344 - At 87 she's still going strong: Tom interviews Dorothy Wilhelm - Screw The Commute

344 – At 87 she’s still going strong: Tom interviews Dorothy Wilhelm

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Dorothy Wilhelm

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    Dorothy Wilhelm was listed in the yearbook of experts, authorities and spokespersons as an expert on sex after 50. She says, “don't let life slow you down”, as she shows you how to create practical strategies for filling your first hundred years with laughter and purpose.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 344

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    [03:07] Tom's introduction to Dorothy Wilhelm

    [06:56] True Tales of Puget Sound

    [09:44] Stealing Donald Duck and scamming her way into first grade

    [14:15] Six kids, being a widow and not giving up her shot

    [24:23] Causing the Seattle Seahawks to lose the Super Bowl

    [26:13] Sponsor message

    [28:31] A typical day for Dorothy and how she stays motivated

    [34:14] Tom inspired Dorothy to write something!

    Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

    Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

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    Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

    Dorothy's bookhttps://www.amazon.com/Tales-Puget-Sound-American-Legends-ebook/dp/B07LG3X947

    Dorothy's websitehttps://itsnevertoolate.com/

    Swimming Upstream Radio Showhttps://www.iheart.com/podcast/966-swimming-upstream-r-29715864/

    Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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    Episode 344 – Dorothy Wilhelm
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey, everybody it's Tom here with episode three hundred and forty four of Screw the Commute podcast. We're here with Dorothy Wilhelm. And you know what? It's never too late to have somebody like Dorothy on here. And that'll mean something to you a little later. This lady is, I have to say, one of the most mature people we've had on here. I'm not very mature myself. I'm 65 going on 12, but I think she's going to give us some perspective. And the thing is, though, the reason she's so cool and nobody messes with her is she does tai chi a couple of times a week with a sword, you know, so nobody nobody messes with this lady. So we'll bring her out in a minute. Now, hope you didn't miss getting a copy of our automation ebook. Just one of the tips in this book has saved me seven and a half million keystrokes we actually estimated a couple of years ago. So grab that at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. We sell it for twenty seven bucks, but it's yours free for listening to the show. And while you're at it, grab a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app and it does all kinds of cool stuff on your cell phone and your tablets. And we have videos and screen capture so you can learn how to use all the fancy features. Now we're still, you know, suffering from this pandemic. In fact, most of the world is, but I'm not in a lot of my students. Are it because we know how to sell from home? I have been doing it continuously since the commercial Internet started in 1994. So. Twenty six years I've been sitting here.

    [00:02:08] I mean, I have people called me up and known me a long time. Say, You OK over there, Tom? Well, yeah, well I mean, what's the difference. I'm sitting in this big house by myself and selling stuff around the world. So I formalize that training in the form of a school which is the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country. It's certified to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. But you don't have to be in Virginia to go because it's distance learning and it's not this crappy distance learning. They're doing what the little kids and you know, it's not letting them, you know, steal duck pictures when they were little. But also talk about that in a minute there. So it's at IMTCVA.org. It's skills that are in high demand. Your kids and you aren't going to be in deep debt the rest of your life and then competing for jobs at Starbucks. This is the real hard core skills that every business on Earth needs.

    [00:03:08] All right, let's get to the main event in 1998. Check this out. Dorothy Wilhelm was listed in the yearbook of experts, authorities and spokesperson as an expert on sex after 50. This surprised her slightly along with her horrified children. But there it was right there, black and white on page 159, right after sex addiction and before sex and love there. He says, don't let life slow you down as she shows you how to create practical strategies for filling your your first hundred years with laughter and purpose. Dorothy, are you ready to screw? You're a sex expert. You should be ready. The commute.

    [00:03:57] Oh, Tom. You say the nicest thing.

    [00:04:00] Oh, I don't do anything to have a sex expert on the show to share.

    [00:04:05] It ain't happened yet.

    [00:04:08] On the other hand, when you realize, you know what you were kind of hit. Yeah, I think I am probably one of the most mature women speakers in our business. I know you're more marketing, but right now at almost eighty seven, I was looking all over the place to see your actual age and I didn't want to ask you, but no, actually, I use it because, you know, I want people to know. I do understand. I've come to the place where the door on the swings one way that's OK. By golly I am not missing much and you shouldn't either because you're just a boy. I have kids your age, so.

