people do with cars and stuff like that. And and what's nice about that is Tom is always talking about, hey, you know, make your hobbies, tax-deductible and stuff like them with this hobby.

    [00:21:07] You know, I have not listened to his advice, but I should and I'm starting I'm thinking about getting another business license and doing the surfboard thing because that hobby is starting to turn into not a business per say, but it has a cost. And I am selling and buying and selling. So it is a miniature little hobby type business that could eventually, later on down the road turn into something. What? I like that. Yes. So working at home again and doing that flexible stuff is really nice because when you work on a surfboard, you have to, you know, when you fix something, you put on this clear resin and then it takes a good two hours, three hours to just hard enough and you just don't touch it and leave it alone. But what's nice is that if there's anything I need to keep an eye on, I can run downstairs, check on the kids first, check on the wife, and then run out and just check on the surfboard, make sure everything's gone.

    [00:22:02] The wife, well, she's also downstairs. Yeah.

    [00:22:07] Let's talk about work life balance. I'm upstairs and one kid is upstairs. And then we have another kid downstairs in the living room area on a homemade desk that I made. And I fiberglass it, by the way. And then the wife is in the kitchen. So she's kind of tending one kid and I'm tending one kid and we kind of run and switch back and forth.

    [00:22:28] But she's not don't I don't want people think she's she doesn't work.

    [00:22:33] She works also where she's working also. Yeah. We have we're on four computers at the same time all around here. And so yeah, she is also doing that. She does like a human resources stuff. So she's actually on a computer more than I am, believe it or not, and doing like a lot of Excel spreadsheets. So it's driving her. And I'm both nuts because she's asking me, how do you do this? I have no idea excel stuff.

    [00:22:57] I Google it. Come on, Google. I know there's a YouTube video somewhere.

    [00:23:01] I'll find that for you. But so. Yeah, so we're all doing that. But the surfboard thing is a nice little it's almost like a it's not a break but it is a nice little break. You know, you're supposed to rest your eyes, you know, every hour or whatever. Fifteen. They say who who does that, but yeah, so I can do that, I can get out, get some fresh air running around with the dog real quick and come back in and and get back to doing whatever I'm doing. So and it actually helps clear my head and then gets me set up for the next thing that I would plan to do.

    [00:23:31] Yeah. And there's lots of people that will say, you know, set alarms to, you know, get up, walk around, you know, breathe some fresh air, get your eyes, give them a break and so forth. That helps you keep going going today. So we've got to take a response or break. And when we come back, we'll ask Marc about his camping. He and his parents and the whole crew goes camping. Somebody ask him today on our meeting, what's it called? If it's fancy camping, like glam camping for glamour camping. We'll see if that's what he's doing. So so, folks, about over 20 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing world on its head in that people at my level were charging 50 or 100 thousand bucks up front to teach people the stuff about Internet marketing for small business. And I knew a lot of these guys.

    [00:24:19] You give them 50 or 100000 upfront, you'd be chasing them around, you know, Mexico trying to find them because they wouldn't help you.

    [00:24:28] But so I said, that's not right. That's too risky for folks. So I'm going to charge an entry fee and then a percentage of profits that's capped. So for me to get my fifty thousand, you have to net 200000. Well, people love this idea and they knew I wouldn't disappear on them. So. Seventeen hundred students later, the program is still going and I call it the longest running, most unique, most successful mentor program of its kind. And I have plenty of stuff to back that up. I won't bore you with all of it right now, but some of the things that are so unique is that everything is one on one because I don't believe in group. We tried group training a little bit, but it was terrible because the advanced people were bored. If you're talking to a beginner and the beginner people are lost if you're talking to an advanced person. So yeah, it was easier on us, but I couldn't get any results out of people because you're only getting half efficiency out of it if you're lucky. So I said forget that we're all going to be one on one with myself and all the people that work here, Lakia, Larry, Travis, Marc, Jennifer. And that makes the most rapid progress for people.

    [00:25:41] So that's a unique feature. Also, the big retreat center that I'm sitting here. We have immersion weekends now. We'd have to wait till the pandemic's over if you happen to join now. But we don't actually let anybody come here for about four months till they. So they're not deer in the headlights the whole time during this immersion weekend. So nobody does that. We have a TV studio where Marc and Lakia fix you all up and shoot videos with you at an event. One time I saw just one of the videos we produce for people going for seven hundred dollars at their seminar rate, normally fifteen hundred and some of the people knock out 10, 20, 30. We had one couple come and shoot 53 videos. Marc edited them all, put the graphics on everything. So I mean, there's just enormous value in the program. Plus you get in a scholarship to my school and some person not too long ago gifted that to their daughter and she's making six thousand dollars a month on the side. All right. So very unique program. Check it out at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com. And we'll talk about your future online.

    [00:26:57] All right. Let's get back to the main event. Marc Bullard is here. He's been with me a long time. We don't know how long. I guess we could figure it out sometimes, but who cares at this point?

    [00:27:08] You also have a great lifestyle camping part of your life and includes your parents, which we, by the way, we use. Marc's mother is a retired English teacher, so she's a great editor to have around. And we refer people to her, but they tell us about all the camping stuff.

    [00:27:25] Ok, yeah, well, my wife my wife used to live in the mountains, and so she as much as she loves the beach, she also loves the mountains. So we have ever since the temperatures cooled down a bit, we've been doing some camping, usually around some rivers, which is fine because we take you know, we either get inner tubes or we bring a boat.

    [00:27:45] Actually, the last two times we went to the rivers, I brought a surfboard, which is odd when, you know, you never see the people driving around the mountains with a surfboard. Right. But it was it was one of those foam wave cutaways. Yeah, I did. I went and paddled upstream and then I, you know, would sit on it, turn around and go down fast enough to stand up.

    [00:28:06] So you see the skinny guy standing up on this foam surfboard going down the current on the river. It wasn't really like rapids or any. It's a nice, smooth moving James River, and then we also did the Shenandoah River as well.

    [00:28:20] So, yeah, so we've been trying to do more and more camping and we don't really do camping during the work week. Obviously, most of the time it's the weekends. But, you know, my wife and I and even the kids all do stuff on computers and we've been, you know, kind of kidding around that, you know, we could do like a longer camping trip because everything is online as long as we have Internet somewhere, hotspot or something, you know, we could do it. So and I'm like, I could probably do it a little bit easier than she could, but she's like, for sure. I'm tempted to try it like a day or so. But now we have not done that yet, but we really could. And then, you know, one time Tom, I was camping and Tom called me on the weekend and that a question for me. And at that one time I totally missed it because I know when I'm camping, I usually leave the phone in the car. But I did get back with him and on the next day and he was like, oh, don't worry about it. Ok, thanks.

    [00:29:18] Now, are the kids learning any skills from the camping, like making fires or chopping wood or what are they learning on these camping trips?

    [00:29:26] Yeah, well, they they help set up the camp, set up the tent to get things ready. They have learned some bug killing and bug prevention techniques as well. What's nice? Well, not nice, but our kids, ever since they were a little we've given them what we call the a fire privilege. They can you know, they can actually throw sticks in the fire as long as they're a responsible and respectful. So we've done that before we went camping. So they have fire privilege now. And so it's actually really not a big deal to them because we have you know, we have fires in the backyard sometimes. So, you know, they ask, can I start? Yeah, sure. So they know how to do the lighter and they do it respectfully and responsibly. And so they're pretty cool that. But the last time we went camping, it was more of the water stuff. It was the first time in a kayak and first time in a canoe, a first time in the canoe with a dog, which was very harrowing experience. And so now they're all about that. They're all about going out and like in their own boat. So I think they're getting a little bit of independence and seeing how fast and everything is on the on their own kayaks and stuff. So they like that. So. I think we're going to start getting into that, which means I have to maybe get a trailer or something to hook up to the back of the boat. Yeah, yes. But also my parents. Yeah, my parents are retired schoolteachers. They sold their house and went camping full time. Wow. And did that for about a year and a half all around the country. Loved it. And then retired into in Florida. But they got a much smaller trailer that they could just go around. And any time they come up and visit, they come up and camp nearby around Virginia Beach or even North Carolina sometimes. And so we go out and see them. And, you know, that's that's trailer camping.

    [00:31:10] We do tent camping, but we don't do that glamping stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah. About now that's more glamours. We're kind of stuck in the middle. Well I would say we're like suburban camping. So how was it when you first took the dog? The dog is a one year old young man. You do you have a dog before this. I can't remember. We had a very old 16 year old. Right. So we went with you to write a couple of times.

    [00:31:34] Yeah. Which was fine because she didn't very well go very far. But this one's different. This one gets excited and wants to say hi to everybody and stuff. So the first night we took the dog, the dog was anxious, you know, pacing a little bit and then got bit by a horsefly and then all the dog wanted to do was stay in the tent. So it was a little bit with. But she was pretty cool on the water and on the canoe. We actually have a life vest for with the handle on the pick her up. So she warmed up to that wasn't so sure. And now she loves that. So camping she'll take it or leave it as long as there's water involved. She's more excited, which is another thing that we have to deal with at home. Work the work home balance. There's many times I make multiple videos a week, you know, for school and for all this.

    [00:32:23] And there's been a good amount of times where it's not the kids, it's the dog show up in the recordings. And so I've had to work with that, you know, balancing that as well. There's been a couple of times where I've had to mute the mic and I'm like, let the dog out or just shut up.

    [00:32:38] I kind of thing. So, yeah. So it's really a four and a half people living in our house with the work life balance.

    [00:32:45] Well, you're living a great life. Really, really happy for the way it's developed. We could still work together and you can have this great family and I can live vicariously through you. Well, I'm a workaholic.

    [00:33:00] And so yeah, that reminds me of a story I wanted to say real quick. One time we were working, all of us were working with Tom. And I don't know if it was just one of us or it was me or just all of us. But we all said, what are you going to do during the hurricane Tom? And he goes, Hurricane? You did not even know that there was, I think, a Category three I think it might have about Sandy. I really don't know. But it was a hurricane. It was a it was going to hit that weekend. And I was like, yeah, we might not have to work. And he's like, oh, I didn't even know. So the rest of that day, he's watching, like, the Weather Channel learning about this hurricane that's going to hit probably in twenty four hours.

    [00:33:33] So, yeah, I guess leads to back to the work life imbalance that sometimes you well like the time I threw this is long before you were but I threw a A class on Thanksgiving. I didn't notice it was Thanksgiving. And you said that one did pretty well. Thirty eight hundred dollars. Yeah. Thanks for that. Well, I was saying all the people who didn't want to watch football were drunk. Uncle Harry, you know, you don't want to tell a class, so. Yeah, good.

    [00:34:04] All right. So, so awesome. Awesome.

    [00:34:06] I wanted to give people a little taste that you don't have to be a crazy nutcase to be a successful life and family and and do your own thing and have hobbies. And, yeah, we got to get you making those surfboards stuff tax deductible. Yeah. So, yes. All right. Well, thanks so much for coming on, man. Appreciate it.

    [00:34:25] Yeah, it's good time. And if you have any questions, feel free to email Tom. And if you like talking with me, you can always join the school and talk with me as much as you want.

    [00:34:33] That's right. There we go. All right everybody we'll catch y'all on the next episode. See ya later.

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