    [00:04:47] Oh, you mean the door only swings one way. You're not gay, is that what you're saying? No. I mean, no, no.

    [00:04:55] It only swings out.

    [00:04:58] I know that. But there's so much I see. I see friends now that you. Of course. Of course we're friends. Right. Never mind, but but people who are kind of sitting lovely and missing what what all you can still do and you know what you're talking about a little, but we're not missing because of the pandemic. It is. And I my kids, I'm I'm happy to say I've been very careful with they. They actually seem to like me and I'm delighted. But there's so much we can still do and there's so much fun we can still have. And I do think we should tell people about it.

    [00:05:35] Well, eighty seven is the new 20, isn't it.

    [00:05:38] Doesn't it, honey. Eighty seven is the new eighty seven.

    [00:05:45] Well, you know, I am a little surprised, Dorothy, that your children like you and I'll tell you, I got to tell people why it appears that one of her sons was in the Coast Guard, Macho Man in the Coast Guard. And for some reason, Dorothy thought it would be appropriate to and I'm quoting, I actually called the admiral to complain that my son was not writing me enough. Well, there is the funny thing, Tom he wrote right away.

    [00:06:15] I'll bet he did. He probably everybody on the whole ship was probably razzed him.

    [00:06:21] Well, yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely. And truly, I didn't know because I remember the first one to go away and I and I had bought from several airports because I'd walk around, I cried. I wouldn't have cried any more if he had been taken off to be hanged.

    [00:06:37] You probably less because I wouldn't know where he was. And so I when I didn't hear from him, I naturally. Well, what would you do? I, I did that and it took him a long time to get over it.

    [00:06:52] I'm sure he's probably scarred for life. So. So tell everybody what you're up to nowadays and then we'll take you back because there was some bleak times in your past. So tell us what you're doing now.

    [00:07:05] Well, right this minute I'm sitting here talking to you, of course. But at time two or three things, I have a new book out called True Tales of Puget Sound. You've got to know about Puget Sound to love this, but there's short historical stories based on fables. When I was doing my TV show, we went into more than one hundred towns in this area. And everywhere I'd go, people would say, Oh, I've got a story to tell you. And you've never heard it before. And so they told me, and I hadn't.

    [00:07:37] Is there a hundred towns up there? How did you find a hundred towns?

    [00:07:40] Don't be ugly, Tom. It doesn't become you. So anyway, when my show went off the air after I finished sulking. I pitched this book to the publisher and and when I went to research it, it turned out that none of this is a big surprise. You know, it turned out that none of the stories were true. No. This is our tradition for you. So what the book is, it is there all this is a story I was told this is what really happened and what I'm finding it. It's really fun. They're trying to communities that that are you know, we ran down the fable. So I'm doing a lot of book talks on on actually and also for community colleges in the area. I think to think about if you got people in other areas wanting to continue their business, is that the colleges and community colleges do continuing education and they've got to keep going. They've got the money and they have to keep classes going. So if you approach them, if they're going to be interested in what you're doing and it's fun.

    [00:08:49] Yeah, beautiful. This website you have, it's called ItsNeverTooLate.com, right?

    [00:08:56] That is correct. Itsnevertoolate.com. I've had that for more than 30 years.

    [00:09:01] I came in with this baby New Year, you know, how could you have it for thirty years when the Internet only came around twenty six years ago, you were really a forward thinker, huh? Well, yeah.

    [00:09:12] And I cannot exactly remember, except that I was trying desperately to build a business desperately. And so, you know, I've had it.

    [00:09:21] It's and I've had it as long as you can have it sounds like.

    [00:09:24] Exactly so. And it's got undergone several iterations, but I'm tickled with it. It's it's certainly like any other house that's been built in bits and pieces.

    [00:09:37] It's not. Could be.

    [00:09:38] But I know it's it's great because it's an inspiration for for lots of people, but especially since you got out of jail after after apparently coming your way into first grade early. Apparently this lady is is quite a slick, slick operator. She stole a picture of Donald Duck, apparently, and scammed her way into the first grade, so tell us about that.

    [00:10:09] I was not as familiar as I am now with the loss of intellectual property.

    [00:10:15] Oh, that's your excuse, right? That was tell it to the judge.

    [00:10:19] Well, what happened was this is in Montana. And and what I say, the whole story is under water. Now, I'm not kidding because the little town I grew up in is completely gone, flooded to build Libby Dam. And so you can't pin anything on me here.

    [00:10:36] No evidence left.

    [00:10:37] But in this case, it was a one room schoolhouse. And the teacher, while nice, was terrifying. And I constantly I wish to curry favor with her. And so but I also wish to curry favor with the other kids. So we were out one day drawing in chalk outside on the on the walk around the school. And we all grew on the school. And this teacher for some reason didn't like that. And she came down the aisle at the school shaking everybody and saying, you do it.

    [00:11:09] And I said, no, no, I would I would never have. I'm so cute. I would never do this.

    [00:11:14] And I am the youngest person. And to show how ill equipped I was to draw the school, I got out this paper and I am going to draw a little picture, you know, like little kids do. And on this paper, here is the most remarkable thing. I don't know how it had been shipped, maybe in a coloring book or some kind of a duplicate paper. There was a picture of my lightly sketch of Donald Duck. And I'm ashamed to admit Tom, I did it, I, I drew it in head. I presented it to her happily and she hung it up on the board. Tom, what do you think that taught me about the future.

    [00:11:52] You could scare him your way through everything by stealing that.

    [00:11:57] That's really true. I learned a lot.

    [00:11:58] I'll tell you what, you know, fast forward to today. Again, you just are an omnipresent person with a view of the future. This is a quote from one of your blog postings. Popularity should be no scale for the election of politicians. If it would depend on popularity, Donald Duck and the Muppets would take Senate seats and we couldn't be worse off. I've been saying that you could take a farmer from my hometown and put him in any of these these high level positions, and they would just make decisions based on common sense. And that would be many of them.

    [00:12:46] You know, you go back in history and look and even, you know, are much, much favored play. Now, Hamilton, I have I didn't even get to my podcast. You know, you're not the only one that you're not just a pretty face Tom.

    [00:13:03] You're not the only one with the podcast. And we have a lot of ours.

    [00:13:08] I have what's yours called swimming upstream. Swimming became the most interesting people there.

    [00:13:16] Yes. Yeah. And it's also sexual related because the salmon, the salmon at the spawn, darling, I am so old I don't even remember everything always anymore.

    [00:13:27] So, you know, I say I'm so far over the hill, I don't remember going up the hill.

    [00:13:33] But anyway, now I was right here.

    [00:13:35] I was trying to impart a little wisdom. And clearly you're not into thought.

    [00:13:40] Thoughtful was this. I'm as shallow as they come. I got that they went anyway.

    [00:13:51] We have Bill Lewis as James Madison. And he is talking about the fact, you know, when you look back at the founders of the Constitution and all, they were common people. I mean, and they certainly had their faults. But you do a lot in some ways. You know, you get down to business a lot faster and get a lot more done that way.

    [00:14:11] Yeah. Yeah. There's not all this other stuff going on. So. So, all right. After you got out a six or six year old jail, let's fast forward to there was some bleak times in your life, six kids and a widow and yeah, I guess your self-esteem wasn't too hot at that time, huh?

    [00:14:33] I didn't kill him.

    [00:14:35] Well, that's one positive that I didn't want to have. I mean, really. But I didn't know. You didn't. How do you know he didn't commit suicide because he couldn't stand anymore?

    [00:14:47] Right here in my desk, I have his death certificate. I did not kill anyone.

    [00:14:54] I know when we actually only had we had twenty eight years. So in order to have six children, that shows a nice continuing enthusiasm, I think year.

    [00:15:06] Continues to support your your expert listening.

    [00:15:11] Well, but what also happened was, of course, the three our kids and his attention to details. My oldest daughter is 21 years older than my youngest daughter. So not there is a generation and that has been in that my own generational research because.

    [00:15:34] Right.

    [00:15:34] Their generation has changed so and so the kids my reason for bringing that up is that the older kids who are your age have absolutely forbidden me from saying, as I did in the piece you pulled up, forbidden me from saying that I had six children when their dad died because the oldest were grown up, married and on their own and apparently escaped teeth. As near as I can tell, they really I only had three children, but, you know, some would think that was enough. And my littlest one was only six and she had just had her sixth birthday. And it was so difficult. And because naturally they were all they were so close. And so what I had to do, I had to quickly and I know a lot of people these days are in this kind of a situation quickly. I had to work out what I could do that people would pay me for and make any smart remarks.

    [00:16:30] Or you jump on the Internet. Well, no, there was. Are you kidding? Yes.

    [00:16:38] No, what happened wasn't and of course, I did have no employable skills. And I knew this because I was the colonel's lady. We we were officers wives did not work in those days. You did a lot of volunteer work. And I tell people absolutely everything I do professionally now. I did as a volunteer. And so don't play down your volunteer efforts. You have maybe all you've ever done is volunteer. Nevertheless, you've got you know, so I was trying. I did I did a job skills analysis. And here's put a little Gina sitting here with me. You know, I got to think of something. And I realized I had precisely the same skills for being a radio talk show host.

    [00:17:21] As for working at McDonald's, which is to say absolutely nothing.

    [00:17:27] And so this is the inspiration that has motivated my whole life. I realized you just as well start at the top because McDonald's will always be there and so many people start lower and say, well, I'll work up, but you can't. And so there was a little radio station and you didn't have to be in the in the parking lot to get the signal, but it sure didn't hurt.

    [00:17:53] And I did. And in those days, there were not many women on the air. Right.

    [00:17:58] And so I went in, I said, you know, you have this teeny tiny they could have made the TV series about it. And I think they did. But I said, you know, you have no women on your staff and I can start Monday. And and so now I'm not pretending that I got to start on air with, you know, but I, I did at five o'clock in the morning show and I did it for two years learning my craft while I worked at I worked in an advertising agency during the day.

    [00:18:28] Where was the baby?

    [00:18:30] Well, she was she was in child care, you know, yeah, and then she got she said that she can she can railroader all the way. And so what happened then within two years that this important Tom within? I knew the chance would come because in my idea, the chance is always there. Within two years, I was on Cairo radio and TV, which is the biggest market in the northwest and one of the biggest in the country. Don't you wonder how I got there?

    [00:18:59] Yes, I do. Maybe you'll tell us.

    [00:19:02] Maybe. Well, you know, again, the funny thing is I see people passing up chances.

    [00:19:12] You know, in Hamilton, again, the only song I fully understood was I'm not going to pass up. I'm not going to give up my shot. And this always been the thing for me. So I knew there would be an opportunity. I listened to Cairo. They kind of spoke my language, you know what I like. And it was big and I needed a at your place. So I knew that there would be a chance. And sure enough, Christmas Eve day in nineteen, I would guess eighty seven, give or take. I did my Christmas shopping. I left the house in the morning at seven o'clock, did my shopping, was home by 7:00 in the evening, had stayed within my budget shop for twenty three people and was still comparatively sane. So I did what I did, what anybody would do in that situation.

    [00:20:04] I put out a press release and of course then everybody on Christmas.

    [00:20:11] I mean, that's what you do. And I send it to the five major stations in Seattle. But Cairo is the one that replied and I knew they would because they were where I pitched it. So on on Christmas Eve day, I went into went into Seattle with ideas for last minute Christmas shopping, which was still there was the time and I'm going along, you know, like murder a mercenary myself thinking, well, if they like it, I will say, you know, the darndest thing. I was coming in. I had several, several ideas. You know, we could kind of do this as a regular thing if they didn't like it. I go home my no worse off, but they did like it. And I was there for twelve years. Indeed. I had Martha Stewart on my show.

    [00:20:56] I was Martha Stewart before she ever thought of it.

    [00:21:01] And you have a PhD, right? I do. Are you kidding?

    [00:21:06] Yeah. Yeah. So you the last I heard, you had a year left to go to college when all this stuff.

    [00:21:13] Oh, no, no, no. And that is good. You know, I've been well. Life is hard.

    [00:21:20] You probably haven't noticed this yet, but on a silver spoon kid.

    [00:21:25] But I was lucky I got my my degree.

    [00:21:29] Now I have only a bachelor's degree and I got that back in nineteen eighty four. Roge died in eighty.

    [00:21:36] Sir, I call him sir. He was actually in the military. Yeah he was. So you're a military spouse.

    [00:21:44] I was. And we and we moved. In fact I really have a soft place in my heart for what you do with the military because we moved twenty two times in twenty years. I know. Yes. And we but in those days, as I said, officers wives did not work. That was I would hate to be the one that told my two daughters not to work right. Things have changed. But that was that was the way it was. So I had gotten we we had gotten married right out of college and I didn't write. He had finished, but I had not. And so after he passed away, I had to quickly get my degree because, you know, I don't know if you've noticed, but the funny thing is it doesn't much matter what was in. But you got to have something. You've got to have an alphabet to.

    [00:22:32] Yeah. Then yeah. Yeah, right.

    [00:22:35] Right then. And that was a long time ago. And but then you definitely did. And nobody has ever asked me, by the way, what my degree was exactly.

    [00:22:43] I think you're a nurse or something they like to know.

    [00:22:46] But that was for a doctor. Yeah. Oh I thought yeah.

    [00:22:52] But you know what what I did do and I think there's an application to our audience now is that I was very lucky to find Merrill last University in Portland, Oregon, which has closed now. So too bad about that. But they had a life learning program. You know, based on your prior life experience, many schools say they've got one. But I've never run into as active program as this, where if you were going to be getting credit for your life experience and by now, by that time, I was forty eight and I've you had to be able to create a class based on what you had learned and teach it. And only then could you have the credit it was the best thing that ever happened to me because in the first place it said to me, I had wasted those 50 years that, you know, I had learned and I was now capable of taking what I had learned and building on it. Without that experience, I doubt I could have done what I have.

    [00:23:58] Wow, that's very inspirational for the folks out there that you said you just decided to make your own way rather than to sit back and moan and cry about it. We're back when the little one was six years old.

    [00:24:13] The thing about that is that was lucky because with a six year old, you can't go in and cry. You know, you got in that way. I was very lucky I had to get going.

    [00:24:23] Well, you know what what kind of is confusing to me is how you went so far south after that when you caused the Seattle Seahawks to lose the Super Bowl in 2015. And that's just terrible. I'm going to read another excerpt from some of your writings that get you to expand on it.

    [00:24:49] Most this is I quote, Most of what you worry about never really happens. My father was an ardent believer in that frequently repeated quote, but he took it one step further.

    [00:25:02] If most of the things we worry about never happen, he reasoned, well, this must mean that the only things you don't worry about actually occur and when the Seahawks are going to win.

    [00:25:18] I know. And that makes sense. But he went on, this makes it essential to worry about absolutely everything.

    [00:25:27] If you omit any possible worry, that's the one thing that will invariably go wrong. And it isn't easy to worry about everything, no matter how skilled a worrier you are. It's a heavy responsibility and you need to involve as many co-workers as possible.

    [00:25:49] Folks, you got it. You got to see her blog.

    [00:25:52] I was cracking up reading through the whole thing.

    [00:25:59] Aren't you will worried.

    [00:26:01] Oh, I'm worried to death that this thing, the recording won't work.

    [00:26:04] Yeah, I got to worry about Madoff now that I know how it works.

    [00:26:13] Oh, boy. Well, we got to take a brief sponsor break and then we come back, we're going to ask Dorothy, what's a typical day look like for her and how she stays so motivated. So, folks, about twenty years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing world on its head. Guys like me were charged in 50 or 100 thousand bucks up front to teach small businesses the stuff we knew. Well, I knew a lot of these people who'd be you know, you give them fifty grand up front, you'd be chasing them around Mexico. I know they wouldn't they wouldn't help you. So I said, you know, that's too risky and that's it's just not right. So I charged an entry fee, which was, you know, 10 percent of what these guys were charging up front, and then I took a commission based on what I helped you do and it's capped. So you're not stuck with me forever. So for me to get my fifty thousand, you had to make two hundred thousand. Well, people just love this. And seventeen hundred students and 20 years later, it's still going strong. And it's the most unique, most successful mentor program ever in this field.

    [00:27:22] It's got a trip to my retreat center, which, of course, after the pandemic, you get access to my TV studio. It's one on one with me and my entire staff. So you're not lumped in with a bunch of people either more advanced than you or less advanced than you. So it's got lots and lots of cool features. Plus you get a scholarship to my school. When you're in my mentor program, we had one guy who had spent eighty thousand dollars on his daughter's education and she's working a crappy job. She gifted the scholarship to her and after four months she's making six thousand dollars a month. On the side is a side hustle and not even finished with the school. So it's a really powerful skill base, not going to a four year college and getting paid to learn how to protest and then competing for jobs at Starbucks. So check it out at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com.

    [00:28:21] Give us a call. No high pressure sales around here. If it works out for you. Great. Well, we'll work with you and get you get you a profitable online.

    [00:28:32] All right. Let's get back to the main event. Dorothy Wilhelm is here. She is the most mature person we've ever had, except our conversation probably didn't belie that.

    [00:28:42] But she's been around, see a lot of things and made her own way.

    [00:28:49] And you say, well, what's this got to do with entrepreneurship? Think about it.

    [00:28:53] She went from nothing widow there wasn't allowed to work with kids to feed to a prolific broadcaster for many years and the author. And so we're just really excited to have her on today. So, Dorothy, so what's the typical day look like for you nowadays?

    [00:29:10] Well, first of all, I want to say I definitely am an entrepreneur. I mean, yes. Yeah, just just let's get that kid.

    [00:29:17] Anyway, um, typical day. My daughter, once the little girl, she once wrote a biography of me and she wrote it like this.

    [00:29:25] Six o'clock, gets up six thirty, puts on coffee, seven o'clock, drinks, coffee, seven thirty wakes up.

    [00:29:39] I say the beginning of the day was pretty much like that still. And then usually now that things are as different as they are, usually the first thing I do is raise them and see what exciting. And as you would say, you know what lucrative offers have come in. And you know, it's kind of funny anymore. There's always something or there's always a possibility. And that's something I know you find to that's the fun part. And then, of course, I usually, because I am home, my children, in fact, even bring groceries, which I can I don't like. But I said to myself, you know, they're trying to help you when your children are trying to help you.

    [00:30:18] Probably it's good if you let unless the boy is trying to poison you from a Coast Guard incident.

    [00:30:25] No, no. This isn't the Coast Guard. This is the Navy.

    [00:30:29] OK, all right.

    [00:30:30] All right. This one was a carrier pilot.

    [00:30:32] Oh, we didn't call his his CEO, did it? Yeah, no, I have one.

    [00:30:40] So then we do probably practice Tai Chi a bit. You know, you're just like you, you contact friends. Like, for instance, when we finish talking, I will be calling a couple of my choice friends. Frankly, I don't have you on the list yet, but it's possible because I actually made lemon squares yesterday. I do not often bake and they are not going to poison anyone, so don't say it. So I have a couple. Maybe I'll call a couple of friends and see if they would like to come. Social distancing, of course, and sit outside with me and have the lemons there.

    [00:31:15] You live in Seattle, right?

    [00:31:17] I live in DuPont , which is where Washington began. Did you know that?

    [00:31:21] No, no. It's Dupont Circle. I know there's Dupont Circle.

    [00:31:25] And they said, you know, better things for better living through chemistry with Dupont really like to do is blow things up. But just down the street from my house, here is the most important vacant lot in Washington, which is the spot where that territory and then the state began. But it's about 60 miles from Seattle.

    [00:31:48] Oh, so good science itself is.

    [00:31:51] Being from Seattle, if that matters, you're not in the craziness, though, I don't think so, no, actually is a really good place.

    [00:31:58] Dupont is right now considered the safest place in Washington.

    [00:32:02] Great. Good.

    [00:32:05] Good. But so then, you know, by afternoon, you kind of have to break down and work on the book, you know, that kind of thing.

    [00:32:13] So I. I have five books out now.

    [00:32:19] Three of them are what we call now independently published where we don't say self publish.

    [00:32:25] And we weren't born yesterday.

    [00:32:28] And the last one was from the history press. So I want one more, which will be the last one. I want it. I want like double date or something. You know, I want a major press. So that's what I'm working toward right now, because then I'll have a little bit of everything.

    [00:32:48] So next time, though, you don't need to go out anywhere to get people to lie to you. You could just make up your own stories, you know, and I'm not good at that, but I love to do.

    [00:33:00] You won't believe what I'm going to say about you. But I what I love to do is get to know somebody I want, know all about them and just take that and make a wonderful story. But I do better the the best things we haven't talked about my newspaper column that I've been writing that column for 30 years. That's very unusual. And it's common. It's 700 words.

    [00:33:25] And do you know this is an aside, I just read the one on like superstars or superwomen.

    [00:33:31] Yeah, and then I just did one on your on the experts, too, inspired by your call, the one that came out Sunday was on who the real experts among us are that. Yeah. So that's really, really, really wonderful fun. But there's just something about want you to know people. You can just I, I am extremely careful. I don't write anything. I never say mean things. And I am extremely careful to ask people to look over if I'm going to actually write anything and use their name to see that it's OK. And I know that's not always done.

    [00:34:13] But, you know, you've got to be careful that you say a minute ago, I'm still reeling from this. You do say I inspired you to write something that you actually said.

    [00:34:22] I could have said that because you know me. I'll say anything. That's what. Yes.

    [00:34:28] Yes, I did. In this way because you asked me to read your biography, which I did. And I and as I read it, I thought, that's pretty funny. I bet I could get a call about it.

    [00:34:39] Ok, well, I was very much inspiring.

    [00:34:44] Oh, no, no, no, no, no. We must not look at that from the angle that if you hadn't done that, I wouldn't have done that so well.

    [00:34:53] So I guarantee you so.

    [00:34:55] So that's our day now. How do you stay so motivated? You seem like you are.

    [00:35:03] Well, now it's the door that's always, you know, first it was the kids. I had to keep going for them, but then they all grew up and went off on their own way and got married and all that. Well, now it's a game. Now there's so much it's and, you know, it's just like what you do. You see all these new things. Everything has a possibility. Peel back the edge and you look under it. Sometimes you don't want it. Sometimes I do very badly. I just have a note right here on my phone from someone who took down one of my notices, I know on Facebook. So sometimes you guessed wrong, you know, but I love people and I love pointing out the good things that are going on because we have gotten so scared and so depressed. And the fact is the world is full of wonderful people. And that's really what keeps me going because I like to find them and say, hey, come on over here, we're in this together and I can help you. I can help you find these people.

    [00:36:02] Beautiful, beautiful thoughts. Stand on. So so, Dorothy, thanks so much for coming on.

    [00:36:07] It's been it's been a hoot. I mean, you know, I do lots of these things that I get them done and get them done. But this is a real memorable one. I don't remember talking about Donald Duck. They don't remember about the Seahawks losing because of one person.

    [00:36:24] Well, I've done it. I didn't mean to do it because we love the Seahawks. You you've been memorable, too. I want you to know that you're going to be on my podcast later this month.

    [00:36:36] All right. So so how do they get and how do you how they get your books out of what's the best way to reach you?

    [00:36:43] Well, I would say go to my website. Itsnevertoolate.com and the books are there. Some of the stuff you read is there, the podcast is there and almost everything OK that do it. All right.

    [00:36:59] So again, thanks so much and know I have to be really nice to you because I don't want to get hit with that tai chi sword.

    [00:37:06] You know, I am the only little old lady for me who actually drives around with it. Sorry to interrupt.

    [00:37:13] I can't wait to get stopped by the police. Is there anything in this car that could hurt me, ma'am?

    [00:37:17] Well, no.

    [00:37:21] You know, OK, so thanks so much. Go get right in on that book. We want to see the next one coming out and we'll catch everybody on the next episode. See you later. Thank you.

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